Vietnam War Background
Opposition to the Vietnam War
Resistance to the Military Draft
G.I. Resistance & G.I. Movement
1963 | Vietnam Student Peace Union (SPU) article. Unsigned. April 1964 (pages missing) |
1964 | Mr. and Mrs. Voter open letter to the president. Unsigned Ad-Hoc Vietnam Peace Committee. Undated 1964 (probably summer or early fall) |
1965? | Vietnam, unsigned JOIN. Pamphlet describing Vietnam and the Vietnam War. Undated (possibly 1965). 10 pages |
1965 | Dear Friend (call for multi-organization discussions/workshops in DC), March 1965. Unsigned (possibly SNCC, SSOC, MFDP) |
1965 | An Outline History of Viet Nam. Unsigned Committe to End the War in Viet Nam (Madison WI). 3/30/65. 15 pages. |
1965 | National Student March Against the War, SDS, Washington DC, April 1965
1965? | The War in Vietnam, historical background to the war. Multiple authors. May 2 1965?. 6 documents plus bibliography |
1965 | McComb MFDP Statement Against the Vietnam War, July 1965 |
1965 | MFDP and Viet Nam, Lawrence Guyot, MFDP. July 31 1965 |
1965 | Working draft of speech on Vietnam and U.S. imperialism, Unsigned, SNCC. Undated 1965 |
1965 | Dr. King's Statement on Vietnam, August 1965. |
1965 | Assembly of Unrepresented People, Washington DC, August 6-9
1965 | The Coordinator, W.E.B. DuBois Club (SoCal) newsletter focusing on Anti-Vietnam coaltion. Undated (possibly September 1965) |
1965 | Report to contributors, A.J. Muste & J. Barton Harrison, CCCO. Fall '65 |
1965 | October 15-16 Days of International Protest Vietnam Day Committee (VDC) and International Days of Protest Committee (2 documents). |
1965 | Draft speech about media failures to accurately report about the Vietnam War and U.S. foreign policy, Unsigned, SNCC. Undated (apparently winter 1965) |
1965 | Carl Oglesby Speech, March on Washington to End the Vietnam War. 11/27/65. |
1965 | Letter to Alcia Kaplow re SNCC's position on Vietnam and the draft. Margaret, SNCC. 12/1/65. |
1965 | The Anti-War Convention, Nov 25-28 and YSA-SWP Perspective, Stephen Fox. 12/4/65. 6 pages. |
65-68 | Miscellaneous anti-war newsletters & outreach documents, various authors & organizations. (9 documents) |
1966 | SNCC's First Public Statement on Vietnam, January 1966 |
1966 | Anti-war flyers & document, 1966 (3 documents) |
1966 | Statement of Julian Bond on being denied his seat in the Georgia Legislature, January 10 1966. |
1966 | Georgia Legislature Refuses to Seat Freedom Worker, (Julian Bond) re Vietnam War opposition. Unsigned, SNCC. January 11, 1966 |
1966 | SNCC Does Not Speak for the Whole Movement, Roy Wilkins, NAACP. L.A. Times, January 17 1966 |
1966? | The Enemy is Racism: Why Am I in Vietnam? Unsigned, undated, organization unknown. |
1966? | Thoughts on the Next Steps at Wisconsin (re anti-Vietnam War efforts) and creation of community, 1966, by Williams. Undated (possibly first half of 1966) |
65? 66? | A Call to Resist Illegitimate Authority, re Vietnam War and military draft. Unsigned. Undated (possibly 1966 or 1967). |
65? 66? 67? | The Legal 'Posture' of Resistance to American Intervention in Vietnam Unsigned. Undated (possibly 1965, '66 or '67) |
1966? | Dear Friends letter about Fulbright hearings and opposition to the Vietnam War, Robert Cleland, Chicago SANE |
66? 67? | The Real Demands, Unsigned, Afro-Americans Against the War in Vietnam (AAAWV). Undated (possibly 1966 or '67) |
66? 67? | This Country Has Gone Mad, Donna Allen, Al Uhrie. Undated (possibly 1966 or 1967) |
1966 | National Vietnam Examination Unsigned SDS. Anti-war organizing/educational material structured as an exam. Undated (probably 1966) 4pages. |
1966 | Report on Results of Voters for Peace Poll, Karen Sue Dayno, VFP Chicago, IL. April 1966 |
1966 | Proposed Vietnam War debate rules & procedures, L.T. Wylie Citizens Committee, April 15, 1966 |
1966 | Letter & information challenging legality of and facts about Vietnam War, by L.T. Wyly. 4/28/66 |
1966 | NCC Summer Project, National Coordinating Committe to End the War in Vietnam (NCCEWV). Undated 1966. |
1966 | Dear Tom, letter from Laura Foner to Tom Canterbury re SNCC White Folks Project and anti-Vietnam War work. 7/21/66 |
1967 | Feiffer on Vietnam 1965-1966 cartoon collection. Unsigned SPU. Undated 1967. 28pages |
1967 | Miscellaneous Anti-Vietnam War, various authors & organizations. 1967. (35 documents) |
1967 | Two anti-war poems, unsigned. Undated 1967. |
1967 | Spring/National Mobilization Against the War in Vietnam. New York City April 15th & Washington DC, Pentagon, October 21st.
