Anne Carter (Ann Johson)

SSOC 1967-69, Tennessee, North Carolina, Louisiana
4512 Lawndale Drive
Greensboro, NC. 27455

I was campus traveler (for SSOC) in Tennessee. Worked with small campuses mostly. Went to Memphis in response to white students who wanted to know how to get involved with the Memphis Garbage Workers Strike of 1968. On the way to meet with Dr. King and staff to talk about how students could participate I learned that Dr. King had been shot. Didn't know that he died til I got to the church where he was supposed to speak. Announcement of his death happened there.

Stayed in Memphis for march and assisted students meeting people flying in for march. Students escorted marchers onto buses and used the time into the city to give brief instructions about nonviolence protocol.

When returned to Nashville was arrested with 4 others for breaking curfew rule to visit governor about the curfew which was applied mainly to Black citizens.

Spent summer of 1969 in Louisiana gathering data about conditions of sugar cane workers and recruiting workers to go to hearing that set their wages. Until that year no workers had attended the hearing.

Returning to Durham, NC, worked as community organizer for Operation Breakthrough. Working to bring whites and Blacks to work together on common issues, for example, health care.

Currently, precinct chair of my Democratic precinct and member of G'boro Health Discrepancy collaborative. Recently attended SSOC reunion in Nashville


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