This page lists video and audio recordings posted on this Civil Rights Movement Archive website and our CRMA Vimeo channel.
CRMA Videos
CRMA Audio Recordings
Bibliography of Film, Video & Audio on other websites.
Freedom Movement Photos, Posters, Pins, & Art.See also:
SNCC Digital Gateway Video Channel (Vimeo)
CRMA Bibliography of Movement Films, Videos & Audios on other websites & platforms.
CRMA Vimeo Channel on the Vimeo platform provides free live-streaming of films and videos about the Freedom Movement of the 1950s-1960s.
The films and videos in our Vimeo channel are grouped into "showcases" that reflect our "up-from-below," "inside-out," and "lives-lived" approach to documenting our history. All of them were either created by Freedom Movement veterans (or their immediate families), or were created by others but are substantially about Movement veterans, or were created with significant input from veterans.
Documentary Films Collection, professionally created films.
Our Voices Collection, individually created videos.
Freedom Movement Stories We Always Wanted to Tell, short stories by many veterans.
Freedom Summer 50th Anniversary Conference Collection, June 2014.
SNCC/SLP Conferences Collection, videos from SNCC conferences and SLP events.
SCLC/SCOPE 50th Anniversary Collection, panels, interviews, & discussion
Panels, Discussions & Presentations about the Freedom Movement
SNCC Legacy Project (SLP) videos
Julian Bond Video Collection, interviews by Gregg Ivers (American Univ).
Charles Bonner Collection, videos created by a SNCC veteran.
Courtland Cox Collection, videos created by SNCC and SLP leader.
James Farmer Collection, videos from Farmer's Civil Rights Movement course, 1986.
Eyes on the Prize Interviews, by Blackside, Inc. 1980s.
Freedom Summer Interviews & Stories, 1964-1965
Library of Congress: Civil Rights History Project
Movement Veterans Interviewed by Students.
Questions From Teachers Collection, 2 discussions by UC Berkeley.
Sixth Floor Museum Oral History Collection, Museum at Dealey Plaza, Dallas TX.
St. Augustine Movement Collection
Veterans of the Mississippi Civil Rights Movement Collection, oral-history interviews.
Voices Across the Colorline, Atlanta History Center interviews.
Voices of Freedom ~ Virginia Commonwealth University, videos related to the Movement in Virginia.
The Documentary Films Collection contains films about Freedom Movement events or individuals from an "up-from-below," "inside-out," and "lives-lived" view of the Civil Rights Movement.
Accompanying: The Journey of Alice and Staughton Lynd (excerpts), by Maestra Productions & Prison Radio. 2023. SNCC, freedom schools, Spelman, Howard Zinn. 23min. (Full film)
Al, My Brother, By Cash Michaels. The story of 82-year old civil rights attorney/activist Alan McSurely, and his over 50-year battle against racism and white supremacy. 2018. 98min.
Anne Braden: Southern Patriot, by Anne Lewis & Mimi Pickering, Appalshop, Inc. 2012. First person documentary about a long-time, dedicated, rights leader. 58min.
Freedom Ride to Houston, 1961 Los Angeles to Houston Freedom Ride and Progressive Youth Association (Texas Southern Univ) sit-in and arrest. By Comcast Newsmakers. 2022. 16min.
In Rarefied Air: A Civil Rights Story, 8 Train Productions (Jack Straton), 2009. SNCC member Karen Haberman Trusty talks to Portland State University students. 57min.
The Intolerable Burden: 50th Anniversary of the Integration of Schools in Drew Mississippi, by COFO and Fannie Lou Hamer Institute at Jackson State Univ. Film and discussion, 108min.
Living the Story: Civil Rights Movement in Kentucky, by Brannon & Rouse, Kentucky Historical Society, 2002. 58min.
E.D. Nixon and The Montgomery Bus Boycott, by Lucy Massier Phenix, You Got to Move Shorts. 1983/2021. 9min.
One More River to Cross, by Glen & Susan Percy. 1969/2012. About the movement in Southwest Georgia. 23min.
Passage at St. Augustine, by Clennon L. King (son of Albany GA Movement leader C.B. King), AugustineMonica Films, 2015. Depiction of the fierce nonviolent anti-segregation movement in the small Florida town of St. Augustine in 1964. 60min.
The Road to Mississippi Reclaiming Our History, by Grito Productions with Through Our Eyes Video and History Project. 1990. Students at Schomburg Satellite Academy (NYC) analyze the Hollywood film Mississippi Burning, that misrepresents the lynching of Chaney, Schwerner, and Goodman. 29min. (See also Commentaries on Mississippi Burning.)
They Say I'm Your Teacher: the Story of the Citizenship Schools, by Lucy Massier Phenix and Veronica Selver, You Got to Move Shorts. 1985/2019. Story of Bernice Robinson, the Citizenship Schools and the clandestine struggle for voting rights in the 1950s. 9min.
The Way to Freedom Selma and the Making of a Movement, by Northern Light Productions for National Park Service. 2020. Story of courageous ordinary citizens, many of them teenagers, who successfully challenged racism, bigotry, and entrenched power in the 1960s to gain the right to vote. 23min.
We Have the Power, We Can Do It, the Story of Bill Saunders and the Charleston SC Hospital Workers' Strike, by Lucy Massier Phenix, You Got to Move Shorts. 2020, 13min.
When Desegregation Came to Sand Springs, by James W. Russell (CORE), 2023. Story of how courageous students and CORE activists fought for school desegregation in one Oklahoma town, 30min.
Counter Histories: documenting the struggle to desegregate southern restaurants in the Civil Rights Movement. By Southern Foodways Alliance, Kate Medley series director/producer, John T. Edge executive producer. 2014.
Durham's NC's "Royal Seven", sit-in at Royal Ice Cream in 1957. With Rev. Douglas E. Moore and Virginia Lee Williams. By Jesse Paddock. 9min.
Nashville Student Movement, 1960s Sit-ins, Nashville TN. Interviews with: Gloria McKissack, Mathew Walker Jr. By Wyatt Williams and Dustin Chambers. By Kate Medley and Mimi Schiffman. 8min.
Friendship 9, Rock Hill SC, nine students from Friendship College use a "Jail, No Bail" strategy to desegregate lunch counters in 1961. By Fr3deR1cK Taylor and Ellen Barnard. 8min.
Dizzyland Cafe Sit-In, Cambridge MD, and the role of sit-ins in 1963. By Nick and Kelsey Michaels. 7min.
Woolworth's lunch counter, 1963 Sit-in, Jackson, MS. By Kate Medley and Mimi Schiffman. Interviews with: Colia Clark, Rev. Ed King, Joan Trumauer Mulholland. 7min.
The Our Voices Collection contains individual videos created by, or substantially featuring, Freedom Movement veterans who present an "up-from-below," "inside-out," and "lives-lived" view of the Civil Rights Movement.
Joann Bland, Selma Alabama, by Philip Powell. 2013. Joann Bland talks with Valparaiso University students. Selma, AL., 18min.
Joan Browning interview with David Trowbridge, 2023. SNCC 1961-65. Georgia. SNCC Secretary. Freedom Rides. Albany, GA. 61min.
Ron (Cole) Bridgeforth Oral-History Interview, by Brotherhood of Elders Network, discusses Freedom Summer, SNCC, Mississippi. 63min. Transcript.
Doris Derby: Memorial Service Video Remembrance, by Joyce Ladner, on Behalf of the SNCC Legacy Project (SLP). 2min
From Georgia and Virginia to Harlem and Beyond, by Peggy Trotter Dammond Preacely. A video poem for Black History month, 2022. 4min. Transcription.
Ernest McMillan: Sidley Celebrates Black History Month, by Sidley Austin LLP, 2023. Dallas, TX, racial justice, social justice, Dallas Environmental Justice Network. 67min.
Claire Milligan Oral History Session #1, 164min ~ Transcript.
Claire Milligan Oral History Session #2, 137min ~ Transcript.
Southern Freedom Movement, Montgomery, AL, Black Workers Congress (BWC), lifetime of activism. Interviewed by Bruce Hartford.Nannie Louise Pinchback's Letter from Jail, Danville, VA, 1963, read by herself. By S. Wolen and IMLS Institute for Museum and Library Services. 2010. 4min
Past & Present: A Gathering With Freedom Movement Veterans, Bay Area Veterans of the Civil Rights Movement gathering at Stanford University, 2015. By students from Wilson & Harbor high schools Santa Cruz Co. CA. 12min.
Remembering Dr. King — A Winter Soldier, by Bruce Hartford. MLK Day remembrance at The Women's Building, San Francisco, for Indivisible SF. 2018. Transcript of similar address.
Jimmy Rogers Interview, by students from The Urban School of San Francisco, 2010. SNCC veteran Jimmy Rogers discusses the movement in Alabama, Tuskegee University, Lowndes County, and the assassination of Jonathan Daniels. 120min.
Selma and Its Aftermath: A Photographic Journey, by New Hampshire Institute of Politics. Civil rights veteran Bill Monnie discusses his book: Selma and It's Aftermath. 2022. 85min.
Selma and the Long Struggle for Voting Rights, by Bruce Hartford, John Lewis memorial "Good Trouble Vigil for Democracy" vigil, July 20, 2021, Oakland CA., 9min.
Stand For Freedom: the Life and Times of Willie B. Wazir Peacock, by Lis Cox, 2014. 124min.
Excerpt discussing organizing, 6min.
