Civil Rights Movement Archive
Affidavits, Depositions, & Statements
By Date

1958Affadavit of Willie Woodson, re FBI hostility to NAACP in Mound Bayou, March 16, 1958
1962Statement of Dorothy Conrod, Mr. Lundgor and Edward Taylor, re Sisson home shooting, 1962
1962John Salter Deposition, re disqualification of federal judge William H. Cox. December 1962.
1963Affidavit of John B. Amos regarding white violence. Undated, location unknown
1963Statement by Emma Irving re arrest of her husband in Itta Bena MS, Undated
1963Affidavit of Thomas McGrady Witness, Americus GA. 9/10/63
1963Affidavit of Lena Turner Witness , Americus GA. 9/10/63
1963Affidavit of Lena Turner Arrest, Americus GA. 9/10/63
1963James Williams re police brutality in Americus GA. 9/10/63
1963Affidavit of Lorine Sanders re arrest & jailing in Americus, GA. 9/10/63
1963Affidavit of Bobby Lee Jones, re arrests & jail conditions in Americus, GA. 9/13/63
1963Affidavit of Eliza Thomas re conditions in Leesburg stockade (Americus, GA). 9/13/63
1963Affidavit of Emma Jean Times re conditions in Leesburg stockade (Americus, GA). 9/13/63
1963 Affidavit of Henrietta Fuller re conditions in Leesburg stockade (Americus, GA). 9/13/63
1963Affidavit of Lorena Barnum re conditions in Leesburg stockade (Americus, GA). 9/13/63
1963Affidavit of Robertina Freeman re conditions in Leesburg stockade (Americus, GA). 9/13/63
1963Affidavit of Saundra Lee Hill, re police and intimidation. (MS) October 1963
1964Affidavit of Leona McClendon and Tommy Buckley, re fired for supporting civil rights workers, Sunflower Co. MS, undated 1964
1964Affidavit of Martha Connely and Mr. Connely , re blacklisted for housing white civil rights workers, Sunflower Co. MS, undated 1964
1964Affidavit of Leonard Davis, re blacklisted for housing white civil rights workers, Sunflower Co. MS, undated 1964
1964Affidavit of Willieball Smith, re Fired for helping with voter registration, Sunflower Co. MS, undated 1964
1964Affidavit of Jerry Tecklin, re threats against Rabbi Levine, Sunflower Co. MS, undated 1964
1964Affidavit of Robert Earl Beverly, re Black school kids forced into plantation labor, Sunflower Co. MS, undated 1964
1964Affidavit of Eddie Childs, re Black school kids forced into plantation labor, Sunflower Co. MS, undated 1964
1964Affidavit of Bettie Jean Doss, re Black school kids forced into plantation labor, Sunflower Co. MS, undated 1964
1964Affidavit of Eva Mae Williams, re Black grade students forced into plantation labor, Sunflower Co. MS, undated 1964
1964Affidavit of Darnella West, re Black grade students forced into plantation labor, Sunflower Co. MS, undated 1964
1964Affidavit of William Beverly, re Black school kids forced into plantation labor, Sunflower Co. MS, undated 1964
1964Affidavit of Roy Childs, re Black school kids forced into plantation labor, Sunflower Co. MS, undated 1964
1964Affidavit of Shirley Ford, re Black school kids forced into plantation labor, Sunflower Co. MS, undated 1964
1964Statement from Earline King, re School staff misconduct, 1964, Sunflower Co. MS, undated 1964
1964Statement from Irene Johnson, re School staff misconduct and slavery, 1964, Sunflower Co. MS, undated 1964
1964Multiple Unsigned Affidavits, (Regarding repression.), MS, undated 1964
1964Statement from Ruleville Teenagers, re Inequalities and Problems in Mississippi and in school, 1964, Sunflower Co. MS, undated 1964
1964Affidavit of James Baker, re racist attacks, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Henry of Lee Chinn, Canton MS. (regarding police) February 17
1964Beating of CORE Worker by Jackson police, affadavit of Richard Jewett. March 30, 1964 (HTML version)
1964Soldier insulted, hit, and jailed in Jackson, affadavit of 1st Lt. Emanuael Schriber, U.S. Army. April 1, 1964
1964Denial of the Right to Vote in Greenwood MS, affadavits of several citizens. April 1, 1964
1964John Mathews, affadavit regarding false arrest of SCLC citzenship teacher
1964Affidavit of C.C. Bryant, re racist attacks, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Firing of Voter Registration Applicant, affadavit of Willis Wright. April 10, 1964
1964Jail Treatment of White Student in Jackson MS, affadavit of Eli Hochstedler. April 16, 1964
1964Beating of Negro Voter Registration Worker in Southwest MS, affadavit of Archie Curtis. April 23, 1964
1964Statement by Mrs. Bessie McMurtry concerning her son in jail, Canton MS. June 1
1964Affidavit of Earl Moses, re racist attacks, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Sam Block, re Mississippi police repression. June 11
1964Affidavit of Julia Woods, re threat of racist attack, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Lucille Brewer, re denied right to vote, 6/16/64. Columbus, MS
1964Affadavit of Louise Watson, re bomb found at Pike County MS church.
