Civil Rights Movement Archive: Documents grouped by organization  

Civil Rights Movement Archive
Documents Listed by Organization
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This section contains original documents and materials created or distributed by Freedom Movement organizations during 1951-1968. Most of these documents are in PDF format.

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Preserving our History: What to do With Your Freedom Movement Papers.

Documents Listed by Kind

Documents From the Northern Wing of the Movement

Documents by Organization:

National & RegionalState & Local
CORE Documents
ECLC Documents
Highlander Documents
MCHR Documents
NAACP Documents
NCNW Documents
SCEF Documents
SCLC Documents  
SDS Documents
SNCC Documents
SRC Documents & Pubs
SSOC Documents
VEP Documents
Govt. & Inst. Documents  
Arkansas SNCC
Campus Activism Documents  
CIG & NAG Documents (Baltimore & DC)
COFO Documents (MS)
Delta Ministry & NCC Documents (MS)
FIS Documents (MS)
Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO)
MIA Documents (Montgomery AL)
MFDP Documents (MS)
Poverty & Economic Justice (MS)
RCNL Documents (MS)
Laws, Legal & Briefs
Misc. & Other Documents 

** Collections of Documents From Specific Southern Campaigns, Events & Issues**

1966 Alabama Elections
Albany & Southwest GA Movement (61-63) 
Atlanta/Vine City Project (1966)
ASCS Elections (64-67)
Birmingham Movement (56-66)
Black Power (65-68)
Canton & Madison Co. MS (63-66)  
Citizenship Schools (54-??)
Chicago Freedom Movement (66)  
Free Southern Theater, 1963-1965
Freedom Rides (61)
Freedom Summer Projects (64-65)
Freedom Schools (64-65)
Grenada MS Movement (66)
Jackson, MS Movement (61-65)
March on Washington (63)
McComb & Pike Co. MS (61-65)
MFDP (63-66)
Montgomery Bus Boycott (55-56)
Movement in the North
Poor People's Campaign (67-68)
Poverty & Economic Justice (64-68)
School Desegregation (54-68)
SCLC's SCOPE Project (65-66)
Selma & March to Montgomery (63-65)
Sit-Ins of 1960-61
SNCC Founding Conference (60)
SNCC Waveland Conference (64)
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Reports
Youth Marches for Integrated Schools (58, 59)
Vietnam War, Anti-Draft, & GI Movement (64-72)
White House Conference on Civil Rights (66)

Letters & Field Reports from Specific Southern Projects and Geographic Areas:

Arkansas Project, SNCC. 1965
Canton & Meridian (Madison & Lauderdale Co. MS) (1964-1965)
Mississippi Freedom Summer (1964)
North Florida Citizen Education Project (1964-1965)
SCOPE (1965)
Selma, Alabama (1963-1965)
Southwest Georgia (1963-1966)
Sunflower Co & Ruleville MS (1962-1965)
Stanford University Mississippi Freedom Project (1964-1965)

See also Reports & Letters From the Field (various organizations)

See also Freedom Movement Press Releases (various organizations)

See also Personnel Files (various organizations)

See also Documents From the Northern Wing of the Movement


** Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) Documents **
Jump to: 1940s, 1950s, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966

CORE-Lator & CORE newsletters.

1940s CORE Materials
1942 CORE Action Discipline by delegates to CORE founding conference, June 1942. [May not be complete]
1946Journey of Reconciliation, George D. Houser and Bayard Rustin. 15 pages


1950s CORE Materials
1950s? It Can Happen in Missouri, recruitment flyer. Lula Farmer, CORE. Undated (possibly late 1940s, more likely 1950s)
1954? CORE Brochure: Grant's an Example of the Method of the Congress of Racial Equality. Undated (probably mid-1950s, possibly 1954).
1954It Can Happen in Missouri, Lula Farmer, CORE. Undated (possibly 1955-58). Recruitment/organizing mailer.
1955? CORE Brochure: The Story of the Congress of Racial Equality. Undated (probably mid-late 1950s).
1957? CORE Brochure: The Pattern For Action. Undated (probably mid-late 1950s).
1959?Non-Violence Against Jim Crow, Jim Peck, CORE. History of CORE 1942-1958. Undated (probably late 1959 or early 1960)
1958CORE Acts on Voting. Unsigned (possibly James McCain) Sumter SC CORE. Organizing flyer/mailer
1958 A First Step Towards School Integration, Ann Holden, Nashville CORE.
1958 Chronology of Events: Nashville School Desegregation 1955-1958, Anna Holden, CORE.
1959Report to CORE Members and Friends, financial auditor's report. James Robinson, CORE, 7/21/59.
1959 CORE Does It This Way! Unsigned CORE. Handout describing CORE nonviolent tactics and methods.
1959 CORE Brochure: Act for Integration, Interracial Action Institute. September 1959.
1959CORE Miami Interracial Action Institute, Summary and Evaluation. Susan Bodan, James Robinson, Gordan Carey, Marvin Rich, CORE. December 1959. Nonviolence training and sit-ins against segregation in Miami, FL
1959 Call to National CORE Council, unsigned CORE. Invitation to participate in January 1960 national CORE meeting. December 8, 1959


1960 CORE Documents
1960 CORE reprint: New York Times sit-in stories, Claude Sitton, Bernard Stengren, NY Times. February 1960.
1960? The Meaning of the Sit-Ins, James Robinson, CORE. Undated.
1960 Constitution of New Orleans CORE, September 1960
1960 Sit-Ins: The Students Report CORE pamphlet.


1961 CORE Documents
1961 Jailed-In, Tom Gaither, CORE. April 1961.
1961 It Happened in Baton Rouge, U.S.A., Major Johns and Ronnie Moore. CORE pamphlet.
1961 Freedom Ride Support flyers, CORE. Chicago. May 1961.
  Freedom Ride Travel Costs, Requisition Procedure.
1961 CORE Brochure: Violence Follows the Freedom Riders in Alabama. May 4, 1961.
1961 The Economics of Racism, Michael Harrington. CORE reprint of Commonweal article
1961 Voter registration proposal and budget to Taconic Foundation. James Farmer, CORE. 8/17/61. 3 pages.
1961 National Director's Report to CORE National Convention, James Farmer, September.
1961 CORE National Action Committee Minutes, October 12 1961
1961 CORE's 1961 Holiday Cards, fundraising brochure. Undated (probably 4th quarter, 1961).
1961 CORE National Action Committee Minutes, November 27 1961
1961 CORE National Action Committee Minutes, December 15 1961
1961 Cracking the Colore Line, CORE Actions 1943-1961. (32-page pamphlet)
61-62 CORE Route 40 Campaign Flyer.

1962 CORE Documents
1962Justice? 33-page pamphlet of testimony by CORE and SNCC activists, Committee of Inquiry into the Administration of Justice in the Freedom Struggle. Convened by Eleanor Roosevelt, May 1962
1962 CORE National Action Committee Minutes, January 26 1962
1962 Staff Report by the National Director, James Farmer. May 1962
1962 Albert Bigelow, Committee of Inquiry Testimony May 1962
  James Farmer, Committee of Inquiry Testimony May 1962
  James Peck, Committee of Inquiry Testimony May 1962.
1962 CORE Workshop, Mary Hamilton, July 1962
1962 CORE Sit-In Songs (24-page pamphlet)
1962 CORE Summer Training Programs in Nonviolence, brochure. Interracial action institutes. Undated (possibly 2nd quarter, 1962)
1962 Final Release on the CORE National Convention (Pre-convention instructions)
1962 CORE National Action Committee Minutes, June 1 1962
1962 The Right To Vote, James McCain, CORE. August 1962
???? New Orleans CORE Project. Undated letter. (Possibly sent to members of community groups)

1963 CORE Documents
1963-65 All About CORE. CORE information brochure.
1963 CORE Rules for Action. The CORE procedures for Direct Action campaigns.
1963 Why Didn't They Hit Back? Jhan & June Robbins, Redbook. CORE pamphlet.
1963?Report: Home Industry Project, Ruleville MS. David Dennis, CORE. Undated (possibly 1963)
1963Mailman's Letter. Anti-segregation letter carried by William Moore (CORE), when he was murdered by the KKK in Alabama on April 23, 1963
1963 Report on Canton, Mississippi, David Dennis. 1963
1963 Report: Committee on Registration Education, Annie Moody, George Raymond, Jean Thompson, CORE. August 9, 1963
1963 Field Director Faces Death Penalty, copy of CORE press release, Americus, GA. August 22, 1963.
1963 CORE Holiday Cards for 1963, fundraising brochure. Undated (probably 4th quarter, 1963).
1963 Louisiana Story 1963, CORE pamphlet. James Farmer
1963 A Mailman's Last Delivery, special CORElator supplement, CORE. Undated 1963 (probably May or June).
'63, '65 Sit-In Arrest Warrants 1963 1965. Madison, FL.
1963 CORE Membership Card.
1963-64 This is CORE Basic CORE recruitment and fundrasing flyer.
1963 CORE National Convention, Summer
        Program Department Report, Gordon Carey
        Organization Department Report
        Community Relations Department Report
        Financial Report, Apfel & Englander, CPAs
1963? CORE: Guideline to Political Action, James McCain. 1963? 1964?
1963 An Abortion for a Pregnant State, Dave Dennis, CORE Field Secretary for Mississippi. Late 1963. (Report to CORE National Action Council & proposal for expanded CORE activity in Mississippi which led to Mickey & Rita Schwerner opening the Meridian project.)
1963 Report to the CORE National Action Council November 1963 re Florida, Patricia Due, CORE.
1963 Letter to national CORE leaders Jim McCain and Marvin Rich re Mississippi situation and ideas for the summer of 1964, Dave Dennis, CORE. November 18 1963
1963 Proposed Voter Education Project for Louisiana: Rural and North, November, CORE. November 1963.
1963 The Meaning of Black Nationalism, Goron Carey, CORE. Winter 1963
63? 64? A Community Center for Meridian Mississippi (Lauderdale County), unsigned CORE. Undated (probably late 1963 or early 1964).
63-66 Documents From the Madison County Movement (Canton) MS

