This section contains articles, speeches, and other material created in the 1950s and '60s by Freedom Movement participants.
Example Segregation Laws. (Birmingham & Montgomery)
Voting Rights in America Two Centuries of Struggle, by Bruce Hartford, 4th Edition
Are You "Qualified" to Vote? — Literacy Tests & Voter Applications
Freedom Songs and Singers. (Multiple articles)
Nonviolent Resistance.(Multiple articles)
Dr. Martin Luther King. (Multiple speeches & articles)
Southern Regional Council Publications, Articles, & Documents
Albany & SWGA Movement (61-64)
ASCS Elections (65-67)
Birmingham Movement (56-66)
Black Power (66-68)
Chaney-Schwerner-Goodman Lynching (64)
Free Southern Theater (64-68)
Freedom Rides (1961)
Freedom Summer (1964)
Lowndes County, AL (65-67)
March on Washington (1963)
McComb MS, Incidents & Events (61-65)
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (63-68)
Mississippi Freedom Movement (55-68)
Montgomery Bus Boycott (55-56)
St. Augustine Movement (63-64)
School Desegregation (63-64)
SCLC/SCOPE Project (65-66)
Selma & March to Montgomery (63-65)
Sit-Ins (60-66)
SNCC Founding (1960)
Vietnam War & Military Draft (65-68)
Women in the Freedom Movement
1916 | How the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Began, Mary White Ovington, NAACP. Re-issued 1954. |
1919 | Thirty Years of Lynching in the United States, 1889-1918, 110-page report on known lynchings, NAACP. April 1919. (By definition, unreported or concealed racial killings cannot be counted.) |
1934 | Postscript by W.E.B. DuBois. January 1934 editorial in The Crisis, re segregation, integration, and Black cooperation & self-help. (See National Association for the Advancement of Colored People for background.) |
1935 | The Slave Market, Ella Baker and Marvel Cooke, NAACP. From The Crisis Nov. 1935 |
1946 | Behold the Land, W.E.B. DuBois. Address to Southern Youth Legislature of the Southern Negro Youth Congress |
1946 | The CORE Way, Helen Buckler. Survey Graphic, February 1946. Founders and early CORE action, 1941-1943 |
1946 | A Southerner Looks at Discrimination, George W. Cable. International Publishers. 50-page pamphlet. |
1947 | Address Before the NAACP, President Truman, June 29, 1947 |
1947 | An Appeal to the World, edited by W.E.B. DuBois. NAACP petition to the United Nations. |
1949 | The Proof of the Pudding by James Peck, CORE. Crisis, Nov. 1949. CORE swimming pool desegregation actions at Palisades Pool NJ and Bimini Baths Los Angeles CA. |
1949 | Project: Brotherhood, report on CORE interracial workshop in Washington DC. George Houser, CORE. Fellowship Magazine, undated (probably 1949 or 1950). Anti-segregation direct action efforts in Washington. |
1950 | Forge Negro-Labor Unity for Peace and Jobs, Paul Robeson (CPUSA). Speech to National Labor Conference for Negro Rights, June 1950. |
1951 | Marxism and Negro Liberation (25-page pamphlet), Gus Hall, CPUSA. May 1951 |
1951 | We Charge Genocide (full text), Civil Rights Congress (CRC). See "We Charge Genocide" Petition to the UN for background. November 1951 |
1951 | We Demand Freedom! William L. Patterson, Civil Rights Congress (CRC). |
1951? | Crises No. 3, Howard Fast, writing for the CRC. Undated (probably late 1951) |
1952 | What the Negro Wants in 1952, Statement of Political Objectives. Eight-page pamphlet. Unsigned NAACP & other organizations. Undated |
1952 | America's Racist Laws: Weapon of National Oppression Herbert Aptheker, Masses & Mainstream (New Century). 26-page pamphlet. January 1952 |
1952 | Act Together Now to Halt the Killing of Our People! Paul Robeson. (Re Murder of Harry & Harriette Moore) |
1952 | Martyr for a Cause: Christmas Night Bomb Assasination of Harry Moore, Gloster Current, NAACP. (Re Murder of Harry & Harriette Moore) |
1952 | Patterns of Employment Discrimination, 12-page Crisis reprint-pamphlet by Herbert Hill based on his congressional testimony. May 1952 |
1953 | Civil Rights in'54 Depends on the Fight Against McCarthyism, Paul Robeson |
1953 | The Jewish People and the Fight for Negro Rights, Sanford Goldner. Committee for Negro Jewish Relations 1953. (60-page pamphlet) |
