This section contains memos and field reports to headquarters, letters written to family and friends, and letters for publication & circulation, by freedom workers in the field during 1951-1968. See also Reports, Minutes & Plans for organizational reports.
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Letter & Report Collections from Specific Areas & Projects:
Southwest Georgia, 1963-1966
Mississippi Freedom Summer letters & reports, SNCC/CORE/SCLC/COFO, 1964
See also: Mississippi, Louisiana, & Florida Summer Project Documents, 1964-1966
Alabama Elections of 1966, SNCC/SCLC. 1965-1966
Arkansas Project, SNCC. 1965
Hattiesburg MS Report & Evaluation Forms. Summer 1964
Meridian & Canton Mississippi, CORE/COFO. 1964-65
North Florida Citizen Education Project, CORE. 1964-65
SCOPE Project, SCLC. 1965
Selma Alabama & March to Montgomery, SNCC/SCLC. 1963-1965
Sunflower Co. & Ruleville Mississippi, SNCC/COFO/MFDP. 1962-65
7/55 | Rosa Parks, NAACP | Workshop Notes ~ Highlander Center |
3/56 | Fred Halstead | Impressions of the Montgomery Bus Boycott |
6/4/56 | Mobile, NAACP | Letter to Thurgood Marshall re Attack on NACCP |
10/56 | T.R.M. Howard, RCNL | Letter to Lyman Beecher Stowe MS |
12/17/57 | Daisy Bates, NAACP | Letter to Roy Wilkins re Little Rock Nine |
6/25/59 | Bayard Rustin | Report on the Youth March for Integrated Schools, DC |
7/59 | Ella Baker, SCLC | Memo to SCLC Leadership |
1960 | Everette & Jackson | The Hampton Sit-Ins and Southern Society VA |
1/1/60 | Amzie Moore, RCNL | Letter to Jim Dombroski of SCEF, re debt and fight to save his service station. |
1/17/60 | Unsigned | Letter to James Gilliam, re payments for Amzie Moore project |
1/27/60 | Jim Dombrowski, SCEF | Letter to Amzie Moore of RCNL, re financing. |
2/60 | Unsigned | Montgomery Students Sit In Story AL |
2/16/60 | Frederick Paul Huey | Letter to Amzie Moore, RNCL, re incident with police in Ruleville MS |
2/24/60 | Jim Dombrowski, SCEF | Letter to Amzie Moore, RNCL, re project advisory committee |
4/14/60 | Amzie Moore, RCNL | Letter to MS Republican Party, re discrimination and retaliation by U.S. Postal Service. MS. |
4/18/60 | W.A. Yerger, GOP | Note to Amzie Moore rejecting his request for assistance against discrimination., MS |
4/18/60 | R.L. Drew, RCNL | Meeting announcement note, Mound Bayou, MS |
4/19/60 | Medgar Evers, NAACP | Memo to Amzie Moore, re NAACP leadership meeting in Cleveland MS. |
5/10/60 | Amzie Moore, RCNL | Letter to Jim Dombrowski (SCEF), re retaliatory firing of teachers and voting rights. |
6/60 | Bishop College students | The Marshall Sit-Ins, April TX |
6/29/60 | Ina Goodloe, RCNL | Encouragement note to Amzie Moore, RCNL. MS. |
7/20/60 | Jas? | Memo to Grafton Grey (RCNL?), re teachers denied tenure in MS |
1/17/61 | B.E. Murph, NAACP | Memo to Amzie Moore re Organizing youth council, MS |
1/26/61 | Amzie Moore, RCNL | Letter to Jane & Kerina, re voting and poverty in MS |
1/27/61 | Aaron Henry, NAACP | Letter to supporters, re Trammell campaign 3rd Congressional District, MS. |
2/15/61 | Rev. Schaller, NYC | Note to Amzie Moore re need for children's clothing. MS |
3/23/61 | Medgar Evers, NAACP | Note to Amzie Morre re Julie Wright and NAACP Youth Meeting. MS |
7/61 | Virginia Durr | Letter re Freedom Riders in Montgomery |
Fall | Joan Traumpauer | The Plantation and the Oasis Tougaloo, MS |
1961 | Joan Browning | Albany Freedom Ride Letters and Chronology GA |
12/61 | Student activists | Report on sit in, Crisfield MD |
1/62 | Watkins & Hayes, SNCC | Report from Hollis Watkins and Curtis Hayes MS |
1/15/62 | Robinson/Hansen, CIG | Field Reports: Cambridge MD. |
1/20/62 | Robinson/Hansen, CIG | Field Reports: Cambridge MD. |
1/25/62 | Robinson/Hansen, CIG | Field Reports: Cambridge MD. |
2/62 | Paul Brooks, SNCC | Recent Progress of the Jackson Nonviolent Movement |
3/18/62 | James Laue | Letter from Harvard student to Diane and James Bevel re thesis interview, MS |
3/62 | Tom Rose | Letter to James Laue re information for a book on Negro students, MS |
5/62 | Ella Baker, SNCC | Letter to Web Owens McComb, MS |
5/2/62 | Jean Young, SNCC | Letter to Jim Bevel re Diane Bevel's arrest in Jackson and organizing a woman's protest |
5/25/62 | Dave Dennis, CORE | Report re Freedom Rides, Shreveport, LA |
6/6/62 | Bobby Talbert, SNCC | Note to Diane Bevel re protest arrest on post office steps (federal property), MS |
6/21/62 | Benita Packer, SCLC | Letter to James Bevel re undelivered books for citizenshp program. MS |
9/26/62 | Colia Liddell, NAACP | Letter to Bob Moses re political situation and voter registration assist in Laurel MS |
9/29/62 | Unsigned, SNCC | A Report Student Nonviolent Activities in Southern Illinois IL |
10/29/62 | Unsigned, SNCC | Letter to Charles McLaurin re police harrassment of James Jones and others trying to register to vote in Coahoma Co. MS |
11/6/62 | Frank Holloway, SNCC | Letter to Jim, Gadsden AL |
11/21/62 | Charles Butts, MFP | Letter re overdue payment on account, MS |
12/62 | Bob Moses, SNCC/COFO | Letter to Martha Prescod re Hunger in MS |
12/8/62 | Frank Smith, SNCC | Report on Work in Marshall County MS |
1/63 | Sam Block, SNCC | Letter to Jim [Forman?], from Greenwood MS. |
1/1/63 | Chris Bagdikian | Letter to Bob Moses for college application, MS |
1/9/63 | Anne Braden, SCEF | Letter to Diane Nash Bevel re tribute to the Bevel family MS |
1/12/63 | Bob Mants, SNCC | Note to Howard Zinn re Zinn's education proposal, (handwritten) |
1/13/63 | Maurice McCrackin, OFC | Letter to Amzie Moore re voting rights retaliation, NAACP MS |
1/17/63 | Diane Nash, SNCC | Letter to Betsy re baby and financial support for her SNCC work, MS |
1/19/63 | Cunninghams, NAACP | Dear Mr. Moore (re: clothing), MS |
1/21/63 | Bob Moses, SNCC | Report on Mississippi Project for 1962 |
1/31/63 | Bob Moses, SNCC | Letter to Northern Supporters MS |
1963 | Various | SNCC Field Reports (From, SNCC 50th Anniversary Conference) |
1/31/63 | Amzie Moore, NAACP | Letter to Operation Freedom re Suphronia Conway MS |
2/63 | Jack McArt, OFC | Notes on the Delta Area of Mississippi |
2/2/63 | Maurice McCrackin, OFC | Reply to Suphronia Conway letter MS |
2/8/63 | Maurice McCrackin, OFC | Dear Mr. Moore (re: Conway) MS |
2/8/63 | David Dennis, CORE | Letter to Amzie Moore re emergency food donations MS |
2/8/63 | David Dennis, CORE | Dear Mr. Moore (Re: food shipment) MS |
2/15/63 | Bobby Talbert | To Amzie Moore re woman forced from home. MS |
2/15/63 | Unsigned | Appeal letter to Amzie Moore Greenwood MS |
2/63 | Peter Stoner, Tougaloo | Letter Amzie Moore & Jim Bevel re funding for project. MS |
1963 | Bob {Illegible}, SNCC | Dear Judy: letter from Greenwood, MS |
3/63 | David Dennis, CORE | Selected Sections Field Report MS |
3/12/63 | Jim Dombrowski, SCEF | Letter to Amzie Moore re financial matters MS |
3/20/63 | McMillen & Patterson | Invitation to Amzie Moore Laymen Movement to the Educational Convention of the State of Mississippi |
3/25/63 | Harvey Richards, filmmaker | Letter to Amzie Moore re interview tapes MS |
3/28/63 | Maurice McCrackin, OFC | Letter to Amzie Moore re re voting rights retaliation MS |
3/30/63 | Bobby Talbert, SNCC | Daily reports (possibly from Greenwood MS) |
4/1/63 | Amzie Moore, NAACP | Letter to OFC re funds MS |
4/3/63 | James Gilliam (Masons) | Letter to Amzie Moore re: expenses & etc. MS |
4/6/63 | Mendy Samstein, SNCC | Dear Howie, letter to (Howard Zinn?) re planning a trip for movement organizers. |
4/11/63 | Maurice McCrackin, OFC | Letter to Amzie MooreNAACP re voting rights retaliation MS |
4/12/63 | Marion Palfi, SNCC | Letter to Bob Moses re FBI request for evidence, MS |
1963 | Wazir Peacock, SNCC | Note to unidentified, SNCC member (reThe Mailman's March?) |
1963? | Judy Walborn, SNCC? | Student "Non-Violent" Agitators Face Repression and Injury, undated (possibly 1963) |
1963 | Louis Nasper | Danville, VA (police violence) |
1963 | Eric Rainey | Gadsden, AL (the Gadsden Movement) |
1963 | Dennis Roberts | Journal Southwest Georgia |
5/5/63 | Maurice McCrackin, OFC | Letter to Amzie Moore re voting rights retaliation |
5/7/63 | Sylvester Williams | Apologies for missed visit, MS |
5/22/63 | Maurice McCrackin, OFC | Letter to Amzie Moore re voting rights retaliation |
5/27/63 | Frank Smith, SNCC | Intimidation, MS |
5/29/63 | Carl Braden, SCEF | Letter to Amzie Moore re Movement MS |
5/63 | Hulda Taylor | My Participation in the Sit-insNC |
6/14/63 | Theodore Brown, ANLCA | Letter to Attorney General re Jackson MS |
1963 | Bobby Talbert, SNCC | Daily reports from, SNCC workers in Greenwood MS |
6/19/63 | Jerry Cunningham | Letter to Amzie Moore re voting rights retaliation MS |
6/19/63 | Maurice McCrackin, OFC | Dear Amzie (re: money orders) MS |
6/20/63 | Florence Randall, Indiana | Letter to Amzie Moore re voting rights retaliation MS |
6/26/63 | Robert Whitfield, SNCC | Letter to Amzie Moore, re Pine Bluff Movement AR |
7/63 | Bob Moses, SNCC/COFO | Letter to U.S. Commission on Civil Rights re MS |
7/3/63 | Martin Luther King, SCLC | Letter to Jack O'Dell re his forced resignation |