1964 CORE Documents
???? New Orleans CORE Voter Registration Report Weekly Tabulation, Nancy Herman & Doratha Smith, New Orleans CORE. Undated.
1964? Louisiana Citizenship Program, CORE.
1964? Where is Democracy, CORE Brochure, undated (possibly late 1963 or early 1964).
1964 The Police and the Community, Alan Gartner, CORE. Undated 1964
1964Subjects on which information is readily available, Unsigned, CORE. 1964
1964Memo re office phones, Margaret Cunningham, COFO. Undated (probably late summer or early fall 1964)
1964 CORE Lousisiana Voter Training Instructions, Richard Tinsley, CORE (c. 1964)
1964 New Orleans CORE Voter Registration Instructions, undated, assumed to be 1964
1964 Report on Project to Desegregate the Sand Springs Oklahoma Public Schools, James Russell, CORE
64 66CORE Task Force reference recommendation, David Dennis, CORE. Undated (probably 1964-66)
1964Letter template for complaints to media re biased coverage against the Civil Rights Act, unsigned CORE.
1964 Politics, proposal regarding Freedom Summer staffing and convention challenge. Dave Dennis(?) CORE/COFO. Undated (probably first half of 1964)
1964 New City Law "Anti-circular" ordinance, unsigned Madison County Movement & CORE. January 21 1964
1964 CORE National Action Council Steering Committee Minutes, January 24 1964.
1964 Freedom Ring Encircles Ticket Booth (New Orleans)  Doris Castle, CORE
1964 Minutes, National Action Committee Meeting, February 21 1964
1964 CORE Organization Department Report, Jim McCain. February 1964. (Includes list of CORE chapters and voter registrations figures.)
1964 Report From Madison & Rankin Counties, Mary Ann Shupenko, CORE.
1964 Workshops in Nonviolence — Why? CORE training in practical nonviolence.
1964? "Critical Incident" Descriptions (training document), unsigned, CORE. Undated, possibly 1964
1964 Reference-check letter to Julian Bond about Sheila Michaels, James McCain, CORE. March 1964
1964 CORE Orleans Parish Voter Registration Project, Steven Rubin, New Orleans CORE. March 27 1964
1964 Stall In at the World's Fair, April 22, 1964. CORE flyer.
1964 CORE: Letters to Loews theaters re segregation, Oretha Castle, New Orleans CORE
1964 We Will Not Stop Demonstrating!, Jack Weinberg, CORE
64-65 North Florida Citizenship Education Project 1964-65
64-65 Louisiana Summer Task Force Documents
1964 Memorandum, re Mississippi Freedom Summer, Carl Rachlin, CORE. April 13 1964
1964Louisiana Summer Project, 1964, unsigned CORE.
1964 Vital Statistics & Miscellaneous Facts for CORE's Louisiana summer project, Mimi Feingold, CORE. May 1964
1964 Letter to Ronnie Moore, re Louisiana summer project, Marcia (no lastname), CORE. May 11
1964 Letter to CORE leader James McCain re Louisiana voter registration, Unsigned, CORE. May 13
1964 Letter to Ronnie Moore, re parishes for Louisiana summer project, Michael (Lesser?), CORE. May 14
1964 CORE Meridian project community center, Ed Hollander, CORE. May 14.
1964 List of Those in Jail, Canton MS. Unsigned, CORE. May 29 1964
1964? Sources of information on the Civil Rights Movement in Mississippi, Undated 1964. Unsigned, CORE. Undated, possibly 1964
1964 Minutes, National Action Committee Meeting, June 30 1964
1964? Southern CORE Staff and Locations. (Undated, possibly from the summer of 1964.)
1964 The Police Town: Canton, George Raymond, CORE, Rev. J.J. McRee, Madison County Movement. June 1964
1964 Freedom Schol Prospectus for New Orleans Project, Unsigned, CORE. June 1964
1964 Madison County MS monthly budget, Unsigned, CORE. 1964
1964 Telegrams re violence in Canton (MS), Richard Haley, CORE. June 12 1964
1964 Memo to George Raymond re planning for summer program (MS), Richard Haley, CORE. June 15 1964
1964 Letter to Amzie Moore re rural worker job application (MS), Martha Ann Singer, CORE. June 16 1964
1964COFO/CORE Office Summer Project preparation To Do list, Unsigned, Madison Co. CORE/COFO. June 24, 1964
1964 Staff Qualifications, Regulations, and Conduct, Patricia Stephens Due, CORE field secretary. July 1964
1964 CORE 22nd Annual Convention notice, July 1964
1964 CORE Annual Convention Minutes, July 1964
1964 CORE National Action Council Minutes, Ruth Turner, CORE. July 5 1964
1964 Report on CORE action at Republican Convention, CORE. July 1964.
1964 CORE Constitution, Revised 1964 July, 1964
1964 Report on federal failure to protect federal prisoners, Ed Hollander, CORE. July 25, 1964
1964 CORE Southern Regional Office: Function, Richard Haley, CORE. August 1964
1964Mississippi CORE assignments, August 4, 1964
63-64 Intimidations and Harassments Against Negroes and CORE Workers, Summer 1963 to Summer 1964, CORE
1964 Louisiana — Summer 1964, the Students Report to Their Home Towns. CORE Pamphlet. (Published accounts from CORE's summer project in Louisiana) Nov. 1964
1964Organizing list, possibly from Canton MS. Handwritten. Unsigned CORE or COFO, undated
1964Volunteers update from Canton MS, Nancy Jervis?, COFO. 1964
1964 The 1964 Civil Rights Law and What it Means For You! CORE? Author unknown.
1964?Freedom School, Unsigned, CORE. Undated possibly 1964
1964 CORE: Proposals From Southern Staff, unsigned CORE.
1964 National Action Council Minutes, CORE. September 26 1964
1964Specific Staff Assignments and event plan, Unsigned, CORE, Madison & Rankin Counties, MS. Undated 1964 (probably late summer or early fall)
1964CORE Mississippi Fourth District Office Files, Unsigned, CORE. 1964
1964 Petition to the School Board, Citizens and Parents of Madison County. September 11 1964
1964 Relation of Southern Program to National Program, CORE Southern Regional Office. September 1964
1964 Proposed Orientation Content, CORE Southern Regional Office. September 1964
1964 Flyer for Gainsville FL CORE meeting, CORE. September 1964
1964 CORE Mississippi staff list as of September 1964
1964Meridian Mississippi the Coummunity and the Community Center unsigned CORE, fund appeal. Undated (probably Fall 1964)
1964 Mississippi CORE, staff list. October 1964
1964 CORE Mississippi Project Financial Statement, Unsigned. October 9 1964
1964 Proposed Plan of Action for CORE, undated 1964 (after Democratic Convention challenge)
1964 CORE Community Center, Meridian MS.
1964 Yearly Report on Books, Equipment and Funds Received and Raised, and Shipments Made to CORE Southern Community Centers or Stored for Shipment, CORE Southern Education Project.
1964 Get Out and Vote Freedom Rally program, Florida CORE. October 28 1964
1964 Freedom Rally, Florida CORE. October 30 1964
1964 Persons Interested in Joining Staff, CORE North Florida project. October 1964
1964 CORE/NFCEP Staff Meeting Agenda, Elton Cox, CORE. October 29 1964
1964 Report to CORE Southern Regional Conference, Gainesville FL, CORE. November 1964
1964 Louisiana Parishes Population Report, CORE Southern Regional Office Research Department. November 19
1964 A Plan of Action for Remedial Education: Memorandum to the President, James Farmer, CORE. November 21 1964
1964 Letter to George Raymond Jr. re legal and farmer-related issues, Richard Haley, CORE. 11/20/64
1964-65 CORE: Information Letters , Southern Regional Office Research Department.
1964 CORE Research Program, Judi Nusbaum, CORE Southern Regional Office. December 3, 1964 1965
1964-65 Chronology on Jonesboro, Jackson Parish, CORE.
1964 CORE Mississippi project financial report, July-Dec, 1964. Unsigned, CORE.
1965 Program to Aid in the Development of Rural Communities, Unsigned, CORE Research. December 1964
1964?Richard Tinsley, personal information form, CORE, Neshoba project. Undated (1963-1966)
1964?Preston Ponder, personnel report form, CORE, Meridian project director. Undated (1964-1966)
1964?JoAnn Ooiman, personal information form, CORE, Canton project. Undated (1963-1966)
64? 65? CORE Political Programs from Southern Office, undated (presumed late 1964 or early 1965)
64? 65?Information Sheets on CORE Staff in Madison County, undated (probably 1964-1965)
64? 65? Do You Plant Crops? ASCS election organizing document. Unsigned CORE. Undated (possibly 1964, 1965, or 1966).

