Civil Rights Movement Archive
Our Stories & Interviews
Submissions Policy

This section contains stories, oral histories, diaries, interviews, narratives, and remembrances about the author's experiences in the Freedom Movement. In most cases these were written or told in later years.

Everybody Can Serve  —  Martin Luther King

Affidavits & Depositions Regarding Violence, Repression & Brutality

Groups Title/Description
Many veterans Lighter Moments
Black Students Talk About Their Experiences in Desegregated Schools
Multiple veterans The Freedom Movement Stories We Always Wanted to Tell
Multiple veterans Memories of the First Greensboro Sit-Ins (NC)
Jackson State College students Group interview by Robert Penn Warren 1964
Tougaloo College students Group interview by Robert Penn Warren 1964

Name Title/Description (Locale/Subject)
Unidentified Mama, I Got to Do It, I Got To, Mississippi
Unidentified A Cup of Coffee (Mississippi)
Unidentified The New Barbarians re Southwest Georgia 1963
Unidentified CORE Interview, unidentified white Louisiana CORE staff member, by #KZSU Project South (Stanford University), summer 1965
Unidentified CORE Interview, unidentified Black Louisiana CORE staff member, by #KZSU Project South (Stanford University), summer 1965
Sandra Adickes Oral History Interview Mississippi 1999
  History Lessons in Hattiesburg Mississippi
George Albertz Tells His Experiences as a Freedom Summer volunteer Mississippi
Barbara Barnes Allen Interview (St. Augustine, FL)
Chude Allen The Political is Personal: Oral History, by Amanda Tewes UC Berkeley. Freedom Summer Mississippi, Spellman College, women's liberation, etc. 2022. 257 pages
 Post Freedom Summer interview 1965
 My Mother and Father Believe Ours Is a Good Country
 Would You Marry One? Mississippi
 Loneliness in the Circle of Trust Mississippi
 Watching the Iris Grow Mississippi
 A 6th Grader Interviews His Grandmother
 An Activist & Freedom School Teacher 2018
 Interview by high school students re Freedom Summer & after. 2020
PDF transcriptVideo
Emma Allen Interview by Joe Sinsheimer re Greenwood, MS
Henry Allen Jr Selma student activist
Cynthia & Fletcher AndersonOral History Interview by Joseph Mosnier re Bogalusa LA, Deacons of Defense and Justice, Bogalusa Voters League, job discrimination. 2011. 39 pages  Video
Rueben Anderson Oral History Interview Mississippi
William Anderson In the Beginning — the Albany Civil Rights Movement 2021
 Interview by Joseph Mosnier, re Albany GA Movement, SNCC, Dr. King, & etc. 2011 Video
James ArmstrongInterview for Eyes on the Prize. ACHMR, Birmingham, Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth. 1979. 5 pages  Video
  Interview by Kimberly Hill re school integration and the movement in Birmingham AL, 1963-1965. 2005
PDF transcriptAudio
Julie Armstrong Interview, re Birmingham school integration, by Willoughby Anderson (SOHP), 2005
Thomas Armstrong Oral-History Interview (Freedom Rider & MS)
Anne Pearl Avery Oral History Interview, by Joseph Mosnier, & re SNCC the Albany and AL movement 2011 PDF transcript Video
David Bailin Mississippi Summer Project Diary, August 1964
Elaine Delott Baker Connecting With Courage: Connecting With Community
Ella Baker Interview Excerpts, Emily Stoper. 1966
 Ella Baker 1967
 Oral History/Interview 1968
 Interview With Ella Jo Baker by Clay Carson 1972
 Interview by Eugene Walker 1974 (100 pages, mostly about SCLC) PDF version
 Oral-History Interview by Sue Thrasher 1977
Quenton E. Baker Oral-History Interview (Chapel Hill NC)
Marion Barry Interview by "JM," 1965
 Interview, by Clay Carson. 1972
  Interview for Eyes on the Prize by Blackside re Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), Nashville, TN. 1979. 12 pages. Video
Daisy Bates Oral History/Interview (Little Rock, AR)
Frank Bates Interview of SCLC, Taliaferro Co. GA & Crawfordsville. 1965 by KZSU Project South (Institute of American History, Stanford University)
PDF transcriptAudio
Fred Battle Oral History Interview (Chapel Hill, Greensboro, NC)
Randy Battle The Great Pool Jump.. (Albany, GA)
  Grocers and Groceries; Charlie Ware; and 'Gator Johnson Georgia
 Driving for Attorney C.B. King Georgia
 Memories of Stokely Carmichael Georgia
 An Education; A Memory of Stokely Georgia
 A Dispute over a Bull Georgia
Hunter Bear Oral History (MS & NC)
Hunter Bear (John Salter) A Magnolia Tale Mississippi
 Black-Belt Thunder (NC & SCEF)
 Bertie County, NC: Taking the 1700s into the 20th Century
Melba Beals PattilloInterview for Eyes on the Prize by Blackside re Little Rock Nine, school integration. 1985. 20 pages.  Video
James Bell & Laura SpearsInterview by Mimi Feingold (Clinton, LA)  Audio
Fay Bellamy Powell Interview [video only]
"Arkansas" Benston Freedom To Freedom Alabama
James Bevel Interview for Eyes on the Prize (Birmingham & Selma)
Freddie Greene Biddle Interview by Emilye Crosby, re SNCC & the Mississippi movement. 2015 Video
Stephen Bingham Different Types of Unsung Heroes Mississippi
 A WASP in the Movement 2018
Charles Black Interview by Greg Ivers re Atlanta Student Movement and Atlanta Inquirer. 2019
PDF transcriptVideo
Unita Blackwell Fix It for Free (About Muriel Tillinghast in MS)
 Interview for Eyes on the Prize, SNCC & NAACP, Mississippi, MFDP, 1964 Democratic National Convention. 1986
 Interview for Eyes on the Prize. MFDP, mayor of Mayersville, race relations in Mississippi. 1989. 13 pages  Video
Harry Blake Interview for Eyes on the Prize Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), Shreveport, LA. 1985.  Video
Ed Blakenheim Interview (Freedom Ride)
Sam Block Interview by Joe Sinsheimer re Greenwood, MS
 Interview by Max Krochmal re SNCC and the movement in MS.
PDF transcriptAudio
Willie Blue SNCC 50th Commemoration Interview, by Max Krochmal. Raleigh NC. 2010, 21 pages  Audio
Willie Bolden Interview [video only]
Julian Bond Interview Excerpts 1966-67
 Oral History 1999
 Interview, by Evan Faulkenbury, SOHP. November 19, 2013. 8 pages Audio
Charles BonnerOral History/Interview 2005 (Selma, AL)
 The First Sit-in & Birth of the Selma Movement,1963
 The Killing of Jonathan Daniels 2020
Heather Tobis BoothInterview
 Memories From Shaw, Especially of the Hawkins Family
 Interview by Gregg Ivers re Freedom Summer and later activity. 2019.
PDF transcriptVideo
Harry Bowie Oral History Interview Mississippi
 Oral History Interview, interviewed by Jack Bass & Walter De Vries 1974 (Audio only).
Stanley Boyd Interview by Jennifer Donnally and Max Krochmal (SOHP re SNCC). 2010
PDF transcriptAudio
Amelia Boynton Interview for Eyes on the Prize by Callie Crossley. re Selma, Alabama, Dallas County Voters' League, March to Montgomery. 1985. 15 pages  Video
Harry Boyte My story of the KKK, Martin Luther King, and Populist Politics (FL)
Raylawni Branch Interview by Emilye Crosby re MS & the movement 2015 Video
Cole (Ron) Bridgeforth Starkville & Oktibbeha County Mississippi
 Interview by Brotherhood of Elders Network, 2021
 To be Worthy of the Trust 2018
 We Were Not Alone 2022  Audio
Louise Broadway Interview by Will Griffen re Baker County Georgia Movement, schoole integrationm, Freedom Riders. 2013.  Video
Ellen Broms "High Yellow" (Freedom Ride)
Amos C. Brown Interview by David Cline, re NAACP & Jackson MS movement 2013  Video
H. Rap Brown Interview, Robert Allen, National Guardian 1968
Henry Brown Interview, of CORE staff member in Clinton Louisiana by #KZSU Project South (Institute of American History, Stanford University), summer 1965
Luvaghn Brown Interview by Paul T. Murray (Mississippi)
Johnnie Ruth Browner Interview by Hasan Jeffries (Albany GA) 2013
Joan Browning Religion and Joining SNCC
Walter Bruce Interview by John Dittmer, re Mississippi movement & Freedom Summer 2011 Video
C.C. Bryant Interview by Joe Sinsheimer re McComb, MS
 Panel Discussion, with Bob Moses re McComb MS. 1986
Peter Buck Transcript of 1965 Journal (SCOPE, AL)
John Buffington Interview, of SNCC staff member in Clay County Mississippi by #KZSU Project South (Institute of American History, Stanford University), summer 1965
Dorothy Dawson BurlageInterview, about SDS, SNCC, SSOC, NSA by Gretchen Howard. 35 pages.
