1962 | Suggested List of Resources for the Mississippi movement. Unsigned, possibly SNCC. Undated (possibly 1962) |
1962 | Address List: SNCC Field Offices & Friends of SNCC Groups, undated (possibly 1962 or '63) |
1963 | SNCC contact list, July 8 1963 |
1963 | SNCC Field Offices & Staff as of October 1963 |
1963 | SNCC Contacts (Past and Present). Undated (probably between Dec 1963-October 1964) |
63? 64? | Alabama Campus Contacts Past and Present, SNCC. Undated (probably 1963 or '64) |
1964 | SNCC Press Lists, SNCC Communications Dept. Circa 1964 |
1964? | Friends of SNCC Offices undated (possibly 1964) |
1964 | SNCC offices & projects as of July 1964 |
1964 | SNCC mailing labels list, circa Freedom Summer. Unsigned SNCC. |
1964? | SNCC Northern Contact List undated (possibly during Freedom Summer 1964). |
1964 | SNCC offices & projects as of September 1964 |
1964 | Friends of SNCC & northern fund-raising contacts as of October 1964 |
1964 | Memphis Newspapers & TV and Radio list, SNCC Communications Dept. Undated (possibly 1964 or 1965) |
1964 | Southern contact list, SNCC Communications Dept. Undated (possibly summer 1964) |
1964 | SNCC northern support offices contact list, SNCC Communications Dept. Undated (probably '64 or '65) |
1964 | Key senators, contact info, SNCC Communications Dept. Undated (possibly 1964) |
64? | SNCC Staff Directory December 64? January 65? |
1965 | List of People on Staff, SNCC, month unknown |
1965 | SNCC Offices in the South, as of February, 1965 |
1965 | Friends of SNCC Groups, March 1965 |
1965 | SNCC offices & projects as of May 1965 |
1965 | Friends of SNCC & Northern SNCC Offices as of June 1965 |
1965 | SNCC offices & projects as of June 1965 |
1964 | Contacts posted on wall in Hattiesburg. Unsigned COFO. |
1964 | COFO Contact List, unsigned COFO. June 23 1964 |
1964 | Workers in the State as of June 29, 1964. Mississippi. COFO. 12 pages. |
1964 | Volunteers in the State by home state and town, and project assignment. July 3rd. |
1964 | Parents List – Addreses and Names (re MS Freedom Summer volunteers), Undated summer of 1964 |
1964 | Communications Directory — Mississippi Summer Project, 1964, SNCC Communications Dept. Undated (probably June or July 1964) |
1964 | COFO Communications People Mississippi, Mary King, SNCC. 7/3/64 |
1964 | SNCC mailing labels list, circa Freedom Summer. Unsigned SNCC. |
1964 | List of Mississippi SNCC office phone numbers, SNCC Communications Dept. Undated (probably '64 or '65) |
1964 | Freedom Summer volunteers, listed by state of origin. SNCC Communications Dept. Undated (summer 1964) |
1964 | Law Student Assignments for COFO Summer Project, by R. Hunter Morey, COFO. Undated (probably late June of early July, 1964) |
1964 | COFO Freedom Centers September 1964 |
1964 | Clark County MS - Stonewall community contact list, unsigned, COFO. Undated Freedom Summer |
64-65 | Contact list: Mississippi Project 1964-1965, COFO |
1965? | Mississippi Freedom Labor Union Contact List, undated, probably 1965 |
1965 | MFDP Projects by County and Contacts, MS. Unsigned, MFDP. Augus 23, 1965 |
1966 | Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party Key List, unsigned MFDP. January 5, 1966