7/4/63 | Jane, SNCC | Letter to Diane & Jim, re SNCC work plans. Unsigned (possibly from Jane Stembridge to Diane Nash & Jim Monsonis |
7/4/63 | Jane, SNCC | Letter to Diane & Jim, re SNCC work plans. Unsinged (possibly from Jane Stembridge to Diane Nash & Jim Monsonis |
7/11/63 | Glenn Smiley, FOR | Note to James Bevel, re ministerial participation in March on Washington |
7/11/63 | Glenn Smiley, FOR | Note to James Bevel, re ministerial participation in March on Washington |
7/16/63 | Marion Palfi, SNCC | Letter to Amzie Moore, re support work |
7/22/63 | Grace Hewell, HEW | Letter to Diane Nash Bevel, re publications kit for community work from Johnson Publications |
8/4/63 | Jane Stembridge, SNCC | Letter to Anne Braden re MS & Southern Education Center |
8/4/63 | Jane Stembridge, SNCC | Letter to Constance Curry, re literacy & Southern Education Center |
8/4/63 | Jane Stembridge, SNCC | Letter to Suzanne Freund, re literacy programs |
8/5/63 | Jane Stembridge, SNCC | Letter to Bob Moses re Southern Education Center and Tougaloo Work Study Program |
8/5/63 | Jane Stembridge, SNCC | Letter to Tom Kahn, re Tougaloo Work Study Program |
8/12/63 | Lucy Komisar, FP | Letter to Amzie Moore, reFree Pressarticles MS |
9/3/63 | John Henrk Clarke, FW | Letter to Jim and Diane Bevel re Winter issue of Freedomways |
9/4/63 | Nannette Sachs, CORE | Letter to Amzie Moore, re trip to Madison WI |
9/15/63 | Sam Shirah, SNCC | Field report MS |
9/63 | Casey Hayden, SNCC | Correspondence with Art Waskow IPS. May-September |
9/20/63 | Oscar Chase | Letter to Art Waskow re Tougaloo work study program. MS |
9/26/63 | Sam Shirah, SNCC | Field report SC |
9/30/63 | Casey Hayden | Dear Stokely, letter re Bob Moses, Art Waskow & IPS |
9/30/63 | Mrs. Hamer, SNCC | Letter to Northern Supporters MS |
1963 | Ivanhoe Donaldson, SNCC | Jackson Mississippi, Late 1963 (police harassment) |
1963 | Courtland Cox, SNCC | Letter to, SNCC About Direct Action |
9/20/63 | Conrad Lynn, NAACP | Letter to Amzie Moore, re Freedom Now Party MS |
9/20/63 | Sam Block, SNCC | Letter to the Kennedys re lack of justice MS |
9/26/63 | Sam Shirah, SNCC | Field report SC |
10/1/63 | Sam Shirah, SNCC | Field report from SC |
10/4/63 | Sam Shirah, SNCC | Field report from SC |
10/9/63 | Sam Shirah, SNCC | Field Report from SC |
10/16/63 | Arthur Waskow | Reply to Oscar Chase re Tougaloo work study program MS |
10/18/63 | Myles Horton, Highlander | Myles Horton to Bob Moses |
10/18/63 | Arthur Waskow | Letter to Mary King re police brutality affadavits |
10/20/63 | Amzie Moore, NAACP | Letter to U.S. Attorney re money owed. MS |
10/21/63 | Mary King | Letter to Art Waskow re ongoing work |
10/20/63 | Amzie Moore, NAACP | Letter to Dombrowski re business permit MS |
10/20/63 | Dave Dennis, CORE | Letter to national, CORE re Mississippi situation & plans |
10/20/63 | Amzie Moor, NAACP | Letter to Harvey Richards MS |
10/23/63 | Arthur Waskow | Reply to Mary King re ongoing work MS |
10/23/63 | Joan Bowman, COFO | The Freedom Ballot for Governor MS, |
10/30/63 | Sam Shirah, SNCC | Field Report from Ohio |
1963 | Miriam Glickman, SNCC | Integration in the Deep South: Death Goes On |
1963 | Bob Moses, SNCC | Memo to ExComm re Mississippi Project |
11/63 | Theresa, FoS | Note about Freedom Ballot (handwritten). Undated (probably Nov 1963) |
11/4/63 | Mary King | Dear Art re: Mississippi Freedom Vote MS |
11/7/63 | Dona Richards, Oscar Chase | Letter to Art Waskow re: Work-Study Project) |
11/13/63 | Amzie Moore, NAACP | Letter to Operation Freedom MS |
11/13/63 | Amzie Moore, NAACP | Letter to Robert Owens re FHA loan MS |
11/14/63 | Amzie Moore, NAACP | Letter to Carl & Anne Braden re FHA loan MS |
11/14/63 | Amzie Moore, NAACP | Letter to Mr. Ray re FHA loan MS |
11/18/63 | Anne Braden, NAACP | Letter to Norman Kurland re FHA loan KY |
11/18/63 | Anne Braden, SCEF | Letter to Amzie Moore re FHA loan KY |
11/19/63 | Jane Stembridge, SNCC | Personal letter to Mary King |
11/22/63 | Amzie Moore, NAACP | Letter to Mr. Ray re FHA loan MS |
11/23/63 | Sam Shirah, SNCC | Field Report from Kentucky & Florida |
12/5/63 | Mike Thelwell | Letter to Art Waskow re, SNCC |
12/9/63 | Anne & Carl Braden, SCEF | Letter to Amzie Moore re FHA loan KY |
12/17/63 | Jack McKart | Letter to Amzie Moore re Operation Freedom |
1964? | Richard Haley, CORE | Letter to Greg Kaslo LA | |
1964 | Jimmie Jones, SNCC | Note requesting supplies (handwritten). Undated (probably 1964) | |
1964 | Idessa Johnson, COFO | Letter to Lois Chafee re pay Clarksdale MS | |
1964 | Tom Foner, COFO | Hattiesburg report MS | |
1964 | Richard Haley, CORE | Letter to Greg Kaslo LA | |
1964 | Sam Shirah, SNCC | Report on the Gainsville Movement FL | |
1964 | Carl Young, COFO | Holly Springs Freedom School newspaper copies Holly Springs MS | |
1964 | Greenvile, COFO office | Medical Situation in Issaquena County | |
1964 | Unsigned, COFO | Biloxi incident report to Howard Kirshenbaum MS | |
1964 | Unsigned, COFO | Greenville activities update MS | |
1964 | Unsigned, COFO | Urban Places in Washington County MS | |
1964 | Unsigned, COFO Greenwood MS | Greenwood Police Activity MS | |
1964 | Doris Castle, CORE | Freedom Ring Encircles Ticket Booth New Orleans LA | |
1964? | Joanne Ooiman, CORE | Note about volunteer whose parents prevent from returning, Undated (probably 1964, possibly 1965) | |
1/13/64 | Rev. Lee Ball, MFSA | Letter re Jackson MS church segregation & civil liberties | |
1/15/64 | Charlie Cobb, SNCC | Report about Tallahatchi County | |
1/64 | Mendy Samstein, SNCC | Letter to Bradens re emergency food distribution, | |
1/19/64 | Ronnie Moore, CORE | Field report, re Louisiana voter registration | |
1/21/64 | Judy Benninger, CORE | Letter to James McCain regarding Gainesville, FL | |
1/22/64 | Charles Hartfield | Letter/report by local activist on Hattiesburg MS Freedom Day Original (PDF) Formatted text (HTML) | |
1/23/64 | Rita Schwerner, COFO | Letter to Anne Braden MS | |
1/27/64 | Jack McKart | Note to Amzie Moore, re visit to Cleveland MS (handwritten) | |
1/27/64 | Joan (Trumpauer?), NAACP | Report From the Jackson Movement MS | |
1/29/64 | Mendy Samstein, SNCC | Letter to Bradens re emergency food situation | |
1/29/64 | Sam Shirah, SNCC | Field Report from Mississippi | |
1/30/64 | Davis Dennis, COFO | Letter to President Lyndon Johnson, COFO | |
1/30/64 | Mary King, SNCC | Names of Those Indicted on Anti-Trespass, Atlanta GA sitins and protests, January 1964 | |
1/31/64 | Rick Stevens, SNCC | Organization of Students From Georgia Tech, Agnes Scott College, and Emory University GA | |
2/64 | Ira Landess | Memo re responses to assassination of Medgar Evers | |
2/2/64 | Annell Ponder, SCLC | Letter to Amzie Moore re voting rights retaliation money, MS | |
2/3/64 | Arthur Waskow, PRI | Letter to Howard Zinn re, SNCC advisory council | |
2/3/64 | Unsigned SNCC | Field report: police attack and shoot protesters at Jackson State College, MS | |
2/3/64 | Robert Smith, COFO | Marks MS Project Report, , January 23 - February 3, 1964 | |
2/4/64 | Rev. Campbell | Letter to Amzie Moore re voting rights retaliation MS | |
2/4/64 | George Raymond, CORE | Letter to Robert Kennedy, re police brutality | |
2/5/64 | Clifford Vaughs, SNCC | Letter to Burke Marshal DoJ, re law enforcement intimidation against voter registration in Hattiesburg MS | |
2/10/64 | J.R. Lunney, LSCRRC | Note to Howard Slater & Howard Zin, re research for Hattiesburg project | |
2/12/64 | Jack ???? | Note to Anne and Carl Braden of SCEF re communication strategy for MS, | |
2/12/64 | Howard Melish, SCEF | Note to Anne & Carl Braden re Memorial Address in Ghana | |
2/12/64 | Howard Melish, SCEF | Memo to Jim Dombroski re questions about food crisis in MS Delta | |
2/13/64 | Art Waskow, IPS | Letter to Howard Zinn, re speech analyzing Freedom Movement and S.W. Georgia | |
1964 | Unsigned SNCC | Natchez report (pages mising?), MS. Undated (probably February, 1964) | |
2/16/64 | Mendy Samstein, SNCC | Report on KKK activity in Natchez, MS | |
2/19/64 | Rev. Houston | Letter to Amzie Moore re voting rights retaliation MS | |
2/19/64 | Sandy Leigh, SNCC | Memo re Pascagoula and Biloxi NAACP Meetings, MS | |
3/2/64 | CORE Lousiana Task Force | Letter re employment discrimination by Olin Mathieson LA | |
3/2/64 | Pat Vail | Dear Family, letter re Boston school integration and other matters. | |
3/9/64 | Ed Heininger | Memo to Ian McRae re trip to Mississippi and Mt. Beulah center | |
3/9/64 | Ed Heininger, NCC | Report on Canton MS (Madison Co.), MS. 14-pages | |
3/9/64 | Fraser Thomason | Report to NCC-CRR on mission to Canton MS (Madison Co.), 14 pages | |
3/10/64 | Milton McGaskey | Letter to Amzie Moore re food & clothing) MS | |
3/10/64 | Joyce Barrett, SNCC | Memo to Jim Forman on court situation, re Atlanta GA sitins & protests | |
3/11/64 | Joan (Trumpauer?), NAACP | Report From the Jackson Movement, MS | |
3/12/64 | Rev. John Sherman | Expense report & reimbursal request for mission to Canton MS. | |
3/14/64 | Pat Vail | Dear Family, letter re northern situation and plans to work for SNCC Original (handwritten), Retyped | |