54-66 | Literacy and Liberation, Septima P. Clark. Freedomways. (See Citizenship Schools for background.) |
1954 | What Negroes Want Now, Walter White, NAACP. U.S. News & World Report. (See Brown v Board of Education for background.) |
1954 | Status of Racial Integration in the Armed Forces, Clarence Mitchell. NAACP. Journal of Negro Education. |
1954 | Southern Negroes at the Ballot Box, Herbert Hill, NAACP. Crises, May, 1954. |
1954 | How Washington's Color Line Looks to Me, Walter White, NAACP. Saturday Evening Post. (See Brown v Board of Education for background.) |
1954 | Bonds of Brotherhood, Paul Robeson |
1954 | Desegregation at Work: Progress and Problems, Henry Lee Moon. NAACP. Nation, December 18, 1954. (School desegregation.) (See Brown v Board of Education and "Massive Resistance" to Integration for background.) |
55-56 | Montgomery Bus Boycott (Multiple articles & documents) |
1955 | Mississippi Today — History in the Making, Paul Robeson. |
1955 | The "Crimes" of Claude Lightfoot and Junius Scales, Civil Rights Congress. 16-page pamphlet. |
1955 | It CAN Be Done! Desegregation - A Progress Report, 12-page pamphlet about schools. Unsigned NAACP. April 1955 |
1955 | Desegregation in the Public Schools: Role of the NAACP, Roy Wilkins, NAACP. Social Problems, April, 1955. (See Brown v Board of Education for background.) |
46-55 | Changing Patterns in the South Southern Regional Council. Compendium of 42 articles on race & democracy in the South. 1946-1955. |
1955 | Behind the Lynching of Emmet Louis Till, Louis Burnham, Freedom Associates. December 1955. 16-page pamphlet. |
1955 | Address to Montgomery Bus Boycott Mass Meeting
(transcript), Rev. Martin Luther King (MIA), Holt Street Baptist Church,
December 12, 1955. See also Martin Luther King: Speeches & Writings |
56-66 | Birmingham Movement. (Multiple articles & documents) |
1956 | The South in Conflict, Herbert Hill, NAACP. New Leader, April 2nd |
1956 | Civil Liberties, by Maurice Goldbloom, American Jewish Committee. April 1956. Summary of significant civil liberties cases mid-1954 to mid-1955. |
1956 | Civil Rights, by Theodore Leskes, American Jewish Committee. April 1956. 41-page state by state breakdown of significant civil rights issues and cases mid-1954 to mid-1955. |
1956 | On Segregation The Crisis in Race Relations & Two Nations—White and Black. By Leo Huberman & Paul Sweezy. Monthly Review, June 1956. |
1956 | NAACP An American Organization, June 1956. (Issued in the context of the anti-communist witch-hunts of the "McCarthy era" when NAACP was being outlawed as a "subversive" organization. |
1956 | Next Steps in the South, New South, Southern Regional Council. (See Brown v Board of Education for background.) |
1957 | Even in the Face of Death, Bayard Rustin. Liberation. (See Southern Christian Leadership Conference Founded for background.) |
1957 |
Birth of a New Nation Montgomery, Dr. Martin Luther
King, Montgomery See also Martin Luther King: Speeches & Writings |
1957 | Address by Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth at Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom, Washington, DC. |
1957 | Robeson Urges Government Defend Constitution, Paul Robeson. September 23, 1957. Regarding school desegregation in Little Rock Arkansas. |
1957 | Swimming Pool Showdown, Robert Williams. Southern Exposure. (See Robert Williams & Armed Self-Defense in Monroe NC for background.) |
1957? | Looking Forward, the Montgomery Improvement Association. Pamphlet outlining MIA's 10-point political program. |
1958 | Integration Must Move, Roy Wilkins, NAACP. Atlantic Monthly. |
1958 | Nine Courageous Students, Clarence Laws, NAACP. Crises. Re Little Rock |
1958 | Interview: Paul Robeson, Pacifica radio. Re racism, political activism & repression |
1958 | A First Step Toward School Integration, Ann Holden, Nashville CORE. (Pamphlet) Chronology of Events: Nashville School Desegregation, 1955-1958, Anna Holden, CORE. (See Nashville "Grade-a-Year" School Desegregation Scheme for background.) |