Larry Butler Diary of an Alabama SCOPE Volunteer Alabama
Cathy Cade My Family, the Movement, and Me (Albany, GA)
 My First Demonstration, Atlanta, 1962
 Not the End 2018
Guy and Candie CarawanInterview by Joseph Mosnier. Highlander Folk School and music in the Freedom Movement. 2011. 29 pages  Video
Gordon Carey Interview: CORE, the Sit-ins and Freedom Rides
Stokely CarmichaelInterview by Robert Penn Warren, 1964
 Face the Nation Interview With Stokely Carmichael, 1966
 Interview for Eyes on the Prize by Blackside re SNCC, Black Power, Lowndes Coutny, Malcolm X, etc. 1988. 67 pages. Video
Sam Carr Interview, of MFDP leader in Aberdeen Mississippi by #KZSU Project South (Institute of American History, Stanford University), summer 1965
Herman Carter(?) Interview of CORE SSOC member in Baton Rouge LA by #KZSU Project South (Stanford University), Summer 1965.
Rev. Joseph CarterInterview re Registering to vote in Louisiana, by Robert Penn Warren, 1964
 Interview by Mimi Feingold Real. Arrested for trying to register to vote in Louisiana. 1967  Audio
Raphael CassimereA Civil Rights Activist Revisits the Sixties Movement at UNO, 2003. 10 pages
 Interview re New Orleans. 2012. 4 pages
 Interview by Catherine van Es re NAACP and Freedom Movement in New Orleans, LA. 2018. 10 pages
Ruth Howard ChambersInterview about SNCC, by Gretchen Howard. 41 pages.
Oscar Chase Mississippi Summer: 1963 to February 1964: A Memory
Benjamin Chavis Muhammad Interview, by Kiernan Taylor, SOHP. 2/3/06. Audio
Sheyann Webb-Christburg see Sheyann Webb
John ChurchvilleOral History Interview by Joseph Mosnier re SNCC, Americus GA & MS, Freedom Library, Black People's Unity Movement PA. 2011. 73 pages.  Video
Robert Clark Interview by John Dittmer, re Mississippi & election Video
Septima Clark Interview by Robert Penn Warren
 Oral History Interview: Part 1 1976 (NAACP, SCLC)
 Oral History Interview: Part 2 1976 (SCLC, King)
 Dismissal (SC)
Kathleen Neal Cleaver Interview by Joseph Mosnier, re SNCC and the movement 2011 Video
U.W. Clemmon Interview (Birmingham civil rights lawyer), 2004
Ken Cloke My Memories of the Civil Rights Movement, 2023
Charleana Cobb Interview re Mississippi Movement and Freedom Summer, by Gloria Xifara Clark Mississippi. 1995
Charlie Cobb Oral History
 Black Politics and the Establishment: (Interview)
 Interview, re post-SNCC activities. 2015
 Interview by Greg Ivers re SNCC. 2019
PDF transcriptVideo
Woodrow Coleman Interview, by David Cline, SOHP. 2010. About SNCC, CORE, N-VAC in Los Angeles CA.
Lester Coles Interview by Joe Sinsheimer re Fredom Summer MS
Rev. Clint Collier Oral History Interview Mississippi
Peggy Jean Connor Interview by Emilye Crosby, re Mississippi, COFO, MFDP, and NAACP 2015 Video
George Conway A Matter of Honor (St. Augustine, FL)
Elizabeth & Jane Cooper Interview re school integration in Richmond VA. 2003. 4-pages Video
Fatima Cortez-Todd The Work is Unfinished: Oral History, by Amanda Tewes UC Berkeley. CORE, Freedom Summer Louisiana, women of color liberation, reproductive rights, etc. 2024. 131 pages
 Honoring Our Ancestors, Honoring Ourselves
 Interview, 2012
Dorothy Cotton Interview by Joseph Mosnier, re Dr. King, SCLC, Citizenship Schools, & the movement 2011 Video
Macarthur Cotton Oral History Interview Mississippi
Courtland Cox A Perspective on the Marion Barry Administration (Washington DC)
 Interview for Eyes on the Prize
 Interview by Joseph Mosnier, re NAG, SNCC, the movement & 6th Pan-African Congress 2011 Video
 Interview by Greg Ivers, Julian Bond Oral History Project, 2018
Connie Curry Thoughts & Memories on Returning the South Carolina
  Interview [video only]
Pat Cusick Oral History (Chapel Hill, NC)
Ellie Dahmer Oral History Interview, by Emilye Crosby (SOHP). 2015 MS. 57 pages
Vernon Dahmer Jr. Oral History Interview, by Emilye Crosby (SOHP). 2015 MS. 60 pages
George Davis Interview Alabama
William (Bill) Day From Kansas to Mississippi
David "Dave" Dennis Interview, by #KZSU Project South (Institute of American History, Stanford University), summer 1965
  Oral-history interview, by John Dittmer 1983
 Interview for Eyes on the Prize Mississippi
 Interview by Greg Ivers re CORE & COFO. 2019
PDF transcriptVideo
Doris Derby Interview by Max Krochmal, SOHP re SNCC, GA, MS, etc. 2010. Audio
 Oral History Interview by Joseph Mosnier, re SNCC, Albany GA, Free Southern Theater, Poor Peoples Corporation, & etc. 2011. Video
Annie Devine Interview, of MFDP leader in Canton MS by #KZSU Project South (Institute of American History, Stanford University), summer 1965
 Oral history 1966 (Canton, MS)
Dion Diamond Interview by David Cline, re Freedom Rides, Louisiana, Mississippi 2015
 Interview by Greg Ivers re NAG & SNCC. 2019
PDF transcriptVideo
Morris Dillard Interview [video only]
Ivanhoe Donaldson Oral History 1966
 Interview for Eyes on the Prize (MS & AL) 1979
 Oral History Interview about SNCC and Mississippi 2003
L.C. Dorsey Oral History Interview Mississippi
Viola Johnson Douglas Selma student activist, Alabama
Lydia Douglas Interview [video only]
William Douthard I'll Never Forget Alabama Law (Gadsden, AL)
George Driesen A Volunteer for Justice: Working for Civil Rights in Louisiana, 1966
David Dukes I Have Never Lived in America (Madison Co. FL)
Karen Duncanwood Remembrances of Mississippi Summer 1964
Arlene Dunn Interview, re Arkansas SNCC and anti-racism work with whites in the North with PAR, by Karlyn Foner, 2010.  Audio
 My Arkansas Journey
Virginia Durr Interview by Blackside re Alabama, Montgomery Bus Boycott, Rosa Parks, etc. 1975. 16 pages.  Video
 Interview for Eyes on the Prize by Blackside re Alabama, Montgomery Bus Boycott, Rosa Parks, E.D. Nixon, etc. 1096. 17 pages.  Video
 Oral History Interview, interviewed by John Egerton. 1990 (Audio recording)
Dottie Edwards Interview by Daugherty & Smith re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee (VSCRC). 2016. 15 pages  Video
Lucious Edwards Interview by Daugherty & Smith re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee (VSCRC). 2016. 19 pages  Video
Pete Eikenberry Mississippi Postscript (re Grenada MS)
 I Was a Civil Rights Lawyer in Mississippi 2009
Lolis Elie Comments re Race, Race Consciousness & Black Muslims
