Before there were "800" numbers there was Wide Area Telephone Service (WATS). A WATS line allowed a company or organization to make unlimited long-distance calls in a specified geographic area for a flat monthly fee.
In the early '60s, a call from one county to another was often billed as "long-distance," and long-distance calls were expensive. Cell-phones, of course, did not exist. Many rural communities in the South did not have direct-dial for long-distance even to the next county, so out-of-area calls had to be placed through the local operators all of whom were white because "Ma Bell" in the South did not hire Blacks for anything but the most menial positions.
Operators in league with the Sheriff or Citizens Council would often block or tap calls from freedom fighters.
As part of the preparation and build-up for the massive, all-out, make-or-break, 1964 Mississippi Freedom Summer, and at considerable expense, SNCC leader James Forman set up WATS lines in SNCC and COFO offices. This allowed for regular, even daily, contact calls from the main office to outlying projects. And the WATS lines allowed civil rights workers in the field to bypass the local operators, which meant they could reach their offices when under siege by cops or the Klan.
With a WATS line, long-distance charges were billed to the organization and so such calls could be made from the home phones of local folk who had little money for phone bills or from pay-phones without using fistfuls of coins.
It was understood, of course, that as with regular lines, WATS calls were tapped and bugged by every law enforcement agency from the FBI down to the local beat constable. And anything said over the WATS line was passed on by the cops to the Klan and White Citizens Council. But they couldn't be easily blocked or simply denied by the operators.
At SNCC, COFO, and CORE offices in cities such as Jackson, Greenwood, Atlanta and later the Baton Rouge CORE office, the life-saving WATS lines were manned (or, more accurately, woman-ed) around the clock, 24 hours a day, recording incidents of violence and arrest, dispatching lawyers and medics to aid the incarcerated and injured, alerting organizers of danger and need, notifying media and Justice Department of abuses and outrages, and coordinating support and assistance nation-wide. As the calls came in over the WATS lines hour by hour, the substance of each call was added to each day's "WATS Report" and summaries were prepared and distributed to the press and Movement supporters around the country.
There is no doubt that there are Freedom Movement activists alive today who would have been injured or even killed had word not gotten out quickly of Freedom Houses under attack by Klan night-riders or of activists being "detained" by southern sheriffs.
SNCC WATS Line Instructions & Policies, James Forman. SNCC. June 24, 1964
Urgent Memo re incident reporting procedures, James Forman, SNCC. June 26, 1964
Security Check Out Form for WATS Operators, SNCC? COFO? Undated possibly 1964
SNCC WATS line Atlanta Schedule undated (possibly 1965)
SNCC Incident Summary — Mississippi, October 1964
SNCC Incident Summary — November 1964
SNCC Incident Summary — January 1965
Bogalusa, Lousiana, Incident Summary, January 25-February 21 1965
SNCC Incident Summary — February 1965
SNCC Incident Summary — March 1965
Bogalusa, Lousiana, Incident Summary, January 28 - July 1 1965
SNCC August 9, 1962. Attack on Louis Allen .
SNCC September 19, 1963. Greenville MS, New Orleans LA.
SNCC September 23, 1963. Selma report re mass meeting, police repression & arrests.
SNCC October 1, 1963. Selma report re voter registration, police repression, arrests.
SNCC October 7, 1963. Selma report from Jim Forman re Selma AL Freedom Day.
SNCC October 10, 1963. Sam Shirah arrested Orangeburg SC.
SNCC October, 15, 1963. Selma report from John Lewis re voter registration attempt and federal hearing.
SNCC October 15, 1963. Call summaries.
SNCC October 16, 1963. Call summaries.
SNCC October 17, 1963. Nancy to Mike Sayer, misc.
SNCC October, 17, 1963. Selma report re voter registration attempts.
SNCC October 17, 1963. Evening Field Reports.
SNCC October 18, 1963. Nancy to Bruce Gordon re Selma voting effort.
SNCC October 19, 1963. Call summaries.
SNCC October 20 1963. Arrests in Jackson MS for attempted integration of services at white churches.
SNCC October 21 1963. Evening field reports.
SNCC October 21 1963. Jackson & Selma field reports .
SNCC October, 22, 1963. Selma reports from Bruce Gordon and Worth Long re arrests and voter registration attempts.
SNCC October 22 1963. Greenwood & Indianola field reports, Sam Block, arrests for distributing pamphlets.
SNCC October 22 1963. Avery Wilson & Wilson Brown arrested in Alabama.
SNCC October 22 1963. Jackson field report.
SNCC October 22 1963. Freedom rally in Greenwood MS.
SNCC October 23 1963. Bob Moses reports arrests in Indianola and Clarksdale.
SNCC October 23 1963. Arrests for distributing campaign literature in Clarksdale and Indianola MS.
SNCC October 23 1963. Bob Moses & Stephen Bingham arrested in Clarksdale, Selma voter registration effort.
SNCC October 23 1963. Arrests in Lumbarton MS for campaign literature.
SNCC October, 25, 1963. Selma report by James Austin re abuse of Rev. Benny Tucker for attempting to use the white restroom in Selma courthouse.
SNCC October 25, 1963. Freedom Ballot rally, Greenville MS.
SNCC October 27, 1963. Arrests in Sunflower Co. MS.
SNCC October 28, 1963. Alabama & Mississippi check-in calls.
SNCC October 28, 1963. Arrests in Hattiesburg MS.
SNCC October 29, 1963. Protests & arrests in Gadsden AL.
SNCC October 29, 1963. Arrests, harrassment, and activities in Mississippi.
SNCC October 29, 1963. Alabama & Mississippi check-in calls.
SNCC October 29, 1963. Report by Danny Lyon: Hattiesburg police & firemen harrassment.
SNCC October 30, 1963. Arrests, harrassment, & suppression in Mississippi.
SNCC October 30, 1963. Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, updates.
SNCC October 31, 1963. Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, updates.
SNCC November 1, 1963. Hattiesburg, Jackson, Oxford MS, Danvile VA, Selma AL.
SNCC November 1, 1963. John Lewis harrased and arrested.
SNCC November 1, 1963. Jackson, Greenville, Belzoni MS & other check-ins.
SNCC November 2, 1963. Arrests in Greenwood.
SNCC November 5, 1963. MS election turn-out.
SNCC November 5, 1963. Election turn-out AR & MS.
SNCC November 5, 1963. Bob Moses MS election turn-out, Selma & Dannville checkin.
SNCC November 6, 1963. Election turn-out & voter registration reports MS, AR, Selma Al.
SNCC November 6, 1963. Vote-count & misc.
SNCC November, 6, 1963. Selma report from Tom Brown re Grand Jury subpoenas against SNCC workers and local activists.
SNCC November 7, 1963. Greenwood MS arrests and convictions of Dick Frey and Jane Stembridge.
SNCC November 7, 1963. Willie (Wazir) Peacock re Frey & Stembridge.
SNCC November 8, 1963. Danville VA (Avon Rollins), Greenwood MS (Jane Stembridge), Tuscaloosa AL, Jacson MS.
SNCC November 8, 1963. Greenwood MS re Frey beating & Willie James Earl arrest.
SNCC November 10, 1963. Pine Bluff AR, updates on police harassment and arrests, Misc: Greenwood MS, Jackson MS.
SNCC November 13, 1963. Ivanhoe Donaldson, Greenville MS, report on workshop and staff meeting, Misc: Liberty MS, Selma AL, Gadsden AL.
SNCC November 14, 1963. Tom Brown, Selma AL, updates on court hearing, Misc: greenwood MS.
SNCC November 15, 1963. Worth Long, Selma AL, court hearing temporarily postponed, Misc: Jackson MS, Pine Bluff AR, Greenville MS, etc.
SNCC November 16, 1963. Hunter Morey, Greenville MS, report on demonstrations and arrests, Misc: Pine Bluf AR.