3/17/64 | Tom Valetine, CORE | Field Report re Ennis, CORE TX | |
3/20/64 | Mendy Samstein, SNCC | Congressional Campaign Workers Harassed in Ruleville Mississippi | |
3/21/64 | Kenneth Redfearn, NAACP | Letter to Amzie Moore re food donations KS | |
3/23/64 | Dorothy Zellner, SNCC | Dear Jim, letter to Jim Forman re dire personal and SNCC financial situation | |
3/23/64 | Ian McCrae, NCC | Memo to Ed Heininger re Mississippi trip and and Mt. Beulah center | |
3/23/64 | Unsigned, NCC? | Memo to Loren Lair? re Mt. Beulah center in Mississippi (possibly sent to a group of individuals) | |
3/31/64 | C.V. Adair, CCSC | Letter to Amzie Moore re donations TX | |
4/1/64 | Alvin Pouncey | Letter to Amzie Moore re charity donations MS | |
4/1/64 | Patricia Due, CORE | Report on the March on Tallahassee FL | |
4/1/64 | R. Hunter Morey, SNCC | Dear Brother and Sister SNCCers MS | |
4/2/64 | Patricia Due, CORE | Letter re Big Bend Voter Education Campaign FL | |
4/5/64 | Robert Lamont, SNCC | Letter to Amzie Moore re programs for the Summer IL | |
4/6/64 | Richard Haley, CORE | Letter to Gordon Carey re operations and problems, LA | |
4/13/64 | Jeffry Glatstein | Letter to Amzie Moore re food and cloting donations MS | |
4/16/64 | Reva Bernstein | Letter to Amzie Moore re shipment of clothingMS) | |
4/16/64 | Richard Haley, CORE | Dear Fellow, CORE Members (to New Orleans CORE) | |
4/19/64 | Douglas Sampson, DM | Report from Hattiesburg, April 13-19, MS | |
4/19/64 | Joan (Trumpauer?), NAACP | Report From the Jackson Movement, MS. | |
4/21/64 | Jane Stembridge, SNCC | Personal letter to Mary King | |
4/22/64 | Mike Thelwell, SNCC | Letter to Art Waskow re: Freedom Singer concert DC | |
4/23/64 | Judy Benninger, CORE | Report to James McCain regarding Dunnellen, CORE FL | |
4/28/64 | Many strikers, CORE | Report: Wildcat strike by hotel maids in New Orleans | |
4/29/64 | Maurice McCrackin | Letter to Amzie Moore re wired money MS | |
64-65 | Many/Various | CORE's North Florida Citizenship Education Project (NFCEP) | |
5/7/64 | Unsigned, SNCC | Letter to John Lewis re ExCom Mtg | |
5/64 | Rev. Albert Ronander | Report on Mission to Mississippi | |
5/4/64 | Unsigned, SNCC | John Due, NCC arrested in Liberty MS while collecting affadavits for USCCR | |
5/6/64 | Rava Bernstein, NAACP | Letter to Amzie Moore re shipment of clothing MS | |
5/11/64 | Marcia (no lastname), CORE | Letter to Ronnie Moore, re Louisiana summer project | |
5/13/64 | Unsigned, CORE | Letter to, CORE leader James McCain re Louisiana voter registration | |
5/14/64 | Michael (Lesser?), CORE | Letter to Ronnie Moore, re parishes for Louisiana summer project, | |
5/16/64 | Sam Shirah SNCC | Report to SCEF and, SNCC re WSOP/SSOC, | |
5/21/64 | John Papworth, vol. | Two Incidents of Arrest and Imprisonment of Papworth, Larry Rubin, and others in Oxford and Belzoni MS | |
5/29/64 | Judy Benninger, CORE | Letter re Gainsville, CORE, FL | |
5/31/64 | Jim Boebel, COFO | Letter From Jim Boebel MS | |
5/14/64 | Maurice McCrackin | Letter to Amzie Moore re Rev. Reed's needs MS | |
5/18/64 | Annel Ponder, SCLC | Letter to Amzie Moore re food donation MS | |
5/24/64 | Pearl Lang | Letter to Amzie Moore re clothing donation MS | |
5/28/64 | Bob Weil & Bill Light, COFO | Head of India's Socialist Party arrested in Jackson for violating segregation ordinance MS | |
6/64 | Tina Harris, SNCC | Letter to, SNCC staff re who is reponsible? MS | |
6/64 | Unsigned, COFO | Harassment by Private Persons Greenville MS | |
6/64 | Unsigned, COFO | Suspcious cars Greenville MS | |
6/4/67 | Bernard Russell | Letter to Amzie Moore re hunger and poverty in MS. | |
6/9/64 | Chude Allen, SNCC | Why I Am Going to Mississippi, | |
6/9/67 | Bonnie Campbell | Letter to Amzie Moore re bills & food MS | |
6/12/67 | Maurice McCrackin | Letter to Amzie Moore, re visit MS | |
6/12/64 | Bob Beech, DM | Report From Hattiesburg MS | |
6/13/64 | Peggy Ewan, CORE | Dear People, letter from summer volunteer re journey South & CORE training, Plaquimines, LA | |
6/15/64 | Richard Haley, CORE | Letter to C.O. Chinn re C.O court case MS | |
6/15/64 | Richard Haley, CORE | Letter to L.H. Rosenthal re C.O. Chinn court case MS | |
6/15/64 | Richard Haley, CORE | Letter to Carsie Hall re Oretha Williams case MS | |
6/18/64 | Carol Rogoff, SNCC | Letter to Tom Levin re medical support for Freedom Summer MS | |
6/22/64 | Judy Benninger, CORE | All-Day, CORE Conference, Dunnellon Florida, | |
Late June-August |
Mississippi Freedom Summer Letters & Reports | ||
6/24/64 | Ron Ridenour, COFO | Report from Ron Ridenour about incidents in Hattiesburg MS | |
6/24/64 | Mimi Feingold, CORE | Field Report, West Feliciana Parish Louisiana, | |
6/25/64 | Jim Monsonis | Letter to Nancy Sterns re Waskow request & editorial MS | |
6/25/64 | Claude Weaver, SNCC | Confidential Report, SNCC Activities in Panola County MS | |
1964 | Ewan, Cortez, Burger, CORE | Report from Pointe Coupee Parishundated LA | |
1964 | Unsigned, CORE | Report From St. Fransville Hardwood Plantation, undated LA | |
6/30/64 | Unsigned, COFO | Greenville research report MS | |
7/64? | Anne Braden, SCEF | Thoughts on the disappearance of Chaney, Schwerner, and Goodman MS | |
7/64 | Mary Tucker, COFO | Letter to Annell Ponder MS | |
7/5/64 | Ted Levine, SNCC | Letter to J. Forman re community centers, PA | |
7/6/64 | Unsigned | Report of car following voter registration workers (MS? AL?) | |
7/6/64 | Banfield, Kennedy, COFO | Letter to Lois re shipment of books, COFO | |
7/64 | Daniel Mitchell (CORE | A Special Report on the Jonesboro, Louisiana | |
7/13/64 | Rep. Don Edwards | Letter to Amzie Moore re support for, COFO MS | |
7/20/64 | Unsigned COFO? SNCC? | Notes on parents meeting with James Forman, Steve Schwerner, | |
7/20/64 | Rudy Lombard, CORE | Letter to Richard re Task Force MS | |
7/21/64 | Fay Bennet, NSF | Letter to the Millers re obtaining FHA loan for land, (Shaw, MS) | |
7/27/64 | Betty Garman, Julian Bond | Report on mob violence against SNCC workers, Greenwood MS, | |
7/64 | Stokely Carmichael, SNCC | Memo re Second District MFDP Convention, undated MS | |
8/5/64 | Judy Benninger, CORE | Weekly Report, CORE Florida Task Force, | |
8/1/64 | Unsigned, COFO? | Report from Hattiesburg, MS | |
8/2/64 | Frazer Thompson, DM | Report From Clarksdale No. 6, MS | |
8/3/64 | Alan Verson, COFO | Biloxi Bars, MS | |
8/10/64 | Frazer Thompson, DM | Report From Clarksdale No. 8, MS | |
8/10/64 | Kathleen Henderson, DM | Mississippi August 2-10 | |
8/10/64 | William Henderson, DM | Mississippi August 2-10 | |
8/18/64 | James Russell, CORE | Report Desegregate Sand Springs Schools (OK) | |
8/19/64 | Daytona, FL | Request to, CORE for assistance, | |
8/22/64 | Walter Kaufman, CORE | Philadelphia, Miss. Neshoba County report | |
9/4/64 | Arthur Waskow | Letter to Mrs. Green, re Freedom Democratic Party DC | |
9/2/64 | Mary Lane, Ida Holland, MS | Note re donations of food and clothing | |
9/4/64 | Arthur Waskow | Letter to Mr. Rauh, re Freedom Democratic Party DC | |
9/8/64 | Joseph Rauh | Letter to Arthur, re Atlantic City DC | |
9/6/64 | R. Hunter Morey, COFO | Letter to John McAuliff re voting complaints, MS | |
9/9/64 | Jesse Harris, SNCC | Dear Mr. Marshall, letter to Burke Marshall (Dept. of Justice) re violence, intimidation, and repression against civil rights activists in Pike County (McComb) Mississippi. | |
9/10/64 | George Raymond, COFO | Letter to Richard Haley re weekly reports MS | |
9/10/64 | Pat Vail, COFO | Dear All, re Greenville MS, education and poverty | |
9/11/64 | Nora Ellen Maze | Letter to Mr. McCrakinimprisioned husband MS | |
9/12/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Norma Becker and Sandra Adickes re school boycotts MS | |
9/14/64 | Pat Vail, COFO | Dear Lisa, re lack of project funds and violence in Greenville MS | |
9/14/64 | Edith Green | Letter to Mr. Waskow, re compromise DC | |
9/64? | Rev. Jack Alford, DM? | A Southern Vacation, report from McComb MS | |
9/15/64 | Norma Becker, COFO | Letter to Lois Chaffee re school boycotts MS | |
9/16/64 | Carl Braden | Letter to Amzie, re Patriot and Operation Freedom tour MS | |
9/16/64 | Marj Rader Sutherland, COFO | Dear Mom, Dad..., letter from Gulfport MS project. Original handwritten version | |
9/17/64 | Annell Ponder, SCLC | Canceled SCLC Citizenship Teachers Training | |
9/21/64 | Unsigned SNCC | A Response to the 13th and 14th Bombings in McComb Mississippi | |
9/22/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Joffre re negative for prints MS | |
9/23/64 | Ronnie Moore, CORE | Field report, re Daytona Beach FL, | |
9/24/64 | Sandra Adickes, UFT | Letter to Lois Chaffee re recruiting teachers MS | |
9/24/64 | Mary Sue, COFO | Letter to Lois Chaffee re need of support MS | |
9/24/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Lorne Cress re returning to Hattiesburg MS | |
9/24/64 | Unsigned, SNCC | Brief Report on Guinea | |
9/25/64 | Paul Lauter, COFO | Letter to Beryl Banfield re Africa handbook MS | |
9/25/64 | Norman Fine | Letter to Lois Chaffee re purchase of supplies MS | |
