E.W. Steptoe
Description of Violence in Amite County MS
and the Murder of Herbert Lee
January 30th, 1964

Original Audio

Mimi Feingold:

This is a copy of a tape recording made by Mr. E.W. Steptoe, describing a meeting at his house on January 30th, 1964.

E.W. Steptoe:

On Sunday, January 31st, we had a rehearsal of the incident that had happened to different people over in Amite County. Well, we had about 25 or 30 peoples who were visiting, who seemed to be interested to testify. As the [inaudible 00:01:01] began to move, and everybody began to testify the incident that happened to them, and seemed like her attorneys didn't quite all understand all these incidents that had happened to people. Seemed like to him that it was unbelievable.

Whilst they were telling whatever happened to them and the violence they had gone through, well up drove Sheriff Jones, who takes the thing over. This really changed the mind of the attorney, who was sitting in and listening at the statements of the local people here in Amite County tell what they had gone through trying to register. Jones drove up and began to check license plate numbers, write them down, and somebody walks out and he says, "Steptoe, what do you want?" Then I asked him what does he want? He was at my place. I wasn't at his place when these words were asked.

I live just a little distance off the road, and they always just come into my home. It's a private road. Quite naturally, he didn't have no business in there, asking me what did I want. I hadn't sent for him. He were at my place. I had a privilege to ask him what did he want here at my place. He said, "That I was just checking." He didn't say what he was checking and whatnot. What I saw him writing, taking tag numbers. I didn't [inaudible 00:03:50] not to know what he was asking, checking through, whether he was [inaudible 00:03:59] himself at night, otherwise to bump me off, or kill someone else, or whatnot. This was Sheriff Jones of Amite County, who is the Sheriff of this county.

I [inaudible 00:04:43], people used to dip cattle in the state of Mississippi. My daddy wore something [inaudible 00:05:04] one morning, and he said to myself and my other three brothers to take the cows to be dipped. As we got to the place where the cow was to be run through the dip... this dipping vat was a solution with different types of chemical that would destroy ticks. Anyway, as we drove our cows up, old man [Hearst 00:06:01], who were a neighbor of my daddy's at that time, he and his Negros were driving their cattle up at dipping place that day too.

We had ran our cattle, trying to get them in the pen for inspection and to be dipped. Myself and my brother were on feet, and we were very tired. Old man Hearst, who is [inaudible 00:06:51] father now, well, he had took one of my brothers to herd his cattle and turn them into the pen. My brother started off to herd the cow. I said, "Boy, ain't you tired? We just ran our cattle." And I knowed he was tired because I were myself. Then Hearst comes over saying all the words again. He says, "Negro,"... Well, he didn't say negro. He said, "Nigga, didn't I tell you to herd those cattle, turn them into the pen?" And the boy stood there, as he wanted to go make another attempt. I knew the kid was tired and [inaudible 00:08:13] too. Well, I spoke again.

Then Hearst, he comes riding up after he get his cattle in the pen. He had three or four more other Negros with him who were living with him to help bring his cattle into the pen. I said, "Just stand quiet, boy." Well, Hearst rolled up and says, "Negro, next time I tell you to do something, you going to do it." He rode up and threw his [inaudible 00:09:04] over the post, jumps off his horse, and come running towards my brother. He had a cow whip in his hand. He doubled his foot, ran up toward my brother with the whip drawn back. Well, by that time, I stepped between him and my brother and said, "Don't hit him. Hit me. He's too small."

Well, Hearst was very, very angry, as he called it. He didn't make it no better, no worse. He went to come down over my head with the whip. I reached and caught his arm, and twisted the whip out of his hand, and did the same thing to him that he was attempting to do to my brother. But I imagine that it were a little worse, because as I came over his head with the whip, I began to think about different things that I had saw him do to little Negro children.

One day I were passing this road right by my field. He, and these little kids, and they mother, and father were chopping cotton. I were on my way to the field right beside their field, and the little kids were crying for water. His mother told the kid to hush. Well, she wanted to go give the kid some water, but she were afraid, because Hearst were very vagus, and the kid kept crying. Hearst runs up to the kid to whip it, and the little kid run to his mother, and mother couldn't help it. Then he runs to his father. Then Hearst ran onto the child's father and knocks the little child down, and put his foot on the little kid's head, and began to roll it in the dirt.