SNCC November 16, 1963. Bill Hansen, 18 people arrested at Habib's Cafeteria.
SNCC November 17, 1963. Jane Stembridge, Jackson MS, miscellaneous report.
SNCC November 18 , 1963. Call summaries: Pine Bluff AR, Selma AL, Jackson MS.
SNCC November 19, 1963. Ruthie Hansen, Helena AR, report on court hearing of Negro youth, Misc: Selma AL, Gadsden AL.
SNCC November 26, 1963. Chico, Houston TX, beginning voter registration, Misc: Greenville MS, Washington DC.
SNCC December 5, 1963. update on status of Aaron Henry libel suit.
SNCC December 5, 1963. Birmingham, AL, miscellaneous report.
SNCC December 5, 1963. James Jones, Greenwood MS, updates on Winona hearing, Misc: Pine Bluff AR, Danville VA, Selma AL, etc.
SNCC December 7, 1963. Worth Long, Selma AL, court hearing on voter registration discrimination, Misc: Columbus MS, Cambridge MA, Greenwood MS, etc.
SNCC December 9, 1963. John Ball, Tchula MS, people petition for ending racial discrimination signs, Misc: Selma AL.
SNCC December 9, 1963. Dick Frey, Greenwood MS, prisioner Roosevelt Knox testified at brutality trial in Oxford.
SNCC December 10, 1963. J.V. Henry, Danville VA, report on sit-in arrests and demonstrations.
SNCC December 10, 1963. Jesse Harris, Jackson MS, Lois Chafed arrested for the second time.
SNCC December 10, 1963. J.V. Henry, Danville VA, report on sit-in arrests and demonstrations.
SNCC December 10, 1963. Worth Long, Selma AL, updates on voter registration. Misc: Jackson MS, Pine Bluff AR, Raleigh NC, etc.
SNCC December 11, 1963. Bill Hansen, Pine Bluff, attempt to hold hearings in Helena AR.
SNCC December 12, 1963. Jane Stembridge & James Jones, Greenwood MS, FBI reported on Roosevelt Knox case, Misc: Greenville MS, Jackson MS, Raleigh NC, etc.
SNCC December 13, 1963. Avon Rollins, Danville VA, updates on arrests and trials, Misc: Columbus MS, Pittsburg PA, Pine Bluff AR, etc.
SNCC December 13, 1963. Bill Hansen, Helena AR, report on trial of John Bradford and Bruce Jordan.
SNCC December 16, 1963. Call summaries: Greenwood MS, Pine Bluff AR, Greenville MS, etc.
SNCC December 18, 1963. Avon Rollins, Danville VA, demonstrators arrested while testing public accomodations.
SNCC December 18, 1963. Joanne Boman, Jackson MS, MacArthur Cotton arrested at bus station and Fannie Lou Hammer's house searched by police.
SNCC December 20, 1963. Jesse Morris, Jackson MS, conference on jobs to be held in January, Pine Bluff AR, Selma AL.
SNCC December 20, 1963. Willie C. Robinson, Selma AL, policemen raided SNCC office and arrested workers.
SNCC December 21, 1963. Willie C. Robinson, Selma AL, state troopers stationed in various stores.
SNCC December 22, 1963. Willie C. Robinson, Selma AL, worker fired from Holliday Inn.
SNCC December 22, 1963. Willie C. Robinson, Selma AL, worker fired from Holliday Inn.
SNCC December 24, 1963. Willie Blue, Jackson MS, civil rights activists arrested at railroad terminal. Misc: Selma AL.
SNCC December 26, 1963. Willie C. Robinson, Selma AL, report on store boycotts and police harassment, Misc: Jackson MS, Gadsden AL.
SNCC December 29, 1963. James Collier, Jackson MS, updates on civil rights activists arrested. Misc: Selma AL.
1964: Before Freedom Summer ~ Phone & WATS Reports
SNCC, January 3, 1964. J.V.Henry, Chapel Hill NC, demontration and arrests .
SNCC, January 4, 1964. Mendy Samstein, Jackson MS, George Raymond beaten and arrested in Canton MS .
SNCC, January 6, 1964. Dave Dennis, Jackson MS, George Raymond and Henry Lee Smith bonded out of jail, Misc: Greenwood MS, Pine Bluff AR, Selma AL .
SNCC, January 9, 1964. Mendy Samstein, Jackson MS, opposition to segregated public event, Hunter Morey's Chevy smashed, Morey found guilty .
SNCC, January 10, 1964. Atlanta, supension of Negro students from Washington high school for demonstrating .
SNCC, January 13, 1964. Gwen Robinson, sit-in arrests, Atlanta GA .
SNCC, January 21, 1964. Hattiesburg, Greenwood.
SNCC, January 22, 1964. Canton, Madison Co.
SNCC January 22, 1964. COFO incident summary, Jackson MS .
SNCC, January 22, 1964. Hattiesburg MS, Selma AL, Pine Bluff AR, Greenville MS, Jackson MS.
SNCC, January 22, 1964. Oscar Chase & Bob Moses arrested in Hattiesburg MS.
SNCC, January 22, 1964. Hattiesburg MS march, Pine Bluff AR, Atlanta GA, Jim Collier arrested in Canton MS.
SNCC January 23, 1964. COFO incident summary, Jackson MS .
SNCC, January 23, 1964. Canton MS arrests.
SNCC, January 23, 1964. Arrests in Jackson MS, Pine Bluff AR, Canton MS. Bomb discovered in Cambridge MD.
SNCC, January 24, 1964. Dallas TX segregation, Jackson MS arrests, Hattiesburg MS Bob Moses trial, Canton MS arrests.
SNCC, January 25, 1964. Canton MS arrests, Raleigh NC, Indianola MS, Hattiesburg MS.
SNCC January 26, 1964. Greenvile (Charlie Cobb), Jackson (Emma Bell).
SNCC January 26, 1964. Jackson (Claude Weaver), Washington (Stokely).
SNCC January 26, 1964. Canton list of those arrested for passing out leaflets.
SNCC January 27, 1964. Avon (Rollins?) arrested in Danville VA.
SNCC January 27, 1964. Guyot arrested in Hattiesburg, Atlanta GA arrests and police brutality re Leb's, McComb MS mass cross-burnings in Pike Co.
SNCC January 27, 1964. Hattiesburg voter registration logistics (Sandy Leigh), Raleigh NC campus actiity (John Love), trials in MS (Emma Bell).
SNCC January 27, 1964. Lexington MS voter registration (Mendy Samstein), Jackson & Holmes Co voter registration.
SNCC January 27, 1964. Raleigh NC Episcopal Church meeting and segregation (J.V. Henry).
SNCC January 27, 1964. Danville VA Avon (Rollins?) arrests and convictions (Mary King).
SNCC January 28, 1964. Hattiesburg arrests - Moses & Guyot, Canton report.
SNCC January 28, 1964. Phone call with NASA re not speaking at segregated event.
SNCC January 29, 1964. Jackson injunction. Mike Sayer.
SNCC January 29, 1964. Cambrdige MD Gloria Richardson & Adam Clayton Powell, Washington DC report.
SNCC January 29, 1964. Hattiesburg & Greenwood arrests & court cases.
SNCC January 29, 1964. Hattiesburg, Jackson, New York, Selma, Shaw, St. Augustine.
SNCC January 30, 1964. Cross burnings, Hattiesburg & Danville report.
SNCC January 30, 1964. Chapel Hill & Jackson reports, Charlie Cobb re Canton.
SNCC January 30, 1964. Canton arrests & intimidation.
SNCC January 30, 1964. Canton & Selma report.
SNCC January 30, 1964. Jackson report.
SNCC January 30, 1964. Hattiesburg report, Sandy Leigh.
SNCC January 31, 1964. Hattiesburg report, Sandy Leigh, court cases, etc.
