Note: Over the course of 1964 and 1965, the work of the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) in Mississippi gradually evolved into MFDP work so see also COFO Documents.
See Freedom Vote in MS for background.
1963 | Aaron Henry Campaign announcement, Unsigned SNCC. 1963 |
1963 | The Freedom Vote, fact sheet. Unsigned SNCC. 1963 |
1963 | Freedom Registration Form, undated (probably used during the Freedom Ballot campaign Oct-Nov 1963. |
1963 | Draft campaign speech Aaron Henry, 'Freedom Vote' candidate for Mississippi governor. Undated Sept-Nov, 1963 |
1963 | Freedom Registration Form, undated (possibly used during the '63 or '64 election campaigns. |
1963 | Events of November 1 and 2 General, Unsigned, COFO. November 2, 1963 |
1963 | Negroes Vote for Freedom - Protest Disenfranchisement, NAACP Policy Directive 1, August 14, 1963 |
1963 | MS Freedom Primer #2 The Freedom Vote & the Right to Vote. Undated (possibly 1964) |
1963 | Mississippi Vote for Freedom, NAACP Policy Directive 2, August 16, 1963 |
1963 | The Freedom Ballot for Governor (MS). Letter from Joan Bowman COFO |
1963 | Excerpts From Campaign Literature, Paul Johnson for Governor (racist Dixiecrat candidate). |
1963 | Application for Work on the Freedom Vote. Possibly used to screen northern volunteers. Undated. |
1963 | Freedom Candidates Mississippi, October, 1963. |
1963 | Mississippi Freedom Vote Henry planning details, Unsigned MFDP. October 10, 1963 |
1963 | Statement from Allard K. Lowenstein, Allard K. Lowenstein. MFDP. October 27, 1963 |
1963 | Summary of Events, Unsigned MFDP. October 28, 1963 |
1964 | Mississippi Freedom Ballot Unsigned MFDP. November 1963. |
1963 | Freedom Vote Platform, November 1963. |
1963 | Governor's Race platform, Freedom Ballot campaign. Unsigned COFO. 1963 |
1963 | Rev. Edwin King, Freedom Vote campaign background. Unsigned COFO. 1963 |
1963 | Freedom Vote, sample ballot, Mississippi. Unsigned COFO, election of November 3 1963 |
1963 | Freedom Vote ballot, unsigned COFO. November 3, 1964 |
1963 | Freedom Candidates flyer, November 1963. |
1963 | Freedom Ballot Instructions, COFO, Aaron Henry for Governor. November 1963. |
1963 | Guidelines for District Managers, Freedom Vote campaign. Unsigned COFO. 1963 |
1963 | Report: MFDP Events in Mississippi November 2, 1963. Unsigned MFDP. |
1963 | Summary report: MFDP Events in Mississippi November 1 and 2, 1963 Unsigned MFDP. |
1963 | Statement of Events in Natchez, Mississippi, Unsignee MFDP. November 1-2, 1963 |
1963 | Events of November 1 and 2 (Freedom Vote), Unsigned COFO, November 2 1963 |
1963 | Statement on Events in Jackson Miss (Freedom Vote), Unsigned COFO, November 2 1963 |
1963 | Summary of Events in Yazoo City (Freedom Vote), Unsigned COFO. November 10 1963 |
1963 | Washington SNCC Office Report, Bill Mahoney and Mike Thelwell. SNCC. December 28, 1963 |
1964 | MFDP brochure, 1964 |
1964 | To All Freedom Democrats report on voting rights depositions and Jackson hearing. Theodor Del Poro? 1/31/64. |
1964 | Proposal for MFDP Convention Challenge, Democratic Convention, Atlantic City. |
1964 | Two letters sent to Bob Moses, Joseph Rauh. June 1964 |
1964 | Organizing for Freedom Registration, COFO/MFDP. Undated (probably June 1964) |
1964 | Memo re Freedom Registration, Dona, COFO. Undated (probably June or July 1964) |
1964 | Mississippi: How Negro Democrats Fared June 2, 1964 Democratic Primary election. |
1964 | Voting rights denial affidavits, Holly Springs, MS. June 2, Democratic Primary election. |
1964 | Memorandum on Mississippi Summer Project to Congress, Unsigned COFO. June 3, 1964 |
1964 | Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party pamphlet (Michigan), Unsigned MFDP. Summer 1964 |
1964 | Mississippi Faces Challenge (Michagan), Unsigned MFDP. Summer 1964 |
1964 | The Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party ... (strategic analyses). Undated, proably summer 1964 |
1964 | Tentative Suggestions for Freedom Democratic Party Platform, Unsigned MFDP. June 1964 |
