Movement Bibliography
Titles Grouped by Subject

Bios  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

See also:

All Books Listed by Title
Books Written by Freedom Movement Veterans
Film, Videos & Audio
Movement-Related Web Links

(Note that the resources listed here are provided as an information service only. Inclusion in these lists does not necessarily imply that they are approved, recommended, or endorsed by Movement veterans or this website.)

Biographies & Memoirs

Note — people with multiple biographies (Dr. King, for example) have a named section on this page.

Lucius Amerson: Great Courage
Lisa Todd Anderson For a Voice and the Vote, My Journey With the MFDP
Dr. William Anderson Autobiographies of a Black Couple of the Greatest Generation
Thomas Armstrong Autobiography of a Freedom Rider: ...
D'Army Bailey: Education of a Black Radical: A Southern Civil Rights Activist's Journey...
Joe Bateman A Day I Ain't Never Seen Before Remembering the Movement in Marks, MS
Unita Blackwell: Barefootin': Life Lessons from the Road to Freedom
Ann Braden: Subversive Southerner, Ann Braden and the Struggle for Racial Justice ...
Ann Braden: Anne Braden Speaks: Selected Writings and Speeches, 1947-1999
H. Rap Brown: Die Nigger Die!: A Political Autobiography of Jamil Abdullah al-Amin
J.L. Chestnut: Black in Selma: The Uncommon Life of J. L. Chestnut
Septima Clark: Freedom's Teacher: The Life of Septima Clark
Claudette Colvin Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice (Young Adult)
MacArthur Cotton: Mississippi's Black Cotton
Jonathan Daniels: Outside Agitator: Jon Daniels and the CRM in Alabama
Jim Dann: Challenging the Mississippi Firebombers...
David Dennis: The Movement Made Us: A Father, a Son, and the Legacy of a Freedom Ride
Doris Derby: A Civil Rights Journey
Virginia Durr: Outside the Magic Circle: The Autobiography of Virginia Durr
Ralph Eubanks: Ever Is a Long Time: A Journey into Mississippi's Dark Past: A Memoir
Charles Evers: Have No Fear: The Charles Evers Story
Jim Foreman: The Making of Black Revolutionaries
Mary Sue Gellatly: A Small Town Rises: A Sharecropper and a College Girl Join the Struggle ...
Fred Gray: Bus Ride to Justice: Changing the System by the System
LuLu Westbrook Griffin: Memoirs Of A Revolution Experience Through Poetry And Poems
Prathia Hall Freedom Faith: The Womanist Vision of Prathia Hall
Anthony J Harris Ain't Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me 'Round: a Coming of Age ...
Bruce Hartford: "Troublemaker" Memories of the Freedom Movement
Charles Haynie A Memoir of the New Left: The Political Autobiography of Charles A. Haynie
Dorothy Height: Open Wide the Freedom Gates: A Memoir
Aaron Henry: Aaron Henry: The Fire Ever Burning
Endesha Mae Holland: From the Mississippi Delta
Faith Holsaert: Year Forever in my Veins
Faith Holsaert: Ma Lineal: A Memoir of Race, Activism, and Queer Family
Myles Horton: The Long Haul: An Autobiography
Joseph Howell: Civil Rights Journey
T.R.M. Howard: Black Maverick: T. R. M. Howard's Fight for Civil Rights and Economic Power
Charlayne Hunter-Gault — To the Mountaintop: My Journey ...
Marione Ingram The Hands of Peace: A Holocaust Survivor's Fight for Civil Rights ...
Jesse Jackson: Jesse: The Life and Pilgrimage of Jesse Jackson
Richie Jean Sherrod Jackson The House by the Side of the Road: The Selma CRM
Vernon Johns: Vernon Johns, Life and Times of (Online book)
Rev. Aaron Johnson Man From Macedonia: My Life of Service, Struggle, Faith, and Hope
Vernon Jordan: Vernon Can Read! A Memoir
Luke Kabat: Love Letter from Pig: My Brother's Story of Freedom Summer
Irving Katuna: Walking with the King: Irving Katuna's Legacy of Civil Rights
Mary King: Freedom Song
Sherie Labedis: You Came Here to Die, Didn't You
Clara Luper Behold the Walls
Thurgood Marshall: ... and the Supreme Court Nomination That Changed America
Chuck McDew: Tell the Story: A Memoir of the Civil Rights Movement
Ernest McMillan: Standing
Bill Monnie: The Lake Effect
Anne Moody: Coming of Age in Mississippi
Henry Moore: Before His Time: The Untold Story Of Harry T. Moore
Joe Morse: No Ordinary Joe: Lesson From a Life of Community Organizing for Social Change
Vera Pigee: The Struggle of Struggles
Joan Trumpauer Mulholland She Stood for Freedom
E.D. Nixon: Freedom is Never Free: Biographical Portrait of E. D. Nixon
Rosa Parks Rosa Parks (Childhood of Famous Americans), ages 8 and up
Rosa Parks The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks: Young Readers Edition, Middle-Grade & Young Adult
Rosa Parks The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks
Gwen Patton My Race to Freedom: A Life in the Civil Rights Movement
Edward Peeples:Scalawag: A White Southerner's Journey Through Segregation to ...
John Perdew Education of a Harvard Guy: Footsoldier in the Civil Rights Movement
Ivory Perry: A Life In The Struggle: Ivory Perry and the Culture of Opposition
Charles Person: Buses Are a Comin': Memoir of a Freedom Rider
Franklynn Peterson: Whitey Joins the Revolution: My Time With the Movement
Ruby Doris Smith Robinson: Soon We Will Not Cry: The Liberation of Ruby Doris ...
Rev. John H. Scott: Witness to the Truth: My Struggle for Human Rights in Louisiana
Solomon Seay: Jim Crow and Me: Stories from My Life as a Civil Rights Lawyer
Eddie Short: A Small Town Rises: A Sharecropper and a College Girl Join the Struggle ...
Zoharah & Michael Simmons Stayed On Freedom: The Long History of Black Power ...
Eldreway Stearns: No Color is My Kind: The Life of and the Integration of Houston
Nancy Stoller: Southern White Girl Seeks Social Change: A Twentieth Century Memoir
Matt Rinaldi: Fire at the Freedom House
Joyce Russell Terrell: — A Blues Song of My Own
Emmarene Kaigler Streeter: Unlawfully Incarcerated At Age Thirteen
Brenda Travis: Mississippi's Exiled Daughter
Gil Venable: Mississippi & After: A Life in Equal Justice Law
C.T. Vivian: It's in the Action: Memories of a Nonviolent Warrior
Robert F. Williams: Radio Free Dixie: Robert F. Williams & the Roots of Black Power
Andrew Young: An Easy Burden
Carlotta Walls (Lanier) A Mighty Long Way: My Journey to Justice at Little Rock Central High School
Molly Lynn Watt On Wings of Song: A Journey into the Civil Rights Era
Hollis Watkins: Brother Hollis: The Sankofa of a Movement Man
Dr. Sidney Eugene Welch: Soldiers of Martin Luther King: A Memoir from the Trenches of the CRM
Hosea Williams: Hosea Williams: A Lifetime of Defiance and Protest
Judith Frieze Wright: Acts of Resistance: A Freedom Rider Looks Back on the CRM
Bob Zellner: The Wrong Side of Murder Creek

See also Personal Histories & Narratives — Collections

~ A ~

Rev. Ralph Abernathy

  1. And the Walls Came Tumbling Down An Autobiography
  2. Partners to History: Martin Luther King, Ralph David Abernathy...

Alabama Movement

  1. Beyond the Burning Bus: The Civil Rights Revolution in a Southern Town (Anniston)
  2. Bloody Lowndes: Civil Rights and Black Power in Alabama's Black Belt
  3. Bus Ride to Justice: Changing the System by the System: Life and Works of Fred Gray
  4. Carry It On: the War on Poverty and the Civil Rights Movement in Alabama
  5. Cradle of Freedom: Alabama and the Movement That Changed America
  6. Down Home, Camden, Alabama
  7. Fighting the Devil in Dixie: How CR Activists Took on the Ku Klux Klan in Alabama
  8. The Freedom Rides and Alabama: A Guide to ...
  9. Freedom Walk: Mississippi or Bust
  10. In the Shadow of Selma
  11. Marching in Montgomery (1965)
  12. Outside Agitator: Jon Daniels and the Civil Rights Movement in Alabama
  13. Reaping the Whirlwind: The Civil Rights Movement in Tuskegee
  14. Red, Black, White: The Alabama Communist Party, 1930-1950
  15. This Bright Light of Ours: Stories from the Voting Rights Fight
  16. "Troublemaker" Memories of the Freedom Movement
  17. White Lawyer, Black Power, Mississippi and Alabama

    See also:
    Birmingham Movement
    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    Selma Voting Rights Campaign
    Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth

~ B ~

Ella Baker

  1. Ella Baker and the Black Freedom Movement: A Radical Democratic Vision
  2. Ella Baker: Freedom Bound
  3. Ella Baker: A Leader Behind the Scenes (Ages 9-12)
  4. Ella Baker and the SNCC: Grassroots Leadership and ...