1958 | We Open the Gates, Labor's Fight for Equality. Harry Fleischman, James Rorty, UAW. September 1958. 64-page pamphlet. |
1958 | Report From Little Rock, David Thoreau Wieck, Liberation October 1958 |
1959? | Non-Violence Against Jim Crow, Jim Peck, CORE. History of CORE 1942-1958. Undated (probably late 1959 or early 1960) |
1960 | Sit-Ins of 1960-61. (Multiple articles) |
1960 | Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Founded. (Multiple articles) |
1960 | The Montgomery Situation, Lawrence Dunbar Reddick, Alabama State College. (See Alabama Attacks Black Leaders and Montgomery Sit-ins Suppressed for background.) |
1960 | Anti-Negro Prejudice, When it Began When it Will End, George Breitman, (SWP) |
1960 | Jesus as a Free Speech Victim, Trial by Terror 2000 Years Ago, Clifford Durr, reprinted by ECLC. August 1960 |
1960 | Sit-Ins: The Students Report CORE pamphlet. |
1960 | The Meaning of the Sit-Ins, Roy Wilkins, NAACP. 12-page pamphlet. |
60-66 | Some Civil Rights Related Cartoons, Jules Feiffer. |
1961 | The United States and the Negro, W.E.B. Du Bois |
1961 | Freedom Rides. (Multiple articles & Documents) |
1961 | The White Problem, Albert Bigelow. Liberation. (See Freedom Rides for background.) |
1961 | The Successful Sit-Ins in a Border City: A Study in Social Causation, August Meier, Journal of Intergroup Relations 1961. (See Baltimore Sit-ins & Protests for background.) |
1961 | The Economics of Racism, Michael Harrington, Commonweal Magazine, July 7, 1961. (CORE reprint). |
1961 | Toward the Beloved Community - Story of the Nashville Christian Leadership Conference, 11-page pamphlet covering history and directory of NCLC from 1958-1961. |
1961 | It Happened in Baton Rouge, U.S.A., Major Johns and Ronnie Moore. CORE pamphlet. |
53-61 | Cracking the Color Line. Multiple articles about CORE actions & campaigns. |
61-67 | SNCC Organizing Presence in Alabama: A Partial Timeline, Gwen Patton. |
61-64 | Albany & S.W. Georgia Movement. (Multiple articles) |
62? '63? | Sick And Tired, Youth Night Address to the American Baptist Convention, Marian Wright, ABC, undated (possibly 1960-63) |
1962 | The Display of a Feather, Rev. Will Campbell. New South. (The Manifesto of the Order of the Variegated Feather) |
1962 | Senate testimony on literacy test bill, Roy Wilkins, NAACP. April 12, 1962 |
1962 | Justice? Testimony of Ronnie Moore, Bob Moses, & Bob Zellner. CORE Committee of Inquiry, May, 1962 |
1962 | Justice? 33-page pamphlet of testimony by CORE and SNCC activists, Committee of Inquiry into the Administration of Justice in the Freedom Struggle. Convened by Eleanor Roosevelt, May 1962 |
1962 | The Port Huron Statement, Tom Hayden and other SDS activists. June 15, 1962. (HTML version). |
1962 | The Southern Youth Movement, Julian Bond. Freedomways. (See Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee Founded for background.) |
1962 | Report on Voter Registration Work, Jack O'Dell, SCLC |
1962 | Negro Youth's New March on Dixie, Ben Bagdikian, Saturday Evening Post. Re SNCC. |
1962 | They Know They're Niggers, Margaret Long, New South, October 1962. (re violence & repression in Mississippi.) |
1962 | Just a Matter of Timing? Critique of Kennedy administration inaction on civil and voting rights. Tom Hayden, SDS. Liberation, October 1962 |
1962 | The Labor Class at Tougaloo, Fall, 1962 (Re Jackson MS Movement of 1962-63) |
1962 | Tennessee: How to Keep People From Voting , Jerry DeMuth. Gazette & Daily, York PA. December 8, 1962 |
1962 | Draft Second Emancipation Proclamation, Martin Luther King & Clarence Jones. See The Campaign for a Second Emancipation Proclamation for background. |
1962 | Freedom Now — the SNCC Story, Charles McDew & Mike Miller |
1962 | The Turning Point in Freedom Road: the Fight to End Jim Crow Now, Claude Lightfoot, CPUSA. 32-page pamphlet. |
1962 | The Day They Changed Their Minds. NAACP pamphlet about the sit-ins. |
62-64 | Focus on Cambridge, Gloria Richardson. Freedomways. (See Cambridge MD — 1962 for background.) |
1963 | Why Didn't They Hit Back? Jhan & June Robbins, Redbook. CORE pamphlet. (See Cambridge MD — 1962 for background.) |