Well, when I had this whip and began to come over Hearst's head, I thought about that day, when he had this little kid down in the dirt. Well, the inspector of the place where we were taking our cattle to be dipped, he runs out there, saying, "Now, listen, you all have to quit that. You can't do that here." And said, "Eugene, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. You're too old a man to carry on like that." Well, Hearst gets on his horse and goes on home. Then he sends for my father to come over and see him. My father began to get ready to go over and see him to see what did he want. As my father walks out, I said, "Dad, don't go over there. That's a trap he got set for you. He didn't send you word of what he did down at the place where we were taking our cattle, and my advice to you is not to go over there." Well, quite naturally, he didn't go.

Then a few days, why, he'd come by to see my dad. They said he was sorry, acknowledged that he was wrong. This type of thing been going on ever since I can remember Steptoe. His [inaudible 00:14:34] from worse to bad, and nowadays it's really dangerous to leave home and get on the road going any place. Because by yourself, you don't know what might happen, you don't know what might take place. You want somebody to be with you who are not afraid to tell what happened to you. Take the Negros here in Amite County, or if they see you get killed or see something happened to you, they're afraid to tell who did it, and afraid to tell how it happened, because they think the same thing what happened to them.

I mean, there's guys from Mississippi, there's guys from Louisiana, there's guys from Texas, guys from Florida, all these [inaudible 00:15:22]. I had been to [inaudible 00:15:22] and the guy that was there, I forget his name. Anyway, I knew him. It seemed though when this guy got up and said this, it was my time to get up and say something because I had been to Washington, you know? There's plenty of situations here in Amite County, in Mississippi, how they're being run. So I was [inaudible 00:15:44].

My name is E.W. Steptoe. I'm [inaudible 00:15:54] 57 years of age. I'm not a registered voter of yet, because here in this county to become a registered voter, because the white people in this county are so opposed to a Negro registering voting to [inaudible 00:17:34]. It's very difficult to become a registered voter. I have tried several different times to go up and register. I have gone, and never have been able to even fill out an application. To even see whether I could pass this so called test. Although in attempting to register, there have been several Negro. What I mean by several Negros, 15 or 20 Negros since '61 tried to registered and failed.

The only registered voter that I really know anything about, who would have passed these various tests, Roosevelt Steptoe, who were my son. At the time he went up and registered, he had a master degree. You know that it's impossible for all Negros in this county to have a master's degree. That being the case, that you must have a master's degree before you can register or before you can fill out these various tests and qualify as a registered voter. It would be a very, very few Negros in this county that would ever be ready, because it's a very unique role in this county to have a master degree. I don't know how but one Negro in this county has a master degree, that is Roosevelt Steptoe. If it takes a master degree to pass this literacy test, I'm afraid that he will be the only Negro to register in this county.

In 1961 I decided that I would make another attempt, another start, to try to get more Negros qualified to register. The last time I tried to get Negros qualified to register, I had lots of trouble, different types of trouble. Threats and threats, threats of jail, jailing people, paying $100 to this person, then $500 to that person to get a lawyer, and then $500 fine for this so called charges that were brought on the person who were working with me. Paying $1,000 [inaudible 00:23:27], peoples can't stand that very much. You don't just [inaudible 00:23:46] or move around in the house and pick up $1,000 in this county.

Now, in '61 they've got folks starting to see when [inaudible 00:24:11] move I made were in '61. I wrote for a friend of mine who had a very good education, very good education. I wrote in and asked him to come in this county and three other people in this county over this literacy so-called test. He act accordingly. He did. As I requested him to come in, he came in. He came to my home on Saturday evening and he sit and talked with me and said, "Do you think the people will work with me? Do you think that they wants to register?" I said, "Oh, yes, they wants to register." I know they were very anxious to register so they can vote. He says, "Okay then. If you think that we will be successful, I will be back tomorrow morning, and we will open school Monday." This was Saturday in the afternoon, when he were at my home. So he goes on back and he did as he promised to do.

He went back Sunday morning, about 10:00, and we go to the church together, down in Louisiana. While we were at church, we made this announcement to that effect. I got up, asked the officer of the church did I have anything to say. Well, they hesitated. They didn't want me to have anything to say, but they knew me very well, and someone at the office were my cousin, and they give in, allowed me the opportunity to say a few words. I made the announcement about this school would open on Monday at 7:30. We asked, and all the people who were interested in registering in voting to be present in this school throughout the week. Onto then, to the attendant at the school, I made this statement. I didn't know how long this school would run. It would run as long as anyone seemed to be interested in voting. Then I had some literatures, which were very interesting, and asking the peoples to come to this class.

