Northern Wing of the Movement
Listed Chronologically

1940s-50s   1960   1961   1962   1963   1964
1965   1966   1967   1968   1969   1970

See also Northern Documents Grouped by Issue

Students for a Democratic Society Collection, 1962-1970
Berkeley Free Speech Movement Collection (FSM), 1964
San Francisco State College Student Activism Collection, 1967-1968
San Francisco State College BSU/TWLF Student/Faculty Strike 1968-1969
Peace & Freedom Party Documents 1968
Movement Legal & Security Research Documents.

Skip introduction & notes

As explained in About the Civil Rights Movement Archive, this website was created to document and preserve the history of the Southern Freedom Movement — meaning the Civil Rights Movement as it occurred in the South. We initially chose not to cover the northern wing of the Movement because few of us in Bay Area Veterans of the Civil Rights Movement had much direct experience in the North and because, with one exception, we did not have any significant collection of northern materials to begin with. However, some collections of southern material also contain northern documents which in 2020 we decided to begin including here. For more on the northern wing, see Northern Wing of the Civil Rights Movement).

 — Bruce Hartford, Webspinner

Notes on language:

  1. As was the common usage by Freedom Movement activists in the 1960s, this page uses the words "North" and "Northern" to denote the movement as it existed outside of the South.

  2. In the 1960s, social-justice activists commonly used the word "ghetto" for Afro-American neighborhoods — particularly in the urban north — as a way of calling attention to involuntary residential segregation, economic exploitation, systemic poverty, and police repression. In some contexts, "ghetto" was also a term of defiant community pride. Today, some folks now use "ghetto" as a disparaging pejorative, as in "that's so ghetto." On this site we use "ghetto" as it was used in the 1960s.


Background: Los Angeles Movement, 1963-1965


10/16/43 NCNW Flyer, Interracial Workshop and Monster Mass Meeting. National Council of Negro Women (NCNW). New York City.
1950s SLID The Student Movement in the 50s, a Reminiscence. Andre Schriffrin. Radical America, 1968. (7 pages)
6/51 NCASP Yours for a Genuine Brotherhood: A Survey of Discrimination in the Healthcare Field in Los Angeles, 39 page pamphlet by National Council of Arts, Sciences, and Profession. Undated (presumed June 1951) [See Stood Here Before for a personal remembrance regarding this document.]
11/26/54 SCUAC Subpoena for Kenneth Hartford: before the California Senate Committee on Un-American Activities (SCUAC). [See Stood Here Before for a personal remembrance regarding this document.]
1955 PDC What Happened on June 15?, 15-page pamphlet about arrest of 29 anti-war activists who protested a New York City civil defence mobilization. Arthur Brown, Provisional Defense Committee. June 15, 1955
1955 PDC Fund-appeal letter, for arrested anti-war activists. Dorothy Day, A.J. Muste, Provisional Defense Committee
5/24/56 Several Salute and Support the Heroes of the South Montgomery Bus Boycott, NYC Madison Square Garden support rally and fundraiser flyer. A. Philip Randolph, NAACP, In Friendship.
12/57NCNWNCNW SF Committee Roster, 1956-1957. Unsigned. Undated (probably November or December 1957)
12/57 UAW Fact Sheet, United Auto Workers Fair Practices Dept.
50s? 60s? NCNW National Council of Negro Women (NCNW) Constitution, U.C. Berkeley chapter. Undated (possibly 1950s)



11/60SCLCCaberet for Freedom, Southern Freedom Struggle benefit flyer, Village Gate, NYC. Unsigned
11/61 CORE Northwest Area CORE-LATOR, newsletter, San Jose CA CORE. November 1961



1961OFCA Call for Help, Maurice McCrackin (OFC) (Fayette/Harwood Counties, TN)
61? 62?SSFFFund appeal, Southern Student Fund Appeal, UC Berkeley. Undated (probably Fall 1961 to early 1962)



12/17/61 Report re Proposals of the East Harlem Triangle Community Assoc regarding urban renewal plans, Alice Kornegay
????LAUSDDilworth Act Relating to Communist-Party Membership, school board's legal basis for "Loyalty Oath."
5/52NAACPPatterns of Employment Discrimination, 12-page Crisis reprint-pamphlet by Herbert Hill based on his congressional testimony
3/62?  LAUSD Board rule requiring Loyalty Oath, J.P. Crowther, L.A. Unified School District. Possibly March 1962
62? 63?OFCVictims of Voter Registration, A Call for Help from Mississippi, Unsigned, OFC. Undated (probably late '62 or early '63)
62? 63?OFCHarassments, Boycotts, Shootings, regarding Ruleille MS. Unsigned, OFC. Undated (probably late '62 or early '63)



