As remembered by John Reynolds
April 4, 2020
We thank Jim Keck for informing us of the loss of another SCLC staff member in December — Jimmy Collier, who (along with Frederick Douglass Kirkpatrick) also served as SCLC's musician. In addition to the usual responsibilities of SCLC's foot soldiers, Jimmy was tasked with entertaining the crowds while they were waiting to hear Dr. King or others speak. His music motivated the people but also lifted the spirits of the SCLC staff during difficult times. He and Kirkpatrick wrote many Movement songs and recorded several albums — most notably in 1969 an album titled "Everybody's Got a Right to Live" that was recorded in Resurrection City during the Poor People's Campaign. Jimmy's music will live on, but he will be sorely missed. His fight for freedom was his passion and will be his legacy.
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