SNCC February 1, 1964. Louis Allen murder, Atlanta Leb's sit-in, George Greene & Curtis Hayes
SNCC February 1, 1964. Chapel Hill, Hattiesburg, Jackson, Raleigh, Louis Allen murder.
SNCC February 1, 1964. Louis Allen murder, Charlie Cobb.
SNCC February 1, 1964. Chapel Hill CORE protests, arrests, violence, names of arrestees.
SNCC February 2, 1964. Liberty MS shooting, Emma Bell.
SNCC February 3, 1964. Jackson State protests, shootings, police violence. Hattiesburg jail sentences.
SNCC February 3, 1964. Jackson State protests, shootings, police violence, Charlie Cobb.
SNCC February 3, 1964. Hattiesburg & Jackson. Louis Allen funeral
SNCC February 4, 1964. SNCC workers barred from Jackson State. Selma mass meeting police repression. Cambridge MD Gloria Richardson.
SNCC February 5, 1964. Hattiesburg arrests. Selma legal action. Jackson mass meeting.
SNCC February 5, 1964. Hattiesburg ministers.
SNCC February 5, 1964. Hattiesburg police arresting and harassing voter registration workers, Frank Smith.
SNCC February 5, 1964. Police attack on photographer in Notasulga Alabama.
SNCC February 6, 1964. Hattiesburg, Frank Smith; Washington DC, Stokely; Danville VA, Avon Rollins.
SNCC February 6, 1964. Jackson, Emma Bell; Atlanta.
SNCC February 6, 1964. Canton MS, list of people bailed out of jail.
SNCC February 7, 1964. Hattiesburg, trials & tribulations, Jackson, Charlie Cobb.
SNCC February 7, 1964. Dallas TX, Tom Brown on student strike at Bishop College.
SNCC February 8, 1964. Hattiesburg, Sandy Leigh, Lawrence Guyot, Pete Stoner, Moncure Fortnot; Chapel Hill NC, J.V. Henry, mass protests.
SNCC February 9, 1964. Chapel Hill NC, J.V. Henry, protests & arrests; Hattiesburg, Sandy Leigh & Lawrence Guyot.
SNCC February 10, 1964. Jackson & Canton arrests & trials.
SNCC February 10, 1964. (No location) violence against activists trying to desegregate eating establishments.
SNCC February 11, 1964. Hattiesburg, Sandy Leigh; NY Office, Jim monsonis.
SNCC February 12, 1964. Selma, Tom Brown; Hattiesburg, Sandy Leigh; NY Office, Jim monsonis.
SNCC February 12, 1964. Canton, Charlie Cobb' Hattiesburg.
SNCC February 13, 1964. Selma, Tom Brown, trials.
SNCC February 13, 1964. Hattiesburg, Frank Smith; Greenville, Carol Bolton, student walkout; Jackson, Cliff Vaughs, food for Ruleville & police harassment.
SNCC February 13, 1964. Jackson/Canton, Emma Bell, arrest of C.O. Chinn; Jackson, student activist Willie Ware in jail.
SNCC February 13, 1964. Hattiesburg, Sandy Leigh. trials; Jackson, Mendy Samstein, report of shooting in Tippo (Tallahatchie Co.).
SNCC February 14, 1964. Chapel Hill NC, Greenville MS, Canton MS
SNCC February 16, 1964. Natchez MS report, Mendy Samstein.
SNCC February 17, 1964. Pine Pluff AR, Hattiesburg MS, Chapel Hill NC.
SNCC February 18, 1964. Sunflower County report, Charles McLaurin.
SNCC February 18, 1964. Pine Bluff AR.
SNCC February 18, 1964. Hattiesburg MS, Pine Bluff AR.
SNCC February 18, 1964. Report from LeFlore County MS, Charlie Cobb.
SNCC February 19, 1964. Pine Bluff AR, Canton MS, Savannah GA.
SNCC February 20, 1964. Pine Bluff AR, Hattiesburg MS. Protests, arrests, suppression.
SNCC February 21, 1964. Oxford MS, Pine Bluff AR. Violence at 'Ole Miss, jail & bail.
SNCC February 21, 1964. Pine Bluff AR, Hattiesburg MS. Arrests, protests.
SNCC February 21, 1964. Pine Bluff AR. Protests, violence, threats.
SNCC February 22, 1964. Pine Bluff AR. Protests, reaction, Gov. Faubus. Dick Gregory.
SNCC February 22, 1964. SW Georgia, Terrell, Sumter, Dougherty, Lee counties.
SNCC February 22, 1964. SW Georgia (Dawson, Americus, Lee, Albany), Princess Anne MD, Hattiesburg MS.
SNCC February 23, 1964. Oxford & Canton MS, threats & arrests.
SNCC February 24, 1964. Natchez, Greenwood, Hattiesburg MS, Princess Anne MD, violence, protests, sentencing, voter registration.
SNCC, February 27, 1964. Canton MS Freedom Day preparations, Hattiesburg arrests & trials.
SNCC, February 27, 1964. Natchez MS, Pine Bluff AR.
SNCC, February 28, 1964. Canton MS Freedom Day, Cambridge MD arrests
SNCC, February 28, 1964. Canton MS update, Albany GA, Cambridge & Princess Ann Co. MD.
SNCC, February 28, 1964. Natchez MS shooting
SNCC, February 29, 1964. Ruleville, Meridian, Canton, Hattiesburg, MS.
SNCC March 2, 1964. Natchez MS, Jackson MS, Selma AL,
SNCC March 4, 1964. Canton MS arrests
SNCC March 4, 1964. Canton MS arrests, Natchez MS
SNCC March 5, 1964. Chapel Hill NC, Jackson MS
SNCC March 9, 1964. Hattiesburg, Jackson, Greenville MS
SNCC March 9, 1964. Hattiesburg, Indianola trials, Greenwood court cases MS, Heart of Atlanta cases.
SNCC, March 10, 1964. Selma, Mrs Boyington, Canton, Dave Dennis. MS
SNCC, March 11, 1964. Canton arrest, Natchez violence. MS
SNCC, March 12, 1964. Natchez sheriff, Columbus, MS.
SNCC, March 12, 1964. Pine Bluff AR, Natchez MS.
SNCC, March 13, 1964. Pine Bluff AR, Maryland, Canton, Ruleville MS.
SNCC, March 17, 1964. Selma AL, mock election, police harassment.
SNCC, March 18, 1964. Selma AL, mock election, Canton MS registration court ruling.
SNCC, March 19, 1964. Pine Bluff AR protest convictions, Natchez MS, Halifax Co. NC, NYC Theodore Bikel, Ian & Sylvia to boycott MS over segregation.
SNCC, March 20, 1964. Pine Bluff, Little Rock & Helena AR, Cliff Vaughs, Ruleville MS
SNCC, March 21, 1964. Hattiesburg, Greenwood MS Charles Glenn, Mendy Samstein.
SNCC, March 22, 1964. Gadsden AL, Greenwod, McComb, Canton, Jackson MS
SNCC, March 24, 1964. Greenwood, Hattiesburg, Jackson, Dick Frey, Sandy Leigh, Mendy Samstein.
SNCC, March 25, 1964. Greenwood MS Freedom Day, Mary Lane, Joyce Barrett, Pine Bluff, Little Rock AR
SNCC, March 26, 1964. Hattiesburg, Greenwood, Jackson, police, intimidation, arrests
SNCC, March 26, 1964. Greenwood 2nd day for Freedom Day, Dick Frey.
SNCC, March 26, 1964. Greenwood 2nd day for Freedom Day (cont.) Dick Frey.
SNCC March 26, 1964. Jacksonville FL, protests, Phillip Savage.
SNCC March 27, 1964. Pine Bluff AR, Little Rock AR school board, Greenwood MS, Dick Frey.
