In Our Memories They Live Forever

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Featured Remembrances

SCLC/SCOPE Wall of Memory

41 Lives for Freedom, SPLC

Mississippi Civil Rights Martyrs Arkansas Delta Center


(Names displayed in color are links to additional information.)

Juanita Abernathy
Rev. Ralph David Abernathy
Arverna Adams
Margot Adler
Zev Aelony
Louis Allen
Ralph Allen
Doris Allison
Helen Anderson
Patricia Sue (Patsy) Anderson
Meredith Anding
Maya Angelou
Cathy Archibald
Rena Ayers
Byron Baer
D'Army Bailey
Ella Baker
George Elfie Ballis
Marion Barry
John Bascom
Frank Bates
Randy Battle
Hunter Bear (John Salter)
Norma Becker
Rev. Bob Beech
Harry Belafonte
Sally Belfrage
We've been 'buked and we've been scorned,
We've been talked about sure's you're born
But we'll never turn back
No, we'll never turn back

We have walked through the shadows of death
We had to walk all by ourselves
But we'll never turn back
No, we'll never turn back

We have serverd our time in jail
With no money for to go our bail
But we'll never turn back
No, we'll never turn back

We have hung our heads and cried
Cried for those like Lee who died
Died for you, and died for me
Died for the cause of equality
But we'll never turn back
No, we'll never turn back
Until we've all been freed
and we have equality