Excerpt a shooting in Greenwood MS, 5min.
Excerpt about courage, 7min.Charles Sherrod: Keynote Address at Race and Law Conference, to "50 Years After the Sit-Ins" conference at University of Virginia School of Law. 2010. 26min.
This collection contains short videos from a 2010 Movement veterans story- telling session at the San Francisco Main Library to an audience of other movement veterans and family members.
Chude Allen ~ My Mother and Father Believe Ours Is a Good Country, 7min. Transcript
Miriam Cohen Glickman ~ Our Mississippi Dilemma, 3min. Transcript
Hardy Frye ~ Everyone Was a Leader, 6min. Transcript.
Bruce Hartford ~ Albert Turner & the Rocking Chair, 7min. Transcript
Stu House ~ 'Inciting to Riot' in Selma Alabama, 7min. Transcript
Adam Kine ~ Greenwood, 10min. Transcript
Sherie Labedis ~ Fireball in the Night, 7min. Transcript
Mike Miller ~ The Agitator, 10min. Transcript
Willie B. Wazir Peacock ~ "Oh Freedom", 5min.
Willie B. Wazir Peacock ~ Fighting for Freedom in the Mississippi Delta, 9min. Transcript.
Jimmy Rogers ~ Experience with Violence in Lowndes County, 8min. Transcript
Scott B. Smith Jr ~ My Name is Scott B. Smith, Jr., 6min. Transcript
Nancy Elaine Stoller ~ Bowling in Prince Georges County, 9min. Transcript
Rick Tuttle ~ The Brutal Winona Mississippi Jail Beatings of June 1963, 10min. Transcript
Bright Winn ~ Mrs. Magruder, 15min. Transcript
Videos from Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committe (SNCC) anniversary conferences and SNCC Legacy Project (SLP) events.
SNCC 60th Anniversary Conference, online, 2021
SNCC 50th Anniversary Conference, Raleigh NC, 2010
SNCC 40th Anniversary Conference, Raleigh NC, 2000
SNCC 28th Anniversary Conference, Hartford CT, 1988
SNCC 60th Anniversary Conference, Online.
The SNCC 60th Anniversary Conference was held online in October of 2021 to commemorate the founding of SNCC in 1960 and to uplift the current anti-racist, pro-people struggles of young activists today.Videos produced by the SNCC Legacy Project (SLP), 2021.
Plenary Sessions
SNCC: 60 Years Strong , Retrospective video about the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and the Southern Freedom Movement (1951-1968). 21min.
In Memoriam, SNCC members memorial video. 8min.
Stand Up and Shout: the SNCC Freedom and Justice Concert, Virtual concert celebrating SNCC and the Southern Freedom Movement (1951-1968). 74min.
Panels & Workshops
60th-1: The Power Of The Past, We who believe in freedom cannot rest. By SNCC Legacy Project (SLP), 82min.
60th-2: The Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, 70min. Transcript.
60th-3: Lowndes County Freedom Party (LCFP), Black Power, political educational, organizing strategies, voting rights, political power. 70min. Transcript.
60th-4: Making Our Way Into Political Office To Make Change, Power of office, policy, legislative and financial needs of the Black community. 59min. Transcript.
60th-5: Organizing The Black Community To Vote, Electoral organizing strategies: presidential, state and local. 2020, 2022, 2024. 71min. Transcript.
60th-6: The Fight For The MS Educational Ballot Initiative, Mississippi "education is essential" ballot initiative. 67min.
60th-7: Attorneys General and District Attorneys, Justice, district attorneys, attorneys general, legal systems, and voters. 72min. Transcript.
60th-8: SNCC: 60 Years Strong, Retrospective video about the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and the Southern Freedom Movement (1951-1968). 21min.
60th-9: Criminal Justice: Effecting Change, Addressing police violence and criminal justice disparities. 78min. Transcript.
60th-10 Changing The Mission Of The Criminal Justice System, Addressing police violence and criminal justice disparities., 78min. Transcript.
60th-11 Economic Power And Economic Security, Politics, economics, and the wellbeing of the Black community. 72min. Transcript.
60th-12 Education for Self Determination, 77min. Transcript.
60th-13 The Artist as Activist, 68min. Transcript.
60th-14 Affordable Housing, Safe Neighborhoods. 79min. Transcript.
60th-15 The Importance of Land; Food Insecurity. 62min. Transcript.
60th-16 Stand Up And Shout: SNCC Freedom & Justice Concert. Featuring 60 Years Of Voices Of Artists/Activists. 74min.
60th-17 The Path Forward, Racial divisions, securing rights, create the benefits a democratic and equitable society, vision61min. Transcript.
60th-18 HBCUs and Africana Studies Programs, Cultural preservation, passing down generational knowledge, the role of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Black Studies, and Africana programs71min. Transcript.
60th-19 Black-Brown Movement Building, Rachel Gilmer, Paul Ortiz, Zoharah Simmons, Maria Varela. 71min. Transcript.
60th-20 Where Do We Go From Here?, What must we do to strengthen and protect the Black community? How will technological and demographic change affect Black struggle? 67min. Transcript.
60th-21 Telling And Teaching The SNCC Story, SNCC Digital Gateway (SDG), Civil Rights Movement Archive (CRMA), Zinn Education Project. 65min. Transcript.
60th-22 Building Political Alliances and Coalitions, Heather Booth, Denise Diaz, Adam Kruggel, Larry Rubin. 60min. Transcript.
60th-23 Controlling Local, State and Federal Budgets, Politicians and budgets: Kwame Brown, Elijah Rogers, Carol Thompson Cole. 53min. Transcript.
60th-24 A Salute to Past and Upcoming Generations, Young organizers, current activists, immediate and future challenges: Courtland Cox, Dejuana Thompson. 44min. Transcript.
SNCC Digital Gateway, telling SNCC's history, Geri Augusto, Judy Richardson, Emilye Crosby and Hasan Kwame Jeffries. 42min.
Conference Small Group Discussions
As part of the SNCC 60th Conference in October of 2021, eight small-groups of Freedom Movement veterans discussed the Freedom Movement and how it affected their lives. The sessions were video-recorded and transcribed. The videos have not been edited. The transcripts contain clarifications, corrections, and annotations in [brackets]. Please check a transcript before quoting from a discussion
Group A: Video Transcription
Bruce Hartford, Jennifer Lawson, Peter de Lissovoy, Claire O'Connor Rick TuttleGroup B: Video Transcription
Chude Pam Parker Allen, Heather Tobis Booth, Daphne Muse, Gwendolyn Zoharah Simmons, Larry Spears, Pat VailGroup C: Video Transcription [TBD]
Ron Cole Bridgeforth, Theresa El-Amin, Martha Livingston, Penny Patch, Dorothy ZellnerGroup D: Video Transcription
Phyllis Cunningham, Fatima Cortez, Laura Foner, Karen Haberman (Trusty), Peter Orris, John McAuliffGroup E: Video Transcription
Arlene Dunn, Ira Grupper, Constancia Dinky Romilly, Karen Spellman, Nancy Stearns, Eugene TuritzGroup F: Video Transcription
Josh Gould, Janet Heinritz-Canterbury, Ed Nakawatase, Frances O'Brien, Muriel TillinghastGroup G: Video Transcription
Angeline Butler, Marion Kwan, Linda Wetmore Halpern, Johnny E. Parham, Jr., Bill Perlman, Jane SilverGroup H: Video Transcription
Miriam Cohen Glickman, Carol Rogoff Hallstrom, Faith Holsaert, Timothy JenkinsSNCC 50th Anniversary Conference, Shaw University, Raleigh NC, April 2010. Videos produced by California Newsreel.
SNCC 50th #1 ~ Opening Plenary by California Newsreel, 100min. Transcript.
SNCC 50th #2 ~ Early Student Movement Philosophy and Activism, 53min. Transcript.
SNCC 50th #3 ~ From Student Activist to Field Organizers 96min. Transcript.
SNCC 50th #4 ~ SNCC Builds an Organization, 77min. Transcript.
SNCC 50th #5 ~ The Raleigh Civil Rights Movement, 79min. Transcript.
SNCC 50th #6 ~ Luncheon Keynote: Rev James Lawson, 41min. Transcript.
SNCC 50th #7 ~ The Societal Response to SNCC, 80min. Transcript.
SNCC 50th #8 ~ Up South: We Raised Money, We Raised Hell, 82min. Transcript.
SNCC 50th #9 ~ More than a Hamburger, 90min. Transcript.
SNCC 50th #10 ~ Moving On Mississippi—We Had to Be Strong, Hollis Watkins (SNCC Field Secretary), Brenda Travis (Pike County Nonviolent Movement), Rev. Willie Blue (SNCC Field Secretary), 80min. Transcript.
SNCC 50th #11 Alabama ~ Turning To Ourselves, Black power as articulated by SNCC, Lowndes County, Alabama, 86min. Transcript.
SNCC 50th #12 Southwest Georgia—Do You Want To Be Free, SNCC Project Director Charles Sherrod, Rutha Harris SNCC Field Secretary, Shirley Sherrod. 76min. Transcript.
SNCC 50th #13 Arkansas, Cambridge MD, Danville VA, Everybody Say Freedom, 83min. Transcript.
SNCC 50th #14 ~ The Impact and Influence of SNCC on American Society 1960-1968, Vincent Harding (SNCC & SCLC Advisor), Charles Payne (Univ. of Chicago) Taylor Branch (Author), Clayborne Carson (Stanford Univ.), Tom Hayden (SDS)117min. Transcript.