9/26/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Staughton Lynd re Freedom School art MS | |
9/29/64 | Dan Schechter (NSM) | Letter to Lois Chaffee re ideas on tutorials MS | |
9/30/64 | Judy Richardson, SNCC | Dear Dr. Foster, letter to president of Tuskeegee requesting meeting to discuss regional student conferences, and 1965 summer project. | |
9/30/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Beryl Banfield re Africa handbook MS | |
9/30/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Sandra Adickes re recruiting teachers MS | |
9/30/64 | Curry, Wright | Letter re leadership training re school desegregation MS | |
9/30/64 | Curry, Wright | Letter to friends re leadership trainig MS | |
9/30/64 | Richard Hasbrouck | Letter re race relations and financial threat to Amzie Moore MS | |
10/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Sue (incomplete) re centers and Freedom Schools MS | |
1964 | Annell Ponder, SCLC | Memo to Vicksburg Community Ctr staff MS | |
1964 | Grenville Whitman, SNCC | Letter to Lois Chafee | |
1964 | Lilly Douglas, COFO? | Reports on work with children's activities (handwritten), MS. Undated, possibly summuer of 1964 | |
10/1/64 | Judy Benninger, CORE | Gainsville FL CORE, Reorganization and Program, | |
10/2/64 | Jo Ann (Ooiman?), COFO | Report From Batesville Conference on Freedom Schools MS | |
10/2/64 | Lois Chafee, COFO | Letter to Dan Schecter re education & organizing | |
10/3/64 | Barbara Jones, SNCC | Note to Nicholas Fischer re Adopt a Freedom Fighter program | |
10/3/64 | Barbara Bloomfield, COFO | Letter to Lois Chaffee re Freedom Schools MS | |
10/3/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Rev. Lawrence McGowan re Freedom School materials MS | |
10/4/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Goldsmith Brothers re ordering supplies MS | |
10/4/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Rev. Mineo Katagiri re youth groups to sponsor MS projects | |
10/4/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Goldsmith Brothers re Freedom School materials, | |
10/4/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Joffre Clark re photos MS | |
10/4/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Beryl Banfiled and Minnie Kennedy re book donation MS | |
10/5/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Ernest Smith, re Michigan State University support MS | |
10/5/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Dr. Robert Green, Michigan State University MS | |
10/5/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Maria Varela, re Michigan State University support MS | |
10/5/64 | J.E.H. Bolton, FOS | Letter to Lois Chaffee, re MS support work, | |
10/5/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Wes Barthelmes, re art sales, MS | |
10/6/64 | William Melish, COFO | COFO Freedom House Bombing, Vicksburg, MS, | |
10/7/64 | Illegible, COFO | Letter to Lois Chaffee re student activism in Eugene (OR) | |
10/8/64 | Maurice McCrackin | Letter to Amzie, re mortgage payment MS | |
10/10/64 | Arlene Bock, COFO | Weekly report, MS | |
10/11/64 | Myrtis Jean Evans, COFO | Weekly report, Rankin Co. MS (handwritten) | |
10/12/64 | Sandra Watts, CORE | Letter to Richard Haley re, CORE contact, | |
10/12/64 | Jo Ann Ooiman, CORE | Individual Reports, MS | |
10/14/64 | Pat Vail, COFO | Dear Gang, report on work in Mississippi from the Greenville project | |
10/15/64 | Anne Braden | Letter to Amzie, re hospitality KY | |
10/15/64 | Richard Haley, CORE | Letter to Sandra Watts re, CORE contact, | |
10/16/64 | Vicki Halper | Letter to Lois Chafee re fundraising opportunity in Florence Italy MS | |
10/18/64 | Steve McVoy, CORE | Letter re problems in North Florida, CORE project, | |
10/20/64 | Elton Cox, CORE | Letter to Richard Haley, FL | |
10/20/64 | Illegible, NAACP | Letter to Amzie, re mother MS | |
10/20/64 | C.G. Deaton, USDA | Reply to research inquiry by Greg Kaslo regarding Clarke County, MS | |
10/21/64 | Greg Kaslo, CORE | Research information request, regarding Clarke County, MS | |
10-11/64 | SNCC | Correspondence with Random House re publication of Mississippi Black Paper. 10/22/64. Memo to activists from Bob Moses re Mississippi Black Paper book. 11/12/64. Release form for Mississippi Black Paper. 11/12/64. Memo to Judy Richardson from Random House. | |
10/23/64 | Heber Ladner, MS | Reply to research inquiry by Greg Kaslo, by Mississippi Secretary of State | |
10/23/64 | Dave Harris, COFO | Mississippi Freedom Project — Crises in McComb MS | |
10/23/64 | Mike Miller, SNCC | Memo on Organizing, | |
10/25/64 | Greg Kaslo, CORE | Clarke County Project Report, MS. Oct. 18-24 | |
10/25/64 | Rev. J. Raymond Sikkel, DM | A Continuing Reformation, re why work in Mississippi with the Delta Ministry? | |
10/27/64 | Howard Zinn | Dear Art, note from Howard Zinn re MFDP convention challenge report (handwritten) | |
10/27/64 | Joe Stetson(?), COFO? | Note to Alcia Kaplow requesting money for bus ticket out of Jackson (Handwritten) | |
10/28/64 | Aretha Henderson, COFO | Letter to Lois Chaffee re license for Batesville day care center MS | |
10/29/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Amzie Moore re architect for Cleveland center MS | |
10/31/64 | Sue Lorenzi, COFO | Letter to Lois Chaffee re assistance on planning programs for Tchula community center MS | |
11/64 | Cleveland Sellers, SNCC | Correspondence re Holly Springs project, MS | |
11/64 | Lily M. Douglas, COFO | Report on Hattiesburg MSre community center program | |
11/64 | Phyllis Cunningham, COFO | Report on Hattiesburg MS re civil rights education | |
11/64 | Barbara Schwartzbaum, COFO | Hattiesburg Report MS re civil rights work | |
11/64 | Unsigned, COFO | First District Report MS | |
11/64 | Chuck McKeller, SNCC | Report on the situation in Gulfport MS | |
11/64 | Nick Hampton, SNCC | Report from Nick Hampton MS | |
11/64 | Theodis Hewitt, COFO | Report on Leake County MS | |
11/64 | Jesse Harris, COFO | Third District Report MS | |
11/64 | Bradford, Archibald, COFO | Communications to Jesse Morris re Mound Bayou project MS | |
11/64 | John Harris, SNCC | Complaints About the Jackson Office re MS | |
11/64 | Staughton Lynd, COFO | Letter to Lois Chaffee re pictures MS | |
11/64? | Unsigned, COFO | One person's analysis of a project's problems, | |
11/6/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to New York State Education Dept. re nursery schools MS | |
11/6/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Eric Weinberger re training institute for local people MS | |
11/7/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Lee Bankhead re making contributions MS | |
11/7/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Mary Sue Gellatly re payment MS | |
11/7/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Vicky Halper re request of posters and photographs MS | |
11/7/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Aretha Henderson re license for day care center MS | |
11/7/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Rev. Lawrence McGowen re gift MS | |
11/7/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Barbara Schwartzbaum re preschool programs MS | |
11/7/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Idessa Johnson re payment MS | |
11/9/64 | Geraldine L. Wilson | Letter to Dr. Jackson, re Mississippi students MS | |
11/11/64 | Idessa Johnson, COFO | Letter to Lois Chaffee re payment MS | |
11/12/64 | Jake Friesen, MCC | Conversation with Mark Weaver re white southern point of view. MS. Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) | |
11/12/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Ayra Woodruff re pamphlets MS | |
11/13/64 | Unsigned, COFO | Letter to Edith Black re Committee on Concern MS | |
11/13/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Neil Goldachmidt re fund-raising attempts MS | |
11/13/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Albert Sayer re check received MS | |
11/13/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Barbara Schwarzbaum re Lilly leaving, COFO MS | |
11/13/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Staughton Lynd re paintings about Freedom Schools MS | |
11/13/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to George Albertz re Greenwood MS | |
11/13/64 | Richard Halley, CORE | Letter to Annie Devine re staff conference MS | |
11/14/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Vincent De Forrest re architects for community centers MS | |
11/14/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Charles Cogen re adoption appeal MS | |
11/15/64 | Pat Vail, COFO | Dear Family, re Greenville MS project | |
11/15/64 | Unsigned, COFO | Report: Clarke County Executive Committee, MS | |
11/16/64 | Myra Woodruff, USNY | Letter to Lois Chaffee re pamphlet about nursery school MS | |
11/18/64 | Sam | Dear Ms. Kaplow, note re work Tallahatchie Co. MS. | |
11/19/64 | Viki & Martin Nicolaus | Dear Hodeses, letter re Jackson. MS | |
11/20/64 | David Novick, COFO | Dear Lisa, letter/report on work in Sharkey & Issaquena Counties MS | |
