New South Issues
SRC Special Reports
SRC Other Publications
SRC Individual Articles
SRC Documents
1946-1955 Changing Patterns in the South Southern Regional Council. Compendium of 42 articles on race & democracy in the South. 1946-1955. 1961, July-August Freedom Rides
Travel Notes From a Deep South Tourist, by Frank Holloway
The Freedom Ride, by Leslie Dunbar
World Press Views Freedom Rides and the United States1962, October Mississippi
They Know They're Niggers
The South's Pattern of Violence Has Changed, by George McMillen
Mississippi: The Mood of the Deep South, by Claude Sitton
Editorial, University of Alabama Crimson White (re Meredith at 'Ole Miss1963, March The Other Mississippi
Day of Repentance and The New Gospel
A Trail Through the Wilderness, by James Nicholson
Paranoia, Guilt, and Atonement, by Duncan Gray
That All Men Are Brothers1964, Jan The Southern Regional Council 1944-1964 1964, June Police Practice in Alabama, (affadavits),
Letter From Leon Dure, re "Freedom of Choice" plans1964, October Capital Punishment, by Marion Wright
A Kaddish for Whom?, by A. Schwarzlieber
Tuskegee and the Good Life, by Paul Anthony1964, November Poverty and Segregation in the South, by John H. Wheeler
Home Again, by Al Ulmer1964, December The Book Explosion of 1964, by Margret Long 1965, July-Aug Minorities Slow March into the Mainstream
Jewish, Negro, and Human Interest
Vinettes from Bogalusa1965, November Violence
The Fire That Time, by Samuel Adams
Self Respect in the Alley, by Bill Beardslee
Am I my Brother's Keeper?, by Helen Howard
Some Race Related Deaths in the United States, list 1955-19651968, Fall New South Notes
The Poor People's Campaign, by Warren Pritchard
Violence in Miama: One More Warning, by John Boone & William Farmar
The Gift, by Ruth Beittel
Terror in Mississippi, by Jack Nelson
Rural Dixie's Plight, by Neil Maxwell
"Law and Order" in South Carolina, by Jack Bass
"To Seek a Newer World", by Phillip M. Stern
To Light the Darkened Joy, by Rabbi Jacob Rothschild
State of the Southern States
Washington Report, by Robert Sherrill
1968, Fall State of the Soutern States (Summaries)
1955? The Negro Voter in the South, Margaret Price, SRC. Undated (presumed 1955 or 1956). 60 pages. 1961 The Freedom Ride May 1961, unsigned 21-page report. 1961 The Student Protest Movement: a Recapitulation, SRC Special Report 1965 Racial Discrimination in the Southern Federal Courts, Southern Regional Council report. April, 1965. 11 pages. 1965 School Desegregation: Old Problems Under a New Law, Southern Regional SRC Special Report. September 1965. 1966 Cooperatives, Credit Unions, and Poor People, Southern Regional Council (SRC). March 1966 67? 68? Hungry Children, SRC Special Report. Undated (possibly 1967 or 1968 or later) 1969 Black Candidates Southern Campaign Experiences, Julian Bond, SRC. August 1969 1970 Black Students Talk About Their Experiences in Desegregated Schools, SRC Special Report. Betsy Fancher, SRC.
1956 Next Steps in the South, unsigned 13-page report on school desegregation. 1959 Intimidation Reprisal and Violence in the South's Racial Crises 1955-1958, Southern Regional Council, American Friends Service Committee, Church of Christ. Detailed list of incidents. 1960 Racial Violence and Law Enforcement, 1960, by George McMillan, 33-page report. 1961 Freedom Rides, New South, July-August 1961 (Multiple articles) 1961 The Hard or the Easy Way? unsigned 4-page analysis of school integration. Oct 1961. 1962 Albany: A Study in National Responsibility, by Howard Zinn. 41-page report on the Albany Movement 1963 Southern Schools: Token Desegregation and Beyond, 1963, by J. Kenneth Moreland. 35-page report on token school integration. June 1963. 1963 Civil Rights: Year End Summary, December 31, 1963, unsigned 21-page South-wide report. 1964 The Question From Jacksonville, April 16, 1964, unsigned 14-page report on racial & urban violence and nonviolence. 1966 Justice in Grenada Mississippi, unsigned 15-page report on the breakdown of law enforcement. Undated, probably late 1966 or early 1967. 1969 Black Candidates Southern Campaign Experiences, Julian Bond, SRC. August 1969