John Emmerich Intervew, by John Sinsheimer re SNCC, Bob Moses, Greenwood, Mississippi. 1985. 17 pages
Dwain Epps SFTS Students & Black Voting Rights in Wilcox Co. AL
Myrlie Evers Eyes on the Prize Interview Mississippi.  Video
Gail Falk Remembering Freedom Summer Mississippi
James Farmer Interview for Eyes on the Prize, CORE, sit-ins, Freedom Rides, non-violence, 1985.  Video
 Research interview by Robert Penn Warren
Mimi Feingold see Mimi Feingold Real
Kathryn Fentress A Journey of the Spirit (St. Augustine, FL)
Ralph Fertig The Making of a Freedom Rider (Chicago & Selma)
Frank Figgers Oral History Interview Mississippi
Bettie Mae Fikes Oral History/Interview (Selma, AL)
Rev. David Forbes Interview, re Raligh sit-ins, SNCC founding, by Dwana Waugh (SOHP), 2010
Jim Forman Some Random Notes From the Leflore County Jail, 1963 Mississippi
 A Band of Brothers, A Circle of Trust (Atlanta), 1964
 Interview by Robert Penn Warren 1964
 Interview by "JM," 1965
 SNCC, Voter Registration & the Consequences 1988
Barney Frank Interview re Freedom Summer Mississippi, by Joe Sinsheimer 1983
[Freedom Summer] Remembrances of Freedom Summer 1964 Mississippi
Jo Freeman Viewing Rosa Parks
Hardy Frye Narrative (MS & AL)
 Everyone Was a Leader Mississippi
 The People Were Great Mississippi
 Memories and Tributes by Family & Friends, June 2021
Gloria Harvey Fulwider Selma student activist
Glenda Funchess Interview by Emilye Crosby, re Hattiesburg Mississippi and the movement 2015 Video
Bobby Fuse Oral History Interview (Americus, GA)
Tom Gaither Oral History Interview (CORE)
Tom Gardner Interview by Daugherty & Smith re Richmond, Virginia, Crusade for Voters, Massive Resistance, etc. 2003. 34 pages &aemsp;Video
Betty Garman see Betty Garman Robinson
James Garrett Lessons Mississippi
 Remembering the Black Campus Movement, an Oral History Interview by Ibram Rogers, 2009
 From the Streets of L.A. 2018
 Interview by high school students re SNCC. 2020
PDF transcriptVideo
David GassInterview by Rob Widell re Freedom Summer, freedom schools, and Deacons for Defense. 2014. 11 pages  Video
Joanne Gavin Answers to Jon Hale's Freedom School Questionnaire 2008
 The Moon in Alabama is Big and Yellow Alabama
Jack Geiger Interview by John Dittmer, re Medical Committee for Human Rights (MCHR) 2013 Video
Maria Gitin Story From Wilcox County, Alabama Alabama
 Sim Pettway, Student Civil Rights Leader, 1965 Alabama
Myrtle Glascoe Interview, by Dwandalyn Reece, 2010
Miriam Glickman Oral History 2012
 Our Mississippi Dilemma Mississippi
 Interview Excerpts 1966
 Integration in the Deep South: Death Goes On, 1963
 Vietnam War Protest, 1965 (DC)
 A Jewish Woman in the Movement 2018
 The Ties That Bind, video interview with Marsha Joyner 2018 [Video
Lynn Goldberg Diary of a Young Civil Rights Worker (SC)
Heather Gray A Month of Infamy 38 Years Ago Mississippi
Victoria Gray Adams Interview for Eyes on the Prize 1985.  Video
 Interview by Joe Sinsheimer re Hattiesburg, MS 1987
 Turning Points in the Life of a Christian Activist Mississippi. 1988
Jim GrantOral History Interview, by Joshua Clark Davis. Re North Carolina SCEF, Charlotte Three. 2014. 88 pages.   Audio
Stephen Green Freedom Rider Diary - 40 Years Later (Freedom Rides)
Jack Greenberg Interview by Joseph Mosnier (SOHP). 2011. Re: NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund  Video
Greene family Interview re Greenwood MS, by Clayborne Carson 1978
Dick Gregory Interview re Chaney-Schwerner-Goodman Lynching Mississippi
 Dick Gregory, An Interview 22 pages), 1967
Ira Grupper Oral-History Interview by Sarah Thusen, 2006 77 pages (MS & KY)
 The Fairgrounds Motel (Jackson, MS) 1965
Leesco Guster Oral History Interview, by Emilye Crosby (SOHP). 2015 MS. 39 pages
Lawrence Guyot Testimony for MFDP Congressional Challenge Mississippi
 Oral history 1966
 Interview for Eyes on the Prize 1979 Video
 Interview by Joe Sinsheimer re SNCC & MS movement 1999
 Interview 2012
Carol Hallstrom see Carol Rogoff
Linda Halpern The Shooting of Silas McGhee (Greenwood, MS)
 Stokely and Freedom Summer 2018
 Interview by high school students re Freedom Summer in Greenwood MS. 2020
PDF transcriptVideo
Fannie Lou Hamer Interview: Winona, Mississippi, 1963 Mississippi
 Testimony at Democratic Convention, 1964
 Interview: Life in Mississippi 1965
 Oral History, interview by the Romaines 1966
Hamilton & Ulmer Interview re St. Augustine Movement. 36 pages  Video
Bill Hansen Arkansas SNCC field reports, Arkansas Historical Quarterly 1962
 Interview, of SNCC staff member in Arkansas by #KZSU Project South (Institute of American History, Stanford University), summer 1965
Sandra Hard Statement about Freedom Summer, MS
Thomas Hardy Interview by Ronald E. Carrington re Surrey County Virginia movement & Surrey Assembly. 2003. 31 pages &aemsp;Video
Robert Hargreaves Mississippi Freedom Summer 1964 Mississippi
John P. Harper At the Center of a Storm: My Involvement in the CRM (DC, MD)
Rick Harper & Ralph Tyler A Long Hot Summer (re Alabama 1966), Illinois Alum 2012
Michael Harrington Interview for Eyes on the Prize by Blackside re Poor People's Campaign, Dr. Martin Luther King. 1988. 13 pages. Video
Rev. Curtis Harris Interview by Ronald E. Carrington re Virginia SCLC, civil disobedience. 2003. 24 pages &aemsp;Video
Don Harris Oral History (SW GA)
Jesse Harris Interview, by "JM" 1965 Mississippi
Bruce Hartford Oral History, by Shiela Michaels 2002
 Interview, by Kiernan Taylor 2002
 Albert Turner & the Rocking Chair Alabama 2010
 Interview by Will Griffin SOHP, 2010. [Audio only]
 Interview: Alabama & Mississippi 2012
 Radical Democracy Interview 2016
 Lika a Runaway Slave, Selma Alabama 2019
 Schooled by a Mound of Dead Roaches, a Selma story 2019
 Jim Clark and the Commie Kike, a Selma story 2019
 Interview by high school students re CORE & SCLC, Alabama & Mississippi. 2020
PDF transcriptVideo
 Stood Here Before, 2022
 Interview re GI organizing in Asia, by Jerry West. GI Movement. 1975. 27 pages.
David Hartsough Nonviolent Sit-In, Arlington VA, (VA) 1960
Rev. Dean Hay Hattiesburg Diary Mississippi 1964
Casey Hayden Roots of Feminism in the Redemptive Community
Interview for Eyes on the Prize. Freedom Summer, Mississippi, Bob Moses, SNCC. 1985. 17 pages  Video
 Interview about SNCC, by Gretchen Howard. 22 pages.
