Civil Rights Movement
Documents From Freedom Summer Projects

Mississippi Summer Project (Freedom Summer)
      Planning Documents
      Mississippi Anti-Freedom Summer Laws
      Recruitment Documents
      Volunteer Application and Registration Forms, Lists
      Training Documents
      Local Project Reports
      Freedom School Documents
      Community Center Documents
      Voter Registration & Organizing Documents
      White Community Project Documents
      Local Newsletters
      Chaney-Schwerner-Goodman Lynching Documents
      MFDP and Democratic Convention Challenge
      Parents-Related Documents
      Northern Support Documents
      Miscellaneous Documents
CORE Louisiana Summer Task Forces & Projects
      1964 CORE Summer Documents
      1965 CORE Summer Documents
CORE's North Florida Citizenship Education Project (NFCEP) 1964-1965

See also Applications & Personnel Documents xxx, by xxxcomment .

Mississippi Summer Project Documents

Freedom Summer national public opinion poll, Harris Survey Inc. July 6 1964.

Mississippi Freedom Summer Planning Documents

63? 64? Memorandum: On the SNCC Mississippi Summer Project, Unsigned SNCC, Undated (possibly later 1963 or early 1964)
  Prospectus for the Mississippi Freedom Summer (scan of original).
1964 Some Proposals for a Mississippi Summer Project, unsigned SNCC? COFO? Undated (probably Feb-May, 1964)
3/1 COFO Letter to Roy Wilkins re Freedom Summer Plans, Bob Moses, March 1, 1964.
3/22 Report of a Subgroup of the Leadership Development and Current Issues Committee at the Mississippi Summer Project Curriculum Conference, COFO? March 21-22.
1964 Note re Freedom Summer petition for more federal judges. To or from Len Holt? Signature illegible. 5/17/64.
1964 General Prospectus for the Establishment of a Free Southern Theater, Doris Derby, Gilbert Moses, John O'Neal. Undated 1964
  Mississippi Freedom Summer Map, showing counties and types of projects.
  Mississippi Freedom Summer Map, showing the major projects.
1964 Politics, proposal regarding Freedom Summer staffing and convention challenge. Dave Dennis(?) CORE/COFO. Undated (probably first half of 1964)
Spring Memo to "Friends of Freedom in Mississippi", Bob Moses. Undated (probably late March or early April of 1964). Addressed to Black leaders. Early use of term "Freedom Summer."
Spring Mississippi Legislates to Outlaw Summer Civil Rights Project. SNCC Report, 1964.
Spring Outline of Mississippi Project Areas, undated, unsigned. County by county analysis. Assumed to be a COFO planning document.
  Proposal for MFDP Convention Challenge, Democratic Convention, Atlantic City.
4/8 Letter to College Professors re Freedom Summer, April 8, 1964. COFO.
4/13 Memorandum, re Mississippi Freedom Summer, Carl Rachlin, CORE. April 13 1964
Spring Urgent Memorandum re Mississippi Summer Project Fund-raising and Support Work, Betty Garman, SNCC. Undated (probably late May or early June 1964)
5/21 Berea Bars Civil-Rights Training, Louisville Times, May 21, 1964
Spring Dear Friend, letter to Mississippi whites about Freedom Summer, unsigned COFO. Undated (possibly May 1964)
6/9 Plan for Freedom Summer Orientation, Bruce Hansen, CORR. June 9, 1964.
6/15 Memo to George Raymond re planning for summer program (MS), Richard Haley, CORE. June 15 1964.
6/23 COFO Contact List, unsigned COFO. June 23 1964
6/29 COFO/CORE Office Summer Project preparation To Do list, Unsigned, Madison Co. CORE/COFO. June 24, 1964
6/30 Two letters sent to Bob Moses, Joseph Rauh. June 1964
1964 Mississippi Faces Challenge, MFDP flyer passed out in Atlantic City. August 1964.

State of Mississippi Anti-Freedom Summer Laws

See also Mississippi Girds for Armageddon for background.
April Anti-Picketing Law Passed in Mississippi to Combat Civil Rights Activities, Unsigned, presumed to be COFO or SNCC. April 1964.
May? Mississippi Readies Laws for "Freedom Summer". Unsigned (COFO?). Undated (probably May or June, 1964)
5/6 MS Senate Bill No. 2027, by Mississippi Legislature. Proposed law defining civil rights activity as felony criminal syndicalism.
1964 Mississippi HB227, new law expanding use of Parchman prison to incarcerate local misdemeanor arrests (protesters). Unsigned SNCC. Undated (probably summer 1964)
5/13 Current Status of Mississippi Legislation, May 13, 1964. Analysis of laws proposed or enacted in response and opposition to Black demands for civil rights.
  Resolution of Tribute to the Democratic Party of the State of Mississippi, Unsigned (assumed to be white segregationist Democratic Party officials). Undated summer of 1964
June Mississippi State Bill attempt to stop Freedom Schools, Unsigned, SNCC. June 1964
  Mississippi Legislature - 1964 (Repressive laws enacted to oppose Freedom Summer.)
June Mississippi, the Cancer of Democracy -- Will This Spread? (synopsis of report of Mississippi Legislature anti-Freedom Summer legislation). COFO. June 1964.
  Mississippi Legislates to Outlaw Summer Civil Rights Project, SNCC report.
  Mississippi Anti-Freedom Summer Legislation, 1964, House Bill 870

Mississippi Freedom Summer Recruitment Documents

1964 Politics, proposal regarding Freedom Summer staffing and convention challenge. Dave Dennis(?) CORE/COFO. Undated (probably first half of 1964)
Spring Mississppi Freedom Summer (flyer for local MS Blacks), Unsigned, COFO. Undated 1964
Spring Mississppi Freedom Summer (brochure for local MS Blacks), Unsigned, COFO. Undated 1964
Spring Dear Friend, undated and unsinged recruitment letter. Presumably from COFO.
Spring Mississippi Summer Project. Freedom Summer recruitment and fundraising brochure. SNCC.
Spring Mississippi Freedom Project. A second Freedom Summer brochure mostly used for fundraising and explaining the project to supporters, press, and worried parents. SNCC.
Spring Operation Freedom: Mississippi - 1964. NAACP Freedom Summer recruitment brochure.
May? Mississippi Freedom Summer, Ruleville flyer explaining Freedom Summer and soliciting local support. Unsigned COFO. Undated (probably May or June 1964).
July Freedom School Art Class registration form, Hattiesburg MS. Unsigned COFO. Undated (probably July 1964)
Spring Information Sheet — Project Mississippi. Five-page Freedom Summer fact sheet prepared at Stanford University and distributed to West Coast students interested in participating in the project.