1964 | Minutes, MFDP Temporary State Executive Committee. June 7, 1964 |
1964 | Precinct Conventions, undated flyer. COFO. |
1964 | Precinct and County Meetings, undated (possibly summer 1964) |
1964 | Memo to All Staff 2nd Congressional District re Freedom Democratic Party, Stokely Carmichael, SNCC/COFO. July 1964. |
1964 | Tentative Draft: Platform and Ideals of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, Unsigned MFDP. July 9 1964 |
1964 | Letter to Convention Delegates about MFDP, Ella Baker. MFDP. July 18, 1964 |
1964 | Emergency Memorandum, Bob Moses, Dona, Casey, Dick Jewett, COFO. July 19 1964 |
1964 | Freedom Democratic Party list of precinct and county meetings, Unsigned COFO. July 20, 1964 |
1964 | Letter to Democratic Convention Delegates, Ella Baker. MFDP. July 20, 1964 |
1964 | Precinct Meetings, MFDP. July 24 1964 |
1964 | Flyer, MFDP County Convention Meeting, Holmes County, MS, Summer 1964. |
1964 | Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP). Facts & Background, 1964. |
1964 | Flyer explaining the MFDP, Summer, 1964. |
1964 | Working Draft: Challenge of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party. Summer, '64 |
1964 | Challenge of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (white-paper) |
1964 | MFDP convention challenge considerations, unsigned MFDP. Summer 1964 |
1964 | Memo re Democratic Convention Challenge, unsigned COFO. undated 1964. |
1964 | Mississippi: How Negro Candidates Fared June 1964 primary. Unsigned MFDP. Undated summer 1964. 13 pages. |
1964 |
Challenge of the
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party Unsigned MFDP. Undated summer
1964 Appendix A: Historical Background Appendix B: How Negro Democrats Fared - Summary Appendix C: The F.D.P. and the Convention Challenge Appendix D: State Democratic Resolutions in Support of the F.D.P. Appendix E: "The Right to Vote" in Mississippi Appendix F: The Voice of the Traditional Mississippi Democratic Party Platform and Principles of the MFDP |
1964 | Mississippi Has All the Benefits Without the Very Real Dangers. Unsigned memo by "Regular" (white-only) MS Democratic Party. Reprinted by MFDP, summer 1964 |
1964 | Arguing with the Red Queen about Precinct Meetings, Barney Frank, MFDP. July 27, 1964 |
1964 | MFDP Statement re MS state's resolution re national Democratic convention |
1964 | Proposal to COFO to challenge the seating of the MDP, Unsigned, COFO. Late July 1964 |
1964 | For Release Upon Receipt, fill-in-the-blanks type press release to be used by projects and individuals to build local support for the Atlantic City convention challenge. Undated (probably early August) |
1964 | MFDP background & history, Unsigned MFDP. August 1964 |
1964 | Memo: MFDP Basis for development, Unsigned MFDP. Undated, possibly August 1964 |
1964 | List of Credentials Committee Members, Democratic National Convention, Unsigned MFDP. August 1964 |
1964 | Memo re Credentials of Contested Delegations at Democratic National Conventions, Unsigned MFDP. August 1964 |
1964 | Convention delegate canvasing work sheets, MFDP, August 1964, Unsigned MFDP. August 1964 |
1964 | Memorandum of Law re seating of southern delegates, Raymond Guenter, NY Democratic Party. August 1964 |
1964 | Proposed Resolution of the Credentials Committee, Unsigned MFDP. August 1964 |
1965 | Voter Registration Figures Mississippi & Complaints Filed With Justice Department, re request for federal registrars. Unsigned, MFDP. August 21, 1965 |
1965 | The Selection of Candidates to Run Against J.O. Eastland, MS. unsigned, MFDP memo. Undated (probably August 1965) |
1964 | For Your Information, memo regarding Demoratic Convention challenge. Summer 1964. MFDP |
1964 | MFDP Freedom Candidates, Summer 1964. |
1964 | Memo re Second District MFDP Convention, MS Stokely Carmichael, SNCC. |
1964 | Report: County Meeting of the Clarke County Freedom Democratic Party, unsigned MFDP. August 29, 1964 |
1964 | Press registration MFDP state convention (handwritten). Unsigned SNCC/MFDP. August 6, 1964. |