Notes on the Delta Area of Mississippi, Jack McArt, Operation Freedom Committee (OFC). February 1963
1963CORE  Welcome to CORE, flyer for new members. Undated 1963
1963?NSMNorthern Student Movement Coordinating Conmittee Budget, unsigned. Undated (possibly 1963)
1963CORESouthwest Realty Board Supports Segregation, CORE flyer ("southwest" refers to an area of L.A. county). Undated 1963
1963?NYCWhat You Should Know to Get Rid of Rats, New York City Dept. of Health. Undated.
63? 64?FoSFriends of SNCC Constitution and By-Laws, Madison WI. Undated (probably 1963 or 1964)
1963?FoSCommittee to Abolish HUAC, memo/plan by Friends of SNCC (FoS). Undated (possibly fall of 1963)
1963CORESegregated Schools in Los Angeles, 32-page pamphlet. Kenneth Fry, CORE Education Committee. Undated
1963 SPU Student Peace Union Constitution 1962-63. Unsigned SPU
1/63 SPU SPU Peacemaker, SoCal newsletter.
2/1/63SNCCA Salute to Southern Students, Carnegie Hall benefit flyer. Unsigned SNCC
4/63 SPU Student Peace Union Bulletin, unsigned SPU. (14 pages)
4/63 WRL Dear Friend letter to WRL supporters re relationship of peace and civil rights movements. Bayard Rustin, WRL
5/9/63COREChief Parker resign! Mother's Day party flyer
5/23/63SCLC Freedom in Birmingham, mass march up Market Street flyer, SCLC & San Franciso supporters
63? 64?CORE?Rally to Support the Southern Freedom Movement, Unsigned (possibly CORE), Undated (probably June of either '63 or '64)
6/63YSAThe Indiana "Subversion" Speech June 1963. Transcript of and Q&A about speech by Black socialist Leroy McRae at Univ. of Indiana (Bloomington). (Three student members of the Young Socialist Alliance were indicted on felony sedition charges for promoting and attending McRae's address to over 100 students and faculty.)
1963FoSHoadley's Test Case in Indiana, by Jay Neugeboren (New Republic) reprinted by Friends of SNCC(?). Undated 1963
6/28/63COREPress release about real estate tycoon Don Wilson, LA CORE.
7/21/63Join Our Demonstration Against Police Malpractice, Ad Hoc Committee Against Police Malpractice (Venice CA CORE).
Fall 63UCRCAct Now! Flyer against school segregation. Unsigned UCRC. Undated
Fall 63UCRCFlyer against school segregation. Unsigned UCRC. Undated
7/63CORELA CORE organizing calendar.
7/10/63COREPress release protesting Torrance town curfew to block protests, LA CORE.
8/63CORELA CORE organizing calendar
8/63HEPNeighborhood Commons Project, unsigned Harlem Education Project.
9/63CORESo You Are Willing to Be Arrested, LA CORE arrestee form. Undated (probably September '63)
9/28/63 PANA, HRPA The Black Revolution - What Next? NYC rally flyer. Pan-African Nationalist Association in the Americas, Human Rights Political Association
9/17/63COREProtest Birmingham Murders flyer, unsigned Berkeley CORE
9/19/63COREYes, There IS School Segregation Here flyer. LA CORE.
9/22/63 NYC National Day of Mourning for the Children of Birmingham flyer. New York City civil rights organizations.
Fall 63COREDuties of Monitors, protest instructions. Unsigned LA CORE. Undated.
Fall 63CORENote to Bruin CORE re White- Only job notice at sorority, anonymous. Undated
Fall 63COREBruin CORE recruitment flyer. Undated
Fall 63?COREAnti-Bruin CORE flyer attacking Bruin CORE. Undated.
Fall 63COREBoard of Education Sing-In songsheet, unsigned LACORE.
10/63CORESupport for CORE Action Projects, Woodrow Coleman L.A. CORE Action Committee.
10/14/63COREAction Committee Memo & Agenda, Woodrow Coleman L.A. CORE.
10/17/63CORE Flyer for 3rd study-in against L.A. school segregation. Unsigned L.A. CORE
10/17/63 CORE Defaced Campus CORE flyer (possibly UCLA). (Note official stamp of approval from campus administration permitting the flyer to be posted on bulletin boards as was required prior to the Free Speech Movement of Fall 1964.)
10/24/63COREFlyer for 4th study- in against L.A. school segregation, unsigned CORE.
11/2/63COREReport on All Night Sit-in at Board of Education, Bruce Hartford, N-VAC/Bruin CORE.
11/11/63COREDaily Bruin article on BoE sit-in
11/14/63CORERevised L.A. CORE Constitution, adopted November 14, 1963
11/18/63COREPress release supporting Hopi tribe, Unsigned L.A. CORE.
11/23/63SNCCAll Star Concert, Carnegie Hall benefit flyer. Unsigned SNCC
11/29/63SCLCCEqual Time on Radio and TV, memo re how to complain and oppose racist & right-wing domination of media. Unsigned SCLCC
11/30/63COREL.A. CORE Active Membership Bulletin
12/63COREDon't Support Job Discrimination, unsigned CORE (later N-VAC) against Wichstand drive- in.
12/63CORELetter demoting 17 members of L.A. CORE (the result of a "more-protests" vs "fewer-protests" internal split)
12/16/63COREL.A. CORE Active Membership Bulletin
63? 64?BAGCase Study in Direct Action: The Boston Action Group vs Wonder Bread. Unsigned. Undated (probably late 1963 or sometime in 1964)


