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According to Google, there were 30,200 visits to the CRMA website during May for an average of 974 per day. This is slightly less than last May. Some schools have already ended for summer vacation and these May numbers reflect the beginning of our traditional season of reduced traffic. Roughly 16% of our visitors came from outside the U.S.
Our site now provides over 8400 pages.
Ever since Bay Area Veterans of the Civil Rights Movement established the CRMA (formerly known as "CRMVet") in late 1999, it has been funded by personal donations from Freedom Movement activists and individual supporters. We carry on this work without any institutional support, foundation grants, or philanthropy contributions of any kind. So if you find our CRMA site useful and worthy, please click here to make a donation to keep us alive and growing. Thank you for anything you are able to contribute.
Please consider converting your PayPal donation to an automatic monthly contribution by checking the "Make this a monthly donation" box on the amount screen when it pops up.
SNCC Digital Gateway. SNCC Legacy Project & Duke University. Tells the story of how young activists in SNCC united with local people in the Deep South to build a grassroots movement for change that empowered the Black community and transformed the nation.
SNCC Legacy Project (SLP). SLP was begun to preserve and extend SNCC's legacy. Although SNCC the organization no longer exists, we believe that its legacy continues and needs to be brought forward in ways that continue the struggle for freedom, justice and liberty.
Teaching for Change and Zinn Education Project . Provides teachers and parents with the tools to create schools where students learn to read, write and change the world by promoting and supporting the teaching of people's history in middle and high school classrooms across the country.
Veterans of the Mississippi Civil Rights Movement. Empowering the next generation, passing it on to carry it on by preserving the history of the Mississippi Movement.
Chicago SNCC History Project. Tells the Stories of Chicago Area Friends of SNCC (CAFSNCC), its relationship to SNCC, it's pivotal role in shaping the fight for freedom in Chicago between 1960-1965, and preserves that history as a legacy for the young people who are continuing the fight for freedom, justice and peace.
SCOPE 50. Preserving Civil Rights and The Story of Voting. Website of SCLC/SCOPE project activists.
The 58thAnnual Mississippi Civil Rights Martyrs Memorial Service and CampOut
June 18-19 2022
10470-Road 632
Philadelphia Mississippi, 39350Conference start: 10:00am Saturday. Lunch at 12:00
CampOut starts at 3:30pm
Things to bring: tent, chairs, food for your tent, coolers, mosquito spray, portable lighting.Sunday June 19. Starting at 10:00am. Mississippi Martyrs Service
Contact: Steele (925)597-3696 or
Movement Art: If you are aware of any works of art related to the Freedom Movement such as paintings, drawings, murals, statues, and so on, please take a look at our Civil Rights Movement Art page to see if we already have an image of it in our collection. If it isn't included in our collection please email us an image we can post, or a weblink, or some other information that we can use. Thanks.
Movement Materials: Please continue to email to us documents, letters, reports, stories, and other Southern Freedom Movement materials from the period 1951-1968. See Submissions details.
According to Google, our top-five, most-visited pages in May were:
(Note that most of the documents on our site are in PDF format. But Google does not count how often PDFs are accessed, so our "Top Five" list above omits them.)
Our CRMA Video Channel on the Vimeo hosting service provides videos created by Freedom Movement veterans (or their immediate families) and videos created by others that are substantially about Movement veterans. When you visit the channel, please consider adding yourself as a "follower" for social-media metrics. Thanks.
New videos posted in May:
Bob Moses interview, SNCC, COFO, MFDP. By Gregg Ivers, 2018. 123min. Transcript.
Ed Nakawatse Interview, SNCC. By Gregg Ivers, 2019. 87min.
Morris Dillard, ASM. By Carole Merritt. Re Atlanta Student Movement and Freedom Rides, 60min.
Pearlie Dove, by Carole Merritt. Re Equal pay for Black teachers, segregated education in Atlanta. 56min.
Lydia Douglas, ASM. By Carole Merritt. Re Atlanta Student Movement, Committee on the Appeal for Human Rights, sit-ins and arrest. 60min.
Xerona Clayton, By Carole Merritt. Re Atlanta civil rights movement, Ku Klux Klan, Dr. King. 58min.
Rev. Joseph and Aletha Boone. By Carole Merritt. Re Atlanta Student Movement, Rush Memorial Congregational Church, Atlanta school desegregation. 58min.
Willie Bolden, SCLC. By Carole Merritt. Re Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), Dr. King, Saint Augustine FL, Selma AL, and Poor Peoples Campaign, Marks MS. 122min.
Muriel Lokey. By Carole Merritt. Re support for Atlanta school desegregation. 42min.