1964 | The Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (24-page backgrounder), Summer 1964 |
1964 | Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party Delegates to 1964 Democratic Convention |
1964 | Brief Submitted by the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party to the Credentials Committee of the Democratic Party Convention, August 1964. Joseph Rauh, Eleanor Holmes, H. Miles Jaffe. |
1964 | A Primer For the Delegates to the Democratic National Convention, MFDP |
1964 | State Democratic Party Resolutions In Favor of Seating the MFDP Delegation at the Atlantic City Democratic Convention, 1964. (11 states) |
1964 | The Convention Challenge (report & explanation), undated (probably August 1964) unsigned, COFO |
1964 | MFDP Information Sheet (re convention challenge), Unsigned, SNCC. August 9, 1964 |
1964 | Letter to DNC Chair John Bailey re MFDP convention challenge, Laurance Guyot. August 6, 1964 |
1964 | Letter to Delegates to the Democratic National Convention re National Democratic Party, Laurence Guyot, Victoria Gray, Edwin King, Aaron Henry. MFDP. August 12, 1964 |
1964 | Civil Rights Decision at Atlantic City, Arnold Aronson. LCCR. August 13, 1964 |
1964 | Letter to President Johnson re Mississippi violence, federal inaction, and MFDP, John Lewis, SNCC. August 19 1964. ~ Response to John Lewis letter, Lee White, White House. August 20 1964 |
1964 | Memo to summer volunteers re MFDP convention challenge, Betty Garman, SNCC. Undated (presumed August 1964) |
1964 | Statement of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party on Arrival in Atlantic City, August 21 1964 |
1965 | MFDP Projects by County and Contacts, MS. Unsigned, MFDP. Augus 23, 1965 |
1964 | Dear Parent of Mississippi Summer Volunteers, letter regarding convention challenge. Walter Tillow, MFDP. July 28, 1964 |
1964 | Fannie Lou Hamer's Testimony at Democratic Convention |
1964 | Mississippi Faces Challenge, MFDP flyer passed out in Atlantic City. August 1964. |
1964 | Seat the MFDP, flyer passed out at Democratic Convention, August, Atlantic City, NJ. |
1964 | Telegram to President Johnson re MFDP Democratic Convention Challenge, Martin Luther King, SCLC. August 24 1964 |
1964 | Draft speech for MFDP in Atlantic City (not given, page missing) Unsigned. August 1964 |
1964 | The Challenge: It's History, unsigned (possibly church-related), undated (probably late 1964 or early 1965). |
1964 | MS Freedom Primer #1 The Convention Challenge & the Freedom Vote. |
1964 | Report on the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party at Convention, Charles Sherrod, SNCC |
1964 | Mississippi Freedom Democrats Report on the 1964 Democratic National Convention, day-by-day chronology. August 29 1964. |
1964 | Position Paper, Aaron Henry (issued after convention challenge). August 29, 1964. |
1964 | Phone report on Convention Challenge delivered to rally in Jackson MS Aaron Henry, MFDP. August 29 1964 |
1964 | Freedom Registration Report (MFDP registrations, not legal voter registrations). Unsigned MFDP. September 1, 1964 |
1964 | Position Paper: Reasons for the rejection of the Compromise at Atlantic City, Unsigned MFDP. September 20, 1964 |
1964 | Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party Meeting Held in Jackson, Unsigned MFDP. September 26, 1964 |
1964 | The Freedom Democratic Party is a people's organization, opinion memo re MFDP, COFO, SNCC. Unsigned SNCC? Undated (probably Sept or Oct 1964) |
1965 | Reports the Challenge, National Council of Churches, Commission on Religion & Race. Undated (probably summer 1965). 16-page pamphlet about the MFDP challenge to the 1964 Democratic Party |
1964 | Precinct and County Meetings for FDP, Unsigned, MFDP. June 1964 |
1964 | To All Friends of the MFDP, MFDP. Undated, possibly September or October 1964 |
1964 | Statistics of Negro and White Voter Registration in the Five Congressional Districts of Mississippi, U.S. v Mississippi Federal Court Case: Mimeo version Printed version. |
1964 | To All Mississippi Summer Project Volunteers, call for volunteers re Freedom Vote, Robert Weil. October, 1964 |