SNCC 50th #15 ~ What was SNCC and how did it evolve?, Joyce Ladner, Timothy Jenkins, Cleveland Sellers, Zohorah Simmons. 103min. Transcript.
SNCC 50th #16 ~ Political Impact of SNCC 1964-1984, Ivanhoe Donaldson, Courtland Cox, Julian Bond. 95min. Transcript.
SNCC 50th #17 Luncheon Keynote - Harry Belafonte, Rev. David Forbes, Dr. Dorothy Yancy. 65min. Transcript.
SNCC 50th #18 ~ Ella Baker's Roots: Give People Light..., Rev. William Barber, Tim Tyson, Carolyn Brockington, Bernice Johnson Reagon.81min. Transcript.
SNCC 50th #19 ~ Depictions of the Movement in Popular Culture, many participants. 95min.
SNCC 50th #20 ~ Black Power Black Education and Pan Africanism, Courtland Cox, Geri Augusto, Gregory Carr, Sylvia Hill, Howard Moore. 90min. Transcript.
SNCC 50th #21 ~ The Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, Lawrence Guyot, Michael Thelwell, Armand Derfner, MacArthur Cotton. 96min. Transcript.
SNCC 50th #22 ~ Women Leaders and Organizers–You Can Do This, Frances Beal, Mary King, Cynthia Fleming, Doris Derby, Maria Varela, Martha Prescod Norman Noonan. 97min. Transcript.
SNCC 50th #23 ~ The Black Church and Black Struggle, Rev. Bernard Lafayette, Rev. Nelson Johnson, Rev. David Forbes. 90min. Transcript.
SNCC 50th #24 ~ Highlander, SSOC and Organizing in the White Community We Knew That We Were Not Free, Bob Zellner, Sue Thrasher, Sharlene Kranz, Margaret Lauren Herring, Candie Carawan, Ed Hamlett. 95min. Transcript.
SNCC 50th #25 ~ SNCC and the Black Arts Movement: We Had to Change the Conversation, A.B. Spellman, Amiri Baraka, Haki Madhubuti, Jamila Jones, John O'Neal. 90min. Transcript.
SNCC 50th #26 ~ Plenary, Joyce Ladner traces her roots in the tiny Black community of Palmers Crossing to civil rights activism. 62min.
SNCC 50th #27 ~ SNCC Children Speak, Maisha Moses, James Forman, Jr, Tarik Smith, Sabina Zuqiga Varela, Zora Cobb, Hollis Watkins, Jr. 72min.
SNCC 50th #28 ~ Luncheon Keynote: Congressman John Lewis, history in action (plus the chickens story). 54min.
SNCC 50th #29 ~ Luncheon Keynote - US Attorney General Eric Holder, from the sit-ins to Obama, racial inequality in everything from unemployment rates to the length of prison terms. 29min.
SNCC 50th #30 ~ The Young Peoples Project ~ The Young Peoples Project. Omo Moses, Albert Sykes, Various Activists. 88min. Transcript
SNCC 50th #31 ~ The Cradle to Prison Pipeline, Benetta Standly, Crystal Mattison, Carmen Perez, Carrie Richburg. 91min. Transcript
SNCC 50th #32 ~ Actions For A New World, Ash-Lee Henderson, Jonathan Lewis, Djuan Coleon, Ace Washington, Marilyn Shaw. 149min. Transcript
SNCC 50th #33 ~ Special Program - Dick Gregory ~ They're Asking Different Questions Today. 68min. Transcript
SNCC 50th #34 ~ Plenary - In Remembrance of Ella Baker, Howard Zinn, and James Forman Charles Sherrod, Dr. Carolyn Brockington, Constancia 'Dinky' Romilly, Vincent Harding. 82min. Transcript
SNCC 50th #35 ~ Dinner Keynote - Danny Glover, The Real Costs Lie Ahead. 36min. Transcript
SNCC 50th #36 ~ Freedom Concert, Hot 8 Brass Band, SNCC Freedom Singers, Bernice Johnson Reagon, Guy Carawan, Len Chandler, Harry Belafonte, more...
SNCC 50th #37 ~ Plenary - Bob Moses, We the People, Transcript
SNCC 50th #38 ~ Closing Program - Bernice Johnson Reagon
, Solidarity of Past, Present and Future. TranscriptSNCC 40th Anniversary Conference Collection, Shaw University, Raleigh NC, April 2000.
SNCC 40th #1 ~ Conference welcome and remembrance of Ms. Ella Baker, by SNCC veterans, 62min. Transcript.
SNCC 40th #2 ~ Remembrance of Ms. Ella Baker, continued by SNCC veterans, 63min. Transcript.
SNCC 40th #3 ~ Ella Baker discussion continued and general discussion, by SNCC veterans. 61min. Transcript.
SNCC 40th #4 ~ Workshop discussing strategies and tactics of organizing, by SNCC veterans. 61min. Transcript.
SNCC 40th #5 ~ The role of struggle in the development of a democratic society, by SNCC veterans. 39min. Transcript.
SNCC 40th #6 ~ Remembrances of the first meeting organizing SNCC, by SNCC veterans. 60min. Transcript.
SNCC 40th #7 ~ Remembrance of Ms. Ella Baker by Ann Braden, by SNCC veterans. 41min. Transcript.
SNCC 40th #8 ~ Ms. Ella Baker's role in the founding of SNCC, 54min. Transcript.
SNCC 40th #9 ~ Chuck McDew's remembrances; Ella Baker as mentor (Ladner), 63min. Transcript.
SNCC 40th #10 and #11 ~ Installation of a historic marker for SNCC in Raleigh, NC, 60min. Transcript.
SNCC 40th #12 ~ ~ The legacy of Ms. Ella Baker, 48min. Transcript.
SNCC 40th #13 ~ Welcoming remarks; history of SNCC, 55min. Transcript.
SNCC 40th #14 Baker award: The Algebra Project; Jamil Al-Amin, 35min. Transcript
SNCC 40th #15 Workshop on strategies and tactics for organizing. Muriel Tillinghast, Victoria Gray and Lawrence Guyot. 41min. Transcript.
SNCC 40th #16 The Importance of Building Alliances . 60min. Transcript.SNCC 28th Anniversary: We Shall Not Be Moved: The Life and Times of SNCC 1960-1966 Conference
Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut April 14, 1988SNCC 28th ~ "The New Abolitionists" and the Modern South, Howard Zinn, Joanne Grant, Mary King, June Johnson. 66min.
SNCC 28th ~ "The Redemptive Community:" The sit-ins, Freedom Rides, and the birth of SNCC, Sparky Rucker, Julian Bond, Diane Nash, James Forman, Charles McDew, Bob Zellner. 148min.
SNCC 28th ~ The Beginnings of the Voter Registration Movement 1961-1963, Julian Bond, James Forman, Bernard Lafayette, Charles Sherrod, Danny Lyon. 146min.
SNCC 28th ~ Tom Hayden, 67min.
SNCC 28th ~ "In the Middle of the Iceberg": The Movement in Mississippi, 1964-1965, Lawrence Guyot, Victoria Gray Adams, Hollis Watkins, Mendy Samstein, Casey Hayden, James Forman. 124min.
SNCC 28th ~ ~ "Oh Freedom": The Music of the Movement, Bernice Reagon 71min.
SNCC 28th ~ The SNCC Woman and the Stirrings of Feminism, Mary King, Casey Hayden, Jean Wheeler Smith, Joyce Ladner. 110min.
SNCC 28th ~ Alabama Bound: Selma and the Lowndes County Black Panther Party 1964-1966, Martha Norman, Robert Mants, Johnny Jackson. 134min.
SNCC 28th ~ Discussions with SNCC Veterans and Students, Abdulrahman Mohamed Babuxxxmin & Bill Hansen. 78min.
SNCC 28th ~ The Rise and Triumph of Black Power 1965-1966,, Michael Thelwell, Cleveland Sellers, Gloria House, Courtland Cox, Kwame Toure (Stokely Carmichael). 256min.
SNCC 28th ~ SNCC the 1960s and the American Democratic Tradition, Clayborne Carson, Allen Matusow, Michael Thelwell, Jack Chatfield. 115min.
SCLC/SCOPE 50th Anniversary Collection
Videos from SCLC/SCOPE 50th Reunion, Atlanta GA, October 1-4 2015
Group & presentation
Women activists group, 15min.
Where Do We go From Here? SCOPE 50th anniversary discussion, 2015. 32min.
Tribute to Jimmie Lee Jackson, murdered by Alabama State Trooper, poem Ode to Jimmie Lee by Jim "Strider" Benston. 6min.
Hosea Williams III Exhibit, SCOPE 50th Anniversary Archives. 3min. (No sound)
Tribute to Deceased; Libations, John Reynolds, Dr. Barbara Williams Emerson. 16min.
Takeaways from SCLC/SCOPE 50th Reunion, John Reynolds. 5min.
Dr. Barbara Williams Emerson. CORE, SCLC, 1963-1972, Georgia, AL, NY, GA, Hosea Williams (father), 24min.
Jo Freeman, CORE 1963-64, SCLC 1965-66, SCOPE, SCLC staff, AL, MS GA, 1965-66. 2018. 23 min.
Lanny Kaufer, SCLC/SCOPE, Sussex County, VA, voter registration. 2018. 28 min.