1964COREDraft program to clear up slums, retrain unemployed and raise standards of minority groups in New York, Unsigned N.Y. CORE.
1964FoSPetition to President Johnson and Dept of Justice, Undated (probably later 1964)
1964CORE  Active member questionaire, L.A. CORE. Undated (possibly late 1963 or early 1964)
1964COREFor Whom the (School) Bell Tolls, school segregation flyer. Pasadena CORE. Undated (possibly 1964)
1964?N-VACHome Savings Finances Discrimination, unsigned N-VAC flyer. Undated.
1964COREFundraising Brochure, L.A. CORE,
1964?CADoJIncident information form, California Department of Justice. Undated.
1964N-VACArrest consent & instructions form, Unsigned, N-VAC. Undated 1964
1964N-VACNon-Violent Action Committee stationary
1964N-VACN-VAC Membership Application, Non-Violent Action Committee. Undated
1964?N-VAC Letter from Lincoln Heights Jail, Woodrow Coleman (handwritten). (Undated, probably 1964)
1964N-VAC Nonviolent training session notes #1, (handwritten), undated 1964
1964N-VAC Nonviolent training session notes #2, Undated
1964N-VAC Nonviolent training session notes #3, Undated
1964N-VAC Nonviolent training session notes #4 (annotated during session). Undated
1964N-VAC Nonviolent training session script (handwritten). Undated
1964COREFundraising questionaire for L.A. CORE members, undated 1964
1964N-VAC Note (handwritten) from Lincoln Heights jail, Woodrow (Woody) Coleman. Undated 1964
1964?FoSDonation/support slip, by Fred Glick Chicago North Shore Friends of SNCC, undated (probably 1964)
1964FoSSupport appeal quoting letter from Harry Belafonte. Monroe Sharp, Chicago Friends of SNCC
1964 The Freedom Movement In Boston, by Noel Day, St. Mark Social Center. 19-page analysis.
1/30/64CORESafeway negotiations with CORE, E.A. Saunders, Safeway, press-release by L.A. CORE.
2/1/64CORESafeway Gives in to CORE's Demands, membership bulletin. L.A. CORE.
2/64N-VACRevised Employment Statistics of Van de Kamp's, Bruce Hartford, N-VAC. Undated (probably early February 1964)
2/64N-VACN-VAC employment demands presented to Van de Kamp's, unsigned. Undated (probably mid-February 1964)
2/64COREL.A. CORE Organizing Calendar
2/64COREBoycott Lucky Stores to End Discriminatory Hiring, flyer by unsigned U.C. Berkeley Campus CORE
2/1/64COREL.A. CORE Membership Bulletin
2/14/64ManyJerico-Jim Crow, Langstan Hughes, benefit performance for CORE, NAACP, SNCC. NYC.
2/19/64N-VACBoycott of Van de Kamp's Called for Thursday, unsigned N-VAC press release (probably by Mari Goldman). February 19, 1964
2/19/64COREL.A. CORE Membership Bulletin
2/21/64UCRCMemo to members re protests against discrimination by Ralph's sumermarkets, Earl Walter, UCRC.
2/21/64N-VACDon't Buy Van De Kamp's, first boycott flyer, unsigned. Undated (probably February 21st 1964)
2/21/64COREAnti-Segregation Amendment Action Timetable, Bruin CORE flyer. February 21, 1964
2/21/64COREAnti-Segregation Action! Unsigned Bruin CORE flyer
Spg 64COREBruin CORE flyer picket line violence & Republican convention. Undated (probably spring 1964)
3/64COREL.A. CORE Organizing Calendar
3/64COREL.A. CORE-Lator, newsletter. Vol 1, Num 1
3/64N-VACFact Sheet on Van De Kamp's Action, unsigned. Undated (probably March '64)
3/64COREFreedom News, by Madison WI CORE. Undated (probably March 1964)
3/64 The Triple Revolution: An Appraisal of the Major U.S. Crisis and Proposals for Action, by Ad Hoc Committee. 14-page white paper.
3/6/64Ad HocJoin the Sheraton-Palace Protest flyer, unsigned Ad-Hoc Committee to End Discrimination
3/6/64COREL.A. CORE Membership Bulletin
3/11/64 FoS Freedom Fast Sing- In flyer with Barbara Dane, unsigned FoS, U.C. Berkeley
3/11/64COREDear Friend of Freedom, L.A. CORE recruitment letter, Arthur Silver, Chair, L.A. CORE. March 11, 1964
3/12/64 R.A. Peterson, BoFA Letter to FEPC denying that Bank of America practices racial discrimination
3/13/64HCRCCSNCC Night at the Brattle, Joan of the Angels. Harvard Civil Rights Coordinating Committee
3/14/64N-VAC Come Join Us, Van de Kamp's sit-in flyer. Unsigned.
3/16/64 James Vizzard, CORE Memo to Bakersfield City Council defending right of minors to peacefully picket, by CORE attorney re Bank of America campaign.
3/17/64UCRCDear Friend mailing re agreement with Ralph's Stores, Earl Walter, UCRC.
3/21/64N-VAC Van de Kamp's Discriminates Against Negroes This Must be Changed Now, sit-in flyer. Unsigned.
3/24/64COREL.A. CORE Membership Bulletin
3/25/64FoS?Proposal for Medgar Evers chain letter protest, by Henry & Elly Glass, Chicago FoS?
3/26/64COREInitiative No! flyer opposing state constitutional initiative to prohibit civil rights laws such as the Rumford Fair Housing Act. Unsigned L.A. CORE.
3/28/64COREReserve: March 28, flyer promoting civil rights march. Unsigned Bruin CORE
4/64COREL.A. CORE Organizing Calendar
4/64NAACPCadillac: Biggest Demonstration Ever, Massive Civil Disobedience flyer, unsigned San Francisco NAACP. April 1964
4/4/64CORE Why We Are Demonstrating! unsigned L.A. CORE flyer re employment discrimination by radio station KFWB.
4/4/64CORE Freedom Now? Recruitment flyer for protests against job discrimination. Unsigned L.A. CORE
4/64N-VAC  N-VAC picket line song sheets, undated (probably April, May, or June of 1964)
4/64 CPO/CORE Ergo & Downdraft, CPO newsletter. New York City (possibly Brooklyn) 17 pages
The Stall-In Worked (Brooklyn CORE, Worlds' Fair)
New Yorks Segregated Schools & Desegregation Effors
Brooklyn CORE Rent Strike
Downdraft (End the Draft)
4/5/64N-VAC  Van De Kamps Discriminates Against Negroes This Must Stop Now, protest flyer. Bruce Hartford, N- VAC
4/5/64 FoS Letter from Dottie re assistance for freedom worker.
4/10/64N-VAC N-VAC Invites You to Hear Gloria Richardson, leader of the Cambridge Non-Violent Action Committee. Flyer.
4/10/64N-VAC N-VAC Presents Gloria Richardson, Flyer.
4/64COREStop Double Sessions in Our Schools! L.A. CORE flyer. Undated (probably mid April 1964)
4/16/64CORELetter re the suspension of Brooklyn CORE (because of the Worlds Fair "stall-in"), James Farmer, CORE National Director,
4/25/64FoSPledge for Action, unsigned Madiscon Committee for Civil Rights, Wisconsin
4/26/64FoSDear Sir, Dick Gregory & Freedom Singer fundraising event. Unsigned Madison WI FoS
4/26/64N-VAC N-VAC Freedom Rally flyer
4/27/64UCRCDear Friend mailing re negotiations and action against Thriftymart, Earl Walter, UCRC.
4/29/64FoSNote from Dottie Zellner to Howard Zinn re financial problems & restrictions affecting Boston Friends of SNCC
4/29/64UCRCBoycott Thriftymart Stores flyer, unsigned UCRC.
5/64CFMC.F.M. Reports, newsletter of Committee For Miners (Appalachia) 6 pages.
5/5/64CORE Chief Parker Resign! flyer opposing police brutality & malpractice. Unsigned CORE.
1964CORE Study History by Living It! Volunteer for Los Angeles CORE's Freedom Summer, undated flyer (probably April or May of 1964)
5/64 CORE Position Paper - Bank of America Project, unsigned CORE
5/64 CORE Why Are We Picketing? Picket line flyer. Unsigned CORE. Undated (probably late May 1964)
5/64 CORE Rules for Picketers, Unsigned CORE (possibly Bakersfield). Undated (probably late May 1964)
5/64 CORE Legal arguments re rights of minors to participate in protests, Unsigned CORE (probably California). Undated (possibly May 1964)
5/8/64ISAFlyer protesting visit by Shah of Iran to UCLA, Iranian Students Association
1964COREMore Action, Not Less Will Win!, Bruin CORE Bank of American flyer. Undated (probably May or June of '64)
5/16/65N-VAC Are You Free? Have You Ever Done Anything for Your Freedom?, Boycott Van de Kamps flyer, Bruce Hartford, N-VAC.
5/19/65COREL.A. CORE Membership Bulletin
5/20/64 Chet Duncan, CORE Memo re Bank of America campaign, CORE Western Regional Field Secretary
5/22/65COREBruin CORE Action Bulletin No. 1, protest flyer against Bank of America
5/22/65COREI.O.U. Equal Job Opportunities, boycott Bank of America flyer, L.A. CORE
5/22/ CORE Press Release: Bakersfield CORE to picket Bank of America, Unsigned CORE
5/27/63 FoS Letter from Dottie re assistance for freedom worker and a personnel evaluation
5/27/64 CORE Local Negro Leaders Praise Both Pickets and Bank of America, Unsigned. Probably distributed by Bakersfield CORE
5/27/65N-VAC Stop! Don't Buy at Van DeKamp's, boycott Van de Kamps flyer.
5/27/65COREBank of American campaign report, Chet Duncan, CORE Western Region.
5/28/65N-VAC 4 N-VAC members found guilty; charges against 6 juveniles dismissed. Van de Kamps sit-in arrest & trial.
5/29/64BofAAdvertisement opposing CORE employment-discrimination protests, Bank of America (published in UCLA Senior Bruin newspaper
5/29/64COREMass Picketing Bank of America, flyer, by Berkeley and Campus CORE
5/29/64COREFlyer protesting racially- motivated flyer by Vickers Inc. Unsigned L.A.CORE.
5/30/64N-VAC We're Having a Going Away Party, fundraising flyer for jail-bound protesters. Unsigned, N-VAC
6/2/64COREL.A. CORE Membership Bulletin
6/3/64N-VAC Statement on L.A. situation criticizing "moderate" leaders and calling for militant protests
6/4/64COREStatement to City Council on Police Malpractice, L.A. metropolitan CORE chapters
6/7/64COREJoin Our Demonstration Now! Flyer for protest at L.A. Realty Board against housing segregation and discrimination