SNCC March 29, 1964. Mrs. Hamer's campaign and incidents in Mississippi.
SNCC March 29, 1964. Nashville TN protest arrests.
SNCC March 30, 1964. Jackson MS church integration arrests, Leflore Co. MS intimidation, Hattiesburg MS injunction case in court.
SNCC March 30, 1964. Jackson MS arrest of Richard Jewett CORE.
SNCC March 31, 1964. Jackson MS picket line arrests, Pine Bluff AR Cliff Vaughs arrested, Memphis TN bus station arrest.
SNCC March 22, 1964. Mendy Samstein, George Greene re police harrassment, violence & arrests in Ruleville MS.
SNCC March 23, 1964. Rev. Tobias & daughter re threats, violence, & people run out of Liberty MS.
SNCC April 2, 1964. Cambridge MD, Greenwood MS, Washington DC.
SNCC April 2, 1964. Greenwood MS arrests & police harassment, Hattiesburg MS arrests.
SNCC April 3, 1964. Greenwood MS legal, Little Rock AR, Jackson & McComb MS, Charleston WV protest march.
SNCC April 4, 1964. Jackson MS rpt, Hattiesburg MS voting rights case, plans for Greenwood MS Freedom Day
SNCC April 6, 1964. Natchez MS George Metcalf bombing and shooting, Jackson MS arrests, Vicksburg MS election campaign
SNCC April 6, 1964. NAACP youth council members arrested for picketing in Biloxi MS.
SNCC April 9, 1964. Greenwood MS Freedom Day arrests and legal cases
SNCC April 10, 1964. Reports from Greenwood, Greenville, and Hattiesburg MS (arrests of visiting ministers)
SNCC April 11, 1964. Herman Gates (17) re the movement, violence, and arrests in Belzoni MS.
SNCC April 11, 1964. Hattiesburg arrests, Pine Bluff AK, New York.
SNCC April 11, 1964. New Orleans LA, Infield NC
SNCC April 11, 1964. Mississippi cross burnings.
SNCC April 11, 1964. Hinds & Rankin County cross burnings, Mississippi.
SNCC April 11, 1964. Cliff Vaughs arrested, voter registration in Batesville.
SNCC April 13, 1964. Hattiesburg MS, Washington DC.
SNCC April 15, 1964. Holiday on Ice segregation and arrests in Jackson, unions.
SNCC April 15, 1964. Hattiesburg MS harrasment, arrests, court cases, DoJ. Infield NC election candidates.
SNCC May 13, 1964. Clifford Vaughs, re protest marches, trials, violence and National Guard troops, Cambridge MD.
SNCC May 18, 1964. Joann Bowman report re Sovereignty Commission conspiracy & 'Ole Miss university.
SNCC June 8, 1964. Beating in McComb-Summit MS.
Freedom Summer ~ 1964 WATS Reports.
Jump to:
June 64
July 64
Aug 64
Starting with Freedom Summer, most of the reports listed below are from the WATS lines in the Alanta SNCC office, the COFO office in Jackson, or the temporary SNCC summer office in Greenwood. We've tried to guess which is which, but we can't be sure we guessed right.
June 1964 WATS Reports
COFO? June 20, 1964, Jackson, Nashville, Oxford OH, Springfield MA.
COFO, June 21, 1964 Neshoba Co & Meridian, Chaney-Schwerner-Goodman missing, initial follow up.
COFO, June 21, 1964 First summer volunteer busses, SNCC worker in Natchez escaped hostile whites.
Chaney-Schwerner-Goodman hourly reports from June 21 & 22.
SNCC June 23, 1964. Jim Forman, McComb bombing, Washington DC parents meeting, Selma cross burning.
COFO June 23, 1964. Mary King, threats, missing civil rights workers, telegram to Reuther, Schwernet & Goodman parents in Washington.
June 24 1964 Kirschenbaum & Ridenour arrested in Moss Point .
COFO June 24, 1964. Fire bomb, shots fired, Chicago protest, Moss Point, mothers at White House, Bob Moses on protest strategy.
SNCC June 24, 1964. Meridian missing workers and Rita Schwerner's statement, Ruleville, Oxford OH, protests in New York & Chicago.
COFO June 24, 1964. Movement leaders in Meridian, Marion Barry in Chicago jail.
COFO June 24, 1964. Moss Point two boys arrested for whistling a white woman, two volunteers also arrested.
Incidents Reported to the Jackson Office During a 24 Hour Period, June 25 1964.
WATS Line Digest, June 28 1964.
SNCC WATS Line Digest, June 29
SNCC WATS Line Digest, June 30
July 1964 WATS Reports
Note: By July of 1964 there may have been three different WATS lines in operation. One in the COFO office in Jackson, one in the temporary SNCC national office in Greenwood, and it's probably that the original SNCC WATS line in Atlanta was also still in operation. We've tried to guess which report are COFO and which SNCC, but it's all guesswork.
SNCC July 1, 1964. Call Summaries: Chicago IL, Jackson MS, Tchula MS, Philadelphia PA .
SNCC June 30-July 1, 1964. R. Weil, Jackson MS, Larry Rubin accosted by white man in Holly Springs, Misc: Jackson MS, Tchula MS, Cleveland MS .
COFO Digest July 2, 1964. Call summaries: Meridian MS, Canton MS, Jackson MS, 1st freedom school, Forman press conf.
SNCC July 2, 1964. Don Harris, Albany GA, seven establishments integrated, Misc: Vicksburg MS, more on Albany GA .
SNCC July 2, 1964. Hunter Morey, Jackson MS, police car circling COFO office in Canton, Misc: Meridian MS, Holly Springs MS .
SNCC July 2, 1964. Jim, New York NY, James Forman witnesses signing of civil rigts bill .
COFO July 3, 1964. Call summaries: Vicksburg MS, Atlanta GA, Jackson MS, etc .
SNCC July 3, 1964. Call summaries: Albany GA, Enfield NC, Greenwood MS, Pittsburg PA, Jackson MS, Selma AL .
SNCC July 3, 1964. Gulfport MS, voter registration workers chased, Misc: New York NY, Enfield NC .
SNCC July 3, 1964. Jackson MS, Mississipi Advisory Committee's requests to U.S. Civil Rights Commission .
COFO July 4, 1964. Call summaries: Holly Springs MS, Memphis TN, Greenwood MS, etc.
SNCC July 4 summary, 1964. Atlanta GA, SNCC workers beaten at American Patriots's rally, Misc: New York NY, Laurel MS, Selma AL .
SNCC July 4, 1964. John Love, Selma AL, violence directed at students in downtown area .
SNCC July 4, 1964. Bill Light, Hattiesburg MS, 575 sign up for Freedom Schools, Misc: Ruleville MS .
SNCC July 4, 1964. Call summaries: Selma AL, Jackson MS, New York NY .
SNCC July 4, 1964. John Perdew, Americus GA, SNCC worker beaten after integrating restaurant .
SNCC July 4-6, 1964. Hattiesburg MS, over 500 sign up for Freedom School, Misc: Selma AL, Atlanta GA, Laurel MS, etc.
SNCC undated, possibly July 4, 5, or 6 1964. Thomas Brown, Selma AL, updates on workers and activists arrested, Misc: Clarksdale MS, Jackson MS, Greenwood MS .
SNCC July 5, 1964. Call summaries: Meridian MS, Canton MS, Jackson MS, etc.
SNCC July 5, 1964. Bob Beyers and Betty Garman, Laurel MS, violence at sit-in attempt, Misc: Carthage MS, Jackson MS, Selma AL, etc.
COFO July 5, 1964. Call summaries: Canton MS, Greenville SC, McComb MS, etc.
COFO? SNCC? Digest July 2-5, 1964. 25 two way radios donated, Freedom Schools start, Harrassment updates .