Andrew Marrisett, interview. SCLC, AFSC, 1963-78, AL, GA, TX, NC, SC. 2020. 29min.
Peggy Ryan Poole, interview. SCOPE, 1965. VA, Atlanta GA. 25min.
Rev. John Reynolds. SCLC, 1965-71 AL, GA, MS, SC, 24min.
Richard Smiley. SCLC, 1965-66 Selma AL, Dawson GA, Meredith Mississippi March. 38min.
Richard Smiley, SCLC, 1965-66 Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi. 2018. 28 min.
Andrew Young, interview. SCOPE, Citizenship Education Schools, SCLC, SNCC, later life. 2020. 54min.
Panels, Discussions & Presentations about the Freedom Movement
Call To Action: The SNCC Experience in Dallas, with Bishop Mark Herbener, Ernest McMillan, and Edward Harris 2006. 78min.Civil Rights and Black Power in Global Context, Dr. Joshua Davis, Courtland Cox, Jennifer Lawson, & Daphne Muse. International work of the Freedom Movement, Black Power, Vietnam War, independence of African nations, apartheid in South Africa. 2023. 91min.
Civil Rights and the Southern Freedom Movement, Chude Allen, Marion Kwan, and Karen Trusty talk with an ElderStudy group. 2024 114min. Transcript.
Black History Month—SNCC Women Speak, Efia Nwangaza, Fannie Rushing and Theresa El-Amin share their SNCC stories for Black History Month, 2024. 68min.
Detroit, Selma, and the Civil Rights Movement Symposium, Wayne State University Law School, 2024:
Panel 1: Organizing in Selma Before Bloody Sunday , Bettie Mae Fikes, Martha Prescod Norman Noonan, Terry Shaw. 120min.Panel 2 Teaching and Writing the Civil Rights Movement, Dorothy Dewberry Aldridge, Martha Prescod Norman Noonan, Jeanne Theoharis; Peter Blackmer. 98 min.
SNCC Legacy Project (SLP) Videos
Statement On The 65th Anniversary Of The Sit-In Movement, February 1st, 2025. 4min. Transcript.
Julian Bond Video Collection
The videos in this collection were created by the Julian Bond Oral History Project which is dedicated to the memory, work, and career of Julian Bond from 1960-1968 and to the broader Southern civil rights movement. These interviews were conducted primarily by Gregg Ivers, Project Director and professor of government at American University in Washington DC.
Charles Black, interviewed by Greg Ivers, Atlanta Student Movement and Atlanta Inquirer. 2019. 54min. Transcript.
Heather Tobis Booth, Freedom Summer volunteer. By Gregg Ivers, 2019. 64min. Transcript.
Charlie Cobb, SNCC. 2019. 94min. Transcription
Courtland Cox, SNCC. By Gregg Ivers, 2019. 55min. Transcription
David Dennis, CORE, COFO. By Gregg Ivers, 2019. 71min. Transcription
Dion Diamond, NAG, SNCC. By Gregg Ivers, 2019. 47min. Transcription
Lonnie King, Atlanta Student Movement. By Gregg Ivers, 2018. 61min. Transcript.
Joyce Ladner, NAACP & SNCC. By Gregg Ivers, 2019. 100min. Transcription
Jennifer Lawson, SNCC. By Gregg Ivers, 2019. 92min. Transcription
Bob Moses interview, SNCC, COFO, MFDP. By Gregg Ivers, 2018. 132min. Transcript.
Joan Trumpauer Mulholland, Freedom Rides, SNCC. by Gregg Ivers, 2019. SNCC. 86min. Transcription
Ed Nakawatse Interview, SNCC. By Gregg Ivers, 2019. 87min.
Betty Garman Robinson, SNCC. by Gregg Ivers, 2019. 66min. Transcription
Larry Rubin, interviewed by Gregg Ivers, Freedom Summer, SNCC, etc. 2019. 100min. Transcript.
Dorothy Zellner, interviewed by Gregg Ivers, SNCC, Freedom Summer, etc. 2019. 78min. Transcript.
Charles Bonner Collection
While still in his teens, Charles Bonner was a leader of the high school and college students in Selma Alabama who were the backbone and nonviolent warriors of the Voting Rights Campaign.
An Interview With Worth Westinghouse Long. Civil rights attorney and SNCC veteran Charles Bonner interviews fellow SNCC leader Worth Long, the SNCC Selma project director, and "The person who taught us the power of nonviolence in the movement." 2005. 31min.Charles Bonner: Tip of the Arrow interview by Wesley Hogan. Discussion recorded for the SNCC 60th Anniversary Conference in October 2021 about his book about the young students who led the Selma Movement from 1963-1965. 10min.
The Fierce Urgency Of Now, by Charles Bonner. Discussion with John Broussard, Howard Moore, Charlie Love, and Stu House, for the 56th Anniversary of the 1965 Voters Rights Act. About One Person-One Vote, reparations, true democracy, and reestablishing the core of the Voters Rights Act — now. 68min.
Charles Bonner Speaks at The Skanner Foundation MLK Breakfast. 30min.
Conversation between Charles Bonner and Motivation.In.Action founder Geneviive Jones-Wright for Black History Month 2022. 20min
Charles Bonner Interview with Selma Sheriff Jim Clark, Selma student protest leader talks with the notorious sheriff to tried to suppress the Freedom Movement. 77min.
Courtland Cox Collection
Mr. Say Ain't Nothing, Mr. Do's the Man, the guiding principle of SNCC's political organizing. 2021. 1min.
The Struggle for Human Rights. Viewing the struggle for justice and human rights as a long, complex, and multi-layered journey. A. Philip Randolph and John Lewis' speech at the March on Washington. Ella Baker and the sit-ins. 2021. 6min.
Control the Narrative. SNCC and the essentiality of controlling the narrative as a frame of reference from which action is taken. The strategic centrality of "freedom." The importance of "Black Power" and "Black Lives Matter." 2021. 6min.
Problems, Solutions and the Struggle for Power, What we see as problems our opponents see as solutions. Voting rights and who exercises politial power. 2021. 3min.
Politics as an Expression of Economic Interests. The vote is the currency of politics. Who defines and who decides? 2021. 4min.
The Movement History Initiative, developing collaborations with HCBUs and Africana Studies departments to present our history from the inside-out, bottom up and lives lived perspective. 2021. 2min.
The SLP Digital Movement Platform, purpose, goals and objectives, 2021. 2min.
James Farmer Collection
Video lecture & reflection recordings from James Farmer's Civil Rights Movement in the 20th Century course taught by him at the University of Mary Washington 1986-1987. Original source metadata.Lecture Transcripts:
Civil Rights Movement Overview, 27min. Transcript.Militant Resistance and the Harlem Riots, 32min. Transcript.
Course Exam Review and Q&A, 34min. Transcript.
Reflection Segment Transcripts
Reflections compiled and produced by WNVT-TV, University of Mary Washington.
- Freedom Movement of the 1940s-1960s, 27min. Transcript.
- Beginning of the Nonviolence Movement of the 1940s-1960s, 26min. Transcript.
- The Creation of the Freedom Rides, 30min. Transcript.
- The Beginning of the Freedom Rides, 29min. Transcript.
- Malcolm X, Nation of Islam, Debate at Cornell, 29min. Transcript.
- Malcolm X, Changing Perspectives, Untimely Death, 27min. Transcript.
- March on Washington, Plaquemine, LA, 27min. Transcript.
- Plaquemine, LA, Escape from Mob, 27min. Transcript.
- Freedom Summer, Missing CORE Volunteers, 26min. Transcript.
- Freedom Summer, Death of CORE Volunteers, 29min. Transcript.
- Bogalusa, Louisiana, Movement, Deacons of Defense and Justice, 29min. Transcript.
- The Struggle for Identity Among Black Activists , 27min. Transcript.
- Illiteracy and the Center for Community Action Education, 29min. Transcript.
[© Copyrights to these videos and transcripts are retained by Special Collections and University Archives, Simpson Library, University of Mary Washington. These items are available for use in research, teaching, and private study. Items may not be reproduced or used for any commercial purposes without prior written consent from the University of Mary Washington.]Eyes on the Prize Interviews
This collection contains interviews conducted by Blackside from the late 1970s into the 1980s for "Eyes on the Prize: America's Civil Rights Years (1954-1965)." Courtesy of Washington University Libraries, Film and Media Archive, Henry Hampton Collection.
James Armstrong, interviewed by Blackside. ACHMR, Birmingham, Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth. 1979. 8 min. Transcript
Marion Barry, interviewed by Blackside. SNCC, Nashville, TN. 1979. 31 min. Transcript.