 — Bertha Gober
Copyright © 1963

Fay Bellamy
Delmer Berg
George Best
Rev. James Bevel
Mattie Bivens
Rev. Claude W. Black
Edie Black
Randolph T.Blackwell
Unita Blackwell
Sam Block
Margaret Block
Leo Von Blue
Mildred Blue
Rev. Willie Blue
Nina Boal
Pat Bokulich
Rev. Willie Bolden
Julian Bond
Warren Bonta
Washington Booker III
Rev. Richard Boone
Amelia Boynton
Bruce Boynton
Anne Braden
Carl Braden
Janet Braun-Reinitz
Gloria Breedlove
Willie Brewster
Lucille Bridges
J. Quinn Brisben
Gwendolyn Britt
Al Bronstein
Ethel Lenora Brooks
Hattie Brooks
Owen Brooks
Aurelia Browder
Benjamin Brown
Drewary Brown
Ed Brown
Ollie Mae Brown
Walter Bruce
John Buffington
Sharon Burger
Catherine Burk-Brooks
Teresa Burroughs
Larry Scott Butler
Brig Cabe
Cathy Cade
Pat Cameron
Will Campbell
Ben Chaney
James Earl Chaney
Thomas E. Canterbury
Johnnie Mae Chappell
Guy Carawan
Gordon Carey
Johnny Carr
Julius Chambers
Jack Chatfield
Len Chandler
J.L. Chestnut
Frank Cieciorka
Colia Liddell Clark
Septima Clarke
Isaac Coleman
Woodrow "Woody" Coleman
Jimmy Collier
Addie Mae Collins (age 14)
David Colston Sr.
Stoney Cooks
Annie Cooper
Dorothy Cotton
R.B. Cottonreader
Rev. B. Elton Cox
Eugene Covelli
Bob Cover
Herbert Coulter
Bob & Georgia Crawford
Connie Curry
Pat Cusick
Vernon Dahmer
Carolyn Daniels
Jonathan Daniels
Jim Dann
Dorothy B. Datz
Marv Davidov
George Davis
Jesse Davis
Phil Davis
S. Dale (Yana) Davis
Chandler Davidson
Henry Hezekiah Dee
Paul Deitrich
Doris Derby
Annie Devine
Cleveland Donald Jr.
Rev. James Dobynes
Ivanhoe Donaldson
Grant Dorn
Dr. L.C. Dorsey
Rabbi Israel Dresner
William "Meatball" Douthard
Patricia Stephens Due
Leslie Dunbar
Willie Edwards
Lolis Elie
Joe & Nancy Ellin
Charles Evers
Medgar Evers
James Farmer
Carl Farris
Charlotte Orange-Featherstone
Ralph Featherstone
Ralph David Fertig
James Figgs
Sylvia Fischer
Bob Fitch
Jim Forman
Mildred Forman Page
C.A. "Al" Frerichs
Golden Frinks
Hardy Frye
Roberta Galler
Linda Wilson Garraway
Joanne Gavin
Rev. Thomas Gilmore
Myrtle Glascoe
Thelma Glass
Andrew Goodman
Albert Gordon
Joanne Grant
Rev. Robert Graetz
Victoria Gray Adams
Dove Green
Winifred Green
Polly Greenberg
George L. Greene
Rick Marshall Greene
Dick Gregory
Joe Gross
Ira Grupper
Lawrence Guyot
Oretha Castle Haley
Richard Haley
Blanton Hall
Rev. Dr. Prathia Hall
William "Winky" Hall
Fannie Lou Hamer
Samuel Hammond
Joseph (Joe) Hammonds
Bruce Hanson
William (Bill) Harbour
Vincent Harding
Ira B. Harkey Jr.
Rick Harper
Alphonso Andrew Harris
Elijah Joseph Harris
Jesse Harris
McCree Harris
Mary Lou Hawkins
Casey Hayden
Tom Hayden
Mimi Shaw Hayes
Dr. Robert Hayling
Mary Lou Hawkins
Dorothy Height
Juadine Henderson
Aaron Henry
James Vance Henry
Matt Herron
Robert Hicks
James Hill
Howard Himmelbaum
Odette Hines
Holly Adrienne Hogrobrook
Anna Holden
Endesha Ida Mae Holland
Verna Hollis
Frank Holloway
Shai Holsaert
Charlie Horwitz
Aimee Horton
Stu House
George Houser
Barbara Ann Howard
Genevieve Hughes Houghton
Frank Hudson
Winson Hudson
John Hulett
Julia Aaron Humbles
Mamie Sapp Irvin
Shelby Jacobs
Esther Cooper Jackson
Jimmie Lee Jackson
Wharlest Jackson
Rev. Dr. A. Henson Jarmon
Don Jelinek
Estelle Jelinek
Barbara Johns
Major Johns
Rev. Vernon Johns
Rev. B.J. Johnson
June Johnson
Robert Johnson
Wille Curtis Johnson
Cornelius "CJ" Jones
Eric Jones
J. Charles Jones
James O. Jones
Marshall Jones
Mathew Jones
Marsha Joyner
Donald Juneau
Lucien Kabat ("Luke")
Ron Kaufman
Jim Keck
Dick Kelly
Parish Kelly
Florynce Kennedy
Stetson Kennedy
C. B. King
Coretta Scott King
Ester King
Jeanette King
Lonnie King
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
Slater King
David Kirk
Rev. Fredrick Kirkpatrick
Henry J. Kirksey
Rev. Bruce Klunder
Karen Koonan
Dorie Ladner
Mary Lane
Rev. Jim Lawson
Rev George Wesley Lee
Herbert Lee
Mary Harrison Lee
Mike Lesser
Julius Lester
Willy Siegel-Leventhal
Fr. William Lewers
Ed Lewinson
Ike Lewis
John Lewis
Bill Light
Claude Liggins
Viola Liuzzo
Jim Loewen
Posey Lombard
Rudy Lombard
Lorne Cress Love
Evelyn Lowrey
Rev. Joseph Lowery
Autherine Lucy
