Assassination of Harry and Harriet Moore
Christmas Day, 1951

See Murder of Harry & Harrietta Moore for background (Civil Rights Movement History)

12/27/51. Action Letter to NAACP branch officers notifying them of Moore assassination, Walter White, Exec. Dir. 3 documents.

12/??/51. In Memory of Harry T. Moore, call to action. Gloster Current, NAACP. Undated, December 1951.

1/52? Moore assasination organizing material for use by NAACP branches. Unsigned. Undated (either December 1951 or January 1952) 4 documents.

1/52? NAACP mailing labels, excerpt of branch officer mailing list. Dupe in /pr

1/3/52. Mims Florida, press release re Moore murder. Walter White, NAACP ExecDir. 3 pages.

1/6/52. Memorial service for Harry Moore, Ollivet Baptist Church, Harlem NY. NAACP notices and flyers. 7 documents.

1/6/51. Is This the American Way of Life?, New York City flyer protesting bombing assasination of Harry (and Henrietta) Moore in Florida. Unsigned American Labor Party.

1/16/52. Letter to NAACP Youth Concil leaders re the Moore murders, Herbert Wright, NAACP.

1/17/52. Action Letter: Follow Up Activity on Harry T. Moore Case, to branch leaders. Gloster Current, NAACP.

1/18/52. Letter to NAACP Youth Concil leaders re death of Harriet Moore. Herbert Wright, NAACP. 2 documents.

1/20/52. NAACP southern branches meeting, Jacksonville FL. Ruby Hurly, Walter White, NAACP. 3 documents.

1/20/52. Draft: Declaration at Jacksonville, NAACP.

1/25/52. Dear Member, appeal re Moore murders. Lucille Black, NAACP.

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