Melba Pattillo Beals, interviewed by Blackside. Little Rock Nine, desegregation of Little Rock's Central High School. 1985. 48 min. Transcript
James Bevel, interviewed by Blackside. Nashville, Freedom Ride, Birmingham, Greenwood, Selma, Sheriff Jim Clark. 1985. 50min. Transcript
Unita Blackwell, interviewed by Blackside. SNCC & NAACP, Mississippi, MFDP, 1964 Democratic National Convention. 1986. 43min. Transcript
Unita Blackwell, interviewed by Blackside. MFDP, mayor of Mayersville, race relations in Mississippi. 1989. 32 min. Transcript
Amelia Boynton, interviewed by Blackside. Selma, Alabama, Dallas County Voters' League, Selam to Montgomery Rights March, voting rights. 1985. 44min. Transcript
Gordon Carey, interviewed by Blackside. CORE, vice chairman & field secretary, nonviolence, sit-ins, Freedom Rides.1985. 29 min. Transcript
Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Ture), interviewed by Blackside. SNCC, voting registration, the Black Panthers, Malcolm X, Bayard Rustin. 1988. 91 min. Transcript
Courtland Cox, interviewed by Blackside. March on Washington, MFDP & Democratic convention, SNCC & NAACP. 1979. 43min. Transcript
Courtland Cox, interviewed by Blackside. March on Washington, MFDP & Democratic convention, SNCC & NAACP. 1979. 43min. Transcript
Dave Dennis, interviewed by Blackside. Mississippi & Bob Moses, CORE, Freedom Rides, COFO, Algebra Project. 1985. 61 min. Transcript
Ivanhoe Donaldson, interviewed by Blackside. SNCC field secretary, Danville, VA, Freedom Summer, Mississippi, Selma, AL. 1979. 37 min. Transcript
Virginia Durr, interviewed by Blackside. Segregation and Montgomery Bus Boycott, harassment of pro-integration southerners
Interview #1, 1979. 34 min. Transcript
Interview #2, 1986. 43 min. TranscriptMyrlie Evers, interviewed by Blackside. Medgar Evers, Mississippi, Emmett Till, James Meredith, segregation. 1985. 81 min. Transcript
James Farmer, interviewed by Blackside. CORE, sit-ins, Freedom Rides, nonviolence, 1985. 59min. Transcript
Victoria Gray Adams, interviewed by Blackside. COFO, MFDP, SCEF, SCLC, SNCC, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, Alabama. 1985. 28 min. Transcript
Lawrence Guyot, interviewed by Blackside. COFO, DNC, NAACP< MDFP Winona MS. 1979. 47 min. Transcript
Michael Harrington, interviewed by Blackside. Poor People's Campaign, Martin Luther King. 1988. 22 min. Transcript.
Casey Hayden, interviewed by Blackside. Freedom Summer, Mississippi, Bob Moses, SNCC. 1985. 41 min. Transcript
Tom Hayden, interviewed by Blackside. Mississippi Freedom Project, MFDP, JFK, FBI, Dr. King. 1985. 36 min. Transcript
Coretta Scott King, interviewed by Blackside. Martin Luther King, Poor People's campaign, SCLC, Memphis Sanitation Workers Strike. 1985. 92 min. Transcript.
Reverend James Lawson, interviewed by Blackside. Nashville, SNCC, FOR, nonviolence, Freedom Rides, Meredith March, Memphis strike. 1985. 53 min. Transcript
Frederick Leonard, interviewed by Blackside. Nashville Tennessee, CORE) Freedom Rider, Jackson MS, Parchman State Penitentiary. 1985. 15 min. Transcript
John Lewis, interviewed by Blackside. Nashville, nonviolence, Freedom Rides, SNCC, March on Washington. 1979. 62 min. Transcript
John Lewis, interviewed by Blackside. Voting rights, Selma, Dr. King, SCLC, SNCC, nonviolence, March on Washington. 1985. 36 min. Transcript
Rufus Lewis, interviewed by Blackside. Montgomery Bus Boycott, Montgomery Improvement Association, voter registration, Alabama Democratic Conference. Martin Luther King. 1985. 44min. Transcript
Leo Lillard (Kwame Lillard), interviewed by Blackside. Nashville, TN sit-ins, Freedom Riders, Birmingham. 1985. 27 min. Transcript.
Amzie Moore, interviewed by Blackside. 64min. Mississippi NAACP, Emmett Till murder, voting rights campaign. Transcript
Robert Moses, interviewed by Blackside. SNCC, Mississipi, MFDP, Chaney-Goodman-Schwerner. 1986. 73 min. Transcript
Diane Nash, interviewed by Blackside. Sit-ins, Nashville Student Movement, SNCC, Freedom Rides, leader, organizer, strategist, activist . 1985. 71min. Transcript
E.D. Nixon, interviewed by Blackside. Montgomery Bus Boycott, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King. 1979. 42 min. Transcript
Peter Orris, interviewed by Blackside. SNCC, COFO, Mississippi Freedom Summer. 1986. 36min. Transcript
Rosa Parks, interviewed by Blackside. NAACP, Montgomery Bus Boycott, voting rights. 1985. 36 min. Transcript
James Peck, interviewed by Blackside. CORE, Freedom Rides. 1979. 22min. Transcript
Joseph Rauh, interviewed by Blackside. MFDP legal, NAACP. 1985. 40 min. Transcript.
Bernice Johnson Reagon, interviewed by Blackside. NAACP, Albany Movement, SNCC, SNCC Freedom Singers. 1986. 45min. Transcript
Rev. Frederick Reese, interviewed by Blackside. Voting rights, Selma AL, March to Montgomery. 1985. 42 min. Transcript
Jo Ann Robinson, interviewed by Blackside. Montgomery Bus Boycott, Women's Political Council, Alabama. 1985. 32min. Transcript
Taylor Rogers, interviewed by Blackside. Memphis Sanitation Workers Strike. 1988. 13 min. Transcript.
Bayard Rustin, interviewed by Blackside. March on Washington, civil rights activism after World War II. 1979. 54 min. Transcript.
William Rutherford, interviewed by Blackside. SCLC, Poor People's Campaign, Resurrection City, Martin Luther Kin. 1988. 58 min. Transcript.
Ruby Sales, interviewed by Blackside. SNCC, Lowndes County AL, Tuskegee Institute, Stokely Carmichael, Jonathan Daniels. 1988. 25 min. Transcript.
Cleveland Sellers, interviewed by Blackside. SNCC, NAG, March on Washington, Dr. King, Stokely Carmichael, Malcolm X, Fannie Lou Hamer, MDFP, NAACP. 1988. 54min.
Charles Sherrod, interviewed by Blackside. Albany GA Movement, SNCC. 33min. 2015. Transcript
Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth, interviewed by Blackside. Birmingham, Alabama. NAACP, ACMHR SCLC. 1985. 63min. Transcript
Dr. B.J. Simms, interviewed by Blackside. Montgomery Bus Boycott. 1985. 15 min. Transcript
Calvin Taylor, interviewed by Blackside. 1968 Memphis sanitation strike, The Invaders, violence against nonviolent protesters. 1988. 36 min. Transcript
Albert Turner, interviewed by Blackside. Voting rights, Marion,Alabama, murder of Jimmie Lee Jackson, Selma to Montgomery March. 1979. 36min. Transcript
Judy Varley, interviewed by Blackside. Medical Committee for Human Rights (MCHR), Jackson, Mississippi, Black Power. 1989. 21 min. Transcript
C.T. Vivian, interviewed by Blackside. Nashville TN Movement, SCLC, Freedom Ride, Selma AL. 1985. 70 min. Transcript
Wyatt T. Walker, interviewed by Blackside. SCLC, Albany Movement, Birmingham, March on Washington. 1985. 37 min. Transcript
Rachel West Nelson, interviewed by Blackside. Selma, Alabama voting rights campaign. 22min. Transcript
Hollis Watkins, interviewed by Blackside. SNCC, McComb, Mississippi, Fannie Lou Hamer. 1985. 32 min. Transcript
Sheyann Webb-Christburg, interviewed by Blackside. Selma, Alabama voting rights campaign. 30min. Transcript
Andrew Young, interviewed by Blackside. Birmingham, Selma, SCLC, Dr. King, Malcolm X, Albany, GA, SNCC. 1985 90 min. Transcript
Freedom Summer Interviews & Stories, 1964-1965
As used in this section, " Freedom Summer" is a generic term covering all of the instances when northerner volunteers (students, professionals, and others) came to support the Southern Freedom Movement over Summer vacation and Thanksgiving and Winter holidays in 1963, '64, and '65, in multiple southern states. For additional information see Documents From Freedom Summer Projects and Letters & Reports From Freedom Summer .
Malcom_Farmer, interviewed by Rob Widell. University of Rhode Island Multicultural Center, 2014. 35min.
David Gass, interviewed by Rob Widell. University of Rhode Island Multicultural Center, 2014. 37min. Transcript
Jim Kates Interview, interviewed by Dr. Rob Widell.University of Rhode Island Multicultural Center, 2014. 53min.
Tom Gardner, SSOC, Virginia. Interviewed by Bruce Watson. University of Rhode Island Multicultural Center, 2014. 39min.
Michael Van Leesten, interview by Rob Widell. University of Rhode Island Multicultural Center, 2014. 42min.
John Pratt, interview by Bruce Watson. University of Rhode Island Multicultural Center, 2014. 35min.
David Reily, interviewed by Rob Widell. University of Rhode Island Multicultural Center, 2014. 41min.
Gary Rothberger, interviewed by Rob Widell. University of Rhode Island Multicultural Center, 2014. 42min.
Nancy Schieffelin, interview by Dr. Julia Jordan-Zachery. University of Rhode Island Multicultural Center, 2014. 30min.
John (Jay) Shetterly, interviewed by Bruce Watson, re Panola Co. MS. University of Rhode Island Multicultural Center, 2014. 17min.
Richard Sugerman, interviewed by Melvin Wade. University of Rhode Island Multicultural Center, 2014. 66min.
David Trimble, interviewed by Rob Widell. University of Rhode Island Multicultural Center, 2014. 32min.