Daisy Bates

  1. Daisy Bates: Civil Rights Crusader
  2. Daisy Bates: Civil Rights Crusader from Arkansas
  3. The Long Shadow of Little Rock: A Memoir by Daisy Bates
  4. The Power of One: Daisy Bates and the Little Rock Nine

Birmingham Movement

  1. A Fire You Can't Put Out: Life of Birmingham's Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth
  2. A Walk to Freedom: Rev. Shuttlesworth & ACMHR 1956-1964
  3. Bending Toward Justice: The Birmingham Church Bombing that ...
  4. Birmingham, Alabama, 1956-1963
  5. Birmingham's Revolutionaries Fred Shuttlesworth ACMHR
  6. Black Workers' Struggle for Equality in Birmingham
  7. But for Birmingham: The Local and National Movements in the Civil Rights Struggle
  8. Carry Me Home: Birmingham Alabama, Climactic Battle of the Civil Rights Revolution
  9. The Children's March (Video)
  10. Last Chance for Justice ... Convicting the Birmingham Church Bombers
  11. Miracle in Birmingham: A Civil Rights Memoir 1954-1965
  12. Soldiers of Martin Luther King: A Memoir from the Trenches of the CRM
  13. Parting the Waters
  14. Red, Black, White: The Alabama Communist Party, 1930-1950
  15. Through Angel's Eyes (Young Adult)
  16. While the World Watched: A Birmingham Bombing Survivor Comes of Age ...
  17. Why We Can't Wait

Black Power

  1. The American Negro Revolution: From Nonviolence to Black Power
  2. Black Parties and Political Power: A Case Study
  3. Black Power (Richard Wright, 1956)
  4. Black Power and the American Myth
  5. Black Power Ideologies: An Essay in African-American Political Thought
  6. Black Power Imperative: Racial Inequality and the Politics of Nonviolence
  7. Black Power: The Politics of Liberation (in America)
  8. Black Power: Radical Politics and African American Identity
  9. The Black Power Revolt
  10. Black Theology and Black Power
  11. Bloody Lowndes: Civil Rights and Black Power in Alabama's Black Belt
  12. Die Nigger Die!: A Political Autobiography of Jamil Abdullah al-Amin
  13. Down to the Crossroads: Civil Rights, Black Power, & Meredith March Against Fear
  14. Farewell to Innocence: A Socio-Ethical Study on Black Theology and Black Power
  15. Look Out, Whitey! Black Power's Gon' Get Your Mama!
  16. New Day in Babylon: The Black Power Movement and American Culture
  17. Profiles in Black Power
  18. The Rhetoric of Black Power
  19. Stayed On Freedom: The Long History of Black Power through One Family's Journey
  20. Stokely Carmichael: The Story of Black Power
  21. Stokely Speaks: From Black Power to Pan-Africanism
  22. Waiting 'Til the Midnight Hour: A Narrative History of Black Power in America
  23. White Lawyer, Black Power, Mississippi and Alabama

Julian Bond

  1. Julian Bond: Black Rebel
  2. Race Man: Selected Works, 1960-2015

Ruby Bridges

  1. Story of Ruby Bridges (Grades 1-3)
  2. Through My Eyes (Ruby Bridges) (Ages 8-15)

~ C ~

Cambridge MD Movement & Gloria Richardson

  1. Civil War on Race Street: The Civil Rights Movement in Cambridge Maryland
  2. The Struggle Is Eternal: Gloria Richardson and Black Liberation

Chicago Freeedom Movement, 1966

    Chicago 1966: Open Housing Marches, Summit Negotiations, and Operation Breadbasket
    Chicago Freedom Movement: Martin Luther King Jr. and Civil Rights Activism in the North
    A Decisive Decade: An Insider's View of the Chicago Civil Rights Movement during the 1960s
    Freedom North: Black Freedom Struggles Outside the South
    Jesse: The Life and Pilgrimage of Jesse Jackson
    Northern Protest: Martin Luther King, Chicago, and the Civil Rights Movement
    Operation Breadbasket: An Untold Story of Civil Rights in Chicago, 1966-71

Children, Students, & Youth in the Movement

    Books about the movement written for children
  1. The Children
  2. The Children's March (Video)
  3. Civil Rights Childhood
  4. Civil Rights Movement for Kids (ages 9 & older)
  5. Coming of Age in Mississippi
  6. Freedom's Children: Young Civil Rights Activists Tell Their Own Stories (Ages 6-12)
  7. Going to School During the Civil Rights Movement (Ages 9-12)
  8. Leon's Story (Ages 8-12)
  9. Marching For Freedom: Walk Together, Children, and Don't You Grow Weary (Ages 10 and up)
  10. Radicalizing the Ebony Tower: Black Colleges and the Black Freedom Struggle in Mississippi
  11. Reaping the Whirlwind: The Civil Rights Movement in Tuskegee
  12. The Shadows of Youth: The Remarkable Journey of the Civil Rights Generation
  13. Stand up For Your Rights (Grades 9-12)
  14. Story of Ruby Bridges (Grades 1-3)
  15. Struggle for a Better South: Southern Student Organizing Committee, 1964-1969
  16. Students on Strike: Jim Crow, Civil Rights, Brown, and Me
  17. 10 True Tales: Young Civil Rights Heroes, (Ages 8-12 years)
  18. Through My Eyes (Ruby Bridges) (Ages 8-15)
  19. Undaunted By The Fight: Spelman College and the Civil Rights Movement
  20. Up Above My Head: I See Freedom in the Air
  21. Warriors Don't Cry: Memoir of the Battle to Integrate Little Rock's Central High
  22. Witnesses to Freedom, Young People Who Fought for Civil Rights (Grades 5-8)

Civil Rights Legislation

  1. A Bill Becomes a Law: Congress Enacts Civil Rights Legislation
  2. The Bill of the Century: The Epic Battle for the Civil Rights Act
  3. Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Grades 12)
  4. Civil Rights, the White House, and the Justice Department: ...
  5. Crisis and Compromise the rescue of the 1964 Civil Rights Act
  6. An Idea Whose Time Has Come: ... Battle for the Civil Rights Act of 1964
  7. Longest Debate: A Legislative History of the 1964 Civil Rights Act
  8. The Voting Rights Act: Consequences and Implications
  9. Compromised Compliance: Implementation of the 1965 Voting Rights Act
  10. Along Racial Lines: Consequences of the 1965 Voting Rights Act
  11. Judgment Days: LBJ, MLK, the Laws That Changed America
  12. Quiet Revolution in the South: The Impact of the Voting Rights Act, 1965-1990
  13. Unfinished Agenda of The Selma-Montgomery Voting Rights March

    See also:
    Mississippi Movement
    Selma Voting Rights Campaign & March to Montgomery
    Voting Rights Struggle