1965 CORE Documents
64? 65? Do the Farm Programs in Your Area Discriminate? CORE? Undated, probably 1965
1965?Questions for the District Office to Handle, MS. Unsigned, CORE. Undated (possibly 1965)
1965? Louisiana College Campus Report, CORE Southern Regional Office. Undated, probably 1965
64? 65? Proposal for Lousiana college student conferences, unsigned CORE. Undated (probably 1964 or 1965)
1965 Clarence Edmonds CORE Louisiana staff acceptance memo. 1/11/65.
1965 Jerome Robinson CORE Louisiana staff acceptance memo. 1/11/65.
1965Finances & Report memo to Lousisiana staff. Ronnie Moore, CORE. 6/26/65.
1965Dear Fearless CORE Worker Sharon (Burger?), CORE. 6/28/65. Orientation memo for Louisiana summer project
64? 65? Bibliography of Books on the Negro, unsigned CORE? Undated (possibly 1964 or 1965 or later)
64? 65? Proposal for a Freedom Education Program, unsigned CORE. Undated (possibly 1964 or 1965 or later)
64? 65? Report on Thomastown High School, Madison County Voters League, CORE. Undated (possibly 1964 or 1965)
1965? CORE Radio Rules & Codes (Louisiana)
1965 CORE Volunteer Contract. (How, where, when, and why this was used is unknown.)
1965 CORE: Outline of Southern Program for Summer 1965, undated.
1965Political Action on the Community Level: Part 1, Unsigned, CORE. 1965
1965 Medical Committee for Human Rights, Louisianna State Office, CORE.
1965 The 1965 Civil Rights Law a Hard Look (Voting Rights Act), Carl Rachlin, CORE. Undated 1965
1965CORE: Survey of Project Needs, Unsigned. 1965
1965Southern CORE Staff and Locations, Unsigned, CORE. 1965
1965Staff Training memo, CORE Department of Organization and National Action.
1965 Finding and Making Leaders, Nicolas von Hoffman, SDS. Reprinted by CORE in 1965
1965 Prospectus on Leadership Development, Ronnie Moore, CORE. Undated 1965
1965 Equal Opportunity Commission complaint form, Unsigned, CORE. 1965
1965 Madison County Sewing Firm, Maggie Douglas, MCSF. Undated 1965
1965 Report re: Report of the Convention Fundraising Committee, unsigned CORE. Undated 1965 (probably May or June)
1965 Debt of National CORE, 1965, unsigned CORE. Undated, probably prepared for convention in June)
1965 Memo re: Complaints Against Telephone Company and FBI, unsigned CORE. Undated 1965
1965 Memo to CORE: Future of Paid Movement Organizing in the South, Richard Jewett, CORE. Undated 1965
1965 CORE memo to southern staff re Field Fellowship Program, David Dennis. CORE. Undated 1965
1965 A Brief Description of CORE Southern Program, Unsigned, CORE. January 1965
1965 Survey of Project Needs (North Florida), Spiver Gordon, CORE. January 15 1965
1965 Letter to Marvin Rich re missing CORE paycheck, Judy Wright, CORE. January 27 1965
1965 Letter to Judy Wright re CORE paychecks, Maxine Skurka, CORE. January 29 1965
1965 Letter to Meridian COFO office, Richard Haley, CORE. January 13 1965
1965 Statement of Arrest, Le Ann Faucette, CORE. Quincy Florida, January 29 1965
1965 CORE in the South September-December 1964, Richard Haley, CORE Southern Director. January 28 1965
1965? Proposal for student conferences in Louisiana, CORE Southern Regional Office. Undated, possibly 1965.
1965 CORE Louisiana voter registration statistics 1965
1965 Scholarship, Education, and Defense Fund for Racial Equality (brochure and report), CORE. 1965
1965 CORE Federal Funds Reports (resources), Judi Nusbaum
Report #2 (research grant recipients listed)
Report #3 (college scholarships) March '65
Report #4 (business grant recipients) March '65
Report #5 (education grant recipients) April '65
Report #7 (business grant recipients) April '65
Report #8 (business grant recipients) May '65
1965 Example CORE Personnel Information Sheets
1965 Documents From CORE Southern Region Workshop, CORE, Southern Office, January 1965
1965 Mississippi Council of Federated Organizations, CORE Mississippi Field Staff. (Explains COFO to Louisiana CORE Staff for January 1965 Staff Conference)
1965 CORE 1965 (New Orleans), Matt Suarez.
1965 CORE ~ Louisiana in Brief. 14-page report/analysis.
1965 Tentative Program for New Orleans CORE, January 1965
1965 Field Report — Washington Parish, LA (Bogalusa). January 1965
1965 CORE Personell Record: Doratha Smith, January 1965
1965 Why We Protest, A.Z. Young, Bogalusa Civic & Voter League. Undated 1965.
1965 Neshoba Project Report, Alan Schiffmann, CORE/COFO. February 1 1965
1965 Bogalusa, Lousiana, Incident Summary, January 25 - February 21 1965
  Bogalusa, Lousiana, Incident Summary, January 28 - July 1 1965.
1965 Jonesboro-Bogalusa Project, Lawrance chapter of CORE, March 1965.
1965 What is Operation Headstart?, Unsigned, CORE. March 1965
1965 CORE Louisianna Summer Project, Unsigned, CORE. March 3, 1965
1965 The CORE Southern Office: What it Does, Richard Haley, CORE.
1965 North Florida Citizen Education Project History, Ed Hollander, CORE Southern Regional Office. March 1965
1965The Proposed 1965 Voting Rights Bill, unsigned CORE. March, 1965
1965 Partial List of Racial Murders in the South, April 1963-March 1965, CORE Southern Regional Office
1965Why We Are Here, Richard Burke & Harold Stagg. April 1965. CORE/NAACP flyer explaining action against housing segregation in Lawrence Kansas
1965 Summary of Incidents in Bogalusa, Lousisiana, April 7-9 1965
1965 Report on the Arrest of Charles Williams, Bogalusa LA, April. Will Ussery, CORE.
1965 CORE Scouting Report of Natchitoches Parish, J. Rollins. April 1965
1965 Suggested Guidelines for Future Organizational Expansion, James Farmer, CORE. April 3, 1965
1965 Outline of Southern Program for Summer 1965 and Memo: Summer Project Workers, CORE Southern Regional Office. April 14, 1965
1965 Memo: Services to CORE Chapters, George Wiley, CORE April 20, 1965
1965 CORE Lousiana Parish Assignments, Addresses and Phone Numbers, May 1965
1965 Political and Governmental Structure of Louisianna, Judith Nusbaum, CORE. May 1965
1965 On the Question of a Third Party, Mike Lesser, CORE. May 1965
1965 North Florida Free Press, CORE NFCEP. May 1 1965
1965 Letter about ASCS elections in Madison County MS, W.H. Forsyth Jr., COFO. May 10 1965
1965 CORE Lousiana Parish Assignments, Addresses and Phone Numbers, May 1965
1965 Let's Have a Peoples' Conference, Mike Losser, CORE. May 1965
1965 CORE memos re Scholarship Education & Defense Fund programs, David Dennis, CORE. May 1965
1965 CORE memo: Field Fellowship Program, Dave Dennis. CORE. May 25, 1965
1965 College Students Needed for CORE Summer Project, CORE brochure.
1965 It's Going to be an Expensive Summer..., CORE, Bogalusa, LA fund-appeal letter.
1965 Summer Parish Scouting Report — St. Tammany Parish, Loria Davis, Mimi Feingold, Howard Messing, CORE
1965 CORE Financial Report - Month of May 1965
1965CORE Summer Projects Orientation Documents
 CORE Summer Projects 1965
 CORE Summer Project Orientation — Educational Program Workshop
 Notes and Guidelines on News, Public Relations, Unsigned CORE. June 1965
 Memo re: CORE General Procedures Louisiana, J. Rollins, CORE. June, 1965
 Outline for Weekly Field Report, Unsinged, CORE
 CORE Community Action Guide, June 1965
 Community survey form, unsigned, CORE. June, 1965
 Community Organization Discussion Outline, unsigned, CORE, 1965
 Questions for Discussion CORE summer project, political awareness workshop. June, 1965
 Louisianna voter registration test result request form, Unsigned, CORE. June, 1965
 Persons to Registrar's Office list form, unsigned, CORE. June, 1965
 Educational Program Workshop, Unsigned CORE. June 1965
 School Workshop Booklet (First Draft), CORE - Mississippi. May 1965.
 CORE Fact Sheet for Enforcement of the Fair Employment Act, June 1965
 Discrimination in Public Facilities Complaint Form, Unsigned, CORE. June, 1965
 Title 6 How To Protect Your Rights (form), Unsigned, CORE. June, 1965
 Title 7 Fair Employment Info and complaint form, Unsigned, CORE. June, 1965
 Agriculture Stabilization & Conservation Service (ASCS) Report, USCCR (possibly a summary prepared by CORE). June, 1965
1965Report of the Convention Fund Raising Comnmittee, unsigned CORE. Undated (probably June 1965)
1965 Note to Dan, re ASCS elections (LA). Herman "Slick" Carter, CORE. Undated (probably May or June 1965)
1965 Memo re Louisianna ASCS parish elections, Herman "Slick" Carter, CORE. Undated 1965 (probably June or July)
1965 CORE contact list of Louisiana ASCS offices, June 1965
1965 CORE Field Fellowship applications, June 1965
1964Outline for Weekly Field Report, Unsinged, CORE
1965Community survey form, unsigned, CORE. June, 1965
1965Discrimination in Public Facilities Complaint Form, Unsigned, CORE. June, 1965
1965Fourth District CORE/MFDP Office summary report, Joanne Ooiman, CORE. June 10, 1965
1965Memo: Finances and Reports procedures, Ronnie M. Moore, CORE. June 26, 1965
1965Dear Fearless CORE Worker memo to project workers, Sharon Burger, CORE. June 28, 1965
1965Statement of the Congress of Racial Equality opposing the appointment of former-Governor Coleman to federal Court of Appeals, Alan Schiffmann, CORE. June 29, 1965
1965 CORE Summer Project Orientation — Educational Program Workshop
1965 CORE Convention Agenda, Durham, NC, July 1965
1965Memo re Title VI complaints and MCHR, Judi Nusbaum & Dodi Smith, July 1965
1965Voter Registration: A Means to Political Power, unsigned CORE. July 1965
1965 Louisiana CORE Newsletter, Unsigned, CORE. July 1965
1965 Voter Registration: A Means to Community Political Power, Unsigned, CORE. July 1965
1965 Questions for Greenwood Acres, unsigned CORE flyer from Shreveport LA, July 8 1965
1965 Special Fund-Raising Bulletin #1 Alan Gartner, CORE. 7/9/65. Summer project fund-raising memo
1965CORE Current Monthly Program Costs, George Wiley, National CORE. July 13, 1965
1965Memo: Projects Becoming Self- Supporting, Ronnie M. Moore, CORE. July 13, 1965
1965Memo: Legal Actions, Ronnie M. Moore, CORE. July 14, 1965
1965 The 2nd Greenwood Acres Community Meeting. Unsigned, CORE flyer. July 15, 1965
1965Memo re: Cornell University training for CORE organizers, Ronnie Moore and George Wiley, CORE. July 21, 1965
1965Dear Summer Volunteer, memo re organizing workshops for CORE, SNCC and MFDP volunteers. Mike Lesser, CORE. July 21, 1965
1965CORE memo to southern projects re field reports for the Field Foundation, Richard Haley, CORE. July 28, 1965
1965Flyer: Protest Unfair Action by Foote Campbell, Madison Co. MS Registrar of Voters, unsigned CORE/MFDP flyer. August 2, 1965
1965 Minden Freedom Rally, unsigned CORE flyer from Minden LA, August 6 1965
1965 Minden Freedom Rally. Unsigned, CORE flyer. August 11, 1965
1965CORE Freedom News (newsletter, Madison Parish Louisiana), August 6 1965
1965New "Holiday Cards" From CORE, fundraising promotion. October 1965.
1965Statement on November elections, James Farmer CORE. November 5, 1965
1965Function of District Office, Lynne Hollander, MFDP, CORE. October 9, 1965
1965MFDP/CORE Fourth District Contact List, Unsigned, MFDP/CORE. November 4, 1965
1965Function of the MFDP/CORE 4th District Office, Lynne Hollander, CORE. October 9, 1965
1965Meeting announcement and contact list MFDP/CORE 4th District Office, Mrs. Cathrine Crowell, MFDP. October 14, 1965
1965MFDP/CORE 4th Congressional District Office Daily Log, Joann Ooiman, CORE. 1965
1965Things Stolen from 4th District Office, Unsigned, CORE. November 8 1965
1965Activist data stolen from MFDP/CORE 4th District Office, Unsigned, CORE. November 9, 1965
1965 Statement of Vernon Smith, regarding violence in Ferriday, LA. November 11 1965
1965Freedom Now, CORE greeting cards sold for fundraising. By Lewis Suzuki.
65? 66?CORE list of contacts and resources, Unsigned, CORE. Undated (possibly 1965 or 1966)