1964 | MFDP summary of events, Unsigned MFDP. October 1964 |
1964 | Summary of October events in Mississippi, Unsigned MFDP, Undated (probably early November 1964) |
1964 | Instructions for the Freedom Vote and Regular Election, Lawrence Guyot, MFDP. October 1964 |
1964 | Mississippi Freedom Vote Press Releases, MFDP. Oct 30 - Nov 2, 1964 |
1964 | Now With Your Hand Pull the Lever Down, MFDP. Undated (probably fall 1964) |
1964 | Freedom Candidates flyer. MFDP. Freedom vote and regular election. November 5, 1964. |
1964 | MFDP Organizational Manual #1, Lawrence Guyot. MFDP. November 1964 |
1964 | SNCC Freedom Vote, October Incident Summary, Fast for Freedom, Jon Else. SNCC. November 3, 1964 |
1964 | Running Summary of Incidents During the Freedom Vote Campaign, Oct 18-Nov 2, 1964. |
1964 | Freedom Democratic Party Vote Results, Unsigned MFDP. November 1964 |
1964 | The Streets of Greenwood, promotional brochure. Unsigned MFDP or SNCC. Undated (probably 1964) |
1964 | Report on possibility of Mississippi Congressional Challenge, Jack Minnis, SNCC. July 9, 1964 | |
1964 | Report on Meeting of November 10th in Washington DC re the MFDP Congressional Challenge, Michael Thelwell, MFDP | |
1964 | The Voting Record of the Challenged Congressmen from Mississippi, Unsigned, MFDP. 11/24/64 | |
1964 | Dear Friend, support appeal for Congressional Challenge, Rogoff, Liken & Garvey, SNCC. Undated (probably December 1964) | |
1964 | Dear Friends of Mississippi report to supporters on the Congressional Challenge to the seating of Mississippi Congressman. Unsigned, MFDP. 12/5/64 | |
1964 | Complaint: MFDP civil action in federal court re denial of voting rights, December 5, 1964. MFDP lawyers, 12/5/64 | |
1964 | Democratic State Chairmen contact list for lobbying for the Congressional Challenge. Unsigned, MFDP. 12/8/64 | |
1964 | Support mobilization letter for MFDP Congressional Challenge, Al Raby, Freedom Democratic Clubs, Chicago IL. 12/14/64 | |
1964? | County MFDP Meeting notes (handwritten), unsigned MFDP. Undated (possibly 12/21/64) | |
1964 | Statement by Martin Luther King (SCLC) in support of MFDP Congressional Challenge, 12/17/64 | |
'64? '65? | U.S. Code Title Two: legal basis for MFDP congressional challenge in the House of Representatives election, MFDP reprint from United States Code. Undated (possibly late 1964 or early 1965) | |
1965 | Fact Sheet and Suggestions for Action on the FDP Challenge Unsigned NSM. Undated (probably late 1964) | |
'64? '65? | Ways to Line Up Congressional Support for the FDP Challenge, MS. Unsigned, MFDP. Undated (possibly late 1964 or early 1965) | |
1964 | Calendar of the Congressional Challenge, Unsigned, MFDP. Undated (probably Nov or Dec 1964) | |
1965 | U.S. Congress and House Committee on Administration, unsigned. Re MFDP Congressional challenge. | |
1965 | Formal objection to the seating of white congressmen from Mississippi re the Congressional Challenge. Ryan and Roosevelt, Congressional Record | |
1965 | The Congressional Challenge: What It Is and Why It Should be Supported, unsigned, MFDP. Undated (probably January 1965) | |
1965 | Summary of depositions taken re MFDP Congressional Challenge (Louis Cowan, Ike Shenkel, George Albert Johnson and Karl Alexander Johnson, Jacob Blu, Dave Own, Rabbi Lelyveld, Nicholas Bosanquet, Gov. Ross Barnett, Mrs Elizabeth Allen, E.W. Steptoe, Bob Moses). By Kunstler and Kunstler, MFDP. 1965 | |
1965 | Californians for the Congressional Challenge, May 1965 | |
1965 | Action Memo: Vote on the seating of the Mississippi Congressional Delegation (the white-only delegation). Unsigned Political Education Project. 1/5/65. | |
1965 | Reprisals Against FDP Members, re economic retaliation against supports of the Congressional Challenge. Unsigned MFDP. 1/13/65 (incorrectly dated 1964) | |
1965 | Rebuttal to claim that MFDP Congressional Challenge hearings are illegal, Lawrence Guyot, MFDP. Undated (probably March 1965) | |
1965 | Congressional Challenge Testimony, Victoria Gray, MFDP. March 25, 1965 | |