Civil Rights Movement — General, History, Overview

  1. A Breath of Freedom: The Civil Rights Struggle, African American GIs, and Germany
  2. Across That Bridge: Life Lessons and a Vision for Change
  3. Africana: Civil Rights
  4. African-American History TV & Radio Collection (Video)
  5. American Civil Rights Movement Readings and Interpretations
  6. And the Crooked Places Made Straight
  7. And We Are Not Saved: A History of the Movemen As People
  8. An Eyewitness History of the Civil Rights Movement
  9. At Canaan's Edge — America in the King Years 1965-68
  10. At the Dark End of the Street: Black Women, Rape, and Resistance ...
  11. Better Day Coming: Blacks and Equality, 1890-2000
  12. Black Protest: 350 Years of History, Documents, and Analyses
  13. Choosing Brave: How Mamie Till-Mobley and Emmett Till Sparked the CRM, ages 7-12
  14. Civil Rights Chronicle: (African-American Struggle for Freedom)
  15. Civil Rights Chronicle: Letters from the South
  16. Civil Rights Crossroads: Nation, Community, and the Black Freedom Struggle
  17. Civil Rights For Beginners (Graphic nonfiction)
  18. Civil Rights Marches (Cornerstones of Freedom) (Ages 9-12)
  19. Civil Rights Movement (Highschool & young adult)
  20. The Civil Rights Movement
  21. Civil Rights Movement in America (Ages 9-12)
  22. Civil Rights Movement in America From 1865 to the Present (Grades 5-9)
  23. The Civil Rights Movement in American Memory
  24. The Civil Rights Movement: A Documentary Reader
  25. The Civil Rights Movement and the Logic of Social Change
  26. Civil Rights Movement: A Photographic History 1954-68
  27. Civil Rights Movement (Seminar Studies in History)
  28. The Civil Rights Revolution: Events and Leaders, 1955-1968
  29. Climbin' Jacob's Ladder: The Black Freedom Movement Writings of Jack O'Dell
  30. Class, Race, and the Civil Rights Movement
  31. The Coming Free
  32. Day Martin Luther King Jr. Was Shot (Ages 9-12)
  33. Debating the Civil Rights Movement: 1945-1968
  34. Divided Minds: Intellectuals and the Civil Rights Movement
  35. A Dream of Freedom: The Civil Rights Movement From 1954 to 1968
  36. Everybody Says Freedom
  37. Eyes on the Prize (Video)
  38. Eyes on the Prize (Book)
  39. Free At Last: History of the Civil Rights Movement & Those Who Died (Ages 9-12)
  40. Freedom Bound: History of the American Civil Rights Movement
  41. Freedom & Justice: 4 Decades of the Struggle As Seen by a Black Photographer
  42. Gonna Sit at the Welcome Table
  43. Groundwork: Local Black Freedom Movements in America
  44. Hope and History: Why We Must Share the Story of the Movement
  45. Howard Zinn On Race
  46. If You Lived at the Time of Martin Luther King (Ages 9-12)
  47. Julian Bond's Time to Teach: A History of the Southern Civil Rights Movement
  48. Let Us March On! (Photos & Images)
  49. Making of Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement
  50. Making of Black Revolutionaries
  51. March: Books One, Two, and Three
  52. Marching Toward Freedom 1957-1965 (Grades 6-12)
  53. Memories of the Southern Civil Rights Movement
  54. A More Beautiful and Terrible History: The Uses and Misuses ...
  55. The Movement Makes Us Human
  56. My Soul is Rested
  57. My Soul Looks Back in Wonder: Voices of the Civil Rights Experience
  58. My Soul is a Witness: Cronology of the Civil Rights Era 1954 — 1965
  59. Nation in Turmoil (Ages 12 & up)
  60. Now Is Your Time! African-American Struggle for Freedom (Ages 11-up)
  61. Oh, Freedom! ... (Ages 4-8)
  62. On the Road to Freedom: A Guided Tour of the Civil Rights Trail
  63. Origins of the Civil Rights Movement: Black Communities Organizing for Change
  64. Our Sixties
  65. Our Faces Our Stories
  66. Parting the Waters — America in the King Years 1954-1963
  67. Pillar of Fire — America in the King Years 1963-1965
  68. Photos by Jo Freeman (Images)
  69. Politics of Injustice: Kennedys, Freedom Rides, & Electoral Consequences ...
  70. Putting the Movement Back into Civil Rights Teaching (Teacher Guide)
  71. Radical Equations: Organizing Math Literacy in America's Schools
  72. Rise and Fall of Jim Crow (Video)
  73. Run: Book One
  74. The Southern Freedom Movement in Perspective
  75. Stand up For Your Rights (Grades 9-12)
  76. Struggle for Black Equality, 1964-1980
  77. There Comes a Time: The Struggle for Civil Rights (Ages 10-Young Adult)
  78. There Is a River: The Black Struggle for Freedom in America
  79. They Had a Dream: The Civil Rights Struggle ... (Ages 10-Young Adult)
  80. This Day in Civil Rights History
  81. Traveling Freedom's Road: A Guide to Exploring Our Civil Rights History
  82. Traveler's Guide to the Civil Rights Movement
  83. Simple Justice: Brown v. Board of Education & Black America's Struggle ...
  84. Voices in Our Blood: America's Best on the Civil Rights Movement
  85. Voices of the Civil Rights Era (Audio)
  86. Voices of the Civil Rights Movement (Audio)
  87. Voices of Freedom: An Oral History of the Civil Rights Movement 1950-1980
  88. Waging a Good War: A Military History of the Civil Rights Movement ...
  89. We Shall Overcome (Text-Audio-Photos)
  90. We Shall Overcome, Civil Rights Movement in the U.S. 1950s-1960s
  91. We Shall Overcome: History of the American Civil Rights Movement (Grades 5-10)
  92. We Shall Overcome: History of the Civil Rights Movement as It Happened
  93. We Shall Overcome: Martin Luther King and the Black Freedom Struggle
  94. Who Speaks for the Negro? (Interviews & oral histories)
  95. Will the Circle Be Unbroken? (Audio)
  96. Weary Feet, Rested Souls: A Guided History of the Civil Rights Movement
  97. Why We Can't Wait

See also Personal Histories & Narratives — Collections

Septima Clark

  1. Ready From Within: Septima Clark and the Civil Rights Movement
  2. Echo in My Soul (Autobiography)

Cold War & Civil Rights Movement, see International Aspects...

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

  1. CORE: A Study in the Civil Rights Movement 1942-1968
  2. Interviews With Civil Rights Workers from the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
  3. Papers of the Congress of Racial Equality, 1941-1967


  1. From Jim Crow to Civil Rights: The Supreme Court and the Struggle for Racial Equality
  2. Fifty-Eight Lonely Men: Southern Federal Judges and School Desegregation
  3. Justice Deferred: Race and the Supreme Court
  4. More Voices of Civil Rights Lawyers: Continuing the Struggle
  5. Showdown: Thurgood Marshall and the Supreme Court Nomination That Changed America
  6. Unlikely Heroes

~ D ~

Deacons for Defense See Self-Defense & Armed Resistance

~ E ~

Economics, Class, Poverty, and Race

  1. Black Workers' Struggle for Equality in Birmingham
  2. Class, Race, and the Civil Rights Movement
  3. The Fierce Urgency of Now: Lyndon Johnson, Congress, and the Battle for the Great Society
  4. To the Promised Land: Martin Luther King and the Fight for Economic Justice
  5. Sharing the Prize
  6. Uncertain Resurrection: Dr. King's Poor Peoples' Campaign, Washington 1968

Ethnic studies see Third World Liberation Front (TWLF) Student Protests & Strikes

Education see Schools, School Desegregation, and Education

Medgar Evers

  1. Assassination of Medgar Evers (Ages 4-9)
  2. At the Funeral of Medgar Evers in Jackson, Mississippi
  3. The Autobiography of Medgar Evers
  4. For Us the Living
  5. Ghosts of Medgar Evers, A Tale of Race, Murder, Mississippi, and Hollywood
  6. Ghosts of Mississippi: Murder of Medgar Evers, ... and the Haunting of the New South
  7. Ghosts of Mississippi: The True Story
  8. Jackson, Mississippi: An American Chronicle of Struggle and Schism
  9. Medgar Evers
  10. Medgar Evers
  11. Of Long Memory: Mississippi and the Murder of Medgar Evers
  12. We Shall Not Be Moved The Jackson Woolworth's Sit-In and the Movement It Inspired

~ F ~

James Farmer

  1. Lay Bare the Heart: An Autobiography of the Civil Rights Movement
FBI see Repression and Terrorism


  1. And All Our Wounds Forgiven: A Novel
  2. Black Jacob
  3. Bridge of the Single Hair
  4. Circle of Fire (Ages 9-12)
  5. Eddie's Ordeal (Ages 8-12)
  6. The Fog Machine
  7. Freedom Song (Video)
  8. Freedom Songs (Teen)
  9. Freshwater Road
  10. Mississippi Reckoning
  11. My Brother J-Boy
  12. Through Angel's Eyes (Young Adult)

Florida Movement

  1. Before His Time: The Untold Story Of Harry T. Moore...
  2. Bridging the Gap: Continuing the Florida NAACP Legacy of Harry T. Moore
  3. Centers of the Southern Struggle: FBI Files on ... and St. Augustine
  4. Freedom in the Family: A Mother-Daughter Memoir of the Fight for Civil Rights
  5. If It Takes All Summer: MLK, the KKK, and States' Rights in St. Augustine, 1964
  6. I Have Never Lived in America
  7. It Was Never About a Hotdog and a Coke: ... 1960 Sit-in Demonstrations in Jacksonville, ....
  8. Old South, New South, or Down South?: Florida and the Modern Civil Rights Movement
  9. Pain and the Promise: The Struggle for Civil Rights in Tallahassee, Florida
  10. Racial Change and Community Crisis: St. Augustine, Florida, 1877-1980
  11. St. Augustine, Florida, 1963-1964: Mass Protest and Racial Violence
  12. The Silencing of Ruby McCollum: Race, Class, And Gender in the South
  13. South of the South: Jewish Activists and the Civil Rights Movement in Miami, 1945-1960

Freedom Rides

  1. Acts of Resistance: A Freedom Rider Looks Back on the CRM
  2. Bridge of the Single Hair (Fiction)
  3. Breach of Peace: Portraits of the 1961 Mississippi Freedom Riders
  4. Buses Are a Comin': Memoir of a Freedom Rider
  5. The Children
  6. The Freedom Rides and Alabama: A Guide to ...
  7. Freedom Rider Diary: Smuggled Notes From Parchman Prison
  8. Freedom Riders: 1961 and the Struggle for Racial Justice
  9. Freedom Riders: John Lewis and Jim Zwerg on the Front Lines of the Civil Rights Movement (Grades 5-9)
  10. Freedom Rides: Journey for Justice (Ages 5 to 9)
  11. Lyrical Freedom Riders. Song
  12. Sit-Ins and Freedom Rides: The Power of Nonviolent Resistance, (Grades 2-4).
  13. Politics of Injustice: Kennedys, Freedom Rides, & Electoral Consequences ...
  14. Autobiography of a Freedom Rider: ...

