Peace & Freedom Party Documents
California 1968

California State-Level Documents
1968California State Minutes & Reports, Feb-Nov. (13 documents)
1968 Freedom? Peace & Freedom Party brochure. Undated 1968.
1968 Joint organizing materials. Peace & Freedom Party and Black Panther Party. (2 documents)

San Francisco Bay Area Documents
1968 Organizing materials, Jan-Nov. (19 documents)
1968Organizing materials, undated. (6 documents)
Feb.S.F. Minutes & Reports, February. (18 documents)
Mar.S.F. Minutes & Reports, March. (12 documents)
Apr.S.F. Minutes & Reports, April (18 documents)
May.S.F. Minutes & Reports, May. (3 documents)
5/68Control the Cops Defend Free Speech protest flyer, Unsigned U.C Berkeley Peace & Freedom Party. Undated (May 1968)
Sum.S.F. Minutes & Reports, Summer. (10 documents)
FallS.F. Minutes & Reports, Fall. (10 documents)
1968Miscellaneous. (10 documents)
1968 What is Peace, What is Freedom, pamphlet. Ecology Action. Undated. (12 pages)
1968Peace and Freedom Review publicaton. Various authors, Connie Pohle, Stella Pilgrim editors. April 15, 1968. (14 pages)

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