SNCC July 5, 1964. John Love, Selma AL, violence and arrests, Misc: Albany GA, Laurel MS .
SNCC July 5, 1964. Selma AL, reporters injured by possemen .
SNCC July 5-6, 1964. Robert Mants, Americus GA, police violence, Misc: Laurel MS, Albany GA .
COFO July 6, 1964. Call summaries: Laurel MS, Greenwood MS, Columbus MS, etc.
SNCC July 6, 1964. Call summaries: Boston MA, Detroit MI, Selma AL .
SNCC July 6, 1964. Robert Mants, Americus GA, police violence, Misc: Laurel MS, Albany GA .
SNCC July 6, 1964. Call summaries: Montgomery AL, Selma Al, Washington DC, etc.
SNCC July 6, 1964. Call summaries: Montgomery AL, Selma Al, Washington DC, etc.
Moss Point Shooting, July 6 1964. Jackson MS, 19 year old Negro girl injured at Moss Point .
SNCC July 6-7, (MS) 1964. Bob Moses, Jackson MS, arrests at Moss Point, Misc: Itta Bena MS .
COFO July 7, 1964. Call summaries: Jackson MS, Greenwood MS, Pine Bluff AR, etc.
SNCC July 7, 1964. Sammy Mahone, Americus GA, police harassment and refusal to provide protection, Misc: Atlanta GA, Jackson MS .
SNCC July 7, 1964. Mike Sayer, Greenwood MS, James Brown in jail in Walthall, Misc: Selma AL .
SNCC July 7, (Arkansas) 1964. Mike Sayer, Greenwood MS, Updates on testing acces to public facilities in AR .
SNCC July 7, (Itta Bena MS) 1964. Mike Sayer, Ita Benna MS, James Brown arrested and missing .
SNCC July 7, (Laurel MS) 1964. Judy Richardson, Laurel MS, Lester Mckenny seen in work house, Misc: Selma AL.
SNCC July 7, (Moss Point) 1964. Mike Sayer and Zollner, Greenwood MS, more shootings in Moss Point, Misc: Selma AL, Albany GA .
SNCC July 7, (Selma AL) 1964. Marshall Jones, Selma AL, arrests and police brutality .
SNCC July 8, 1964. Bill Light, McComb MS, house bombed in McComb, Misc: Selma AL, McComb MS, Washington DC, etc.
SNCC July 8, 1964. Ed Rudd and Grogan, Hattiesburg MS, Rev. Robert Beach arrested, Misc: Laurel MS, McComb MS .
COFO July 8, 1964. Call summaries: Atlanta GA, Jackson MS, McComb MS, etc.
SNCC July 8, 1964. Thomas Brown, Selma AL, updates on plans for picketing and arrests, Misc: McComb MS, Selma AL .
SNCC July 8, 1964. Thomas Brown, Selma AL, several arrested while picketing, Misc: Washington DC, McComb MS, Columbus MS .
SNCC July 8, 1964. Mike Sayer and Gwood, Columbus MS, details on arrests, Misc: Washington DC, Selma AL, Laurel MS .
SNCC July 7-9, 1964. Ed Rudd and Grogan, Hattiesburg MS, Rev. Robert Beach arrested, Misc: Laurel MS, McComb MS .
COFO July 9, 1964. Call summaries: Jackson MS, Moss Point MS, Clarksdale MS, etc.
SNCC July 9, 1964. Call summaries: Gulfport MS, Selma AL, Lauderdale County MS, etc.
SNCC July 9, (MS) 1964. Norris MacNamara, Lauderdale County MS, grave discovered on river bank, Misc: Selma AL, Washington DC, ALbany GA, etc.
COFO Summary June 30-July 9, 1964. Call summaries: Ruleville MS, Jackson MS, Holly Springs MS, etc.
COFO? July 9, 1964. Call summaries: Selma AL, Vicksburg MS, Laurel MS, etc.
SNCC July 9, 1964. Dotty Zellner, Gulfport MS, Summer volunteers arrested, Misc: Selma AL .
SNCC July 9, 1964. Call summaries: Albany GA, Selma GA, Greenwood MS .
COFO July 10, 1964. Call summaries: McComb MS, Greenwood MS, Atlanta GA, etc.
Community Centers July 10, 1964. Annel Ponder and Lois Chaffee, Jackson MS, report on Summer Community Centers .
SNCC July 10, 1964. Call summaries: Greenwood MS, Albany GA, Bessemer AL, etc.
SNCC July 10, 1964. Call summaries: Greenwood MS, Albany GA, Hattiesburg MS, etc. .
SNCC July 10, 1964. Ed Rudd and Karen, Greenwood MS, SNNC worker arrested .
SNCC July 10, 1964. Ed Rudd, Bessemer AL, violence at sit-in attempt, Misc: Selma AL, Washington DC, Birminghan AL .
SNCC July 10, 1964. Terry Shaw and Dotty Zellner, Hattiesburg MS, violence at canvassing activities, Misc: Selma AL, Washington DC .
SNCC between July 10-14?, 1964. Undated. Thomas Brown, Selma AL, update on arrests, Misc: Clarksdale MS, Jackson MS, Greenwood MS .
SNCC July 11, 1964. Greenwood MS, full report on church burning, Misc: Enfield NC, Selma AL, Canton MS, etc.
COFO July 11, 1964. Call summaries: Greenville SC, Canton MS, Gulfport MS .
COFO Digest, July 9-11 1964. Call summaries: Greenwood MS, Yazoo City MS, Clarksdale MS .
SNCC July 11, 1964. Greenwood MS, freedom registration, harassment and violence, Misc: Canton MS, Laurel MS .
SNCC July 11, 1964. Atlanta GA, list of churches burned or bombed in MS .
COFO July 12, 1964. Call summaries: Greenville SC, McComb MS, Holly Springs MS .
SNCC July 12, 1964. Greenwood MS, full report on church burning, Misc: Enfield NC, Selma AL .
SNCC July 12, 1964. Bill Robinson, Hollandale MS, missing SNNC worker, Misc: Dougherty County GA, Selma AL, Enfield NC, .
COFO? July 12, 1964. Garman, Greenwood MS, bombing expected, Misc: Jackson MS, Atlanta GA .
SNCC July 13, 1964. Hunter Morey, Hattiesburg MS, updates on arrests and burned churches, Misc: Americus GA, Enfield NC .
SNCC July 13, 1964. Greenwood MS, two bodies found, Misc: Selma AL, Jackson MS .
SNCC July 13, 1964. Bob Byers, Jackson MS, updates on the body found, Misc: Greenwood MS, Natchez MS .
COFO July 13, 1964. Call summaries: Greenwood MS, Holy Springs MS, Columbus MS, etc.
COFO July 13-14, 1964. Clarksdale MS, police brutality, Misc: Natchez MS, Shaw MS, Moss Point MS, etc.
SNCC July 14, 1964. Kime Syare, Greenwood MS, seven people arrested in Drew MS .
COFO July 14, 1964. Call summaries: Holly Springs MS, Canton MS, Atlanta GA, etc.
SNCC July 15, 1964. Bruce Maxwell, Biloxi MS, COFO people arrested, Misc: Greenwood MS, Ruleville MS, Jackson MS, etc.
SNCC July 15, 1964. Call summaries: Moss Point MS, Clarksdale MS, McComb MS, etc.
SNCC July 15, 1964. McComb MS, updates on Freedom Schools and arrests, Misc: Drew MS .
COFO July 16, 1964. Call summaries: Laurel MS, Meridian MS, Canton MS .
SNCC July 16, 1964. Jackson MS, white Summer volunteers arrested in Canton, Misc: Drew MS .
SNCC July 16, 1964. John Love, Selma AL, police violence at water fountain, Misc: Greenwood MS, Enfield MS .
SNCC July 17, 1964. Greenwood MS, mass meeting and arrests, Misc: Selma AL .