Freedom Songs

  1. Everybody Says Freedom
  2. Freedom in the Air: The Civil Rights Movement in Song (Audio)
  3. Freedom is a Constant Struggle, Songs of the Mississippi Civil Rights Movement (Audio)
  4. Freedom Song: Young Voices and the Struggle for Civil Rights (Grades 6-9)
  5. Long Walk to Freedom: Reunion Concert (Audio)
  6. Movement Soul (Audio)
  7. Sing for Freedom
  8. We Shall Overcome (Video)
  9. We Shall Overcome (Text-Audio-Photos)
  10. When the Spirit Says Sing! The Role of Freedom Songs in the CRM

Freedom Summer, see Mississippi Movement

~ G ~

Georgia Movements

  1. Beneath the Image of the Civil Rights Movement and Race Relations: Atlanta, GA 1946-1981
  2. Beyond Atlanta: The Struggle for Racial Equality in Georgia, 1940-1980
  3. Challenging U.S. Apartheid: Atlanta and Black Struggles for Human Rights, 1960-1977
  4. Civil Rights Journey
  5. The Class of '65: A Student, a Divided Town, and the Long Road to Forgiveness
  6. Education of a Harvard Guy: Footsoldier in the Civil Rights Movement
  7. Freedom Is Not Free, 45 Days in the Leesburg Stockade...
  8. From Southern Wrongs to Civil Rights: The Memoir of White Civil Rights Activist
  9. The Great Pool Jump: & Other Stories From ... Southwest Georgia
  10. Looking Back, Moving Forward: the SW Georgia Freedom Struggle ...
  11. My Family The Movement & Me
  12. Sacred Places: A Guide to the Civil Rights Sites in Atlanta, Georgia
  13. Undaunted By The Fight: Spelman College and the Civil Rights Movement, 1957-1967
  14. Courage to Dissent: Atlanta and the Long History of the Civil Rights Movement
  15. Up Above My Head: I See Freedom in the Air
  16. We Shall Not Be Moved: The Desegregation of the University of Georgia

Greensboro, NC Sit-in & Movement

  1. Civilities and Civil Rights: Greensboro, N.C. and the Struggle for Freedom
  2. Freedom on the Menu: the Greensboro Sit-Ins (Grades 1-3)
  3. Lunch at the five and ten
  4. Sit-Ins and Freedom Rides: The Power of Nonviolent Resistance, (Grades 2-4).

~ H ~

Fannie Lou Hamer

  1. Fannie Lou Hamer: From Sharecropping to Politics (Ages 9-12)
  2. Fannie Lou Hamer: Roots of Her Activism (Audio)
  3. Fear Not the Fall
  4. For Freedom's Sake: The Life of Fannie Lou Hamer
  5. Pursuing a Late Justice: the Prosecution of Mississippi's Civil Rights Murders (Video)
  6. Speeches of Fannie Lou Hamer, To Teel It Like It Is
  7. This Little Light of Mine: the Life of Fannie Lou Hamer
  8. Voice of Freedom: Fannie Lou Hamer, Spirit of the CRM (Ages 10-up)
  9. A Voice That Could Stir an Army: Fannie Lou Hamer and the Rhetoric ...

    See also Mississippi Movement

Highlander Research & Education Center (Highlander Folk School)

  1. The Highlander Folk School, History of Major Programs, 1932-1961
  2. The Long Haul: An Autobiography

~ I ~

International Aspects, Anti-Colonial Struggles, Cold War, Vietnam

  1. A Breath of Freedom: The Civil Rights Struggle, African American GIs, and Germany
  2. Cold War Civil Rights: Race and the Image of American Democracy
  3. The Cold War and the Color Line: American Race Relations in the Global Arena
  4. Eyes Off the Prize: United Nations & African-American Struggle, 1944-1955
  5. The Lake Effect
  6. My Country Is the World: Staughton Lynd's Writings, Speeches, and Statements against the Vietnam War
  7. No Easy Victories: African Liberation and American Activists ...
  8. Selma to Saigon: The Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War

~ J ~

Jews and the Civil Rights Movement

  1. Fight Against Fear: Southern Jews and Black Civil Rights
  2. Going South: Jewish Women in the Civil Rights Movement
  3. The Hand of Esau: Montgomery's Jewish Community And the 1955/56 Bus Boycott
  4. Shared Dreams: Martin Luther King Jr. and the Jewish Community
  5. South of the South: Jewish Activists and the Civil Rights Movement in Miami, 1945-1960

Johnson Administration and the Civil Rights Movement

  1. The Music Has Gone Out of the Movement: Civil Rights and the Johnson Administration, 1965-1968

Jim Crow see Segregation and Jim Crow

Judicial see Courts

~ K ~

Martin Luther King

Biographies and Histories
  1. At Canaan's Edge — America in the King Years 1965-68
  2. A Picture Book of Martin Luther King, Jr. (Young readers)
  3. At the River I Stand (Video)
  4. Bearing the Cross
  5. Citizen King (Video)
  6. Crusader Without Violence: A Biography of Martin Luther King, Jr
  7. Dare to Dream (grades 3-5)
  8. From Civil Rights to Human Rights: MLK & Struggle for Economic Justice
  9. Going Down Jericho Road: The Memphis Strike, MLK's Last Campaign
  10. Happy Birthday, Martin Luther King (Ages 3-7)
  11. I Have a Dream (King biography) (Ages 4-8)
  12. I May Not Get There With You: The True Martin Luther King
  13. I Will Not Be Silent and I Will Be Heard: MLK, & SCLC
  14. Judgment Days: LBJ, MLK, and the Laws That Changed America
  15. King [comic] (Young adult/adult)
  16. King: Pilgrimage to the Mountaintop
  17. King: The Photobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr
  18. Last Crusade: MLK, FBI, & Poor People's Campaign
  19. Just Like Martin (Ages 10-14)
  20. Martin's Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Ages 5-9)
  21. Martin Luther King (Ages 5-8)
  22. Martin Luther King
  23. Martin Luther King: The Inconvenient Hero
  24. My Brother Martin: A Sister Remembers (Ages 4-8)
  25. My Dream of Martin Luther King (Ages 5-8)
  26. Parting the Waters — America in the King Years 1954-1963
  27. Picture Book of Martin Luther King, Jr. (Young readers)
  28. Pillar of Fire — America in the King Years 1963-1965
  29. To Redeem the Soul of America: SCLC and MLK
  30. Sharing the Dream: MLK, the Movement, and Me
  31. Symbols, the News Magazines, and Martin Luther King
  32. We Shall Overcome: MLK and the Black Freedom Struggle

By Martin Luther King — Books, Sermons, and Speeches


  1. Stride Toward Freedom (1958)
  2. The Measure of a Man (1959)
  3. Why We Can't Wait (1963)
  4. Strength to Love (1963)
  5. Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community? (1967)
  6. The Trumpet of Conscience (1968)

Speeches, Sermons, & Other Writings

  1. Autobiography of Martin Luther King
  2. I Have a Dream (The speech) (Ages 4-8)
  3. A Testament of Hope: the Essential Writing of Martin Luther King
  4. MLK Companion: Quotations from the Speeches, Essays, and Books
  5. The Measure of a Man
  6. A Testament of Hope: the Essential Writing of MLK
  7. The Words of Martin Luther King
  8. A Call to Conscience: The Landmark Speeches of MLK
  9. A Knock at Midnight: Inspiration from the Great Sermons of MLK (Audio)
  10. Conscience for Change: the Massey Lectures (Audio)

Martin Luther King Assasination

  1. An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King
  2. Assasination Of Martin Luther King (Ages 9-12)
  3. Code name "Zorro": The Murder of MLK
  4. Conspiracy: The Truth Behind MLK's Murder
  5. He Slew the Dreamer: My Search, With James Earl Ray, for the Truth About ...
  6. Killing the Dream: James Earl Ray and the Assassination of MLK
  7. Murder in Memphis: The FBI and the Assassination of Martin Luther King
  8. The Murkin Conspiracy: An Investigation Into the Assassination of MLK
  9. Orders to Kill: The Truth Behind the Murder of MLK
  10. A Racial Crime: James Earl Ray And The Murder Of MLK