Volunteer Applications, Registration Forms, & Lists

Spring Memo to Freedom Centers. COFO.
Spring Blank volunteer application form
Spring Guidelines for Interviewing Volunteers. COFO.
Spring Criteria for Screening Applicants for Work With COFO in Mississippi, COFO. Undated (presumed May or June 1964).
  Individual Mississippi Application and Registration Forms
6/8Dear Ed note from Diana Chiarky re Freedom Summer scheduling and subsistence
Spring Volunteer Rejection Letter. COFO.
June Volunteer Acceptance Letters, COFO:
Memo #1 to Accepted Applicants. COFO.
Memo #2 to Accepted Applicants. COFO.
Memo #3 to Accepted Applicants. COFO.
Orientation Letter to Volunteers, 1st session, June 14 1964. COFO.
Orientation Letter to Volunteers, 2nd session, June 21 1964. COFO.
Letter to Voter Registration Volunteers. COFO.
7/3 Volunteers in the State for Mississippi Freedom Summer by home state and town, and project assignment.
Aug.Recruiting of New Volunteers for Work in Mississippi, August, 1964, Betty Garman. SNCC.

Mississippi Freedom Summer Training Documents

June Job Preference Form
June Freedom Summer orientation schedule, June 1964
June Tentative Project Assignments (preliminary list). Probably issued before or during first orientation session.
June Freedom Summer Orientation Briefing, Dr. Vincent Harding.
June Overview of the Political Program, COFO.
June Mississippi: Handbook for Political Programs, COFO.
June Overview of the Community Centers, COFO.
June Sources of information on the Civil Rights Movement in Mississippi, undated 1964. Unsigned, CORE. Undated, possibly 1964
June Letter to Freedom Summer volunteers re COFO research project, Jesse Morris, COFO. Undated (probably May or early June 1964)
June Outline of Public Food Distribution in MS, Unsigned, COFO. Undated (probably May or June 1964)
June Community Organizations, undated (probably June 1964)
June Organizing for Freedom Registration, COFO/MFDP. Undated (probably June 1964)
June Techniques for Field Work: Voter Registration, unsigned (presumed COFO or SNCC). Undated 1964 (presumed Freedom Summer training document)
June Materials to Bring for the Summer, COFO, Mississippi Summer Project Staff.
June Security Handbook, COFO.
June "Critical Incident" Descriptions (training document), unsigned CORE.
June COFO Legal Guide (earlier version), R. Hunter Moroy
June Ruleville Mississippi, a Background Report, unsigned SNCC
July? COFO Legal Guide (later version), unsigned (possibly R. Hunter Morey). Undated (presumed Summer 1964)
June Power of Attorney for Selection of Legal Counsel, COFO. Undated (probably June 1964)
June If You Are Arrested in Mississippi, NAACP "Inc Fund"
???? Possible Role Playing Situations, unsigned. Undated (possibly 1964 Freedom Summer)
???? Freedom Summer song lyrics, Compiled by unknown. 1964
June Mississippi — SNCC Arrest Form, Summer 1964
6/16 Hostile letter sent to John Lewis re Freedom Summer, Charles Benner, NSRP. June 16 1964
June Questionaire, University of Wisconsin study of volunteers, Aiken, Demerath & Marwell, Dept. of Sociology. June.
6/26 COFO Orientation Art Workshop Notes, Ann Koppelman, (COFO). June 26, 1964

Mississippi Freedom Summer Local Project Reports

Clarke County Mississippi Reports
64? 65?List of Towns and Citys in Clarke County. Unsigned, undated.
64? 65?Budget, Clarke County, MS. Unsigned, undated.
64? 65?Workshop registrants, voter registration? Clarke County, MS. Unsigned, undated. (Handwritten)
64? 65?Organizing contact list, Clarke County, MS. Unsigned, undated.
64? 65?Voters? Clarke County, MS. Unsigned, undated.
11/15/64Clarke County Executive Committee. Unsigned
1964Clarke County Project, December 1964?
1964Clarke County Project Report. Warner Buxton, CORE. December 1964