11/23/64 | Dinky Romilly, SNCC | Letter to Judy Richardson re SNCC's phone bill MS | |
11/21/64 | Ellickson, Mosley, COFO | Weekly Report from Moss Point-Pascagoula MS | |
11/18/64 | Lois Rodgers | Note to Victoria Gray re financial hardship and request for reimbursement, (handwritten) | |
11/21/64 | Mary Brumder, COFO | Report on Holmes County MS | |
11/23/64 | Mary Sue Gellatly, COFO | Letter to Lois Chaffee re help from WILPF MS | |
11/23/64 | David McVoy, CORE | Incident report, Quincy Florida, | |
11/23/64 | S.W. Tucker, SLC | Letter to Amzie Moore, re re-election of William Ming to NAACP board | |
11/24/64 | Richard Haley, CORE | Letter to George Raymond Jr., re various issues LA | |
11/25/64 | Unsigned, COFO | Arrests of Sears Buckley and Fred Hamburger in Columbus MS | |
11/25/64 | Stahly & Martin, MCC | Report on Mississippi Trip. Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) | |
11/27/64 | Maurice McCrackin, OFC | Letter to Amzie Moore, re money order and payments MS | |
11/27/64 | Bock, Dukes, CORE | Progress Report for Havana Florida, | |
11/27/64 | Maurice McCrackin, OFC | Letter to Amzie Moore re money order and payments MS | |
11/28/64 | Unsigned | Dear Alicia note re trouble in Tutwiler MS | |
11/28/64 | Beryl Banfiled | Letter to Lois Chaffee re list for freedom centers MS | |
11/28/64 | Dick Kelley, COFO | Report and criticisms about COFO's structure MS | |
11/29/64 | Edward Hollander, CORE | Joe Morse, Sandy Watts arrested for burglary MS | |
11/30/64 | Liz Fusco, COFO | Letter to Sheila Shankman re adopting a Freedom School MS | |
11/30/64 | Lillian Talbot | Letter to Amzie Moore re shipment of clothing MS | |
64-65 | Stuart Wechsler, CORE | CORE Field Reports From Florida, | |
12/64 | Unsigned, COFO | Bi-annual Report Rankin County Project MS | |
12/64 | Bill Kopit, COFO | Memo re COFO legal cases, MS. Undated (probably December 1964) | |
12/64 | Warner Buxton, CORE | Clarke County Project Report, MS. Undated (probably December 1964) | |
12/01/64 | Mel Zuck, AFSC | Memo to Lois Chaffee, COFO, re peace education in MS | |
12/01/64 | Sandra(?) Adicks(?) | Letter to Lois Chaffee, COFO, re returning to work in MS & future plans | |
12/01/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Memo to Marvin Rich, CORE, re community centers, MS | |
12/02/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Henry and Sue, re insurance problems, MS | |
12/02/64 | Charley Horowitz, COFO | Minimun Needs of the COFO Communications Staff in Jackson, MS | |
12/03/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Memo to Idessa Johnson, re subsistance and funding, MS | |
12/3/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Amzie Moore re business application MS | |
12/8/64 | Beth Johnson, NAACP | Letter to Amzie Moore re quilting group MS | |
12/11/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Sandra Adickes MS | |
12/12/64 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to re Xmas gift MS | |
12/14/64 | Bock, Dukes, CORE | Progress Report for Havana Florida, | |
12/16/64 | Jake Friesen, MCC | Report on Mississippi Delta. Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) | |
12/16/64 | Jake Friesen, MCC | MCC Response (Recommendations), MS. Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) | |
12/18/64 | Stuart Wechsler, CORE | Letter to ILGWU, | |
12/19/64 | Name Redacted | Note to Dorothy Zellner from a husband opposed to his wife's participation in the Freedom Movement | |
12/22/64 | John Wilkins, volunteer | Letter to Alicia Kaplow returning support checks, MS | |
Xmas 1964 | Unsigned COFO | Greetings and love to you all, re Gloria Richardson, Stokely Carmichael, and others (page[s] missing). MS | |
12/28/64 | Hattiesburg, COFO | Dear Friends, letter from Hattiesburg MS. | |
1964 | Schwartzbaum | Barbara Schwartzbaum Letter MS. | |
1964 | Fredrick Brooks, CORE | Report From Jonesboro LA | |
12/64 | Warner Buxton, COFO | Clarke County Project Report, MS | |
1964? | Joann Ooiman, CORE | Note to Kay re bail information for Canton project, MS Undated (presumed 1964 but possibly 1965) | |
64? 65? | Mary Brumder, COFO | Memo on COFO problems & future, MS. Undated (probably late 1964 or early 1965) |
64 66 | Phil Lapsansky | Note about Dave Dogget, Undated (probably 1964-66) | |
64? 65? | Linda | Letter to Alicia Kaplow re a day in Mississippi. Undated (probably 1964 or '65) | |
64? 65? | Courtland Cox, SNCC | Letter to Jessie (Morris?) re financial reimbursal, MS | |
1965 | Judy Richardson & others | SNCC residential freedom school progran reports & letters (21 documents) | |
1965 | Abe (Osherhoff?) | Letter to Lucy Montgomery re greetings & brochure | |
1965 | Nancy Myron, COFO | Letter to Lucy Montgomery re Freedom Schools | |
1965 | Elizabeth Henry | Letter to friends re Washington March for Peace in Vietnam | |
1/65 | Guy & Candie Carawan | Letter re gathering freedom songs | |
1/65 | Linda Seese SNCC |
Letter to Alicia Kaplow, re funding and Unitarian Society communications. Undated (probably Jan or Feb 1965) | |
1/2/65 | Larry Rubin, SNCC | Report From Marshal County MS | |
1/2/65 | Richard Haley, CORE | Letter to George Raymond re co-op procedures LA | |
1/4/65 | Ottinger | Response from Hon. Ottinger to Judy Richardson waffling on the MFDP Congressional Challenge | |
1/5/65 | Unsigned COFO/MFDP | Hello Outside World!, report from Holly Springs MS | |
1/6/65 | Mrs Orville Crup | Letter to Lois Chafee, COFO re support work MS | |
1/6/65 | Margaret Bushnell | Letter to Frank Cieciorka re reading materials (SNCC, COFO) | |
1/08/65 | John Wilkins, SNCC | Return of stipend check | |
1/10/65 | Idell Croft, SNCC | Letter to Alicia Kaplow with updates (handwritten) | |
1/10/65 | Pat Vail, COFO | Dear Family, letter about Greenville MS project & local family | |
1/12/65 | Karen Koonan, SNCC | Note re receipt of funds | |
1/12/65 | Lee [Illegible], Aberdeen MS | Thank you note for financial support (handwritten) | |
1/15/65 | Greg Kaslo, CORE | Weekly Report, Clark County MS. | |
1/15/65 | Marvin Rich, CORE | Letter to Richard Jewett MS | |
1/17/65 | Linda Allenstein, COFO | Dear Dick, re Lauderdale Co. MS | |
1/18/65 | Idell Craft, SNCC | Note re stolen money orders (handwritten) | |
1/19/65 | Mary Sue Gellatly, COFO | Letter to NCC re priest from Portland MS | |
1/19/65 | Richard Jewett, MFDP | Mississippi Field Report, | |
1/21/65 | Bob Abts, FoS | Note re organizing against South African Apartheid (handwritten) | |
1/21/65 | Charles Horwitz, COFO | Letter to Alcia Kaplow re his COFO work | |
1/22/65 | Charles Hartfield, Laurel MS | Note to Alicia Kaplow re sponsorship checks | |
1/22/65 | Lyn Busch, CORE | Note to Bruce Hartford, re N-VAC & CORE in SoCal (handwritten) | |
1/25/65 | JoAnn Ooiman, CORE | Letter to Richard Haley re New Orleans meeting | |
1/26/65 | Bernard & Ron Carver | Letter re police repression in Starkeville MS, | |
1/26/65 | Idell Croft, SNCC | Unemployed for working with The Movement (handwritten) | |
1/31/65 | Barbara Jones, SNCC | Note re sponsorship of Linda Seese (Spes Dolphin) | |
2/65 | Judy Walborn, MFP-SU | Selma Alabama and the White Northern Liberal AL | |
2/65 | Roy Shields, SNCC | Overall Report, Southwest Georgia | |
2/1/65 | Jacob Cohen | Letter to Lois Chaffee, re Freedom School curriculum MS | |
2/1/65 | Alan Schiffmann, CORE | Neshoba Project Report MS | |
2/3/65 | Unsigned COFO | Report From Marks MS, ("1964" on document is probably a mistype) | |
2/3/65 | Vicki & Martin Nicolaus? | Letter to Hodes, re du Bois Freedom Library, Jackson MS. | |
2/9/66 | Richard Criley, CCDBR | Letter to Lucy Montgomery, re Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights | |
2/11/66 | Lyn Busch, CORE | Dear Bruce, letter to Bruce Hartford in jail for sitting-in (handwritten). CA. | |
2/21/66 | Mrs. E. Risley | Dearest Bruce, letter to Bruce Hartford in jail for sitting-in. CA. | |
2/10/65 | Richard Haley, CORE | Letter to C.O. Chinn MS | |
2/11/66 | Annie Devine, COFO | Note to Lucy Montgomery re the Greenville Crisis | |
2/15/65 | Frederick Johnson | Telegram to Lois Chaffee re study visit (NY) | |
2/16/65 | Mary Sue Gellately, COFO | Response to query about organizational dissension, Shaw, MS | |
2/16/65 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Frederick Johnson re study visit MS | |
1965 | Matt Suarez | New Orleans Community Organizers — Report | |
2/15/65 | Vicki Nicolaus?, COFO | Dear Hodeses MS, | |
2/15/65 | Richard Haley, CORE | Letter to George Smith, | |
2/15/65 | Stephen Bingham, MFDP | Mississippi Letter, (26-pgs), | |
2/16/65 | C.O. Chin, CORE | Letter to Richard Haley, re building MS, | |
2/18/65 | Charley, Jackson MS | Dear Alicia, letter re work, situation, and illnesses in Jackson MS | |
2/20/65 | Ralph Featherstone, SNCC | The Stench of Freedom (Selma) | |
2/22/65 | Idell Croft, Greenwood MS | Dear Sue, note re problems cashing support money order (handwritten) | |
2/23/65 | Pat Vail, COFO | Dear Group, letter about Movement work in Mississippi | |
2/25/65 | Miriam Glickman | Why I Stopped Being on, SNCC Staff MS | |
2/23/65 | Marcellus Byrd, CORE | Letter to James Farmer, re payroll MS | |