Clara Luper
Staughton Lynd
Vivian Malone
William (Bill) Mandel
Nelson Mandela
Bob Mants
Andrew Marrisett
Joe Martin
Betita Martinez
Ellen Maslow
Dr. Gilbert R. Mason Sr.
Timothy Mays
Suzanne Maxson
Franklin McCain
Paul Duncan McConnell
Robert McCullough
Salynn McCullom
Helen O'Neal McCray
Willie McCray
Chuck McDew
Dora McDonald
Lillian McGill
Claude McInnis
Denise McNair (age 11)
Steven McNichols
Marjorie Merrill
Sheila Michaels
Delano Middleton
Leverett Millen
Jack Minnis
Ethel Minor
Danny Mitchell
Francis (Mitch) Mitchell
Dr. Alfred Moldovan
Anne Moody
John Moody
Charles Eddie Moore
Frederick Moore
Harry & Harriette Moore
O'neal Moore
William Moore
Jesse Morris
Joe Morse
Robert "Bob" Moses
Ruth Moskowitz
Leroy Moton
Curtis Hayes Muhammad
Richard "Ayeh" Nanas
Frank Nelson
Juanita Nelson
Rosa Mae Nelson
Wally Nelson
Peter Neminyi
Memphis Norman
Silas Norman
Hubert Oarsby
Jack O'Dell
Tom Offenburger
Barbara Jones Omolade
Diane Ostrofsky
Rev. Clark Olsen
Cleophas Orange
Rev. James Orange
Abe Osherhoff
Pauline Knight Ofosu
John O'Neal
Delores Orey
Alpha Zara Palmer
Hazel Palmer
Mack Charles Parker
George H. Paris, Sr.
Rosa Parks
Gwen Patton
Rip Patton
Elaine Peacock
James Peacock
Willie (Wazir) Peacock
Rutledge H. Pearson
Edward Peeples
Lt. Col. Lemuel Penn
Amanda Bowens Perdew
John Perdew
Lucille Perlman
Vincent K. Pollard
Annell Ponder
Roslyn Pope
William Porter
Georgia Davis Powers
Elnora Price
David Prince
Anthony Quin
Dr. Bamba Ra (Morris Ruffin)
Victor Rabinowitz
Janie Culbreth Rambeau
Terrie Randolph
George Raymond
Bernice Johnson Reagon
Cordell Reagon
Rev. James Reeb
Rev. F.D. Reese
John Reese
Marvin Rich
Gloria Richardson
David Richmond
Wally Roberts
Carole Robertson (age 14)
Bernice Robinson
Betty Garman Robinson
Johnnie Robinson (age 16)
Michael Robinson
Ray Robinson
Ruby Doris Robinson
Virgil Robinson
Jimmy Rogers
Thomas Roland
Avon Rollins
Anne Romaine
Sally Jane Rowley
Joseph "Rugsy" Ruggiero
Bayard Rustin
Eldri Salter-Gray
Mendy Samstein
Steve Sanfield
Eddie Sanders
Mario Savio
Charles Scattergood
Henry Schwarszchild
Joe Schwartz
Mickey Schwerner
Rev. John H. Scott
Pete Seeger
Mark Shapiro
Walt Sheasby
Rev. Charles Sherrod
Alex Shimkin
Sam Shirah
Dr. Aaron Shirley
Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth
Dr. C.O. Simpkins
Donna Smith
Rev. Frank Smith
George Smith
Henry Smith
Jeanett Smith
Rev. Kelly Miller Smith
Lamar Smith
Linda Moses Dehnad Smith
Maxine Smith
Scott B. Smith
Tina Smith
Richard Sobel
Sue Sojourner
Dave Sookne
Frank Soracco
Howard Spencer
Walter "Billy" Stafford
Michael Standard
Jane Stembridge
Ed Stern
Richard Steward
Donald P. Stone
Will Stone
Minnie Sullivan
Bill Strickland
Tracy Sugarman
Marj Sutherland
Percy Sutton
Willie Tabb
Harriet Tanzman
Florence Tate
Tut Tate
Ben Taylor
Alice Thompson
Shirley Thompson
Virginius Bray Thornton III
Emmett Till (age 14)
Rev. Everett Tilson
Lisa Anderson Todd
Jimmy Travis
Clarance Triggs
David Truskoff
Connie Tucker
Eva Mae Boyd Tucker
Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael)
Albert Turner
The Twines of St. Augustine
JoeAnn Anderson Ulmer
Cliff Vaughs
Rev. C.T. Vivian
Rev. O. Walter Wagner
Tom Wahman
Tamio Wakayama
Rev. Lucius Walker Jr.
Mathew Walker
Rita Walker
Wyatt T. Walker
Bill Ware
George Ware
Virgil Ware (age 13)
Dan Warren
Cynthia Washington
Dorothy Washington
Jean Birkenstein Washington
Corene Watkins
Hollis Watkins
Lance (Sweet Willie Wine) Watson
Jimmy Webb
Bob Wechsler
Bob Weil
Jimmie Wells
Rev. Samual B. Wells
Rev. Dr. William Andrew Wendt
Mrs. Alice West
Ann Wootin
Cynthia Wesley (age 14)
Mary Hamilton Wesley
Annette Jones White
Ben Chester White
Dora C. White
Hattie White
James White
Lula Mae White
Samuel White
William Whitset
Oncy Whittier
Jean Wiley
Rev. Cecil Williams
Cleveland J. "CJ" Williams Sr.
Hosea Williams
James E. Williams
Marian Willingham
Johnny Wilson
Jerome Wolfe
Danny Wood
Wayne Yancey
Mike Yarrow
Gene C. Young
Carl 'Imiola' Young
Sammy Younge
Malcolm Zaretsky
Howard Zinn

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(Labor donated)