See also: Letters & Reports From Freedom Summer 1964

See also SNCC/COFO Daily WATS Reports

Mississippi Freedom School Documents

1963 Guide For Teachers on Contributions of Afro-Americans, Edwina Chavers Johnson. 1963. (Distributed by CORE)
1963?Report on segregated education in Mississippi, unsigned, undated (possibly 1963)
1963 Prospectus for a Summer Freedom School Program in Mississippi, Charlie Cobb, 1963.
1964 To All Locals Affiliated With the Central Labor Council, New York City, Labor fund appeal for freedom schools. UFT. Undated (probably early 1964)
1964 UFT Adopt a Freedom School Project fund appeal. Al Shanker, Sandy Adickes, Norma Becker, UFT
2/22 Memo to Norma Becker, re Freedom Schools. Penny Patch, COFO. 2/22/64
3/2 Memo to Norma Becker, re Freedom School teacher application. Penny Patch, COFO. 3/02/64
4/12 Memo re materials for Freedom Schools, John O'Neal, SNCC. 4/12/64. Sent to Dinky Romilly, Betty Garman, Billy Stafford, Julia Prettyman, Staughton Lynd, Harold Bardenelli, Velma McLin, Norma Becker
4/23Union Embarks on Mississippi 'Freedom Schools' Project The United Teacher, UFT. April 23, 1964.
5/5 Overview of the Freedom Schools, COFO. May 5 1964
5/5 Memorandum to Freedom School Teachers, COFO.
Spring Adopt a Freedom School, COFO. Undated 1964.
June? Overview of the Freedom Schools - II, COFO.
June? First letter to Freedom School teachers, COFO.
June Second letter to Freedom School teachers , COFO.
June? Books Needed in Mississippi Freedom Schools, Undated. Unsigned, COFO
June? Memo re Materials to Bring With You to Mississippi, for Freedom School teachers. Undated (probably June '64). Unsigned, COFO.
June? Notes on Teaching in Mississippi, COFO (many authors).
???? A Talk to Teachers, author unidentified.
1964 Freedom School Attendance Sheet, Norma Becker, COFO/UFT. June 17, 1964.
July Freedom School flyer, unsigned COFO (possibly from Shaw MS).
6/23 Freedom School Assignments as of June 23 1964, unsigned COFO.
1964 Why It Is Important For Negroes to Vote, statements by Freedom School students. Undated summer 1964.
July Memo: Ruleville Freedom School schedule. Unsigned COFO. Undated (presumed summer 1964)
July Ruleville Freedom School schedule, Unsigned, COFO. 1964
July? Memo Hattiesburg freedom library book needs, unsigned COFO. Undated (presumed summer 1964)
JulyMississippi Summer Freedom School Program, general announcement, location unknown. Unsigned, undated.
July Student List for St. John Freedom School, Canton MS. Unsigned COFO or CORE.
July List of Students at Pleasant Green Freedom School, possibly Valley View or Canton, MS. Unsigned, Unsigned COFO or CORE. Undated.
July Freedom School flyer, unsigned COFO (possibly from Laurel MS).
July?Mississippi Freedom School Curriculum Materials, late June or early July, 1964
Table of Contents, teacher note #1
A Note to the Teacher
Part 1, Academic Curriculum
Part 2, Citizenship Curriculum
     Unit 1, Comparison of Students' Reality With Others
     Unit 2, North to Freedom (Negro in the North)
     Unit 3, Examining the Apparant Reality (the "better" life that whites have)
     Unit 4, Introducing the Power Structure
Unit 5, The Poor Negro, The Poor White, and Thier Fears
Unit 6, Material Things and Soul Things
Unit 7, The Movement
The Mississippi Power Structure
     Lesson Plans for the Unit on Mississippi Politics
     Sample Sections of the Mississippi Constitution
Guide to Negro History
Freedom Schools Lesson Plan: Negro History, Jean Oxley, COFO. Undated
Africa: It's History and People
Lesson Plan and Curriculum Outline for Citizenship Education Program in Freedom Schools, Unsigned, COFO. 8/31
Outline for the Teacher of Citizenship Education in the Freedom Schools (version A), Peggy Dammond, SNCC/COFO. Undated
Readings in Nonviolence
Mathematics Note to Freedom School Teachers
Case Study: Statements of Discipline of Nonviolent Movements
Case Study on the Civil Rights Bill
July? Resources for Teaching Negro History, Undated. Unsigned, COFO
???? Behind the Cotton Curtain, Charles Remberg. (Freedom School curriculum resource document)
July? Freedom School lesson plan on Albany GA Movement, Charles Wingfield, SNCC
July? Non-Material Teaching Suggestions
July? Abraham Lincoln ~ John F. Kennedy, comparison (Louisiana freedom school teaching material). Unsigned CORE
July? Statistics on Education, Housing, Income, and Employment, and Health
July Freedom Schools Social Action Theater, unsigned COFO. Undated (probably July 1964)
July Freedom School Registration form, unsigned COFO. July 1964
July First Session Freedom Schools, Undated (probably late June or early July '64), Unsigned, COFO
July Freedom School Data, unsigned, COFO. July 1964
July Example of Freedom School class talk on Haitian slave revolt, unidentified Freedom School teacher.
July The House of Liberty, Joyce Brown. (Poem by Freedom School student)
July? Seeds of Freedom, Medgar Evers play written & performed by Holly Springs Freedom School students.
July? The eagerness of students attending the Freedom Schools, Jerry DeMuth, SNCC. 1964 (probably July)
1964Press release re UFT teachers participating in Freedom Summer Unsigned, UFT. 7/10/64.
7/25Report: Mississippi Student Union Freedom School Convention planning, by Staughton Lynd
7/27Mississippi Freedom Schools, New Houses of Liberty, general report. Unsigned SNCC.
8/10 Responses by Freedom School Students to the Burning of Their School, August 10, 1964.
Aug? Declaration of Independence, Summer, 1964. Freedom School students, Hattiesburg, MS
Aug Platform: Mississippi Freedom School Convention, Student Delegates.
Aug? Mississippi Student Union brochure.
Aug? I've Seen Black Hands, poem by Richard Wright reprinted studied by Freedom School students in Hattiesburg MS. Undated summer of 1964
Aug? Profiles of Typical Freedom Schools, COFO. (The Original Document)
1964Special to the Students and Young People of Ruleville, Indianola, and Drew, unsigned Freedom School students. Undated (probably July or August, 1964)
Aug? Freedom School teacher Pam Parker (Chude Allen) describes the school, Jerry DeMuth, SNCC. 1964 (probably August)
Aug Jackson Freedom Schools Report, August 1964
8/21 Letter to Lois Chaffee re Youth for Freedom Schools (MS), Stephen Lichtenberg, YFS. August 21 1964
???? A Story About Slavery Pilgrim's Rest Freedom News (handwritten). By Oscar (age 17). Undated (probably 1964)
???? Freedom School, Unsigned, CORE. Undated possibly 1964
Aug? Freedom Schools — Final Report, unsigned COFO? SNCC? Undated 1964
8/7 A resume of activities at freedom schools, August 7, 1964
8/25 Madison County (MS) Freedom School Reports, Jo Ann Ooiman, COFO.
Aug? Report Mainly on Ruleville Freedom School, Kirsty Powell.
1964 Adopt a Mississippi Freedom School, unsigned AFT. Undated (probably Fall 1964).
10/2 Report From Batesville Conference on Freedom Schools October 2, 1964. Jo Ann (Ooiman?)
10/14 Negroes Refused Place on Ballot
11/23 The Mississippi Idea: Schools in Context, Howard Zinn, Nation Magazine, November 23 1964. SNCC reprint.
1964 Mississippi Freedom Schools, Norma Becker. The United Teacher, 11/23/64.
???? Freedom Schools in Mississippi 1964, Liz Fusco, Freedom School Coordinator. (The Original document)
???? Freedom Schools, report by Jimmy Garrett, SNCC. Undated (probably 1964)
Spring Mississippi's Freedom Schools: The Politics of Education, Florence Howe, Freedom School Director. Retyped from Harvard Education Review, Spring 1965
???? The Poor in America, Resource Materials for Freedom Schools, unsigned. Undated (possibly 1965)
Spring Freedom Schools Concept & Organization, Staughton Lynd. Freedomways Second Quarter, 1965
1/6 Minutes of Planning Meeting for Freedom School Workshop, SNCC/HREC, Washington DC, January 6, 1965
1965 Daily Schedule, SNCC/HREC Freedom School Workshop, Lucy Montgomery, HREC. Knoxville TN, March 26-April 9
4/17 Freedom Schools, summary of staff meeting 3rd & 5th MS congressional districts, Waveland MS, April 14-17, 1965
???? Books and Supplies Needed in Freedom Schools, Unsigned, CORE. Undated (probably 1965)
???? State Freedom School Curriculum, Unsigned, CORE. Undated (probably 1965)
???? Freedom School Program, Unsigned, CORE. Undated (probably 1965)
???? Materials to Be Used and How They Are Ordered, Unsigned, CORE. Undated (probably 1965)
???? Study Questions, Negro History 1860-1900, Unsigned, CORE. Undated (probably 1965)
???? Curriculum - Negro History, Unsigned, CORE. Undated (probably 1965)
MarchStokeley's Speech Class, Jane Stembridge, SNCC. March 1965
Versions: Text (HTML) — Published PDF (AKA "Freedom School Notes")
March Memo for Participants in Freedom School Workshop (Program), SNCC/HREC, Knoxville TN, March 26-April 9
6/23 Memo to Freedom School Workshop Peoples, Mrs. Kenneth Montgomery, HREC. June 23, 1965
2008 Answers to Jon Hale's Freedom School Questionnaire, Joanne Gavin