Tom HaydenInterview for Eyes on the Prize. Mississippi Freedom Project, MFDP, JFK, FBI, Dr. King,. 1985. 15 pages  Video
Robert Hayling Interview re St. Augustine Movement (FL)
  Interview by Joseph Mosnier, re St. Augustine FL, SCLC, & the movement 2011 Video
Janet Heinritz-Canterbury From Appleton to Gee's Bend (MS, AL)
Marion Helland Freedom School, Voter Registration, Marches (AL, MS)
Aaron Henry Interview by Robert Penn Warren, Mississippi Feb. 1964
 Notes on conversation with Aaron Henry, Jerry DeMuth, 1964
 Interview by "JM", 1965
 Interview, 1974
Mrs. Aaron Henry Interview by Jerry DeMuth, 1964. MS)
Margaret Herring Narrative (Lauren McSureley)
 Interview by Timothy Tyson (SOHP re SNCC, MS, SCLC, etc). 2010
PDF transcriptAudio
Jeanine Herron Interview by high school students re Mississippi. 2020
PDF transcriptVideo
John Herz My Two Weeks as a Civil Rights Lawyer in Mississippi, July 1964
Hicks family Interview by Joseph Mosnier re CORE, Deacons of Defense, & Bogalusa LA movement 2011  Video
Robert Hicks Interview by Mimi Feingold, 1967. Re Bogalusa LA
Roger Hickey Interview by Daugherty & Smith re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee (VSCRC). 2015. 11 pages &aemsp;Video
Bill Higgs Inteview, by "JM" 1965. Mississippi
Hattie Hill (17) Interview by Mimi Feingold, 1967. Re Bogalusa LA
Jesse Hill Interview [video only]
Marilyn Hildreth Interview by Joseph Mosnier, re NAACP Youth Council, Oklahoma City, sit-ins, Clara Luper (mother). 2011. 16 pages 
Yvonne Hilton Responses to Interview Questions .. (Baltimore & Black Power)
Faith Holsaert Interview re SW Georgia 1991
 Letter re Movement experience 1991
 Oral history interview re Cambridge MD & SW Georgia, with Jean Smith-Young 1993
 Oral history interview, re Cambridge MD & SW Georgia 1994
 Interview by high school students re Cambridge MD & SW Georgia 2012
King Hollands Oral history interview by Larry Patterson, Nashville Public Library. School desegregation, sit-in movement, etc. 49 pages. (Nashville, TN)
Len Holt Eyewitness: The Police Terror at Birmingham Alabama
Stu House "Inciting to Riot" in Selma Alabama
 Selma, Lord, Selma — Young Heroes: Sheyann and Rachel (Selma AL)
Ellis Howard Interview by Mimi Feingold re Jonesboro LA. 1967
Ruth Howard see Ruth Howard Chanbers
Terry V. Howard SCLC and Me, power-point presentation about the movement in Taliaferro Co. Georgia
Freeman HrabowskiOral History Interview by Joseph Mosnier re the movement in Birmingham. 2011. 45 pages  Video
Rodney L. Hurst It was never about a hot dog and a Coke!  (FL)
Phil Hutchings Interview by Joseph Mosnier. Re NAG, SNCC, MFDP, SDS. 2011. 90 pages  Video
Gwendolyn Iles-Foster Interview (Atlanta, GA)
John Jackson Remembrance of Lowndes County, Alabama Alabama
Elmo Jacobs Interview re Jonesboro LA  Audio
Don Jelinek Interview re Mississippi movement and legal work, by Rachel Reinhard, Mississippi 2004
 Oral History, re Misissippi & Alabama 2005
 The Two Cows, a Mississippi story
Jenkins family Interview by Joseph Mosnier, re Bogalusa LA Movement 2011 Video
Gayle Jenkins Interview by Mimi Feingold (Bogalusa, LA) 1967
Mary JenkinsOral history interview, by Will Griffin, SOHP. Re the Albany Movement. Georgia. 2013.
Timothy L. Jenkins Interview, by "JM," 1965
 Interview by Emilye Crosby re SNCC and the movement 2015 PDF version  Video
Richard Jewett Beating of CORE Worker, (Jackson MS)
Lucy Johns The SNCC Support Statement, 1963/2014
Annie Johnson Interview re Jonesboro LA  Audio
Rev. Aaron Johnson Interviewed by Joe Sinsheimer re Greenwood 1985
Cheryl Janice Johnson Trailblazer: Desegregating South Panola High School (MS)
Clarence L. Johnson Reflections on Growing Up in Greenwood .. Mississippi
Frankye A Johnson Interview — Daughter of a Sharecropper Mississippi
 Interview by Emilye Crosby re Mississippi Movement 2015 Video
June Johnson Growing Up in Mississippi Mississippi
  The Person Who Influenced Me Most (re Bob Moses)
 Interview by Joe Sinsheimer re Greenwood Movement 1987
Willie Johnson Interview, of SNCC staff member in Vicksburg Mississippi by #KZSU Project South (Institute of American History, Stanford University), summer 1965
J. Charles JonesCharles Jones, Interview. SNCC. Undated. 33 pages
 Oral History Interview, by Owen Brooks. 2005. (AL, MS) (Audio-only).
 Oral History Interview, by Debbie Howard, Before Brown Project (UNC). Sit-ins, Freedom Rides, SNCC. 2005. 30 pages.
Clarence B. Jones Interview by David Cline, re Dr. King & SCLC 2013 Video
Ever Jones-Allen Time For a Change: My Story of Freedom Summer, Panola Co. 2022 (MS)
James Oscar JonesOral-History Interview by Joseph Mosnier re Little Rock school desegregation, SNCC, & Arkansas movement. 2011. Part 1 and Part 2.   Video
Jamila Jones Oral History Interview by Joseph Mosnier, re Montgomery Bus Boycott, Montgomery Gospel Trio, Freedom Rides, Highlander Folk Center, "We Shall Overcome," & Harambee Singers. 2011.  Video
Mary Jones Interview by Joseph Mosnier (SOHP). 2011. 2011. Albany Georgia Movement .  Video
Marsha Joyner Interview: Baltimore MD
Si Kahn No Easy Walk Conference. Performance and presentation. 1996. 9 pages
James Kates Interview, in Natchez MS July 24, 1965, by KZSU Project South (Institute of American History, Stanford University).
 June & August, 1964 Mississippi
Rep. Kastenmeier (D-WI) Interview by Anne Romaine re MDFP & Democratic Party. 1966
Abdul Aziz Khaalis Journey To Prison (Freedom Rides)
Lanny Kaufer UCSB SCOPE Project 1965 (Sussex County, VA)
 SCOPE Project Success Story (VA)
Peter Kellman Freedom Movement Memories Alabama
Rev. J.C. Killingsworth Interview, of MFDP in Stonewall MS by #KZSU Project South (Institute of American History, Stanford University), summer 1965
Charles Kimbrough Oral History Interview, by Gwen Smith, re segregation, Tuskegee, Alabama sit-ins, NAACP, Nashville TN. 2005. 13 pages
Rev. Ed King Oral History, re Mississippi 1966
 Interview by Joe Sinsheimer re MFDP 1987
Lonnie King Oral History Georgia 64-page transcript
 Atlanta Student Movement Timeline
 Remembering the Atlanta Student Movement of 1960
 Interview 2005 [video only]
 Interview, by Emilye Crosby, re Atlanta movement & SNCC 2013
 Interview by Gregg Ivers re Atlanta Student Movement and sit-ins. 2018
PDF transcriptVideo
Coretta Scott King Interview for Eyes on the Prize by Blackside re Martin Luther King, Poor People's campaign, SCLC, Memphis Sanitation Workers Strike. 1985. 33 pages. Video
Martin Luther King Interview by Robert Penn Warren 1964
 Interview, Playboy 1965
Mary King Oral History Interview, interviewed by Sara Boyte 1973
 SNCC: Born of the Sit-Ins, Dedicated to Action 1988
 1964 Revisited: Mt. Zion and the Ongoing Struggle Against Injustice 2021
Adam Kline Greenwood, Mississippi Mississippi
Jerry Von Korff Information about my experience as a Civil Rights worker in the 1960's Mississippi
Karin Kunstler Oral History Interview Mississippi 2003
Marion KwanOral History Interview Mississippi
 Freedom Fighter for All: Oral History, by Amanda Tewes UC Berkeley. S.F. Chinatown, Delta Ministry, Holly Springs Mississippi, role of women in the movement, etc. 2024. 98 pages
 Daily Log, Hattiesburg MS. Summer 1966
 From Chinatown to Mississippi 2018
 They Hadn't Counted On Me Comin' Mississippi
 Fighting for Civil Rights in Hattiesburg, MS in 1965 Mississippi
Sherie Labedis Fireball in the Night (SC)
 Journal Excerpts, SCLC/SCOPE (SC)
 Rebecca Crawford: A Line in the Sand (SC)
Dorie Ladner I Just Had a Fire! Oral-history interview 2013?