SNCC July 17, 1964. Call summaries: Clarksdale MS, Moss Point MS, Greenville MS, etc.
COFO July 17, 1964. Clarkdsdale MS, Jack Pratt denied service at hotel, Misc: Moss Point MS, Vicksburg MS, Greenville MS, etc.
SNCC July 17, 1964. Bill Light, Jackson MS, church burned in McComb, Misc: Philadelphia , Hattiesburg MS .
SNCC July 18, 1964. Willie McGee, Itta Bena MS, volunteer worker arrested .
SNCC July 18, 1964. Call summaries: Ruleville MS, McComb MS, Meridian MS, etc.
COFO July 18, 1964. Call summaries: Canton MS, Clarksdale MS, Greenville MS, etc.
COFO July 19, 1964. Call summaries: Biloxi MS, Vicksburg MS, Ruleville MS, etc.
SNCC Digest July 19, 1964. Call summaries: Vicksburg MS, Columbus MS, Holly Springs MS, etc.
SNCC July 19-20, 1964. Itta Bena MS, updates on arrests and violent incidents, Misc: Greenwood MS, Biloxi MS, Canton MS, etc.
SNCC July 20, 1964. Betty Garman, Greenwood MS, updates on trials and arrests, Misc: Ashland MS, Hernando MS .
SNCC Digest July 19-20, 1964. Call summaries: Ruleville MS, Hattiesburg MS, Greenwood MS, etc.
SNCC July 20, 1964. Call summaries: Vicksburg MS, Columbus MS, Holly Springs MS, etc.
COFO July 20, 1964. Call summaries: Batesville MS, Columbus MS, Hattiesburg MS, etc.
COFO July 21, 1964. Call summaries: Greenwood MS, Appleton MS, Batesville MS, etc.
SNCC July 21, 1964. Mary King, Jackson MS, schedule for MLK on Freedom Democratic Party tour, Misc: Clarksdale MS, Greenwood MS, Natchez MS, etc.
SNCC July 14-21 Summary, 1964. Jackson MS, incident summary .
COFO July 22, 1964. Call summaries: Aberdeen MS, Columbus MS, Greenwood MS, etc.
SNCC July 22, 1964. James Jone and Arlene, Helena AR, public service testing incidents, Misc: Natchez MS, McComb MS, Selma AL .
SNCC July 22, 1964. Incident summary: Jackson MS, McComb MS, Tchula MS, etc.
COFO July 23, 1964. Call summaries: Canton MS, McComb MS, Hattiesburg MS .
SNCC July 23, 1964. Incident summary: Tchula MS, Canton MS, Moss Point MS, etc.
SNCC MS Incident Summary July 23, 1964.
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SNCC July 23, 1964. Jackson MS, Summer volunteer arrested, Misc: Indianola MS, Albany GA, Greenwood MS, etc.
COFO July 24, 1964. Call summaries: Greenwood MS, Biloxi MS, Batesville MS, etc.
SNCC July 21-24, 1964. WATS line digest: Clarksdale MS, Tupelo MS, Lexington MS, etc.
SNCC July 24, 1964. Greenwood MS, SNCC workers followed by police cars, Misc: McComb MS, Mayersville MS, Belzoni MS, etc.
COFO July 25, 1964. Call summaries: Canton MS, Carthage MS, Atlanta GA, etc.
SNCC July 25, 1964. Joe Wright and Larry Siegal, Helena AR, updates on testing of public accomodations .
SNCC July 25, 1964. Ed Hamlet, Biloxi MS, report on the white community project, Misc: Clarksdale MS, Greenwood MS, Ruleville MS, etc.
SNCC July 25-31, 1964. WATS line digest: Holly Springs MS, Greenwood MS, Canton MS, etc.
Holly Springs Freedom Day, July 25, 1964. Holly Springs MS, complete account of first Freedom Day .
SNCC Summary July 21-25, 1964. Mary King, Jackson MS, schedule for MLK on Freedom Democratic Party tour, Misc: Clarksdale MS, Greenwood MS, Natchez MS, etc.
SNCC July 26, 1964. Batesville MS, house tear-gassed in Batesville and house bombed in McComb MS.
SNCC WATS Line Digest July 25-26, 1964. WATS line digest: Holly Springs MS, Greenwood MS, Canton MS, etc.
SNCC Incident Summary July 24-26, 1964. Incident summary: Holly Springs MS, McComb MS, Ruleville MS, etc.
COFO July 26, 1964. Call summaries: Columbus MS, Batesville MS, McComb MS, etc.
SNCC July 26, 1964. Incident summary: McComb MS, Batesville MS, Mileston MS, etc.
SNCC July 26-27, 1964. Larry Siegel, Helena AR, Freedom House harrassment, Misc: Greenwood MS, Selma AL, Pine Bluff AR, etc.
COFO July 27, 1964. Call summaries: Greenwood MS, Hattiesburg MS, Jackson MS, etc.
COFO July 28, 1964. Call summaries: Clarksdale MS, Columbus MS, Aberdeen MS, etc.
SNCC July 28, 1964. Larry Siegel, harassement around house sheltering SNCC workers, Misc: Selma AL, Greenwood MS, Itta Bena MS, etc.
SNCC July 28, 1964. Ed Rudd, Itta Bena MS, Freedom Center damaged, Misc: Greenwood MS, Washington DC, McComb MS, etc.
COFO July 29, 1964. Call summaries: Greenwood MS, Meridian MS, Columbus MS, etc.
SNCC July 29, 1964. Carl Young, Holly Springs MS, volunteer involved in accident and arrested, Misc: Helena MS, Madison MS, Greenwood MS .
COFO July 30, 1964. Call summaries: Biloxi MS, Aberdeen MS, Valley View MS, etc.
SNCC July 28-30, 1964. Incident summary: Itta Benna, MS, Holly Springs MS, Vicksburg MS, etc.
SNCC July 27-31, 1964. Incident summary: Jackson, MS, Canton MS, Greenwood MS, etc.
SNCC July 31-Aug 8, 1964. Incident summary: Holly Springs MS, Greenwood MS, Canton MS, etc.
COFO July 31, 1964. Hazel Palmer, Brandon MS, church burned, Misc: Vicksburg MS, Greenwood MS, Jackscon MS, etc.
SNCC July 31, 1964. Jackson MS, church burned in Brandon, Misc: Greenwood MS, McComb MS, Washington DC, etc.
SNCC July 31, 1964. Incident summary: Brandon MS, Carthage MS, Meridian MS, etc.
August 1964 WATS Reports
COFO August 1, 1964. Edd Rud, Batesville MS, shots fired at summer volunteers house, Misc: Jackson MS, McComb MS, Canton MS, etc.
SNCC August 1, 1964. Jackson MS, church burned near Meridian, Misc: Carthage MS, Helena MS, Meridian MS, etc.
COFO August 2, 1964. Greenwood MS, shots fired at COFO office, Misc: Canton MS, Jackson MS, Indianola MS, etc.
SNCC August 2, 1964. James Forman, Greenwood MS, telegram about jamming of Citizens Band frequencies .
COFO August 3, 1964. Call summaries: Tchula MS, Canton MS, Batesville MS, etc.
SNCC August 3, 1964. Joe Wright, W. Helena MS, house hosting SNCC workers is fire bombed, Misc: Hattiesburg MS .
COFO August 4, 1964. Call summaries: Canton MS, Clarksdale MS, Atlanta GA, etc.
SNCC August 4, 1964. Dorrie Ladner, Natchez MS, police visits SNNC office, Misc: Washington DC, Greenwood MS, Jackson MS .
COFO August 5, 1964. Civil rights workers bodies identified by FBI, Misc: Jackson MS, Clarksdale MS, Meridian MS, etc.