1965 | Congressional Challenge Progress Report, Unsigned, MFDP. March 25, 1965 | |
1965 | Call to a Conference on Free Elections in 1965, Washington DC. MFDP, April 24 1965. | |
1964 | The Congressional Challenge: What It Is and Why It Should be Supported, unsigned, MFDP. Undated (probabbly January 1965) | |
1965 | MFDP list of resolutions, Multiple Authors. MFDP. June 12, 1965 | |
1965 | Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party Challenge to Unseat the Mississippi Congressmen, Unsigned MFDP. June 13, 1965 | |
1965 | Statement of Mrs. Victoria Gray, re the MFDP Congressional Challenge. June 29, 1965 | |
1965 | Victoria Gray statement re MFDP Congressional Challenge. July 1, 1965 | |
1965 | Freedom Caravan to Washington DC, re congressional challenge. Unsigned SNCC. July 7, 1964 | |
1965 | Report on the MFDP Congressional Challenge, Lawrence Guyot, MFDP. July 7, 1965 | |
1965 | Urgent Memo to Support Organizations, Unsigned MFDP. July 14, 1965 | |
1965 | Report from the Washington Office of FDP, Victoria Gray. MFDP. July 25, 1965 | |
1965 | MFDP Memo re Final Drive to Unseat Mississippi Congressmen Organizational Meeting, Lawrence Guyot. MFDP. July 29, 1965 | |
1965 | Dear Mississippi Minister support appeal for Congressional Challenge, Lawrence Guyot & Ed King, MFDP. Undated (probably August 1965) | |
1965 | Urgent Memo -- Every Congressman Should Be Visited During Labor Day Recess, unsigned MFDP. August 30, 1965 | |
1965 | Memo re Challenge Trip to Washington DC, Unsigned, MFDP. Undated (probably late August or early September, 1965) | |
1965 | Open Memo re Support of the Challenge to the Seating of Mississippi Congressmen, large number of signatories. September 9, 1965 | |
1965 | Memorandum in Support of the Challenge to the Seating of Mississippi Congressmen, Unsigned MFDP. September 9, 1965 | |
1965 | Statement by Dr Martin Luther King support of MFDP Congressional Challenge, Martin Luther King Jr. MFDP. September 9, 1965 | |
1965 | The Congressional Challenge is Defeated, report. Unsigned MFDP. September 13, 1965 | |
1965 | Congressional Record report dismissing MFDP challenge, September 17, 1965 | |
1965 | MFDP Letter re Mississippi challenge dismissed, Lawrence Guyot, MFDP. September 28, 1965 | |
1964 | Challenge of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (white-paper) | |
1964 | MS Freedom Primer #3 The Right to Vote & the Congressional Challenge. | |
1964 | Report of Meeting of November 18 1964 re Details of Congressional Challenge, Mike Thelwell, SNCC | |
1964 | If Only Neshoba County Were In The Congo, SNCC reprint from I.F. Stone's Weekly. December 14 1964 | |
1964 | Fact Sheet on the Congressional Challenge, unsigned SNCC. December 4 1964 | |
1964 | Memo on History of Contested Elections Statute and Race ..., unsigned MFDP attornies. December 12 1964 | |
1964 | Memorandum on the Legal Validity and Propriety of the MFDP Challenge to Mississippi Congressmen, Kinoy, Kunstler, Smith, Higgs, Stavis, MFDP attornies. December 12 1964 | |
1964 | Memo on Challenge to Seating of Mississippi Congressional Delegation, Mark Howe, Harvard Univ. December 12 1964 | |
1964 | I'm Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired, Fannie Lou Hamer. December 22 1964. | |
1964 | Student Involvement in the Challenge, Courtland Cox, SNCC. Undated probably late 1964 or early 1965 | |
1965 | Congressional Challenge Fact Sheet, MFDP. Undated (probably late 1964 or early 1965) | |
1965 | We Shall Overcome, Register-Vote, MFDP/PEP/SDS poster/cover. Steve Max. Undated, possibly January 1965 | |
1965 | We Want the Vote, unsigned SNCC brochure. Undated (probably early 1965) | |
1965 | MFDP Petition, unsigned MFDP. Undated (probably late '64 or early '65) | |
1965 | Affadavits, MFDP Congressional Challenge, 1964 | |
1965 | Letter to ACLU lawyers re legal help needed in Mississippi, unsigned ACLU. January 1965 | |
1965 | MFDP Plans for Taking of Evidence on Negro Disenfranchisement in Mississippi, unsigned MFDP. January 3 1965 | |