Dorie & Joyce Ladner Interview by Joseph Mosnier, re SNCC & Mississippi movement 2011
Joyce Ladner The March on Washington
 Remembrance of Women in the Freedom Movement 1988
 Interview re Hattiesburg & Mississippi Movement. 1987
 Interview by Greg Ivers re SNCC, Hattiesburg. 2019
PDF transcriptVideo
Bernard Lafayette Remembrance of Selma Alabama — 1963
Candida Lall Wouldn't Take Nothing for my Journey Now (Freedom Rides)
 Killing Sisyphus (Freedom Rides)
Roslyn Garfield Lang A Baltimore Girl Sits-In
Rev. James Lawson Interview by Robert Penn Warren 1964
 Interview re Early Involvement in the Movement 1983
 Interview for Eyes on the Prize re Nashville & Nonviolence 1985
Jennifer Lawson Interview by Emilye Crosby re SNCC & the movement 2015
 Interview by Greg Ivers re SNCC, Alabama, Lowndes Co.. 2019
PDF transcriptVideo
Charles Leck Riding on the Spirit of New Orleans Mississippi
Sandy Leigh Oral history 1966
Herbert Lee see E.W. Steptoe
Frederick LeonardInterview for Eyes on the Prize. Nashville Tennessee, CORE Freedom Rider, Jackson MS, Parchman State Penitentiary. 1985. 8 pages  Video
Eric Lerner Selma Interview Alabama
Michael Lesser(?) CORE Interview, unidentified white Louisiana CORE staff member by #KZSU Project South (Stanford University), summer 1965
Willy Leventhal Interview by David Cline, re SCOPE, SCLC, & the movement 2013 Video
Mark Levy I'm Still Arguing With My Mother (MS) Freedom Summer
Frederick Douglas LewisInterview by Mimi Feingold (Claiborne Parish, LA & voting rights)  Audio
John Lewis Oral History/Interview, by Emily Stoper 1967
 Interview/Oral-History, by Bass & Devries 1973
Interview for Eyes on the Prize. Nashville, nonviolence, Freedom Rides, SNCC, March on Washington. 1979. 18 pages Video
Interview for Eyes on the Prize. Voting rights, Selma, Dr. King, SCLC, SNCC, nonviolence, March on Washington. 1985. 19 pages Video
Rufus Lewis Interview: Montgomery Bus Boycott Alabama
Liberty MS.Freedom Movement Meeting, Led by Smiley Proff 1966
Leo Lillard
(Kwame Lillard)
Interview for Eyes on the Prize by Blackside re Nashville, TN sit-ins, Freedom Riders Birmingham. 1985. 13 pages. Video
Lillie and Alice Testimony of two teenagers jailed in Jackson, June 14 1965
Bernice Lilly Selma student activist, Alabama
Michael Lipsky Freedom Summer, 1964 (MS)
Peter de Lissovoy Albany GA in 1963 (Southwest GA)
 "Outside Agitator" and Other Terms of the Times Georgia
 A Confrontation Georgia
 Remembering C. B. King's Campaign for Congress Georgia
 Hunger Strike, Albany, Georgia, 1963
Gloria Logsdon Summary of interview by Dr. Edith M. Freeman. 2014 (MO)
John Logsdon Columbia's CORE, Missouri, 1963
Worth Long Interview by Emilye Crosby re SNCC & religion in the movement 2015 Video
Marilyn Lowen Interview, about the Freedom Movement. By Gretchen Howard. 28 pages.
  Oral History Interview re Mississippi
Al Lowenstein Interview by JM, November 1965
 Oral History, Mississippi 1967
 Interview 1977
Joseph Lowery Interview by Joseph Mosnier, re SCLC, NAACP, & the movement 2011 Video
Calvin Luper Interview by Joseph Mosnier, re NAACP Youth Council, Oklahoma City, sit-ins, Clara Luper (mother). 2011. 14 pages  Video
Ralph Luker Interview [video only]
Staughton & Alice Lynd Interview by Joe Sinsheimer re Freedom Summer & SNCC 1987
Madison Parish LAConversation about the Freedom Movement Madison in Parish LA, 1965
Clarence Magee Interview by Emilye Crosby re Hattiesburg MS & the movement 2015 Video
Sam Mahone Interview, by Hasan Jeffries (Albany GA) 2013
Larry Mamiya SNCC, SIM, and the Southwest Georgia Project Georgia
William M. Mandel Execution in Virginia, 1951
Bob Mants Don't Stick Your Nose in Other Folks Business re Georgia & Alabama 1988
[March on Washington] Memories of the March on Washington (DC)
Joseph Lee MarlboughInterview re ASCS elections & economic justice in Greensburg, LA
Jacqueline Byrd Martin Interview by high school students re McComb MS student movement. 2020
PDF transcriptVideo
Betita Martinez Liz is Betita: A SNCC Memory 2010
Gwendolyn Matthews Oral History (School integrator)
McCain & Khazan Interview re Greensboro Sit-In (NC)
Robert McClary Interview for Eyes on the Prize 1985. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), Southwest Georgia project. Video
Salynn McCollum Oral History Interview, by K.G. Bennett re Freedom Rides, Highlander Folk School, nonviolence, Nashville Student Movement, SNCC, CORE. 2005. 44 pages
McComb MS activists Group Interview, by Joe Sinsheimer 1983
Johnnie Ruth McCullar Interview by Hasan Kwame Jeffries, re Terrell Co, GA movement 2013 Video
Mrs.Classie McCullough How I Learned About Freedom to Vote Mississippi
Charles McDew Remembrances of SNCC), 1988
 Returning to the South South Carolina 2003
 Interview by Joseph Mosniew re SNCC, South Carolina, Mississippi & the movement 2011 Video &
Joe McDomick Registering to Vote in Louisiana
John McFerren Testimony: The Fight for the Vote Fayette County, 1960
Silas McGhee Interview re Greenwood & Mississippi Movements 1987
Lillian McGill Interview, by Jennifer Lawson & Courtland Cox, re Lowndes County Alabama movement
Phil McKenna SCOPE — the Summer of 1965 (VA)
Floyd McKissick Interview North Carolina 1973
 Interview, re Desegregating UNC, North Carolina 1989
Charles McLaurin To Overcome Fear, re Sunflower County MS in 1962 (undated possibly 1967)
 Interview About Freedom Summer Mississippi 2014
  Interview by Emilye Crosby re SNCC & the movement 2015 Video
Leslie Burl McLemore Oral History Interview, by Pete Daniel, SOHP. 1984. About Mississippi movement
 Oral History Interview, by Pete Daniel, SOHP. 1997. About Mississippi movement & SNCC)
Steven McNichols Interview by David Cline, re Freedom Rides, NSA, Delta Ministry, & MFDP 2013 Video
Alan McSurley Oral-History Interview —  Audio 
William MelishFreedom Summer 1964: Vicksburg, Mississippi Remembered, 1964-1968. 28 pages
William Merritt Selma student activist Alabama
Sheila Michaels Oral History/Interview 1999
 Sitting-In on Attorney General Robert Kennedy (DC)
 Pat Smith and Frank Nelson Wed
 Them There Eyes Mississippi
 How I Became An Oral Historian
Robert Miles Interview, of MFDP leader in Batesville MS by #KZSU Project South (Institute of American History, Stanford University), summer 1965
Grace Miller Interview by Will Griffin, re the movement in Baker Co. Georgia 2013
James & Carolyn Miller Oral History Interview, by Emilye Crosby (SOHP). 2015 MS. 86 pages
Mike MillerOral History Interview, by Sheila Michaels 1999
 The Agitator Mississippi
 Interview by high school students re SNCC. 2020
PDF transcriptVideo
Claire Milligan Oral History Interviews by Bruce Hartford: Session #1 ~ Session #2 Feb & March 2023
Jack Minnis Selected Entries From the Diary of Jack Minnis, SNCC)
Bill MinterMississippi Story
Alfred Moldovan Interview, re MCHR, Mississippi & Selma. 2011
Henry Marsh Interview re "Massive Resistance," politics in Richmond, VA. 2003  Video
Bill Monnie Interview by Daugherty & re Smith, re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee. 2015. 14 pages.  Video
Amzie Moore Farewell to the N-Double-A Mississippi
 Interview for Eyes on the Prize Mississippi
  Interview for Eyes on the Prize 1985. Mississippi NAACP, Emmett Till murder, voting rights campaign . Video
Marcia Moore Freedom Summer, My Parents, and Me
James Moore Interviewed by Joe Sinsheimer re Greenwood 1985
Mary Moore Interview (Birmingham)
John C. Morris Interview re the Movement in Batesville MS. By Cheryl Johnson
Audio Recording
Richard Morrisroe Hope, Action, Change: 50 Years of Memories Alabama
Bob Moses Oral history by "JM" 1963 Mississippi
 Narrative transcript from June 20, 1963 [incomplete]
 Interview by Robert Penn Warren 1964
 Oral history, by Anne Romaine 1966
 Interview by Clayborne Carson 1982
 Interview by John Dittmer 1983
 Interview by Joe Sinsheimer 1984
 Interview by Joe Sinsheimer re 1963 Freedom Ballot in MS)
 Interview, by Joe Sinsheimer re SNCC field work. Mississippi 1984
 Interview for Eyes on the Prize 1986
 Panel Discussion, with C.C. Bryant re McComb Mississippi 1986
 Interview by Greg Ivers re Mississippi. 2018
PDF transcriptVideo
Moses & Murphy Interview by Robert Penn Warren 1964
Daphne Muse A SNCC Education 2018
Bernice Savage Mutuku Selma student activist, 1963-65 Alabama
Diane Nash Interview for Eyes on the Prize 1985
 The Beloved Community & Philosophy of Nonviolence
Ed Nakawatase Interview by Greg Ivers re SNCC. 2019
  PDF transcript TBD  Video
Rachel West Nelsonsee Rachel West
Peter Nemenyi Oral History
John Newman Canton Arrest 3/21/64 Mississippi
Martin Nicolaus Mississippi Winter 1964-65 (Jackson & Issaquena Co.)