1940 The Acid Test of Democracy membership recruitment flyer. Unsigned NAACP. November, 1940. ???? Proposal: Civil Rights Information Service, funding proposal. Robert McNamara III. Undated (possibly 1963-1964) 1964? Proposed reapportionment plan for Mississippi state legislature (re lawsuit), unsigned MFDP. Undated (possibly 1964). 1964 Letter template for complaints to media re biased coverage against the Civil Rights Act, unsigned CORE. 1964 Background, media talking points about Freedom Summer, COFO, and Mississippi. Unsigned SNCC. Undated 1964 1964 Some Proposals for a Mississippi Summer Project, unsigned SNCC? COFO? Undated (probably Feb-May, 1964) 1964 Meeting Summary: SNCC Advisory Committee, unsigned (Howard Zinn?) February 10, 1964 1964 Memo re Recruiting volunteers to work in the Freedom Vote, Oct 18-Nov3. Betty Garman, SNCC. September 28 1964 1964 Incident Summary -- Mississippi, September, unsigned SNCC. October 1964 1967 Register and Vote Campaign canvasser's data sheet, Essie Williams, Bolivar County Voters League (BCVL). August 1, 1967 1967 Register and Vote Campaign, canvasser's registered voters list. Essie Williams, Bolivar County Voters League (BCVL). August 11, 1967
1964 Memphis Newspapers & TV and Radio list, SNCC Communications Dept. Undated (possibly 1964 or 1965) 1964 List of Mississippi SNCC office phone numbers, SNCC Communications Dept. Undated (probably '64 or '65) 1964 SNCC northern support offices contact list, SNCC Communications Dept. Undated (probably '64 or '65) 1964 Key senators, contact info, SNCC Communications Dept. Undated (possibly 1964) 1964 Southern contact list, SNCC Communications Dept. Undated (possibly summer 1964) 1964 Freedom Summer volunteers, listed by state of origin. SNCC Communications Dept. Undated (summer 1964) 1964 Communications Directory--Mississippi Summer Project, 1964, SNCC Communications Dept. Undated (probably June or July 1964)
9/11/64 SNCC Federal Protection Urged In McComb Summer Volunteer Parents-Related Documents
7/20 Minutes: Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee meeting, Dorothy Hunn, PMEC. July 20 1964 7/20 Newsletter Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee, unsigned PMEC. July 20 1964 7/23 Newsletter No. 3 Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee, unsigned PMEC. July 23 1964 7/27 Minutes: Parents Mississippi Emergency Committee meeting, unsigned PMEC. July 27 1964 7/28 Resolution addressed to President Johnson in support of Freedom Summer students, Tom Bradley, Los Angeles City Council. July 28, 1964 1966 Folk Music Workshop at Highlander, letter and report by Charles Gomillion. Feb. 21, 1966 Documents from the Northern Wing of the Movement
11/29/63 SCLCC Equal Time on Radio and TV, memo re how to complain and oppose racist & right-wing domination of media. Unsigned SCLCC 12/22/65 FWP El Malcriado, No. 26. Farm Worker Press (National Farm Workers Association - NFWA) 1966? UW Thoughts on the Next Steps at Wisconsin (re anti-Vietnam War efforts) and creation of community, 1966, by Williams. Undated (possibly first half of 1966) 3/9/66 CIPA Dear Friend, fund appeal by Joshua Alves, Chicago Committee for Independent Political Action. 7/21/66 NCC Dear Tom, letter from Laura Foner to Tom Canterbury re SNCC White Folks Project and anti-Vietnam War work 4/68 NLG The Guild Practioner: Emergency Issue, by National Lawyers Guild. Analyses & response to judicial and policing issues raised by "Report of The National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders" (Kerner Commission). Spring 1968 7/75 Class Analysis: United States in the 1970s, by Judah Hill. Marxist (New Left) analysis/taxonomy based on 1970 Census data. 105 pages, large file.