Mississippi Freedom Summer Community Center Documents

June? Overview of the Community Centers, undated (probably summer 1964), COFO, Mississippi summer project staff.
May COFO Baseball League Application form, unsigned, COFO. May, 1964
June? You Are Welcome Here: Freedom Community Center flyer, unsigned COFO - Shaw MS. Undated.
7/7 Affidavit on Burning of Bovina Community Center, David Riley, COFO. July 7 1964
July? Memo to Community Center Staff re Adult Program, Annell Ponder, SCLC/COFO. Undated summer 1964
7/10 Report on Summer Community Centers, Annell Ponder & Lois Chafee, July 10, 1964
8/19 Letter to Lois Chaffee re COFO programs (MS), Richard Haley, CORE. August 18 1964
Aug? Progress and Problems of the COFO Community Centers, unsigned. Summer 1964

Mississippi Freedom Summer Voter Registration & Organizing Documents

June? Mississippi Freedom Summer, COFO. Brochure. Primarily used in Black communities to explain and solicit support for the Mississippi Summer Project.
6/26 FBI Investigation and Arrests in Itta Bena (MS), unsigned (presumed COFO or SNCC). June 25 & 26 1964
???? MFDP Voter Registration Report. From court cases & Federal reports.
July Closed Politics in Mississippi re Blacks barred from participating in Democratic Party meetings and votes, Jerry DeMuth, SNCC. Undated 1964 (probably July)
July Community information canvasing form for Ruleville, MS. Unsigned, SNCC. July 1964
???? Organizing list, possibly from Canton MS. Handwritten. Unsigned CORE or COFO, undated
July? Mississippi Freedom Registration to Vote, explanatory flyer. Unsigned COFO. Undated (probably June or July 1964).
July Freedom Registration Form (Mississippi). Used during Freedom Summer to register people for the freedom vote and Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party.
July? Memo re Freedom Registration, Dona, COFO. Undated (probably June or July 1964)
7/3 Program for Voter Registration in Canton, Tom Foner, CORE/COFO. July 3, 1964
7/10 COFO Statement of Policy re Lawsuit Demanding Appointment of Federal Commissioners, July 10, 1964
7/11 Churches Burned or Bombed in Mississippi, From Start of Summer Project to July 11 1964.
7/12 Report on Freedom Vote registration (MS), Unsigned, COFO. July 12 1964
7/13 Securing Justice Department Action, internal COFO memo, July 13 1964
July Memo to All Staff 2nd Congressional District re Freedom Democratic Party, Stokely Carmichael, SNCC/COFO. July 1964.
7/19 Support Justice in Mississippi, Unsigned SNCC or COFO. July 19 1964
7/24 Precinct Meetings, MFDP. July 24 1964
July Precinct Conventions, undated flyer. COFO.
July?Freedom Primers (for adults)
MS Freedom Primer #1 The Convention Challenge & the Freedom Vote.
MS Freedom Primer #2 The Freedom Vote & the Right to Vote.
MS Freedom Primer #3 The Right to Vote & the Congressional Challenge.
July? Flyer, MFDP County Convention Meeting, Holmes County, MS, Summer 1964.
July The Regular and Lawful Democratic Party of Mississippi report on the white-only "regular" Democrats, Jerry DeMuth, SNCC. 1964 (Note: Originally written for and accepted by the New Leader in June for publication in July just before the Democratic convention, but then mysteriously spiked and never published. It was later revealed the the New Republic was established and funded by the CIA.)
Aug COFO Memo to Volunteers, August, 1964.
???? Tentative Plan for Organizition of Freedom Schools, Community Center, MSU in Valley View, Unsigned, COFO. Undated (probably summer or early fall)
8/10 Freedom Registration tally as of 8/10/64. Unsigned COFO.
8/16 Mississippi Black voter and freedom registration totals by district, August 16 1964
9/26 Freedom Registration, Unsigned, COFO. September 26 1964
Fall? Report From Indianola Miss., John Harris, COFO.
Fall? Why Mississippi? Bay Area Friends of SNCC
1964See also COFO/MFDP Documents for documents outside the Freedom Summer June-August 1964 timeframe.