SNCC August 6, 1964. Greenwood MS, report on letter with location of bodies of civil rights workers, Misc: Atlanta GA, Greenwood MS .
COFO August 6, 1964. Call summaries: Jackson MS, Vicksburg MS, Greenwood MS, etc.
SNCC August 7, 1964. Washington DC, memorial service held by SNCC and COFO for civil rights workers found dead, Misc: W. Helena MS, Jackson MS, Greenwood MS .
COFO August 7, 1964. Jackson MS, updates on burial of civil rights workers found dead, Misc: Meridian MS, Holly Spring MS, Batesville MS, etc.
COFO August 8, 1964. Call summaries: Sardis Ms, Batesville MS, Parksplace MS, etc.
COFO August 9, 1964. Call summaries: Meridian MS, Aberdeen MS, Canton MS, etc.
SNCC August 10, 1964. Mileston MS, bomb thrown at house near Freedom Center, Misc: Marigold MS, Jackson MS .
COFO August 10, 1964. Call summaries: Meridian MS, Greenwood MS, Westpoint MS, etc.
COFO August 11, 1964. Call summaries: Columbus MS, Meridian MS, Aberdeen MS, etc.
COFO August 12, 1964. Call summaries: Hattiesburg MS, Holly Springs MS, Greenville MS, etc.
COFO August 13, 1964. Call summaries: Aberdeen MS, West Point MS, Clarksdale MS, etc.
SNCC August 13, 1964. McComb MS, bomb thrown at supermarket, Misc: Greenwood MS, Natchez MS, Americus MS .
COFO August 14, 1964. Call summaries: Jackson MS, Hattiesburg MS, Pascagouls MS, etc.
SNCC August 14, 1964. Sandy Leigh, Hattiesburg MS, Snadra Adickes arrested for vagrancy .
COFO August 15, 1964. Call summaries: Greenwood MS, Natchez MS, Jackson MS, etc.
COFO August 16, 1964. Call summaries: Greenwood MS, Jackson MS, McComb MS, etc.
SNCC August 16, 1964. McComb MS, first Freedom Day to take place in southwest MS, Misc: Albany GA, Thomasville MS, Americus MS, etc. .
COFO? August 16, 1964 Albany GA shooting, Thomasville GA harassment, Jackson MS shooting & cross burning
COFO August 17, 1964. Call summaries: Holly Springs MS, McComb MS, Hattiesburg MS, etc.
SNCC August 17, 1964. McComb MS, shooting punctuates upsurge of violence, Misc: Jackson MS, Albany GA, Greenwood MS .
COFO August 18, 1964. Call summaries: Jackson MS, Meridian MS, McComb MS, etc.
COFO? August 18, 1964 McComb MS freedom day rally and harassment, Greenwood MS man killed, FST in Indianola MS, Jackson MS arrest
SNCC? August 19, 1964 Albany GA arrests, McComb/Magnolia MS threats and arrests.
SNCC August 18, 1964. McComb Ms, first Freedom Day was a success, Misc: Greenwood MS, Batesville MS, Indianola MS, etc.
COFO August 19, 1964. Call summaries: Clarksdale MS, Jackson MS, Greenwood MS, etc.
SNCC August 19-21, 1964. Graham Wiggins, Americus GA, violent incident at courthouse, Misc: McCom MS, Greenwood MS, Albany GA, etc.
COFO August 20, 1964. Call summaries: Gulfport MS, Biloxi MS, Canton MS, etc.
COFO August 21, 1964. Call summaries: Philadelphia MS, Atlanta GA, Biloxi MS, Meridian MS, etc.
COFO August 22, 1964. Call summaries: Jackson MS, Holly Springs MS, Belzoni MS, etc.
SNCC August 22, 1964. Carol, Greenwood MS, family arrested and evicted for participating in the movement, Misc: Itta Bena MS, Albany GA .
COFO August 23, 1964. Bernard Smith, Tupelo MS, fire in office and Freedom Regitration forms taken, Misc: McComb MS, Hattiesburg MS, Jackson MS, etc.
SNCC August 23, 1964. David Gerber, McComb MS, summer volunteer arrested, Misc: Greenwood Ms, Durham MS, Albany GA, etc.
COFO August 24, 1964. Ike Coleman, Tupelo MS, morning paper says fire in office was arson, Misc: Tchula MS, Moss Point MS, Biloxi MS, etc.
SNCC August 24, 1964. Janet Jamot, Greenwood MS, report on violence and harrassment, Misc: Atlantic City MS, Alabany GA, Laurel MS, etc.
COFO August 25, 1964. Call summaries: Meridian MS, Hattiesburg MS, Moss Point MS, etc.
COFO August 26, 1964. Call summaries: Mound Bayou MS, Vicksburg MS, Philadelphia MS, etc. .
SNCC August 26, 1964. Moss Poitn MS, local Negro citizens arrested at segregated laundromat, Misc: Canton MS .
COFO August 27, 1964. Call summaries: Aberdeen MS, Canton MS, Marks MS, etc.
COFO August 28, 1964. Call summaries: McComb MS, Jackson MS, Pike County MS, etc.
COFO August 29, 1964. Call summaries: Jackson MS, Belzoni MS, Moss Poitn MS, etc.
COFO August 30, 1964. Call summaries: Jackson MS, McComb MS, Meridian MS, etc.
After Freedom Summer ~ 1964 WATS Reports
SNCC/COFO September 7, 1964. Call summaries: Canton MS, McComb MS, Greenwood MS, etc.
SNCC/COFO September 9, 1964. Moss Point MS, local people want to boycott schools, Misc: McComb MS, Greenwood MS, Canton MS, etc.
SNCC/COFO September 10, 1964. Jackson MS, Negro students attempt to register at all white schools, Misc: Belzoni MS, Canton MS, Meridian MS, etc. .
SNCC/COFO September 9, 1964. Jackson MS, Negro students attempt to register at all white schools, Misc: Belzoni MS, Canton MS, Meridian MS, etc.
SNCC/COFO September 11, 1964. Call summaries: West Point MS, Greenville, MS, Natchez MS, etc.
SNCC/COFO September 13, 1964. Sandy Leigh, former COFO worker shot and killed himself, Misc: Belzoni MS, Aberdeen MS, Philadelphia MS, etc.
SNCC/COFO September 15, 1964. Don Hammer, Tchula MS, COFO workers arrested, Misc: Meridian MS, Aberdeen MS, McComb MS, etc.
SNCC/COFO September 16, 1964. Carthage MS, Mr. Harvey in jail for a week, Misc: Moss Point MS, Aberdeen MS, Gulfport MS, etc.
SNCC/COFO September 17, 1964. Keith Lampe. Valley View, church burned in rural Madison County, Misc: Canton MS, Jackson MS, Tchula MS, etc.
SNCC/COFO September 18, 1964. Call summaries: Natchez MS, Aberdeen MS, Valey View MS, etc.
SNCC/COFO September 19, 1964. Call summaries: Tupelo MS, Greenwood MS, Biloxi MS, etc.
SNCC/COFO September 20, 1964. Call summaries: Batesville MS, Tchula MS, Philadelphia MS, etc.
COFO September 21, 1964. Call summaries: Greenwood MS, McComb MS, Jackson MS, etc.
SNCC September 21, 1964. McComb MS, residence and church bombed in Pike County .
SNCC/COFO September 22, 1964. Call summaries: McComb MS, Jackson MS, Natchez MS, etc.
SNCC September 22, 1964. McComb MS, residence and church bombed in Pike County .
SNCC/COFO September 30, 1964. Call summaries: Batesville MS, Greenwood MS, Indianola MS, etc.
SNCC/COFO October 1, 1964. Ocean Springs MS, Negro arrested at Woolworth's store, Misc: Laurel MS, McComb MS, Vicksburg MS, etc.
SNCC/COFO October 2, 1964. Call summaries: Tchula MS, Natchez MS, Jackson MS, etc.