56-66 | Birmingham Movement. (Multiple articles & documents) |
1963 | New Currents in the Civil Rights Movement, August Meier, Baltimore CIG. 27-page pamphlet Re CIG, CORE, Northwood Theatre campaign, and general analysis of new militancy. |
1963 | Race in the Land of Lincoln (Cairo IL), Jerry DeMuth. Commonweal, April 5, 1963 |
1963 | The Significance of the Mae Mallory Case Calvin Hicks, Freedomways Spring 1963 |
1963 | The Negro Movement — New Heights Joann Grant, Freedomways, Spring 1963 |
1963 | Note on the Economic Status of the Negro in the United States Herbert Hill, Freedomways, Spring 1963 |
1963 | The McCarran Act and the Negro Freedom Movement Benjamin Davis, Freedomways, Spring 1963 |
1963 |
SNCC Testimony,
House Judiciary Committee, May 28, 1963. (These documents and testimoney
were regarding a voting rights bill introduced by Rep. Emanual Celler in April
1963.) Appendix A: Survey of Current Field Work, Spring 1963 Robert Moses et al v Robert Kennedy et al Appendix C: Report on Leflore County Appendix D: Chronology of Abuses |
1963 | Danville Virginia SNCC pamphlet (See Danville VA, Movement for background.) |
1963 | Approximate Chronology of the Danville Movement, Danny Foss, SNCC |
1963 | Danville, VA (Police violence). Louis Nasper, SNCC. Freedomways |
1963 | Hoosier Witch Hunt Norwood Russell Hanson, Nation. 5/25/63. (Re members of the Young Socialist Alliance at the University of Indiana indicted on felony-sedition charges for promoting and attending address of a Black socialist to over 100 students and faculty.) |
The Indiana "Subversion" Speech June 1963. Transcript of and Q&A about speech by Black socialist Leroy McRae at Univ. of Indiana (Bloomington). | |
1963 | From Morning Until Night ... Humiliation Stalks Them, Roy Wilkins, NAACP. Testimony before Congress re the Civil Rights Act. |
1963 | March on Washington. (Multiple articles) |
1963 | Random Thoughts on Southern Politics and Civil Rights, Charles Morgan, Address to NSA Conference, August 19 1963 |
1963 | I Have a Dream, speech by Martin Luther King, August 28, 1963 See also Martin Luther King: Speeches & Writings |
1963 | Guilty Bystanders, James Farmer. Liberation. (See Birmingham Church Bombing for background.) |
1963 | Smoke Screen—the Red Scare, Anne Braden. Freedomways |
1963 | Siege at Savannah, Benjamin Van Clark. Freedomways |
1963 | On the Role of Private Black Colleges in the Southern Freedom Movement, John Salter (Hunter Bear), September 11, 1963 |
1963 | Address to SCLC Convention, Wyatt T. Walker. (After March on Washington and Birmingham Church Bombing) |
1963 | Go South, Young Man! Dennis Weeks Liberation magazine. Re: sharecroppers evicted in TN for trying to vote, Eric Weinberger, and the Haywood Handicrafters League. |
1963 | SNCC: The Battle-Scarred Youngsters, Howard Zinn. The Nation |
1963 | Freedom on Campus NY Times editorial reprinted by Committee to Aid the Bloomington Students. 10/12/63 |
1963 | Registration in Alabama, Howard Zinn. New Republic (See Freedom Day in Selma for background.) |
1963 | The Negro People in the Southern Economy, Jack O'Dell, SCLC. Freedomways Fall 1963 |
1963 | Nonviolence and Police Brutality, Quebec-Guantanamo Peace Walkers. Liberation |
63-64 | St. Augustine Movement. (Multiple articles) |
1963 | Birth of a Voter, Bob Adelman. (CORE reprint of an Ebony Magazine article written in 1963.) |
1963 | Integration in the Deep South: Death Goes On, Miriam Cohen, SNCC |
1963 | Speech to Annual SNCC Conference, Bayard Rustin. Washtington DC, 12/1/63 |
1963 | Difficult to Organizing the Poorest and the Wealthiest Among Negroes..., , John Perdew, SNCC. I.F. Stone's Bi-Weekly, December 9 1963 |
1963 | Freedom Now! New State in the Struggle for Negro Emancipation (pamphlet), Unsigned SWP, October '63 |
1963 | Louisiana Story 1963, CORE pamphlet. James Farmer. |
1963 | Democracy in the South, Justice Department vs Officers of Winona, MS, Septima Clark. SCLC. (See Atrocity in Winona for background.) |
63? 64? | War on SNCC: Turning Point for Freedom Fighters, Jack Rosen, PL. Undated (probably late 1963 or early 1964 |