1967 | Vietnam, 20-page illustrated pamphlet by Julian Bond, SNCC. Drawings by T.G. Lewis |
1967 | Documents: National Mobilization Against the Vietnam War. 1967. (22 documents) |
1967 | Spring Mobilization direct action documents, New York City. Various authors. Summer 1967. (6 documents) |
1967 | Montreal Expo '67, Anti-Vietnam War Protest, various authors & organizations. (7 documents) |
1967 | Planning maps for Pentagon protest Bruce Hartford, National Mobilization. July-August 1967. |
1968 | You Cannot Have Wars Without Women, Betty Meredith, Frances Steadman, Jannette Rankin Brigade. January 8, 1968. |
1968 | Dean Rusk Comes to San Francisco, report by Bruce Hartford. January 1968 protest outside Fairmont Hotel. |
1968 | Institute for the Study of Nonviolence, summer sessions 1968. Carmel California. |
1969 | Vietnam: A Thousand Years of Struggle. Terry Cannon, People's Press pamphlet on Vietnam's history of struggle for independence. 1969. 52 pages. |
1969 | Bring the War Home! Chicago October 11. Brochure. Unsigned SDS |
6/69 | Vietnam and the Pacific Rim Strategy, Peter Wiley, REP. June 1969 (19 pages) |
10/17/69 | Is the Anti-War Movement Anti-Imperialist? Forum flyer. Dan Siegel, Alex Forman, Barry David. San Francisco. 10/17/69 |
5/70 | Flyer: National Student Strike opposing Vietnam War & supporting Black Panthers, Unsigned NSS. Undated (possibly May 1970) |
2/71 | Why We Protest, anti-Vietnam War flyer. National Peace Action Coalition (NPAC), Student Mobilization Committee (SMC). Undated (possibly Feb. 1971) |
1971 | People's Peace Treaty: A Strategy for Ending the War, New University Conference, Irving Chapter. Undated (possibly 1971). 10 pages. |
1965 | Channeling, Selective Service orientation kit. U.S. Govt. Describes using the draft to channel manpower in civilian society and the military. July 1, 1965 |
1965 | SDS -- Or the Draft?, unsigned Los Angeles SDS. Undated (possibly 1965) |
65? 66? | Smash the Draft, April 26. Unsigned S.F. State Draft Resistance Union (SDS). Undated April 26, (possibly 1965 or 1966) |
65? 66? | SNCC: Rights Fight is Alternative to Draft, Unsigned, SNCC. Undated (possibly 1965 or 1966) |
65? 66? | A Call to Resist Illegitimate Authority, re Vietnam War and military draft. Unsigned. Undated (possibly 1966 or 1967). |
65? 66? 67? | The Legal 'Posture' of Resistance to American Intervention in Vietnam Unsigned. Undated (possibly 1965, '66 or '67) |
1966 | Call for an Examination of Conscience, protest flyer against the "Vietnam Exam." Unsigned SDS. May 1966. |
1966 | Proposal for a national Black anti-draft program, unsigned SNCC. August 9 1966 |
1966 | SNCC: Report on Draft Program and SNCC: Report on Court Proceedings, August 1966. (Anti-Vietnam War draft resistance in Atlanta.) |
1966 | Have You Ever Been One Day Late? Shutz Defense Committee (Flyer protesting Simuel Schutz prison sentence in military-draft case.) |
1966? | Uncle Sam Wants YOU Nigger! SNCC. Undated (probably 1966) |
1966 | National Anti-Draft Program, Michael Simmons & Larry Fox, SNCC. November 28 1966 |
1966 | Dear Bros and Sisters (report on anti-draft tour), Michael Simmons & Larry Fox, SNCC. November 28 1966 |
65-68 | Miscellaneous anti-draft documents (25 documents) |
1967 | Labor's Responsibility for Peace, unsigned IWW. Undated 1967 |
1967 | Underground Press Syndicate publications list, unsigned War Resistors League (WRL). Undated (possibly 1967) |
1967 | Selective Service System or the Manpower Channelers, Peter Henig. REP. SSOC publication. Undated 1967 |
1967 | Seven SNCC Workers Indicted, Unsigned SNCC. March 7 1967 |
1967 | Documents: Draft Resistance National Mobilization Committee, Draft Resistance Project. 1967. (7 documents) |
