Civil Rights Movement
Reports & Letters From the Field

Submissions Policy

This section contains memos and field reports to headquarters, letters written to family and friends, and letters for publication & circulation, by freedom workers in the field during 1951-1968. See also Reports, Minutes & Plans for organizational reports.

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Years: 5556575859606162636465666768


Letter & Report Collections from Specific Areas & Projects:

Southwest Georgia, 1963-1966
Mississippi Freedom Summer letters & reports, SNCC/CORE/SCLC/COFO, 1964
See also: Mississippi, Louisiana, & Florida Summer Project Documents, 1964-1966

Alabama Elections of 1966, SNCC/SCLC. 1965-1966
Arkansas Project, SNCC. 1965
Hattiesburg MS Report & Evaluation Forms. Summer 1964
Meridian & Canton Mississippi, CORE/COFO. 1964-65
North Florida Citizen Education Project, CORE. 1964-65
SCOPE Project, SCLC. 1965
Selma Alabama & March to Montgomery, SNCC/SCLC. 1963-1965
Sunflower Co. & Ruleville Mississippi, SNCC/COFO/MFDP. 1962-65


7/55  Rosa Parks, NAACP  Workshop Notes ~ Highlander Center 

3/56  Fred Halstead  Impressions of the Montgomery Bus Boycott 
6/4/56  Mobile, NAACP  Letter to Thurgood Marshall re Attack on NACCP 
10/56  T.R.M. Howard, RCNL  Letter to Lyman Beecher Stowe MS 

12/17/57  Daisy Bates, NAACP  Letter to Roy Wilkins re Little Rock Nine 


6/25/59  Bayard Rustin  Report on the Youth March for Integrated Schools, DC 
7/59  Ella Baker, SCLC  Memo to SCLC Leadership 

1960  Everette & Jackson  The Hampton Sit-Ins and Southern Society VA 
1/1/60 Amzie Moore, RCNL Letter to Jim Dombroski of SCEF, re debt and fight to save his service station.
1/17/60 Unsigned Letter to James Gilliam, re payments for Amzie Moore project
1/27/60 Jim Dombrowski, SCEF Letter to Amzie Moore of RCNL, re financing.
2/60  Unsigned  Montgomery Students Sit In Story AL 
2/16/60 Frederick Paul Huey Letter to Amzie Moore, RNCL, re incident with police in Ruleville MS
2/24/60 Jim Dombrowski, SCEF Letter to Amzie Moore, RNCL, re project advisory committee
4/14/60 Amzie Moore, RCNL Letter to MS Republican Party, re discrimination and retaliation by U.S. Postal Service. MS.
4/18/60 W.A. Yerger, GOP Note to Amzie Moore rejecting his request for assistance against discrimination., MS
4/18/60 R.L. Drew, RCNL Meeting announcement note, Mound Bayou, MS
4/19/60 Medgar Evers, NAACP Memo to Amzie Moore, re NAACP leadership meeting in Cleveland MS.
5/10/60 Amzie Moore, RCNL Letter to Jim Dombrowski (SCEF), re retaliatory firing of teachers and voting rights.
6/60  Bishop College students  The Marshall Sit-Ins, April TX 
6/29/60 Ina Goodloe, RCNL Encouragement note to Amzie Moore, RCNL. MS.
7/20/60 Jas? Memo to Grafton Grey (RCNL?), re teachers denied tenure in MS

1/17/61 B.E. Murph, NAACP Memo to Amzie Moore re Organizing youth council, MS
1/26/61 Amzie Moore, RCNL Letter to Jane & Kerina, re voting and poverty in MS
1/27/61 Aaron Henry, NAACP Letter to supporters, re Trammell campaign 3rd Congressional District, MS.
2/15/61 Rev. Schaller, NYC Note to Amzie Moore re need for children's clothing. MS
3/23/61 Medgar Evers, NAACP Note to Amzie Morre re Julie Wright and NAACP Youth Meeting. MS
7/61  Virginia Durr  Letter re Freedom Riders in Montgomery 
Fall  Joan Traumpauer  The Plantation and the Oasis Tougaloo, MS 
1961  Joan Browning  Albany Freedom Ride Letters and Chronology GA 
12/61  Student activists  Report on sit in, Crisfield MD 

1/62  Watkins & Hayes, SNCC  Report from Hollis Watkins and Curtis Hayes   MS 
1/15/62  Robinson/Hansen, CIG  Field Reports: Cambridge MD. 
1/20/62  Robinson/Hansen, CIG  Field Reports: Cambridge MD. 
1/25/62  Robinson/Hansen, CIG  Field Reports: Cambridge MD. 
2/62  Paul Brooks, SNCC  Recent Progress of the Jackson Nonviolent Movement 
3/18/62  James Laue  Letter from Harvard student to Diane and James Bevel re thesis interview, MS 
3/62  Tom Rose  Letter to James Laue re information for a book on Negro students, MS 
5/62  Ella Baker, SNCC  Letter to Web Owens McComb, MS 
5/2/62  Jean Young, SNCC  Letter to Jim Bevel re Diane Bevel's arrest in Jackson and organizing a woman's protest 
5/25/62  Dave Dennis, CORE  Report re Freedom Rides, Shreveport, LA 
6/6/62  Bobby Talbert, SNCC  Note to Diane Bevel re protest arrest on post office steps (federal property), MS 
6/21/62  Benita Packer, SCLC  Letter to James Bevel re undelivered books for citizenshp program. MS 
9/26/62  Colia Liddell, NAACP  Letter to Bob Moses re political situation and voter registration assist in Laurel MS 
9/29/62  Unsigned, SNCC  A Report Student Nonviolent Activities in Southern Illinois IL 
10/29/62  Unsigned, SNCC  Letter to Charles McLaurin re police harrassment of James Jones and others trying to register to vote in Coahoma Co. MS 
11/6/62  Frank Holloway, SNCC  Letter to Jim, Gadsden AL 
11/21/62  Charles Butts, MFP  Letter re overdue payment on account, MS 
12/62  Bob Moses, SNCC/COFO  Letter to Martha Prescod re Hunger in MS 
12/8/62  Frank Smith, SNCC  Report on Work in Marshall County MS 

