Civil Rights Movement Archive
Monthly Newsletter

July 1st, 2024

According to Google, there were 14,529 visits to the CRMA website during June for an average of 484 per day. This is approximately 4% lower than June of last year. This number reflects our traditional summer-doldrums when most U.S. schools are out of session (last month when schools were in session our daily average was 1014). Roughly 27% of our visitors in June came from outside the U.S.

Ever since 2020, our traffic has been declining. Since two-thirds of our visitors are students (grade school and college) we believe that some of this decline stems from the vicious and unrelenting war being waged by Republicans and MAGAites against teachers, librarians, schools, and colleges who dare stand against racism and educate around issues of racial justice. Nevertheless, we still stand and will persevere.

As of July 1st, our online archive contains 10,113 searchable pages, documents, images, and recordings, plus 363 videos in our Vimeo video channel. Google reports that out on the global internet there are 25,495 backlinks to our site by people, organizations, and schools using us as an information resource.


Please Donate.
With a Little Help From Our Friends,
We'll keep on keeping on.

Ever since we established the CRMA (formerly known as "CRMVet") in 1999, it has been almost entirely funded by personal donations from Freedom Movement veterans and individual supporters. We carry on this work with almost zero institutional support, foundation grants, or philanthropic contributions. So if you find our CRMA site useful and worthy, please click donate to keep us alive and growing. You can donate via check, your bank's Bill Pay service, or PayPal. Thank you for anything you are able to contribute.


Our Sister Sites

SNCC Legacy Project (SLP). SLP preserves and extends SNCC's legacy. Although SNCC the organization no longer exists, we believe that its legacy continues and needs to be brought forward in ways that continue the struggle for freedom, justice and equality today.

SNCC Digital Gateway (SDG). A joint project of SLP and Duke University, SDG tells the story of how young activists in SNCC united with local people in the South to build a grassroots movement for change that empowered the Black community and transformed the nation.

Teaching for Change and Zinn Education Project. Provides teachers and parents with the tools to create schools where students learn to read, write, and change the world by promoting and supporting the teaching of people's history in middle and high school classrooms across the country.

SCOPE 50. Preserving Civil Rights and the Story of Voting. Website of SCLC/SCOPE project activists.

Veterans of the Mississippi Civil Rights Movement. Empowering the next generation, passing it on to carry it on by preserving the history of the Mississippi Movement.


Now Available! Marching in Montgomery, by John J. Hartman. IPBooks. 2025. First-hand account by a participant of the March 1965 voting rights protests in Montgomery Alabama in support of the movement in Selma AL.

Now Available! Ma Lineal: A Memoir of Race, Activism, and Queer Family, by Faith Holsaert. Memoir of NYC childhood, SNCC in Southwest Georgia, and raising her own children in the coalfields of West Virginia.

The Rise and Fall of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, by Martin Oppenheimer. Native Publishers, 2024. Concise history including the historical antecedents, the Greensboro sit-ins, Freedom Summer, the violence of KKK and police, and its demise around 1973.

Movement Art: If you are aware of any works of art related to the Freedom Movement such as paintings, drawings, murals, statues, and so on, please take a look at our Civil Rights Movement Art page to see if we already have an image of it in our collection. If it isn't included in our collection please email us an image we can post, or a weblink, or some other information that we can use. Thanks.

Movement Materials: Please continue to email to us documents, letters, reports, stories, and other Southern Freedom Movement materials from the period 1950-1970. See Submissions details.


Top-Ten Most Viewed

According to Google, our top-ten, most-visited sections and individual pages in June were:

Sections, Landing & Reference Pages

  1. Are You "Qualified" to Vote?—Literacy Tests & Voter Applications
  2. Site Search: Civil Rights Movement Archive
  3. Freedom Rides and Freedom Riders Resources
  4. Documents From the Montgomery Bus Boycott
  5. Original Freedom Movement Documents
  6. Freedom Movement Bibliography
  7. Civil Rights Movement History 1951-1968
  8. Additional Resources
  9. Poems of the Civil Rights Movement
  10. About the Civil Rights Movement Archive

Individual Pages & Documents

  1. Photo Album: The Children's Crusade: Birmingham (1963)
  2. Civil Rights Movement History: 1960 (student sit-ins)
  3. Civil Rights Movement History: 1963 Jan-June (Birmingham, Greenwod, Danville)
  4. Poem: Ain't I A Woman?, Sojourner Truth
  5. CRM History: Mississippi Freedom Summer
  6. Louisiana Voter Application and Literacy Tests
  7. Alabama Voter Literacy Test
  8. Poems of Langston Hughes
  9. Civil Rights Movement History: 1961 (Freedom Rides, MS voter registration, Albany GA)
  10. Photo Album: The Sit-Ins—Off Campus and Into Movement (1960)

(Google does not count how often PDF files are accessed. Since most of our documents are in PDF format, the "Top Ten" lists are not all that accurate.)