6/10/64COREProposed plan of action against Bank of America, Bill Bradley, Will Ussery, Western Region CORE
6/11/64 Why the Shah of Iran Should Not be Invited to UCLA. Flyer signed by Iranian Students Assoc, Organization of Arab Students, National Student Association, supported by Bruin CORE
6/11/64N-VAC N-VAC Demonstrators Go To Jail, press release about jail sentences for protesting employment discrimination at Van de Kamps
6/13/64N-VAC This Man Has Been Found Guilty of Protesting Racial Discrimination, Van de Kamp's flyer. Unsigned.
6/14/64FoSDear Friends of SNCC, memo promoting SNCC benefit by Second City. Chicago Area FoS.
6/19/64COREJobs for Negroes and Non-Whites at Bank of America Thanks to CORE, flyer. Unsigned, Bruin CORE.
6/23/64COREPassage of Rumsfeld fair housing legislation in the California Assembly, press release. Unsigned, L.A. CORE.
6/24/64N-VAC Jailed N-VAC Demonstrators Demand 5 More Days in Jail, unsigned press release.
6/26/64COREProtest at Bank of America, press release. Unsigned, Bruin CORE.
6/28/64ManyProtest Vigil Madison WI to demand protection for civil rights workers in the South, unsigned FoS, MCCR, CORE, SDS
1964SNCC Things to Do Now and Throughout the Summer, unsigned SNCC. Probably sent to Friends of SNCC offices nationwide during Freedom Summer. Undated summer 1964
1964 Statement criticizing Dept of Justice for failing to enforce the law in Mississippi, by faculty members Univ. of Wisconsin. Undated (probably summer 1964)
1964FoSDear Friend of Freedom: Negroes in Mississippi Need Your Help! by George Riddick, Chicago FoS
7/64COREWhy We Say Bank of America Discriminates
7/64YAUYouth Action Union Newsletter
7/64 Dane County resolution on the MFDP and explainer, Dane County WI Democrats
1964 Help? — Help? flyer opposed to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Unsigned anti-civil-rights group (probably from Wisconsin). Undated (probably later 1964)
7/7/64N-VAC Letter to parents of protesters arrested during a sit-in, Hugh Manes, ACLU attorney
7/10-15N-VAC Van de Kamps injuction against the sip-in tactic
Injunction, declaration of service #1
Injunction, declaration of service #2
Declaration of Robert Hudecek
Declaration #2 of Robert Hudecek
Declaration of Russel I. Kelly
Declaration #2 of Russel I. Kelly
Declaration of Everett W. Brown
Order to Show Cause in re Contempt
7/13/64UCRCDear Friend mailing re shop-ins and protests against Thriftymart Stores, Brookins & Walter, UCRC.
7/24/64N-VAC Eight Convicted at Civil Rights Trial, L.A. Times newsclip
1964N-VACHandwritten courtroom sentencing notes, Bruce Hartford N-VAC. Undated (probably late summer or early fall of 1964)
1964N-VACDon't Eat Here, Van de Kamp's boycott flyer. Bruce Hartford, N-VAC. Undated (probably April-July, 1964)
1964N-VACN-VAC Protests Van de Kamp's Racist Hiring Practices, Bruce Hartford, N-VAC. Undated (probably April- July, 1964)
1964N-VACDon't Buy at Van de Kamp's, Bruce Hartford, N-VAC. Undated (probably April-July, 1964)
8/3/64COREMemo to members re PR parnership with L.A. Free Press, Sylvia Richards, L.A. CORE
8/3/64COREStem the Tide of Hate, joint statement against formation of White Citizens Council in L.A.
8/8/64FoSBenefit Lawn Party for the Mississippi Summer Project, invitation by Madison FoS
8/10/64N-VACN-VAC to demonstrate against Van de Kamps during trial, unsigned press release
8/28/64?FoSWisconsin Friends of SNCC Report, Gretchen. Undated (presumed August 28, 1964 or possibly 1965)
9/64DuBoisWest L.A. DuBois Club flyer, unsigned
9/64CORETo the Public: An Extreme Measure?, flyer about fast against school segregation. Unsigned L.A. CORE
9/64COREWhy We Are Demonstrating, flyer opposing school segregation. Unsigned L.A. CORE
9/64CORECampus CORE: Read the CORElator flyer, by unsigned U.C. Berkeley Campus CORE
1964FoSNotice about discussions among campus Mississippi volunteers, unsigned Univ. of Wisconson (Madison) FoS. Undated (probably fall 1964)
Fall 64? Ad HocThe Ad Hoc Committee to End Discrimination Needs Your Help, fund appeal flyer. Undated (possibly fall 1964)
1964DuBoisThe W.E.B. DuBois Clubs of America, Berkeley Branch, recruitment brochure. Undated (probably early fall, 1964)
1964DuBoisA Letter From the Los Angeles Organizing Committee, recruitment flyer. W.E.B. DuBois Club. Undated (probably late summer or early fall, 1964)
9/1/64CORELetter to Freedom House organizing committee re withdrawal of support for West Oakland project. Gretchen Kittridge, Campus CORE (UC Berkeley)
9/1/64LATCommunists and the U.S. Negro, editorial linking civil rights activities to communism, Los Angeles Times.
9/4/64COREBail-raising party flyer (Bank of America victory), unsigned Bruin CORE
9/18/64AdHocAd Hoc Committee gets unanimous endorsement re employment discrimination by the Oakland Tribune. Alameda Co. Central Labor Committee
9/19/64  Rumford Act case data for first year, unsigned.
9/64   Siege at Freemont Place, Ramparts magazine. Rumsford Fair Housing Act overturn, Catholic Church, Cardinal McIntyre, racism.
9/26/64FoSAppeal to Univ. of Wisconson faculty re federal protection for civil rights workers in Mississippi, Alicia Kaplow, FoS
9/29/64PCDCMemo to Madison WI FoS re Indictment of Patricia Coatsworth (Cuba travel), Joan Wallach, PCDC
10/64CORESouthern California CORE- Lator newsletter. Vol 1, Num 2
10/64N-VACLetter to Ad-Hoc Committee to End Discrimination (S.F. Bay Area) regarding police, arrests & trials. Bruce Hartford, undated (probably October 1964)
10/64N-VACExcerpt from Focus on Cambridge by Gloria Richardson. Unsigned N-VAC background info re Prop-14 boycott call. Undated, probably October 1964
10/64N-VACShall We Vote on Democracy???, unsigned N-VAC. Undated, probably October 1964
10/07/64FoSLetter to Pete Seeger asking him to perform at Friends of SNCC concert in Madison Wisconsin, Alicia Kaplow, FoS
1964FoSTo the Madison Churches, appeal. Jill Godmilow FoS. Undated (probably Fall 1964)
1964FoSMaterials Needed for Mississippi Project, unsigned COFO. Undated (probably Fall 1964)
  Reply by Peter Seeger's agent declining concert invitation, Harold Leventhal, Agent. 10/22/64
10/10/64N-VAC Injunction agasint the Sip-In tactic by Judge Harold Collins.
10/10/64COREAnother Mass Study-In at L.A. Board of Education flyer.
10/23/64N-VAC Flyer advertising bail-bond fundraising party for jailed protesters. Unsigned N- VAC
10/23/64N-VAC Freedom Now! Party, bulletin board sign for bail-bond fundraising party for jailed protesters. Unsigned N-VAC
10/24/64COREBruin CORE Party, flyer for fundraising party. Unsigned N-VAC
10/24/64COREAll Night Vigil at the Board of Education, protest flyer
10/24N-VAC Chronology of protest actions against Van de Kamps employement discrimination Feb 2 - Oct 24, 1964. Prepared for N-VAC press laison Mari Goldman by Bruce Hartford
10/24/64COREFourth Weekly Mass Study- In, flyer for protest at L.A. Board of Education
10/24/64FoS Dear Friend program outline for campus Friends of SNCC (FoS) groups. Jan Else, SNCC. 10/23/64
10/26/64FoSLetter to Alicia Kaplow denying request for a Solicitation Approval Card, Richard Johnston, Madison Chamber of Commerce Inc.
11/64N-VACNotes on the History of the Non-Violent Action Committee, Bruce Hartford (N-VAC)
11/3/64COREL.A. CORE Active Membership Bulletin
11/9/64N-VAC Statement to L.A. City Council re proposed Human Relations Bureau
11/14/64SNCCJerico-Jim Crow, Langstan Hughes, benefit performance for SNCC & WILPF. Philadelphia PA
11/16/64UCB COREMemo to other CORE chapters, Bryson Collins, U.C. Berkeley CORE
11/16/64UCB CORECampus CORE Activities: Nov '63 - Nov '64, U.C. Berkeley CORE. Undated (probably Nov 16, 1964)
11/18/64FoSMemo to FoS from Dominican Sisters, re film and volunteers
11/19/64NSAThanksgiving Fast for Freedom, flyer. Unsigned NSA, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison.
11/19/64NSAThanksgiving Fast for Freedom, flyer #2. Unsigned NSA, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison.
11/19/64IECIEC endorses Thanksgiving Fast for Freedom. Gary Cole, IEC, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison.
12/1/64COREL.A. CORE Organizing Calendar
12/64 FoS Bay Area Friends of SNCC newsletter, MFDP Congressional Challenge, Westcoast Conference, MCHR, more...
12/1/64FoS Dear Friend, invitation to New York SNCC meeting. Alan Reich, Carol Rogoff
12/1/64N-VAC 'Sip-In' Demonstrators Get Suspended Terms, L.A. Times newsclip
12/64FosMeeting invitation, by Univ. Wisconsin to Alicia Kaplow, FoS. 12/1/64
Meeting invitation, by Univ. Wisconsin to Alicia Kaplow, 12/28/64
12/7/64FoSDear Sir, Christmas fund appeal on behalf of SNCC projects in Mississippi. Unsigned Madison WI FoS
12/64OACCRCarpenters for Christmas: We Need Your Help, appeal for funds and assistance rebuilding bombed churches in Mississippi. Marcia Aronoff, Oberlin Action Committee for Civil Rights
12/12/64AdHocAd Hoc's Comin', protest flyer against employment discrimination by the Oakland Tribune. Unsigned Ad Hoc Committee to End Discrimination
12/12/64AdHocPut an End to Discrimination, at the Oakland Tribune. Unsigned Ad Hoc Committee to End Discrimination
12/12/64AdHocRacial employement statistics at Oakland Tribune. Unsigned Ad Hoc Committee to End Discrimination
12/22/64MCC Note to Amzie Moore, December 22 1964, Jake Friesen, MCC