1964Affidavit of Wilbert Lewis, re racist violence June 19, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Stokely Carmichael, Arrest of Stokely Carmichael and Charlie Cobb, June 25, 1964
1964Statement by Matthew Swerling , re literacy test conditions during voting registration, 6/24/64. Clarksdale, MS
1964 Statement by Doris Lee Brown, re questioning on shoplifting conviction, 6/26/64. Clarksdale, MS
1964 Statement by Charles Stewart, re witnessing harrasment of Black voter applicant, 6/29/64. Clarksdale, MS
1964Affidavit of Jimmy Lee Wilcox, Arrest of SNCC office worker-Jimmy Lee Wilcox, June 30, 1964
1964Affidavit of Steven Fraser, re harassed by police and whites, 7/1964 (illegible), MS
1964Affidavit of Elvira G., re firing of agitator, 7/1964 (illegible), MS
1964Statement of Witnesses, re Activities of COFO at Grand Jury hearing, 7/1964. Moss Point, MS
1964Affidavit of Roy Lee, re police repression July, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Lewis Sitzer, re witnessed obstacles in registering to vote, 7/03/64. Clarksdale, MS
1964Statement of Charles Jackson, re witnessing shooting of girl, 7/06/64. Moss Point, MS
1964Statement of Lamar Turnipseed, re wrongful arrest after being shot at, 7/06/64. Moss Point., MS
1964Statement of Edward Wiggins, re wrongful arrest after being shot at, 7/06/64. Pascagoula, MS
1964Statement by Joe E. Brown, re Arrested for having guns in car for self-protection 7/06/64, MS
1964Affadavit of Juanita Brownlow, re Threats to civil rights supporters, 7/07/64, Sunflower Co. MS
1964Affadavit of Louis Day, re Officer pursuing 'white trash' civil rights workers, 7/07/64, Sunflower Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Joan Drake, re discrimination in restaurant dining service, 7/07/64
1964Affidavit of Joycelyn McKissick, re discrimination in restaurant dining service, 7/07/64
1964Affidavit of Willie Neal Smith, re discrimination by theater ticket seller, 7/07/64
1964Affidavit of Charles Stewart, re witness to strict limitations on voting registration of negroes, 7/07/64
1964Affidavit of Odessa Brooks, re discrimination in entry of restaurant, 7/08/64
1964Affidavit of Dennis Sweeney, re house bombing July 8, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Lillie Warren, re bombing of COFO Freedom House July 9, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of C.B. Burton, re Retail outlets discrimination, 7/11/64
1964Affidavit of L. J. Fairley, re bottle attack by two white men, 7/11/64
1964Affidavit of Warren Galloway, re Injustice towards James Howard Jackson, 7/12/64
1964Affidavit of John Suter, re purposeful obstacle towards negro registering to vote, 7/13/64
1964Affidavit of Robert Campbell, re Firing threats for having civil rights meetings 7/16/64
1964Statement by Various Witnesses, re: Affidavit re Summer incidences, 07/17/64
1964Statement by C.B. Burton, re Discriminatory Practices at Ingalls Shipyard 7/17/64
1964Affidavit of Johnny Lee McGreary, re Obstacles in registering to vote 7/17/64
1964Affidavit of Louise Watson, re bomb found in Baptist church July 18, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of General White, bomb found in Baptist church July 18, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affadavit of Lula Jackson, re burning of Mount Vernon Church, June 21 1964
1964Affidavit of M.L. Brown, re burning of Mount Vernon Church July 21, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Lula Jackson, re burning of Mount Vernon Church July 21, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Rev. H.L. McKnight, re burning of Mount Vernon Church July 21, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Robby Osman & Mario Savio, volunteers. July 22. Jackson, MS
1964Affidavit of James Jones, July 24. Jackson, MS
1964Affadavit of Susan Patterson (freedom school teacher), re white-racist violence in Hattiesburg MS. 7/27/64
1964Statement by Hosie McCall, re harassed by whites and police, 7/28/64
1964Affadavit of June Johnson , re Winona MS police brutality, June 1963. 7/28/64
1964Affadavit of Bertie McGill, re police-enabled beating of student sit-ins, Laurel MS (after passage of the Civil Rights Act). 7/28/64
1964Affidavit of Matthew Zwerling, re withholding of voter registration form, 7/20/64
1964Affidavit of Joseph Smith, re voting registration interference, 7/23/64
1964Statement from Rabbi Allan Levine, re Police oppression and brutality, 7/30/64
1964Affidavit of Mary Lee Dixon, re restaurant service discrimination, 7/29/64
1964Affidavit of Erma Jean Miller, re restaurant service discrimination, 7/29/64
1964Affidavit of Roy Bell Wright, re restaurant service discrimination and harassment, 7/29/64
1964Affadavit of Eddie Laroy Johnson, re Black school children slave labor, 7/30/64
1964Affidavit of Nazaree Brumfield, re burning of Mount Canaan Church August 5, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Farley Pittman, burning of Mount Canaan Church and police brutality August 8, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Statement by R.B. Hood regarding police surveillance and intimidation in Stone Co. August 10, 1968
1964Affidavit of Peter Lewis, burning of grocery store August 15, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Robert V. Stone, police repression against COFO August 24, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Willie Dillon, re explosion outside her house August 28, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Russell Bennett, re violence against civil rights workers September 2, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Robert Stone, re violence against civil rights workers September 2, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Aline Baker, re bombing of her residence September 9, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of L.S. Allen, re bombing of Mrs. Quins's house September 20, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Eddie Anderson, re bombing of Mrs. Quins's house September 20, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Harold