White Community Project

1964 The Poor White Project. Unsigned (COFO? SCEF?). Mississippi Freedom Summer project. Undated.
1964 Dear Friend support appeal for Freedom Summer Poor White Project. James Dombrowski, SCEF. Undated 1964
1964White Folks Project, Ed Hammett COFO/SSOC. Undate (summer 1964)
1964Contacts potential contacts for White Community project, Gene Guerrero, SNCC. Freedom Summer.
June? Fact Sheet Mississippi Summer Project: the White Community Too, SCEF, 1964.
6/3 Dear Ed letter to Ed Hammett re reservations about the white commuity project. Bruce Maxwell, COFO. Freedom Summer.
6/30Information & rules for white community project volunteers unsigned COFO (possibly Ed Hammett). Freedom Summer
7/22 White Community Project Report - Biloxi, MS. Unsigned COFO. July 22, 1964

Local Newsletters

6/23 Freedom Gazette, newsletter. Greenville MS. Unsigned COFO. 6/23/64
7/14 Freedom News, Holly Springs Freedom School, MS. July 8, July 14
7/20 Drew Freedom Fighter newsletter, MS. Unsigned. July 20, 1964
7/23 Leland Freedom News, Washington County MS. Unsigned COFO. 7/23/64.
July? Student Voice of True Light, Hattiesburg freedom school newsletter. Possibly from the freedom school held at True Light Baptist church in Palmers Crossing. Undated (presumed summer 1964)
1964Special to the Students and Young People of Ruleville, Indianola, and Drew, unsigned Freedom School students. Undated (probably July or August, 1964)
8/6 CORE Freedom News (newsletter, Madison Parish Louisiana), August 6 1965
8/14 The Biloxi Free Herald , unsigned, COFO. Vol. 1, Num. 1, August 14, 1964

Chaney-Schwerner-Goodman Lynching Documents

See also Chaney-Schwerner-Goodman Lynching Articles
6/22 Hourly reports compiled on disappearance of Chaney-Schwerner- Goodman, June 22 1964. Mary King, Ron Carver, Louise Harney, Bob Weil, Bill Light, CORE, SNCC, COFO.
6/23 Philadelphia Mississippi Case Chronology of Contacts With Agents of the Federal Government, June 21-June 23, 1964. COFO.
6/22 Memo re Disappearance of Chaney, Schwerner, Goodman, June 22, 1964.
6/24 Chaney-Swchwerner-Goodman update note, unsigned COFO. June 24, 1964
6/26 Philadelphia Mississippi Case Chronology of Contacts With Agents of the Federal Government, June 21-June 26, 1964. COFO.
7/1 Memo about phone call with John Doar (DOJ) re Chaney, Schwerner, Goodman and rumors, Mary King, SNCC. July 1, 1964
7/30 Letter to The Reporter re article on Michael Schwerner (MS), Annell Ponder, COFO. July 30 1964
8/64What Happened After Missing Trio Disappeared, It Was 20 Hours Before FBI Got to Work. Reprint from SNCC Student Voice. Undated (probably August 1964)
8/4 Andrew Goodman: Mississippi Death Certificate Archie Gray, Mississippi Registrar of Vital Statistics. August 4, 1964
8/7 Post Mortem Examination Report of the Body of James Chaney, Dr. David Spain. August 7 1964
8/8 Eulogies Delivered at the Funeral Services of Andrew Goodman August 9, 1964
Aug Conduct for Vigil, Friends of SNCC, Los Angeles, CA. (Federal Building vigil after discovery of Chaney, Schwerner, Goodman bodies in MS.)
11/24 Statement to FBI re lynching of Chaney, Schwerner & Goodman, Horace Doyle, participant in the murders. November 24 1964.
12/4 Grand Jury Indictment Against Philadelphia 17 re the lynching of Chaney, Schwerner, and Goodman. Robert Hanberg & Rober Owen DoJ, December 4 1964
2/3/65 Appeal for federal action on civil rights & lynching of Chaney, Schwerner, Goodman, Unsigned, academe. February 3, 1965.
Feb '65 To Who it May Concern, petition letter re Chaney Schwerner Goodman case. Ellen Fox, Stephen Clorfeine, Univ. Rochester Friends of SNCC. February 1965
????The Justice Department and the Philadelpha 17, report on the legal maneuvering and conflict regarding the federal civil rights charges against the Chaney, Schwerner, Goodman murders. Unsigned. Undated (possibly 1965)

MFDP and Democratic Convention Challenge (deparate section)