2/24/65 | Lois Chaffee, COFO | Letter to Frederick Compton, re food and clothing MS, | |
2/24/65 | Unsigned COFO | Hattiesburg, COFO - Very Active MS. | |
2/65 | Unsigned SNCC | Perry County Alabama Report AL, | |
3/2/65 | To CA Gov. Brown | Letter From MS Governor Johnson | |
3/2/65 | Maeola Anderson, Greenwood MS | Thank you note to Kaplow requesting additional support | |
3/3/65 | Dave Novick, COFO | Note re financial hardship situation at Greenville & other projects, MS | |
3/7/65 | Roy Shields, SNCC | Memo on Cordell, GA | |
3/10/65 | Maeola Anderson, Greenwood MS | Mississippi Report, weekly report from Greenwood (handwritten) | |
3/11/65 | Pat Vail, COFO | Dear Family, re Movement life in Greeneville MS | |
3/11/65 | Arlene Wigoren, SNCC | Report on Demonstration at Capitol Club, Little Rock, AR | |
3/15/65 | Le Faucette, CORE | CORE field report, Tallahassee, FL. | |
3/12/65 | Milton Herst | Donation of fabric remnants for quilts | |
3/15/65 | Rev. Harry Bowie, DM | Letter & Report to Rev. Gayraud Wilmore MS | |
3/16/65 | Howard Zinn | Memo to Atlanta, SNCC re Selma AL | |
3/17/65 | Charles Hartfield, COFO | Seven-page report on Movment and repression in Laurel & Jones Co. MS Original (PDF) Formatted text (HTML) | |
3/17/65 | Septima Clark, SCLC | Dear Friend, re tribute to Rosa Parks | |
3/19/65 | Ronnie Moore, CORE | Bienville Parish Report LA | |
1965 | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | Four letters from Selma, AL | |
3/19/65 | SNCC workers | Letter From Batesville MS | |
3/22/65 | Pat Vail, COFO | Letter re picketing against job discrimination, arrest, and jail, Greeneville MS, MS | |
3/22/65 | Susan Morgan (Unitarians) | Letter to, COFO re helping with Freedom Centers (MD) | |
3/25/65 | Eunice Armstrong | Dear Lucy, letter to Lucy Montgomery | |
3/23/65 | Claire Hartford (parent) | Letter to LBJ from a worried mother AL and Reply by John Doar (5/28/65) | |
3/65 | Randy Glenn, SNCC | Alabama Project | |
3/24/65 | William Beale, UFA | Donation for Freedom School project, MS | |
3/24/65 | Dombrowski & Braden, SCEF | Help Urgently Needed in Alabama | |
3/29/65 | Ben Hartfield, SNCC | Letter to Alicia Kaplow (FoS), re Laurel MS | |
3/29/65 | Rev. Dr. Janet Wolfe | Last Day of the Selma-Montgomery March AL | |
3/31/64 | Charles Hartfield, COFO | Letter/report about disruption and community divisions Laurel MS Original (PDF) Formatted text (HTML) | |
3/65 | Lynn Busch, CORE | Dear Bruce, letter to Bruce Hartford re movement in SoCal | |
4/2/65 | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | Letter to Lyn Busch & Bruin CORE re Selma protests in late March 1965 | |
4/2/65 | Randy Glenn, CORE | Letter re, CORE and Selma & March to Montgomery AL | |
4/2/65 | Unsigned (SCEF?) | Letter re Selma & Montgomery protests, | |
4/3/65 | Pat Vail, COFO | Dear Lisa, letter re letter re picketing against job discrimination, arrest, and jail, Greeneville MS | |
4/3/65 | Pat Vail, COFO | Dear Family, update on conditions and life, Greeneville MS | |
4/6/65 | Eugene (Dean) Hite, SNCC | Note to Alicia Kaplow requesting subsistance funding (handwritten). Eugene (Dean) Hite, MS | |
4/7/65 | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | Letter to Lyn Busch & Bruin CORE re March to Montgomery | |
4/8/65 | Karen (Koonan?), SNCC | Note re subsistance funding for Fred Winn | |
4/8/65 | Margaret Lauren, SNCC | Note re subsistance funding priorities | |
4/12/65 | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | Letter to Lyn Busch & Bruin CORE re Correspondents & hunger | |
4/14/65 | Annell Ponder, SCLC | Letter to Lois re SCOPE project | |
4/65 | Judith Rollins, CORE | Scouting Report of Natchitoches Parish LA | |
4/15/65 | Will Ussery, CORE | Report on Arrest of Charles Williams (Bogalusa LA) | |
4/17/65 | Karen Koonan, SNCC | Note to Alicia Kaplow re subsistance (handwritten), MS | |
4/19/65 | Eric Fever, U of OK | Memo Hattiesburg Ministers Project accompanying donation to COFO. MS | |
4/21/65 | Charles Hartfield, COFO | Letter/report about 5th District meeting and clothing distribution, Laurel MS Original (PDF) Formatted text (HTML) | |
4/27/65 | Miriam Braverman | Letter to, COFO re Freedom libraries (NY) | |
4/27/65 | Augustine C— | Thank you note for financial assistance (handwritten) | |
4/30/65 | Janell Glass, COFO? | Dear Lucy, letter to Lucy Montgomery describing Movement hardships in MS and requesting money for food | |
4/30/65 | Spiver Gordon, CORE | Field Report FL | |
5/1/65 | Virginia Steele, COFO | Letter to anyone with photographs (PA) | |
5/1/65 | Eugene Hite, MFLU | Note to Alicia Kaplow re subsistance and MFLU (handwritten), Mayersville, MS | |
5/4/65 | Sue Thrasher, SSOC | Fund appeal letter to Lucy Montgomery | |
5/5/65 | Hardy Frye, SNCC | Dear Don, letter to Don Monkrud re MS voting rights, Holly Springs | |
5/5/65 | Hardy Frye, SNCC | Letter From Holly Springs MS | |
5/5/65 | Charles Hartfield, SNCC | Letter to Alicia Kaplow, re work in Mississippi | |
5/7/65 | Charlie Cobb, SNCC | A Reflective Look (Julian Bond's Campaign) GA | |
5/11/65 | Earnest Thomas (Deacons) | Letter to Ronnie Moore re Deacons of Defense & Justice LA | |
5/12/65 | Myles Horton, Highlander | Letter to Carl Braden (SCEF) re SCEF's organizational role with AEPAC | |
5/14/65 | Unsigned | Letter From Holly Springs MS | |
5/17/65 | Lucy, HREC | Letter to James and Rob about Highlander's education (TN) | |
5/19/65 | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | Letter to Lyn Busch & Bruin CORE re Selma situation and activities in May after the March to Montgomery | |
5/21/65 | Sue Thrasher, SSOC | Letter to Lucy Montgomery re Chicago visit | |
1965 | Bill Edmundson, SDS | Note to Bruce Hartford about new SDS chapter in Birmingham, AL. Undated 1965 | |
5/23/65 | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | Letter to Lyn Busch & Bruin CORE re Selma boycott protests & arrests | |
5/25/65 | David Dennis, CORE | Letter to Dick Jewett about Field Fellowship program MS | |
1965 | Aviva Futorian, COFO | Letter From Holly Springs & Benton Co. MS | |
5/65 | Mimi Feingold, CORE | Scouting Report — St. Tammany Parish LA | |
5/65 | Sandra Watts, CORE | Report to Richard Haley MS | |
6/65 | Unknown | Field Report;Washington Parish (Bogalusa LA) | |
6/65 | Peter Mullenberg | Five Letters About Natchez Arrest & Jailing MS | |
6/65 | George Smith, CORE | Newton County Report MS | |
6/7/65 | Jane (Stembridge?) SNCC | Personal note to Lucy Montgomery | |
6/64 | Joseph Rauh | Two Letters to Bob Moses MS | |
6/9/65 | Unsigned | Letter from Adams County jail MS | |
6/14/65 | Fannie Rush, SNCC | Note to Judy Richarson re freedom school | |
6/17/65 | Nancy Turitz, SNCC | Letter From Jackson Jail MS | |
6/28/65 | Nancy Stoller, SNCC | Dear Lucy, note to Lucy Montgomery from Arkansas SNCC project | |
6/29/65 | Myles Horton, HREC | Dear Lucy, note to Lucy Montgomery re workshop and activities | |
1965 | Eugene & Nancy Turitz, SNCC | Four Letters From Mississippi | |
1965 | Jane Stembridge, SNCC | Stokely's Speech Class | |
1965 | Joanne Gavin, SNCC | Position Paper: Funds-Sources & Staff Salaries | |
1965 | SCLC workers | Reports From Crawfordville GA | |
6/65 | Harvey Malray (Deacons) | Statement re carrying shotgun LA | |
1965 | Jim Kates, COFO | Jackson City Jail MS | |
7/65 | Harriet, CDGM | Dear Friends MS | |
7/65 | Unsigned COFO | Dear Ellen, re situation in MS | |
7/2/65 | Mary Larson, COFO? | Note to Lucy Montgomery re freedom schools and Movement activity in West Point MS (Clay Co). 8 pages. | |
7/7/65 | Sen. Edward Kennedy, (USS) | Letter from: Sen. Edward Kennedy re Coleman nomination to the federal branch | |
7/19/65 | James Dombrowski, SCEF | Note to Jack Greenberg of LDF re bail funds for Bob Zellner. | |
7/12/65 | Pam Smith | Claiborne Parish incident report | |
7/22/65 | Meldon Acheson, CORE | Letter re, CORE Summer Project LA | |
7/28/65 | Murphy Dell, NAACP | Letter to Mayor of Baton Rouge LA re segregation | |
1965 | Sam Walker, COFO | Gulfport, MS. Report & Analysis | |
7/65 | Unknown | Report From Claiborne Parish (Homer, LA) | |
7/65 | Jim | Letter From Natchez, MS | |
1965 | James Kolb | Letter to DoJ re Denial of Voting Rights AL | |
8/65? | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | Dear Anya, letter describing Freedom Movement work in Alabama, summer 1965. Undated (probably late August 1965) | |
8/65 | Unsigned | Westpoint Mississippi, (re violence) | |
8/65 | Judy Richardson, SNCC | Residential Freedom School Report. 12 pages. | |
8/65 | Willie Griggs | To Whom This May Concern MS | |
8/4/65 | Arlene Wilgoren, SNCC | Dear Mrs. Montgomery, thank you note for mimeograph donated to Pine Bluff AR protect | |
8/6/65 | Rev. Janet Wolfe | Confrontation With Authorities in Greenville AL | |
8/9/65 | C. Conrad Brown, HERC | Dear Lucy, note regarding Highlander Center workshops, TN | |
8/14/65 | Rick Saling COFO/CORE | Valley View Weekly Report, Madisono Co. MS | |
8/15/65 | Marshall Bloom, SC | Dear Mrs. Montgomery, letter re Alabama and future activities. | |
8/16/65 | Rev. R.R. Rowe | Dear Lucy, letter about need for freedom house in Fitzgerald GA (Ben Hill Co.) | |