1963 | The Ultimate Conquest of Negro Economic Inequality, Ernest Calloway, NALC, NAACP, January 1964 |
1964? | Economics of Equality, Tom Kahn, NAG & LID. 75-page pamphlet 1964, 6-page discussion (undated possibly '63 or '64) |
1964 | Mandate From History: SNCC Takes Stock, Elizabeth Sutherland (Betita Martinez), SNCC. Nation magazine, January '64 |
1964 | Address to Hattiesburg Freedom Day Rally, Ella Baker. January 21, 1964 |
1964 | House Un-American Activities Committee: Bulwark of Segregation, Anne Braden, SCEF. |
64-65 | Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP), (Multiple articles) |
1964 | Incident in Hattiesburg, Howard Zinn. The Nation (See Freedom Day in Hattiesburg for background.) |
1964 | The New Jacobins and Full Emancipation, James Farmer, CORE. (On nonviolence & strategy.) |
1964 | Speech by Mike Miller regarding SNCC and the Freedom Movement, February 1964. |
1964 | Way of Life in Mississippi, Joanne Grant, National Guardian, February 13, 1964 |
1964 | Address to West Coast Civil Rights Conference, Bob Moses, COFO/SNCC. April 23, 1964 |
1964 | Aid the Albany, Georgia Movement Freedomways editorial opposing federal appeasement of segregationists and persecution of Freedom Movement Activists. Spring 1964. | 1964 | Mississippi: Chronology of Violence and Intimidation Since 1961 19-page SNCC pamphlet from Spring 1964. |
1964 |
Subversion of
the Fifteenth Amendment in Mississippi, unsigned, possibly COFO or
MFDP. Mississippi: Subversion of the Right to Vote. SNCC pamphlet version from Spring 1964. |
1964 | Louisiana Story interview with Jerome Smith, CORE. Freedomways, 2nd Quarter |
1964 | Memo From a Monroe Jail Mae Mallory, NAACP. Freedomways, 2nd Quarter. |
???? | People With Strength: the Story of Monroe NC (38-page pamphlet), Truman Nelson. Undated. |
1964 | What Price Freedom? James Baldwin. Freedomways, Spring 1964 |
1964 | Fight the Backlash, Speech to United Packinghouse Workers, Bayard Rustin. May 1964. (See Cambridge MD & the "White Backlash" for background info.) |
1964 | Rifle Squads or the Beloved Community, A.J. Muste, FoR, CORE, Liberation, May 1964 |
1964 | Christian Reflections on Issues Posed by the Racial Crisis, multiple authors. Social Action (published by the Council for Christian Social Action of the United Church of Christ), May 1964 |
1964 | Demonstrations, a Twentieth Century Christian Witness Rev. Andrew Young, Social Action, May 1964 |
64-66 | Freedom is not Free: Meridian Movement of the Mid-60s, George Smith & Joe Morse |
1964 | Remarks of Murry W. Latimer given at Mississippi College (private, white-only in 1964) re race and economics in Mississippi. May 30, 1964. 24 pages. |
1964 | Mississippi Freedom Summer Articles. (Multiple articles) |
1964 | Chaney-Schwerner-Goodman Lynching, (Multiple articles) |
1964 | Law Professors' Statement on the Federal Government's Power to Act in Mississippi multiple signers, Rights, ECLC. July 1, 1964. |
1964 | Revelation in Mississippi, Elizabeth Sutherland, (Betita Martinez) SNCC. National Guardian. August 8, 1964 |
1964 | Fannie Lou Hamer's Testimony at Democratic Convention. (See MFDP Challenge to Democratic Convention for background.) |
1964 | Letter From Jackson re Freedom Summer, Calvin Trillin, New Yorker. August 29, 1964 |
1964 | McComb Mississippi, Incidents & Events (Multiple articles) |
1964 | CORE Calendar of Coercion Aug 1963-Aug 1964. Pamphlet compiling atrocities and attacks reported by CORE Freedom Movement projects during one 12-month period. |
1964 | Louisiana — Summer 1964, the Students Report to Their Home Towns. CORE Pamphlet. (Published accounts from CORE's summer project in Louisiana) |
1964 | Genocide in Mississippi, 12-page SNCC pamphlet. |
1964 | Black Belt, Alabama: Total Segregation, Jerry DeMuth. Commonweal |
1964 | Bob Moses Speech to National Guardian Dinner, November. (See MFDP Challenge to Democratic Convention for background.) |
1964 | Notes From Mississippip, Jerry DeMuth, The Independent. October 1964 |
1964 | Notes From Mississippip, Jerry DeMuth, The Independent. November 1964 |
