Civil Rights Movement Archive
Freedom Movement Speakers

List of Available Speakers

For schools, churches, organizations and civic groups

Freedom Movement Speakers:

Our List of Available Speakers provides names, background, and contact information for former civil rights workers active in the Southern Freedom Movement of the 1960s who have made themselves available to speak remotely via Zoom or to answer student questions by email. Our speakers were staff and volunteers for SNCC, CORE, SCLC, NAACP, SCEF, Delta Ministry, and similar groups on the ground in the South during the height of the struggle.

How we work:

Individual students with questions about the Freedom Movement should select one or two veterans from the List and email them directly using the contact information provided.

For group engagements, we work with teachers & event organizers to present flexible, interactive, experience-based activities. Although we're old we're still flexible! For assistance, please contact our Speaking Coordinator, or contact individual veterans from the List.

K-12, College, Church, Civil Organizations & Community Groups
One class or more
Length of time flexible
Honorariums to be determined

Sample Topics:Themes:
Voting RightsCommunity Organizing
Strategies & Tactics Social Activism
NonviolenceRace, Class, Gender
Freedom SchoolsAllies & Activists
Movement Music & Culture Youth in the Struggle for Justice

For more information:

For assistance with group events:

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