E.D. Nixon Interview for Eyes on the Prize (Montgomery Bus Boycott) Video
David Nolan Interview by Daugherty & Smith re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee (VSCRC) and St. Augustine FL movement. 2015. 15 pages Video
Martha Prescod Noonan Interview by John Dittmer, re SNCC in Albany and elsewhere 2013 Video
Silas Norman Remembrance of SNCC, Selma, and Alabama
Fran O'Brien Faith and Activism Mississippi
Gregory Orr Return to Hayneville (MS & AL)
Peter OrrisInterview for Eyes on the Prize. Re Freedom Summer in Mississippi, SNCC. 1986. 16 pages  Video
Nan Grogan Orrock Interview by Daugherty & Smith re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee (VSCRC). 2015. 18 pages &aemsp;Video
Hazel Palmer Interview, by Joe Sinsheimer re Jackson & Mississippi movement. 1985
Johnny Parham Interview [video only]
Pam Parkersee Chude Allen
Penny PatchInterview about SNCC, by Gretchen Howard. 27 pages.
 Interview by David Kline re SNCC in GA & MS. 2010
PDF transcriptAudio
Gwen Patton Insurgent Memories (Tuskegee, AL)
 Interview by Joseph Mosnier, re Tuskeegee & Montgomery movement 2011 Video
Rip Patton Oral History Interview, by K.G. Bennett, re Nashville Student Movement, Freedom Rides, etc. 2003. 16 pages.
Delores Miller Parks In Her Own Words (St. Augustine, FL)
Rosa Parks Interview for Eyes on the Prize (Montgomery) Video
 Inteview by Don Jelinek (Montgomery)
Bruce Payne Interview re Freedom Vote campaign. Mississippi 1983
 Interview, by Joe Sinsheimer, re Freedom Summer volunteers. Mississippi 1983
Wazir Peacock Oral History interview by Bruce Hartford re Mississippi & Alabama 2001
 Freedom Summer interview by Bruce Hartford 2014
 Interview by Joe Sinsheimer re SNCC in MS 1985
 Fighting for Freedom in the Mississippi Delta
 Stand for Freedom.. 1:23 minute YouTube video
Jim Peck Eyes on the Prize Interview (Freedom Rides)
Bill Perlman Interview, SNCC 50th Conference. By Max Krochmal, SOHP. April 16, 2010. 21 pages.  Audio
Perdew & Battle Events in Dawson and Americus, Georgia 2005
 Americus, GA: Sheriff Fred Chapell and "Slappy"
Charles Person Interview (GA & Freedom Rides)
Jane (J.J.) PhillipsNight Train to Raleigh: Summer 1962 (NC)
Mattie Pilcher Interview by Joe Sinsheimer, re race relations. Mississippi 1963
Pike County AL vols Journal, SCOPE Project, summer 1965
General Larry PlattMy Story (Atlanta, GA)
Carol Poe Interview by Willoughby Anderson (SOHP) re Birmingham marches and school integrator in 1963
Peggy Ryan Poole SCOPE in Sussex County VA, 1965. 2018
Annell Ponder Citizenship Education in the "Heart of the Iceberg Mississippi 1963
Portia Harden PottsInterview [video only]
Rodney PowellInterview, by K. G. Bennett, Nashville Public Library. Nashville Student Movement, Freedom Rides, Peace Corps, etc. 13 pages.
Smiley Proffsee Liberty MS
Joseph Rauh Interview by Anne Romaine re MFDP Convention Challenge
  Interview for Eyes on the Prize by Blackside re MFDP legal, NAACP. 1985. 14 pages. Video
Mimi Feingold Real Activist, Educator, and Historian: Oral History, by Amanda Tewes UC Berkeley. CORE, Freedom Rides, Louisiana, women's liberation, etc. 2022. 112 pages
 Interview (Freedom Rides, Louisiana), 2012
 Interview with Ron Bridgeforth 2018
 Interview by high school students re CORE, Freedom Rides & Louisiana. 2020
PDF transcriptVideo
Bernice Johnson Reagon Interview for Eyes on the Prize by Chris Lee. Re NAACP, Albany Movement, SNCC, Freedom Singers. 1985. 15 pages  Video
Meg Redden Interview, by Greta de Jong. CORE, Louisiana, Feliciana parishes. 1996. 29 pages
 Freedom Summer ~ A Memoir (LA) 2014
Rev. Fredrick Reese Interview for Eyes on the Prize (Selma, AL)  Video
Shirley Green-Reese Hidden Behind Bars — 52 Year Ago Georgia
Alan Reich In the New York SNCC Office
Dr. Milton Reid Interview by Ronald Carrington. SCLC, school desegregation, Danville (VA). 2003. Video
Dr. W. Ferguson Reid Interview by Ronald E. Carrington re Richmond, Virginia, Crusade for Voters, Massive Resistance,. 2003. 34 pages  Video
James Reynolds Selma student activist Alabama
John Reynolds Four Holes Freedom School, 1969 South Carolina
Gloria Richardson Interview by Joseph Mosnier, re C-NAC and Cambridge MD Movement 2011
Judy Richardson Oral History, interview about SNCC by Jean Wiley 2007
 Interview by Emilye Crosby re SNCC & the movement 2016
Willie Ricks Interview [Video Only Part 1, Part 2]
Ron Ridenour Freedom Summer Orientation Mississippi
 On the Road to Freedom Mississippi
 Personal Diary, Moss Point Mississippi
Dennis Roberts Stories of Southwest Georgia & C.B. King (multiple stories)
 Stories of SNCC Members & the Military Draft (multiple stories)
 Journal: Southwest Georgia, Summer 1963
Wallace Roberts Interview re Freedom Summer & SNCC. By Orion Teal (SOHP). 2010.  Audio
 Sheriff Capps & the Shaw Freedom School Mississippi
Betty Garman Robinson Interview by Emily Stoper, 1966
 Interview by Emilye Crosby re SNCC & the movement 2015
 Interview by Greg Ivers re SNCC. 2019
PDF transcriptVideo
James Robinson Oral-histories, 10 sessions
Jo Ann Robinson Interview for Eyes on the Prize (Montgomery AL)
Joyce RobinsonInterview, by Helen Haw. Crossover of Black teachers to white schools after integration. Louisiana. 1997. 22 pages
Priscilla Robinson My Story (VA & AL)
Reggie Robinson Interview by Emilye Crosby re SNCC, Maryland, & the movement 2015
PDF transcriptVideo
 The Ties That Bind, video interview with Marsha Joyner 2018 [Video
Igal Rodenko Oral History Interview, interviewed by Jacquiline Hall & Gerry Cohen 1974(Audio recording)
Jimmy Rogers Interview Oral History Interview by Bruce Hartford 2001
 An Experience with Violence in Lowndes County, Alabama
 Interview by Paul Murry for article on Fr. Morrisrow 2013
Taylor Rogers Interview for Eyes on the Prize by Blackside re Memphis Sanitation Workers Strike. 1988. 13 pages.  Video
Carol Rogoff Interview re SNCC, Mississippi, E.W. Steptoe. By Orion Teal (SOHP). 2010.  Audio
Avon Rollins Sr. August 28, 1963 — the March on Washington
 Interview by high school stuends 2012
Mildred Roxborough Oral History Interview by Julian Bond re National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). 2010. 75 pages Video
Constance Rozier Selma student activist, Alabama
Larry Rubin A Walk in Holly Springs: 1964 Mississippi
 An Oral History, interview by Gloria Clark 2001
 ... But South I Went, Jewish Currents 2014
 Interview by Greg Ivers re Freedom Summer, SNCC, etc. 2019