Ku Klux Klan, White Citizens Council, & Other Racist Organizations

  1. Backfire: How the Ku Klux Klan Helped the Civil Rights Movement
  2. The Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission: Civil Rights and States' Rights
  3. Spies of Mississippi: The True Story of the Spy Network that Tried to Destroy the CRM (Grades 7-10)
  4. Virus of Fear: The Infamous Resurrection and Demise of the Carolinas' Ku Klux Klan
  5. Fighting the Devil in Dixie: How CR Activists Took on the Ku Klux Klan in Alabama

~ L ~

Legal see Courts

John Lewis

  1. Across That Bridge: Life Lessons and a Vision for Change, 2012
  2. Carry On: Reflections for a New Generation, 2021
  3. March: Books One, Two, and Three, 2013-2016
  4. Run: Book One, 2021
  5. Walking With the Wind, 1998

Little Rock Nine & Integration of Central High, 1957

  1. Cracking the Wall: The Struggles of the Little Rock Nine (Grades 1-3)
  2. Crisis at Central High, Little Rock, 1957-58
  3. Days of Courage: The Little Rock Story (Ages 8-12)
  4. Lessons from Little Rock
  5. Life Is More than a Moment: The Desegregation of Little Rock's Central High
  6. The Long Shadow of Little Rock: A Memoir by Daisy Bates
  7. My Father Said Yes: A White Pastor in Little Rock School Integration
  8. A Mighty Long Way: My Journey to Justice at Little Rock Central High School
  9. The Power of One: Daisy Bates and the Little Rock Nine (Grades 6-11)
  10. Remember Little Rock: The Time, the People, the Stories (Ages 9-12)
  11. Turn Away Thy Son: Little Rock, The Crisis that Shocked the Nation
  12. Understanding the Little Rock Crisis: An Exercise in Remembrance and Reconciliation
  13. Warriors Don't Cry: Memoir of the Battle to Integrate Little Rock's Central High
  14. Witnesses to Freedom, Young People Who Fought for Civil Rights (Grades 5-8)

Louisiana Movement (Including Bogalusa & New Orleans)

  1. All is Never Said: The Narrative of Odette Harper Hines
  2. Black, White, and Catholic New Orleans Interracialism, 1947-1956
  3. Crossing Border Street: A Civil Rights Memoir
  4. Deacons for Defense: Armed Resistance and the Civil Rights Movement
  5. Deacons for Defense and Justice: Defenders of the African American Community in Bogalusa, ...
  6. A Life In The Struggle: Ivory Perry and the Culture of Opposition
  7. Our Minds on Freedom: Women and the Struggle for Black Equality in Louisiana, 1924-1967
  8. Race and Democracy: The Civil Rights Struggle in Louisiana, 1915-1972
  9. Righteous Lives: Narratives of the New Orleans Civil Rights Movement
  10. Witness to the Truth: My Struggle for Human Rights in Louisiana

Viola Luizzo

  1. From Selma to Sorrow: Life & Death of Viola Luizzo
  2. Home of the Brave (Video)
  3. The Informant: The FBI, KKK, & Murder of Viola Liuzzo
  4. Murder on the Highway: the Viola Liuzzo Story, Ages 12 and up

Lynching, see Repression and Terrorism

~ M ~

March on Washington & "I Have a Dream" Speech

  1. The 1963 Civil Rights March (Ages 9-12)
  2. The 1963 March on Washington: Speeches and Songs for Civil Rights (ages 4-8)
  3. Dream: Martin Luther King, JR. and the Speech That Inspired a Nation
  4. I Have a Dream (Illustrated text of speech, ages 4-8)
  5. I Have a Dream (Ages 4-8)
  6. I Have a Dream: Story Behind MLK's Most Famous Speech (Ages 4-8)
  7. Like A Mighty Stream: The March on Washington, August 28, 1963
  8. The March on Washington (Ages 9-12)
  9. March On Washington, 1963 (Ages 9-12)
  10. March on Washington: August 28, 1963
  11. March on Washington: Jobs, Freedom, and the Forgotten...
  12. March on Washington: Uniting Against Racism (age 11 and up)
  13. March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom [Kindle book]
  14. Martin Luther King Jr and the March on Washington (Grades 1-3)
  15. Nobody Turn Me Around: A People's History of ...
  16. This Is the Day: The March on Washington
  17. Poor People's Campaign & March on Washington...

March to Montgomery see Selma Voting Rights Campaign & March to Montgomery

Ruby McCollum Murder Trial

  1. Ruby McCollum: Woman in the Suwannee Jail
  2. The Silencing of Ruby McCollum: Race, Class, And Gender in the South
  3. Trial of Ruby McCollum

Media and the Movement

  1. Changing Channels: The Civil Rights Case That Transformed Television
  2. In a Madhouse's Din: Civil Rights Coverage by Mississippi's Daily Press, 1948-1968
  3. Mississippi From Within
  4. The Race Beat: The Press, the Civil Rights Struggle, and ...
  5. Reporting Civil Rights: American Journalism 1941-1973
  6. Selling of Civil Rights: SNCC and the Use of Public Relations
  7. The Smell of Burning Crosses
  8. Symbols, the News Magazines, and Martin Luther King
  9. Typecasting: On the Arts and Sciences of Human Inequality

Medical Committee for Human Rights

  1. The Good Doctors: The Medical Committee for Human Rights and the Struggle for Social Justice in Health Care

Memphis Garbage Strike & Assasination of Dr. King

  1. At the River I Stand (Video)
  2. At the River I Stand: Memphis, 1968 Sanitation Strike & MLK
  3. At the River I Stand, Memphis, the 1968 Strike, and Martin Luther King
  4. I Am a Man: Photographs - 1968 Memphis Sanitation Strike & MLK
  5. Battling the Plantation Mentality: Memphis and the Black Freedom Struggle
  6. In Memphis: More Than a Garbage Strike
  7. Marching to the Mountaintop: How Poverty, Labor Fights and Civil Rights ... (Grades 7-9)
  8. Memphis Multi-Media Archival Project: The 1968 Sanitation Workers' Strike
  9. Memphis Workers Fight: The City Sanitation Workers' Strike
James Meredith (Desegregation of Ole Miss & March Against Fear)
  1. An American Insurrection: James Meredith and ...
  2. The Battle of Ole Miss: Civil Rights v. States' Rights
  3. Mississippi: The Closed Society
  4. Three Years in Mississippi

Mississippi Movement (Including Freedom Summer — Chaney, Schwerner, Goodman Murders)