SNCC/COFO October 3, 1964. Cliff Vess, Canton MS, roads blocked and courthouse sourrounded by police due to rally, Misc: Batesville MS, Ruleville MS, Belzoni MS, etc.
SNCC/COFO October 4, 1964. Call summaries: Vicksburg MS, Indianola MS, Marks MS, etc.
SNCC/COFO October 5, 1964. Call summaries: Tchula MS, Greenwood MS, Holly Springs MS, etc.
SNCC/COFO October 6, 1964. Canton's Freedom House entered by police, Misc: Tupelo MS, Tchula MS, Holly Springs MS, etc.
SNCC/COFO October 7, 1964. Call summaries: Greenville MS, Marks MS, Mound Bayou MS, etc.
SNCC/COFO October 8, 1964. Call summaries: Indianola MS, McComb MS, Jackson MS, etc.
SNCC/COFO October 9, 1964. Call summaries: Jackson MS, Greenville MS, Hattiesburg MS, etc.
SNCC/COFO October 10, 1964. Ruleville MS, shotting after atempt to integrate cafe, Misc: Jackson MS, Greenwood MS, McComb MS, etc.
SNCC/COFO October 11, 1964. Call summaries: Clarksdale MS, Meridian MS, McComb MS, etc.
SNCC/COFO October 12, 1964. Call summaries: Holly Springs MS, Greenwood MS, Mound Bayou MS, etc.
SNCC/COFO October 13, 1964. McComb MS, local speaker at mass meeting supports FDP, Misc: Atlanta GA, Jackson MS, Biloxi MS, etc.
SNCC/COFO October 14, 1964. Marks MS, updates on arrests, Misc: Moss Point MS, Aberdeen MS, McComb MS, etc.
SNCC/COFO October 15, 1964. Allan Goodner, Marks MS, report on voter registration incidents, Misc: Bruce MS, Ruleville MS, Clevelenad MS, etc.
SNCC/COFO October 16, 1964. Holly Springs MS, rainy day Freedom Day program, Misc: Meridian MS, Itta Bena MS, McComb MS, etc.
COFO incident report summaries December 3. 1964. Jackson MS, COFO aids Negro farmers to participate in elections, Misc: Holly Springs MS, Canton MS, Flora MS, etc.
SNCC December 7, 1964. William Seabron, Holly Springs MS, updates on elections, Misc: Jackson MS, Benton County MS .
SNCC WATS Report Incident Summary, December 1-9 1964. MS, GA, AL towns & projects, ASCS elections.
SNCC WATS Report Incident Summary, December 12-30 1964. Greenwood MS, Unknown persons distribute
booklet with names of Negroes who registered to vote, Misc: Benton County MS, Pine Bluff AR, Holly Springs MS, etc.
WATS Reports ~ 1965
SNCC Report Digest, January 26-30, 1965. Little Rock AR, SNCC workers forced out of their office, Misc: Selma AL, Shaw MS, Valley View MS, etc.
SNCC/COFO February 5, 1965. Rolling Fork MS, Boycott of Henry Whiters High School continues, Misc: Indianola MS, Vicksburg MS .
SNCC/COFO February 10, 1965. Selma AL, students arrests and beatings follow courthouse demonstrations, Misc: Marion AL, Canton MS, Hattiesburg MS, etc.
SNCC February 1, 1965. McComb MS, COFO workers visited by sheriff, Misc: Rolling Fork MS, Holly Springs MS, Meridian MS, etc.
SNCC February 2-3, 1965. Selma AL, project director and SNCC worker arrested at courthouse, Misc: Marion AL, Holly Springs MS, Clarksdale MS, etc.
SNCC February 3, 1965. Pete Muilenburg and Bab, Jackson MS, Barnett to be questioned on segregationist policies, Misc: McComb MS, Moultrie GA .
SNCC February 16, 1965. Meridian MS, COFO workers and local residents arrested after picketing, Misc: Issaquena County MS, Moultrie GA, Laurel MS, etc.
SNCC February 19, 1965.
SNCC February 23, 1965. Robert Smith and Jeanne Breaker, Marks MS, report on Freedom Day, Misc: Batesville MS, McComb MS, Indianola MS, etc.
SNCC February 24, 1965. Sandy Leigh and Jeanne Breaker, Moss Point MS, school boycott begins, Misc: Valley View MS, Selma AL, Batesville MS, etc.
COFO February 25, 1965. Jackson MS, Incident summary .
SNCC February 27, 1965. Penny Patch and Barbara Brandt, Batesville MS, Incidents at the second demonstration ever in Batesville, Misc: Natchez MS, Moss Point MS .
SNCC March 1, 1965. McComb MS, COFO lawyer injured at Pike County jail, Misc: West Point MS, New Orleans LA .
SNCC March 2, 1965. Wilson Brown and Jeanne Breaker, Wilcox County AL, March to courthouse stopped by sheriff, Misc: McComb MS, Bakersfiel CA, Issaquena County MS, etc.
SNCC March 7, 1965 (minute by minute reports: "Selma, Bloody Sunday").
SNCC March 9, 1965. Cuthbert GA, SNCC worker applied to segregated college, Misc: Moultrie GA, Marks MS, Moss Point MS, etc.
SNCC #58 April 29, 1965. Fred Meely and Larry Fox, Montgomery AL, suit filed againt Alabama State for dismissing civil rights demonstrators, Misc: Indianola MS, Greenville MS, Shaw MS, etc.
SNCC May 4, 1965. Marilyn Lowen and Jeanne Breaker, Jackson MS, SNCC photographer arrested, Misc: Selma AL, Rankin County MS, Vicksburg MS, etc.
SNCC #69 May 6, 1965. Ron Carver and Jeanne Breaker, Holly Springs MS, COFO workers to be evicted for lack of insurance, Misc: Montgomery AL, Moultrie GA, .
SNCC #78 May 16-17, 1965. Columbus MS, fire-bombing of Freedom House, Misc: Rankin County MS, Jackson MS, Selma AL, etc.
SNCC #88 May 28, 1965. Mike Higson and Jeanne Breaker, Natchez MS, FDP rally attended by 800 people, Misc: Inverness MS .
SNCC #93 June 4, 1965. Washington County MS, 1000 people on strike in the Delta plantations, Misc: Star City AR, Washington DC, Jackson MS .
SNCC #102 June 15-July 30, 1965. Jackson MS, updates on mass meetings, Misc: Washington DC, Albany GA, Bertie County NC, etc.
SNCC #112 June 29, 1965. Nancy Stoller and Myrna, Pine Bluff AR, white summer volunteer threatened with gun at restaurant sit-in, Misc: Forest City MS, West Helena AR, Jackson MS, etc.
SNCC #118 July 6, 1965. Stokley Carmicheal and Jeanne Breaker, Selma AL, literacy test for voter registration dropped at Lownes County, Misc: Little Rock MS, Pine Bluff MS, Washington DC, etc.
SNCC #119 July 7, 1965. Tim Hall and Barbara Brandt, Fayette County TN, West Tennessee Voters Project, Misc: Montgomery AL, Washington DC, Cordele GA, etc.
SNCC #129 July 8, 1965. Alvin Packer, Carolyn Smith and Jeanne Breaker, Brandon MS, COFO worker arrested, Misc: York AL, Charlestown MS, Bogolusa AL, etc.
SNCC #122 July 10, 1965. Indianola MS, cotton pickers on strike, Misc: Selma AL, Jackson MS, Americus GA. etc.
Louisiana CORE July 5-July 11, 1965. Call summaries: Bienville Parish LA, Caddo Parish LA, Concordia Parish LA, etc.
SNCC, November 12, 1965. Forest City, Gould, Pine Bluff AR, Carthage MS
WATS Reports 1966
SNCC, September 12-14, 1966
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