Now that we are a 501c3 non-profit corporation, we are happy to report that we've begun to receive a small number of tax-exempt charitable donations from individual supporters.
The pandemic-related shift by schools and colleges to remote-learning caused an upsurge in our traffic during the first half of the year.
Another consequence of the pandemic was widespread familiarity with Zoom and other video-communication services. That has made it possible for us to record interviews and have discussions with Movement vets from all over the country regardless of where they live. This included eight small-group discussions as part of the SNCC 60th Conference in October. Transcriptions and videos of those discussions will be posted on the website in 2022.
That wide-spread experience with video-conferencing also make it feasible for movement veterans to speak to classes and organizations regardless of geographic proximity. Our Speakers List was expanded and updated in 2021 to take advantage of those opportunities and we now have a volunteer Speaking Coordinator to facilitate them. If you're a Freedom Movement veteran and want to be added to the Speakers List, please let us know by email. If you know of schools or groups that might be interested in having a speaker from the Freedom Movement please encourage them to contact us.
In early 2021, we began discussions with John Gartrell of the John Hope Franklin Center and Naomi Nelson of the Duke University Libraries to explore the possibility of them providing a long-term home to preserve and sustain the CRMA when we can no longer maintain it. Those discussions continue though at a very slow pace.
Our first major project for 2022 will be creation of a CRMA video channel on the Vimeo platform. We hope to have that up and running soon. It will feature videos and oral-histories that we and other Movement veterans have created over the years.
According to Google, there were 331,709 visits to our site in 2021 for an average of 909 per day. This represents a 20% decline from last year when almost all schools were on remote-learning for most of the year and the massive mid-year Black Lives Matter protests resulted in an upsurge of interest in the Freedom Movement of the 1960s. On the other hand, our number of visitors in 2021 was 26% more than in the 2019. A "visit" is someone coming to the site and viewing one or more pages. If someone comes a second time, that's counted as a second visit. Roughly 83% of our visitors came from the U.S, with 17% from other nations.
As you can see from our previous annual reports, it's normal for our website traffic to rise and fall with the school calendar as grade school and college students use us for homework, reports, research, and so on. Our busiest months are usually January (MLK Day), February (Black History Month), and April & May (term papers due). As with 2020, in 2021 that pattern was somewhat distorted by school closures & remote learning. Still, Covid or no Covid, the pattern makes it clear that the majority of our visitors continue to be students.
2020 2021 Jan
Our Civil Rights Movement Archive receivies no grants or funding from foundations, other institutions, or big-donor philanthropists. Almost all of the donations we receive are small amounts — averaging $25-$35 each — most of which are from Freedom Movement veterans themselves. We use those donations to pay for web services, transcriptions, original documents, technical enhancements, and data-entry help.
The preliminary financial summary below reports only our donation income and the total expenses paid from those donations, it does not include our volunteer-labor or the out-of-pocket and in-kind expenses that we cover ourselves.
INCOME $17,739 EXPENSES $8,933 NET $8,806
* By prior agreement, CRMA paid $2,089 for transcribing the SNCC 60th Small Group Discussions and was then reimbursed by the SNCC Legacy Project (SLP). The totals above include those off-setting amounts.
Note that this preliminary financial summary not yet been reviewed, reconciled, or certified by the CRMA Treasurer.
More than 800 new photos, documents, stories, articles, commentaries, discussions, and other resources were acquired and posted to the CRMA website in 2021. We now provide over 8000 pages and 5000 searchable URLs (excluding photos and images).
Some Rough Content Counts:
678 Movement Veterans listed on Roll Call (names, testimony, contact info) 1943 Movement photos & art images 829 Stories, narratives, & oral histories by Movement activists 4689 Original Freedom Movement documents 1106 Original letters & reports from the field by Movement participants 495 Original articles & speeches by Movement activists 301 History & Timeline Articles 319 Commentaries by Movement participants 52 Transcribed discussions of Movement veterans 196 Movement-Related Poems 689 Freedom Movement books listed in the Bibliography 1444 Web Links, to other Movement websites & pages
Most Visited Website Sections:
Section Pageviews 1. Articles & Speeches 94,000 2. Documents 84,000 3. History & Timeline 81,000 4. Our Stories 65,000 5. Photo Album 63,000 6. Poems 41,000 7. Frequently Asked Questions 24,000 8. Veterans Roll Call 24,000 9. Freedom Rides and Riders 13,000 10. In Our Memories They Live Forever 8,000
Most Viewed Photo Album Pages:
Most Viewed Original Freedom Movement Documents:
[Note that the vast majority of our original Movement documents are in PDF format, but Google does not provide statistics for PDF files. So take this list with a big grain of salt because none of our PDF scans are included in the count.]
Most Read Stories & Interviews:
1. Ella Baker Oral History/Interview (1968) 2. Fanie Lou Hamer Interview: Life in Mississippi (1965) 3. Charles Sims Armed Defense (Bogalusa, LA) 1965 4. Charles Person Interview (GA & Freedom Rides) 5. Abdul Aziz Khaalis Journey To Prison (Freedom Rides) 6. Diane Nash Interview for Eyes on the Prize 7. Mimi Feingold Real Interview (Freedom Rides, Louisiana) 8. McCain & Khazan Interview re Greensboro NC Sit-In 9. Hardy Frye Narrative (MS & AL) 10. Frankye A Johnson Interview — Daughter of a Sharecropper
Most Read Articles and Speeches:
Most Read History & Timeline Pages:
1. The Year 1960 — (Student Sit-ins, SNCC Founded, New Orleans Schools, etc) 2. The Year 1961 — (Freedom Rides, Albany Movement, McComb MS, Baton Rouge, etc) 3. 1963: January-June — (Birmingham, Greenwood, North Carolina, Medgar Evers, etc) 4. 1965: Selma & the March to Montgomery 5 1963: July-December — (March on Washington, St. Augustine, etc) 6. The Year 1951 — (Building Brown cases, Student Strike Moton High, Murder of the Moores) 7. The Year 1954 — (Brown v Board of Education & Massive Resistance, etc) 8. The Year 1955 — (Montgomery Bus Boycott, Emmett Till, Baltimore Sit-Ins, etc) 9. 1964: Mississippi Freedom Summer Events 10. The Year 1962 — (Greenwood, Meredith at 'Ol Miss, Jackson, etc)
Most Read Commentaries by Movement Veterans:
1. Ghettos, Segregation, & Poverty in the 1960s, Bruce Hartford, 2015 2. In the Attics of My Mind, Casey Hayden, 2010 3. The Bogalusa Lesson, Bruce Hartford, 2020 4. Jim Crow Voting Laws — Then and Now, Bruce Hartford, 2021 5. Dear friend statement, Diane Nash, 2016 6. A Black Man Fights the Draft, Michael Simmons, 2003 7. An Earned Insurgency, Bob Moses, 2014 8. Courage Was the Key, Bruce Hartford, 2014 9. Atlantic City Revisited – Mondale & the Movement, Mike Miller, 2008 10. Jean Wiley: A life Well Lived in a Liberated State of Mind Daphne Muse, 2019
Submitted January 1, 2022
Bruce Hartford, webspinner
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(Labor donated)