Mississippi Freedom Summer Parents-Related Documents

Spring Mississippi Freedom Project. A second Freedom Summer brochure mostly used for fundraising and explaining the project to supporters, press, and worried parents. SNCC.
5/8/64 Note from a parent granting permission for daughter to participate in Freedom Summer, Robert McNeill. 5/8/64
7/64? Letter to Parents of Freedom Summer Volunteers, Bob Moses, COFO.
???? Parents List – Addreses and Names (re Mississippi Freedom Sumer volunteers), COFO? SNCC? Undated summer of 1964
7/64 Dear Parents, Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee, Washington DC. Undated.
6/9/64 Mr. President (letter to LBJ), professors & parents of Freedom Summer volunteers. June 9 1964
6/9/64 SNCC letter to White House re potential violence during Mississippi Freedom Summer, June 9 1964
6/24/64 Parents of Freedom Summer participants on their visit to DC about Chaney-Schwerner-Goodman lynching and federal inaction against violence. June 24, 1964
7/64? Dear Friends of SNCC and Parent's Committees, Betty Garman, SNCC. Undated (probably June or July 1964
7/64 Bail Fund Information, Richard Wilson and Evelyn Carstens. Parents. Undated July 1964
7/64 Statement: Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee (Los Angeles), unsigned PMEC. July 1964
7/2/64 Report re Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee (L.A.) report, Dorothy Hunn, PMEC. July 2, 1964
7/3/64 Newsletter No. 1, Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee (PMEC) Los Angeles
7/13/64 Minutes, Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee, Los Angeles Area. Dorothy Hunn, PMEC. July 6, 1964
7/13/64 Minutes, Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee, Los Angeles Area. Dorothy Hunn, PMEC. July 13, 1964
7/13/64 Flyer & meeting notice, Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee, Los Angeles Area. July 1964
7/18/64 Minutes, Steering Committee, Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee, Los Angeles Area. Dorothy Hunn, PMEC. July 18, 1964
7/20/64 Notes on parents meeting with James Forman, Steve Schwerner, unsigned. July 20 1964.
7/20/64 Minutes: Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee meeting, Dorothy Hunn, PMEC. July 20 1964
7/20/64 Newsletter #2 Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee, unsigned PMEC.
7/23/64 Newsletter #3 Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee (PMEC)
7/24/64 Mississippi Project Parents Committee meeting minutes, Miriam Tanzman, Secretary. July 24, 1964
7/27/64 Minutes: Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee meeting, unsigned PMEC. July 27 1964
7/28/64 Dear Parent of Mississippi Summer Volunteers, letter regarding convention challenge. Walter Tillow, MFDP. July 28, 1964
7/28/64 Resolution addressed to President Johnson in support of Freedom Summer students, Tom Bradley, Los Angeles City Council. July 28, 1964
7/29/64 Dear Jane, objection to handling of letter to President Johnson in parents newsletter. Kay Raphael
8/1/64 Minutes – Steering Committee, Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee meeting (PMEC). Adele Siegel, Secty Pro Tem (PMEC)
8/5/64 Letter to Parents from Mississippi Project Parents Committee, August 5, 1964. W. Fraser.
8/6/64 Steering Committee minutes, Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee (PMEC) meeting. Dorothy Humm, Recording Secty PMEC
8/6/64 Newsletter #4, Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee (PMEC)
8/8/64 Immediate Action list, Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee (PMEC)
8/10/64 Minutes, Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee (PMEC)
8/12/64 Report: Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee, Unsigned PMEC.
8/13/64 Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee newsletter No. 5, Unsigned, PMEC
8/17/64 Report: Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee, Dorothy Hunn, PMEC
8/17/64 Statement: Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee, Arthur Carstens, PMEC
8/21/64 Minutes: Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee,unsigned PMEC
8/23/64 Memo: Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee, unsigned, PMEC
8/27/64 Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee newsletter No. 7, unsigned, PMEC
8/31/64 Minutes: Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee, Dorothy Hunn, PMEC
9/64/64 Parents Mississippi Freedom Committee of Southern California Newsletter, Vol 1 No. 1, September 1964
9/2/64 Meet the Mississippi Freedom Project Summer Volunteers flyer, unsigned PMEC (L.A.). 9/2/64
9/22/64 Minutes: Parents Organizational Committee, by Dorothy Hunn, POC
9/30/64 Report: Parents Mississippi Freedom Committee, by Dorothy Hunn, PMFC
11/64? Mississippi Freedom Project Clothing and Food Drive, Gloria Patman, New Britain (CT) Area Human Rights Committee. Undated (believed to be November 1964)
10/12/64 Parents Mississippi Freedom Committee newsletter, unsigned PMFC.
10/14/64Report re Parents Mississippi Freedom Committee unsigned, PMFC.
10/26/64Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee, Newsletter, unsigned PMFC.
11/7/64Parents Mississippi Freedom Association Report , Dorothy Hunn, PMFA.
11/18/64Parents Mississippi Freedom Association Report, unsigned PMFA.
11/19/64Parents Mississippi Freedom Association Newsletter, unsigned PMFA.
12/00/64Urgent call for donations for Christmas shipment to Mississippi, unsigned PMFA. Undated December.
12/9/64 Parents Mississippi Freedom Association Meeting Report Dorothy Hunn, PMFA.
1/13/65Parents Mississippi Freedom Association Meeting, by Dorothy Humm
2/3/65Parents Mississippi Freedom Association Meeting, by Dorothy Humm
2/9/65 Mississippi Project Parents Committee meeting minutes, Unsigned. February 9, 1965
2/16/65Parents Mississippi Freedom Association Bail Committee Meeting, by Dorothy Humm
2/26/65Parents Mississippi Freedom Association Newsletter
3/3/65Parents Mississippi Freedom Association Meeting, by Dorothy Humm
3/23/65Parents Mississippi Freedom Association Meeting
4/2/65 Minutes: Parents Mississippi Emergency Association, by Dorothy Hunn. PMFA. Los Angeles CA
4/8/65Minutes, Parents Mississippi Freedom Association (Los Angeles), by Dorothy Hunn
6/10/65 Bulletin: Parents Mississippi Emergency Association, unsigned PMFA. Los Angeles CA
6/12/65 Parents Mississippi Emergency Association dissolution poll, by Adele Siegel (PMFA). Los Angeles CA
6/23/65 Letter to parents of Mississippi volunteers opposing nomination of James Colman to the federal court, Harold Light, Parents Mississippi Association (PMA NorCal). June 23rd, 1965
7/24/65 Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee fund appeal, by Arthur Carstens (PMEC), Los Angeles CA
7/30/65Minutes, Parents Mississippi Freedom Association (Los Angeles), by Dorothy Hunn
8/19/65 Note to Lee Bankhead re shipment of supplies, Hal Light, PMA (NorCal), August 19, 1965.
10/23/65 Minutes, Parents Mississippi Freedom Association (Los Angeles), unsigned
11/15/65 Minutes, Parents Mississippi Freedom Association (Los Angeles), by Dorothy Hunn
7/13/66 Petition cover letter Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee (Los Angeles), by Richard Wilson
9/22/66 Minutes, Parents Mississippi Freedom Association (Los Angeles), by Dorothy Hunn