Dan Lynn Watt, interviewed by Rob Widell. University of Rhode Island Multicultural Center, 2014. 37min. Transcript
Molly Lynn Watt, Highlander Center, TN. Interviewed by University of Rhode Island Multicultural Center, 2014. 37min.
Norman Zalkind, interviewed by Bruce Watson. University of Rhode Island Multicultural Center, 2014. 27min.
Sounds of Change: Freedom Summer 60th Anniversary Docuseries, CPM Global.
Part 1 17min
Part 2 17minMississippi Freedom Summer 50th Anniversary Reunion & Conference Collection, June 2014
The Mississippi Freedom Summer 50th Anniversary Reunion & Conference was held 2014 at Tougaloo College in Jackson Mississippi to celebrate, commemorate, and assess the 1964 Mississippi Freedom Summer that brought in more than 1000 out-of-state volunteers to support the long struggle for voting rights in that state.
Videos by Natalie Bullock Brown/Ascension Productions.
The Freedom Struggle in Mississippi 1946-1964, Beverly Hogan (Tougaloo), Hollis Watkins (SNCC), Joyce Ladner (SNCC) and Derrick Johnson (NAACP). 68min.
The Historic Importance of Mississippi Freedom Summer 1964, Charlie Cobb, David Dennis, Marian Wright Edelman, and Robert "Bob" Moses. 80min
In the Mississippi River, Martyrs of the Mississippi Movement, Judy Richardson, C. Leigh McInnis, Rita Schwerner Bender, Timothy Jenkins, Hollis Watkins, Freedom Singers. 84min.
Heroes and Sheroes of Freedom Summer, Danny Glover, Judy Richardson, Timothy Jenkins, 58min.
Roll Call of Freedom Summer Activists and Volunteers, 119min.
We are the children of the movement, Ayanna Gregory, 3min
This movement changed the world, Ayanna Gregory, 4min
Freedom Summer 50th Anniversary Banquet
Welcome by Derrick Johnson, 4min
Statement of the Occasion, Julian Bond, 14min
The People of the Movement, Dave Dennis, 11min.
How Do We Thank Tougaloo? Hank Thomas, 8min
Keynote Address, Dick Gregory, introduction by Ayanna Gregory and Hollis Watkins. 80min
Library of Congress: Civil Rights History Project
The Civil Rights History Project Collection is a joint initiative of the Library of Congress and the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture to collect video and audio recordings of personal histories and testimonials of individuals who participated in the Civil Rights movement. The project was initiated in 2010 with the survey and with interviews beginning in 2011.
Cynthia & Fletcher Anderson, Oral History Interview by Joseph Mosnier. Bogalusa LA, Deacons of Defense and Justice, Bogalusa Voters League, job discrimination. 2011. 83min. Transcript
William G. Anderson, interviewed by Joseph Mosnier. Albany GA Movement and Dr. King. 2011. 118 Transcript
Bennett, Breaux, & Jenkins, by Joseph Mosnier. Bogalusa LA movement. 2011. 81min Transcript
Harry Blake, interviewed by David Cline. Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), Shreveport, LA. 2013. 68min Transcript
Louise Broadway, by Will Griffin. Baker County Georgia Movement, mother who sent daughter to all-white school, doctor to Freedom Riders. 2013. 34min Transcript
Guy & Candie Carawan, by Joseph Mosnier. Music and the Freedom Movement, Highlander Folk School. 2011. 53min Transcript
John Churchville, by Joseph Mosnier. SNCC, Americus GA & MS, Freedom Library, Black People's Unity Movement PA. 2011. 153min Transcript
Vernon Dahmer Jr, by Emilye Crosby. Hattiesburg, Mississippi, segregation, military, killing of Vernon Dahmer Sr, Klu Klux Klan trial. 2015. 111min Transcript
Thomas Gaither, by Joseph Mosnier. Orangeburg, South Carolina, Claflin College, Student sit-ins, CORE, Freedom Rides, NAACP. 2011. 131min Transcript
Myrtle Gonza Glascoe, CORE, SNCC, West Point, Mississippi, Phillips County, Arkansas, Avery Research Center. 2010. 94min. Transcript
Jack Greenberg, interviewed by Joseph Mosnier. NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund. 1985. 47min Transcript
Audrey Hamilton & JoeAnn Ulmer, by Joseph Mosnier. St. Augustine sit-ins and protests of 1963 and 1964. 2011. 67min Transcript
Marilyn Luper Hildreth. (NAACP) Youth Council, Oklahoma City, sit-ins, Clara Luper (mother), 2011. 33min. Transcript
Freeman Hrabowski, by Joseph Mosnier. Birmingham Movement and church bombing. 2011. 78min Transcript
Phil Hutchings, by Joseph Mosnier. NAG, SNCC, MFDP, SDS. 2011. 164min Transcript
James Oscar Jones, Director SNCC Arkansas project. 2011. 127min. Transcript
Jamila Jones, interviewd by Joseph Mosnier. Freedom Riders, Highlander Folk Center, "We Shall Overcome." 2011. 50min Transcript
Mary Jones, interviewed by Willie Griffith. Albany Georgia Movement. 2013. 52min Transcript
Calvin Luper, NAACP Youth Council, Oklahoma City, sit-ins, Clara Luper (mother). 2011. 24min. Transcript
Robert McClary, interviewed by Hasan Kwame Jeffries. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), Southwest Georgia project. 2013. 28min Transcript
Alfred Moldovan, by Joseph Mosnier. MCHR, Meridian MS, Selma AL, March to Montgomery. 2011. 59min Transcript
Mildred Bond Roxborough, NAACP field worker and leader interviewed by Julian Bond. 2010. 85min. Transcript
Richard Barry Sobol (with Anne Sobol), Lawyers Constitutional Defense Committee (LCDC), Deacons for Defense and Justice, Bogalusa, LA. 2011. 116min. Transcript
Esther M.A. Terry, by Joseph Mosnier. 1960 Greensboro Woolworth's sit-in. 2011. 96min Transcript
Barbara Vickers, by Joseph Mosnier. St. Augustine, FL, Dr. Robert Hayling, organized protests and kneel-ins, church segregation, monument to foot soldiers. 2011. 42min. Transcript
Sam Young, Jr, by Will Griffin, re SNCC, Southwest Georgia Project. Black farmers. School integration. 2013. 42min. Transcript
[Note: No re-distribution of the materials to other entities or individuals is permitted in any format. Requests for use of the videos should be made to the American Folklife Center of the Library of Congress.]Movement Veterans Talk With Students Collection
Interviews and discussions betweeen students and Civil Rights Movement veterans.
Chude Allen, Freedom Summer volunteer in Holly Springs Mississippi. Interviewed by students at Stuart Hall High School in San Francisco. 2020. 121min. PDF transcript. Chude Allen background.
Dr. James ("Jimmy") Garrett, SNCC California & Mississippi, interviewed by students at Stuart Hall High School in San Francisco. 2020. 129min. PDF transcript. Jimmy Garrett background.
Linda Wetmore Halpern, Freedom Summer volunteer in Greenwood Mississippi. Interviewed by students at Stuart Hall High School in San Francisco. 2020. 106min. PDF transcript. Linda Wetmore Halpern background.
Bruce Hartford, CORE in California & SCLC in Selma, Alabama, and Mississippi. Interviewed by students at Stuart Hall High School in San Francisco. 2020. 223min. PDF transcript. Bruce Hartford background.
Dr. Jeannine Herron, by students at Stuart Hall High School in San Francisco. Jeannine Herron and her husband Matt worked with SNCC in Mississippi and she was one of the founder of Child Development Group of Mississippi. 2020. 120min. PDF transcript.
Jacqueline Byrd Martin, McComb MS student protester. By Gregg Ivers, 2020. 85min. PDF Transcript.
Mike Miller, SNCC. Interviewed by high school students, 2020. 86min. PDF Transcript. Mike Miller background.
Dr. Mimi Real, Freedom Rider and CORE in Louisiana. Interviewed by high school students. 2020. 118min. PDF transcript. Mimi Real background.
Rick Sheviakov, Freedom Rides, Parchman Prison, Jackson, MS. Interviewed by students at Stuart Hall High School in San Francisco. 2020. 104min.
Questions From Teachers Collection
Two 2020 webinars hosted by U.C. Berkeley where Civil Rights Movement veterans discussed questions posed by teachers about the Freedom Movement and how it is taught.
August 4th Webinar. 87min.August 6th Webinar. 97min.
Sixth Floor Museum Oral History Collection
xxxdate. xxxdescrip, xxxmin. Transcript.This special oral history showcase, Voices from the Civil Rights Movement, includes a selection of interviews conducted with civil rights and social justice activists by the Sixth Floor Museum, Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas.
Thomas M. Armstrong, Freedom Ridger & Mississippi NAACP activist. 69min. 2021.
Call To Action: The SNCC Experience in Dallas, 2006. Panel discussion featuring SNCC members Bishop Mark Herbener, Ernest McMillan, and Edward Harris. 78min.
David Fankhauser, Freedom Rider. 67min. 2021.
Maria Gitin, SCLC/SCOPE Wilcox Co. Alabama. 84min. 2021.
Bruce Hartford, CORE, SCLC, California, Alabama, Selma, Grenada MS. 93min. 2022.
Jennifer Lawson, Birmingham student and SNCC organizer. 92min. 2021.