1964 | 'Criminal Syndicalism' in Mississippi Jerry DeMuth, SNCC. Texas Observer, 11/13/64. |
1964 | Notes From Mississippip, Jerry DeMuth, The Independent. December 1964 |
1964 | The Negro Vote: An Analysis, SNCC. (Re 1964 presidential vote in the South.) |
1964 | The Murder of Three Civil Rights Workers, the Atlantic City Convention, and the Congressional Challenge, Robert Moses, SNCC/COFO. November 1964 |
1964 | James Forman Speech to SNCC Staff Retreat, Waveland, MS, Nov 6 |
1964 | Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech |
1964 | The Mississippi Idea: Schools in Context, Howard Zinn, Nation Magazine, November 23 1964. SNCC reprint. |
1964 | The South And Civil Rights: More Than the FBI, Jerry DeMuth, SNCC. York PA Gazette & Daily, December 8, 1964 |
1964 | Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech |
64-65 | Mississippi Congressional Challenge, (Multiple articles) |
64-66 | Free Southern Theater. (Multiple articles) |
1965 | Today's Great Issues: A Call to Action Southern Conference Educational Fund (SCEF) brochure |
1965 | The Congress of Racial Equality and Its Strategy, Marvin Rich, CORE. Annals of American Academy of Political and Social Science, January 1965 |
1965 | Article about Negro alliances (begining may be missing), Bob Moses, SNCC. Pacific Scene February 1965 |
1965 | The Civil-Rights Movement and the American Establishment A.J. Muste, Liberation. February, 1965. |
1965 | Selma Voting Rights Campaign & March to Montgomery (Multiple articles) |
1965 | From Protest to Politics: the Future of the Civil Rights Movement, Bayard Rustin. |
1965 | Text of President Johnson's Voting Rights Message address to the nation, March 13, 1865 |
1965 | Address to Southern Student Organizing Committee, Stokely Carmichael, SNCC. March 21, 1965 |
1965 | Notes From Mississippi, Jerry DeMuth, The Independent. March, 1965 |
1965? | Organizing in the Northern Ghettos — SNCC Style, Jack Newfield, Village Voice. Undated (probably 1965) |
1965 |
How Long? Not Long — Our God is
Marching On! Dr. Martin Luther King. Address to voting rights
marchers, Montgomery AL See also Martin Luther King: Speeches & Writings |
1965 | A Deeper Disenchantment Sol Stern, Liberation, February 1965. Re Free Speech Movement & student discontent. |
1965 | The Legacy of W.E.B. Du Bois, Horace Mann Bond. Freedomways, 1st Quarter |
1965 | The Legacy of W.E.B. Du Bois, Paul Robeson. Freedomways, 1st Quarter |
1965 | Lawrence Guyot's Testimony for Congressional Challenge (See MFDP Congressional Challenge for background.) |
1965 | Mississippi—State of the Union Jack O'Dell, Freedomways, Spring 1965 |
1965 | Two for SNCC, Bob Moses & Stokely Carmichael interviewed by Robert Penn Warren | 65-67 | Lowndes County Freedom Organization/Black Panther Party (Multiple articles) |
1965 | When We Get the Vote, Wallace Will Get Religion (Montgomery), Bell Chivigny (Village Voice) |
1965 | Selma's Future: The Unsolved Police Problem, Jerry DeMuth, SNCC. York PA Gazette & Daily, April 6, 1965. |
1965 | Questions regarding the implications of the Chaney-Schwerner-Goodman lynching, Bob Moses. SNCC 5th Anniversary. 1965. |
1965 | Short History of the Freedom Movement in Barbour County, Alabama, Larry Scott Butler, SCLC/SCOPE (See SCOPE Summer Project for background. See also Diary of Diary of an Alabama SCOPE Volunteer) |
1965 | Violence In Alabama, Jerry DeMuth, SNCC. Frontier, June 1965 |
1965 | The Question of SNCC, Jack Newfield, Nation magazine. July 19, 1965 |
1965 | SNCC: Rebels With a Cause, SNCC Reprint, Lerone Bennett Jr. Ebony magazine. July 20 1965 |
1965 | The Los Angeles Rebellion of 1965, John Perdew, SNCC. August 1965 |
1965 |
Three articles on the civil rights movement. Unsigned Monthly Review. July-August, 1965. Mobilization at the Grassroots Black and White Together? The Unanswered Questions |
1965 | Negro Farm Co-op: Progress in Mississipp Jerry DeMuth (SNCC), Milwaukee Journal, September 1965 |
1965 | It's Good To Be Back, speech excerpts. Paul Robeson. Freedomway, 3rd Quarter |
1965 | Paul Robeson – Inspirer of Youth, John Lewis, SNCC. Freedomway, 3rd Quarter. |