I began to pass them out. One of the deacons said, "Hello, Steptoe. You were supposed to just make an announcement. You're not supposed to pass out literatures in the church." Well, I says, "Okay." The people was really going for those literatures. They really were interested in getting these literatures. As I walked out the door, they was swarming behind me, reaching for me. I just continued passing them out to people as I walked out the door. I walked out on the church campus, and they gathered around me, and I passed all that out, all the literatures out that I had. Then one of the ladies asked me could she attend this class. She was living in Louisiana. I said, "Oh, yes. This class was free to everybody, any person who wanted to learn how to pass this literacy test, qualify themselves a registered voter, had the opportunity to attend this class." We would be proud to have her. "Okay."

Well, we left and came on back home. The next morning, very early, he gets ready, drives out to the church where we were going to hold this class. Peoples began to come in, and as they began to come in, well, I really appreciate their times. I really appreciate their cooperation. Seemed like to me they were very interested in registering. That really brought courage to me to see the people who were very interested in what we were trying to do for them. Okay. Well, [inaudible 00:32:08] when Bob Moses came Sunday morning. He brought another person along with him, who they were [inaudible 00:32:20]. They began to talk with the people and meet the people [inaudible 00:32:33], tell the people what the program was down there for. All them began to have a lovely class. As the class was going very well, I saw the sheriff pass the road.

Now, this was Monday morning at the opening of our class. Sheriff passed the road, and driving across the church campus, and began to look at tags on people's cars. He drove on by across the church campus. Well, we saw him and we didn't feel too good towards it, for [inaudible 00:33:49], you know? But we didn't make no alarm, because I knew that he figured his presence, passing across the church campus, looking at people's cars would frighten them and run them off. Well, then he drove on by, and the people, they began to look at me. I acted as though I hadn't saw the sheriff. But still, I had saw him, but I wouldn't show to them that I had saw him or paid him any attention.

Well, and we held class there, about the fourth day, and then we decided that we would take people's up to the courthouse and let them register. So, Bob Moses, some of the peoples who we had been instructing, and Bob told them, said, "Well, now you don't need me at the courthouse. [inaudible 00:35:42] not going from here with us. I would love for all of you that's going to come by, we all go together." Well, they said, "Well, I live up close to Liberty, and you just leave home and go up to Liberty. We are going to drive way down here and then back to Liberty, which made very good sense. Bob said, "Okay." He told Chris Donaldson, he said, "Well, you come by and pick me up, and we'll go by and pick up Reverend Knox, and we'll go up to the courthouse." So Donaldson, he came by, and he gets in the car, heads for the courthouse. He goes by and picks up Knox, and drives him up to the courthouse.

Anyway, when they reached the courthouse, the [inaudible 00:37:22] who were supposed to meet them there were not there. Then they drive on up, and get out, and walks onto the courthouse, and the people was not in the courthouse. Well, they walks on through the courthouse and out on the streets. They [inaudible 00:37:57] and walks up the street, and on the way back, when they got just across the street from the courthouse, [inaudible 00:37:59] went out to meet them, who were Billy Jack [Caston 00:37:59] and two other persons. Went across the street over there and met them.

Billy Jack Caston, who is a highway patrolman now, you know, every time a white person kill a Negro, he didn't even [inaudible 00:39:02] or something, they gets promoted to high office, you know here in this county. He walks up and catches Bob Moses in the shirt collar had a slug of iron in his hand. He commenced to beating him over the head with this iron metal in his hand. Bob Moses, [inaudible 00:39:43] he knelt down, threw his arms over his head to protect some of the licks off of his head. He beat Bob, and the people that were with Bob asked him to leave Bob alone. Well, when the guy turned Bob loose, stopped beating him, he told him to leave town, to get out of this county.

Well, they go onto the courthouse, where they had started. Bob walks in, shirt's off, bleeding, told the sheriff what had happened, and asked the sheriff to let him use his phone, and he receives [inaudible 00:40:39] across the street. Right in front of the courthouse, there's a telephone booth there. He tried to make several attempts to call [inaudible 00:41:46] but somebody there, they couldn't get no connection. The operator there in Liberty was handling [inaudible 00:41:57]. He couldn't get his message through. Then he [inaudible 00:42:12] returned home.