8/13/64 Frazier & Loris Thomason Report From Clarksdale No. 9 8/15/64 Frazier Thomason Report From Clarksdale No. 10 8/14/64 Unsigned Hattiesburg Project, Summer 1964, Report to Civil Rights Commission. (Presumed to be from ministers project) 8/15/64 Terry Shaw? SNCC Greenwood-Atlanta report from Hattiesburg 8/17/64 Dick Williams? Vicksburg Mississippi Ministers Project Evaluation 9/9/64 Jesse Harris, SNCC Dear Mr. Marshall, letter to Burke Marshall (Dept. of Justice) re violence, intimidation, and repression against civil rights activists in Pike County (McComb) Mississippi. 9/10/64 Pat Vail, COFO Dear All, re Greenville MS, education and poverty 9/14/64 Pat Vail, COFO Dear Lisa, re lack of project funds and violence in Greenville MS 3/9/66 Stokely Carmichael, SNCC Note to Lucy Montgomery re Tent City in Lowndes County, March 9 1966 3/26/66 Frank Smity, NDI Note to Lucy Montgomery, re Strike City and events in Jackson MS. 3/29/66 Tina Harris, SNCC Note to Lucy Montgomery, re proposed Poor Peoples Land Corpration (AL) 5/3/66 James Forman, SNCC Note to Lucy Montgomery, re loan and living arrangements in Atlanta (GA) New Letters & Reports From Mississippi Freedom Summer
8/6 Pat Vail, COFO Dear Mom and Dad, Re MFDP and the Greenville project.
R. Cole Bridgeforth We Were Not Alone (2022) Audio U.W. Clemmon Interview (Birmingham civil rights lawyer), 2004 Bob Moses Interview by Greg Ivers re SNCC, COFO, MFDP, Freedom Summer. 2018 Wallace Roberts Interview re Freedom Summer & SNCC. By Orion Teal (SOHP). 2010 Carol Rogoff Interview re SNCC, Mississippi, E.W. Steptoe. By Orion Teal (SOHP). 2010
1964 'Criminal Syndicalism' in Mississippi Jerry DeMuth, SNCC. Texas Observer, 11/13/64. 1965 Mississippi—State of the Union Jack O'Dell, Freedomways, Spring 1965 1965 Statement by Bruce Hartford to Judge Nebron before being sentenced for a sit-in arrest
J'Accuse! Power, Control and Sexual Abuse Fatima Cortez Interview on Being a Freedom School Teacher Chude Allen
No new names added to the Roll Call this month
No new memories or tributes added this month
No new answers added this month.
The Poetry section is one of the most-visited parts of the site.
No new poems added this month.
March on Washington Freedom Summer March to Montgomery Before I'll Be a Slave...
The Movement Made Us: A Father, a Son, and the Legacy of a Freedom Ride, by David Dennis Sr. & Jr. HarperCollins, May 2022. "A dynamic family exchange that pivots between the voices of a father and son, a unique work of oral history and memoir, chronicling the extraordinary story of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s and its living legacy embodied in Black Lives Matter."
Memoirs Of A Revolution Experience Through Poetry And Poems, by Lulu Westbrook Griffin. Page Publishing Co, 2022. The personal story of a young activist in Southwest Georgia during the height of 1960s Freedom Movement who was held for 45 days in the infamous Leesburg stockade.
Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: An Anthology of the Mississippi Civil Rights Movement (New Reprint). By Susan Erenrich (ed). New South Books, 2021. Large compilation of valuable original source material on Civil Rights Movement.
Run: Book One, by John Lewis and Andrew Aydin. Sequel to the March triology. "First you march, then you run." Graphic-novel format memoir by John Lewis recounting the Freedom Movement after passage of the Voting Rights Act — including the pushback of those who resist social change and refuse to accept racial equality and justice, and the continuing struggles of those who believe change has not gone far enough.
Buses Are a Comin': Memoir of a Freedom Rider, by Charles Person. Gripping personal narrative by the youngest of the original 13 Freedom Rider who endured the racist violence in Alabama.
It's in the Action: Memories of a Nonviolent Warrior, by C.T. Vivian with Steve Fiffer. NewSouth Books, 2021. Personal memoir and observations by one of the key central figures in the Freedom Movement. From student sit-ins to the Freedom Rides to the battles for voting rights and a fair share of political and economic power, C.T. Vivian was on the ground in the action.
Fire at the Freedom House, by Matt Rinaldi. 2021. Personal memoir of a white activist working Attala County, Mississippi, in 1966 under the organizing direction of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) led by Lawrence Guyot and Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer.
Julian Bond's Time to Teach: A History of the Southern Civil Rights Movement, by Julian Bond, Danny Lyon, Pamela Horowitz, & others. Beacon Press (2021). History & analysis of the Freedom Movement based on Julian's course lecture notes and his personal insights.
Doris Derby: A Civil Rights Journey, by Doris Derby. Mack Books. 2021. Photo and narrative autobiography by long-time SNCC veteran.
As always comments, suggestions, corrections, and submissions from Freedom Movement activists are welcome. Veterans of the Southern Freedom Movement who are listed on the website's Roll Call are encouraged to contribute to the website their stories, thoughts, documents, and memories & tributes of those who have passed on by emailing them to
— Bruce Hartford, Webspinner.
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