This page provides links to Civil Rights Movement Archive resources that have significant content related to the Freedom Struggle in Georgia.
CRMA History Articles
Original Documents, Field Reports &
Interviews, Stories & Oral-Histories
Commentaries & Analyses by Movement Veterans
Group Discussions by Movement Veterans
Film, Video and Audio
Baton Rouge Bus Boycott (June)
Baton Rouge Sit-ins & Student Strike (Mar-April)
New Orleans Merchant Boycotts & Sit-ins (1960-1963)
New Orleans School Desgregation (Nov)
Baton Rouge Student Protests (Dec 1961 - Jan 1962)
"Criminal Anarchy" in Louisiana (Feb)
Man-Hunt in Plaquemine LA (Aug-Sept)
Freedom March in New Orleans (Sept)
Deacons for Defense & Justice (July)
Confronting the Klan in Bogalusa With Nonviolence & Self-Defense (Jan-June)
Clarence Triggs Murdered (Jul)
Bogalusa to Baton Rouge March (Aug)
Louisiana Literacy Tests & Voter Applications General, State-Wide & Misc. 1963 Letter to Ronnie Moore of CORE re Louisiana literacy test, Jack Minnis, VEP. January 17 1963 1963 Louisiana Story 1963, CORE pamphlet. James Farmer. 1963 Proposed Voter Education Project for Louisiana: Rural and North, November, CORE. November 1963. 63? 64? Negro Voting in Louisiana, Baton Rouge Committee on Registration Education. Undated (probably 1963 or 1964) 1/64 Field report, re Louisiana voter registration. Ronnie Moore, CORE 5/64 Letter to Ronnie Moore, re Louisiana summer project. Marcia (no lastname), CORE 5/64 Letter to, CORE leader James McCain re Louisiana voter registration. Unsigned, CORE 5/64 Letter to Ronnie Moore, re parishes for Louisiana summer project. Michael (Lesser?), CORE 6/64 Field Report, West Feliciana Parish Louisiana. Mimi Feingold, CORE 7/64 A Special Report on the Jonesboro, Louisiana, Daniel Mitchell, CORE 1964 Louisiana Parishes Population Report, CORE Southern Regional Office Research Department. November 19 1964? Louisiana Citizenship Program, CORE. 1965? Louisiana College Campus Report, CORE Southern Regional Office. Undated, probably 1965 1965? CORE Radio Rules & Codes (Louisiana) 1965 CORE ~ Louisiana in Brief. 14-page report/analysis. 1965 CORE Louisiana voter registration statistics 1965 1965 Mississippi Council of Federated Organizations, CORE Mississippi Field Staff. (Explains COFO to Louisiana CORE Staff for January 1965 Conference) 1965 Articles of Incorporation, Deacons of Defense & Justice, Louisiana, March. 1965 Memo re: CORE General Procedures Louisiana, J. Rollins, CORE. June, 1965 1965 Louisiana CORE Newsletter, Unsigned, CORE. July 1965 1968 Statement on arrest and persecution H. Rap Brown in Louisiana, signed by many groups and individuals, SNCC. March,
Summer Projects11/63 Letter to national CORE leaders Jim McCain and Marvin Rich re Mississippi situation and ideas for the summer of 1964, Dave Dennis, CORE. November 18, 1963. May? Louisiana Summer Project, 1964, unsigned CORE. May? Application Form for Field Worker in CORE Task Force May Fatima Cortez's Questionnaire 6/64 Louisiana Summer Task Force preliminary volunteer list, CORE Southern Regional Office. 1964 Vital Statistics & Miscellaneous Facts for CORE's Louisiana summer project, Mimi Feingold, CORE. May 1964 64? 65? CORE Freedom Schools Brochure, undated, probably 1964 or 1965. 6/64? Schedule: The Long Hot Summer, Louisiana, 1964, CORE Southern Regional Office. 6/64 Field Report, West Feliciana Parish Louisiana, Ronnie Sigal & Mimi Feingold, CORE. 7/64? Report from Pointe Coupee Parish, Peggy Ewan, Catherine Cortex, Sharon Burger, CORE 1964 Louisiana — Summer 1964, the Students Report to Their Home Towns. CORE Pamphlet. (Published accounts from CORE's summer project in Louisiana) 10/64 List of subjects for teaching, Unsigned, CORE. October 27 1964 5/65? Format of Louisiana Summer Project, undated possibly May, 1965 6/65?? Questions Concerning Local and Parish ASC Committees..., (LA). Unsigned CORE. Undated (probably May or June 1965) 6/65 CORE Community Action Guide, June 1965 6/65 Community Organization Discussion Outline, unsigned, CORE, 1965 6/65 Outline for Weekly Field Report, Unsigned, CORE 6/65 CORE summer project educational program workshop, Unsigned, CORE. 6/65 Notes and Guidelines on News, Public Relations, Unsigned, CORE. 6/65 1965 6/65 Questions for Discussion, Political Awareness Workshop. Unsigned, CORE. 6/65 CORE Fact Sheet for Enforcement of the Fair Employment 6/65 Unfair employment practices complaint, Unsigned, CORE. 6/65 CORE Summer Project Orientation — Educational Program Workshop 6/65 CORE contact list of Louisiana ASCS offices 6/65 CORE workshops activities, Unsigned, CORE. 6/65 CORE tracking arrests and legal issues (form), Unsigned, CORE. 7/65? Abraham Lincoln ~ John F. Kennedy, comparison (Louisiana freedom school teaching material). Unsigned CORE 8/65 CORE Freedom News (newsletter, Madison Parish Louisiana), August 6 1965 8/65 Minden Freedom Rally. Unsigned, CORE flyer. August 11, 1965
