Articles & Speeches
by Civil Rights Movement Veterans
Birmingham Alabama, 1956-1966


[From 1956-1966 Birmingham Alabama was on the front lines of the Southern Freedom Movement. Though it is most famous for the "Childrens Crusade" of 1963, the Birmingham Movement was one of the longest, deepest, and most persistent of all the individual movements of the era.]

Example Segregation Laws — Birmingham & Montgomery.

Birmingham Articles From CRMVets History & Timeline

Shuttlesworth, ACMHR, and the Birmingham Resistance. (CRMVets)

Birmingham Campaign ~ the Children's Crusade. (CRMVets)

Birmingham Articles by Participants

Birmingham: People in Motion, ACMHR. 32-page history of ACMHR and the Birmingham Freedom Movement from 1956-1966.

Letter From a Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King. April, 1963

"Freedom Now! — Birmingham, AL." Pacifica Radio. May 11-14, 1963.

Test for Nonviolence — Birmingham, Stephen Rose. Christian Century, May 14, 1963.

The Meaning of Birmingham, Bayard Rustin. Liberation, June 1963.

Birmingham Shall be Free Some Day, Fred Shuttlesworth. Freedomways, Winter 1964.

And Birmingham, Andrew Young. Drum Major, Winter 1971. (Drum Major was a short-lived SCLC magazine.)

See also Documents From the Birmingham Movement

See also Birmingham Movement 1956- 1966 for web links.

See also Birmingham Movement for books.

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