Northern Support Documents

Spring Mississippi: Structure of the Movement, Present Operations, and Prospectus for This Summer, COFO, Spring 1964. Detailed 8-page description of COFO on the eve of Freedom Summer.
6/25 Dear Friend (report on address by Judy Michalowski), Harry Webb, New Britain Area Committee on Human Rights (CT). June 25 1964
6/25 Fund appeal letter to Ladislaus Michalowski, Stephen Bingham, COFO/New Haven Freedom Center. June 25 1964
6/27 Memo to Mississippi Summer Project Contacts (re violence in Mississippi & federal inaction), Bob Moses, SNCC/COFO. June 27, 1964.
June? Sample Letter to Start Chain SCEF (fund appeal) spring, 1964.
June? Supplies Needed for Mississippi Freedom Project, Unsigned Philadelphia FoS. 1964
1964Project Needs: Itemized, unsigned COFO. Undated (summer 1964)
1964Memo: Support of the Mississippi Summer Project, COFO staff. Undated, possibly June or July of 1964.
1964Things to Do Now and Throughout the Summer, unsigned SNCC. Probably sent to Friends of SNCC offices nationwide during Freedom Summer. Undated summer 1964
7/31 Letter to Jewell Gresham re community centers (MS), Annell Ponder, COFO. July 31 1964
7/31 Letter to Ted Levine re adopting a center (MS), Annell Ponder, COFO. July 31 1964
8/24 Dear Friend re help for community center (MS), Kaufman, Levine, & Lodge, ACSW. August 24 1964
Fall? Adopt a Mississippi Freedom Center, unsigned COFO. Undated probably later part of 1964
9/18 Rough Minutes, National Council of Churches discussion of Mississippi Summer Project, September 18, 1964
Fall? Materials Needed for Mississippi Project, unsigned COFO. Undated (probably Fall 1964)

Mississippi Freedom Summer Miscellaneous Documents

???? COFO legal representation form for civil rights workers. Unsigned COFO. Undated (possibly 1964)
June? Dear Friends the Mississippi Summer Project needs funds and supplies, Betty Garman, SNCC. Undated summer 1964
6/10 June 9 Hearing and June 10 Meeting With President Johnson, Julian Bond, SNCC. Undated (probably early June 1964)
1964Freedom Summer photographers and assignments, unsigned (handwritten). Undated (probably June or Jule 1964
6/11 Affadavit of white violence and police repression, Sam Block, SNCC. June 11 1964
6/24 Incidents Reported to the Jackson COFO Office During a 24 Hour Period, June 24, 1964.
1964 Urgent Memo re incident reporting procedures, James Forman, SNCC. 6/26/64
 SNCC Staff Working in Mississippi Summer 1964, unsigned SNCC
6/29 Mississippi Summer Project Workers in State as of June 29, 1964, COFO report
1964Law Student Assignments for COFO Summer Project, by R. Hunter Morey, COFO. Undated (probably late June of early July, 1964)
June? Mississippi Summer Project: Administrative Structure of Jackson COFO Office, undated Includes personnel assignments
7/1 Memorandum for the President re Use of Marshals etc for Law Enforcement in Mississippi, Nicholas Katzenbach, U.S. Attorney General. July 1 1964
7/3 Volunteers in the State, sorted by state and hometown. Unsigned COFO. July 3, 1964
1964COFO Communications People Mississippi, Mary King, SNCC. 7/3/64
7/10 Report on attempt to connect with unions in Mississippi Whitman, Charlie, Gene, SNCC.
1964The Mississippi Power Structure. Unsigned. Undated (possibly summer 1964). Research analysis. 9 pages
7/8Freedom News, Holly Springs Freedom School, MS. July 8, July 14
7/20 Letter to Jack Wasserman of NSF, re federal programs for northern MS. Mary Jennings, COFO. July 20, 1964
7/22 Affadavit of white violence & police brutality, Robby Osman & Mario Savio, volunteers. July 22 1964
7/27 Report on mob violence against SNCC workers, Greenwood MS. Betty Garman, Julian Bond, SNCC. July 27, 1964.
7/28 Letter to Charles MacLaurin re meeting in Jackson (MS, Michael Finkelstein, USCCR. July 28 1964
7/28 Letter to Amzie Moore re food and clothing donations (MS), Mary Anderson, Watts Action Committee. July 28 1964
7/30 Letter to the League of Women Voters re latest catalog (MS), Annell Ponder, COFO. July 30 1964
1964 Mississippi Summer Project Worker returns. Press-release template. Unsigned COFO or SNCC. Undated (probably August or September 1964). For use by Friends of SNCC and other support groups.
1964Excerpts from report on summer assignment in Mississippi Albert Gaeddert, MCC. Undated (probably August or September 1964). 26 page detailed report.
1964Report on Mississippi Delta Investigation July 30-August 2 Edgar Stoesz & Edgar Metzler, MCC. 8/7/64. 6 pages.
8/6 Letter to John Bailey, Chairman Democratic National Committee, Laurence Guyot, MFDP. Re convention challenge.
8/19 Statement of Robert Moses re future plans Bob Moses, COFO/SNCC. August 19 1964
8/25 Tentative List of Projects by Summer's End, unsigned COFO. August 25, 1964
8/26Mississippi Summer Project: Running Summary of Incidents, June 16-August 26, 1964. SNCC.
Orginal document. As Published.
???? A Minister Counselor in Jackson, undated. Unsigned (report about Rev. Lee Ball's experiences).
???? Petition to President Johnson, unsigned (possibly COFO or parent's support committee). Summer 1964
???? Dear _________________ (re phone bill), Meridian MS COFO. Fall 1964
???? Affidavits, Unsigned, COFO. Summer 1964
Sept McComb Incident Summary June - September 1964. Unsigned. COFO? SNCC?
9/13 Letter to Goldsmith Brothers re account with store (MS), Lois Chaffee, COFO. September 13 1964
1964The Mississippi Summer Project, report. Unsigned SNCC? Undated (probably September or October 1964). 14 pages.
1964Mississippi Report, Atlee Beechy, NCC. 10/07/64. 14 pages.
???? Statistics of Negro and White Voter Registration in the Five Congressional Districts of Mississippi, U.S. v Mississippi Federal Court Case.
???? Volunteers update from Canton MS, Nancy Jervis?, COFO.
Sept? The Mississippi Summer Project report. Unsigned SNCC? COFO? 1964
1965 The Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, Steve Max, SDS Political Education Project.
1965Untitled freedom school memo & needs list, Mary Larsen, COFO. 6/28/65