????NSM Community Organization in the Ghetto, A Critique, by Bill Strickland, NSM. Undated (possibly 1964 or '65 or later)
'64? '65?FASERequest for Contribution to Support Civil Rights Work, Warner Slack, Univ. of Wisconsin, Undated (Probably 1964 or 1965)
64&65FoSOff-campus speaker permission registration forms for: Stokely Carmichael, Hazel Palmer, Rev. James Bevel, Jim Collier, and Pete Seeger. Madison FoS.
1965N-VAC   Boycott, Baby, Boycott: N-VAC 16 Point Program, Unsigned. Undated 1965
1965N-VAC Political Program, unsigned N-VAC. Undated 1965
1965NSM Freedom North, publication of Northern Student Movement (NSM). 10 articles, 20pages. Saul Alinsky, Richard Cloward, Staughton Lynd, Fred Powledge, William Strickland. Undated (presumed 1965, possibly Jan)
1/20/65FoS Friends of the Mississippi Project Newsletter, Vol.1 No.1
2/65FoS The Story of COFO (Part One), Bay Area FoS Newsletter
2/65 YD Pacific Scene (formerly Young Democrat), George Ballis. Bob Moses universal questions, UC regents vs farm workers, CORE & NAACP in San Francisco.
2/1/65FoSMemo re Congressional Challenge petition drive, Dottie Zellner, Joan Reischauer, MA FoS
2/11/65FoSNote to Alice Kaplow re non- profit permit with Post Office, by Ken Champney, FoS Yellow Springs OH
2/11/65FoSDear Alice, thank you note for funds, Lee McCowen. (handwritten)
2/11/65FoSDear Alice, thank you note for funds, Lee McCowen. (handwritten)
3/65FoSThe Story of COFO (Part Two), Bay Area FoS Newsletter
3/65 An Appeal to President Lyndon Baines Johnson and ..., re housing segregation and freedom of residence. Donald Frey, National Citizens Assembly on Progress in Equality of Opportunity in Housing. March 1965
3/8/65FoSSupporters to join Selma march flyer, by Madison WI FoS
3/10/65FoSProtest Brutality in Selma, flyer by Madison WI FoS
3/12/65FoSDear Alicia, letter from students in Wausau re civil rights & SNCC. Marty Holmquist.
3/15/65FoS Report on Alabama, unsigned Chicago SNCC.
3/17/65FoSWhy We Go To Capitol Hill To Speak With Our Representatives, Unsigned, MFDP/FoS. March 17, 1965
3/17/65 CNVA Direct Action for a Nonviolent World, New England Committee for Nonviolent Action newsletter #56
3/15/65UCBSilent March, flyer. Memorial for Rev. Reeb murdered in Selma and other martyrs of the voting rights struggle. Unsigned Interfaith Leadership Council, U.C. Berkeley
3/22/65FoSLetter of Appreciation for Friends of SNCC, James Sykes, YMCA
3/25/65FoSDear Friends, appeal for financial support for a Mississippi freedom worker, Vince Ferrar? (handwritten)
3/26/65FoSDonation for Selma march, Kristen Christensen, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Madison WI
3/29/65FoSCall for national student-organizing workshops in conjunction with April Vietnam protest, Unsigned, FoS. March 29 1965
3/29/65FoSMemo re shortcomings in proposed Voting Rights bill, Margaret Lauren, Friends of SNCC. March 29, 1965
3/29/65FoSDonation for Selma campaign, Bronson LaFollette, Winsconsin Attorney General
3/29/65FoSDonation, L. Drake, Univ. Wisconsin
3/30/65FoSLetter to FoS re Selma, John Doar, AAG, U.S. Dept. of Justice
1965FoSTo the Justice Department and U.S. Congress, sign-on letter demanding civil rights enforcement in Alabama. Madison FoS. Undated (probably Spring 1965).
4/8/65SNCCNational gathering of students in Washington DC., Nancy Cooper, SNCC. April 8, 1965
4/8/65FoSDonation from Wisconsin Attorney General, Bronson La Follette
4/12/65 FoSNote requesting information on SNCC, Judy Ohnesorge
4/12/65 CNVA Direct Action for a Nonviolent World, New England Committee for Nonviolent Action newsletter #57
4/15/65 FoSLetter denying postal bulk rate to FoS, John Whitmore, USPS
4/17/65 FoSNote re Working in The Movement (handwritten), Collin Minert
4/22/65COREDiscrimination in Hiring: How Much is it Worth?, protest flyer re Oakland restaurants. Unsigned Berheley CORE
4/23/65CORE The Restaurants Are Putting Up a Helluva Fight...But We Shall Overcome, protest flyer re Oakland restaurants. Unsigned Berheley CORE
4/25/65FoSFreedom Singers: SNCC, flyer for noon rally re MFDP. Unsigned.
5/4/65 UCC Donation from "Mother Courage" theater play fundraiser, Kenneth Friou, UCC
5/5/65 FFF Letter re Food for Freedom and Selma, AL
1965 Civil Rights Projects Considered for Support. Unsigned, Univ. Wisconsin Student-Faculty Council. May 6, 1965
5/6/65CORELouisiana Summer, 1965, recruitment flyer for Louisiana summer project. U.C. Berkeley CORE
5/8/65 United Protest Demonstraton flyer, re harsh sentences imposed on nonviolent protesters, Oakland CA. Citizen Committee of Concern for Justice
5/11/65FoSThank you note, R. W. Fleming, Univ. Wisconsin Regents
5/13/65FoSLetter thanking Alicia Kaplow for presentation to meeting, Maurice Pasch, Univ. Wisconsin Regents
5/17/65 CNVA Direct Action for a Nonviolent World, New England Committee for Nonviolent Action newsletter #58
5/22/65FoSDear Sir, thank you note for financial assistance. Eugene Pritchett, Selma AL. (Handwritten)
5/26/65SNCCNote to Alice Kaplow, re financial supporet money order by Margaret L., SNCC
5/27/65SSOCMemo to Lucy Montgomery re support for SSOC. William Karp
5/65SNCC Reports by the Staff of the Chicago SNCC Freedom Center, Monroe Sharp
6/5/65TTPOur Work for a World Without War, leadership seminar. Jack Bollens, Turn Toward Peace (TTP)
6/10/65FoSFreedom Caravan to Washington DC, re MFDP Congressional Challenge. Unsigned Bay Area FoS
6/28/65CNVADear Mrs. Montgomery, letter re Washington DC protests against Vietnam War. A.J. Muste
Summer65AdHocRally flyer, rallies to support jailed S.F. sit-in students at U.C. Berkeley and San Francisco. Unsigned (possibly AdHoc Committee Against Discrimination)
7/6/65FoS Canadian Friends of SNCC Newsletter, 12 pages.
7/7/65 Senate Boiler plate response from Sen. Edward Kennedy to Lucy Montgomery about her opposition to Coleman judicial appointment
7/7/65SenateBoiler plate response from Sen. Edward Kennedy to Lucy Montgomery about her opposition to Coleman judicial appointment
7/9/65AupDear Mitch, unsigned note about August 6th Congress of Unrepresented People (later changed to "Assembly") in Washington. (Possibly from Lucy Montgomery.)
7/21/65COREJoin Our Demonstration Against Police Malpractice, flyer. Ad Hoc Committee to End Police Malpractices (aka CORE)
7/22/65 CORE Biggest Demonstration for Civilian Review Board, Newark NJ. Jim Peck, Val Colman. Press release.
1965 FoS Holsaert job description & report, New York SNCC office. Faith Holsaert. Undated (probably summer 1965)
8/65  Plea of a Riot Victim Negro, response to the Watts Uprising (Los Angeles). Unsigned United Veterans Club. Undated (presumed August or September 1965)
8/1/65 CNVA Direct Action for a Nonviolent World, New England Committee for Nonviolent Action newsletter #60. August 1, 1965
8/3/65N-VAC Letter to Bruce Hartford re Los Angeles sit-in trial, Hugh Manes, Attorney
8/30/65 CORE CORE Endorses New York City Primary Candidates, New York City. Unsigned press release.
8/30/65 CORE CORE Challenges Grand Jury Finding exonerating police officer in killing of suspect, New York City. Unsigned press release.
9/65DuBoisThe Coordinator, W.E.B. DuBois Club (SoCal) newsletter focusing on Anti-Vietnam coaltion. Undated (possibly September 1965)
9/9/65COREProposal: New Direction of Los Angeles CORE, Don Smith, Chairman.
10/65CORE Campus CORE-Lator, newsletter. UC Berkeley CORE. 27 pages
10/7/65FoS Letter from William Kunstler to Madison FoS re SISS hearing on "Communist Youth Program"
11/5/65FoS Personal note to Alicia Kaplow, William Kunstler
11/15/65N-VAC Statement by Bruce Hartford to Judge Nebron before being sentenced for a sit-in arrest
11/65?SNCC Annotated notes on Urban Organizing report by Ivanhoe Donaldson and discussion thereof, "Liz Sutherland (Betita Martinez), SNCC
12/65FoSFreedom Christmas Volunteer Now recruitment flyer volunteer voter registration in the South. U.C. Berkeley Friends of SNCC
12/1/65SNCC Letter to Alcia Kaplow re SNCC's position on Vietnam and the draft. Margaret, SNCC
65-66Correspondence thread re activists & college admissions
Unsigned SNCC: Letter to Alicia Kaplow re admissions to Univ. of Wisconsin 12/3/65
Ruth Doyle, UW: Memo re Negro Students, questions/answers. 12/30/65
Dave Achibald, SNCC: Letter re striking high school students in Forrest City AK, 2/8/66
Ruth Doyle, UW: Response re Forrest City students & Univ of Wisc., 2/11/66
Esther Heifetz, SNCC: Letter re Forrest City student situation, 2/25/66
12/14/64FDC Support mobilization letter for MFDP Congressional Challenge, Al Raby, Freedom Democratic Clubs, Chicago IL
12/22/65FWPEl Malcriado, No. 26. Farm Worker Press (National Farm Workers Association - NFWA)
'65 or '66NSAWisconsin resolution defending W.E.B DuBois Clubs, Unsigned Wisconsin NSA. Undated (1965 or 1966)