1966 CORE Documents
1966 CORE: Fact Sheet Q. A. brochure. Unsigned. Undated (probably 1966)
1966 Program booklet, James Farmer tribute. Unsigned, Northeastern Region CORE. Undated (probably 1966).
1966 CORE: Chapters in the Northeastern Region. Unsigned, Northeastern Region CORE. Undated (probably 1966).
1966 CORE Citizenship Education Workshop, Minutes From State Meeting, July 1966. Frogmore, SC
1966 Dear Friend letter to supporters by CORE National Director Floyd McKissick re white racism, Black Power, CORE, and the Freedom Movement. Undated (probably October, 1966)
66? 67? How Long Can the U.S. Government Be Hypocritical Liars? (re Africa), Unsigned, CORE. Undated (possibly '66 or '67)


**Highlander Research & Education Center (HREC) Documents **

At various times known as the Highlander Folk School, Highlander Center, and Highlander Research & Education Center
1955 Rosa Parks' Workshop Notes ~ Highlander Center (Summer 1955).
(Integration workshop attended by Rosa Parks before she sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott.)
1961 Southern White Students ... Democracy in the South, Carr, Kaufman, Weber, Highlander Folk School. March 1961
1961 New Frontiers for College Students (workshop announcement), Charles Boyles, Highlander Folk School. April 1961
1962?Some Notes on Leading Discussions, Unsigned, HERC. Undated (probably between 1961 and mid-1964)
1964 Highlander Center Summary of Activities, 9/1/63-4/15/64. Unsigned, HERC
1964 Minutes of Highlander Board of Directors Meeting, (first page missing) Unsigned HREC. May 1, 1964
1964 Invitation to discussion about Tennessee's Governor's Commission on Human Relations, Unsigned HREC. 5/28/64
1964Proposed Budget for Highlander Research and Education Center, Sept '64 - August '65, Unsigned HREC. August 31, 1965
1964 HREC Income and Expenses, Unsigned HREC. August 31, 1964
1965Minutes of Planning Meeting for Freedom School Workshop, SNCC/HREC, Washington DC, January 6, 1965
1965Daily Schedule, SNCC/HREC Freedom School Workshop, Lucy Montgomery, HREC. Knoxville TN, March 26-April 9
1965Memo for Participants in Freedom School Workshop (Program), SNCC/HREC, Knoxville TN, March 26-April 9
1965 Freedom Workshop News, Highlander Research and Education Center. April 1965
1965 Memo about HREC board meeting, C. Conrad Browne. HREC. April 26, 1965
1965Memo to Freedom School Workshop Peoples, Mrs. Kenneth Montgomery, HREC. June 23, 1965
1965 Contributions from Funds and Foundations, Unsigned HREC. May 1, 1965
1965 Income and Expenses, Unsigned HREC. May 1, 1965
1965 Highlander Center Board of Directors, Unsigned HREC. May 13, 1965
1965 Summary of Activities, Unsigned HREC. April 15, 1964-May 15, 1965
1965Letter regarding Southwide Voter Education Internship Workshop, C. Conrad Browne. HREC. June 5, 1965
1965 Letter to Abe Osheroff, re Tom Ludwig to head building program, Myles Horton, HERC. June 18 1965
1965 Letter to Dean Brazeal, re Operation Bootstrap building program, Mrs. Kenneth Montgomery. June 26 1965
1965 Letter to Myles and Conrad, re Tom Ludwig and other matters, Mrs. Kenneth Montgomery, June 26 1965
1965 Letter to Julian Bond, re Operation Bootstrap (TN), Mrs. Kenneth Montgomery. June 26 1965
1965 Letter to Lewis Jones, re executive director of project, Mrs. Kenneth Montgomery. June 29 1965
1965? Smoky Mountain Economic Education Project, Mrs. Kenneth Montgomery. HREC. Undated (possibly 1965)
1965? The Poor in America, Resource Materials for Freedom Schools, unsigned. Undated (possibly 1965)
1965Budget Report for Highlander Research and Education Center, fiscal year September 1 1964 through August 31 1965. Unsigned, HERC
1965 Proposed Letter to Area Contacts, unsigned HREC. 10/6/65. Outreach to contacts re Conrad Brown meetings with activists
1965 Highlander Workshop News, Tennessee, November
65-66 Workshops & other proposals for 1965-1966, Unsigned, Highlander Research & Education Center.
1966Folk Music Workshop at Highlander, letter and report by Charles Gomillion. Feb. 21, 1966


** Medical Committee for Human Rights (MCHR) Documents **

See Medical Committee for Human Rights (MCHR) Founded for background.
1964 Medical Committee for Human Rights brochure.
1964 A Medical Service for the Civil Rights Movement Statement of Purpose, Medical Committee for Human Rights (MCHR). August 1 1964.
1964 MCHR Summer Summary Report, unsigned. August 16 1964
1964 Special Report: Medical Committee for Human Rights (MCHR), Jerome Tobis, Aron Wells, Leslie Falk, Elliott Hurwitt. Fall 1964.
1964-68 MCHR Manual for Volunteers. Medical Committee for Human Rights (MCHR)
1965Memo re Teargas or Lacrimators, Unsigned, MCHR. 1965
1965 Letter to Joan Gavin re training Blacks to be nurses. Ruth Steiner, MCHR.
1965 Medical Committee for Human Rights (MCHR) Supports the Challenge of the MFDP, September 1965.
1965 Memo: Medical Committee for Human Rights office in Jackson, unsigned MCHR. May 25, 1965
1966 Report on Alabama MCHR Project Jan 26 - March 20. Author unknown.