1/63  Sam Block, SNCC  Letter to Jim [Forman?], from Greenwood MS. 
1/1/63  Chris Bagdikian  Letter to Bob Moses for college application, MS 
1/9/63  Anne Braden, SCEF  Letter to Diane Nash Bevel re tribute to the Bevel family MS 
1/12/63  Bob Mants, SNCC  Note to Howard Zinn re Zinn's education proposal, (handwritten) 
1/13/63  Maurice McCrackin, OFC  Letter to Amzie Moore re voting rights retaliation, NAACP MS 
1/17/63  Diane Nash, SNCC  Letter to Betsy re baby and financial support for her SNCC work, MS 
1/19/63  Cunninghams, NAACP  Dear Mr. Moore (re: clothing), MS 
1/21/63  Bob Moses, SNCC  Report on Mississippi Project for 1962 
1/31/63  Bob Moses, SNCC  Letter to Northern Supporters MS 
1963  Various  SNCC Field Reports (From, SNCC 50th Anniversary Conference) 
1/31/63  Amzie Moore, NAACP  Letter to Operation Freedom re Suphronia Conway MS 
2/63  Jack McArt, OFC  Notes on the Delta Area of Mississippi 
2/2/63  Maurice McCrackin, OFC  Reply to Suphronia Conway letter MS 
2/8/63  Maurice McCrackin, OFC  Dear Mr. Moore (re: Conway) MS 
2/8/63  David Dennis, CORE  Letter to Amzie Moore re emergency food donations MS 
2/8/63  David Dennis, CORE  Dear Mr. Moore (Re: food shipment) MS 
2/15/63  Bobby Talbert  To Amzie Moore re woman forced from home. MS 
2/15/63  Unsigned  Appeal letter to Amzie Moore Greenwood MS 
2/63  Peter Stoner, Tougaloo  Letter Amzie Moore & Jim Bevel re funding for project. MS 
1963  Bob {Illegible}, SNCC  Dear Judy: letter from Greenwood, MS 
3/63  David Dennis, CORE  Selected Sections Field Report MS 
3/12/63  Jim Dombrowski, SCEF  Letter to Amzie Moore re financial matters MS 
3/20/63 McMillen & Patterson Invitation to Amzie Moore Laymen Movement to the Educational Convention of the State of Mississippi
3/25/63  Harvey Richards, filmmaker  Letter to Amzie Moore re interview tapes MS 
3/28/63  Maurice McCrackin, OFC  Letter to Amzie Moore re re voting rights retaliation MS 
3/30/63  Bobby Talbert, SNCC  Daily reports (possibly from Greenwood MS) 
4/1/63  Amzie Moore, NAACP  Letter to OFC re funds MS 
4/3/63  James Gilliam (Masons)  Letter to Amzie Moore re: expenses & etc. MS 
4/6/63  Mendy Samstein, SNCC  Dear Howie, letter to (Howard Zinn?) re planning a trip for movement organizers. 
4/11/63  Maurice McCrackin, OFC  Letter to Amzie MooreNAACP re voting rights retaliation MS 
4/12/63  Marion Palfi, SNCC  Letter to Bob Moses re FBI request for evidence, MS 
1963  Wazir Peacock, SNCC  Note to unidentified, SNCC member (reThe Mailman's March?) 
1963?  Judy Walborn, SNCC?  Student "Non-Violent" Agitators Face Repression and Injury, undated (possibly 1963) 
1963  Louis Nasper  Danville, VA (police violence) 
1963  Eric Rainey  Gadsden, AL (the Gadsden Movement) 
1963  Dennis Roberts  Journal Southwest Georgia 
5/5/63  Maurice McCrackin, OFC  Letter to Amzie Moore re voting rights retaliation 
5/7/63  Sylvester Williams  Apologies for missed visit, MS 
5/22/63  Maurice McCrackin, OFC  Letter to Amzie Moore re voting rights retaliation 
5/27/63  Frank Smith, SNCC  Intimidation, MS 
5/29/63  Carl Braden, SCEF  Letter to Amzie Moore re Movement MS 
5/63  Hulda Taylor  My Participation in the Sit-insNC 
6/14/63  Theodore Brown, ANLCA  Letter to Attorney General re Jackson MS 
1963  Bobby Talbert, SNCC  Daily reports from, SNCC workers in Greenwood MS 
6/19/63  Jerry Cunningham  Letter to Amzie Moore re voting rights retaliation MS 
6/19/63  Maurice McCrackin, OFC  Dear Amzie (re: money orders) MS 
6/20/63  Florence Randall, Indiana  Letter to Amzie Moore re voting rights retaliation MS 
6/26/63  Robert Whitfield, SNCC  Letter to Amzie Moore, re Pine Bluff Movement AR 
7/63  Bob Moses, SNCC/COFO  Letter to U.S. Commission on Civil Rights re MS 
7/3/63  Martin Luther King, SCLC  Letter to Jack O'Dell re his forced resignation 
7/4/63  Jane, SNCC  Letter to Diane & Jim, re SNCC work plans. Unsigned (possibly from Jane Stembridge to Diane Nash & Jim Monsonis 
7/4/63  Jane, SNCC  Letter to Diane & Jim, re SNCC work plans. Unsinged (possibly from Jane Stembridge to Diane Nash & Jim Monsonis 
7/11/63  Glenn Smiley, FOR  Note to James Bevel, re ministerial participation in March on Washington 
7/11/63  Glenn Smiley, FOR  Note to James Bevel, re ministerial participation in March on Washington 
7/16/63  Marion Palfi, SNCC  Letter to Amzie Moore, re support work 
7/22/63  Grace Hewell, HEW  Letter to Diane Nash Bevel, re publications kit for community work from Johnson Publications 
8/4/63  Jane Stembridge, SNCC  Letter to Anne Braden re MS & Southern Education Center 
8/4/63  Jane Stembridge, SNCC  Letter to Constance Curry, re literacy & Southern Education Center 
8/4/63  Jane Stembridge, SNCC  Letter to Suzanne Freund, re literacy programs 
8/5/63  Jane Stembridge, SNCC  Letter to Bob Moses re Southern Education Center and Tougaloo Work Study Program 
8/5/63  Jane Stembridge, SNCC  Letter to Tom Kahn, re Tougaloo Work Study Program 
8/12/63  Lucy Komisar, FP  Letter to Amzie Moore, reFree Pressarticles MS 
9/3/63  John Henrk Clarke, FW  Letter to Jim and Diane Bevel re Winter issue of Freedomways 
9/4/63  Nannette Sachs, CORE  Letter to Amzie Moore, re trip to Madison WI 
9/15/63  Sam Shirah, SNCC  Field report MS 
9/63  Casey Hayden, SNCC  Correspondence with Art Waskow IPS. May-September 
9/20/63  Oscar Chase  Letter to Art Waskow re Tougaloo work study program. MS 
9/26/63  Sam Shirah, SNCC  Field report SC 
9/30/63  Casey Hayden  Dear Stokely, letter re Bob Moses, Art Waskow & IPS 
9/30/63  Mrs. Hamer, SNCC  Letter to Northern Supporters MS 
1963  Ivanhoe Donaldson, SNCC  Jackson Mississippi, Late 1963 (police harassment) 
1963  Courtland Cox, SNCC  Letter to, SNCC About Direct Action 
9/20/63  Conrad Lynn, NAACP  Letter to Amzie Moore, re Freedom Now Party MS 
9/20/63  Sam Block, SNCC  Letter to the Kennedys re lack of justice MS 
9/26/63  Sam Shirah, SNCC  Field report SC 
10/1/63  Sam Shirah, SNCC  Field report from SC 
10/4/63  Sam Shirah, SNCC  Field report from SC 
10/9/63  Sam Shirah, SNCC  Field Report from SC 
10/16/63  Arthur Waskow  Reply to Oscar Chase re Tougaloo work study program MS 
10/18/63  Myles Horton, Highlander  Myles Horton to Bob Moses 
10/18/63  Arthur Waskow  Letter to Mary King re police brutality affadavits 
10/20/63  Amzie Moore, NAACP  Letter to U.S. Attorney re money owed. MS 
10/21/63  Mary King  Letter to Art Waskow re ongoing work 
10/20/63  Amzie Moore, NAACP  Letter to Dombrowski re business permit MS 
10/20/63  Dave Dennis, CORE  Letter to national, CORE re Mississippi situation & plans 
10/20/63  Amzie Moor, NAACP  Letter to Harvey Richards MS 
10/23/63  Arthur Waskow  Reply to Mary King re ongoing work MS 
10/23/63  Joan Bowman, COFO  The Freedom Ballot for Governor MS, 
10/30/63  Sam Shirah, SNCC  Field Report from Ohio 
1963  Miriam Glickman, SNCC  Integration in the Deep South: Death Goes On 
1963  Bob Moses, SNCC  Memo to ExComm re Mississippi Project 
11/63  Theresa, FoS  Note about Freedom Ballot (handwritten). Undated (probably Nov 1963) 
11/4/63  Mary King  Dear Art re: Mississippi Freedom Vote MS 
11/7/63  Dona Richards, Oscar Chase  Letter to Art Waskow re: Work-Study Project) 
11/13/63  Amzie Moore, NAACP  Letter to Operation Freedom MS 
11/13/63  Amzie Moore, NAACP  Letter to Robert Owens re FHA loan MS 
11/14/63  Amzie Moore, NAACP  Letter to Carl & Anne Braden re FHA loan MS 
11/14/63  Amzie Moore, NAACP  Letter to Mr. Ray re FHA loan MS 
11/18/63  Anne Braden, NAACP  Letter to Norman Kurland re FHA loan KY 
11/18/63  Anne Braden, SCEF  Letter to Amzie Moore re FHA loan KY 
11/19/63  Jane Stembridge, SNCC  Personal letter to Mary King 
11/22/63  Amzie Moore, NAACP  Letter to Mr. Ray re FHA loan MS 
11/23/63  Sam Shirah, SNCC  Field Report from Kentucky & Florida 
12/5/63  Mike Thelwell  Letter to Art Waskow re, SNCC 
12/9/63  Anne & Carl Braden, SCEF  Letter to Amzie Moore re FHA loan KY 
12/17/63  Jack McKart  Letter to Amzie Moore re Operation Freedom 