CRMA Video & Audio

Our CRMA Video Channel on the Vimeo hosting service provides videos created by Freedom Movement veterans (or their immediate families) and videos created by others that are substantially about Movement veterans. When you visit the channel, please consider adding yourself as a "follower" for social-media metrics. Thanks.

New videos posted in June:

William G. Anderson, interviewed by Joseph Mosnier. Albany GA Movement and Dr. King. 2011.

Harry Blake, interviewed by David Cline. Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), Shreveport, LA. 2013. 68min

Jack Greenberg, interviewed by Joseph Mosnier. NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund. 1985. 47min

Mary Jones, interviewed by Willie Griffith. Albany Georgia Movement. 2013. 52min

Robert McClary, interviewed by Hasan Kwame Jeffries. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), Southwest Georgia project. 2013. 28min

Amzie Moore, interviewed by Blackside. 64min. Mississippi NAACP, Emmett Till murder, voting rights campaign.

Sheyann Webb-Christburg, interviewed by Blackside. Selma, Alabama voting rights campaign. 30min.

Rachel West Nelson, interviewed by Blackside. Selma, Alabama voting rights campaign. 22min.

Women activists group, 15min. SCLC/SCOPE 50th Anniversary Reunion, 2015

Richard Smiley interview, SCLC, 1965-66 Selma AL, Dawson GA, Meredith Mississippi March. 38min.


New Movement Documents

1936The Plight of the Share-Cropper, Norman Thomas, LID. 1934-1936. Sharecroppers and sharecropping political-economic analysis based on survey. 43 pages
1940Appeal to W.E.B. DuBois, re National Sharecroppers Week. Pauli Murray, SFTU. 1/3/1940.
1964White Folks Project, Ed Hammett COFO/SSOC. Undate (summer 1964)
1964Project Needs: Itemized, unsigned COFO. Undated (summer 1964)
1964Fact Sheet on SNCC, unsigned SNCC (Communications Dept). Undated 1964
1964Memo: Support of the Mississippi Summer Project, COFO staff. Undated, possibly June or July of 1964.
1964The Mississippi Power Structure. Unsigned. Undated (possibly summer 1964). Research analysis. 9 pages
1964Excerpts from report on summer assignment in Mississippi Albert Gaeddert, MCC. Undated (probably August or September 1964). 26 page detailed report.
1964Report on Mississippi Delta Investigation July 30-August 2 Edgar Stoesz & Edgar Metzler, MCC. 8/7/64. 6 pages.
1964Bombings 13th and 14th in McComb, Mississippi, unsigned COFO. 9/14/64
1964Mississippi Report, Atlee Beechy, NCC. 10/07/64. 14 pages.
1964Mississippi Freedom Ballot Unsigned MFDP. November 1963.
1964Mississippi: How Negro Candidates Fared June 1964 primary. Unsigned MFDP. Undated summer 1964. 13 pages.
1964Challenge of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party Unsigned MFDP. Undated summer 1964
1964MFDP Challenge Appendix A: Historical Background Unsigned MFDP. Undated summer 1964
1964MFDP Challenge Appendix B: How Negro Democrats Fared - Summary Unsigned MFDP. Undated summer 1964
1964MFDP Challenge Appendix C: The F.D.P. and the Convention Challenge Unsigned MFDP. Undated summer 1964
1964MFDP Challenge Appendix D: State Democratic Resolutions in Support of the F.D.P. Unsigned MFDP. Undated summer 1964
1964MFDP Challenge Appendix E: "The Right to Vote" in Mississippi Unsigned MFDP. Undated summer 1964
1964MFDP Challenge Appendix F: The Voice of the Traditional Mississippi Democratic Party Unsigned MFDP. Undated summer 1964
1964Platform and Principles of the MFDP Unsigned MFDP. Undated summer 1964
1964Mississippi Has All the Benefits Without the Very Real Dangers. Unsigned memo by "Regular" (white-only) MS Democratic Party. Reprinted by MFDP, summer 1964
Documents & Reports: Atlanta/Vine City Project 1966. Unsigned SNCC. Undated 1966 (probably Jan or Feb). Atlanta
1966Report on Vine City housing crisis. Unsigned SNCC. Undated 1966 (probably Jan or Feb). Atlanta
1966Prospectus for an Atlanta Project. Unsigned SNCC. Undated 1966 (probably Jan-Feb). Vine City
1966Report on Atlanta Project. Unsigned SNCC. Undated 1966 (probably Feb-March). Vine City
1966Some Proposals for a Housing Campaign. Unsigned SNCC. Undated 1966 (probably Feb-March). Atlanta, Vine City
1966Report on tentants group and meeting with the mayor. Unsigned SNCC. Undated 1966 (probably Feb-March). Atlanta, Vine City
1966Flyer for meeting with mayor over housing. Unsigned SNCC. Undated 1966 (probably Feb-March). Atlanta, Vine City
1966Notes on justice and the law (handwritten). Unsigned SNCC. Undated 1966 possibly Jan-March). Atlanta, Vine City
1966Nitty Gritty Urges Launching of Tenants Rights Movement Unsigned. Undated 1966 (probably Jan-April). Atlanta, Vine City