1965 | Civic Democracy in Tuskegee, Charles Gomillion. Freedomway, 3rd Quarter |
1965 | The Forgotten Battle in Arkansas Jerry DeMuth (SNCC). 10/29/65 |
1965 | Mississippi: A War on Poverty or Civil Rights? Jerry DeMuth (SNCC), Texas Observer. 10/29/65. Attack on Child Development Group of Mississippi (CDGM) |
1965 | Am I My Brothers Keeper?, Helen Howard (Vine City neighborhood, Atlanta). New South, November 1965. |
1965 | Statement to Judge Nebron before being sentenced for a sit-in arrest. Bruce Hartford, N-VAC. 11/15/65 |
1965 | The Ins and Outs of SNCC, Nancy Stoller (grad student paper) Fall, 1965 |
1965 | SNCC: The Qualities of Protest (review & discussion of Zinn's "The New Abolitionists), Tom Hayden, SDS. "Studies on the Left," winter 1965 |
1966 | Strangely Beautiful Land–Land of Injustice, Dagmar Schultz. (Observations of a European) |
1966 | SNCC-1966, Stokely Carmichael, SNCC |
66-68 | Black Power (Multiple articles) |
1966 | Who is Qualified? Stokely Carmichael, SNCC. New Republic, January 8 1966. |
1966 | A Confirmed Segregationist Judge (re court ruling against Voting Rights Act), Jerry DeMuth, SNCC. March 1, 1966 |
1966 | A Negro Looks at the Vietnam War, by C.E. Wilson. Liberation, March 1966. |
1966 | Poverty and the Federal Government, Five Documents from Greenville Mississippi, unsigned Liberation. March 1966. (See Greenville Air Force Base Occupation for background.) |
1966 | SNCC Charts a Course,, Stokely Carmichael, May 1966. Interviewed by William Price, National Guardian reprint. |
1966 | The Story of SNCC. 16-page Fund-raising brochure and organizing pamphlet from the later part of 1966. |
1966 | Justice Department Ignores Vote Law (re reluctance to enforce Voting Rights Act), Jerry DeMuth, SNCC. May 23, 1966 |
1966 | The White House Conference and the "Great Society," Freedomways editors, 2nd Quarter, 1966. See White House Conference on Civil Rights for background. |
1966 | Electoral Politics and the Movement Eric Mann, Liberation. June 1966. |
1966 | View From the Free Southern Theater, Denise Nichols, FST. Liberator, July 1966. |
1966 | Meet the Press Discussion, Stokely Carmichael (SNCC), Martin Luther King (SCLC), Floyd McKissick (CORE), James Meredith, Whitney Younge (Urban League), Roy Wilkins (NAACP) August 21 1966 |
1966 | Child Development Group of Mississippi, Histories of Children, Employees, Centers, Community Support, CDGM, September, '66. (20-page pamphlet.) |
1966 | Lowndes County Election Fraud, Gwen Patton, SNCC |
1966 | Grenada MississippiChronology of a Movement, Bruce Hartford. |
66? 67? | The New Nonviolence, David Dellinger. Undated. Published by SSOC. |
1967 | Statements & Speeches in and
regarding Puerto Rico, Stokely Carmichael: Joint Statement on racism & imperialism, SNCC, MPI, FUPI. January 25, 1967 Speech at the University of Puerto Rico, January 25 1967 Joint Statement of SNCC and the Movement for Puerto Rican Independence, January 27, 1967 Speech to University of Puerto Rico student body, January 28, 1967 |
1967 | The Problem is Poverty, Don Jelinek. (Re: racism in the U.S. Department of Agriculture and economic racism. |
1967 | Anti-Semitism and Black Power, James Baldwin & Ossie Davis. Freedomways, 1st Quarter, 1967 |
1967 | Who Are the Real Outlaws? H. Rap Brown, SNCC. July '67. Pamphlet version in English & Spanish. |
1967 | Speech to Black Caucus of NCNP by James Forman, September 2nd. (National Conference for New Politics held in Chicago.) |
1967 |
Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break
Silence, Dr. Martin Luther King. Riverside Church, New York City,
April 4, 1967. Address to Anti-War
Marchers, Dr. Martin Luther King. New York City, April 15, 1967 See also Martin Luther King: Speeches & Writings |
1967 |
The Other America, Dr. Martin Luther King. (1967) See also Martin Luther King: Speeches & Writings |
1967 | Texas Strike Doug Adair. Liberation. August 1967. United Farm Workers Organizing Committee strike in the Rio Grande Valley. |
1967 | Organized Labor and the Black Worker, United Electrical Workers & Machine Workers of America (UE), August 1967 |