1964?  Richard Haley, CORE  Letter to Greg Kaslo LA 
1964  Jimmie Jones, SNCC  Note requesting supplies (handwritten). Undated (probably 1964) 
1964  Idessa Johnson, COFO  Letter to Lois Chafee re pay Clarksdale MS 
1964  Tom Foner, COFO  Hattiesburg report MS 
1964  Richard Haley, CORE  Letter to Greg Kaslo LA 
1964  Sam Shirah, SNCC  Report on the Gainsville Movement FL 
1964  Carl Young, COFO  Holly Springs Freedom School newspaper copies Holly Springs MS 
1964  Greenvile, COFO office  Medical Situation in Issaquena County 
1964  Unsigned, COFO  Biloxi incident report to Howard Kirshenbaum MS 
1964  Unsigned, COFO  Greenville activities update MS 
1964  Unsigned, COFO  Urban Places in Washington County MS 
1964  Unsigned, COFO Greenwood MS  Greenwood Police Activity MS 
1964  Doris Castle, CORE  Freedom Ring Encircles Ticket Booth New Orleans LA 
1964?  Joanne Ooiman, CORE  Note about volunteer whose parents prevent from returning, Undated (probably 1964, possibly 1965) 
1/13/64  Rev. Lee Ball, MFSA  Letter re Jackson MS church segregation & civil liberties 
1/15/64  Charlie Cobb, SNCC  Report about Tallahatchi County 
1/64  Mendy Samstein, SNCC  Letter to Bradens re emergency food distribution
1/19/64  Ronnie Moore, CORE  Field report, re Louisiana voter registration 
1/21/64  Judy Benninger, CORE  Letter to James McCain regarding Gainesville, FL 
1/22/64  Charles Hartfield  Letter/report by local activist on Hattiesburg MS Freedom Day
Original (PDF)  Formatted text (HTML) 
1/23/64  Rita Schwerner, COFO  Letter to Anne Braden MS 
1/27/64 Jack McKart Note to Amzie Moore, re visit to Cleveland MS (handwritten)
1/27/64  Joan (Trumpauer?), NAACP  Report From the Jackson Movement MS 
1/29/64  Mendy Samstein, SNCC  Letter to Bradens re emergency food situation 
1/29/64  Sam Shirah, SNCC  Field Report from Mississippi 
1/30/64  Davis Dennis, COFO  Letter to President Lyndon Johnson, COFO 
1/30/64  Mary King, SNCC  Names of Those Indicted on Anti-Trespass, Atlanta GA sitins and protests, January 1964 
1/31/64  Rick Stevens, SNCC  Organization of Students From Georgia Tech, Agnes Scott College, and Emory University GA 
2/64 Ira Landess Memo re responses to assassination of Medgar Evers
2/2/64  Annell Ponder, SCLC  Letter to Amzie Moore re voting rights retaliation money, MS 
2/3/64  Arthur Waskow, PRI  Letter to Howard Zinn re, SNCC advisory council 
2/3/64  Unsigned SNCC  Field report: police attack and shoot protesters at Jackson State College, MS 
2/3/64  Robert Smith, COFO  Marks MS Project Report, , January 23 - February 3, 1964 
2/4/64  Rev. Campbell  Letter to Amzie Moore re voting rights retaliation MS 
2/4/64  George Raymond, CORE  Letter to Robert Kennedy, re police brutality 
2/5/64 Clifford Vaughs, SNCC Letter to Burke Marshal DoJ, re law enforcement intimidation against voter registration in Hattiesburg MS
2/10/64  J.R. Lunney, LSCRRC  Note to Howard Slater & Howard Zin, re research for Hattiesburg project 
2/12/64 Jack ???? Note to Anne and Carl Braden of SCEF re communication strategy for MS,
2/12/64 Howard Melish, SCEF Note to Anne & Carl Braden re Memorial Address in Ghana
2/12/64 Howard Melish, SCEF Memo to Jim Dombroski re questions about food crisis in MS Delta
2/13/64  Art Waskow, IPS  Letter to Howard Zinn, re speech analyzing Freedom Movement and S.W. Georgia 
1964 Unsigned SNCC Natchez report (pages mising?), MS. Undated (probably February, 1964)
2/16/64 Mendy Samstein, SNCC Report on KKK activity in Natchez, MS
2/19/64  Rev. Houston  Letter to Amzie Moore re voting rights retaliation MS 
2/19/64  Sandy Leigh, SNCC  Memo re Pascagoula and Biloxi NAACP Meetings, MS 
3/2/64  CORE Lousiana Task Force  Letter re employment discrimination by Olin Mathieson LA 
3/2/64  Pat Vail  Dear Family, letter re Boston school integration and other matters. 
3/9/64 Ed Heininger Memo to Ian McRae re trip to Mississippi and Mt. Beulah center
3/9/64 Ed Heininger, NCC Report on Canton MS (Madison Co.), MS. 14-pages
3/9/64 Fraser Thomason Report to NCC-CRR on mission to Canton MS (Madison Co.), 14 pages
3/10/64  Milton McGaskey  Letter to Amzie Moore re food & clothing) MS 
3/10/64  Joyce Barrett, SNCC  Memo to Jim Forman on court situation, re Atlanta GA sitins & protests 
3/11/64  Joan (Trumpauer?), NAACP  Report From the Jackson Movement, MS 
3/12/64 Rev. John Sherman Expense report & reimbursal request for mission to Canton MS.
3/14/64  Pat Vail  Dear Family, letter re northern situation and plans to work for SNCC
Original (handwritten), Retyped 
3/17/64  Tom Valetine, CORE  Field Report re Ennis, CORE TX 
3/20/64  Mendy Samstein, SNCC  Congressional Campaign Workers Harassed in Ruleville Mississippi 
3/21/64  Kenneth Redfearn, NAACP  Letter to Amzie Moore re food donations KS 
3/23/64  Dorothy Zellner, SNCC  Dear Jim, letter to Jim Forman re dire personal and SNCC financial situation 
3/23/64 Ian McCrae, NCC Memo to Ed Heininger re Mississippi trip and and Mt. Beulah center
3/23/64 Unsigned, NCC? Memo to Loren Lair? re Mt. Beulah center in Mississippi (possibly sent to a group of individuals)
3/31/64  C.V. Adair, CCSC  Letter to Amzie Moore re donations TX 
4/1/64  Alvin Pouncey  Letter to Amzie Moore re charity donations MS 
4/1/64  Patricia Due, CORE  Report on the March on Tallahassee FL 
4/1/64  R. Hunter Morey, SNCC  Dear Brother and Sister SNCCers MS 
4/2/64  Patricia Due, CORE  Letter re Big Bend Voter Education Campaign FL 
4/5/64  Robert Lamont, SNCC  Letter to Amzie Moore re programs for the Summer IL 
4/6/64  Richard Haley, CORE  Letter to Gordon Carey re operations and problems, LA 
4/13/64  Jeffry Glatstein  Letter to Amzie Moore re food and cloting donations MS 
4/16/64  Reva Bernstein  Letter to Amzie Moore re shipment of clothingMS) 
4/16/64  Richard Haley, CORE  Dear Fellow, CORE Members (to New Orleans CORE) 
4/19/64  Douglas Sampson, DM  Report from Hattiesburg, April 13-19, MS 
4/19/64  Joan (Trumpauer?), NAACP  Report From the Jackson Movement, MS. 
4/21/64  Jane Stembridge, SNCC  Personal letter to Mary King 
4/22/64  Mike Thelwell, SNCC  Letter to Art Waskow re: Freedom Singer concert DC 
4/23/64  Judy Benninger, CORE  Report to James McCain regarding Dunnellen, CORE FL 
4/28/64  Many strikers, CORE  Report: Wildcat strike by hotel maids in New Orleans 
4/29/64  Maurice McCrackin  Letter to Amzie Moore re wired money MS 
64-65  Many/Various  CORE's North Florida Citizenship Education Project (NFCEP) 
5/7/64  Unsigned, SNCC  Letter to John Lewis re ExCom Mtg 
5/64  Rev. Albert Ronander  Report on Mission to Mississippi 
5/4/64  Unsigned, SNCC  John Due, NCC arrested in Liberty MS while collecting affadavits for USCCR 
5/6/64  Rava Bernstein, NAACP  Letter to Amzie Moore re shipment of clothing MS 
5/11/64  Marcia (no lastname), CORE  Letter to Ronnie Moore, re Louisiana summer project 
5/13/64  Unsigned, CORE  Letter to, CORE leader James McCain re Louisiana voter registration 
5/14/64  Michael (Lesser?), CORE  Letter to Ronnie Moore, re parishes for Louisiana summer project, 
5/16/64  Sam Shirah SNCC  Report to SCEF and, SNCC re WSOP/SSOC
5/21/64  John Papworth, vol.  Two Incidents of Arrest and Imprisonment of Papworth, Larry Rubin, and others in Oxford and Belzoni MS 
5/29/64  Judy Benninger, CORE  Letter re Gainsville, CORE, FL 
5/31/64  Jim Boebel, COFO  Letter From Jim Boebel MS 
5/14/64  Maurice McCrackin  Letter to Amzie Moore re Rev. Reed's needs MS 
5/18/64  Annel Ponder, SCLC  Letter to Amzie Moore re food donation MS 
5/24/64  Pearl Lang  Letter to Amzie Moore re clothing donation MS 
5/28/64  Bob Weil & Bill Light, COFO  Head of India's Socialist Party arrested in Jackson for violating segregation ordinance MS 
6/64  Tina Harris, SNCC  Letter to, SNCC staff re who is reponsible? MS 
6/64  Unsigned, COFO  Harassment by Private Persons Greenville MS 
6/64  Unsigned, COFO  Suspcious cars Greenville MS 
6/4/67  Bernard Russell  Letter to Amzie Moore re hunger and poverty in MS
6/9/64  Chude Allen, SNCC  Why I Am Going to Mississippi
6/9/67  Bonnie Campbell  Letter to Amzie Moore re bills & food MS 
6/12/67  Maurice McCrackin  Letter to Amzie Moore, re visit MS 
6/12/64  Bob Beech, DM  Report From Hattiesburg MS 
6/13/64  Peggy Ewan, CORE  Dear People, letter from summer volunteer re journey South & CORE training, Plaquimines, LA 
6/15/64  Richard Haley, CORE  Letter to C.O. Chinn re C.O court case MS 
6/15/64  Richard Haley, CORE  Letter to L.H. Rosenthal re C.O. Chinn court case MS 
6/15/64  Richard Haley, CORE  Letter to Carsie Hall re Oretha Williams case MS 
6/18/64  Carol Rogoff, SNCC  Letter to Tom Levin re medical support for Freedom Summer MS 
6/22/64  Judy Benninger, CORE  All-Day, CORE Conference, Dunnellon Florida
Late June-August
Mississippi Freedom Summer Letters & Reports
6/24/64 Ron Ridenour, COFO Report from Ron Ridenour about incidents in Hattiesburg MS
6/24/64  Mimi Feingold, CORE  Field Report, West Feliciana Parish Louisiana
6/25/64  Jim Monsonis  Letter to Nancy Sterns re Waskow request & editorial MS 
6/25/64  Claude Weaver, SNCC  Confidential Report, SNCC Activities in Panola County MS 
1964  Ewan, Cortez, Burger, CORE  Report from Pointe Coupee Parishundated LA 
1964  Unsigned, CORE  Report From St. Fransville Hardwood Plantation, undated LA 
6/30/64  Unsigned, COFO  Greenville research report MS 
7/64?  Anne Braden, SCEF  Thoughts on the disappearance of Chaney, Schwerner, and Goodman MS 
7/64  Mary Tucker, COFO  Letter to Annell Ponder MS 
7/5/64  Ted Levine, SNCC  Letter to J. Forman re community centers, PA 
7/6/64  Unsigned  Report of car following voter registration workers (MS? AL?) 
7/6/64  Banfield, Kennedy, COFO  Letter to Lois re shipment of books, COFO 
7/64  Daniel Mitchell (CORE  A Special Report on the Jonesboro, Louisiana 
7/13/64  Rep. Don Edwards  Letter to Amzie Moore re support for, COFO MS 
7/20/64  Unsigned COFO? SNCC?  Notes on parents meeting with James Forman, Steve Schwerner
7/20/64  Rudy Lombard, CORE  Letter to Richard re Task Force MS 
7/21/64  Fay Bennet, NSF  Letter to the Millers re obtaining FHA loan for land, (Shaw, MS) 
7/27/64  Betty Garman, Julian Bond  Report on mob violence against SNCC workers, Greenwood MS, 
7/64  Stokely Carmichael, SNCC  Memo re Second District MFDP Convention, undated MS 
8/5/64  Judy Benninger, CORE  Weekly Report, CORE Florida Task Force
8/1/64  Unsigned, COFO?  Report from Hattiesburg, MS 
8/2/64  Frazer Thompson, DM  Report From Clarksdale No. 6, MS 
8/3/64  Alan Verson, COFO  Biloxi Bars, MS 
8/10/64  Frazer Thompson, DM  Report From Clarksdale No. 8, MS 
8/10/64  Kathleen Henderson, DM  Mississippi August 2-10 
8/10/64  William Henderson, DM  Mississippi August 2-10 
8/18/64  James Russell, CORE  Report Desegregate Sand Springs Schools (OK) 
8/19/64  Daytona, FL  Request to, CORE for assistance
8/22/64 Walter Kaufman, CORE Philadelphia, Miss. Neshoba County report
9/4/64  Arthur Waskow  Letter to Mrs. Green, re Freedom Democratic Party DC 
9/2/64  Mary Lane, Ida Holland, MS  Note re donations of food and clothing 
9/4/64  Arthur Waskow  Letter to Mr. Rauh, re Freedom Democratic Party DC 
9/8/64  Joseph Rauh  Letter to Arthur, re Atlantic City DC 
9/6/64  R. Hunter Morey, COFO  Letter to John McAuliff re voting complaints, MS 
9/9/64  Jesse Harris, SNCC  Dear Mr. Marshall, letter to Burke Marshall (Dept. of Justice) re violence, intimidation, and repression against civil rights activists in Pike County (McComb) Mississippi. 
9/10/64  George Raymond, COFO  Letter to Richard Haley re weekly reports MS 
9/10/64  Pat Vail, COFO  Dear All, re Greenville MS, education and poverty 
9/11/64  Nora Ellen Maze  Letter to Mr. McCrakinimprisioned husband MS 
9/12/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Norma Becker and Sandra Adickes re school boycotts MS 
9/14/64  Pat Vail, COFO  Dear Lisa, re lack of project funds and violence in Greenville MS 
9/14/64  Edith Green  Letter to Mr. Waskow, re compromise DC 
9/64?  Rev. Jack Alford, DM?  A Southern Vacation, report from McComb MS 
9/15/64  Norma Becker, COFO  Letter to Lois Chaffee re school boycotts MS 
9/16/64  Carl Braden  Letter to Amzie, re Patriot and Operation Freedom tour MS 
9/16/64  Marj Rader Sutherland, COFO  Dear Mom, Dad..., letter from Gulfport MS project. Original handwritten version 
9/17/64  Annell Ponder, SCLC  Canceled SCLC Citizenship Teachers Training 
9/21/64  Unsigned SNCC  A Response to the 13th and 14th Bombings in McComb Mississippi 
9/22/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Joffre re negative for prints MS 
9/23/64  Ronnie Moore, CORE  Field report, re Daytona Beach FL, 
9/24/64  Sandra Adickes, UFT  Letter to Lois Chaffee re recruiting teachers MS 
9/24/64  Mary Sue, COFO  Letter to Lois Chaffee re need of support MS 
9/24/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Lorne Cress re returning to Hattiesburg MS 
