Peter Geffen

SCLC, SCOPE, South Carolina, 1965-68
Current Residence: New York, NY

Civil rights workers recall MLK Jr. Video

The greatest moments in my life were when working for the SCLC and Dr. King. As an American I was proud; as a white man I was embarrassed and proud; and a Jew I was fulfilled. Orangeburg was not a quiet town. The Klan was active and we were shot it, had our freedom schools in churches burned to the ground and yet we had an optimistic faith that things would improve and change...and they did.

I speak each year to audiences everywhere about these years and the meaning of the moments for today. I feel honored to have been given this privilege.

I would be happy to share my most treasured possession, a picture of a fellow civil rights worker and close lifetime friend, (now Rabbi) Moshe Shur, me and Dr. King, autographed by him to us "Best Wishes and Thanks for your help, Martin Luther King."

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