1967 | The Newark Community School Eric Mann, Liberation, August, 1967. Community organizing in Newark around education issues. |
1967 | White Radicals and Black Revolt Stanley Aronowitz, Liberation, August, 1967. Discussion of evolving political situation and Black Power |
1967 | Journey to North Vietnam,, Diane Nash Bevel. Freedomways, 1967 |
1967 | Negro Women in Freedom's Battles, Augusta Strong. (Originally published in Freedomways, Winter, 1967) |
1967 | Cooperation, Not Competition; Community, Not the Individual, SNCC. (Statement on education and the Black community.) |
1967 | Rock Bottom (re SNCC, the Movement & Black Power), James Forman, SNCC |
1968? | 1967 High Tide of Black Resistance, James Forman. 27-page page SNCC pamphlet. |
1968 | The Civil Rights Movement: What Good Was It? Alice Walker. Undated, possibly 1968 |
1968 | Anger in the Southern Pines (SCEF pamphlet), Steve Martin, SCEF GROW Project. |
1968 |
"I Have Been to the Mountain Top", Dr. Martin Luther King. (1968) Dr. King's last speech, Memphis, TN See also Martin Luther King: Speeches & Writings | 1968 | Memphis is Also America, Pat Watters. Nation |
1968 | The Technological Revolution: Human and Social Ecology, Michael Harrington, LID. Undated |
1968 | Black Belt Alabama, the Negro in the Rural South, unsigned U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, Civil Rights Digest article. Photos by Jim Peppler. April 1968 |
1968 | Politicall Participation, re continued voting rights denial despite Voting Rights Act, Joseph Rauh (LCCR). Civil Rights Digest (CCR), Summer 1968 |
1968 | Lessons of Laurel: Grassroots Organizing in the South, Bob Analavage & Dottie Zellner, SCEF. |
1968 | Toward a Female Liberation Movement, Beverly Jones & Judith Brown SSOC/SDS. New England Free Press. Undated 1968. 40 pages. |
1968 | Two contending articles about SNCC-Black Panther Party breakup Julius Lester & Robert Allen, Guardian. August 1968 |
1968 | Wallace and Hitler, Carl Braden, SCEF. Southern Patriot, December 1968 |
1968 | They Are Victims Also: Challenge in the White Community, Julius Lester, SNCC. Southern Patriot, December 1968 |
1968 | How Repression Works: N.C. Dentist Found Guilty of Negligence, Southern Conference Education Fund (SCEF). Southern Patriot, December 1968 |
1969 | Manifesto To the White Christian Churches and theJewish Synogogues In the United States of America and All Other Racist Institutions. James Forman, National Black Economic Development Conference. Adopted April 26, 1969, Detroit MI. Proclaimed May 2, 1969, Riverside Church, New York City. |
1969 | Climbin' Jacob's Ladder: The life and Times of the Freedom Movement, Jack O'Dell, SCLC & Freedomways |
1969 | The Black Woman in the Civil Rights Struggle the Long View, Ella Baker, speech to Institute of the Black World in Atlanta |
1970 | Developing Community Leadership, Ella Baker. |
1970 | History of Southern Students Organizing Committee (SSOC), Tom Gardner, 1970 |
1970 | I Never Died, Said He, Ethel Bertolini-Shapiro. About the assassination of Martin Luther King |
1971 | A Rock in a Weary Lan' ~ Paul Robeson's Leadership and "The Movement" in the Decade before Montgomery, Jack O'Dell, SCLC & Freedomways. |
1972 | The Life of Martin Luther King Jr., graphic biography (comic). Golden Legacy Illustrated History Magazine. Fitzgerald Publishing Company 1972. |
1994 | Free at Last, a History of the Civil Rights Movement, (100 page booklet). Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) |
See also:
History & Timeline: 1951-1968 — Descriptions of Movement events. Letters & Reports From the Field — By Movement veterans. Documents — Movement publications, reports, organizing, strategy, etc. Photo Album — Movement photos, posters, etc. Our Thoughts — Retrospectives and later analysis by Movement veterans. Our Stories — Memories, narratives & interviews of Movement veterans. Our Thoughts — Analyses and commentaries by Movement veterans. Discussions — Transcripts of group discussions by veterans.
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