8/18/65 | John Buffington, SNCC | Note about Beasley boycott, West Point, MS | |
8/22/65 | Rick Saling, COFO | Weekly Report, Valley View, August 15-22. MS | |
8/22/65 | Unsigned VSCRC | Dear Mrs. Montgomery, re Hampton SNCC conference, summer project, and field work in Virginia | |
8/23/65 | Nancy Stoller, SNCC | Dear Lucy, note to Lucy Mongtomery re needed materials and funds for Arkansas SNCC | |
8/24/65 | Nancy Stoller, SNCC | Dear Lucy, follow up note to Lucy Mongtomery re materials and funds for Arkansas SNCC | |
8/29/65 | Marshall Bloom, SC | Dear Mr. Gregory, letter to Dick Gregory re Southern Courier and the movement in Alabama | |
9/65 | Timothy Jenkins, SNCC | Dear SNCC People, Tim Jenkins, SNCC. September 1965. Re rethinking the direction of SNCC and the Freedom Movement | |
9/9/65 | Barry Dawson | The God's Truth letter to Judy Richardson re gassing of Girard College protesters. | |
9/21/65 | Havard Richburg, CCVL | Letter to Bruce Hartford, SCLC AL | |
9/24/65 | Jake Friesen, MCC | Delta Visit report, MS. 7 pages. | |
9/27/65 | Stoney Cooks, SCLC | Telephone Report (Natchez, MS) | |
9/29/65 | Sue Thrasher, SSOC | Dear Mrs. Montgomery, urgent funding request. | |
9/30/65 | Maxine Skurka, CORE | Letter to Beverly Lee re offices of Crown Zellbach LA | |
10/65 | SNCC Staff | SNCC Field Reports | |
10/65 | Dona Richards, SNCC | Report on the Beginnings of the Africa Project | |
10/3/65 | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | Letter to the West Family (Selma AL) | |
10/5/65 | Rev. Larry Butler, SCLC | Report to SCLC on work in Barbour County AL | |
10/5/65 | Dodie Smith, CORE | Letter to Maxine Skurka re offices of Crown Zellbach LA | |
10/6/65 | C. Conrad Brown, HREC | Dear Bette, letter to Mrs. Johnson and Bea Schniederman re Friends of Highlander outreach | |
10/8/65 | Unsigned MFDP/CORE | 4th Cong. District Office Daily Log MS | |
10/9/65 | Unsigned MFDP/CORE | 4th Cong. District Office Daily Log MS | |
10/9/65 | Charles Horowitz, FIC | Natchez Mississippi – Six Weeks of Crisis, MS. 8 page report. | |
10/10/65 | Richards/Parris, OAU | Report from Africa on Organization of African Unity | |
10/65 | Mike Miller, SNCC | Letter to Cynthia Washington re, SNCC | |
10/10/65 | Unsigned MFDP/CORE | 4th Cong. District Office Daily Log MS | |
10/12/65 | Wilfred Unruh, BCS | Diary of a Visit to Gulfport MS, Board of Christian Service (BCS) | |
10/12/65 | Unsigned MFDP/CORE | 4th Cong. District Office Daily Log MS | |
10/12/65 | Lynne Hollander, CORE | Letter to Judy Richardson re freedom primer MS | |
10/15/65 | Walter Gilbert, CORE | Report #1 on Fire attack on CORE office in Carthage, MS (handwritten) | |
10/15/65 | Lynne Hollander, CORE | Report #2 on Fire attack on CORE office in Carthage, MS (handwritten) | |
10/15/65 | Unsigned MFDP/CORE | 4th Cong. District Office Daily Log MS | |
10/19/65 | Judy Richardson, SNCC | Letter to Lynne Hollander re freedom primer GA | |
10/19/65 | Edgar Stoesz, MCC | Mississippi-Mexico-California Trip Diary, October 5-19 1965. 5 pages. | |
10/23/65 | Lulu Bell Johnson | Dear Montgomery, letter to Mrs. Montgomery re SNCC and clothing drive in Greenwood MS. (Handwritten) | |
1965 | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | Letter re civil rights work in AL | |
11/65 | Stokely Carmichael, SNCC | Letter From Lowndes County AL | |
11/65 | Bertha Alice Nelson, Cleveland MS | Plea to McCrakin (OFC) for assistance with bills due to economic retaliation for Movement participation (handwritten) | |
Fall '65 | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | To whom it may concern in SDS, (a snarky criticism). Undated (probably Fall 1965) | |
11/1/65 | Edward Williams | Letter to Lucy Montgomery re funds for community center, Rosedale MS (Bolivar Co.) | |
11/6/65 | Lynne Hollander, CORE | Letter to Sullivan Associates re Programmed Reading MS | |
64–66? | Bob Abt | Personal note to Alicia Kaplow, re arrival in Los Angeles. Undated (probably 1964-1966) | |
11/11/65 | Citizens of Tallulah, CORE | Letter to the Mayor of Tallulah re fire stationLA | |
11/65 | Charles McLaurin, SNCC | Notes on Rural Organizing | |
12/2/65 | Pearl Hershfield | Letter re Donated clothing for The South (handwritten) | |
12/3/65 | Cleveland Williams | Letter to Lucy Montgomery re Freedom Brick Co-Op (handwritten) | |
65-66 | Correspondence thread re
activists & college admissions Unsigned SNCC: Letter to Alicia Kaplow re admissions to Univ. of Wisconsin 12/3/65 Ruth Doyle, UW: Memo re Negro Students, questions/answers. 12/30/65 Dave Achibald, SNCC: Letter re striking high school students in Forrest City AK, 2/8/66 Ruth Doyle, UW: Response re Forrest City students & Univ of Wisc., 2/11/66 Esther Heifetz, SNCC: Letter re Forrest City student situation, 2/25/66 | ||
12/6/65 | Daggett Harvey | Letter to Lucy Montgomery re: Economic and cultural development | |
12/10/65 | Myrna Thomas | Note to Lucy Montgomery re: support needed (handwritten) | |
12/15/65 | Isaac Foster | Letter to Lucy Montgomery re: Tent City, MS | |
12/16/65 | Burt Selle | Letter to Lucy Montgomery re: Xmas appeal for children | |
12/21/65 | Lula Williams | Note to Lucy Montgomery re appreciation for donated clothes MS (handwritten) | |
12/21/65 | Nina | Note to Lucy Montgomery re appreciation for Xmas box | |
12/30/65 | Fay Bellamy, SNCC | Report on Lowndes County tent city. AL |
1966 | SNCC | Documents & Reports Atlanta Vine City Project |
1966 | SNCC, SCLC | 1966 Alabama Elections: Letters & Reports |
1966 | Unknown (MCHR) | Report on Alabama MCHR Project |
1966 | John Buffington, SNCC | Note to Lucy Montgomery requesting money to repair bus for West Point MS project |
1966 | Lyn Busch, CORE | Note to Bruce Hartford re jail sentence of friend, CA. Undated 1966. |
1/9/66 | Charlie Cobb, SNCC | Dear Mary (to Mary King re SNCC) |
1/10/66 | Abner J. Mivka | Telegram to Georgia governor from Hon. Abner Mivka (D-IL) opposing refusal to seat Julian Bond |
1/11/66 | Oberia Holliday, MFDP | Announcement and appeal re West Point MS sewing co-op |
1/11/66 | Sam Hampton, MS | Dear Alicia Kaplow, note re situation and request for funds from Charleston MS (handwritten) |
1/12/66 | Ann Cook, SWAP | Announcement from Friends of Student Woodlawn Area Project, Chicago, IL |
1/19/66 | Denise Nicholas, FST | Letter to Lucy Montgomery re research into Black drama at the Shomberg Library |
1/26/66 | Lowell Sachnoff, TTP | Letter to Ken Montgomery re Turn Towards Peace strategy and future |
1/27/66 | Dottie Zellner, SNCC | Dear Mary, personal note to Mary King |
2/17/66 | Karen Whitman, SNCC | Note to University of Wisconsin student supporters |
2/25/66 | Monroe Sharp, FoS | Emergency fund appeal letter for SNCC to Lucy Montgomery |
3/07/66 | Farn? Hampton | Note to Alcia Kaplow re progress and difficulties in Charleston MS, (handwritten) |
3/65 | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | Dear Bob and Dorothy, re work in Alabama and upcoming May primary elections |
3/66 | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | Memo to R.T. Blackwell, SCLC, re the possibility of using the film "Salt of the Earth" as an organizing tool. |
3/8/66 | Stanley Bohn, MCC | Findings of Mississippi Trip February 1966, March 8 1966. 10 pages |
3/31/66 | R.T. Blackwell, SCLC | Memo to Bruce Hartford re "Salt of the Earth" |
3/9/66 | Stokely Carmichael, SNCC | Note to Lucy Montgomery re Tent City in Lowndes County, March 9 1966 |
3/26/66 | Frank Smity, NDI | Note to Lucy Montgomery, re Strike City and events in Jackson MS. |
3/29/66 | Tina Harris, SNCC | Note to Lucy Montgomery, re proposed Poor Peoples Land Corpration AL |
4/66 | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | Dear Family, letter abount voting rights struggle in Hale Co. AL | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | Three Field Reports from Hale County |
4/6/66 | Marion Wright | Invitation to school desegregation conference, MS |
5/66 | Rev. Samuel Wells, SCLC | Report on Marengo County AL |
5/2/66 | Letter to Sen. Fullbright opposing U.S. enabling of Portugeuse colonialism in Africa, academic department heads, Lincoln University, PA | |
5/3/66 | Lucy Montgomery | Letter to Frank and Jean Smith re NAACP Legal Defense and Education convocation. |
5/3/66 | James Forman, SNCC | Note to Lucy Montgomery, re loan and living arrangements in Atlanta GA |
5/9/66 | Lucy Moore | Letter to Lucy Montgomery re Volunteer Teachers for Africa and failures of U.S. government |
6/4/66 | Jon Tavasti, CORE | Hi Ho Bruce, letter about state of the Movement in Venice & L.A. CA (Handwriten) |
6/9/66 | Unsigned, SNCC | An Organizer's Notebook, (AR) |
6/24/66 | Alicia Kaplow & Elizabeth FoS/SNCC? | Exchange of notes about contacting former SNCC staff |
6/29/66 | Russell James, USDA | Denial of food assistance, MS |
7/66 | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | Letter about Meredith Mississippi March and Grenada MS |
7/13/66 | Hosea Williams, SCLC | Letter to National Council of Churches re sound system MS |
7/66 | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | Letter about the Meredith Mississippi March |