Summer Volunteer Parents-Related Documents

4/2/65Minutes: Parents Mississippi Emergency Association, by Dorothy Hunn. PMFA. Los Angeles CA
6/10/65Bulletin: Parents Mississippi Emergency Association, unsigned PMFA. Los Angeles CA
6/12/65Parents Mississippi Emergency Association dissolution poll, by Adele Siegel (PMFA). Los Angeles CA
7/24/65Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee fund appeal, by Arthur Carstens (PMEC), Los Angeles CA

Press Releases

3/31/64SNCCFact Sheet - Greenwood, Lefore County Mississipp, chronology of events 1962-1964
1/11/65SNCCStatement From SNCC in Support of Bond
8/20/67SNCCMessage from Chairman H. Rap Brown re anti-colonial struggles in Africa
8/27/67SNCCDear Brother Tambo, statement of support for armed struggle in southern Africa

WATS & Phone Reports (Log of daily phone-in reports)

SNCC June 23, 1964. Jim Forman, McComb bombing, Washington DC parents meeting, Selma cross burning.

COFO June 23, 1964. Mary King, threats, missing civil rights workers, telegram to Reuther, Schwernet & Goodman parents in Washington.

COFO June 24, 1964. Fire bomb, shots fired, Chicago protest, Moss Point, mothers at White House, Bob Moses on protest strategy.

SNCC June 24, 1964. Meridian missing workers and Rita Schwerner's statement, Ruleville, Oxford OH, protests in New York & Chicago.

COFO June 24, 1964. Movement leaders in Meridian, Marion Barry in Chicago jail.

COFO June 24, 1964. Moss Point two boys arrested for whistling a white woman, two volunteers also arrested.

Vietnam War, Military Draft, & G.I. Movement Documents

1965October 15-16 Days of International Protest Vietnam Day Committee (VDC) and International Days of Protest Committee (2 documents).
1966Anti-war flyers & document, 1966 (3 documents)
65-68Miscellaneous anti-war newsletters & outreach documents . (9 documents)
65-68Miscellaneous anti-draft documents (25 documents)
67? 68?Civil Rights Handbook: The New Draft Law, National Lawyers Guild (NLG). Undated (probably 1967)

Documents from the Northern Wing of the Movement

3/12/64Peterson, BoFALetter to FEPC denying that Bank of America practices racial discrimination
3/16/64James Vizzard, COREMemo to Bakersfield City Council defending right of minors to peacefully picket, by CORE attorney re Bank of America campaign.
5/20/64Chet Duncan, COREMemo re Bank of America campaign, CORE Western Regional Field Secretary
9/67NCNPDocuments: National Conference for New Politics, Chicago IL, 1967:
Credentials Report, 8/31/67
Resolutions (@70 resolutions)
Position Papers (5 papers)
Black Caucus, proposal and demands

1960s Legal and Security Documents

Notes for a Would-Be Fugitive. Unsigned. Undated (probably 1969-1974).

With a Little Pork From Our Friends, Barbara Herbert, 12/17/70. Article about provocateurs.

Grand Juries, Peter Young & Barry Litt. NLG. April 1971

Students for a Democratic Society Documents

6/69Vietnam and the Pacific Rim Strategy, Peter Wiley, REP. June 1969 (19 pages)
9/69The Political Economy of Women's Liberation, Margret Benston, REP. September 1969 (16 pages)
6/69Bread and Roses, Kathy McAfee & Myrna Wood. REP. June 1969. (20 pages.)


New Letters & Reports From the Field

1964Unsigned SNCCNatchez report (pages mising?), MS. Undated (probably February, 1964)
2/16/64Mendy Samstein, SNCCReport on KKK activity in Natchez, MS
3/65Lynn Busch, COREDear Bruce, letter to Bruce Hartford re movement in SoCal
4/66Bruce Hartford, SCLCDear Family, letter abount voting rights struggle in Hale Co. AL
8/22/64Walter Kaufman, COREPhiladelphia, Miss. Neshoba County report
1/11/66Sam Hamption, MSDear Alicia Kaplow, note re situation and request for funds from Charleston MS (handwritten)
2/67Bruce Hartford, SCLCCorrespondence with local activists in Grenada, MS (some handwritten)