Ray Mallard , re bombing of Mrs. Quins's house September 20, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Ira Marsalis, re bombing of Mrs. Quins's house September 20, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Johnny Frank Nobles, re police repression September 20, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Jerry Lee Hill, re bombing of Mrs. Quins's house September 20, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of James Willian Ard, re bombing of Mrs. Quins's house September 20, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of L.S. Anderson, re bombing of Mrs. Quins's house September 20, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Alyene Quin, re bombing of Mrs. Quins's house September 20, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Roy L. Martin, re bombing of Mrs. Quins's house September 20, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Willie Ray Knox, re imprisonment and police brutality September 20, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Willie Ray Knox, re bombing of Mrs. Quins's house September 20, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of William Thomas, re bombing of Mrs. Quins's house September 20, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Ursula Junk, re police repression and brutality September 21, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of C.C. Bryant, re police repression and brutality September 23, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Matthew Jackson, re bomb thrown in his front yard September 23, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Rev. Ned Taylor, re police repression and brutality September 23, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of James Holmes, re police repression and brutality October 18, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Alyene Quin, re imprisonment of her daughter Carolyn October 20, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Candy Brown, re arrest at Freedom House October 23, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of J.D. Smith, re arrest at Freedom House October 23, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Alyene Quin, re police repression at voter registration October 26, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Althea Spinks, re police repression at voter registration October 26, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Dolores Johnson, re police repression at voter registration October 26, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Ernestine Bishop, re police repression at voter registration October 26, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Evelyn Nelson, re police repression at voter registration October 26, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Jesse Harris, re police repression at voter registration October 26, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Karen Pate, re police repression October 26, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Mattie Lean Dillon, re repression at voter registration October 26 1964, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Malcolm Campbell, re repression at voter registration October 27 1964, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Rev. D.J. Ross, re repression at voter registration October 26 1964, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Robert McGee, re repression at voter registration October 26 1964, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Rosa Bates, re repression at voter registration October 26 1964, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Richard Se. Sternberger, re police repression at voter registration October 26 1964, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Donald Blanchette, re police repression at voter registration October 27 1964, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Joe Martin, re police repression at voter registration October 27 1964, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Marshall Ganz, re police repression at voter registration October 27 1964, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964?SNCC Memo: McComb civil action, Brown, Aronson, Greenberg, LDF. Undated, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964?Affidavit of Carolyn Breckenridge, re racist attacks. Undated, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964?Affidavit of Willie Haynes, re being arrested . Undated, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Larry Rubin, Arrests of COFO workers on suspicion of burglary, May 14, 1964
1964Affidavit of Benjamin Small, re police harassement for attending freedom Rally, in Madison Co. MS. May 23, 1964
1964Affidavit of John Bacon, re police harassement for attending freedom Rally, in Madison Co. MS. May 23, 1964
1964Affidavit of James Bennett re police harassement for attending freedom Rally, in Madison Co. MS. May 24, 1964
1964Affadavit of Bessie Turner, re police brutality and abuse in Clarksdale MS. 5/24/64
1964?Affidavit of John Lee, re police repression and brutality Undated, McComb/Pike Co. MS
1964Affidavit of Charlie Cobb, re arrest of him and Stokely Carmichael, June 25, 1964
1965Public testimony: Fannie Lou Hamer, Annie Devine, Victoria Gray (Regarding Congressional Challenge.)
1965Affadavit of Rev. J.D. Rayfor, re police harassment of voter registration efforts in Coahoma Co. MS. 1965
1965Affadavit of Asa Slaughter, re discriminatory jury selection in Madison Co. MS. 1/9/65
6/14/65 Affadavits of Robert Gahtan and Bernice Crosby, re mass arrests in Jackson MS, crowded jail conditions and police beatings, June 14, 1965
6/65Affadavit of Mrs. Annie Mae King, mass arrests and police brutality
6/65Affadavit of Mrs. Maggie Gordon, police brutality
6/65Affadavit of Wayne Mercer, mass arrests and police malpractice
1965Affadavit of Walter Gilbert, re Carthage MS church burning, October 15 1965 (handwritten)
1965Affadavit of Lynn Hollander, re Carthage MS church burning, October 15 1965 (handwritten)

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