Lynda Blackmon Lowery, Selma student activist. 79min. 2021.
Ernest McMillan: Living History, by 2019. SNCC, Dallas, Morehouse, 1963, brief personal encounter with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., 49min.
Dr. Wornie Reed, Montgomery bus boycott, March on Washington, People's Campaign. 95min. 2021.
Ron Ridenour, SNCC, Mississippi. 2023. 86min.
Betty Daniels Rosemond, CORE, Freedom Rider. 69min. 2021.
St. Augustine Movement Video Collection
Interviews from the Civil Rights Library of St. Augustine, presented in the Civil Rights Digital Library, from Flagler College and other archives.
Barbara Allen. 1964 sit-in arrest, Easter invasion, Florida Spring Project, police violence. 29min.
Willie Bolden, SCLC. Describes rallies, marches, KKK confrontations and assault on Andrew Young. 27min.
Dorothy Cotton in conversation with Andrew Young, re Citizenship Schools, assault on Young during a night march, the brutally attacked wade-in. 36min.
Shed Dawson. Wade-ins, police brutality and Civil Rights Act of 1964. 23min.
Audrey Nell Edwards. St. Augustine Four, Woolworth's sit-in, reform school, night marches, and Martin Luther King. 2009. 29min.
Bernice Harper. Andrew Young, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Wade-in. Night March, Augustine Four. 2023. 41min.
Robert Hayling, by Andrew Young. Movement leader, the arrest of Dr. King, arrest of Mary Peabody, marches, rallies, shootings, Klan assault, and Jackie Robinson's visit. 34min.
Maude Jackson. Marches, clashes with the KKK, mass arrests, police brutality, arrest of Mary Peabody, and Civil Rights Act of 1964. 9min.
Errol Jones, re arrest of Mary Peabody, Assault on Andrew Young, marches and rallies, SCM and SCLC projects. 34min.
Malcolm Peabody. Arrest of his mother Mary Peabody, marches, clashes with the KKK, mass arrests, police brutality. 2013. 40min.
Janie Price, Bombing, Civil Rights Act, night march, shooting William Kinard. 2022. 15min.
JoeAnn Anderson Ulmer. St. Augustine Four, picketing, sit-ins, visits of Jackie Robinson and Dr. King. 18min.
Barbara Vickers. Ku Klux Klan, Manucy's Raiders, NAACP, SCLC, St. Augustine Four, Assault on Andrew Young, Drive-by Shooting, Night March. 2023. 78min.
Audrey Willis. Attempted Integration of Church, sit-in, night March, police dogs. 2022. 12min.
Veterans of the Mississippi Civil Rights Movement Oral History Project Collection
Oral history interviews of local and national activists, political and community leaders, and grassroots people who actively worked in Mississippi communities during the 1950s-60s. Produced by Owen Brooks, VMCRM Oral History Project. Tougaloo College. See also Oral Histories Library.
Judge Rueben Anderson, 'Ole Miss Law School, NAACP Legal Defense Fund, Mississippi Supreme Court. 2006. 58min
Judge Fred Banks, 1961. Baltimore sit-ins. Lawyer with the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund. President of the Jackson Branch NAACP, circuit judge, member of the Mississippi Supreme Court. 2006. 43min.
Rev. Rims Barber, Presbyterian minister from Iowa, Freedom Summer volunteer, Delta Ministry organizer in Canton MS from 1965 to 1966. 2006. 95min.
Mayor Marion Barry, 1st Chairman of SNCC, Mayor of Washington DC. 43min.
Rev. Willie Blue, SNCC, MFDP, Democratic convention 1964. 2006. 60min Audio only.
A.B. Britton, 2005 or 2006. Mississippi. USCCR, Meredith March. 45min.
Owen Brooks, 2006. NAACP, Delta Ministry, SNCC, 1943-98, 68min.
Judge Margaret Burnham, SNCC & COFO 1963-65 Mississippi. 2007. 79min.
Rev. Clinton Collier, 2005. Meridian and Neshoba MS, MFDP candidate, 120min.
Courtland Cox, 2006. Nonviolent Action Group, Howard University, SNCC Coordinating Council & Executive Committee, March on Washington, Freedom Summer, Lowndes County AL, War Crimes Tribunal, SNCC Legacy Project. 119min. Transcript.
Dr. L.C. Dorsey, 2006. Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer, Head Start, Operation Help, MFDP, Delta Ministry, National Council of Churches, 42min.
Frank Figgers, 2005. Tougaloo College, Jackson Human Rights Project, Georgetown & Black and Proud Liberation School. Black and Proud Elementary School. 93min. Transcript.
James (Jimmy) Garrett, 2005 1962-66, CORE, SNCC, Louisiana, Mississippi, California, 26min.
Lawrence Guyot, 2004. SNCC field secretary, Parchman Penitentiary, Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party Chairman. 114min.
Vincent Harding, 2006. Martin Luther King, Spelman, Mennonite House, SCLC, SNCC, CORE, 16min.
Emory Harris, SNCC Freedom Singer. 2007. 37min.
Jessie Harris, 2006. SNCC, voting rights, Parchman Prison, MFDP, MS Delta, Greenwood, Laurel. 43min.
Constance Slaughter Harvey, 2005. 95min.
Jan Hillegas, 2002. CORE Syracuse NY, COFO West Point, Columbus, Jackson, MS, Freedom Information Service Mississippi. 10min.
Frankye Adams Johnson, 2005. NAACP, SNCC, Mississippi, 1963-1967. 121min,
Lavaree Jones, 2005. Mississippi. Child Development Group of Mississippi (CDGM). 45min.
Margaret Kibbee, 2006. Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) 1965-, 28min.
Henry Jay Kirksey, Mississippi state senator, economic, job and political opportunities for Blacks. 2004. 58min.
Dorie Ladner, NAACP, SNCC, 1961-68, Mississippi. 2006. 120min.
Marilyn Lowen, 2005. Mississippi, SNCC, Tougaloo, CDGM, MFDP, Neshoba Co. 74min.
Helen O'Neal McCray, Freedom Rider. 2007. 61min.
Bob Moses, SNCC, COFO, MFDP, Freedom Summer. 2006. 25min.
Bobby Talbert, 2005. McComb MS student movement, NAACP, SNCC, violence, arrests, AL, GA, VA, NC, SC, LA, TX, FL, MD, IL, IN. 88min.
Dorothy Zellner, SNCC, SCEF. 2005. 62min.
Voices Across the Color Line Collection
Interviews of Freedom Movement veterans by the Atlanta History Center - Kenan Research Center, 2005-2006.
Charles Black, Atlanta Student Movement (ASM). By Carole Merritt . Re Atlanta Student Movement, prison farm, women in the movement, Atlanta mayoral election, desegregation voter registration. 75min.
Willie Bolden, SCLC. By Carole Merritt. Re Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), Dr. King, Saint Augustine FL, Selma AL, and Poor Peoples Campaign, Marks MS. 122min.
Rev. Joseph and Aletha Boone. By Carole Merritt. Re Atlanta Student Movement, Rush Memorial Congregational Church, Atlanta school desegregation. 58min.
Xernona Clayton, By Carole Merritt. Re Atlanta civil rights movement, Ku Klux Klan, Dr. King. 58min.
Connie Curry, by Carole Merritt. Along with Ella Baker was a SNCC "adult advisor", active in Greensboro sit-ins and Mississippi school desegregation. 2005. 62min.
Morris Dillard, By Carole Merritt. Re Atlanta Student Movement (ASM) and Freedom Rides, 60min.
Lydia Douglas, By Carole Merritt. Re Atlanta Student Movement (ASM), Committee on the Appeal for Human Rights, sit-ins and arrest. 60min.
Pearlie Dove, by Carole Merritt. Re Equal pay for Black teachers, segregated education in Atlanta. 56min.
John and Mary Glustrom Interview. By Carole Merrit. 2006. Re Freedom Movement and race relations in Atlanta GA. 62min.
Jesse Hill, by Carole Merritt. NAACP 1950s voter registration activist, desegregation in Atlanta, founder Black newspaper Atlanta Inquirer, mobilized business support of the movement. 2005. 59min.
Dr. Alton Hornsby, Jr, Atlanta Student Movement (ASM). By Carole Merritt. Re Atlanta Student Movement, march on the Georgia State Capitol 1960, segregated busses. 2006. 59min.
Lonnie King, by Carole Merritt. Atlanta Student Movement, U.S. Navy, racial discrimination, Appeal for Humans Rights statement. 2005. 102min.
Muriel Lokey. By Carole Merritt. Re support for Atlanta school desegregation. 42min.
Ralph Luker, NAACP. By Carole Merritt. Re Raleigh, North Carolina; Duke University; Georgia movement; youth branches of the NAACP. 2005 61min.
Nan Pendergrast Interview. By Carole Merrit. 2006. Re Georgia Council on Human Relations, Help Our Public Education (HOPE), NAACP, League of Women Voters in Atlanta GA. 61min.
Portia Harden Potts, by Carole Merritt. One of the first African American students to desegregate schools in Atlanta, GA. 2006. 48min.
Fay Bellamy Powell, by Carole Merritt. SNCC staff member, Selma & Greene County, AL, Atlanta GA. Helped organize the 1965 Selma to Montgomery march., 2006. 150min.
Willie Ricks (Mukasa) by Carole Merritt. SNCC field secretary many locations. Part 1 121min, Part 2 121min.