65? 66? NSM Summer Project - NSM - Freedom Library, Philladelphia Penna. Unsinged proposal/plan. Undated (possibly 1965 or 1966)
65? 66? ???? Satyagraha in South Africa, by Fatima Meer. Undated (possibly 1965-1967)
1966SCLCDocuments From the Chicago Freedom Movement, SCLC & others.
1966?NSAThe P.P.C. & The Cooperatives, Unsigned, NSA. Undated
1966?NSAReport re Poor's People's Corperation Personnel Program, Unsigned, NSA. Undated (probably 1966 or 1967)
11/60SCLC Caberet for Freedom, Southern Freedom Struggle benefit flyer, Village Gate, NYC. Unsigned
1/12/66SWAP Announcement from Friends of Student Woodlawn Area Project, Chicago, IL. Ann Cook,
1/26/66TTPLetter to Ken Montgomery re Turn Towards Peace strategy and future, Lowell Sachnoff, TTP. Chicago IL
2/66OFCHelping Across the South, Operation Freedom, 2/66
2/1/66CCDBRMemorandum: HUAC Appropriations & Contempt Citations, Richard Criley, CCDBR
2/5/66 What Can Be Done in Illinois to Advance the Causes of Peace, Civil Rights, and Equality of Opportunity, conference flyer. Unsigned
2/9/66CCDBRLetter to Lucy Montgomery, re Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights, Richard Criley, CCDBR
2/16/66FoS3-1/2 Cents A Day For Justice, fund appeal. Unsigned, SNCC.
2/25/66SANEDear Friends letter about Fulbright hearings and opposition to the Vietnam War, Robert Cleland, Chicago SANE
2/25/66FoS Emergency fund appeal letter for SNCC to Lucy Montgomery, Monroe Sharp
3/66   Note to Mrs. Montgomery re fundraising ideas for Mississippi (handprinted), Donna Holabird
3/2/66FoSDear Friend, list of organizations active on Univ. of Wisconson campus and community. Nealeen? Roohm
3/4/66 FoR Conference invitation to Lucy Montgomery, Donald Frey, Freedom of Residence (FoR)
3/9/66 CIPA Dear Friend, fund appeal by Joshua Alves, Chicago Committee for Independent Political Action.
3/12/66NSA/FoSAnti-slum housing resolution defeated at NSA meeting (related to Chicago Freedom Movement), Ned Rube?
3/16/66 AFSC American Friends Service Committee 1966 Nonviolence Program, Madison WS. Dr. John Anderson
3/18/66FoSTent Cities. Unsigned, SNCC.
3/24/66 Minutes, Berkeley CA Committee for Independent Political Action, unsigned.
3/26/66FoSInvitation to reception for Julian Bond, by Chicago Friends of SNCC and supporters
4/66 ECCO Sounding Off East Central Citizens Organization Newsletter. Columbus OH.
4/66VFPReport on Results of Voters for Peace Poll, Karen Sue Dayno, VFP Chicago, IL. April 1966
4/7/66   Grape Pickers Win First Recgognition, Delano grape strike and March to Sacramento. Unsigned
4/15/66 Proposed Vietnam War debate rules & procedures, L.T. Wylie Citizens Committee, April 15, 1966
4/26/66FoSDear Friend of Freedom, fund appeal from Monroe Sharp, SNCC Freedom Center, Chicago
4/27/66NORCFund appeal letter re public opinion research on Vietnam War, by Peter Rossi, National Opinion Research Center (NORC)
4/28/66 Letter & information challenging legality of and facts about Vietnam War, by L.T. Wyly
1966?UWThoughts on the Next Steps at Wisconsin (re anti-Vietnam War efforts) and creation of community, 1966, by Williams. Undated (possibly first half of 1966)
5/66DuBoisResponse to Attorney General's effort to invoke McCarran Act against W.E.B. DuBois Clubs, Hugh Fowler, Chairman
5/11/66ULChicago Urban League fund appeal, Edwin Berry, ExDir.
6/24/1966NSMStrategies to meet evolving challenges, William Strickland, NSM
7/16/66FoSDear Friends of SNCC, memo and fund appeal re Black Power and SNCC's new leaderhsip by Sylvia and Charles Fischer, Chicago FoS.
7/18/66FoSSupport the Black Panther Party! flyer re Alabama Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO). Unsigned U.C. Berkeley Friends of SNCC (FoS)
7/21/66NCCDear Tom, letter from Laura Foner to Tom Canterbury re SNCC White Folks Project and anti-Vietnam War work
8/6/66FoSParties to Support the Black Panther Party - Alabama Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO). Unsigned Fos
8/22/66SIM The Crisis Period, re Chicago Freedom Movement. S.J. Heagin, SIM
8/27/66 DuBois The White House in August, flyer. DuBois Community Action Movement, Madison WI
9/25/66 UCCFR Program memo, by Don Frey, United Citizens Committee For Freedom of Residence (UCCFR), Illinois
1966  Unite! Newsletter of UNITED (United Neighbors Integrated Through Education and Dedication), Richmond CA. Undated.
12/66UCB UC Berkeley Student Strike, December 1966. 10 documents
12/66? AFT 1570 Our Traditional Liberties, statement opposing free speech restrictions on UC Berkeley campus and defending the 1964 Free Speech Movement agreement. Undated (probably Dec 1966 or Jan 1967)
12/4/66   Minuteman & Patriotic Party Special Bulletin. Racist & material that smears named civil rights workers
66? 67?   Where It's At Research Guide for Community Organizing, Paul Booth, Mimi Feingold, Carl Wittman, Jill Hamberg. Undated (possibly 1966 or 1967)