New Orleans1960 Constitution of New Orleans CORE, September 1960 1964 New Orleans NAACP Newsletter, January 1964 New Orleans NAACP Newsletter, January 1964 CORE Orleans Parish Voter Registration Project, Steven Rubin, New Orleans CORE. March 27 1964 1964 Petition to Louisiana Governor John J. McKeithen, Citizens Committee, New Orleans. May 28 1964. 1964 CORE: Letters to Loews theaters re segregation, Oretha Castle, New Orleans CORE 1964 Petition to Louisiana Governor John J. McKeithen, Citizens Committee, New Orleans. May 28 1964. 1964 New Orleans CORE Voter Registration Instructions, undated, assumed to be 1964 1964 Freedom Ring Encircles Ticket Booth (New Orleans) Doris Castle, CORE 1965 Tentative Program for New Orleans CORE, January 1965 1965 Parish of Orleans legal retainer, Lolis Elie. June, 1965 1965 CORE 1965 (New Orleans), Matt Suarez. ???? New Orleans CORE Voter Registration Report Weekly Tabulation, Nancy Herman & Doratha Smith, New Orleans CORE. Undated. ???? New Orleans CORE Project. Undated letter. (Possibly sent to members of community groups)
Baton Rouge1960 All Baton Rougeans Have a Stack in Baton Rouge, Unsigned, FOA. 1960 1961 It Happened in Baton Rouge, U.S.A., Major Johns and Ronnie Moore. CORE pamphlet. 63? 64? Negro Voting in Louisiana, Baton Rouge Committee on Registration Education. Undated (probably 1963 or 1964)
Bogalusa1965 Why We Protest, A.Z. Young, Bogalusa Civic & Voter League. Undated 1965. 1965 Summary of Incidents in Bogalusa, Lousisiana, April 7-9 1965 1965 It's Going to be an Expensive Summer..., CORE, Bogalusa, LA fund-appeal letter. 1965 Bogalusa, Lousiana, Incident Summary, January 25 - February 21 1965 1965 Jonesboro-Bogalusa Project, Lawrence chapter of CORE, March 1965. 1965 Bogalusa, Lousiana, Incident Summary, January 28 - July 1 1965.
Misc.1965 Questions for Greenwood Acres, unsigned CORE flyer from Shreveport LA, July 8 1965 1965 Minden Freedom Rally, unsigned CORE flyer from Minden LA, August 6 1965 1965 Statement of Vernon Smith, regarding violence in Ferriday, LA. November 11 1965
Herman Carter(?) Interview of CORE SSOC member in Baton Rouge LA by #KZSU Project South (Stanford University), Summer 1965. Rev. Joe Carter Interview re Registering to vote in Louisiana Raphael Cassimere A Civil Rights Activist Revisits the Sixties Movement at UNO, 2003. Interview re New Orleans. 2012 Dion Diamond Interview by David Cline, re Freedom Rides, Louisiana, Mississippi (2015) Video + bio & metadata George Driesen A Volunteer for Justice: Working for Civil Rights in Louisiana, 1966 Mimi Feingold Real Interview (Freedom Rides, Louisiana) Interview with Ron Bridgeforth 2018 Interview by high school students re CORE, Freedom Rides & Louisiana. 2020 PDF transcript Video Hicks family Interview by Joseph Mosnier re CORE, Deacons for Defense, & Bogalusa LA movement (2011) Jenkins family Interview by Joseph Mosnier, re Bogalusa LA Movement (2011) Video + bio & metadata Gayle Jenkins Interview by Mimi Feingold (Bogalusa, LA) (1967) Roy Torkington Volunteer: Mississippi 1964 & Louisiana 1965 (2018) Joe McDomick Registering to Vote in Louisiana Meg Redden Freedom Summer ~ A Memoir (LA) Jeffrey Schwartz CORE's Freedom Summer — My Experiences in Louisiana Charles Sims Armed Defense (Bogalusa, LA) 1965 Jerome Smith Louisiana Story interview with Jerome Smith, CORE. 1964 Matt ("Flukey") Suarez Oral History (LA & MS) A.Z. Young Interview by Mimi Feingold (Bogalusa, LA) (1967)
Post-1960s commentaries, thoughts, and analyses by Movement veterans regarding or referencing.
Harassment Didn't Stop Civil Rights Work Corinne Barnwell The Bogalusa Lesson Bruce Hartford
Discussions, panels, and email threads about Louisiana by Freedom Movement veterans:
Louisiana & the Freedom Movement Experience 2021
Films & documentaries, videos, and audio recordings related to Louisiana:
Dr. Mimi Real, Freedom Rider and CORE in Louisiana. Interviewed by high school students. 2020. 118min.
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