I was at the farm milking, at that time I were running a dairy farm. When I saw driving up [inaudible 00:42:39] people. Because, one had a red shirt, and I knew when Bob had left, he had on a white T-shirt and a pair of jeans, and when they got [inaudible 00:43:08] out of the car, wow, I couldn't make this person out. Well, I walks out the barn, walks on out there where we were, and I saw Bob was bleeding. The shirt he had on was red with blood. You know I asked, I said, [inaudible 00:43:36] tapped him on his shoulder and he said, "Don't worry. I'm not hurt that bad." But I could tell he was, because he was [inaudible 00:44:02]. Then our children saw what kind of condition Bob were in. Well, they kind of had to scream. They ran up to him crying. He slipped his shirt off of him and twisted his shirt, rung it, and the blood just run out of his shirt. Then he changed clothes, and we carried him on to the doctor.

After getting to the doctor's office, he was sitting in the chair while the doctor began to wash his wounds on his head, and clip the hair from around those gashed places, and his head. I could see Bob Moses began to sweat, you know? This sweat began to run off of him. I know that he was a very high strung person. He went to fall out the chair, and I grabbed him, sit him back in the chair, taking my handkerchief and wiped his face. The water was just running off of him. I said, "Bob." You know he still said, "Don't worry. I'm okay. Don't worry. I'm okay." Then the doctor went back to work on his head, taking stitches on the wounds that was gashed in his head. Then I stood watching. When he had finished, we came on home.

Early the next morning, Bob Moses gets up and began to dress. I asked him, I said, "Bob, where are you going this morning?" He said, "Well, I'm just going back to Liberty. Take these people back to register." I said, "No. Don't go back up there." I said, "I know those people up there. They're expecting you today. They will kill you up there today. Don't go." He said, "Well, you know, if I don't go back, they'll figure that they got me defeated. And these people wants to become a registered voter, and I think that it's my place to take them back."

Then [inaudible 00:48:12] came in, and he talked to Bob, and he told him the same thing, and we couldn't change Bob's mind, and we just give up. Bob went on. [inaudible 00:48:33] I said, "Well, go on." He said, as he drove up, "Don't worry about me. If anything happen to me, there will be people to come in and take my place." So they drove on up. He went on back up there, and it was just like he said. [inaudible 00:49:08] happen. What he said were true. If he hadn't have went back, they would know that they had [inaudible 00:49:18] had stopped the whole program.

These people who were working with us, or who attended the class, well, they really got frightened. They stopped attending the class. They all got afraid, you know? With the class, with the school, and we couldn't get anyone to come out. There wasn't anything that Bob Moses and I could do to cause the people [inaudible 00:49:34] cooperate with us. So Bob stayed around there with me a few more days, and he left. He said, "Well, I'll be back." From that day up until today, Bob Moses never missed more than a month of coming home, seeing how myself and my family were doing. Today, I feel like Bob Moses is one of my own kids. He's just that close to me.

So in '62, things were very normal. It wasn't too rough. And '63 on up until '64. The news got around that peoples were coming in, and these [inaudible 00:51:45] people. These were the students of the Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, who are very, very intelligent, and very fine people, who are working in the state of Mississippi. Well, when the old sheriff heard about these peoples coming into Mississippi, he just couldn't rest. He just got uneasy. He came down to my home one Sunday morning. Right before he came he sent the deputy, who was Travis. He came down and talked with me, asked me was any of the students coming down. I told him, yes, they were coming down. He says, "Are you going to house any of them?" I told him, yes, I was. He said, "Well, I advise you not to house any of them." I said, "Yes, I'm going to house them. They're coming here to help me, and I'd be less than a man to turn them away." But then he drove on off. He saw that I was determined.

