Add Yourself to the
Roll Call of
Freedom Movement Veterans

You are eligible to add your name to the Roll Call if you put your body on the line by being active in the South with CORE, NAACP, SCLC, SNCC, SCEF, SSOC, Delta Ministry, Deacons for Defense, a local movement group, or some other Southern Freedom Movement organization that opposed Jim Crow segregation or fought for nonwhite voting rights during the years 1950-1970.

By active we mean:

If you meet any of the above criteria, please email us with your answers to the following questions:

  1. Name: (The name you want to be listed under)

  2. Former/Other Names (optional): Additional names that people might recognize you by. They will be in parenthesis after your main name. For example, "Jan Junebug (Uhuru Odinga)."

  3. Your email address:
    Email is our main method of contact and is required. But if you do not want your email address displayed on your Roll Call page add, "Do Not Display."

  4. Postal Address (Street, City, State, Zip)
    If you do not want your address displayed on your Roll Call page add, "Do Not Display."

  5. Phone Number and alternate number if you wish:
    If you do not want your phonedisplayed on your Roll Call page add, "Do Not Display."

  6. Personal Web Site (if you have one):
    For example,

  7. Years: The years you were active in the South
    For example, 1962-65, or 1964.

  8. Organizations: The organizations you worked with in the South.
    For example, SNCC, SCLC, CORE, MFDP.

  9. States: The states you worked in the South.

  10. Speaker:
    If you want to be included in our Speakers List tell us "Yes, Speakers List"

  11. Testimony:
    Some description of what you did during the Movement and what it meant to you is required (simply listing the places, years, organizations is not sufficient). And optionally, what have you been up to since? See Testimony Guidelines for additional information.

Depending on how busy we are, it may take a day or two for your material to be posted on the site.

IMPORTANT NOTE: We do not sell people's info to spammers or advertisers. We do on occasion provide contact info at no cost to people organizing civil rights reunions, commemorations, or other Freedom Movement related events. See Privacy Statement.


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(Labor donated)