9/24/64  Unsigned, SNCC  Brief Report on Guinea 
9/25/64  Paul Lauter, COFO  Letter to Beryl Banfield re Africa handbook MS 
9/25/64  Norman Fine  Letter to Lois Chaffee re purchase of supplies MS 
9/26/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Staughton Lynd re Freedom School art MS 
9/29/64  Dan Schechter (NSM)  Letter to Lois Chaffee re ideas on tutorials MS 
9/30/64 Judy Richardson, SNCC Dear Dr. Foster, letter to president of Tuskeegee requesting meeting to discuss regional student conferences, and 1965 summer project.
9/30/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Beryl Banfield re Africa handbook MS 
9/30/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Sandra Adickes re recruiting teachers MS 
9/30/64  Curry, Wright  Letter re leadership training re school desegregation MS 
9/30/64  Curry, Wright  Letter to friends re leadership trainig MS 
9/30/64  Richard Hasbrouck  Letter re race relations and financial threat to Amzie Moore MS 
10/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Sue (incomplete) re centers and Freedom Schools MS 
1964  Annell Ponder, SCLC  Memo to Vicksburg Community Ctr staff MS 
1964  Grenville Whitman, SNCC  Letter to Lois Chafee 
1964  Lilly Douglas, COFO?  Reports on work with children's activities (handwritten), MS. Undated, possibly summuer of 1964 
10/1/64  Judy Benninger, CORE  Gainsville FL CORE, Reorganization and Program
10/2/64  Jo Ann (Ooiman?), COFO  Report From Batesville Conference on Freedom Schools MS 
10/2/64  Lois Chafee, COFO  Letter to Dan Schecter re education & organizing 
10/3/64  Barbara Jones, SNCC  Note to Nicholas Fischer re Adopt a Freedom Fighter program 
10/3/64  Barbara Bloomfield, COFO  Letter to Lois Chaffee re Freedom Schools MS 
10/3/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Rev. Lawrence McGowan re Freedom School materials MS 
10/4/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Goldsmith Brothers re ordering supplies MS 
10/4/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Rev. Mineo Katagiri re youth groups to sponsor MS projects 
10/4/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Goldsmith Brothers re Freedom School materials, 
10/4/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Joffre Clark re photos MS 
10/4/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Beryl Banfiled and Minnie Kennedy re book donation MS 
10/5/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Ernest Smith, re Michigan State University support MS 
10/5/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Dr. Robert Green, Michigan State University MS 
10/5/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Maria Varela, re Michigan State University support MS 
10/5/64  J.E.H. Bolton, FOS  Letter to Lois Chaffee, re MS support work, 
10/5/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Wes Barthelmes, re art sales, MS 
10/6/64  William Melish, COFO  COFO Freedom House Bombing, Vicksburg, MS, 
10/7/64  Illegible, COFO  Letter to Lois Chaffee re student activism in Eugene (OR) 
10/8/64  Maurice McCrackin  Letter to Amzie, re mortgage payment MS 
10/10/64  Arlene Bock, COFO  Weekly report, MS 
10/11/64  Myrtis Jean Evans, COFO  Weekly report, Rankin Co. MS (handwritten) 
10/12/64  Sandra Watts, CORE  Letter to Richard Haley re, CORE contact
10/12/64  Jo Ann Ooiman, CORE  Individual Reports, MS 
10/14/64  Pat Vail, COFO  Dear Gang, report on work in Mississippi from the Greenville project 
10/15/64  Anne Braden  Letter to Amzie, re hospitality KY 
10/15/64  Richard Haley, CORE  Letter to Sandra Watts re, CORE contact
10/16/64  Vicki Halper  Letter to Lois Chafee re fundraising opportunity in Florence Italy MS 
10/18/64  Steve McVoy, CORE  Letter re problems in North Florida, CORE project
10/20/64  Elton Cox, CORE  Letter to Richard Haley, FL 
10/20/64  Illegible, NAACP  Letter to Amzie, re mother MS 
10/20/64 C.G. Deaton, USDA Reply to research inquiry by Greg Kaslo regarding Clarke County, MS
10/21/64 Greg Kaslo, CORE Research information request, regarding Clarke County, MS
10-11/64 SNCC Correspondence with Random House re publication of Mississippi Black Paper.
10/22/64. Memo to activists from Bob Moses re Mississippi Black Paper book.
11/12/64. Release form for Mississippi Black Paper.
11/12/64. Memo to Judy Richardson from Random House.
10/23/64 Heber Ladner, MS Reply to research inquiry by Greg Kaslo, by Mississippi Secretary of State
10/23/64  Dave Harris, COFO  Mississippi Freedom Project — Crises in McComb MS 
10/23/64  Mike Miller, SNCC  Memo on Organizing
10/25/64 Greg Kaslo, CORE Clarke County Project Report, MS. Oct. 18-24
10/25/64  Rev. J. Raymond Sikkel, DM  A Continuing Reformation, re why work in Mississippi with the Delta Ministry? 
10/27/64 Howard Zinn Dear Art, note from Howard Zinn re MFDP convention challenge report (handwritten)
10/27/64  Joe Stetson(?), COFO?  Note to Alcia Kaplow requesting money for bus ticket out of Jackson (Handwritten) 
10/28/64  Aretha Henderson, COFO  Letter to Lois Chaffee re license for Batesville day care center MS 
10/29/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Amzie Moore re architect for Cleveland center MS 
10/31/64  Sue Lorenzi, COFO  Letter to Lois Chaffee re assistance on planning programs for Tchula community center MS 
11/64  Cleveland Sellers, SNCC  Correspondence re Holly Springs project, MS 
11/64  Lily M. Douglas, COFO  Report on Hattiesburg MSre community center program 
11/64  Phyllis Cunningham, COFO  Report on Hattiesburg MS re civil rights education 
11/64  Barbara Schwartzbaum, COFO  Hattiesburg Report MS re civil rights work 
11/64  Unsigned, COFO  First District Report MS 
11/64  Chuck McKeller, SNCC  Report on the situation in Gulfport MS 
11/64  Nick Hampton, SNCC  Report from Nick Hampton MS 
11/64  Theodis Hewitt, COFO  Report on Leake County MS 
11/64  Jesse Harris, COFO  Third District Report MS 
11/64  Bradford, Archibald, COFO  Communications to Jesse Morris re Mound Bayou project MS 
11/64  John Harris, SNCC  Complaints About the Jackson Office re MS 
11/64  Staughton Lynd, COFO  Letter to Lois Chaffee re pictures MS 
11/64?  Unsigned, COFO  One person's analysis of a project's problems
11/6/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to New York State Education Dept. re nursery schools MS 
11/6/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Eric Weinberger re training institute for local people MS 
11/7/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Lee Bankhead re making contributions MS 
11/7/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Mary Sue Gellatly re payment MS 
11/7/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Vicky Halper re request of posters and photographs MS 
11/7/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Aretha Henderson re license for day care center MS 
11/7/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Rev. Lawrence McGowen re gift MS 
11/7/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Barbara Schwartzbaum re preschool programs MS 
11/7/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Idessa Johnson re payment MS 
11/9/64  Geraldine L. Wilson  Letter to Dr. Jackson, re Mississippi students MS 
11/11/64  Idessa Johnson, COFO  Letter to Lois Chaffee re payment MS 
11/12/64 Jake Friesen, MCC Conversation with Mark Weaver re white southern point of view. MS. Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)
11/12/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Ayra Woodruff re pamphlets MS 
11/13/64  Unsigned, COFO  Letter to Edith Black re Committee on Concern MS 
11/13/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Neil Goldachmidt re fund-raising attempts MS 
11/13/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Albert Sayer re check received MS 
11/13/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Barbara Schwarzbaum re Lilly leaving, COFO MS 
11/13/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Staughton Lynd re paintings about Freedom Schools MS 
11/13/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to George Albertz re Greenwood MS 
11/13/64  Richard Halley, CORE  Letter to Annie Devine re staff conference MS 
11/14/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Vincent De Forrest re architects for community centers MS 
11/14/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Charles Cogen re adoption appeal MS 
11/15/64  Pat Vail, COFO  Dear Family, re Greenville MS project 
11/15/64  Unsigned, COFO  Report: Clarke County Executive Committee, MS 
11/16/64  Myra Woodruff, USNY  Letter to Lois Chaffee re pamphlet about nursery school MS 
11/18/64  Sam  Dear Ms. Kaplow, note re work Tallahatchie Co. MS. 
11/19/64  Viki & Martin Nicolaus  Dear Hodeses, letter re Jackson. MS 
11/20/64  David Novick, COFO  Dear Lisa, letter/report on work in Sharkey & Issaquena Counties MS 
11/23/64  Dinky Romilly, SNCC  Letter to Judy Richardson re SNCC's phone bill MS 
11/21/64  Ellickson, Mosley, COFO  Weekly Report from Moss Point-Pascagoula MS 
11/18/64  Lois Rodgers  Note to Victoria Gray re financial hardship and request for reimbursement, (handwritten) 
11/21/64  Mary Brumder, COFO  Report on Holmes County MS 
11/23/64  Mary Sue Gellatly, COFO  Letter to Lois Chaffee re help from WILPF MS 
11/23/64  David McVoy, CORE  Incident report, Quincy Florida
11/23/64  S.W. Tucker, SLC  Letter to Amzie Moore, re re-election of William Ming to NAACP board 
11/24/64  Richard Haley, CORE  Letter to George Raymond Jr., re various issues LA 
11/25/64  Unsigned, COFO  Arrests of Sears Buckley and Fred Hamburger in Columbus MS 
11/25/64 Stahly & Martin, MCC Report on Mississippi Trip. Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)
11/27/64  Maurice McCrackin, OFC  Letter to Amzie Moore, re money order and payments MS 
11/27/64  Bock, Dukes, CORE  Progress Report for Havana Florida
11/27/64  Maurice McCrackin, OFC  Letter to Amzie Moore re money order and payments MS 
11/28/64  Unsigned  Dear Alicia note re trouble in Tutwiler MS 
11/28/64  Beryl Banfiled  Letter to Lois Chaffee re list for freedom centers MS 
11/28/64  Dick Kelley, COFO  Report and criticisms about COFO's structure MS 
11/29/64  Edward Hollander, CORE  Joe Morse, Sandy Watts arrested for burglary MS 
11/30/64  Liz Fusco, COFO  Letter to Sheila Shankman re adopting a Freedom School MS 
11/30/64  Lillian Talbot  Letter to Amzie Moore re shipment of clothing MS 
64-65  Stuart Wechsler, CORE  CORE Field Reports From Florida
12/64  Unsigned, COFO  Bi-annual Report Rankin County Project MS 
12/64  Bill Kopit, COFO  Memo re COFO legal cases, MS. Undated (probably December 1964) 
12/64  Warner Buxton, CORE  Clarke County Project Report, MS. Undated (probably December 1964)  
12/01/64  Mel Zuck, AFSC  Memo to Lois Chaffee, COFO, re peace education in MS 
12/01/64  Sandra(?) Adicks(?)  Letter to Lois Chaffee, COFO, re returning to work in MS & future plans 
12/01/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Memo to Marvin Rich, CORE, re community centers, MS 
12/02/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Henry and Sue, re insurance problems, MS 
12/02/64  Charley Horowitz, COFO  Minimun Needs of the COFO Communications Staff in Jackson, MS 
12/03/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Memo to Idessa Johnson, re subsistance and funding, MS 
12/3/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Amzie Moore re business application MS 
12/8/64  Beth Johnson, NAACP  Letter to Amzie Moore re quilting group MS 
12/11/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Sandra Adickes MS 
12/12/64  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to re Xmas gift MS 
12/14/64  Bock, Dukes, CORE  Progress Report for Havana Florida
12/16/64 Jake Friesen, MCC Report on Mississippi Delta. Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)
12/16/64 Jake Friesen, MCC MCC Response (Recommendations), MS. Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)
12/18/64  Stuart Wechsler, CORE  Letter to ILGWU
12/19/64  Name Redacted  Note to Dorothy Zellner from a husband opposed to his wife's participation in the Freedom Movement 
12/22/64  John Wilkins, volunteer  Letter to Alicia Kaplow returning support checks, MS 
Xmas 1964 Unsigned COFO Greetings and love to you all, re Gloria Richardson, Stokely Carmichael, and others (page[s] missing). MS
12/28/64  Hattiesburg, COFO  Dear Friends, letter from Hattiesburg MS. 
1964  Schwartzbaum  Barbara Schwartzbaum Letter MS. 
1964  Fredrick Brooks, CORE  Report From Jonesboro LA 
12/64  Warner Buxton, COFO  Clarke County Project Report, MS 
1964?  Joann Ooiman, CORE  Note to Kay re bail information for Canton project, MS Undated (presumed 1964 but possibly 1965) 
64? 65?  Mary Brumder, COFO  Memo on COFO problems & future, MS. Undated (probably late 1964 or early 1965) 