Well, the next day the old sheriff came. He and the men of town, who [inaudible 00:54:12]. They drove up. I was sitting in the house, and the old sheriff got out, Jones, came on in. The Mayor of the town [inaudible 00:54:13] car and old Sheriff Jones walked up and I told the sheriff, I said, "Come on in, sheriff." He said, "Well, I want to talk with you. Step out here." I said, "No, you come on in." Well, he walks on in, stood up. I was sitting in a chair. He said, "I want to talk to you, E.W." I said, "Okay. [inaudible 00:54:53]. Go ahead." Said, "This is [inaudible 00:54:58] session. I want with you about it." I said, "Well, you can talk with me here. My home is a private home." I said, "Just go ahead and say what you want to say here." He said, "Well, I don't know who you got hidden around here." Well, I said, "There's nobody hidden around here. You just go ahead and tell me what you're going to tell me." He said, "You're not going to?" I told him no. He said, "Well, you know I'm the sheriff, you know? I can arrest you and carry you to jail." I said, "Yes, I know you're a sheriff."

Then I get [inaudible 00:55:48]. I walks on out the door with him, on down the steps, and get down the steps, and about 10 or 15 feet from the steps, on the porch, he says, "Steptoe, I understand you're going to keep some of these students coming in." I told him, "Yes, I am." He said, "Who are you going to keep?" I said, "Well, who come in. That's who I'm going to keep." "Are you going to house white students?" I told him, "Yes, it don't make no difference what color they are. I'm going to house whatever students come in." He said, "Well, how many are you going to house?" I said, "I don't know. As many as my house can hold."

He said, "Well, Steptoe, don't you know you're going to get killed?" I says, "Oh yes, I know this. I know my life is overdue. I know I'm supposed to been dead." He said, "What would it profit you to get killed, and these other people in this county, and you're going to have a possible chance and you won't be here to enjoy any of it, what would it profit you after getting killed?" I said, "Well, the young people here, the unborn generation will enjoy what I've done. I'm an old man and my life is far spent anyway. I will enjoy knowing that the young people, that the unborn generation has the opportunity to be registered voting throughout this county." He said, "Okay, Steptoe. I'm going to have to come down here with a truck and trailer, and haul these dead peoples off." I said, "Well, you may have to do that." I said, "I don't know, I won't say that you won't. But I'm going to house these students." I said, "Now, look sheriff, let me say this: If your kids were down here, didn't have no place to stay, I would be less than a man not to give them a place to stay, whether they're poor, or whether they're good, or whatnot. I would be less than a man not to give them a place to stay."

He said, "Steptoe, that's a different situation. I live here. This is Amite County, this is my home." I says, "Yes, I know that. I live here, just like you, and I'm not a registered voter." I said, "Now, look sheriff, all these peoples are coming in here, are doing the same thing, the very thing that you people here in this state or in this county should have done years ago. If you all had did this years ago, these people wouldn't be coming in here to help us through this struggle. They are only doing the thing that you all should do."

Then he asked me, was I going to keep boys and girls. I told him, yes, whomever they are. He said, "Well, what about the [inaudible 01:00:26], are you going to keep them?" I told him yes. I said, "Look sheriff, my wife raised four, and they raised respectable and decent as any other girl in this country or in this county. These people that's coming here, my wife is capable to raising them, seeing to them, just like she did her own girls. I feel that the people whose childrens are coming in here are expecting me and my wife to see to them being treated right, being careful, as we do our own children, and are bound to do just that."

Now, this was July the 4th 1964, when the sheriff was here in my home during this talk. The 6th day of July we [inaudible 01:02:55] service of the Mud River Baptist Association out here in [inaudible 01:03:03], where my membership is. The sheriff came down that day to the meeting to see how things and how determined the sheriff of this county [inaudible 01:03:15] are trying to keep Negros from registering. He drove up on the campus [inaudible 01:03:15] and he didn't come to me, he went to some of the ministers, the Uncle Tom ministers. He know who to go to. He asked them for proof of what type of meeting they were holding.

Well, the Uncle Tom ministers went and got a program and gave it to him to prove to him that they wasn't holding no [inaudible 01:04:19] meeting, that they were holding [inaudible 01:04:29] The Mud River Baptist Association. Well, he didn't even speak to me, passed right on by me, and he went and talked with the ministers.

This was the 6th day of July when he was down at this church. On the 4th day of July he was at my home. That's how close he was [inaudible 01:05:08] in church with what was going on around in this area. He still, you know, seeking and searching, finding out what's going on, and trying to [inaudible 01:05:32] going around to Negros home, telling them not to cooperate, telling them not to let us hold meetings in any of their buildings that they have on the farm or whatnot. Now, this is the type of act that he's carrying on here in this county now. [inaudible 01:06:00] Negros, frighten them, although he's doing a good job of it, you know? He's really making progress. He's really making better progress doing that than we are.