PDF transcriptVideo
James Russell Remembering the Tulsa Sit-ins (OK)
Bayard Rustin Nonviolence vs. Jim Crow, 1942
 Interview by Robert Penn Warren
  Interview for Eyes on the Prize by Blackside re March on Washington, civil rights activism after World War II. 1979. 21 pages.  Video
William Rutherford Interview for Eyes on the Prize by Blackside re SCLC, Poor People's Campaign, Resurrection City, Martin Luther King. 1988. 30 pages.  Video
Ruby Nell Sales Interview for Eyes on the Prize by Blackside re SNCC, Lowndes County AL, Tuskegee Institute, Stokely Carmichael, Jonathan Daniels. 1988. 13 pages.  Video
 Oral History Interview about SNCC & Lowndes County by Bruce Hartford & Jean Wiley 2005
 Interview by Joseph Mosnier, re SNCC & Lowndes Co. AL, 2011. Video
Mendy Samstein Oral history, interview about SNCC by Anne Romaine 1966 or 1967
Mark SatinThe Three Committees Mississippi
Danny SchechterRemembering the March on Washington in 1963
Jeffrey Schwartz CORE's Freedom Summer — My Experiences in Louisiana
Pete Seeger Interview by Joseph Mosnier re freedom movement. 2011 Video
Cleveland SellersThe Context of Black Power
 Oral-History Interview, by Evan Faulkenbury (SOHP)  Audio #1Audio#2
 Oral-History Interview by Joe Sinsheimer, re civil rights activism. 1985. 49 pages
 Oral-History Interview, by William Link re freedom movement. 1989. 21 pages
 An Oral History, interview by Gloria Clark. 2003. 35 pages
 Interview by John Dittmer, re NAACP, NAG, & SNCC 2013 Video
[SCOPE Project] Remembrances of SCOPE Project, 1965-66
Terry Shaw Interview With Terry Shaw (Selma AL) 1963
Charles Sherrod Interview for Eyes on the Prize re Albany Movement 1985  Video
 Interview by Joseph Mosnier, re SNCC & Albany movement 2011 Video
Shirley Miller Sherrod Interview by Joseph Mosnier, re SNCC & the movement in Baker Co. Georgia 2011 Video
Rick SheviakovIf I Ever Write Down the Story of My Life.. (Freedom Rides)
 Byron's Contraband (Freedom Rides)
 From Berkeley to the Freedom Rides) 2018
 Interview by high school students re Freedom Rides & after. 2020
PDF transcriptVideo
Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth Eyes on the Prize Interview (Birmingham)
Carol Ruth Silver Ever Wonder Who Empties Your Trash, & Where it Goes?
Helen Singleton Freedom Rider, Freedom Fighter Mississippi 2018
Robert Singleton A CORE Freedom Rider Mississippi
Modjeska Simkins Oral History 105 pages on NAACP and the movement South Carolina
Dr. B.J. SimmsInterview for Eyes on the Prize. Montgomery Bus Boycott. 1985. 6 pages  Video
Euvester Simpson Interview by John Dittmer, re SNCC, COFO & MFDP 2013 Video
Charles Sims Armed Defense (Bogalusa, LA) 1965
Michael SimmonsDisturbing the Peace 1995
 Arkansas Roots and Consciousness 2009
 Letter to Dwight Williams 2018
Zoharah Simmons  Interview by Joseph Mosnier, re SNCC, Laurel MS, & the movement 2011 Web-versionVideo
Bruce Smith Interview by Daugherty & Smith re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee (VSCRC). 2016. 29 pages Video
Hon. Frank Smith (pol ldr) Interview, re Greenwood MS civil rights demonstrations 1985
Frank Smith (SNCC) Interview, re Freedom Movement 1986
Jean Wheeler Smith SNCC Women
Jeannette Smith Interview by Emilye Crosby re MS & the movement 2015 Video
Jerome Smith (CORE) Louisiana Story, interview by Freedomways, 1964
Ollie M. Smith Interview (St. Augustine, FL)
R.L.T. Smith Interview by "JM" 1965
 Interview, by Joe Sinsheimer 1965
Dr. Robert Smith Oral History interview (MCHR), by Harriet Tanzman. 2000
Sam Smith SNCC in Washington DC) 2015
Scott B. Smith My Name is Scott B. Smith Jr. Alabama
Amos Snell Selma student activist Alabama
Richard Sobol Interview by Joseph Mosnier re Lawyers Constitutional Defense Committee (LCDC) and Bogalusa LA. 2011. 59 pages  Video
Laura Spears see James Bell & Laura Spears
Lola StallworthInterview, by Greta de Jong. CORE, St. Helena Parish, Louisiana. 1998. 40 pages
Jonathan Steele Summer of Hate Mississippi
Jane Stembridge Interview by Emily Stoper 1966 or 67
 Oral History Interview, by Peter Daniel, SOHP. 1996. About SNCC and other matters
E.W. SteptoeDescription of violence and murder of Herbert Lee in Amite Co. MS, 1964
Ed Stern The Lawyers Who Went to Mississippi Will Never be the Same
John Stokes Interview, by Ronald Carrington re 1951 student strike against segregation at Moton High School in Prince Edward County VA. 2003. Video
Nancy Stoller Interview by David Cline re SNCC. 2010 PDF transcriptAudio
 Arkansas 1965
 Bowling in Prince Georges County, Maryland
Peter Stoner Report on Experiences in Hattiesburg Mississippi 1964
Bettye Parker Miles Selma student activist Alabama
Cleophas Strong Selma student activist, Alabama
Matt ("Flukey") Suarez Oral History (LA & MS)
Peter Sussman The March: A Veiw From the Crowd (DC MoW)
John Suter Short Piece on Freedom Songs Mississippi
Ernest Swann Interview [video only]
Talullah, LAGroup Interview, 1965 or 1966
Roberta Tate Selma student activist Alabama
Calvin TaylorInterview by Paul Stekler, Blackside. Memphis 1968 Sanitation Workers Strike, The Invaders, violence against nonviolent protesters. 1988. 11 pages  Video
Ralph Temple St. Augustine, 1964 (FL)
Esther M.A. Terry Oral History Interview by Joseph Mosnierre re Greensboro Woolworth's sit-in, Bennet College, & more. 2011 Video
Michael Thelwell Interview by Emilye Crosby, re NAG, SNCC, MFDP & Washington DC 2013 Video
Ed Thomas Interview, of SCLC volunteer in Luverne Alabama by #KZSU Project South (Institute of American History, Stanford University), summer 1965
Sue Thrasher Interview by Joe Sinsheimer Mississippi
 Interview by Jessie Wilkerson re SSOC and activism
PDF transcriptAudio
Kay Tillow Interview by David Cline re the freedom and labor movements 2011 Video
Walter Tillow Oral History interview by Anne Romaine re Tennessee & Mississippi 1966
 Interview by David Cline re SNCC & Georgia 2011 Video
Peter Titelman ... Define Self Through Involvement in the Civil Rights Movement
Lisa Anderson Todd Interview by Emilye Crosby re SNCC & MFDP 2013 Video
Roy Torkington Itta Bena and Elsewhere Mississippi 2011
 Volunteer: Mississippi 1964 & Louisiana 1965 2018
Brenda Travis Oral History, interview by Peacock, Wiley & Hartford re McComb MS & SNCC)
 Oral History Interview Mississippi
Jimmy Travis Oral History Interview Mississippi
Joan Trumpauer Oral History Interview Mississippi  Video 
