U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Documents

Documents in Chronological Order

Documents Grouped by Issue or Area
General, Racism/Segregation, Voting, Police, Education, Employment, Housing, States

Documents in Chronological Order

1947To Secure These Rights, report of Truman's President's Committee on Civil Rights. 1947
1959Report of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 1959
1959With Liberty and Justice For All: Report on education segregation.
1959With Liberty and Justice For All: Report on voting rights.
1959State advisory committees reports to U.S. Civil Rights Commission.
1959Equal Protection of the Laws in North Carolina, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
1960 Equal Protection of the Laws in Public Higher Education, 1960
1961Alabama: Report on the Administration of Justice, 1958-1961.
1961US Civil Rights Book 1: Voting, 1961
1961U.S. Civil Rights; Book 5: Justice, 1961
1961Justice: Equal Justice Under the Law.
1961Alabama: Report on the Administration of Justice, 1958-1961.
1961New Orleans Schools Crises, undated (assumed 1961).
1961Education, 1961
1961Public education in Arkansas, 1961
1961Civil Rights Book 3: Employment, 1961
1961Housing in the United States; Book 4, 1961
1961Public education in Arkansas, 1961
1962Housing in Washington, D. C., September 1962
1962School desegregation in the Southern and Border States,, February 1962
1962Public Schools Southern States, 1962
1962Civil Rights USA/Public Schools, Cities in the North and West, 1962
1963Freedom to the Free: Century of Emancipation, February 1963
1963Statement to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (re Report on Mississippi), Wallis Schutt, Mississippi State Advisory Committee
1963Prince Edward County: The Story Without An End, July 1963.
1963Prince Edward County: The Story Without An End, July 1963.
1963Police-Minority Group Relations in California, August 1963
1963Civil rights challenges in the US,, September 1963
1963Civil Rights '63, Sept 30 1963
1963Staff Report: Public Education, December 1963
1963Report on Mississippi
1964A Summary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, August 1964
1964Staff Report: Public Education, October 1964
1965Equal Opportunity in Hospitals and Health Facilities, Civil Rights Policies Under the Hill-Burton Program. U.S. Civil Rights Commission. March 1965
1965Civil Rights Under Federal Programs - An Analysis of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Unsigned, January 1965
1965Voting in Mississippi.
1965Equal Oportunity in Farm Programs, Unsigned, March 1965
1965Agriculture Stabilization & Conservation Service (ASCS) Report, United States Commission on Civil Rights. Unsigned (possibly a summary prepared by CORE). June, 1965
1965The Voting Rights Act: The First Months, 1965
1965Law enforcement equal protection in the South,, November 1965
1966Equal Employment Opportunity Under Federal Law, 1966
1966Survey of School Desegregation in the Southern and Border States 1965-1966, February 1966
1966Federal Rights Under School Desegregation Law, June 1966
1967Racial Isolation in the Public Schools, CCR summary report. March 1967
1967A time to listen ... a time to act; ghetto voices., November 1967
1967Southern School Desegregation, July 1967
1967Schools CAN be Desegregated, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
1968Political Participation by negroes in 10 southern states,, May 1968
1968Black Belt Alabama, the Negro in the Rural South, article plus photos by Jim Peppler.
1968Civil Rights Under Federal Programs, An Analysis of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. U.S. Civil Rights Commission.
1968Summary of the 1968 Civil Rights Act, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Summer 1968
1968Cycle to Nowhere, re continuing economic injustice in Alabama. Paul Good, U.S. Civil Rights Commission.
1970Stranger in One's Land report on Mexican American (Latino) conditions in U.S. USCCR. May 1970. 54 pages.

Documents Grouped by Issue or Area

General & Other

1947To Secure These Rights, report of Truman's President's Committee on Civil Rights. 1947
1959Report of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 1959
1959State advisory committees reports to U.S. Civil Rights Commission.
1963Freedom to the Free: Century of Emancipation, February 1963
1963 Civil Rights 1963, Sept 30 1963
1965Agriculture Stabilization & Conservation Service (ASCS) Report. Unsigned (possibly a summary prepared by CORE). June, 1965
1968Summary of the 1968 Civil Rights Act, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Summer 1968
1970Stranger in One's Land report on Mexican American (Latino) conditions in U.S. USCCR. May 1970. 54 pages.

Racism & Segregation

1964 A Summary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, August 1964
1965Equal Opportunity in Hospitals and Health Facilities, Civil Rights Policies Under the Hill-Burton Program. U.S. Civil Rights Commission. March 1965
1968Civil Rights Under Federal Programs, An Analysis of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. U.S. Civil Rights Commission.


1959 With Liberty and Justice For All: Report on voting rights.
1961 Voting.
1961US Civil Rights Book 1: Voting, 1961
1965 Civil Rights Under Federal Programs - An Analysis of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, unsigned, January 1965
1965 The Voting Rights Act: The First Months, 1965
1965 Voting in Mississippi.
1968 Political Participation by negroes in 10 southern states,, May 1968

Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice & Police

1959Equal Protection of the Laws in North Carolina, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
1961U.S. Civil Rights; Book 5: Justice, 1961
1961 Justice: Equal Justice Under the Law.
1961 Alabama: Report on the Administration of Justice, 1958-1961.
1963Police-Minority Group Relations in California, August 1963
1965Law enforcement equal protection in the South,, November 1965


1959 With Liberty and Justice For All: Report on education segregation.
1960 Equal Protection of the Laws in Public Higher Education, 1960
1961 New Orleans Schools Crises, undated (assumed 1961).
1961Education, 1961
1961Public education in Arkansas, 1961
1962 School desegregation in the Southern and Border States,, February 1962
1962 Public Schools Southern States, 1962
1962Civil Rights USA/Public Schools, Cities in the North and West, 1962
1963 Prince Edward County: The Story Without An End, July 1963.
1963Staff Report: Public Education, December 1963
1964Staff Report: Public Education, October 1964
1966Survey of School Desegregation in the Southern and Border States 1965-1966, February 1966
1966 Federal Rights Under School Desegregation Law, June 1966
1967Racial Isolation in the Public Schools, CCR summary report. March 1967
1967 Southern School Desegregation, July 1967
1967Schools CAN be Desegregated, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights

Employment, Opportunity, & Poverty

1961Civil Rights Book 3: Employment, 1961
1965 Equal Oportunity in Farm Programs, unsigned, March 1965
1966Equal Employment Opportunity Under Federal Law, 1966
1967A time to listen ... a time to act; ghetto voices., November 1967
1968Cycle to Nowhere, re continuing economic injustice in Alabama. Paul Good, U.S. Civil Rights Commission.
1968Black Belt Alabama, the Negro in the Rural South, article plus photos by Jim Peppler.


1961Housing in the United States; Book 4, 1961
1962Housing in Washington, D. C., September 1962


1961 Alabama: Report on the Administration of Justice, 1958-1961.
1961Public education in Arkansas, 1961
1962Housing in Washington, D. C., September 1962
1963 Statement to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (re Report on Mississippi), Wallis Schutt, Mississippi State Advisory Committee
1963 Report on Mississippi.
1963 Prince Edward County: The Story Without An End, July 1963.
1963Police-Minority Group Relations in California, August 1963

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