Civil Rights Movement
Freedom Rides and Freedom Riders Resources

This page provides links to Civil Rights Movement Archive resources that have significant content related to Freedom Rides of 1961 and the role they played in the Freedom Struggle.


CRMA History Articles About
Speeches and Articles About the Freedom Rides
Interviews, Stories & Oral-Histories
Original Documents Related to the Freedom Rides
Letters & Field Reports
Group Discussions by Movement Veterans
Commentaries & Analyses by Movement Veterans
Film, Video and Audio


Photo Album pages that include images of the Freedom Rides

The Freedom Rides

Freedom Movement Art

Why The Mugshots Of The Freedom Riders Exude Resilience (Because of Them We Can)

Mugshots of Civil Rights Activist Freedom Riders (Vintage Everyday)

CRMA History Articles Related to the Freedom Rides

Freedom Rides

Freedom Rides of 1961 [PDF]

Articles & Speeches

Speeches and articles related to Related to the Freedom Rides by movement activists in the 1960s.

Chronology of the Freedom Rides from "The Freedom Ride" May 1961, Howard Zinn.
Original document, Text Version

The Freedom Riders, Robert McAfee Brown & Frank Randal (CORE Pamphlet)

Riding to Freedom, the New Secession — and How to Smash It, Aptheker & Jackson (CP). June 1961

Freedom Rides, New South, July-August 1961 (Multiple articles)

Travel Notes From a Deep South Tourist, Frank Holloway. [PDF]

The Freedom Ride, Leslie W. Dunbar. [PDF]

World Press Views Freedom Rides and U.S. [PDF]

New South front and back. [PDF]

The White Problem, Albert Bigelow. Liberation, 1961.

The Freedom Ride of May 1961, Southern Regional Council Special Report (21-pages).

The Freedom Ride and the Truman Walk, James Peck. Liberation, June 1961.

A Freedom Rider Speaks His Mind, Jimmy Mcdonald. Freedomways, 1961.

The Freedom Rides: Were They in Vain? by Terry Sullivan, 1962.

The Political Significance of the Freedom Rides by Tom Kahn, 1962.

Demographic-Political Analysis of Freedom Riders, Henry Gerner, 1964.

Interviews, Stories && Oral-Histories

Interviews, narratives & stories regarding the Freedom Rides

Freedom Riders Speak For Themselves, News & Letters, 1961. (Multiple Articles)
Thomas ArmstrongOral-History Interview (2021)
Ed BlakenheimInterview by Claybourn Carson (2002)
Gordon CareyInterview: CORE, the Sit-ins and Freedom Rides (1985)
Stokely CarmichaelInterview by Robert Penn Warren (1964)
Dave DennisInterview for Eyes on the Prize (1985)
James FarmerInterview for Eyes on the Prize (1985)
James FarmerResearch interview by Robert Penn Warren (1964)
Ralph FertigThe Making of a Freedom Rider (2011)
Tom GaitherOral History Interview (2011)
Stephen GreenFreedom Rider Diary - 40 Years Later (2003)
Timothy JenkinsInterview, by "JM," (1965)
Abdul Aziz KhaalisJourney to Prison (2012)
Candida LallWouldn't Take Nothing for my Journey Now (2011)
Candida LallKilling Sisyphus (2011)
John LewisOral History/Interview, by Emily Stoper (1967)
John LewisInterview/Oral-History, by Bass & Devries (1973)
William MahoneyIn Pursuit of Freedom, Liberation (1961)
Sheila MichaelsThem There Eyes (2016)
Steven McNicholsInterview by David Cline (2013)
Charles PersonInterview by high school students (2012)
Mimi Feingold RealInterview (2012)
Mimi Feingold RealInterview with Ron Bridgeforth (2018)
Joan TrumpauerOral History Interview (2013)
Rick SheviakovIf I Ever Write Down the Story of My Life... (2011)
Rev. C.T. VivianInterview for Eyes on the Prize (1986)
Rev. C.T. VivianInterview by Taylor Branch (2011)


Original Freedom Movement Documents Related to the Freedom Rides

Support flyers, Chicago. May 1961.

Report of Meeting of May 26, 1961 (re Freedom Rides), James Wood, SCLC.

This Mother is Proud Her Daughter is in Jail, letter to the editor from the mother of a Freedom Rider

Three Freedom Riders in Lynch Jail, CORE press release, November 10, 1961.

Partial List of Freedom Riders, SNCC. As of late May, 1961

Notes: Chronology of Student Sit-Ins and Freedom Rides, 1960-1961, Howard Zinn.

Freedom Ride Travel Costs, Requisition Procedure, Wyatt T. Walker, James W. Wood, Freedom Ride Coordinating Committee. May 31. 1961.

CORE Brochure: Violence Follows the Freedom Riders in Alabama. May 4, 1961.

Albert Bigelow, Committee of Inquiry Testimony May, 1962

James Farmer, Committee of Inquiry Testimony May, 1962

James Peck, Committee of Inquiry Testimony May, 1962

Report re Freedom Rides, (Shreveport, LA), Dave Dennis, CORE. May 25, 1962

CORE Freedom Highways Application, July 1962.


Letters from Freedom Riders.

Virginia Durr: Letter re Freedom Riders in Montgomery

Joan Browning: Albany Freedom Ride Letters and Chronology (GA)

Commentaries & Analyses by Movement Veterans

Post-1960s commentaries, thoughts, and analyses by Movement veterans regarding the Freedom Rides.

Group Statement on Mississippi Freedom Ride 50th

Statement on the 60th Anniversary of the Freedom Rides, Bob Zellner


Group Discussions by Movement Veterans

Discussions, panels, and email threads about the Freedom Rides and Freedom Riders by Movement Veterans.

James GarretFrom the Streets of L.A..
Rick SheviakovFrom Berkeley to the Freedom Rides
Helen SingletonFreedom Rider, Freedom Fighter
Robert SingletonA CORE Freedom Rider

Film, Video, & Audio

Films & documentaries, videos, and audio recordings related to the Freedom Rides

Freedom Riders, Stanley Nelson ~ American Experience, 2010. Partially based on Ray Arsenalut's book Freedom Riders.

Freedom Riders, by San Antonio, Texas, Public Library. Hour-long program of Freedom Riders, Barbara Collins Bowie and Patricia Dilworth, discussing their experiences. 2014. Additional info at Freedom Riders Panel Discussion.

Freedom Riders: Non-violent Civil Rights Movement, by British Broadcasting Corp. Three-hour documentary, civil rights workers, freedom riders explain the southern landscape of racism that drove freedom riders to face violence as they ride buses integrating the "whites only" seating, through the southern USA. 2017.

Dion Diamond, 94-min interview by David Cline about Freedom Rides, Louisiana, Mississippi, 2015.

Steven McNichols, 137-min interview by David Cline about Freedom Rides, NSA, Delta Ministry, & MFDP. 2013.

Gwen Patton, 111-min interview by Joseph Mosnier about the Freedom Riders, Tuskeegee & Montgomery movements, segregation, Selma and the March to Montgomery. 2011.

Lyrical Freedom Riders. Song. Can be heard and obtained from:


[Greyhound Bus ticket to Jackson]

The map below is from an Associated Press article in February 1962. It accompanied a feature story on the Freedom Rides of 1961 and maps the rides referred to in the AP story. Note that the map shows only a few of the more than 60 Freedom Rides that criss-crossed the South between May and November of 1961.

[Map © Jeffrey Ward]

For more information:

Books: Freedom Rides
Web: Freedom Rides

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