1965 | House of Representatives vote on MFDP Challenge, MFDP. January 4, 1965 | |
1965 | Report on the first stage of the MFDP Challenge, January 4 1965, Unsigned, SNCC. January 4 1965 | |
1965 | Minutes of the MFDP Statewide Convention, Unsigned MFDP. January 7, 1965 | |
1965 | Approximate Time Table of the Statutory Challenge, unsigned MFDP lawyer. January 8 1965 | |
1965 | Letter to Bay Area lawyers re legal help for Congressional Challenge, unsigned, Bay Area Friends of SNCC. January 9 1965 | |
1964 | The Challenge: Its History, unsigned (possibly church-related), undated (probably 1965). | |
1965 | Testimony of Lawrence Guyot, 1965. | |
1965 | Public testimony regarding the Congressional Challenge, Fannie Lou Hamer, Annie Devine, Victoria Jackson Gray, MFDP. April 3 1965 | |
1965 | Deposition of Mrs. Elizabeth Allen. Example deposition, 1965. | |
1965 | The Congressional
Challenge, MFDP. 1965 | |
1965 | A Message from Mississippi, re MFDP Congressional Challenge. May 1965 | |
1965 | Statement by Martin Luther King, Martin Luther King. SCLC. May 17, 1965 | |
1965 | Statement by John Lewis, John Lewis. SNCC. May 17, 1965 | |
1965 | Letter to friends of SNCC re MFDP challenge to Congress, Margaret Lauren. SNCC. May 27, 1965 | |
1965 | Report on the Congressional Challenge, MFDP. July 7 1965. (Progress report.) | |
1965 | Dear FDP Member letter re Congressional Challenge, unsigned Washington MFDP. August 3, 1965 | |
1965 | Call to Action, MFDP Congressional Challenge, Lawrence Guyot, MFDP. August 4 1965. | |
1965 | MFDP Official Ballot exhibit re Congressional Challenge, unsigned MFDP. August 17, 1965 | |
1965 | Statement of Congressman William F. Ryan, re Congressional Challenge. William F. Ryan. August 25, 1965 | |
1965 | Signers of the Statement of Support of the Mississippi Challenge, MFDP supporters. August 30, 1965 | |
1965 | Excerpts from Speech by Rev. Edwin King, Edwin King, Hinds County MFDP. August 30, 1965 | |
1965 | The State Democratic Party, September 1965 the Lily White Concept, MS. Mike Higson, MFDP | |
1965 | Medical Committee for Human Rights (MCHR) Supports the Challenge of the MFDP, September 1965. | |
1965 | Memo to Friends of SNCC re Congressional Challenge, Unsigned SNCC. September 15 1965 | |
1965 | The Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, Steve Max, SDS Political Education Project. 1965 | |
1965 | MS Freedom Primer #3 The Right to Vote & the Congressional Challenge. | |
1965 | Meeting of the MFDP. Executive Committee, Washington DC. Susie Ruffin. September 18 (1965?) | |
67? 68? | MFDP and the Chicago Convention, Unsigned, MFDP. Undated (possibly late 1967 or early 1968) |
See also Mississippi Congressional Challenge Articles by Movement Veterans
1964? | Concerning Mayor's Races in Mississippi, Unsigned MFDP |
64? '65? | ASCS organizing handbook, unsigned, MFDP. Undated (probably either late 1964 or late 1965) |
???? | Mississippi Political Handbook, MFDP. Undated (1964?) |
1965 | Handout from the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, undated. (Re current activities & poll taxes) |
1965 | Mississippi electoral calendar, 1965-1968, Unsigned, MFDP |
1965 | Dear Friend, letter from SNCC re MFDP's Congressional Challenge. SNCC Communications Dept. February 2 1965 |
1965 | Unseat the Mississippi Congressional Delegation petition. Congressional challenge. Unsigned MFDP. Undated (probably 1965) |
1965 | MFDP Newsletter #2, April 4, 1965 |
1965 | Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party Application for Summer for 1965 summer volunteers, Unsigned MFDP. 1965 |
1965 | MFDP bulletin re new & fair elections amendment, MFDP. Undated (assumed 1965). |
1965 | MFDP, explanatory flyer from mid-1965. |
1965 | McComb MFDP Statement Against the Vietnam War |
1965 | Voting Legislation in the 89th Congress, memo to all organizations in the Civil Rights Movement. Unsigned, MFDP |
1965 | Why We Go To Capitol Hill To Speak With Our Representatives, Unsigned, MFDP/FoS. March 17, 1965 |
1965 | Tapes from Freedom School Workshop, unsigned, SNCC or MFDP. March 27-April 7, 1965 |
