This page provides links to Civil Rights Movement Archive resources that have significant content related the role that songs and singing played in the Freedom Struggle.
Speeches and Articles
Original Documents, Reports & Letters
Interviews, Stories & Oral-Histories
Commentaries & Analyses by Movement Veterans
Group Discussions by Movement Veterans
Film, Video and Audio
Freedom Singing(Other Photo Album pages may also contain images of people singing Freedom Songs.
Some Thoughts About Music, Annette Jones White, 1962
The Power of Freedom Songs, Bruce Hartford
SNCC Freedom Singers (From SNCC 50th Anniversary Conference) [PDF]
The Life of a Lie, Tim Jenkins & Freedom Singers flyer, March 6, 1961
CORE Sit-In Songs, 1962.
Songs of the Southern Freedom Movement, undated (probably 1963 or '64)
SNCC Freedom Singers brochure. Undated (possibly 1963)
SNCC: Freedom Singers and Freedom Songbook flyer, undated possibly late '63 or early '64.
Letter to Art Waskow from Mike Thelwell re SNCCreedom Singer concert (DC). 4/22/64
Letter from Guy & Candie Carawan re gathering freedom songs
Song Sheet, SCLC's SCOPE orientation? Summer 1965? (Typical example of song sheets used at many times and in many places.)
Note to Theresa from Jean Little re Freedom Singer event in Green Bay WI (handwritten), 8/1/64
Follow up note from Jean Little re Freedom Singer event in Green Bay WI, 8/17/64
Response to Green Bay Freedom Singers requests, Joel Skornicka, 8/19/64Incident Sheet - Arrest of folk singer Roger Johnson in Bentonia MS, unsigned COFO, 7/9/64
SNCC caroling sing-in, flyer. Unsigned, SNCC & Fifth Avenue Peace Parade Committee. Undated (possibly 1966 or 1967)
Jamila Jones Interview by Joseph Mosnier re Montgomery Bus Boycott, Freedom Rides, & Freedom Songs, 2011. Video + bio & metadata![]()
Short Piece on Freedom Songs, John Suter. 2014.
Post-1960s commentaries, thoughts, and analyses by Movement veterans regarding or referencing songs & singing.
Some Thoughts About Music, Annette Jones White, 1962
And a Song Shall Rise, Bruce Hartford. 2011
Thoughts on Freedom Songs, Penny Patch. 2016.
The discussions, panels, and email threads listed our Discussions often mention songs & sings.
Films & documentaries, videos, and audio recordings related to Freedom Songs & singing:
Stand Up and Shout: the SNCC Freedom and Justice Concert, Virtual concert celebrating SNCC and the Southern Freedom Movement (1951-1968). 74min.
Freedom Singer performance Antioch College (audio only). 36min.
Freedom Songs - web links
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