64 66  Phil Lapsansky  Note about Dave Dogget, Undated (probably 1964-66) 
64? 65?  Linda  Letter to Alicia Kaplow re a day in Mississippi. Undated (probably 1964 or '65) 
64? 65?  Courtland Cox, SNCC  Letter to Jessie (Morris?) re financial reimbursal, MS 
1965 Judy Richardson & othersSNCC residential freedom school progran reports & letters (21 documents)
1965  Abe (Osherhoff?)  Letter to Lucy Montgomery re greetings & brochure 
1965  Nancy Myron, COFO  Letter to Lucy Montgomery re Freedom Schools 
1965  Elizabeth Henry  Letter to friends re Washington March for Peace in Vietnam 
1/65  Guy & Candie Carawan  Letter re gathering freedom songs 
1/65  Linda Seese
Letter to Alicia Kaplow, re funding and Unitarian Society communications. Undated (probably Jan or Feb 1965) 
1/2/65  Larry Rubin, SNCC  Report From Marshal County MS 
1/2/65  Richard Haley, CORE  Letter to George Raymond re co-op procedures LA 
1/4/65 Ottinger Response from Hon. Ottinger to Judy Richardson waffling on the MFDP Congressional Challenge
1/5/65  Unsigned COFO/MFDP  Hello Outside World!, report from Holly Springs MS 
1/6/65  Mrs Orville Crup  Letter to Lois Chafee, COFO re support work MS 
1/6/65  Margaret Bushnell  Letter to Frank Cieciorka re reading materials (SNCC, COFO) 
1/08/65  John Wilkins, SNCC  Return of stipend check 
1/10/65  Idell Croft, SNCC  Letter to Alicia Kaplow with updates (handwritten) 
1/10/65  Pat Vail, COFO  Dear Family, letter about Greenville MS project & local family 
1/12/65  Karen Koonan, SNCC  Note re receipt of funds 
1/12/65  Lee [Illegible], Aberdeen MS  Thank you note for financial support (handwritten) 
1/15/65  Greg Kaslo, CORE  Weekly Report, Clark County MS. 
1/15/65  Marvin Rich, CORE  Letter to Richard Jewett MS 
1/17/65  Linda Allenstein, COFO  Dear Dick, re Lauderdale Co. MS 
1/18/65  Idell Craft, SNCC  Note re stolen money orders (handwritten) 
1/19/65  Mary Sue Gellatly, COFO  Letter to NCC re priest from Portland MS 
1/19/65  Richard Jewett, MFDP  Mississippi Field Report
1/21/65  Bob Abts, FoS  Note re organizing against South African Apartheid (handwritten) 
1/21/65  Charles Horwitz, COFO  Letter to Alcia Kaplow re his COFO work 
1/22/65  Charles Hartfield, Laurel MS  Note to Alicia Kaplow re sponsorship checks 
1/22/65 Lyn Busch, CORE Note to Bruce Hartford, re N-VAC & CORE in SoCal (handwritten)
1/25/65  JoAnn Ooiman, CORE  Letter to Richard Haley re New Orleans meeting 
1/26/65  Bernard & Ron Carver  Letter re police repression in Starkeville MS
1/26/65  Idell Croft, SNCC  Unemployed for working with The Movement (handwritten) 
1/31/65  Barbara Jones, SNCC  Note re sponsorship of Linda Seese (Spes Dolphin)
2/65  Judy Walborn, MFP-SU  Selma Alabama and the White Northern Liberal AL 
2/65  Roy Shields, SNCC  Overall Report, Southwest Georgia 
2/1/65  Jacob Cohen  Letter to Lois Chaffee, re Freedom School curriculum MS 
2/1/65  Alan Schiffmann, CORE  Neshoba Project Report MS 
2/3/65  Unsigned COFO  Report From Marks MS, ("1964" on document is probably a mistype) 
2/3/65  Vicki & Martin Nicolaus?  Letter to Hodes, re du Bois Freedom Library, Jackson MS. 
2/9/66  Richard Criley, CCDBR  Letter to Lucy Montgomery, re Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights 
2/11/66  Lyn Busch, CORE  Dear Bruce, letter to Bruce Hartford in jail for sitting-in (handwritten). CA. 
2/21/66  Mrs. E. Risley  Dearest Bruce, letter to Bruce Hartford in jail for sitting-in. CA. 
2/10/65  Richard Haley, CORE  Letter to C.O. Chinn MS 
2/11/66  Annie Devine, COFO  Note to Lucy Montgomery re the Greenville Crisis 
2/15/65  Frederick Johnson  Telegram to Lois Chaffee re study visit (NY) 
2/16/65  Mary Sue Gellately, COFO  Response to query about organizational dissension, Shaw, MS 
2/16/65  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Frederick Johnson re study visit MS 
1965  Matt Suarez  New Orleans Community Organizers — Report 
2/15/65  Vicki Nicolaus?, COFO  Dear Hodeses MS, 
2/15/65  Richard Haley, CORE  Letter to George Smith
2/15/65  Stephen Bingham, MFDP  Mississippi Letter, (26-pgs), 
2/16/65  C.O. Chin, CORE  Letter to Richard Haley, re building MS, 
2/18/65  Charley, Jackson MS  Dear Alicia, letter re work, situation, and illnesses in Jackson MS 
2/20/65  Ralph Featherstone, SNCC  The Stench of Freedom (Selma) 
2/22/65  Idell Croft, Greenwood MS  Dear Sue, note re problems cashing support money order (handwritten) 
2/23/65  Pat Vail, COFO  Dear Group, letter about Movement work in Mississippi 
2/25/65  Miriam Glickman  Why I Stopped Being on, SNCC Staff MS 
2/23/65  Marcellus Byrd, CORE  Letter to James Farmer, re payroll MS 
2/24/65  Lois Chaffee, COFO  Letter to Frederick Compton, re food and clothing MS, 
2/24/65  Unsigned COFO  Hattiesburg, COFO - Very Active MS. 
2/65  Unsigned SNCC  Perry County Alabama Report AL, 
3/2/65  To CA Gov. Brown  Letter From MS Governor Johnson 
3/2/65  Maeola Anderson, Greenwood MS  Thank you note to Kaplow requesting additional support 
3/3/65  Dave Novick, COFO  Note re financial hardship situation at Greenville & other projects, MS 
3/7/65 Roy Shields, SNCC Memo on Cordell, GA
3/10/65  Maeola Anderson, Greenwood MS  Mississippi Report, weekly report from Greenwood (handwritten) 
3/11/65  Pat Vail, COFO  Dear Family, re Movement life in Greeneville MS  
3/11/65  Arlene Wigoren, SNCC  Report on Demonstration at Capitol Club, Little Rock, AR 
3/15/65  Le Faucette, CORE  CORE field report, Tallahassee, FL. 
3/12/65  Milton Herst  Donation of fabric remnants for quilts 
3/15/65  Rev. Harry Bowie, DM  Letter & Report to Rev. Gayraud Wilmore MS 
3/16/65  Howard Zinn  Memo to Atlanta, SNCC re Selma AL 
3/17/65  Charles Hartfield, COFO  Seven-page report on Movment and repression in Laurel & Jones Co. MS   Original (PDF)  Formatted text (HTML) 
3/17/65  Septima Clark, SCLC  Dear Friend, re tribute to Rosa Parks 
3/19/65  Ronnie Moore, CORE  Bienville Parish Report LA 
1965  Bruce Hartford, SCLC  Four letters from Selma, AL 
3/19/65  SNCC workers  Letter From Batesville MS 
3/22/65  Pat Vail, COFO  Letter re picketing against job discrimination, arrest, and jail, Greeneville MS, MS  
3/22/65  Susan Morgan (Unitarians)  Letter to, COFO re helping with Freedom Centers (MD) 
3/25/65  Eunice Armstrong  Dear Lucy, letter to Lucy Montgomery 
3/23/65  Claire Hartford (parent)  Letter to LBJ from a worried mother AL
and Reply by John Doar (5/28/65) 
3/65  Randy Glenn, SNCC  Alabama Project 
3/24/65  William Beale, UFA  Donation for Freedom School project, MS 
3/24/65  Dombrowski & Braden, SCEF  Help Urgently Needed in Alabama 
3/29/65  Ben Hartfield, SNCC  Letter to Alicia Kaplow (FoS), re Laurel MS 
3/29/65  Rev. Dr. Janet Wolfe  Last Day of the Selma-Montgomery March AL 
3/31/64  Charles Hartfield, COFO  Letter/report about disruption and community divisions Laurel MS
Original (PDF)  Formatted text (HTML) 
3/65 Lynn Busch, CORE Dear Bruce, letter to Bruce Hartford re movement in SoCal
4/2/65  Bruce Hartford, SCLC  Letter to Lyn Busch & Bruin CORE re Selma protests in late March 1965 
4/2/65  Randy Glenn, CORE  Letter re, CORE and Selma & March to Montgomery AL 
4/2/65  Unsigned (SCEF?)  Letter re Selma & Montgomery protests
4/3/65  Pat Vail, COFO  Dear Lisa, letter re letter re picketing against job discrimination, arrest, and jail, Greeneville MS 
4/3/65  Pat Vail, COFO  Dear Family, update on conditions and life, Greeneville MS  
4/6/65  Eugene (Dean) Hite, SNCC  Note to Alicia Kaplow requesting subsistance funding (handwritten). Eugene (Dean) Hite, MS 
4/7/65  Bruce Hartford, SCLC  Letter to Lyn Busch & Bruin CORE re March to Montgomery 
4/8/65  Karen (Koonan?), SNCC  Note re subsistance funding for Fred Winn 
4/8/65  Margaret Lauren, SNCC  Note re subsistance funding priorities 
4/12/65  Bruce Hartford, SCLC  Letter to Lyn Busch & Bruin CORE re Correspondents & hunger 
4/14/65  Annell Ponder, SCLC  Letter to Lois re SCOPE project 
4/65  Judith Rollins, CORE  Scouting Report of Natchitoches Parish LA 
4/15/65  Will Ussery, CORE  Report on Arrest of Charles Williams (Bogalusa LA) 
4/17/65  Karen Koonan, SNCC  Note to Alicia Kaplow re subsistance (handwritten), MS 
4/19/65  Eric Fever, U of OK  Memo Hattiesburg Ministers Project accompanying donation to COFO. MS 
4/21/65  Charles Hartfield, COFO  Letter/report about 5th District meeting and clothing distribution, Laurel MS
Original (PDF)  Formatted text (HTML) 
4/27/65  Miriam Braverman  Letter to, COFO re Freedom libraries (NY) 
4/27/65 Augustine C— Thank you note for financial assistance (handwritten)
4/30/65 Janell Glass, COFO? Dear Lucy, letter to Lucy Montgomery describing Movement hardships in MS and requesting money for food
4/30/65  Spiver Gordon, CORE  Field Report FL 
5/1/65  Virginia Steele, COFO  Letter to anyone with photographs (PA) 
5/1/65  Eugene Hite, MFLU  Note to Alicia Kaplow re subsistance and MFLU (handwritten), Mayersville, MS 
5/4/65 Sue Thrasher, SSOC Fund appeal letter to Lucy Montgomery
5/5/65 Hardy Frye, SNCC Dear Don, letter to Don Monkrud re MS voting rights, Holly Springs
5/5/65  Hardy Frye, SNCC  Letter From Holly Springs MS 
5/5/65  Charles Hartfield, SNCC  Letter to Alicia Kaplow, re work in Mississippi 
5/7/65  Charlie Cobb, SNCC  A Reflective Look (Julian Bond's Campaign) GA 
5/11/65  Earnest Thomas (Deacons)  Letter to Ronnie Moore re Deacons of Defense & Justice LA 
5/12/65 Myles Horton, Highlander Letter to Carl Braden (SCEF) re SCEF's organizational role with AEPAC
5/14/65  Unsigned  Letter From Holly Springs MS 
5/17/65  Lucy, HREC  Letter to James and Rob about Highlander's education (TN) 
5/19/65  Bruce Hartford, SCLC  Letter to Lyn Busch & Bruin CORE re Selma situation and activities in May after the March to Montgomery 
5/21/65 Sue Thrasher, SSOC Letter to Lucy Montgomery re Chicago visit
1965 Bill Edmundson, SDS Note to Bruce Hartford about new SDS chapter in Birmingham, AL. Undated 1965
5/23/65  Bruce Hartford, SCLC  Letter to Lyn Busch & Bruin CORE re Selma boycott protests & arrests 
5/25/65  David Dennis, CORE  Letter to Dick Jewett about Field Fellowship program MS 
1965  Aviva Futorian, COFO  Letter From Holly Springs & Benton Co. MS 
5/65  Mimi Feingold, CORE  Scouting Report — St. Tammany Parish LA 
5/65  Sandra Watts, CORE  Report to Richard Haley MS 
6/65  Unknown  Field Report;Washington Parish (Bogalusa LA) 
6/65  Peter Mullenberg  Five Letters About Natchez Arrest & Jailing MS 
6/65  George Smith, CORE  Newton County Report MS 
6/7/65 Jane (Stembridge?) SNCC Personal note to Lucy Montgomery
6/64  Joseph Rauh  Two Letters to Bob Moses MS 
6/9/65  Unsigned  Letter from Adams County jail MS 
6/14/65 Fannie Rush, SNCC Note to Judy Richarson re freedom school
6/17/65  Nancy Turitz, SNCC  Letter From Jackson Jail MS 
6/28/65 Nancy Stoller, SNCC Dear Lucy, note to Lucy Montgomery from Arkansas SNCC project
6/29/65 Myles Horton, HREC Dear Lucy, note to Lucy Montgomery re workshop and activities
1965  Eugene & Nancy Turitz, SNCC  Four Letters From Mississippi 
1965  Jane Stembridge, SNCC  Stokely's Speech Class 
1965  Joanne Gavin, SNCC  Position Paper: Funds-Sources & Staff Salaries 
1965  SCLC workers  Reports From Crawfordville GA 
6/65  Harvey Malray (Deacons)  Statement re carrying shotgun LA 
1965  Jim Kates, COFO  Jackson City Jail MS 
7/65  Harriet, CDGM  Dear Friends MS 
7/65 Unsigned COFO Dear Ellen, re situation in MS
7/2/65 Mary Larson, COFO? Note to Lucy Montgomery re freedom schools and Movement activity in West Point MS (Clay Co). 8 pages.
7/7/65  Sen. Edward Kennedy, (USS)  Letter from: Sen. Edward Kennedy re Coleman nomination to the federal branch 
7/19/65 James Dombrowski, SCEF Note to Jack Greenberg of LDF re bail funds for Bob Zellner.
7/12/65  Pam Smith  Claiborne Parish incident report 
7/22/65  Meldon Acheson, CORE  Letter re, CORE Summer Project LA 
7/28/65  Murphy Dell, NAACP  Letter to Mayor of Baton Rouge LA re segregation 
1965  Sam Walker, COFO  Gulfport, MS. Report & Analysis   
7/65  Unknown  Report From Claiborne Parish (Homer, LA) 
7/65  Jim  Letter From Natchez, MS 
1965  James Kolb  Letter to DoJ re Denial of Voting Rights AL 
8/65? Bruce Hartford, SCLC Dear Anya, letter describing Freedom Movement work in Alabama, summer 1965. Undated (probably late August 1965)
8/65  Unsigned  Westpoint Mississippi, (re violence) 
8/65 Judy Richardson, SNCC Residential Freedom School Report. 12 pages.
8/65  Willie Griggs  To Whom This May Concern MS 
8/4/65 Arlene Wilgoren, SNCC Dear Mrs. Montgomery, thank you note for mimeograph donated to Pine Bluff AR protect
8/6/65  Rev. Janet Wolfe  Confrontation With Authorities in Greenville AL 
8/9/65 C. Conrad Brown, HERC Dear Lucy, note regarding Highlander Center workshops, TN
8/14/65 Rick Saling COFO/CORE Valley View Weekly Report, Madisono Co. MS
8/15/65 Marshall Bloom, SC Dear Mrs. Montgomery, letter re Alabama and future activities.
8/16/65 Rev. R.R. Rowe Dear Lucy, letter about need for freedom house in Fitzgerald GA (Ben Hill Co.)
8/18/65 John Buffington, SNCC Note about Beasley boycott, West Point, MS
8/22/65 Rick Saling, COFO Weekly Report, Valley View, August 15-22. MS
8/22/65 Unsigned VSCRC Dear Mrs. Montgomery, re Hampton SNCC conference, summer project, and field work in Virginia
8/23/65 Nancy Stoller, SNCC Dear Lucy, note to Lucy Mongtomery re needed materials and funds for Arkansas SNCC
8/24/65 Nancy Stoller, SNCC Dear Lucy, follow up note to Lucy Mongtomery re materials and funds for Arkansas SNCC
8/29/65 Marshall Bloom, SC Dear Mr. Gregory, letter to Dick Gregory re Southern Courier and the movement in Alabama
9/65  Timothy Jenkins, SNCC  Dear SNCC People, Tim Jenkins, SNCC. September 1965. Re rethinking the direction of SNCC and the Freedom Movement 
9/9/65 Barry Dawson The God's Truth letter to Judy Richardson re gassing of Girard College protesters.
9/21/65  Havard Richburg, CCVL  Letter to Bruce Hartford, SCLC AL 
9/24/65 Jake Friesen, MCC Delta Visit report, MS. 7 pages.
9/27/65  Stoney Cooks, SCLC  Telephone Report (Natchez, MS) 
9/29/65 Sue Thrasher, SSOC Dear Mrs. Montgomery, urgent funding request.
9/30/65  Maxine Skurka, CORE  Letter to Beverly Lee re offices of Crown Zellbach LA 
10/65  SNCC Staff  SNCC Field Reports 
10/65  Dona Richards, SNCC  Report on the Beginnings of the Africa Project 
10/3/65  Bruce Hartford, SCLC  Letter to the West Family (Selma AL) 
10/5/65  Rev. Larry Butler, SCLC  Report to SCLC on work in Barbour County AL 
10/5/65  Dodie Smith, CORE  Letter to Maxine Skurka re offices of Crown Zellbach LA 
10/6/65 C. Conrad Brown, HREC Dear Bette, letter to Mrs. Johnson and Bea Schniederman re Friends of Highlander outreach
10/8/65  Unsigned MFDP/CORE  4th Cong. District Office Daily Log MS
10/9/65  Unsigned MFDP/CORE  4th Cong. District Office Daily Log MS
10/9/65 Charles Horowitz, FIC Natchez Mississippi – Six Weeks of Crisis, MS. 8 page report.
10/10/65  Richards/Parris, OAU  Report from Africa on Organization of African Unity 
10/65  Mike Miller, SNCC  Letter to Cynthia Washington re, SNCC 
10/10/65  Unsigned MFDP/CORE  4th Cong. District Office Daily Log MS
10/12/65 Wilfred Unruh, BCS Diary of a Visit to Gulfport MS, Board of Christian Service (BCS)
10/12/65  Unsigned MFDP/CORE  4th Cong. District Office Daily Log MS
10/12/65  Lynne Hollander, CORE  Letter to Judy Richardson re freedom primer MS 
10/15/65  Walter Gilbert, CORE  Report #1 on Fire attack on CORE office in Carthage, MS (handwritten) 
10/15/65  Lynne Hollander, CORE  Report #2 on Fire attack on CORE office in Carthage, MS (handwritten) 
10/15/65  Unsigned MFDP/CORE  4th Cong. District Office Daily Log MS
10/19/65  Judy Richardson, SNCC  Letter to Lynne Hollander re freedom primer GA 
10/19/65 Edgar Stoesz, MCC Mississippi-Mexico-California Trip Diary, October 5-19 1965. 5 pages.
10/23/65 Lulu Bell Johnson Dear Montgomery, letter to Mrs. Montgomery re SNCC and clothing drive in Greenwood MS. (Handwritten)
1965  Bruce Hartford, SCLC  Letter re civil rights work in AL 
11/65  Stokely Carmichael, SNCC  Letter From Lowndes County AL 
11/65  Bertha Alice Nelson, Cleveland MS  Plea to McCrakin (OFC) for assistance with bills due to economic retaliation for Movement participation (handwritten) 
Fall '65  Bruce Hartford, SCLC  To whom it may concern in SDS, (a snarky criticism). Undated (probably Fall 1965) 
11/1/65 Edward Williams Letter to Lucy Montgomery re funds for community center, Rosedale MS (Bolivar Co.)
11/6/65  Lynne Hollander, CORE  Letter to Sullivan Associates re Programmed Reading MS 
64–66?  Bob Abt  Personal note to Alicia Kaplow, re arrival in Los Angeles. Undated (probably 1964-1966) 
11/11/65  Citizens of Tallulah, CORE  Letter to the Mayor of Tallulah re fire stationLA 
11/65  Charles McLaurin, SNCC  Notes on Rural Organizing 
12/2/65  Pearl Hershfield  Letter re Donated clothing for The South (handwritten) 
12/3/65  Cleveland Williams  Letter to Lucy Montgomery re Freedom Brick Co-Op (handwritten)
65-66 Correspondence thread re activists & college admissions
Unsigned SNCC: Letter to Alicia Kaplow re admissions to Univ. of Wisconsin 12/3/65
Ruth Doyle, UW: Memo re Negro Students, questions/answers. 12/30/65
Dave Achibald, SNCC: Letter re striking high school students in Forrest City AK, 2/8/66
Ruth Doyle, UW: Response re Forrest City students & Univ of Wisc., 2/11/66
Esther Heifetz, SNCC: Letter re Forrest City student situation, 2/25/66
12/6/65  Daggett Harvey  Letter to Lucy Montgomery re: Economic and cultural development 
12/10/65  Myrna Thomas  Note to Lucy Montgomery re: support needed (handwritten) 
12/15/65  Isaac Foster  Letter to Lucy Montgomery re: Tent City, MS 
12/16/65  Burt Selle  Letter to Lucy Montgomery re: Xmas appeal for children 
12/21/65  Lula Williams  Note to Lucy Montgomery re appreciation for donated clothes MS (handwritten) 
12/21/65  Nina  Note to Lucy Montgomery re appreciation for Xmas box 
12/30/65  Fay Bellamy, SNCC  Report on Lowndes County tent city. AL 