 Interview by Greg Ivers, re Freedom Rides, SNCC, Mississippi. 2019
Karen Trusty Going Crazy (Atlanta GA)
Alice Tucker My Integration SuperHero Mississippi
Gloria Jean Tucker My Time as a SNCC Worker Panola County 2022. (MS)
Kwame Turesee Stokely Carmichael
Albert Turner Interview for Eyes on the Prize Alabama
Calvin Turner Interview, of SCOPE project director in Crawfordsville Georgia by #KZSU Project South (Institute of American History, Stanford University), summer 1965
Rick Tuttle The Brutal Winona, Mississippi Jail Beatings 2010
 Interview by David Cline re SNCC and the movement in GA & MS 2010
PDF transcriptAudio
 Interview by David Cline re Greenwood, Savannah, & etc 2013 Video
Eugene Turitz Interview re SNCC & Mississippi work, 1965
 A Life in the Movement Mississippi & Lousisiana 2018
Nancy Jo Turitz Interview re Mississippi work 1965
Henry Twine Interview, by David Colburn re St. Augustine FL movement of 1963-64
Ralph Tyler Rick Harper in Greene County, Alabama 1966
Ulmer & Hamilton Interview re St. Augustine Movement
JoeAnn Ulmersee Hamilton & Ulmer
Ann ValliantOne Conversation, One Heart at a Time (AR, AL)
Maria VarelaInterview by David Cline re SNCC and the Chicano movement 2016 Video
Judy VarleyInterview by Blackside. Medical Committee for Human Rights (MCHR), Jackson, Mississippi, Black Power. 1989. 15 pages.  Video
Mrs. Barbara Vickers Interview by Joseph Mosnier, SOHP. Re St. Augustine FL movement. 2011 Video
Rev. C.T. Vivian Interview for Eyes on the Prize (Nashville & Selma) 1986 Video
 Interview Part 1, Part 2 2006 [video only]
 Interview by Taylor Branch, re SCLC & the movement 2011 Web-version Video
Virginia Volker Interview, by Willoughby Anderson, SOHP. 2006. Re school desegregation, Birmingham, AL.
Johnnie Mae Walker I am Johnnie Mae Walker
  Interview, of SNCC staff in Hattiesburg Mississippi by #KZSU Project South (Institute of American History, Stanford University), summer 1965
Rita Walker Meeting the Freedom Workers 1964
 Life in Mississippi: Negro Motherhood
Wyatt T. WalkerInterview by Robert Penn Warren
 Interview for Eyes on the Prize (Albany, Birmingham) Video
 Interview by David Cline re SCLC & the movement 2014 Video
 Interview, by Evan Faulkenbury, SOHP. March 15, 2013. 16 pages Audio
Fred Walters Woodcutter Slavery undated (probably 1970) (MS)
Hollis Watkins In the Middle of the Iceberg, Mississippi 1988
 Interviewed by Joe Sinsheimer re SNCC & Mississippi 1985
 Interview for Eyes on the Prize 1985
 Julian Bond Oral History Project: Hollis Watkins, Mississippi 2019
Dan Lynn Watt Interview by Rob Widell re movement in Cambridge MD and Fayette Co. TN. 2014. 13 pages  Video
Molly Lynn Watt Oral History Interview 2013 (Highlander Tennessee)
 Building Democracy at Highlander Center, Tennessee
Jimmy Webb I'll Be An Activist Until I Die (Selma AL)
Sheyann Webb Interview for Eyes on the Prize 1985. (Sheyann Webb-Christburg). Selma, Alabama voting rights campaign in Selma.  Video
Bob Weil A Faulkner Tale Mississippi
Mark Weiss Interview Mississippi
Rachel West Interview for Eyes on the Prize 1985. (Rachel West Nelson). Selma, Alabama voting rights campaign.  Video
Linda Wetmore see Linda Halpern
Annette Jones White Freedom Movement Narrative (Albany, GA)
 Charles Sherrod — The Gentle Giant (Albany, GA)
 Blue and Me in C.M.E (Albany, GA)
 In Memory of Rev. Dr. Janie Culbreth Rambeau
George White Birmingham 1963 Alabama
Hattie & James White Interview (St. Augustine, FL)  
Grenville Whitman Mississippi Summer 1964
Jean Wiley Oral History interview by Bruce Hartford 2001
Hosea Williams, SCLC Interview of SCLC leader about SCLC and SCOPE by #KZSU Project South (Stanford University), Summer 1965.
Annie Laura Williams Selma student activist Alabama
James Williams Oral History Interview, Kieran Taylor. (SSOC, SCEF) 2004
Lula Belle Williams Selma student activist, 1963-65 Alabama
Junius Williams Interview by Joseph Mosnier re SNCC & the Movement 2011 Video &
Mabel Williams Oral History (Monroe, NC)
Raquel Williams Interview (Birmingham school integrator), by Willoughby Anderson, SOHP. 2005
Robert Williams Interview for Eyes on the Prize (Monroe, NC)
Bright Winn Mrs. Magruder Mississippi
 Mississippi Revisited
Steven Wise Interview by Daugherty & Smith re Virginia Student Civil Rights Committee (VSCRC). 2015. 13 pages &aemsp;Video
Abraham Lincoln Woods Interview, by Kimberly Hill, 5/5/06. Audio
Annie Pearl Wormely Selma student activist, Alabama
Michael Wright A Legacy of Resistance (oral-history) Alabama
Abby Young Those Who Came, Journal from AFSC Voter Registration Project Sumter, SC, 1966
Rev. Andrew Young Interview by Robert Penn Warren 1964
 Oral History Interview, Interviewed by Jack Bass & Walter De Vries. 1974(Audio recording)
Interview for Eyes on the Prize. Birmingham, Selma, SCLC, Dr. King, Malcolm X, Albany, GA, SNCC. 1985 32 pages Video
A.Z. Young Interview by Mimi Feingold (Bogalusa, LA) 1967
Carrie Lamar Young Interview by Joseph Mosnier re SNCC & Arkansas movement. 2011 Video
Sam Young Jr. Interview by Will Griffin, SOHP. Re Albany GA movement. 2013 Video
Luis Zapata Interview by Emilye Crosby, re SNCC, COFO, MFLU & the movement 2013 Video
Bob Zellner A White Southerner Joins the Struggle
 The March on Washington
 50 Years of Poor People's Organizing: An Interview 2020
Dorothy Zellner Interview by Emilye Crosby re SNCC & the movement 2015 Video
 Interview by Greg Ivers re SNCC, Freedom Summer, etc. 2019
PDF transcriptVideo
Howard Zinn Interview by "JM," 1965
John ZippertInterview, by Greta de Jong. CORE, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana. 1998. 55 pages

See also:

History & Timeline: 1951-1968 — Descriptions of Movement events
Our Words — Articles & speeches by Movement veterans written at the time
Letters & Reports From the Field — By Movement veterans
Documents — Movement publications, reports, organizing, strategy, etc
Photo Album — Movement photos, posters, etc.
Our Thoughts — Retrospectives and later analysis by Movement veterans
Our Thoughts — Analyses and commentaries by Movement veterans
Discussions — Transcripts of group discussions by veterans

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Copyright to these web pages as web pages belongs to this web site. Copyright to the information and stories contained in the interviews and narratives belongs to whomever provided the original story or information.


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