7/66? | M. George Walters, DM? | The Mississippi Freedom March and Issued Raised for the Movement, re Meredith March Against Fear and Black Power |
8/66? | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | Dear Goldmans, note to Mari Goldman requesting Conscientious Objector draft status support letter. Undated (probably July or August 1966) |
8/66 | Unsigned, MCC | Mississippi Recommendations. Undated (probably August or September 1966) |
8/3/66 | Senotobia MS SNCC workers | Note to Alicia Kaplow re desperate need for financial help (handwritten) |
8/10/66 | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | Weekly Report, Grenada MS. |
8/12/66 | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | Daily Individual Report, Grenada MS. |
8/3/66 | Ernest Powers, SNCC | Note to Alicia Kaplow re desperate need of financial help (handwritten) (Senatoba MS) |
8/5/66 | Janine(?) Haynes | Desperate plea for help with welfare denial addressed to Marian Wright, (handwritten. MS |
8/8/66 | Walden Howard | Four Days For Freedom, report from Grenada, Mississippi |
8/9/66 | Dwight Bozeman | Grenada, Mississippi, report on mob violence |
8/20/66 | Sid Walker, SNCC | Memo to, SNCC Central Committee MS |
8/31/66 | Edgar Stoesz, MCC | Mississippi-Mexico trip itinerary & plan |
9/1/66 | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | Weekly Report (Grenada MS) |
9/66 | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | Letter about the Grenada MS movement |
9/66 | John Salter, NAACP | Letter Describing Medgar Evers MS |
9/66 | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | Dear Kahns, letter describing the Grenada MS movement. 5 pages. |
9/16/66 | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | School Integration Report (Grenada, MS |
9/16/66 | Edgar Stoesz, MCC | Mississippi-Mexico Trip Diary. 4 pages. |
9/26/66 | Herber Biberman, filmmaker | Letter to Bruce Hartford re the film Salt of the Earth |
9/30/66 | Edgar Stoesz, MCC | Mississippi Trip Report. 6 pages. |
10/66 | Lorenzi & Shimkin, FIS | Report on a Meeting of Community Organizers in MS. |
1966 | Gwen Patton, SNCC | Lowndes County Election Fraud |
10/9/66 | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | Letter to Representative George Brown (D-CA) regarding Grenada Mississippi movement and federal government failures. 2 pages |
10/26/66 | Unsigned, SNCC | Note to Alicia Kaplow re desperate need for funds (West Point MS) |
10/27/66 | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | Arrest Report (Grenada MS) |
1966 | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | ASCS Organizing Report #1 |
1966 | Bruce Hartford (SCLC | ASCS Report #2 |
10/17/66 | Robert Gelgach | Letter to Lucy Montgomery, re Cook for Congress campaign (IL) |
11/66 | Fay Bellamy, SNCC | A Little Old Report (re Stokeley & SNCC) |
11/66 | Loraine Howard | Taliaferro Ladies' Goes to Washington, GA |
11/19/66 | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | Proposal for preserving SCLC history |
12/6/66 | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | Report on Poor Peoples Committee (Grenada MS) |
12/11/66 | Hosea Williams, SCLC | Memo to Bruce Hartford, re Grenada MS |
12/18/66 | Tom Offenburger, SCLC | Letter to Bruce Hartford re SCLC history proposal |
12/66 | Bruce Hartford (SCLC | North & South Report (re Grenada MS) |
1/7/67 | Dora & Joe Adams | Note to Alicia Kaplow re appreciation of support (West Point MS), |
1/7/67 | Illegible, OFC | Letter to Amzie Moore re: Money Orders ( |
1/14/67 | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | Report on Poor Peoples Committee (Grenada MS) |
1/17/67 | E. David Cronon, WHS | Memo to Bruce Hartford, from Wisconsin Historical Society re preservation of Civil Rights Movement materials |
1/24/67 | Ceaser Scott, SNCC | Letter to John Doar re conditions & problems Bolivar Co. MS |
2/8/67 | Leslie Fishel, WHS | Memo to Bruce Hartford, from Wisconsin Historical Society re collection and preserving Civil Rights Movement materials. With checklist. |
2/9/67 | Chico Neblett, SNCC | Letter to Howard Zinn re post-SNCC travels & travails (handwritten) |
2/67 | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | Correspondence with local activists in Grenada, MS (some handwritten) |
2/27/67 | George Brown, HoR (D-CA) | Reply to Bruce Hartford, re Vietnam War |
3/67 | Fay (Bellamy?), SNCC | Dear Staff (To SNCC) |
3/67 | Jim Bulloch, SCLC | Letter re Grenada MS and SCLC (handwritten), Mississippi. |
3/8/67 | Hosea Williams, SCLC | Note to Bruce Hartford, re Grenada MS |
3/12/67 | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | Dear Aileen, note to activists in Grenada MS |
3/16/67 | Charlie Cobb, SNCC | Letter to US on his Trip to Vietnam #1 |
3/19/65 | Charlie Cobb, SNCC | Letter to US on his Trip to Vietnam #2 |
3/21/67 | C. Conrad Browne, HREC | Letter to Amzie, re materials (TN) |
3/22/67 | Kenneth Wagner, MRDC | Letter to Amzie Moore, re proposal MS |
3/23/67 | Mrs. Kenneth Montgomery | Letter to Amzie, re political training session MS |
3/24/67 | Mrs. Kenneth Montgomery | Letter to Amzie, re political campaign program MS |
4/5/67 | J.M. Merrell, OEO | Letter to Mrs. Mary Ree McCaskill MS re dispute over Head Start program, MS |
5/67 | Bruce Hartford, SCLC | America in May, political-thoughts addendum enclosed with several letters in May of '67 |
5/2/67 | Arthur L. Ward | Letter to Amzie Moore, re pre-school MS |
5/2/67 | Juanita Johnson | Letter to Amzie Moore, re Head-Start School MS |
6/27/67 | Mrs. Harold Respass | Letter to Amzie Moore re donation of clothes MS |
7/17/67 | Amzie Moore, NAACP | Dear Mr. Moore, invitation to discuss housing inssues in MS from Clay Cochran, ISHHA |
1967 | John Obee | Dear Mom and Dad |
8/67 | Fay Bellamy, SNCC | Letter on Role of Women |
8/1/67 | Maurice McCrackin, OFC | Letter to Amzie, re health MS |
8/15/67 | Maurice McCrackin, OFC | Letter to Charles McLaurin re financial situation MS |
8/15/67 | Maurice McCrackin, OFC | Letter to Amzie re McLaurin's financial situation MS |
8/23/67 | Maurice McCrackin, OFC | Letter to Amzie, re programs MS |
8/30/67 | Edgar Cahn | Letter to Amzie, re Citizens' Rights Complaint Center MS |
9/67 | George Ware, SNCC | Report to, SNCC Staff on Trip to Cuba |
9/8/67 | John Wilson | Letter to Maurice, re Operation Freedom |
9/10/67 | Laura Engle | Note to Amzie Moore, re food stamp problemsMS |
9/11/67 | Illegible OFC | Note to Amzie Moore, re asthma & support work MS |
9/22/67 | Lowell Dodge | Letter to Joel Fleishman, Yale Univ re leadership training for MS |
Fall '67 | Josh Gould | Whata ya say Bruce?, Letter to Bruce Hartford re organizing G.I. against the Vietnam War |
10/4/67 | William Alexander (candidate) | Letter to Amzie Moore asking for his political support in state Senate race. MS |
10/10/67 | Willard McIlwan (candidate) | Letter to Amzie Moore asking for his political support in state Senate race. MS |
10/12/67 | Mrs. Mable Wilmington, PPC | Letter to Mr. Moore, re list of names MS |
10/16/67 | Maurice McCrackin, OFC | Memo to Amzie Moore, re support work MS |
10/31/67 | Rubel Phillips (candidate) | Letter to Amzie Moore asking for his political support in Governor's race. MS |
10/31/67 | Rubel Phillips (candidate) | Letter to Amzie Moore asking for his political support in Governor's race. MS |
11/67 | Lenny, Resistance | Note to Bruce Hartford about anti-war and draft resistance in NYC |
11/67 | Bruce Hartford, SDS | Dear Lenny & Co. letter discussing Stop the Draft Week tactics comparing Oakaland to NYC |
11/20/67 | Maurice McCrackin OFC | Note to Amzie Moore, re his health MS |
12/8/67 | Josh Gould | Dear Bruce, note to Bruce Hartford from jail (handwritten) |
1968? | Dorothy Zellner, SCEF | Report to the SCEF Board From the Deep South Project, undated |
4/7/68 | Joe MS | Dear Faith re families MS |
5/14/68 | Unsigned | West Marks Democratic Party precinct convention, MS |
8/1/68 | Charles Jefferson, SCLC | Report from Grenada MS 7/26-8/2/68 |
9/68 | Charles Jefferson, SCLC | Report from Grenada MS 9/9-9/14/68 |
9/68 | Charles Jefferson, SCLC | Report from Grenada MS 9/16-9/22/68 |
10/29/68 | Charles Jefferson, SCLC | Weekly Report from Grenada MS |
11/6/68 | Charles Jefferson, SCLC | Letter to Hosea Williams from Grenada MS |
11/18/68 | Charles Jefferson, SCLC | Weekly Report, Grenada MS |
12/9/68 | Charles Jefferson, SCLC | Weekly Report, Grenada MS |
12/29/69 | Victor Cassidy, SNCC | Letter to Wisconsin Historical Society re donation of SNCC papers |
See also:
History & Timeline: 1951-1968 — Descriptions of Movement events. Our Words — Articles & speeches by Movement veterans written at the time. Documents — Movement publications, reports, organizing, strategy, etc. Photo Album — Movement photos, posters, etc. Our Thoughts — Retrospectives and later analysis by Movement veterans. Our Stories — Memories, narratives & interviews of Movement veterans. Our Thoughts — Analyses and commentaries by Movement veterans. Discussions — Transcripts of group discussions by veterans.
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