  1. Aaron Henry: The Fire Ever Burning
  2. A Day I Ain't Never Seen Before Remembering the Movement in Marks MS
  3. An American Insurrection : James Meredith and the Battle of Oxford, Mississippi, 1962
  4. And Gently Shall He Lead Them: Robert Parris Moses and Civil Rights in Mississippi
  5. The Autobiography of Medgar Evers
  6. Barefootin': Life Lessons from the Road to Freedom
  7. Beaches, Blood, and Ballots
  8. Black Maverick: T. R. M. Howard's Fight for Civil Rights and Economic Power
  9. Brother Hollis: The Sankofa of a Movement Man
  10. Challenging the Mississippi Firebombers...
  11. Coming of Age in Mississippi
  12. Count Them One by One: ...
  13. Crossroads at Clarksdale: The Black Freedom Struggle in the Mississippi Delta ...
  14. Down to the Crossroads: Civil Rights, Black Power, & Meredith March Against Fear
  15. Emmett Till in Different States: Poems
  16. Emmett Till: The Murder That Shocked the World and Propelled the Civil Rights Movement
  17. Ever Is a Long Time: A Journey into Mississippi's Dark Past: A Memoir
  18. Faces of Freedom Summer (Photo)
  19. The Fog Machine (Novel)
  20. Fire at the Freedom House
  21. For a Voice and the Vote, My Journey With the MFDP
  22. Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: An Anthology of the Mississippi CRM
  23. Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: The Mississippi Civil Rights Movement and Its Legacy
  24. Freedom On My Mind (Video)
  25. Freedom Song (Video)
  26. Freedom Summer
  27. Freedom Summer
  28. Freedom Summer (Ages 4-8)
  29. Freedom Summer: The Savage Season That Made Mississippi Burn ...
  30. Freshwater Road (Fiction)
  31. Hattiesburg: An American City in Black and White
  32. If White Kids Die
  33. In a Madhouse's Din: Civil Rights Coverage by Mississippi's Daily Press, 1948-1968
  34. I've Got the Light of Freedom: Organizing Tradition & Mississippi Freedom Struggle
  35. Jackson, Mississippi: An American Chronicle of Struggle and Schism
  36. Legacy of a Freedom School
  37. Lessons From Freedom Summer: Ordinary People Building Extraordinary Movements
  38. Let the People Decide ... Sunflower County, Mississippi
  39. Letters From Mississippi
  40. Little Taste of Freedom: The Black Freedom Struggle in Claiborne County...
  41. Local People: the Struggle for Civil Rights in Mississippi
  42. Love Letter from Pig: My Brother's Story of Freedom Summer
  43. The March Against Fear: The Last Great Walk of the Civil Rights Movement ... (Grades 7-9)
  44. March Memories: A True Reflection of Time, Then and Now!
  45. Minds Stayed On Freedom
  46. Mississippi Becomes a Democracy (Video)
  47. Mississippi's Black Cotton
  48. Mississippi Black Paper
  49. Mississippi Challenge (Ages 11-Young Adult)
  50. Mississippi Civil Rights Movement and the Kennedy Administration, 1960-1964: A History in Documents
  51. Mississippi: Conflict and Change (Textbook)
  52. Mississippi Eyes (Photos/Essays)
  53. Mississippi Freedom Summer, 1964 (online PDF pamphlet)
  54. Mississippi From Within
  55. Mississippi Harmony, Memoirs of a Freedom Fighter
  56. Mississippi — Is This America? 1962-1964 (Video)
  57. Mississippi: The Long, Hot Summer
  58. Mississippi Reckoning (Fiction)
  59. Mississippi Summer: The Unfinished Journey (Video)
  60. The Murder of Emmett Till (Video)
  61. My Mantelpiece: A Memoir of Survival and Social Justice
  62. Pursuing a Late Justice: the Prosecution of Mississippi's Civil Rights Murders (Video)
  63. Remembering Mississippi Freedom Summer
  64. Right to Revolt The Crusade for Racial Justice in Mississippi's Central Piney Woods
  65. Risking Everything: A Freedom Summer Reader
  66. The Senator and the Sharecropper: The Freedom Struggles ... and Fannie Lou Hamer
  67. A Small Town Rises: A Sharecropper and a College Girl Join the Struggle ...
  68. The Smell of Burning Crosses
  69. So the Heffners Left McComb
  70. Spies of Mississippi: The True Story of the Spy Network that Tried to Destroy the CRM (Grades 7-10)
  71. Standing Firm in the Dixie: The Freedom Struggle in Laurel, Mississippi
  72. Standing on My Sisters' Shoulders (Video)
  73. Stranger At the Gates: A Summer in Mississippi (Rare)
  74. The Struggle of Struggles
  75. Student Activism and Civil Rights in Mississippi ~ Protest Politics and ... 1960-1965
  76. The Summer That Didn't End: The Story of the Mississippi Civil Rights Project of 1964
  77. Three Lives for Mississippi
  78. Thunder of Freedom: Black Leadership and the Transformation of 1960s Mississippi
  79. To Write in the Light of Freedom: The Newspapers of ... Freedom Schools
  80. "Troublemaker" Memories of the Freedom Movement
  81. Voices from the Mississippi Hill CountryThe Benton County Civil Rights Movement
  82. We Are Not Afraid: The Story of and the Civil Rights Campaign for Mississippi
  83. We Had Sneakers, They Had Guns: The Kids Who Fought for Civil Rights in Mississippi
  84. We Shall Not Be Moved The Jackson Woolworth's Sit-In and the Movement It Inspired
  85. Where Rebels Roost, Mississippi Civil Rights Revisited
  86. White Lawyer, Black Power, Mississippi and Alabama
  87. Witness At Philadelphia

    See also Fannie Lou Hamer

Monroe, NC see Robert F. Williams, Self-Defense, & Monroe NC Movement

Montgomery Bus Boycott & Rosa Parks

  1. Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice (Young Adult)
  2. Daybreak of Freedom
  3. If a Bus Could Talk: The Story of Rosa Parks (Ages 5-9)
  4. Freedom is Never Free: Biographical Portrait of E. D. Nixon
  5. The Hand of Esau: Montgomery's Jewish Community And the 1955/56 Bus Boycott
  6. Journey Toward Justice: Juliette Hampton Morgan And the Montgomery Bus Boycott
  7. The Montgomery Bus Boycott and the Women Who Started It
  8. Outside the Magic Circle: The Autobiography of Virginia Foster Durr
  9. The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks: Young Readers Edition, Middle-Grade & Young Adult
  10. The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks
  11. Rosa Parks (Childhood of Famous Americans), ages 8 and up
  12. Rosa Parks: From the Back of the Bus to the Front of a Movement (Ages 9-12)
  13. Rosa Parks: My Story (Ages 9 - Young Adult)
  14. Sit-Ins and Freedom Rides: The Power of Nonviolent Resistance, (Grades 2-4).
  15. Soldiers of Martin Luther King: A Memoir from the Trenches of the CRM
  16. Stride Toward Freedom
  17. Thunder of Angels: The Montgomery Bus Boycott and the People Who ...
  18. The Walking City, the Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1955-1956
  19. Witnesses to Freedom, Young People Who Fought for Civil Rights (Grades 5-8)

Bob Moses

  1. Radical Equations: Organizing Math Literacy in America's Schools
  2. Parris Moses: A Life in Civil Rights and Leadership at the Grassroots

~ N ~

National Association Advancement Colored People (NAACP)

  1. Before His Time: The Untold Story Of Harry T. Moore
  2. Brown v Board of Education: Caste, Culture, and the Constitution
  3. Fight for freedom; the story of the NAACP
  4. Freedom's Sword: NAACP & Struggle Against Racism in America...
  5. In the Struggle Against Jim Crow: Lulu B. White and the NAACP, 1900-1957
  6. Lift Every Voice: The NAACP and the Making of the Civil Rights Movement
  7. Race and Democracy: The Civil Rights Struggle in Louisiana, 1915-1972
  8. We Return Fighting: The Civil Rights Movement in the Jazz Age

Nashville Movement

  1. Abby Takes a Stand (Ages 8-12)
  2. The Children
  3. The Nashville Way

North Carolina Movement

  1. The Free Men
  2. Man From Macedonia: My Life of Service, Struggle, Faith, and Hope

    See also Greensboro, NC Sit-in & Movement

Northern Civil Rights Movement

  1. At Berkeley in the Sixties: Education of an Activist, 1961-1965
  2. Freedom North: Black Freedom Struggles Outside the South
  3. Northern Protest: Martin Luther King, Chicago, and the Civil Rights Movement
  4. Sweet Land of Liberty: The Forgotten Struggle for Civil Rights in the North

~ O ~

Orangeburg Movement & Massacre see South Carolina Movement

~ P ~

Personal Histories & Narratives — Collections

  1. Black Fire This Time
  2. Black Women Leaders of the Civil Rights Movement (Grade 6 & up)
  3. The Children
  4. Children of the Movement
  5. Deep in Our Hearts, Nine White Women in the Freedom Movement
  6. Freedom Summer
  7. Freedom's Children (Grades 6-12)
  8. Freedom's Daughters: The Unsung Heroines of the Civil Rights Movement
  9. Going South: Jewish Women in the Civil Rights Movement
  10. The Great Pool Jump: & Other Stories From ... Southwest Georgia
  11. Living in the Shadows of a Legend: Unsung Heroes and Sheroes ..
  12. My Soul is Rested
  13. Oh, Freedom! .. (Grades 4 to 8)
  14. The Shadows of Youth: The Remarkable Journey of the Civil Rights Generation
  15. Voices of Civil Rights Lawyers: Reflections from the Deep South, 1964-1980
  16. Witnesses to Freedom, Young People Who Fought for Civil Rights (Grades 5-8)

Poor People's Campaign and Resurrection City

  1. In the Mule Train: A Journey of Hope Remembered
  2. Last Crusade: MLK, FBI, & Poor People's Campaign
  3. To the Promised Land: Martin Luther King and the Fight for Economic Justice
  4. Resurrection City, 1968
  5. Poor People's Campaign & March on Washington...
  6. Ten Blocks from the White House: An Anatomy of the Washington Riots of 1968
  7. Uncertain Resurrection: Dr. King's Poor Peoples' Campaign, Washington 1968

~ Q ~

~ R ~

Religion and the Civil Rights Movement

  1. African American Religion and the Civil Rights Movement in Arkansas
  2. Black Religious Intellectuals: The Fight for Equality from Jim Crow ...
  3. Black Theology and Black Power
  4. Church People in the Struggle: The National Council of Churches and ...
  5. Divine Agitators: The Delta Ministry and Civil Rights in Mississippi
  6. Rhetoric, Religion and the Civil Rights Movement 1954-1965
  7. A Stone of Hope: Prophetic Religion and the Death of Jim Crow
  8. Southern Witness: Unitarians and Universalists in the Civil Rights Era