1967 | Let the Man Know Hell No We Won't Go, Washington DC rally flyer, Unsigned (probably Howard University student group). May 8 1967 |
1967 | Black Men and the Draft, Cleveland Sellers, SNCC. June 8 1967 |
1967? | Hey Brother Want to Die for Whitey in Vietnam? Unsigned Black Anti-Draft |
1967 | Stop the Draft Week, October 1967. (16 documents) |
1967 | The Days We Seized the Streets in Oakland, Stop the Draft Week, October 1967. The Movement newspaper. 11/67. 16 pages. |
11/67 | Dear Lenny & Co. letter from Bruce Hartford discussing Stop the Draft Week tactics comparing Oakaland to NYC |
11/67 | Note to Bruce Hartford from Lenny about anti-war and draft resistance in NYC |
1967 | The Resistance: newsletters, 1967. (10 documents) |
1967 | The Resistance: organizing materials, Fall 1967. (12 documents) |
1967 | Beyond Prayers to an Unjust King, unsigned New York City Resistance statement. Fall 1967. 6 pages |
1967 | Resist the War & the Draft, Defend Pvt. Ron Lockman, protest at S.F. Presidio. Unsigned. November 12, 1967 |
67? 68? | Civil Rights Handbook: The New Draft Law, National Lawyers Guild (NLG). Undated (probably 1967) |
1968 | The Resistance: organizing materials. 1968. (13 documents) |
1968 | The Resistance: newsletters, 1968 (4 documents) |
1968 | Questions and Answers on Prison Life, John Phillips, CADRE. Undated (possibly 1968). |
1968? | For Us Women anti-war, anti-draft flyer. Gwen Patton, National Black Anti-War Anti-Draft Union. Undated (probably 1968) |
2/4/68 | K.O. Racism flyer re supporting Muhammad Ali. NBAWADU. 3/4/68. |
Undated | Charlie Cobb's Draft Physical |
Undated | Preston King vs Draft Board Racism |
Undated | Roy Shields & the Draft Physical |
1970 | Notes From the Underground #1, Daniel Berrigan S.J. Anti-draft fugitive. Undated (presumed April 1970). 4 pages. |
1967 | Dear Friends, news from Committee to Defend the Rights of PFC Howard Petrick. (Army soldier who expressed opposition to the Vietnan War.) July 3, 1967 |
1967 | Report, Committee to Defend the Rights of Pfc. Howard Petrick. 7/3/67. Re soldier facing court martial for speaking against the Vietnam War |
Fall '67 | Whata ya say Bruce?, Letter from Josh Gould to Bruce Hartford re organizing G.I. against the Vietnam War |
1967 | Resist the War & the Draft, Defend Pvt. Ron Lockman, protest at S.F. Presidio. Unsigned. November 12, 1967 |
1968 | The Nine For Peace, re nine GIs who refused to fight in Vietnam. Undated (possibly June or July 1968) |
1970 | Return to Fort Dix flyer. Fort Dix Coffeehouse, Philadelphia Resistance |
1970s | Description of Bases re existing or possible G.I. organizing projects. Unsigned SOS. Undated (possibly early 1970s). |
1970s | Proposed Monthly Budget for Support Our Soldiers Unsigned SOS. Undated (possibly early 1970s). |
1971 | Memo re GI resistance movement, unsigned SOS. 6/7/71. 2 pages |
1972? | Retraction memo, unsigned United States Servicemen's Fund (USSF). Undated (probably January 1972) |
71-72? | SOS Newsletters. Support Our Soldiers. Undated (may not be in chronological order). (8 documents) |
1973 | Are You a Gung-Ho Marine? Draft article. Judah Hill, "Semper Fi," Iwakuni Japan. Undated 1973 |
1973 | Are You a Gung-Ho Soldier? Pamphlet version. Judah Hill. Koza Peoples Center, Okinawa Japan. Undated 1973. |
1975 | Bruce Hartford Interview re GI organizing in Asia, by Jerry West. 1975. 27 pages. |
See also:
Vietnam War, Imperialism, & Military Draft documents re local activites outside the South.
Articles by Freedom Movement Veterans Opposing the Vietnam War & Military Draft
Vietnam War and the Assembly of Unrepresented People introduction & background information.
Vietnam War & Civil Rights Movement for web links.
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