1966 SNCC Documents & Reports Atlanta Vine City Project
1966 SNCC, SCLC 1966 Alabama Elections: Letters & Reports
1966  Unknown (MCHR)  Report on Alabama MCHR Project 
1966  John Buffington, SNCC  Note to Lucy Montgomery requesting money to repair bus for West Point MS project 
1966 Lyn Busch, CORE Note to Bruce Hartford re jail sentence of friend, CA. Undated 1966.
1/9/66  Charlie Cobb, SNCC  Dear Mary (to Mary King re SNCC) 
1/10/66  Abner J. Mivka  Telegram to Georgia governor from Hon. Abner Mivka (D-IL) opposing refusal to seat Julian Bond 
1/11/66  Oberia Holliday, MFDP  Announcement and appeal re West Point MS sewing co-op 
1/11/66 Sam Hampton, MS Dear Alicia Kaplow, note re situation and request for funds from Charleston MS (handwritten)
1/12/66  Ann Cook, SWAP  Announcement from Friends of Student Woodlawn Area Project, Chicago, IL 
1/19/66  Denise Nicholas, FST  Letter to Lucy Montgomery re research into Black drama at the Shomberg Library 
1/26/66  Lowell Sachnoff, TTP  Letter to Ken Montgomery re Turn Towards Peace strategy and future 
1/27/66 Dottie Zellner, SNCC Dear Mary, personal note to Mary King
2/17/66 Karen Whitman, SNCC Note to University of Wisconsin student supporters
2/25/66  Monroe Sharp, FoS  Emergency fund appeal letter for SNCC to Lucy Montgomery 
3/07/66  Farn? Hampton  Note to Alcia Kaplow re progress and difficulties in Charleston MS, (handwritten) 
3/65 Bruce Hartford, SCLC Dear Bob and Dorothy, re work in Alabama and upcoming May primary elections
3/66 Bruce Hartford, SCLC Memo to R.T. Blackwell, SCLC, re the possibility of using the film "Salt of the Earth" as an organizing tool.
3/8/66 Stanley Bohn, MCC Findings of Mississippi Trip February 1966, March 8 1966. 10 pages
3/31/66 R.T. Blackwell, SCLC Memo to Bruce Hartford re "Salt of the Earth"
3/9/66  Stokely Carmichael, SNCC  Note to Lucy Montgomery re Tent City in Lowndes County, March 9 1966 
3/26/66  Frank Smity, NDI  Note to Lucy Montgomery, re Strike City and events in Jackson MS. 
3/29/66  Tina Harris, SNCC  Note to Lucy Montgomery, re proposed Poor Peoples Land Corpration AL 
4/66 Bruce Hartford, SCLC Dear Family, letter abount voting rights struggle in Hale Co. AL
Bruce Hartford, SCLC  Three Field Reports from Hale County 
4/6/66  Marion Wright  Invitation to school desegregation conference, MS 
5/66  Rev. Samuel Wells, SCLC  Report on Marengo County AL 
5/2/66     Letter to Sen. Fullbright opposing U.S. enabling of Portugeuse colonialism in Africa, academic department heads, Lincoln University, PA 
5/3/66  Lucy Montgomery  Letter to Frank and Jean Smith re NAACP Legal Defense and Education convocation. 
5/3/66  James Forman, SNCC  Note to Lucy Montgomery, re loan and living arrangements in Atlanta GA 
5/9/66  Lucy Moore  Letter to Lucy Montgomery re Volunteer Teachers for Africa and failures of U.S. government 
6/4/66 Jon Tavasti, CORE Hi Ho Bruce, letter about state of the Movement in Venice & L.A. CA (Handwriten)
6/9/66  Unsigned, SNCC  An Organizer's Notebook, (AR) 
6/24/66  Alicia Kaplow & Elizabeth FoS/SNCC?  Exchange of notes about contacting former SNCC staff 
6/29/66  Russell James, USDA  Denial of food assistance, MS 
7/66 Bruce Hartford, SCLC Letter about Meredith Mississippi March and Grenada MS
7/13/66  Hosea Williams, SCLC  Letter to National Council of Churches re sound system MS 
7/66  Bruce Hartford, SCLC  Letter about the Meredith Mississippi March 
7/66?  M. George Walters, DM?  The Mississippi Freedom March and Issued Raised for the Movement, re Meredith March Against Fear and Black Power 
8/66? Bruce Hartford, SCLC Dear Goldmans, note to Mari Goldman requesting Conscientious Objector draft status support letter. Undated (probably July or August 1966)
8/66 Unsigned, MCC Mississippi Recommendations. Undated (probably August or September 1966)
8/3/66  Senotobia MS SNCC workers  Note to Alicia Kaplow re desperate need for financial help (handwritten) 
8/10/66  Bruce Hartford, SCLC  Weekly Report, Grenada MS. 
8/12/66  Bruce Hartford, SCLC  Daily Individual Report, Grenada MS. 
8/3/66  Ernest Powers, SNCC  Note to Alicia Kaplow re desperate need of financial help (handwritten) (Senatoba MS) 
8/5/66  Janine(?) Haynes  Desperate plea for help with welfare denial addressed to Marian Wright, (handwritten. MS 
8/8/66  Walden Howard  Four Days For Freedom, report from Grenada, Mississippi 
8/9/66  Dwight Bozeman  Grenada, Mississippi, report on mob violence 
8/20/66  Sid Walker, SNCC  Memo to, SNCC Central Committee MS 
8/31/66 Edgar Stoesz, MCC Mississippi-Mexico trip itinerary & plan
9/1/66  Bruce Hartford, SCLC  Weekly Report (Grenada MS) 
9/66  Bruce Hartford, SCLC  Letter about the Grenada MS movement 
9/66  John Salter, NAACP  Letter Describing Medgar Evers MS 
9/66 Bruce Hartford, SCLC Dear Kahns, letter describing the Grenada MS movement. 5 pages.
9/16/66  Bruce Hartford, SCLC  School Integration Report (Grenada, MS 
9/16/66 Edgar Stoesz, MCC Mississippi-Mexico Trip Diary. 4 pages.
9/26/66 Herber Biberman, filmmaker Letter to Bruce Hartford re the film Salt of the Earth
9/30/66 Edgar Stoesz, MCC Mississippi Trip Report. 6 pages.
10/66  Lorenzi & Shimkin, FIS  Report on a Meeting of Community Organizers in MS. 
1966  Gwen Patton, SNCC  Lowndes County Election Fraud 
10/9/66 Bruce Hartford, SCLC Letter to Representative George Brown (D-CA) regarding Grenada Mississippi movement and federal government failures. 2 pages
10/26/66  Unsigned, SNCC  Note to Alicia Kaplow re desperate need for funds (West Point MS) 
10/27/66  Bruce Hartford, SCLC  Arrest Report (Grenada MS) 
1966  Bruce Hartford, SCLC  ASCS Organizing Report #1 
1966  Bruce Hartford (SCLC  ASCS Report #2 
10/17/66  Robert Gelgach  Letter to Lucy Montgomery, re Cook for Congress campaign (IL) 
11/66  Fay Bellamy, SNCC  A Little Old Report (re Stokeley & SNCC) 
11/66  Loraine Howard  Taliaferro Ladies' Goes to Washington, GA 
11/19/66 Bruce Hartford, SCLC Proposal for preserving SCLC history
12/6/66  Bruce Hartford, SCLC  Report on Poor Peoples Committee (Grenada MS) 
12/11/66 Hosea Williams, SCLC Memo to Bruce Hartford, re Grenada MS
12/18/66 Tom Offenburger, SCLC Letter to Bruce Hartford re SCLC history proposal
12/66  Bruce Hartford (SCLC  North & South Report (re Grenada MS) 