Repression and Terrorism

  1. Backfire: How the Ku Klux Klan Helped the Civil Rights Movement
  2. By Hands Now Known: Jim Crow's Legal Executioners
  3. COINTELPRO Papers: Documents from the FBI's Secret Wars Against Dissent ...
  4. The Ghost of Jim Crow: How Southern Moderates Used Brown v. Board of Education to Stall Civil Rights
  5. Last Crusade: MLK, FBI, & Poor People's Campaign
  6. Mississippi Black Paper
  7. Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission: Civil Rights and States' Rights
  8. Racial Matters: The FBI's Secret File on Black America, 1960-1972
  9. Spies of Mississippi: The True Story of the Spy Network that Tried to Destroy the CRM (Grades 7-10)

Bayard Rustin

  1. Bayard Rustin: Behind the Scenes of the Civil Rights Movement
  2. Bayard Rustin and the Civil Rights Movement
  3. Brother Outside: The Life of Bayard Rustin (Video)
  4. Lost Prophet: The Life and Times of Bayard Rustin
  5. Bayard Rustin: Troubles I've Seen: A Biography
  6. Time on Two Crosses: The Collected Writings of Bayard Rustin

~ S ~

Schools, School Desegregation, and Education

  1. Along Freedom Road: Hyde County, NC, & Fate of Black Schools in the South
  2. An American Insurrection : James Meredith and the Battle of Oxford, Mississippi, 1962
  3. Black, White, and Catholic New Orleans Interracialism, 1947-1956
  4. A Blues Song of My Own
  5. Bound for Freedom; an Educator's Adventures in Prince Edward County, Virginia
  6. Brown v. Board of Education: A Civil Rights Milestone and Its Troubled Legacy
  7. Brown v Board of Education: Caste, Culture, and the Constitution
  8. Brown v. Board of Education and the Civil Rights Movement
  9. Brown's Battleground: ... Struggle for Justice in Prince Edward County VA
  10. Fifty-Eight Lonely Men: Southern Federal Judges and School Desegregation
  11. Freedom's Children (Ages 6-12)
  12. Going to School During the Civil Rights Movement (Ages 9-12)
  13. Higher Education & Civil Rights Movement: ...
  14. If Anybody Should Ask You ... This Is What Happened: A Memoir
  15. Intolerable Burden (Video)
  16. In the Struggle Against Jim Crow: Lulu B. White and the NAACP, 1900-1957
  17. Mississippi: The Closed Society
  18. The Norfolk 17: A Personal Narrative on Desegregation ...
  19. Now Is the Time
  20. Road to Brown (Video)
  21. The Road to Healing: A Civil Rights Reparations Story in Prince Edward County ...
  22. Silver Rights
  23. Shelter in a Time of Storm: How Black Colleges Fostered ...
  24. Simple Justice: History of Brown v. Board of Education ...
  25. Spell Freedom: The Underground Schools That Built the Civil Rights Movement
  26. Students on Strike: Jim Crow, Civil Rights, Brown, and Me
  27. They Closed Their Schools: Prince Edward County, VA.
  28. Through My Eyes (Ruby Bridges) (Ages 8-15)
  29. To the Mountaintop: My Journey ...
  30. Warriors Don't Cry: Memoir of the Battle to Integrate Little Rock's Central High
  31. We Shall Not Be Moved: The Desegregation of the University of Georgia

Segregation and Jim Crow

  1. American Apartheid: Segregation and the Making of the Underclass
  2. American Nightmare: The History of Jim Crow
  3. Class, Race, and the Civil Rights Movement
  4. Freedom Colonies: Independent Black Texans in the Time of Jim Crow
  5. Jim Crow Laws and Racism in American History (Grades 5-9)
  6. Jim Crow Guide: The Way It Was
  7. Journey from Jim Crow: The Desegregation of Southern Transit
  8. Jumpin' Jim Crow: Southern Politics from Civil War to Civil Rights
  9. Making Whiteness: The Culture of Segregation in the South, 1890-1940
  10. Managing White Supremacy: Race, Politics, and Citizenship in Jim Crow Virginia
  11. Religion and the Rise of Jim Crow in New Orleans
  12. Remembering Jim Crow: African Americans Tell about Life in the Segregated South
  13. Rise and Fall of Jim Crow (Video)
  14. Rural Face of White Supremacy: Beyond Jim Crow
  15. Strange Career of Jim Crow
  16. Southern Governors and Civil Rights: Racial Segregation as a Campaign Issue ...
  17. Sundown Towns: A Hidden Dimension of Segregation in America
  18. Trouble in Mind: Black Southerners in the Age of Jim Crow
  19. When Did Southern Segregation Begin?

Self-Defense & Armed Resistance

  1. A Life In The Struggle: Ivory Perry and the Culture of Opposition
  2. Deacons for Defense: Armed Resistance and the Civil Rights Movement
  3. Deacons for Defense and Justice: Defenders of the African American ...
  4. Negroes With Guns
  5. Pure Fire: Self-Defense as Activism in the Civil Rights Era
  6. Radio Free Dixie: Robert F. Williams & the Roots of Black Power
  7. Robert F. Williams, Self-Defense, & Monroe NC Movement
  8. Robert F. Williams: Self Respect, Self Defense, & Self Determination (Audio)
  9. This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed: How Guns Made the CRM Possible
  10. We Will Shoot Back: Armed Resistance in the Mississippi Freedom Movement

Cleveland Sellers

  1. Outside Agitator: The Civil Rights Struggle of Cleveland Sellers Jr.
  2. River of No Return: Autobiography of a Black Militant

Selma Voting Rights Campaign & March to Montgomery

  1. Black in Selma: The Uncommon Life of J. L. Chestnut
  2. Bridge Across Jordan: The Story of the Struggle for Civil Rights in Selma
  3. The Bridge at Selma: Turning Points in American History (Grades 5-8)
  4. From Selma to Sorrow: Life & Death of Viola Luizzo
  5. The House by the Side of the Road: The Selma CRM
  6. The Informant: The FBI, KKK, & Murder of Viola Liuzzo
  7. In Peace and Freedom: My Journey in Selma
  8. The March From Selma to Montgomery... (Ages 4-8)
  9. Marching For Freedom: Walk Together, Children, and Don't You Grow Weary (Ages 10 and up)
  10. Marching in Montgomery (1965)
  11. Murder on the Highway: the Viola Liuzzo Story, Ages 12 & up
  12. Protest at Selma: MLK, & Voting Rights Act of 1965 (Ages 4-8)
  13. Selma 1965: The March That Changed the South
  14. Selma: And It's Aftermath
  15. The Selma Campaign, 1963-1965
  16. The Selma Campaign: Martin Luther King, Jimmie Lee Jackson, and ...
  17. Selma, Lord, Selma (Book)
  18. Selma, Lord, Selma (Video)
  19. Selma Voting Rights Struggle and March to Montgomery
  20. Tip of the Arrow: the Selma Student Nonviolent Movement...
  21. Turning 15 on the Road to Freedom: My Story of the Selma Voting Rights March, Ages 10 & up
  22. The Unfinished Agenda of The Selma-Montgomery Voting Rights March
  23. Walking with the King: Irving Katuna's Legacy of Civil Rights
  24. Why the Vote Wasn't Enough for Selma

Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth

  1. A Fire You Can't Put Out: Life of Birmingham's Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth
  2. A Walk to Freedom: Rev. Shuttlesworth & ACMHR 1956-1964
  3. Birmingham's Revolutionaries Fred Shuttlesworth ACMHR

Sit-In Movement

  1. Atlanta Georgia, 1960-1961: Sit Ins and Student Activism
  2. Behold the Walls
  3. Counter Histories, text & videos
  4. Eyes on the Prize (Book)
  5. Freedom on the Menu: The Greensboro Sit-Ins
  6. In Struggle, SNCC and the Black Awakening of the 1960's
  7. March Memories: A True Reflection of Time, Then and Now!
  8. Memories of the Southern Civil Rights Movement
  9. Parting the Waters, America in the King Years 1954-1963
  10. The Richmond 34 and the Civil Rights Movement
  11. River of No Return: Autobiography of Black Militant & Life and Death of SNCC
  12. Sit-In: How Four Friends Stood Up by Sitting Down (Grades 3-6)
  13. The Sit-In Movement of 1960
  14. The Sit-in Movement: Progress Report and Prognosis
  15. Sitting for Equal Service: Lunch Counter Sit-Ins, ...
  16. Walking With the Wind
  17. Witnesses to Freedom, Young People Who Fought for Civil Rights (Grades 5-8)

Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Ture)

  1. Ready for Revolution: The Life and Struggles of Stokely Carmichael
  2. Stokely: A Life
  3. Stokely Carmichael: The Story of Black Power
  4. Stokely Speaks: From Black Power to Pan-Africanism

South Carolina Movement (Including Orangeburg Movement & Orangeburg Massacre)

  1. Blood and Bone: Truth and Reconciliation in a Southern Town
  2. Freedom & Justice: Four Decades of the Civil Rights Struggle ...
  3. Hope's Kids: A Voting Rights Summer
  4. The Orangeburg Massacre
  5. Ready From Within: Septima Clark and the Civil Rights Movement
  6. Toward the Meeting of the Waters: Currents in the Civil Rights Movement of South Carolina ...
  7. You Came Here to Die, Didn't You?