We have [inaudible 01:06:00] I think that when he meet this [inaudible 01:06:00] for a while, but you keep on jumping over that block, you know, and taking off again, because he's hard to convince. He's determined to do what he set out to do, because he know that if he stops [inaudible 01:06:00] another four years after this turn, then he knows that every time he can bump a Negro off, or defeat a Negro, or mistreat a Negro, that means another victory for him, you know?

As you know, in '61, I had to leave for to attend the class that Bob Moses and I was conducting at the church. One evening we wanted to go up around Bates area to invite those people up there to come down in the class. So we asked Mr. Lee about taking us up there. He says okay. After class, Bobby gets in the car and drives up there. Talked with the people about coming down and attending the class. They said okay, and they can come down and attend the class down there, or they would make arrangements and [inaudible 01:09:12] up there, or we could instruct the people up there. Then peoples in the neighborhood knew about Mr. Lee [inaudible 01:09:34] class and transferring us from place to place.

Well, in a few weeks, Mr. Lee was killed. Peoples who saw Mr. Lee when he was shot down, well, they were afraid to tell what happened and how it happened. They were afraid to tell the truth about what actually took place at the scene. Well, Mr. Allen happened to be there, and he himself was afraid to tell the truth. What he told the local authorities and some of those high ranking authorities that Lee had a piece of iron in his hand. Then later Mr. Allen came to me and told me that he wanted to change his statement. He said, "My first testimony is worrying me. Mr. Lee is dead, and I wants to tell the truth. I really want to tell what happened to Mr. Lee and what happened concerning the [inaudible 01:11:57]." The people said, no, we said that we [inaudible 01:12:03] killed him. Then he says to me, "What should I do?" I said, "Well, you should tell the truth." He said, "Well, I'm going to tell the truth."

Well, he gets in contact with the FBI, and he's [inaudible 01:12:27] and tell them what he really wanted to do. They said, "Well, that's good, that's fine. If you want to tell the truth, I think you should." He said, "Will y'all protect me?" Well, they promised. He told me they promised him protection if he would tell the truth. Well, then he did tell them facts about what happened, and they failed to give him protection. Later, Mr. Allen were killed. Now, you know, that's what happens here in old Amite County. Those type of things.

Let me add this. One more statement. During '61 there were a white guy [inaudible 01:14:07] one night, and he came up, sit and talked about his [inaudible 01:14:22]. Stood up beside the car, and he sit down in the car. He says, "I come by the church up there a while ago. What kind of meeting y'all having up there?" The moment he spoke the word, I really got sore. I said, "What do you mean?" He said, "Y'all are having some kind of meeting up there. When I come by there, there's a bunch of cars there." He says, "We've been mighty good to you. We drag your road, we work your road, and you don't have any trouble getting in and out. You don't seem to appreciate what we're doing."

Well, the more he talked about what they were doing, [inaudible 01:15:54] I wasn't paying any tax or nothing, you know, and whatnot. They were doing this free driving. I said, "Look, friend, I'm a taxpayer. I pay tax, just like everybody else do. I don't beg nobody to work my road, and pay tax too." I said, "I know you all have the authority to neglect working my road, or work it if you want to, or leave it alone if you want to. But you mentioned about the meeting up there, what kind of meeting we were having up there. How can you say you all, when I'm standing here talking to you?"

In 1961, I had been to a meeting NACP meeting in Jackson, Mississippi. On my way home, myself, C.C. Bryant, decided we wanted someone to come in and help us instruct the people how to fill out the form and register to vote. So we did. We wrote Bob Moses and asked him to come in Amite County and Pike County, to assist the peoples how to qualify themselves to register to vote. So Bob Moses did. He came in my county first. Well, he spent several days there before I got in touch with him.

After I gets in touch with him, after he had come to Pike County, then I asked him to come over in Amite County and assist me. So he came one Sunday. No, pardon me, on a Saturday he came. Well, I and him talked the situation over, and then he said, "Well, Steptoe, I'll be back tomorrow and go to church with you." I says, "Good, I'll be expecting you." So he did. He told me about what time he was coming back, and he were back at the exact hour [inaudible 01:20:21].

Copyright © E.W. Steptoe, 1964

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