1/7/67  Dora & Joe Adams  Note to Alicia Kaplow re appreciation of support (West Point MS), 
1/7/67  Illegible, OFC  Letter to Amzie Moore re: Money Orders
1/14/67  Bruce Hartford, SCLC  Report on Poor Peoples Committee (Grenada MS) 
1/17/67 E. David Cronon, WHS Memo to Bruce Hartford, from Wisconsin Historical Society re preservation of Civil Rights Movement materials
1/24/67  Ceaser Scott, SNCC  Letter to John Doar re conditions & problems Bolivar Co. MS 
2/8/67 Leslie Fishel, WHS Memo to Bruce Hartford, from Wisconsin Historical Society re collection and preserving Civil Rights Movement materials. With checklist.
2/9/67  Chico Neblett, SNCC  Letter to Howard Zinn re post-SNCC travels & travails (handwritten) 
2/67 Bruce Hartford, SCLC Correspondence with local activists in Grenada, MS (some handwritten)
2/27/67 George Brown, HoR (D-CA) Reply to Bruce Hartford, re Vietnam War
3/67  Fay (Bellamy?), SNCC  Dear Staff (To SNCC) 
3/67 Jim Bulloch, SCLC Letter re Grenada MS and SCLC (handwritten), Mississippi.
3/8/67 Hosea Williams, SCLC Note to Bruce Hartford, re Grenada MS
3/12/67 Bruce Hartford, SCLC Dear Aileen, note to activists in Grenada MS
3/16/67  Charlie Cobb, SNCC  Letter to US on his Trip to Vietnam #1 
3/19/65  Charlie Cobb, SNCC  Letter to US on his Trip to Vietnam #2 
3/21/67  C. Conrad Browne, HREC  Letter to Amzie, re materials (TN) 
3/22/67  Kenneth Wagner, MRDC  Letter to Amzie Moore, re proposal MS 
3/23/67  Mrs. Kenneth Montgomery  Letter to Amzie, re political training session MS 
3/24/67  Mrs. Kenneth Montgomery  Letter to Amzie, re political campaign program MS 
4/5/67  J.M. Merrell, OEO  Letter to Mrs. Mary Ree McCaskill MS re dispute over Head Start program, MS 
5/67 Bruce Hartford, SCLC America in May, political-thoughts addendum enclosed with several letters in May of '67
5/2/67  Arthur L. Ward  Letter to Amzie Moore, re pre-school MS 
5/2/67  Juanita Johnson  Letter to Amzie Moore, re Head-Start School MS 
6/27/67  Mrs. Harold Respass  Letter to Amzie Moore re donation of clothes MS 
7/17/67 Amzie Moore, NAACP Dear Mr. Moore, invitation to discuss housing inssues in MS from Clay Cochran, ISHHA
1967  John Obee  Dear Mom and Dad 
8/67  Fay Bellamy, SNCC  Letter on Role of Women 
8/1/67  Maurice McCrackin, OFC  Letter to Amzie, re health MS 
8/15/67  Maurice McCrackin, OFC  Letter to Charles McLaurin re financial situation MS 
8/15/67  Maurice McCrackin, OFC  Letter to Amzie re McLaurin's financial situation MS 
8/23/67  Maurice McCrackin, OFC  Letter to Amzie, re programs MS 
8/30/67  Edgar Cahn  Letter to Amzie, re Citizens' Rights Complaint Center MS 
9/67  George Ware, SNCC  Report to, SNCC Staff on Trip to Cuba 
9/8/67  John Wilson  Letter to Maurice, re Operation Freedom 
9/10/67  Laura Engle  Note to Amzie Moore, re food stamp problemsMS 
9/11/67  Illegible OFC  Note to Amzie Moore, re asthma & support work MS 
9/22/67  Lowell Dodge  Letter to Joel Fleishman, Yale Univ re leadership training for MS 
Fall '67 Josh Gould Whata ya say Bruce?, Letter to Bruce Hartford re organizing G.I. against the Vietnam War
10/4/67  William Alexander (candidate)  Letter to Amzie Moore asking for his political support in state Senate race. MS 
10/10/67  Willard McIlwan (candidate)  Letter to Amzie Moore asking for his political support in state Senate race. MS 
10/12/67  Mrs. Mable Wilmington, PPC  Letter to Mr. Moore, re list of names MS 
10/16/67  Maurice McCrackin, OFC  Memo to Amzie Moore, re support work MS 
10/31/67  Rubel Phillips (candidate)  Letter to Amzie Moore asking for his political support in Governor's race. MS 
10/31/67  Rubel Phillips (candidate)  Letter to Amzie Moore asking for his political support in Governor's race. MS 
11/67 Lenny, Resistance Note to Bruce Hartford about anti-war and draft resistance in NYC
11/67 Bruce Hartford, SDS Dear Lenny & Co. letter discussing Stop the Draft Week tactics comparing Oakaland to NYC
11/20/67  Maurice McCrackin OFC  Note to Amzie Moore, re his health MS 
12/8/67 Josh Gould Dear Bruce, note to Bruce Hartford from jail (handwritten)