???? Unsigned Song lyrics. Unsigned. Undated (probably mid to late 1960s)
66-68?   Report of Non-Group on the University, analyses of possible political action in Madison WI university & community. By unsigned. Undated (1966-68)
66-68?   Memo discussing university-community political action in Madison WI, by unsigned. Undated (1966-68)
1/12/67UFWOCFarm Workers Press stock certificate and staff photo, unsigned UFWOC.
2/67ACOARhodesia fact sheet (today Zimbabwe). American Committee on Africa (ACOA). 4 pages
2/67 FIGHT The Fighter, newsletter. Rochester, NY
2/9/67 SNCC NY Housing Committee Workshop, Tony Robinson.
5/9/67   Vietnam Summer, draft call/proposal. Unsigned Vietnam Summer, Cambridge MA
5/18/67 Plans for Demonstration at Milwaukee Induction Center, anti-Vietnam War, anti-draft action committee
7/67 SNCC NY Racism at Chase Manhattan Bank, An Urgent Message from NY SNCC. James Forman, SNCC.
1967OFC Operation Freedom letter re economic aid needed for victims of racist repression, Unsigned OFC. August 11, 1967
1967UE Organized Labor and the Black Worker United Electric Workers (UE). August 1967.
9/67NCNPNational Conference for New Politics, Chicago IL:
Credentials Report, 8/31/67
Resolutions (@70 resolutions)
Position Papers (5 papers)
Black Caucus, proposal and demands
10/67 The July Rebellions and the 'Military State', re summer urban uprisings. Jack O'Dell, Freedomways, 4th Quarter 1967
1967OFC Letter to Amzie Moore, from Maurice McCrackin, OFC re Operation Freedom (MS) 10/16/67
1967VariousStop the Draft Week, October 1967. (16 documents)
1967  The Days We Seized the Streets in Oakland, Stop the Draft Week, October 1967. The Movement newspaper. 11/67. 16 pages.
Fall '67SFSCEnd Campus Complicity With the Vietnam War, San Francisco State College
  ROTC & War-Recruiters Off-Campus (14 Documents)
  War Crisis Convocation (16 Documents)
11/18/67COUPDear Oakland (CA) Teacher, letter by Paul Saxton and 15 organizations rebutting a racist anti-integration pamphlet by a right-wing organization
1967OFC Letter to Amzie Moore, from Maurice McCrackin (OFC), re funds (MS) 11/20/67
1967OFC Letter to Amzie Moore, from Ernest Bromley (OFC), re aid (MS) 12/18/67