1965 | MFDP Federal lawsuit about voting rights, MFDP Legal Team. May 1965 |
1965 | State-Wide Meeting of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, Peggy J. Connor. MFDP. May 16, 1965 |
1965 | What you can do to Help the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, Unsigned MFDP. May 17, 1965 |
1965 | Letter about MFDP press conference, Lawrence Guyot. MFDP. May 24, 1965 |
1965 | Letter to all project directors re mail tampering, Jan Goodman. MFDP. May 29, 1965 |
1965 | Address by Lawrence Guyot to MFDP statewide meeting. Undated (presumed 1965) |
1965 | MFDP and Viet Nam, Lawrence Guyot, MFDP. July 31 1965 |
1965 | MFDP Insider's Newsletter (re Jackson protests), Unsigned MFDP. June 17 1965 |
1965 | The Story Behind our Demonstrations (Jackson MS), Unsigned MFDP. June 1965 |
1965 | The Mississippi Challenge: Some Questions and Answers, Joseph Meissner, Washington Human Rights Project. August 8, 1965 |
1965 | Vote YES August 17, election flyer. Unsigned MFDP. August 1965. |
1965 | Memo on the Relationship Between Federal Registrars and the Jury System. Guyot & Higgs, MFDP. Undated (possibly August or September 1965) |
1965 | The State Democratic Party (Mississippi), report by MFDP. Mike Higson. 9/14/65 |
1965 | Report on Mississippi Voter Registration, as of September. Unsigned, MFDP. Undated (probably October 1965) |
1965 | Reapportionment of Mississippi re congressional district reapportionment lawsuit. Unsigned MFDP. Undated (post 10/15/65) |
1965 | Reapportionment of Mississippi re MFDP congressional district reapportionment lawsuit. Reprint of article by W.C. Shoemaker. Unsigned MFDP. Undated, October 1965 |
1965 | Report on Mississippi Voter Registration, as of September. Unsigned, MFDP. Undated (probably October 1965) |
1965 | School Tuition Law, MS. Unsigned MFDP. October 1965. |
1965 | General Report on Welfare in Mississippi, MS. Freedom Info Center for MFDP. October 1965 |
1965 | Function of District Office, Lynne Hollander, MFDP, CORE. October 9, 1965 |
1965 | Memo re MFDP Fourth District meeting and contact list, Catherin Crowell, MFDP. 1965 |
1965 | Information Addresses Etc. of Resource People, Unsigned, MFDP Fourth District office. 1965 |
1965 | Analyses of MFDP situation presented to staff, Lawrence Guyot. MFDP. October 19, 1965 |
65? 66? | Program of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, Undated (1965? 1966?). |
1965 | Report on Mississippi, Unsigned MFDP. October 29, 1965 |
1965 | Dear FDP Member, Natchez MS flyer re Africa. Bill Ware, SNCC. December 30, 1965 |
1966? | Sunflower County: A Progress Report, Unsigned, MFDP. Undated (probably late 1965 or first part of 1966) |
1966? | Proposal for a Voter Registration Drive in Sunflower County, Joe Harris MFDP. Undated (probably first half of 1966) |
1966 | Mississippi voter registration number by district and county, unsinged MFDP. Undated, 1966 |
1966 | MFDP Keylist Mailing #5, MFDP. January 3, 1966 |
1966 | Report on a Meeting with MS state welfare commisioner re Project Help, Annie Devine. MFDP. January 3, 1966 |
1966 | Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party Key List, unsigned MFDP. January 5, 1966 |
1966 | A Letter from Mrs. Devine, Annie Devine. MFDP. January 7, 1966 |
1966 | Draft press release re denial and suppression of voting rights in Mississippi, Clifton R. Whitley, candidate for U.S. Senate. January 9, 1966 |
1966 | MFDP County Reports, unsigned MFDP. January 9-21, 1966 |
1966 | Telegram to President Lyndon Baines Johnson, Lawrence Guyot, Arthur Thomas, Isaac Foster. MFDP. January 29, 1966 |
1966 | Counties Participating in All Needy Surplus Food Program, Unsigned MFDP. February 1966 |
1966 | Warehousemen job description (for employement program), Unsigned MFDP. February 1966 |
1966 | MFDP County Reports, Unsigned MFDP. January20, 1966-February 5, 1966 |
1966 | Why we are here at the Greenville Air Force Base, Unsigned MFDP. February 6, 1966 |
1966 | A Congressman Speaks about Mississippi, MFDP, and Delta Ministry, Unsigned, MFDP. 2/9/66 |