Ernest Swann, student integrator. By Carole Merritt. Re desegregation of Atlanta public schools, white resistance. 2006. 57min.
C.T. Vivian, by Carole Merritt. SCLC leader, Nashville student movement, Birmingham, St. Augustine, Selma. 2006. Part 1 134min, Part 2 361min.
Dr. Clinton Warner by Carole Merritt re equal pay for teachers and treatment of Black patients by medical profession in Atlanta GA. 2006. Part 1 63min, Part 2 53min.
Voices of Freedom ~ Virginia Commonwealth University
Interview with Elizabeth & Jane Cooper, re Richmond VA school desegregation, 2003. 16min. Transcript.
Interview with Dottie Edwards, by Daugherty & Smith re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee (VSCRC), 2016. 68min. Transcript.
Interview with Lucious Edwards, by Daugherty & Smith, re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee (VSCRC), 2016. 75min. Transcript.
Interview with Tom Gardner, re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee (VSCRC). 87min. Transcript.
Interview with Thomas Hardy. Surry County Improvement Association; the Surry Assembly. 2003. 26min. Transcript.
Interview with Rev. Curtis Harris, re Virginia SCLC, civil disobedience. 39min. Transcript.
Interview with Roger Hickey, by re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee (VSCRC). 52min. Transcript.
Interview with Sen. Henry L. Marsh, III. , re "Massive Resistance", politics in Richmond, VA. 2003. 29min. Transcript.
Interview With Bill Monnie, by Daugherty & Smith, re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee (VSCRC), 2015. 54min. Transcript.
Interview with David Nolan, by Daugherty & re Smith re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee (VSCRC) and St. Augustine movement, 2015. 61min. Transcript.
Interview with Nan Grogan Orrock, by Daugherty & Smith re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee (VSCRC). 76min. Transcript.
Interview with Dr. Milton A. Reid, SCLC, school desegregation, Danville, etc. 2003 17min. Transcript.
Interview with Dr. William Ferguson Reid. Richmond Crusade for Voters; Massive Resistance to school integration. 2003. 22min. Transcript.
Interview with Bruce Smith, by Daugherty & re Smith, re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee (VSCRC), 2016. 106min. Transcript.
Interview with John A. Stokes by Ronald Carrington re 1951 student strike against segregation at Moton High School in Prince Edward County VA. 2003. 28min. Transcript.
Interview with Steven Wise, by re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee (VSCRC). 50min. Transcript.
CRMA Audio Collection
Streaming audio recordings from events, interviews, discussions, oral-histories, & etc.
Audio Contents:
The Stories We Always Wanted to Tell
Documentaries, Pod-Casts, & Presentations
Interviews, Narratives & Oral Histories
Discussions & Panels
SCLC/SCOPE 50th Reunion, Atlanta GA, October 1-4 2015
Mississippi Oral Histories
The Stories We Always Wanted to Tell
Short stories about events we participated in, experiences we had, and the people we knew and loved. As told to a celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the student-led sit-ins of 1960, the rise of youth-led activism, and the founding of SNCC. Main library, San Francisco, March 27, 2010
Don Jelinek & Jean Wiley: Introduction — Transcript
Documentaries, Pod-Casts, & Presentations
Freedom in the Air A Documentary on Albany, Georgia (1961-1962), by Guy Carawan and Alan Lomax for SNCC, 1962. 41min.
Interviews, Narratives & Oral Histories
James Bell
Laura SpearsInterview by Mimi Feingold re the Movement, repression, and arrests in Clinton, LA. 23min Transcript Willie Blue SNCC 50th Commemoration Interview, by Max Krochmal. Raleigh NC. 2010. 40min. Transcript Julian Bond Interview by Evan Faulkenbury, SOHP. 48min. Transcript Ron Bridgeforth We Were Not Alone Narrative. 2022. 9min Joseph Carter Interview by Mimi Real, 1967. Arrested for trying to register to vote in Louisiana. 47min. Transcript Benjamin Chavis Muhammad Interview by Kieran Taylor. 96min. Transcript Arlene Dunn Interview, re Arkansas SNCC and anti-racism work with whites in the North with PAR, by Karlyn Foner, 2010. 49min. Transcript Jim Grant Oral-History Interview by Joshua Clark Davis. Re North Carolina SCEF, Charlotte Three. 204min. Transcript Bruce Hartford Interview by Will Griffin Southern Oral History Project, 2010. 52min Robert Hicks Interview by Mimi Feingold Real, 1967. Re Bogalusa LA Movement. 10min. Transcript Hattie Hill (17) Interview by Mimi Feingold Real, 1967. Re Bogalusa LA Movement. 26min. Transcript Ellis Howard Interview by Mimi Feingold re Jonesboro LA. 53min. Transcript Elmo Jacobs Interview by Mimi Feingold re Jonesboro LA. 5min. Transcript Frederick D. Lewis Interview by Mimi Feingold re voting rights and the Movement Claiborne Parish, LA. 24min. Transcript Annie Johnson Interview by Mimi Feingold re Jonesboro LA. 11min. Transcript Joseph Lee Marlbough Interview by Mimi Feingold re ASCS elections & economic justice in Greensburg, LA. 7min. Transcript Liberty MS Freedom Movement Meeting, Led by Smiley Proff. 65min. Transcript Madison Parish LA Conversation about the Freedom Movement, 1965 10min. Transcript Alan McSurley Oral-History Interview by Andy Horowitz, Southern Oral History Program, 2002. 47min. Transcript John C. Morris Interview re the movement in Batesville by Cheryl Johnson. 23min. Transcript Bill Perlman Interview SNCC 50th Conference. By Max Krochmal, SOHP. 52min. Transcript Wallace Roberts Interview re Freedom Summer & SNCC. By Orion Teal (SOHP). 2010. 45min. Transcript Carol Rogoff Interview re SNCC, Mississippi, E.W. Steptoe. By Orion Teal (SOHP). 2010. 84min. Transcript Cleveland Sellers Oral History Interview by Evan Faulkenbury (SOHP) Tape #1 Tape #2 Transcript Modjeska Simkins Oral-History by Jacquelyn Hall (SOHP), re NAACP and the Movement in South Carolina, 345min. Transcript E.W. Steptoe Description of violence and murder of Herbert Lee in Amite Co. MS. 121min. Transcript Nancy Stoller Interview by David Cline re SNCC, 2010. 102min. Transcript Talullah, LA Group Interview, 1965 or 1966. 41min. Transcript Wyatt T. Walker Interview by Evan Faulkenbury, SOHP. 45min. Transcript A.Z. Young Interview by Mimi Feingold Real re Bogalusa LA Movement. 1967. 20min. Discussions & Panels
Voices of the 1965 Voting Rights Fight, panel discussion by Bay Area Veterans of the Civil Rights Movement at the Museum of the African Diaspora (MoAD). Wazir Peacock, Bruce Hartford, Charles Bonnor, Maria Gitin. 2015. 95min. Transcript. SCLC/SCOPE 50th Reunion, Atlanta GA, October 1-4 2015
Thursday, October 1 Opening Reception & Welcome — John Reynolds, SCLC. 15minFriday, October 2
Veterans Roll Call, SCLC & SCOPE members. 42min
Keynote Address, Bernard Lafayette, SCLC. 36min
Remarks, Dr. Charles Steele, SCLC. 7minGroup Discussions, Freedom Movement Veterans ~ Morning
Alabama activists #1. 82min
Alabama activists #2. 83min
Georgia activists. 82min
North Carolina & Virginia activists. 78min
South Carolina activists #1. 73min
South Carolina activists #2. 66min
SCLC Atlanta staff. 82minGroup Discussions, Freedom Movement Veterans ~ Afternoon
Georgia activists continued. 64min
South Carolina activists continued. 101min
SCLC Atlanta staff continued. 107min
Crenshaw County AL activists. 48min
Women in the Freedom Movement. 84min
Evaluating our Work in the Freedom Movement. 70min
Nonviolence: How Can it be Used Today?. 101min
Hosea Williams Tribute Banquet ~ Friday Evening
Welcome & Tribute, John Reynolds, Barbara Williams Emerson, & others. 18min
Tribute continued, Barbara Emerson, John Reynolds, & many others. 90minSaturday, October 3
Morning Panels
SCLC Leadership Panel, John Reynolds, Richard Smiley, Bruce Hartford. 70min
SCOPE legacy Panel, Maria Gitin, Jo Freeman. 42min
General Group Discussions, Freedom Movement veterans ~ Saturday Afternoon
Affect of the Movement. 76min
Successes & Challenges & Where Do We Go From Here. 61min
Challenges & Successes. 26min
Impact of the Movement on Our Lives. 67min
Impact of the Freedom Movement. 77min
SCLC & SCOPE Challenges & Successes. 68minSunday, October 5 Mass Meeting & Non-Denominational Service 78min
Mississippi Oral Histories
Raw, unedited audio recordings conducted by Owen Brooks of Veterans of the Mississippi Civil Rights Movement Inc. from 2004 through 2007.
Doug Anderson 2006. James Anderson 2004. Ruben Anderson 2006. Louis Armstrong 2006. Nancy Bartow 2005. Willie Blue 2006. Harry Bowie 2004. Clint Collier 2005. MacArthur Cotton 2006. L.C. Dorsey 2006. Frank Figgers 2005. Marilyn Lowen 2005. Brenda Travis 2007. Jimmy Travis 2006.
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