New Additions to Our Stories

Harry BlakeInterview for Eyes on the Prize 1985. Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), Shreveport, LA.
John EmmerichInterview, by John Sinsheimer re SNCC, Bob Moses, Greenwood, Mississippi. 1985. 17 pages
Jack GreenbergInterview for Eyes on the Prize 1985. NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund
J. Charles JonesCharles Jones, Interview. SNCC. Undated. 33 pages
Mary JonesInterview for Eyes on the Prize 1985. Albany Georgia Movement .
Robert McClaryInterview for Eyes on the Prize 1985. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), Southwest Georgia project.
William MelishFreedom Summer 1964: Vicksburg, Mississippi Remembered, 1964-1968. 28 pages
Amzie MooreInterview for Eyes on the Prize 1985. Mississippi NAACP, Emmett Till murder, voting rights campaign .
Sheyann WebbInterview for Eyes on the Prize 1985. (Sheyann Webb-Christburg). Selma, Alabama voting rights campaign in Selma.
Rachel WestInterview for Eyes on the Prize 1985. (Rachel West Nelson). Selma, Alabama voting rights campaign.


New Names Added to the Activist Roll Call

William B. Melish - COFO, SNCC, 1964-1968. [Liverpool, England]


New Tributes & Memories added to In Memory

Rev. Jim Lawson


New Answers Added to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

No new answers added this month.


New Additions to Poetry

No new poems added this month.


New Additions to the Photo Album Pages:

Mr. Backlash ~ Opinion Poll, Jules Feffier cartoon, 1964


Web Links and Bibliography updated, revised, & expanded.

Recent Books by or About Movement Veterans:

Marching in Montgomery, by John J. Hartman. IPBooks. 2025. First- hand account by a participant of the March 1965 voting rights protests in Montgomery Alabama in support of the movement in Selma AL.

Ma Lineal: A Memoir of Race, Activism, and Queer Family, by Faith Holsaert. Memoir of NYC childhood, SNCC in Southwest Georgia, and raising her own children in the coalfields of West Virginia.

The Rise and Fall of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, by Martin Oppenheimer. Native Publishers, 2024. Concise history including the historical antecedents, the Greensboro sit-ins, Freedom Summer, the violence of KKK and police, and its demise around 1973.

Love Letter from Pig: My Brother's Story of Freedom Summer, by Julie Kabat. University Press of Mississippi, 2023. Based on primary-source materials, the personal story of volunteer Luke Kabat and the Meridian MS (Lauderdale Co.) project.

No Ordinary Joe: Lesson From a Life of Community Organizing for Social Change, by Jerome Christensen. Wordshop at Fourth & Sioux, September 2023. Life of Civil Rights Movement activist and community organizer Joe Morse.

Standing, by Ernest McMillan. August, 2023.

My Country Is the World: Staughton Lynd's Writings, Speeches, and Statements against the Vietnam War, edited by Luke Smith. Foreword by Staughton and Alice Lynd. Haymarket Books, 2023.

The Struggle of Struggles, by Vera Pigee (1924-2007), edited by Frangoise Hamlin, University Press of Mississippi. 2023. New edition of Vera Pigee autobiography chronicles Coahoma County MS, NAACP, Women's leadership, grassroots organizing, citizenship schools, voter registration, and the Baptist church.

A Day I Ain't Never Seen Before Remembering the Civil Rights Movement in Marks, Mississippi, by Joe Bateman, Cheryl Lynn Greenberg, and Richard Arvedon. How the civil rights movement unfolded in a small rural town, far from the cameras.

Stayed On Freedom: The Long History of Black Power through One Family's Journey, by Dan Berger, Zoharah Simmons and Michael Simmons. An authorized biography of Zoharah Simmons and Michael Simmons that brings into focus the lives of two unheralded Black Power activists who dedicated their lives to the fight for freedom. Basic Books, January 2023.

By Hands Now Known: Jim Crow's Legal Executioners, by Margaret Burnham, 2023. Investigation of Jim Crow-era racial violence, the legal apparatus that sustained it, and its enduring legacy. If the law cannot protect a person from a lynching, then isn't lynching the law?

Recent Films & Videos By or About Movement Veterans:

Lowndes County and the Road to Black Power, by Sam Pollard & Geeta Gandbhir, Multitude Films in association with The Atlantic. Story of the local movement and young Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) organizers who fought not just for voting rights, but for Black Power in Lowndes County Alabama. 2022. 90min.


As always comments, suggestions, corrections, and submissions from Freedom Movement activists are welcome. Veterans of the Southern Freedom Movement who are listed on the website's Roll Call are encouraged to contribute to the website their stories, thoughts, documents, and memories & tributes of those who have passed on by emailing them in to us.

If you're not already a subscriber to the monthly email version of this newsletter, send us your email address and let us know you'd like to be added to the list. To unsubscribe (heaven forfend!) do the same.

 — Bruce Hartford,

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