** NAACP Documents **
(National Association for Advancement of Colored People)
Jump to: Pre-1950s, 1950s, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968

Though the NAACP was founded in 1909, most of the documents in this collection are from the 1950s and 1960s.

See also NAACP Publications
Pre-1950s NAACP Documents
1909Founding platform: National Negro Committee (later renamed National Association for the Advancement of Colored People - NAACP), May 1909
1911 NAACP Articles of Incorporation, W.E.B. DuBois, John Haynes Holmes, Oswald Garrison Villard, Walter E. Sachs, Mary White Ovington. May 25, 1911
1916 How the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Began, Mary White Ovington, NAACP, Re-issued 1954.
1919 Thirty Years of Lynching in the United States, 1889-1918, 110-page report on known lynchings, NAACP. April 1919. (By definition, unreported or concealed racial killings cannot be counted.)
1922 For the Good of America, NAACP anti-lynching poster
1940The Acid Test of Democracy membership recruitment flyer. Unsigned NAACP. November, 1940.
1941The Washington Bureau of the NAACP, proposal(?). Unsigned (Thurgood Marshall?). Undated (assumed 1941)
1941 Letter calling for a march on Washington, by A. Philip Randolph (BSCP) to Walter White (NAACP). March 18, 1941
1940s? A B Cs of Mass Pressure, NAACP. 1940s or early 1950s. 17-page manuual on building issue campaigns.
1950s NAACP Documents
???? Questionaire on Practical Politics in Your Community, NAACP. Undated.
1950s Register to vote flyer. Baltimore NAACP. Undated (probably early 1950s)
1950s Vote Registration & NAACP Membership Questionnaire. Baltimore NAACP. Undated (probably early 1950s)
1951 Is This the American Way of Life?, New York City flyer protesting bombing assasination of Harry (and Henrietta) Moore in Florida. Unsigned American Labor Party. 1/6/51.
1951 Stop This Murder! NAACP Legal Defense & Education Fund (Inc Fund) flyer regarding Groveland FL rape frame-up of 1949.
???? NAACP Discrimination Complaint Form. (Undated, possibly from the 1950s)
51-52 Assassination of Harry and Harriet Moore (Multiple documents)
1952 What the Negro Wants in 1952, Statement of Political Objectives. Eight-page pamphlet. Unsigned NAACP & other organizations. Undated
1952A Primer for Political Action (brochure), unsigned NAACP. Undated (probably 1952)
1952Patterns of Employment Discrimination, 12-page Crisis reprint-pamphlet by Herbert Hill based on his congressional testimony. May 1952
1955 It CAN Be Done! Desegregation - A Progress Report, 12-page pamphlet about schools. Unsigned NAACP. April 1955
1954 What Negroes Want Now, Walter White, NAACP. (Post-Brown interview)
1955 Minutes, Montgomery NAACP, Rosa Parks, Secretary
1956 NAACP Its Program and Objectives, recruitment brochure. May 1956
1956 Letter to Thurgood Marshall re Alabama Attack on NACCP, Mobile, NAACP.
1956 NAACP An American Organization, June 1956. (Issued in the context of the anti-communist witch-hunts of the "McCarthy era" when NAACP was being outlawed as a "subversive" organization.
1957 Integration Crises in the South, Roy Wilkins, NAACP. Speech delivered in Charlotte NC, October 1957.
1957 Letter to Roy Wilkins re Little Rock Nine, Daisy Bates.
1958 Voter Registration & NAACP Membership Questionaire, Baltimore MD
1958 A Voteless People is a Hopeless People flyer. Unsigned Baltimore (NAACP?). Undated (possibly 1958).
1958 Don't be a Free Rider, NAACP recruitment flyer
1958 Mississippi NAACP Newsletter: April, September
1958 You Were There (Little Rock), NAACP fundraising flyer
May 1958The Crises, (Little Rock Nine, Blacks & Jews, more...)
58? 59?How to Get a Coordinated Progam Started in Your City or County (political action), Unsigned, NAACP? SCLC? Undated (possibly 1958 or '59)
1959Letter to Senator Hennings, re lynchings, C.R. Darden, Mississippi NAACP. May 1959
1959 NAACP flyer advertising address by Roy Wilkins, C.R. Darden, Mississippi NAACP. May 1959
1958 Memo to a Mississippi NAACP Branch Regarding Memberships, Medgar Evers, NAACP. July 1958.
1959 Memo: 1959 to be Banner Year for MS NAACP C.R. Darden, MS NAACP. January 1959
1959 NAACP report to branch officers, C.R. Darden, Mississippi NAACP. June 7 1959
1959 The Single Issue in the Robert Williams Case. NAACP's self-justification for suspending Robert Williams.
1959 NAACP National Board meeting report, C.R. Darden, Mississippi NAACP. September 1959
1959 Annual Report, C.R. Darden, NAACP. November 7 1959
1960 NAACP Documents
1960 Voter Registration Activities of the NAACP
1960 Memorandum: Mississippi NAACP Annual Meeting Announcement, C.R. Darden, Mississippi NAACP. January 1960
1960 Letter to Mississippi Senator Stennis re lynching, C.R. Darden, Mississippi NAACP. February 1960
1960 Expanded Racial Defense Policy, NAACP. Call for consumer boycotts in response to sit-ins.
1960 The Meaning of the Sit-Ins, Roy Wilkins, NAACP. 12-page pamphlet.
1960 Dear branch officer (re school picture case), C.R. Darden, Mississippi NAACP. April 8 1960
1960 Denial of Gasoline to Negro Voters in Fayette County Tennessee, Roy Wilkins, NAACP. July 1960.
1960 Resolution regarding Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission, Medgar Evers, NAACP. July 1960.
1960 Voter Service, John Brooks, Virginia NAACP. July 15 1960
1960 The Street Where You Live, NAACP. 16-page comic book urging voter registration and political action.
60-63? Jackson MS voter registration flyer. Unsigned (NAACP). Undated (probably 1960-1963)
1961 NAACP Documents
1961 Memo: Expanded Racial Defense Policy, Mississippi NAACP. April 1961
1961 Operation Mississippi, Mississippi NAACP. April 13 1961
1962 NAACP Documents
1962-65 Coahoma County NAACP Newsletter, sample issues 1962-1965. Mississippi.
1962 The Day They Changed Their Minds. NAACP pamphlet about the sit-ins.
1962 NAACP memo re national spelling bee discrimination, Gloster Current, NAACP. January 31 1962
1962 Memo re voter registration, John Brooks, Virginia NAACP. March 1962
1962Petition protesting denial of vote in Mississippi. Unsigned (possibly NAACP), undated (after the June 1962 primary)
1962 NAACP memo on Albany Georgia, Roy Wilkins, NAACP. July 31 1962.
1962Voter registration meeting notes, possibly referring to Colia Liddell. Unsigned, NAACP. September 4, 1962. MS (handwritten)
1962 Letter to President Kennedy re Meredith & 'Ole Miss, NAACP. September 21st.
1962 Dear friend and supporter of freedom, Aaron Henry, NAACP. October 8. 1962
1962 Mississippi NAACP Annual Session: Conference Statement, November 1-4 1962
1962 Action for Freedom, South Carolina NAACP Annual Report 1962. I. DeQuincey Newman, NAACP
1963 NAACP Documents
1963 Brandeis Fellowship Application, Amzie Moore, NAACP. 1963
1963 Emancipation Proclamation Centennial, event flyer. NAACP, McComb, MS.
1963 NAACP Trustees Report FY 1962, (Mississippi? A local MS branch?), unsigned NAACP. January 31 1963
1963 NAACP Memorandum To: Mr. Amzie Moore, W.C. Patton. NAACP. March 3, 1963
1963March On Washington reminder, Unsigned, NAACP. August 23, 1963
1963 To All Responsible Citizens of Greater New Orleans, boycott flyer. NAACP & CLNO. 3/28/63.
1963 NAACP Acts Despite Alabama Ban, Your Association and the Birmingham Crises, NAACP. May 1963.
1963 Remember Medgar Evers. Did he Die in Vain?, flyer. Unsigned Jackson Movement. Undated (probably summer 1963).
1963 Permission to Discuss and Resolve Grievances Pertinent to Interracial Good Will and Understanding, letter to City of Clarksdale MS, Aaron Henry, NAACP. July 4 1963
1963 Jackson, MS Movement Documents, (Multiple Documents)
1963 Action Memo No. 2 — Civil Rights Bills National Civil Rights Legislative Conference re civil rights bill. NAACP. August 6 1963
1963 From Morning Until Night...Humiliation Stalks Them, Senate testimony, Roy Wilkins, NAACP. July 1963
1963 Negroes Vote for Freedom - Protest Disenfranchisement, NAACP Policy Directive 1, August 14 1963
Mississippi Vote for Freedom, NAACP Policy Directive 2, August 16 1963
1963 Your One Vote Counts, Virginia NAACP Voter Registration Committee, Sept. 1963
1963 You Can Kill a Man But You Can't Kill an Idea, NAACP membership and fund appeal.
1963 Murder Inc. Jackson Movement Information Bulletin, re assasinations of Medgar Evers and John F. Kennedy. NAACP, undated (possibly December 1963)
1963 Join and Support Christmas boycott flyer. Unsigned Jackson Movement. Undated (probably December 1963)
1963 Freedom Note, Jackson boycott flyer. Unsigned Jackson Movement. December 15, 1963.
1964 NAACP Documents
1964 Memorandum on Structure and Activities of NAACP in Voter Registration. Unsigned (possibly LDF). Undated (possibly 1964).
1964 New Orleans NAACP Newsletter, January
1964 The Ultimate Conquest of Negro Economic Inequality, Ernest Calloway, NALC, NAACP, January 1964
1964 Dear Friend of Freedom, Coahoma County NAACP, Office of "The Cryer." April 12 1964
1964 Letter regarding negroes running for Congress (MS). Vera Pigee, Aaron Henry, NAACP. 5/14/64
1964 Letter to Amzie Moore re food and clothing donations (MS), Mary Anderson, Watts Action Committee. July 28 1964
1964 Operation Freedom: Mississippi - 1964. NAACP Freedom Summer recruitment brochure.
1964 The Crisis, August-Sept (Civil Rights Act of 1964, Freedom News insert)
1964 Letter to Amzie Moore re Anne visit to Cleveland (OH) 9/16/64, Carl Braden, SCEF
1964 Letter to Amzie Moore re help for community center (MS), illigible signature. 10/20/64
1964 Letter to Amzie Moore re re-election of William Ming to NAACP board, S.W. Tucker, NAACP. 11/23/64.
1964 Dear Friend, fundraising appeal letter, NAACP Inc Fund. December 8 1964
1964 Clothing and Food Supplies to Mississippi, Charles Bellinger, MCC. December 10 1964
1964 Fund appeal letter, for NAACP Legal Defense Fund. Alan Knight Chalmers, Committee of 100. 12/8/64.
1964 South Carolina NAACP Annual Report, I. DeQuincey Newman, NAACP. 1964
???? Ballots, Bullets, and Blood, NAACP. Undated 1965 or later.
1965 NAACP Documents
1965Summary: Fair Employment Practices Act, NAACP Inc Fund, 1965
1965Fellow Civil Rights Worker, memo on filing Title VII employment discrimination. D'Army Bailey, NAACP, and unsigned CORE. June 23, 1965
1966 NAACP Documents
1966 The Natchez Agreement, Unsigned article in The Crisis, NAACP. January 1966
1966 SNCC Does Not Speak for the Whole Movement (re Vietnam), Roy Wilkins, NAACP. L.A. Times, January 17 1966
1966 Memo to NAACP: Official Guidelines for Voter Education Project Grants, John Brooks, NAACP, Vernon Jordan, VEP. February 17 1966
1966 NAACP Letter to Supporters re Black Power, Roy Wilkins
1966 Letter to Amzie Moore re law students, Ronald Pollack, LSCRRC. October 9, 1966
1967 NAACP Documents
1967 Memo: Placement of Law Students, Marian Wright, NAACP Inc. Fund. June 3 1967
1967 Letter re Amzie Moore nomination as hospital director, K.H. Smith. Mound Bayou Hospital. March 25, 1967
1967 Mound Bayou stock subscription agreement, Amzie Moore, NAACP. June 13 1967
1967NAACP Agenda, Unsigned NAACP. October 31, 1967
1967Letter to Theodene Berry, OEO, re Quitman County Community Action Broad. NAACP. November 17, 1967
1967 Letter to Amzie Moore,from Ernest Bromley, re Operation Freedom aid (MS) 12/18/67
1968 NAACP Documents