1968 and later
1968?  Dorothy Zellner, SCEF  Report to the SCEF Board From the Deep South Project, undated 
4/7/68  Joe MS  Dear Faith re families MS 
5/14/68  Unsigned  West Marks Democratic Party precinct convention, MS 
8/1/68  Charles Jefferson, SCLC  Report from Grenada MS 7/26-8/2/68 
9/68  Charles Jefferson, SCLC  Report from Grenada MS 9/9-9/14/68 
9/68  Charles Jefferson, SCLC  Report from Grenada MS 9/16-9/22/68 
10/29/68  Charles Jefferson, SCLC  Weekly Report from Grenada MS 
11/6/68  Charles Jefferson, SCLC  Letter to Hosea Williams from Grenada MS 
11/18/68  Charles Jefferson, SCLC  Weekly Report, Grenada MS 
12/9/68  Charles Jefferson, SCLC  Weekly Report, Grenada MS 
12/29/69  Victor Cassidy, SNCC  Letter to Wisconsin Historical Society re donation of SNCC papers 

See also:

History & Timeline: 1951-1968 — Descriptions of Movement events. 
Our Words — Articles & speeches by Movement veterans written at the time. 
Documents — Movement publications, reports, organizing, strategy, etc. 
Photo Album — Movement photos, posters, etc. 
Our Thoughts — Retrospectives and later analysis by Movement veterans. 
Our Stories — Memories, narratives & interviews of Movement veterans. 
Our Thoughts — Analyses and commentaries by Movement veterans. 
Discussions — Transcripts of group discussions by veterans. 

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