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) & SCOPE Project

  1. Bearing the Cross: Martin Luther King, & SCLC
  2. If Your Back's Not Bent: The Role of the Citizenship Education Program in the CRM
  3. History of SCLC, 1955-1965: the Evolution of a Southern Strategy for Social Change
  4. Hope's Kids: A Voting Rights Summer
  5. Hosea Williams: A Lifetime of Defiance and Protest
  6. Interviews With Civil Rights Workers from the SCLC
  7. I Will Not Be Silent and I Will Be Heard: MLK, and the SCLC
  8. Keeping the Dream Alive: A History of the SCLC from King to the Nineteen-Eighties
  9. Marching Toward Freedom 1957-1965: ...
  10. My Summer Vacation: 1965
  11. Parting the Waters, America in the King Years 1954-1963
  12. The SCOPE of Freedom: The Leadership of Hosea Williams ...
  13. Spell Freedom: The Underground Schools That Built the Civil Rights Movement
  14. Records Southern Christian Leadership Conference, 1954-1970
  15. To Redeem the Soul of America: SCLC and Martin Luther King Jr.
  16. This Bright Light of Ours: Stories from the Voting Rights Fight
  17. You Came Here to Die, Didn't You

Southern Conference Education Fund (SCEF)

  1. Conscience of a Troubled South, the Southern Conference Educational Fund, 1946-1966

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)

  1. A Circle of Trust: Remembering SNCC
  2. Arsnick: The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in Arkansas
  3. Ella Baker and the SNCC: Grassroots Leadership and ...
  4. From Sit-ins to SNCC: The Student Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s
  5. Hands on the Freedom Plow: Personal Accounts by Women in SNCC
  6. In Struggle, SNCC and the Black Awakening of the 1960's
  7. Many Minds, One Heart: SNCC's Dream for a New America
  8. Memories of the Southern Civil Rights Movement
  9. Ready for Revolution: The Life and Struggles of Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Ture)
  10. The Rise and Fall of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
  11. River of No Return: Autobiography of Black Militant & Life and Death of SNCC
  12. Shadows of Youth: The Remarkable Journey of the Civil Rights Generation
  13. Soon We Will Not Cry: The Liberation of Ruby Doris Smith Robinson
  14. SNCC's Stories: The African American Freedom Movement in the Civil Rights South
  15. SNCC The New Abolitionists ***
  16. SNCC: The Growth of Radicalism in a Civil Rights Organization
  17. SNCC RealAudio (Audio)
  18. Walking With the Wind
  19. Wrong Side of Murder Creek: A White Southerner in the Freedom Movement

Songs see Freedom Songs

Students & Youth see Children, Students, & Youth in the Movement

Supreme Court see Courts

~ T ~

Teaching the Civil Rights Movement

  1. Putting the Movement Back into Civil Rights Teaching
  2. Teaching the Civil Rights Movement: Freedom's Bittersweet Song

Tennessee Movement

  1. Our Portion of Hell: Fayette County Tennessee, ...

Terrorism, see Repression and Terrorism

Texas Movement

  1. No Color is My Kind: The Life of Eldreway Stearns and the Integration of Houston

Third World Liberation Front (TWLF) student protests & Strikes

  1. An End to Silence; the San Francisco State College Student Movement in the '60s
  2. Golden Children: Legacy of Ethnic Studies, SF State. A Memoir
  3. The Long Walk at San Francisco State, and Other Essays
  4. Power of the People Won't Stop: Legacy of the TWLF at UC Berkeley
  5. Shut it Down! A College in Crisis: San Francisco State College

Travel and Tour Guides

  1. On the Road to Freedom: A Guided Tour of the Civil Rights Trail
  2. Sacred Places: A Guide to the Civil Rights Sites in Atlanta, Georgia
  3. A Traveler's Guide to the Civil Rights Movement
  4. Traveling Freedom's Road: A Guide to Exploring Our Civil Rights History
  5. Weary Feet, Rested Souls: A Guided History of the Civil Rights Movement

~ U ~

~ V ~

Violence, see Repression and Terrorism

Virginia Movement

  1. Brown's Battleground: ... Prince Edward County, Virginia
  2. They Closed Their Schools: Prince Edward County, Virginia, 1951-1964
  3. The Richmond 34 and the Civil Rights Movement
  4. Scalawag: A White Southerner's Journey Through Segregation to Human Rights Activism

Voting Rights Struggle

  1. Aaron Henry: The Fire Ever Burning
  2. And Gently Shall He Lead Them: Robert Parris Moses & Civil Rights in Mississippi
  3. Before His Time: Untold Story Of Harry T. Moore
  4. Bending Toward Justice: the Voting Rights Act ... Transformation of American Democracy
  5. Count Them One by One: ...
  6. Evicted! The Struggle for the Right to Vote, Grades 6-8
  7. From Selma to Sorrow: Life & Death of Viola Luizzo
  8. Give Us the Ballot: The Modern Struggle for Voting Rights in America
  9. Outside Agitator: Jon Daniels and the Civil Rights Movement in Alabama
  10. Selma 1965: The March That Changed the South
  11. Selma, Lord, Selma
  12. This Little Light of Mine: the Life of Fannie Lou Hamer
  13. We Are Not Afraid: The Story of and the Civil Rights Campaign for Mississippi
  14. Voting Rights in America — Two Centuries of Struggle

    See also:
    Alabama Movement
    Mississippi Movement
    Selma Voting Rights Campaign & March to Montgomery
    Civil Rights Legislation

~ W ~

White Southerners & Movement

  1. Better Than Them: The Unmaking of an Alabama Racist
  2. Carry Me Home: Birmingham Alabama, Climactic Battle of the Civil Rights Revolution
  3. From Southern Wrongs to Civil Rights: The Memoir of White Civil Rights Activist
  4. Inside Agitators: White Southerners in the Civil Rights Movement
  5. Stealth Reconstruction: An Untold Story of Racial Politics ...
  6. Struggle for a Better South: Southern Student Organizing Committee, 1964-1969
  7. These Few Also Paid a Price
  8. Unlikely Dissenters: White Southern Women in the Fight for Racial Justice
  9. Witness At Philadelphia
  10. You Must Be from the North: Southern White Women in the Memphis Civil Rights Movement

Robert F. Williams & Monroe NC Movement see Self-Defense & Armed Resistance

Women & the Civil Rights Movement

  1. At the Dark End of the Street: Black Women, Rape, and Resistance ...
  2. Black Women Leaders of the Civil Rights Movement (Grade 6 & up)
  3. Deep in Our Hearts, Nine White Women in the Freedom Movement
  4. Freedom's Daughters: The Unsung Heroines of the Civil Rights Movement 1830-1970
  5. Gender in the Civil Rights Movement
  6. Going South: Jewish Women in the Civil Rights Movement
  7. How Long? How Long? African-American Women and the Struggle for Civil Rights
  8. Let It Shine: Stories of Black Women Freedom Fighters (Grades 4-7)
  9. Lighting the Fires of Freedom: African American Women in the Civil Rights Movement
  10. The Montgomery Bus Boycott and the Women Who Started It
  11. Open Wide the Freedom Gates: A Memoir (Dorothy Height)
  12. Origins of the Civil Rights Movement: Black Communities Organizing for Change
  13. Our Separate Ways: Women   Black Freedom Movement in Durham
  14. Our Minds on Freedom: Women and the Struggle for Black Equality in Louisiana, 1924-1967
  15. Sisters in Struggle: African-American Women in Civil Rights & Black Power Movements
  16. Soon We Will Not Cry: The Liberation of Ruby Doris Smith Robinson
  17. Standing on My Sisters' Shoulders (Video)
  18. The Struggle of Struggles
  19. Subversive Southerner, Ann Braden & Struggle for Racial Justice in Cold War South
  20. Trial of Ruby McCollum
  21. Undaunted By The Fight: Spelman College and the Civil Rights Movement
  22. Unlikely Dissenters: White Southern Women in the Fight for Racial Justice
  23. Up Above My Head: I See Freedom in the Air
  24. Witness At Philadelphia
  25. Women and the Civil Rights Movement 1954-1965
  26. Women in the Civil Rights Movement: Trailblazers and Torchbearers
  27. You Must Be from the North: Southern White Women in the Memphis Civil Rights Movement

~ X ~

~ Y ~

Youth see Children, Students, & Youth in the Movement

~ Z ~

(Labor donated)