67? 68?SFBP Pre-Trial Release Criteria worksheet, San Francisco Bail Project. Undated (probably late 1967-1968)
1968NLG Legal Street Sheets, know your rights re police & judicial system for protesters and citizens. National Lawyers Guild (NLG). Circa 1968. (6 documents)
1968?NBAWADU For Us Women anti-war, anti-draft flyer. Gwen Patton, National Black Anti-War Anti-Draft Union. Undated (probably 1968)
1968Peace & Freedom Party Documents (Multiple documents)
4/68 NLG The Guild Practioner: Emergency Issue, by National Lawyers Guild. Analyses & response to judicial and policing issues raised by "Report of The National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders" (Kerner Commission). Spring 1968
1968CORE Black Power Rally Against Columbia University flyer, unsigned New York-Harlem CORE. 4/20/68
4/29/68 4 groups Joint Statement opposing arrest of Reies Tijerina on phony charges, to prevent participation in Poor Peoples Campaign and Peace & Freedom presidential campaign.
5/68P&FPControl the Cops Defend Free Speech protest flyer, Unsigned U.C Berkeley Peace & Freedom Party. Undated (May 1968)
1968SNCC SNCC Must Survive! Unsigned L.A. SNCC. May 4, 1968
9/24/68FoSPresenting Barry Goldwater, protest flyer by FoS & Ad Hoc Committee Against Extremism
10/24/68IS Reason, Tolerance and Cops, flyer. Unsigned UC Berkeley Independent Socialist Club (IS).



1/69?TWLF The Strike and You, UC Berkeley TWLF strike for Third World Studies. TWLF and Strike Support Committee. Undated (probably Jan or Feb 1969). 16 page pamphlet.
1/69?RSU Support the Strike, flyer. UC Berkeley TWLF strike for Third World Studies. Unsigned (Revolutionary Student Movement?) Undated (probably Jan or Feb 1969).



5/70 NSS Flyer: National Student Strike opposing Vietnam War & supporting Black Panthers, Unsigned NSS
5/1/70 Various Yale University Student Strike, protesting Vietnam War and New Haven Nine Black Panther trial. 7 documents
2/71 NPAC/SMC Why We Protest, anti-Vietnam War flyer. National Peace Action Coalition (NPAC), Student Mobilization Committee (SMC). Undated (possibly Feb. 1971)
7/75  Class Analysis: United States in the 1970s, by Judah Hill. Marxist (New Left) analysis/taxonomy based on 1970 Census data. 105 pages, large file.

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