1966 | Situation in the Mississippi Delta, Victoria J. Gray. MFDP. February 10, 1966 |
1966 | Court victory in Sunflower County municiple elections, Unsigned, MFDP. 3/11/66 |
1966 | Sunflower County: A Call to Action, Unsigned MFDP. March 11, 1966 |
1966 | MFDP County Reports, Multiple MFDP authors. March 22, 1966 |
1966 | MFDP Federal lawsuit re discrimination in voting, MFDP Legal Team. April 1966 |
1966 | Second Birthday of MFDP flyer, unsigned MFDP. Undated (probably 4/24/66) |
1966? | See Victoria Gray and Fannie Lou Hamer flyer, unsigned MFDP. Undated (possibly May 24 of 1965 or 1966) |
1966 | Whitley & King campaign pamphlet, Democratic primary, June 1966. Unsigned MFDP. |
1966 | Help Unseat Eastland and Abernathy election campaign flyer for Democratic primary. Unsigned MFDP. June 1966 |
1966 | Letter about Mississippi voting, Edwin King, MFDP. June 1, 1966 |
1966 | The ABC's of Voting, Unsigned, MFDP. June 3, 1966 |
1966 | Sunflower Elections Put Off, Lela Mae Brooks and Mary Francis Williams, SNCC. June 30, 1966 |
1966 | Vote Totals for Freedom Movement Candiates, Democratic Primaries 1962-1966. By county. Freedom Information Service. |
1966 | Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party information, Unsigned, MFDP. Undated (possibly 1966) |
1966 | What You Should Know About Poll Taxes, Unsigned, MFDP. Undated (probably 1966). |
1966 | The ABC's of Voting, Unsigned MFDP. Undated (probably June 1966) |
1966 | Holmes County Freedom Democratic Party Executive Members Handbook, Sue-Henry Lorenzi, MFDP, August 1966 |
1966 | Help Unseat Eastland and Abernathy, MFDP |
1966? | Time Table of Events (election-related). Possibly September of 1966 |
1966 | Press release re continuing problems & issues in Mississippi and America, Clifton Whitley (MFDP senatorial candidate) |
1966 | MFDP Statewide Convention flyer. Unsigned MFDP. 6/26/66 |
1966 | MFDP Summer 1966, brochure. Unsigned MFDP. |
1966 | Election Complaints -- Mississippi re the '66 Mid-Term elections, unsigned MFDP. Nov. 9, 1966 |
1966 | Keep Power in Your Hands, flyer urging "Vote-No" on two referendum ballot measures in November 8 election. Unsigned MFDP |
1966 | Freedom's Candidate for U.S. Senate, Clifton Whitley campaign flyer. MFDP. November 8, 1966 |
1966? | Mississippi Local Election results for county offices with MFDP candidates. Unsigned MFDP. Undated (probably November 1966) |
1967 | The Power of Your Vote, Edwards MFDP Black and White Hummer. January 25, 1967 |
1967 | The Power of Your Vote, unsigned MFDP pamphlet. Undated (possibly 1967) |
1967 | Memo re: upcoming MFDP Executive Committee meetings, Lawrence Guyot, MFDP. April 5, 1967 |
1967 | MFDP Memorandum: Political Workshops, Unsigned MFDP. July 15, 1967 |
1967 | Register and Vote Campaign, canvas form, Mound Bayou MS. Essie B. Williams. August 1, 1967 |
1967 | Bolivar County Register and Vote Campaign, canvas form. Essie B. Williams. August 11, 1967 |
1967 | Memo re election workshops, Joseph Harris, Mississippi United; Lawrence Guyot, MFDP; Owen Brooks, DM. August 21, 1967 |
1967 | MFDP Newsletter, Sunflower County, October 1, 1967 |
1967 | Attention: Help Elect a Negro Sheriff, MFDP, Holmes County MS |
1968 | Marks MS precinct meeting report, Unsigned. May 14, 1968 |
1968? | MFDP and the Chicago Democratic Convention, Lawrence Guyot, MFDP. Undated (probably late 1967 or early 1968) |
1969 | MFDP State Convention flyer. 1/5/69 |
For MFDP history & background, see:
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) Founded (CRMVet History & Timeline)
MFDP Challenge to Democratic Convention (CRMVet History & Timeline)
MFDP Congressional Challenge (CRMVet History & Timeline)
For additional MFDP materials See:
COFO & MFDP Newsletters 1963-1968
Freedom Movement Press Releases
WATS & Incident Reports
See also:
Letters & Reports From Mississippi Freedom Summer
Summer Project Documents
Freedom Summer Press Releases
Freedom Summer Articles by Movement Veterans
MFDP Articles by Movement Veterans
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(Labor donated)