46-55 Changing Patterns in the South Southern Regional Council. Compendium of 42 articles on race & democracy in the South. 1946-1955. 1/46 The White Primary vs Democracy, Ira DeA Reid. New South. 10/47 Negro Poice in a Southern City. Unsigned, New South, October, 1947. [For a different view see the term "Negro Police"] 1/48 Race Hatred Gets a Hearing, Harold C. Fleming, New South, January 1948. Re "Negro police." 1/49 Courts Define the Right to Vote. Unsigned, New South, Feb 1949. Re White Primaries and literacy tests 3/49 Pattern of Violence Unsigned SRC. March 1949 7/49 The Irwinton Story, re lynching in Wilkinson County Georgia. Unsigned SRC. July 1949 9/49 Race in the News, re media coverage or race-related news. September 1949 12/49 "Separate But Equal" In Court. Unsigned, New South, December 1949. Re segregated inter-state train travel (Henderson case) 3/50 A Progress Report on the Press unsigned, New South, March 1950 7/50 Professional Groups Drop Race, unsigned New South, July 1950. Continued segregation (and some slow progress) in medical, legal, and education professional associations. 8/50 Bigotry and Fighting Men, Freedom to Serve, and Integration in the Armed Forces. Unsigned New South, August 1950 & November 1954. Racism, segregation- integration and the Korean War 10/50 Graduate Schools Admit Negroes, unsigned New South, October 1950. (Page missing) 11/50 Representation for All, unsigned New South, November 1950. Discrimination, elections, and voting rights. 1/51 The Law Gains Ground, unsigned. New South, January 1951. Racial lynchings in the South 9/51 Negro Candidates in the South. Unsigned, New South, September 1951 4/52 Hard Times for The Klan unsigned, New South, April 1952. 7/52 Blight, Bigotry, and Bombs distrust, fear, and violence are the price of slum housing. Harold C. Fleming, New South, July 1952. 9/52 A Look at FEPC pros and cons of a national fair employment commission and law. New South, reprint from Winston-Salem Journal and Sentinel, September 1952 1/53 Race and Suffrage Today, voter apathy and official evasion are continuing problems. Unsigned, New South, January, 1953. 4/53 A Slow Train to Integration, unsigned New South. Continued segregation of inter-state travlers despite ICC ruling. 6/53 A South of Union and Freedom, unsigned Atlanta Constitution, June 1953. Self-congratulatory assessment of racial progress. 11/53 Negroes Gain in Family Income, unsigned New South, November 1953. Urban Negroes advance, rural Negroes lag, but both are far behind whites. 1/54 The Color Line in Libraries, Anna Holden. New South. Racial segregation in southern public libraries. 3/54 Literacy and the Free Mind, Marion Wright. New South. Importance of literacy and libraries in the freedom struggle 11/54 "Justice and Equality for All", unsigned Black educators. New South. Response to Brown v Board of Education ruling. New South. 11/54 Integration in the Armed Forces, James C. Evans. New South. Report & analyses. 1965 The March on Montgomery, Margaret Long, SRC. Fall 68 The Poor People's Campaign, and The Poor People's Campaign and Other Lobbies, Warren Pritchard, SRC. New South, Fall 1968 Fall 68 State of the Soutern States, Southern Regional Council (SRC). New South, Fall 1968
1942 Durham Manifesto, A Basis for Inter-Racial Cooperation and Development in the South, Southern Conference on Race Relations. (SRC foundational document.) December 12, 1942. 1962 Albany, Howard Zinn. (34-page typed article analyzing the December 1961 events) 1961 The Hard or the Easy Way? SRC report on school desegregation. October 1961. 1963 Contribution receipt & thank you to Art Waskow, Voter Education Project. September 16, 1963 1963 Civil Rights: Year End Summary, Southern Regional Council, December 31. 1964 Selected Sections From the First and Second Annual Reports of the Voter Education Project 1962-1964, Southern Regional Council (SRC) 1964 The Question From Jacksonville, Southern Regional Council (SRC). April 16 1964. 1964 Second Annual Report of the Voter Education Project, Wiley Branton, VEP. 1964 1964 What Happened in the South, draft press release analyzing the 1964 election results. Unsigned Southern Research Council. November 15, 1964. 1965 School Desegregation: Old Problems Under a New Law, Southern Regional Council (SRC). September 1965. 1965 Some Race Related Deaths in the U.S. 1955-1965, Southern Regional Council (SRC), November 1965 1966 Cooperatives, Credit Unions, and Poor People, Southern Regional Council (SRC). March 1966 66? 67? Hungry Children, SRC. Undated 1969 Black Candidates Southern Campaign Experiences, Julian Bond, SRC. August 1969 1970 Voices From the South: Black Students Talk About Their Experiences in Desegregated Schools, Betsy Fancher, SRC.
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