See also:

Freedom Summer Articles by Movement Veterans
Mississippi ~ Into the Storm (articles 1955-1963)
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) (articles)
Personal Memories of Freedom Summer
Freedom Summer Web Links
1964 Freedom Summer Project (Wisconsin Historical Society)
Mississippi Movement web links
Mississippi Movement for books.

CORE Louisiana Summer Task Forces & Projects

[CORE used the term "task force" as a synonym for "project," and also as a synonym for staff or volunteers.]

1964 CORE Summer Documents

11/18/63 Letter to national CORE leaders Jim McCain and Marvin Rich re Mississippi situation and ideas for the summer of 1964, Dave Dennis, CORE. November 18, 1963.
May? Louisiana Summer Project, 1964, unsigned CORE.
June? Schedule: The Long Hot Summer, Louisiana, 1964, CORE Southern Regional Office.
???? CORE Freedom Schools Brochure, undated, probably 1964 or 1965.
June Louisiana Summer Task Force preliminary volunteer list, CORE Southern Regional Office.
6/64List of Home Papers. Unsigned CORE, Louisiana summer project. Undated 1964
6/6 Field Report, West Feliciana Parish Louisiana, Ronnie Sigal & Mimi Feingold, CORE.
July? Report from Pointe Coupee Parish, Peggy Ewan, Catherine Cortex, Sharon Burger, CORE
10/27 List of subjects for teaching, Unsigned, CORE. October 27 1964.
11/64 Louisiana — Summer 1964, the Students Report to Their Home Towns. CORE Pamphlet. (Published accounts from CORE's summer project in Louisiana)

1965 CORE Summer Documents

May CORE Summer Projects 1965
???? Suggested Readings, Mike Lesser, CORE. 1965
???? An Overview of the Reading Process, Mike Lesser, CORE. 1965
May School Workshop Booklet (First Draft), CORE - Mississippi. May 1965.
May? Format of Louisiana Summer Project, undated possibly May, 1965
1965Dear Fearless CORE Worker Sharon (Burger?), CORE. 6/28/65. Orientation memo for Louisiana summer project
June Memo re: CORE General Procedures Louisiana, J. Rollins, CORE. June, 1965
1964Personal questionaire instructions, W.H. Webb, CORE. Undated (presumed summer, 1964). Probably for Louisiana summer project.
June CORE Community Action Guide, June 1965
June Community Organization Discussion Outline, unsigned, CORE, 1965
June Outline for Weekly Field Report, Unsigned, CORE. June, 1965
June CORE summer project educational program workshop, Unsigned, CORE. June, 1965
June Notes and Guidelines on News, Public Relations, Unsigned, CORE. June 1965
June Questions for Discussion, Political Awareness Workshop. Unsigned, CORE. June
June CORE Fact Sheet for Enforcement of the Fair Employment Act, June 1965
June Unfair employment practices complaint, Unsigned, CORE. June, 1965
June CORE Summer Project Orientation — Educational Program Workshop
June CORE workshops activities, Unsigned, CORE. June, 1965
June CORE tracking arrests and legal issues (form), Unsigned, CORE. June, 1965
1965 Finances & Report memo to Lousisiana staff. Ronnie Moore, CORE. 6/26/65.
June? Questions Concerning Local and Parish ASC Committees..., (LA). Unsigned CORE. Undated (probably May or June 1965)
July? Memo re Louisianna ASCS parish elections, Herman "Slick" Carter, CORE. Undated 1965 (probably June or July)
June CORE contact list of Louisiana ASCS offices, June 1965
July Voter Registration: A Means to Community Political Power, Unsigned, CORE. July 1965
7/8 Questions for Greenwood Acres, unsigned CORE flyer from Shreveport LA, July 8 1965
July? Memo re Louisianna ASCS parish elections, Herman "Slick" Carter, CORE. Undated 1965 (probably June or July)
July Memo re Title VI complaints and MCHR, Judi Nusbaum & Dodi Smith, July 1965
July Voter Registration: A Means to Community Political Power, Unsigned, CORE. July 1965
1965Special Fund-Raising Bulletin #1 Alan Gartner, CORE. 7/9/65. Summer project fund-raising memo
7/15 The 2nd Greenwood Acres Community Meeting. Unsigned, CORE flyer. July 15, 1965
8/6 CORE Freedom News (newsletter, Madison Parish Louisiana), August 6 1965
8/11 Minden Freedom Rally. Unsigned, CORE flyer. August 11, 1965

See also:
     Letters & Reports From Mississippi Freedom Summer
     Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) Documents
     Freedom Summer Press Releases
     Freedom Summer Articles by Movement Veterans
     MFDP Articles by Movement Veterans

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