** National Council of Negro Women (NCNW) Documents **

1948Telefact: Calling All Women monthly bulletin. Unsigned NCNW. July 1948
???? Helping People, National Council of Negro Women (NCNW). Undated


** Southern Conference Education Fund (SCEF) Documents **
Jump to: 1950s, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968 & later

SCEF was founded 1946, the documents in this collection are from the 1950s and 1960s.

Southern Patriot (SCEF monthly newspaper)

1950s SCEF Documents
1958Letter to Albert Powell about voting rights conference in Washington DC, James Dombrowski, SCEF. March 19, 1958
1958Letter to Fa. John LaBauve about voting rights conference in Washington DC, Carl Braden, SCEF. May 3, 1958
1958 Memo & Notes re Atlanta HUAC Hearings, Jim Dombrowski, SCEF. August 1958.
1960 SCEF Documents
1960? Give Decency a Chance in the South, SCEF brochure. Undated, probably 1960 or 61.
1961 SCEF Documents
1961 "Balancing Doctrine" vs Peaceful Picketing, unsigned SCEF. Re restricting First Amendment rights in Columbia SC. October, 1961
1961?"My beliefs and my associations are none of the business of this committee", HUAC and the Carl Braden case. Unsigned SCEF. Undated (possibly 1961). 24 page pamphlet.
1962 SCEF Documents
1962 Memorandum on Situation in Mississippi, Unsigned, SCEF. April 8, 1962
1962 Civil Liberties and Free Speech As Essential Weapons in the Struggle for Civil Rights (excerpts), Anne & Carl Braden, SCEF for SNCC conference April 27-29, 1962
1962 Weapons in the Struggle for Civil Rights, discussion paper on civil liberties and freedom of speech for SNCC conference, Ann and Carl Braden, SCEF. April 27, 1962
1962 Report on white southern student project, Bob Zellner, SCEF. May 1962 (for 61-62 school year)
???? Faith South, Southern Conference Education Fund, fundrising brochure. Undated (possibly 1963).
1963 SCEF Documents
1963 SCEF: Fact Sheet on the Raid and Arrests, SCEF. October 4 1963
1963 SCEF fund appeal re raid on office, October 10 1963, Fred Shuttlesworth, SCEF. October 10 1963
1963 The Attack on the Southern Conference Education Fund! Student Civil Liberties Coordinating Committee, Noveber or December 1963
1964 SCEF Documents
1964? Proposal for Southern Student Organizing Committee Conferences, Ed Hamlett, Sue Thrasher, SCEF. Undated (presumed 1964)
64? A Proposal for Expanded Work Among Southern White Students and an Appalachian Project, Sam Shirah, SCEF. Undated (possibly 1964)
1964? SCEF Board of Directors & Advisory Committee, circa 1964
1964? Proposed Fields of Work for SCEF in Period Ahead, Unsigned, SCEF. Undated (assumed spring of '64)
1964 SCEF Report: Work Since Fall 1963 Board Meeting, Anne Braden. undated (presumed early 1964)
1964 House Un-American Activities Committee: Bulwark of Segregation, Anne Braden, SCEF.
1964 Dear Friend of Civil Rights (re state attempt to destroy SCEF), Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth, James Dombrowski, SCEF. January 25.
1964 Desperate Need for Food in Mississippi, Jim Dombrowski, SCEF. January 23 1964.
1964 Memo to Continuations Committee of SSOC re relations with SNCC, Anne Braden. SCEF. April 17 1964
1964 Fact Sheet Mississippi Summer Project: the White Community Too
1964Memo: Mississippi White Community Project Jim Dombrowski, SCEF. 6/25/64
1964 Upside Down Justice - the Albany Case, National Committee for the Albany Defendants ~ SCEF
1964 Sample Letter to Start Chain SCEF (fund appeal) spring 1964.
1964 Newsletter exchange with FoS, Unsigned SCEF, November 14, 1964
1964 Gift subscription to FoS of Southern Patriot, James Dombrowski, , SCEF. November 16, 1964
1965 SCEF Documents
1965 Today's Great Issues: A Call to Action Southern Conference Educational Fund (SCEF) brochure
1965Memo to Jack Greenberg (LDF) from James Dombroski (SCEF) re bail receipt for Ivanhoe Donaldson (SNCC) from 1963 Danville VA arrest.
1966 SCEF Documents
1966Fund appeal for Operation Freedom Carol & Ann Braden, SCEF. March 24 1966
1967 SCEF Documents
1967 The Organizer's Library, SCEF.
Getting and Keeping People Together, Alan McSurely
Hang-Ups: Common Problems of People Who Organize ..., Alan McSurely
Common Group Problems, Alan McSurely
How to Negotiate, Alan McSurely
How to Put Out Community News, Alan McSurely
The Care and Feeding of Power Structures Revisited, Jack Minnis
Lowndes County Freedom Organization, Jack Minnis
1967 Grass Roots Organizing Work (GROW), Dorothy & Bob Zellner. Proposal for organizing & education in an Alabama white community. January 1967
  The Care and Feeding of Power Structures Revisited, Jack Minnis, SCEF. 1967
1960 SCEF Documents
1968 There Are 40 Million Whites in the South? Who Will Organize Them? SCEF. Date unknown, possibly 1968.
1968 Lessons of Laurel: Grassroots Organizing in the South, Bob Analavage & Dottie Zellner, SCEF.
1968 Anger in the Southern Pines (SCEF pamphlet), Steve Martin, SCEF GROW Project.
1968 Mississippi Woodcutters are Getting it Together; They Need Your Help, SCEF. Undated 1968
1971 It's Your Future, SCEF brochure
???? SCEF Speakers, undated (probably early 1970s)
1975 Struggle in Today's South. (SCEF Fundraising Calendar, with state-by-state historic references.)


** Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) Documents **
Jump to: 1950s, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968 and later

SCOPE Project Documents (in separate collection)

See Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) Founded for background.

See also SCLC Newsletters & Press Releases
54-70Records of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, 1954-1970, finding aid for microfilm edition. Univeristy Publications of America
1950s SCLC Documents
54-?? SCLC Citizenship Schools, (Multiple documents)
1957 Statement to the South and the Nation (Jan).
  Southern Negroes Leaders Conference agenda. (Founding of SCLC as an organization, August)
???? SCLC Constitution & Bylaws ,
58? 59?A Canvasser's Needs, Unsigned, SCLC. Undated (possibly 1958 or '59)
58? 59?How to Get a Coordinated Progam Started in Your City or County (political action), Unsigned, NAACP? SCLC? Undated (possibly 1958 or '59)
1958 SCLC's First Financial Report, Unsigned SCLC. January 29 1958
1958 Memo: Crusade for Citizenship, January 1958. Martin Luther King, SCLC.
1958 SCLC Crusade for Citizenship,
1958To The Editor of the Atlanta Constitution, re police murder of Joseph Jeter, lies, and falsehoods. By 12 prominant members of Citizens Committee. September 13, 1958
1958 1st Youth March for Integrated Schools, October 1958
1958 Steps to Full Freedom (Crusade for Citizenship), SCLC.
1958? Crusade for Citizenship, SCLC brochure.
1958 Some Reasons Why Churches Should Take the Lead in Registration and Voting, SCLC. May 1958
1959 2nd Youth March for Integrated Schools, April 1959
1959 SCLC special account financial report, April 1959
1959 Recent efforts in interest of Fall meeting in Columbia and Voter-registration program, memo to SCLC Leadership, Ella Baker. July 1959
1959 SCLC Memorandum: Personnel Practices and Office Equipment, Ella Baker, SCLC. October 22 1959
1959 Memorandum: SCLC as a Crusade, Ella Baker. SCLC. October 23 1959
1960 SCLC Documents
1960? Some Important Fiscal Facts About SCLC, SCLC. Undated (probably late 1950s or early 1960s)
1960 Heed Their Rising Voices, New York Times advertisment.
1960 SCLC: Report of the Director to the Executive Board, October 1960. Wyatt T. Walker
1961 SCLC Documents
????Two Minute Talk on Poll Tax and Voting, unsigned (VEP? SCLC?) Undated
????Three Minute Speech unsigned (VEP? SCLC?) Undated
1961? Voter registration proposal to Taconic Foundation, Wyatt T. Walker, SCLC. Undated (possibly 1961). 14 pages.
1961 SCLC Auditors Report for FY 1960, November 1960
1961 SCLC: Report of the Director, Semi-Annual Report, SCLC, Nov. 1 - April 30 1961
1960? SCLC, Brochure describing SCLC officers and staff. 1960? 1961?
1961 Voter Registration Program Outline
1961? This is SCLC. Brochure 1961?
1961 Toward the Beloved Community - Story of the Nashville Christian Leadership Conference, 11-page pamphlet covering history and directory of NCLC from 1958-1961.
1961 SCLC Emergency Defense Fund financial report, undated (possibly April 1961).
1961 SCLC Monthly Budget Report, Wyatt T. Walker. April 30 1961
1961 Report of Meeting of May 26 1961 (re Freedom Rides), James Wood, SCLC.
1961Letter to Timothy Jenkins re student sit-in conference, Martin Luther King, SCLC. June 13 1961.
1961 Letter to Timothy Jenkins re voter registration, Ella Baker, YWCA. June 21 1961
1961 SCLC Affiliates, August 1961
1961 SCLC Annual Treasurer's Report, September 1 1960
1961 SCLC income & expenditures report, September 1960-August 1961, Rev. Ralph Abernathy, SCLC Treasurer
1961 SCLC Budget Analysis 1960-1961, September 1 1960
1961 Program, SCLC Annual Meeting.
1961 Report of the Director, SCLC Annual Meeting, Wyatt T. Walker. September.
1961 SCLC Financial Report Q1 1961, Ralph Abernathy. December 1961
1962 SCLC Documents
1962 The SCLC Voter Registration Prospectus for 1962
1962SCLC memo to field staff re Internal Revenue Service Report, Andrew Young, SCLC. January 3, 1962
1962 SCLC Affiliates, February 1962
1962 Affidavit of Wyatt Walker re arrest and insanity examination in Shreveport.
1962 Report on Voter Registration Work, Jack O'Dell, SCLC. September 1962
1962 SCLC Weekly Financial Report, November 30 1962
1962 SCLC Christmas Bonuses 1962 (staff list), December 1962
62? 63? A Proposal: A School for Basic Education in the Mississippi Delta, James & Diane Bevel, SCLC & SNCC. Undated (possibly later 1962 or early 1963)
1963 SCLC Documents
1963 Southeastern Georgia Crusade for Voters, Unsigned, SCLC. 1963
1963 Citizenship Training Workshops, Unsigned, SCLC. Undated 1963
1963 SCLC Budget for 1963 (Note that Freedom Movement budgets rarely reflected what was actually raised and spent.)
1963 Application by for Brandeis civil rights fellowship, Amzie Moore, NAACP & SCLC. February 1963
1963 Mass Meeting Program Alabama Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Selma Alabama, March 21 1963.
1963 I Have a Dream speech, Martin Luther King
1963 Announcement: SCLC Seventh Annual Convention Richmond, VA, September 1963
1963 Report and Proposal for Massive Nonviolent Civil Disobedience in Montgomery, Diane Nash Bevel, September 1963.
  Report to SCLC: September 17-20, 1963.
  Proposal for Action in Montgomery, September 17, 1963.
1963 Report of Special Projects Sept 1962-Sept 1963, John Lawson, SCLC. Re nonviolence training.
1963 SCLC Annual Report 1962-1963, September 1963
1963 SCLC: New affiliate welcome letter, September 20 1963, C.T. Vivian, SCLC. September 20 1963
1963 SCLC Financial Audit for FY 1963, Jesse Blayton, CPA. September 30 1963
63? 64? Operation Dialogue, Harry Boyte, SCLC. Undated (possibly 1963, or 1964)
1964 SCLC Documents
1964 SCLC: Handbook for Freedom Army Recruits, Alabama, spring 1964
1964Selective Buying Campaign! flyer. Rev. F.L. Shuttlesworth, ACMHR/SCLC. Undated 1964
1964 Memo to Community Center Staff re Adult Program, Annell Ponder, SCLC/COFO. Undated summer 1964
1964 King's Project for Alabama, unsigned (purported SCLC), undated, probably 1964. Povenance uncertain.
1964 Telegram to President Johnson re MFDP Democratic Convention Challenge, Martin Luther King, SCLC. August 24 1964.
1964 Annual Report of Martin Luther King to SCLC Convention (September)
1964 SCLC Salaries for Fiscal Year 1963-64 (staff list)
1964 SCLC Convention Financial Report, October 5 1964
1964Martin Luther King Get Out The Vote Campaign form, Unsigned, SCLC. October 9, 1964
1964Statement by Martin Luther King in support of MFDP Congressional Challenge, 12/17/64
1965 SCLC Documents
1965 Selma Voting Rights Campaign documents, January 1965 - March 1966 (Multiple Documents)
1965 Selma song lyrics, (collected by Bruce Hartford) March
1965Dear Friend, fund appeal related to voting-rights. Martin Luther King, SCLC, February 1965 (during the Selma voting rights campaign)
1965 Proposal for action for visit by newspaper editors, Bruce Hartford, SCLC. Undated 1965 (possibly May or early June)
1965 Meeting For Future Action in Selma, SCLC March on Montgomery. Unsigned SCLC. March 23, 1965
1965 Statement by Martin Luther King, Martin Luther King. SCLC. May 17, 1965
1965 Selma Alabama: Report on picket team arrests, Bruce Hartford, SCLC. May 22 1965
1965 Selma Alabama: Operation Plan for picketing, Bruce Hartford, SCLC. May 22 1965
1965 Selma Alabama: Proposed Action for Friday-Saturday, Bruce Hartford, SCLC. May 28-29, 1965
1965 Selma Alabama: Demonstration Plan Bruce Hartford, SCLC. June 4-5 1965
1965 To Secure Civil Rights in Alabama..., Spring 1965
  Let There Be Understanding of the Call to Boycott in Alabama, Spring 1965.
1965 The Alabama Legislature is a Fraud, SCLC? Undated, probably related to failed Montgomery direct action campaign, spring '65.
1965 List of Beats & Beat Captains, Hale County Alabama, SCLC. May 1965
1965 SCLC Alabama Report, SCLC. June 12 1965.
1965 Summer Community Organizing Political Education (SCOPE), June 1965 - March 1966 (Multiple Documents)
1965Mass Meeting flyer template, Unsigned, SCLC. Undated 1965 (probably June or July)
1965First Annual Virginia SCLC Convention program, Unsigned, Virginia SCLC. July 3, 1965
1965SCLC/SCOPE Convention registration forms, Birmingham AL, August 1965. (163 documents)
1965 SCLC Annual Report Martin Luther King, SCLC. August 11 1965
1965 Dr. King's 1st Statement on Vietnam, August '65.
1965 Address on Future Direction of Movement, Andrew Young, SCLC, August '65.
1965Convention registration forms from SCOPE volunteers at SCLC annual convention, Birmingham AL. August 1965
1965 Selma Free College the 2nd Month, Dennis Coleman, Donna Smith, Charles Fager (SCLC). August 22 1965
1965 SCLC Financial Report, September 1964 - June 1965
1965 SCLC Incident Reports, September
1965 SCLC Report on Field Activities, October
1965 Alabama Registration Statistics (re SCOPE project), SCLC Report. November 1965
1965 SCLC Memo: More Effective Implementation of the Voting Rights Act, Rau, Harrington, Farris. November 15 1965
1965 SCLC Report & Fundraising Letter, Hosea Williams. November 1965.
1965-66 Birmingham Voter Registration Campaign (Multiple documents)
1966 SCLC Documents
1966 Birmingham Voter Registration Project (report), Jo Freeman.
1966 Chicago Freedom Movement (Multiple Documents)
1966 Confederation of Alabama Political Organizations (COAPO) documents, SCLC.
Alabama primary elections, Spring 1966
Minutes from Alabama State-Wide, Non-Partisan Polltical Meeting, February 26
COAPO newsletter & candidates. April
Example conference registration/interview forms. March or April
COAPO Committee Registration Form for Jeffery Davis
Suggested Things to Do for the Election (re Alabama primaries). April-May
Fund appeal flyer. April.
Alabama Democratic Primary ballot, Sumter County, May 3
Candidates who participated in May 3 Democratic primaries.
1966 Three Field Reports from Hale County (re May primary election), Bruce Hartford, SCLC
1966 Poll Watcher Training, SCLC. April 1966
1966SCLC Staff Assignment to Marengo Co. AL Undated (probably 1966).
1966 Poll Watcher Instructions, SCLC. May 3 and 31 1966
1966 Candidates Who Participated in the Historic May 3 1966 Primary (Alabama), SCLC/COAPO.
1966Final financial report on SCLC-SCOPE project, Jesse Blayton, CPA. June 30 1966
1966 Proposal for Voter Education Project, SCLC to VEP
1966 Documents of the Grenada MS Movement (Multiple Documents).
1966 Report to SCLC's 10th Annual Convention, Dr. Martin Luther King. August 1966
1966 Letter to the President (re Greenville AFB occupation and poverty in Mississippi), Martin Luther King, SCLC. August 10 1966
1966 Statement on Poverty, Black Power, and Political Power, Martin Luther King.
1966 Reflections on Years Past and Years to Come, Andy Young, SCLC.
1967 SCLC Documents
1967 Report on activities in the state of Alabama, Albert Turner, SCLC. January 23 1967
1967 Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence, Martin Luther King
  Address to Anti-War Marchers, Martin Luther King
1967 The Other America, Martin Luther King
1967 SCLC Field & Administrative Staff.
1967 Does Martin Luther King Have the Right to Speak Out on Peace?. (SCLC pamphlet.)
1967 Letter to Secty of Commerce, Carl Farris, SCLC-CEP. July 25 1967
1967 Statement Announcing Poor People's Campaign, Martin Luther King. December 4 1967.
1968 and later SCLC Documents
1968 SCLC Board Members 1967-1968
1968? Poor People's Campaign Checklist (for supporters), Bernard Lafayette, SCLC. Undated
1968 Draft: To the President, Congress, and Supreme Court of the United States, Unsigned, assumed to be Dr. King and perhaps others associated with SCLC. February 6 1968. (Working draft of Economic Bill of Rights explanation for the Poor Peoples Campaign)
1968 Economic Bill of Rights, SCLC ~ Martin Luther King
1968 Have Sanitation Workers a Future? Community on the Move for Equality. (Memphis Gargage Strike boycott leaflet.)
1968 Flyer Calling for March for Justice and Jobs, Memphis Garbage Workers Strike. March 1968. (Unsigned, assumed to be Community on the Move for Equality or AFSCME or both.)
1968 Minutes SCLC Poor Peoples Campaign staff meeting, March 28 1968
1968The Ridgeville Story: The Invisible Indian is Becoming a Force Leon Gutherz, SCLC. Undated 1968. See also Four Holes Freedom School, 1969
SeePoor People's Campaign, 1968 for PPC organizing materials
1968 Dr. King and SCLC — Powerful Action for Change, March 31. Soul Force (SCLC Journal)
1968 I Have Been to the Mountain Top, Martin Luther King
1968 Program: Martin Luther King Funeral,
1968 The New SNCC, James Forman, SNCC
1968? Sunshine (Ben Owens), SCLC. Undated, believed to be 1968
1970?Time to Fight, SCLC voter registration flyer or poster. Undated (possibly 1969-1971)


** Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Documents **
Jump to: 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969 & later

See also:

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Founded for background.
Student Voice & SNCC Internal Newsletters
Freedom Movement Press Releases
WATS Line & Phone Reports
The Movement Friends of SNCC
SNCC Offices, Staff & Contacts
Map of SNCC Projects (From SNCC 50th Anniversary Conference)
SNCC Ongoing Issues, prepared for SNCC 50th Anniversary reunion 2010. Courtland Cox, SNCC

Description of SNCC Documents Held at the King Center Atlanta, compiled by James Marshall.

Example SNCC County-Research Reports:

  Leflore County Mississippi — Statistical Profile (first draft), April 9 1963

  Leflore County MS, undated (probably '63)

  SNCC Fact Sheet Americus Georgia, undated (probably summer 1965)

  Greene County AL and Greene County, Statiscal Profile #2 1965

  Lowndes County AL 1965

  Bolivar County MS 1965

1960 SNCC Documents
1960 An Appeal for Human Rights, Atlanta students declaration before their sit-ins.
1960 Documents from the SNCC Founding Conference, April 17-21, 1960. (Multiple documents)
1960 Delegates to the Youth Leadership Conference. April 17-21, 1960. Shaw College, Raleigh, NC. (SNCC Founding Conference.)
1960 Report of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, Ella Baker. May 1960. (Report of the temporary coordinating committee elected at the Raleigh conference.)
1960 SNCC Communications Report, June-July.
????State and County Goverment Salareis state of Mississippi. Unsigned. Undated.
1960 SNCC Statement to the Democratic National Convention Platform Committee, Marion Barry, Bernard Lee, John Mack. July 7 1960.
Working draftAs presented
1960 SNCC Campus Information Form. (For student organizing)
1960 Memo on the Student Voice, Marion Barry, SNCC. Fall 1960
1960Platform and Principles of the Mississippi State Democratic Party (white racist). 6/30/60
1960 SNCC Conference — October 1960, Atlanta, GA
  Rules Adopted
  Decisions Adopted
1960 Mass meeting flyer (re sit-ins), SNCC. Atlanta, GA, October 1960
1960 SNCC Flyer: Election Day Action, North and South, November 8 1960
1960 SNCC Meeting Minutes, November 1960
1961 SNCC Documents
1961?Mississippi population statistics, undated (based on 1960 census). Unsigned, SNCC. Undated
1961SNCC: Meeting Minutes February 3-5 1961, Atlanta GA
1961 The Life of a Lie, Tim Jenkins & Freedom Singers flyer, March 6, 1961
1961 Support letter to all "sit-in" students in jail in York County Jail, SC., National Union of Ghana Students. March 8 1961.
1961 SNCC: Meeting Minutes & Summary April 21-23 1961, Charlotte, NC.
1961 Partial List of Freedom Riders, SNCC. As of late May 1961
1961 SNCC Meeting Minutes, June 9-10 1961
1961 SNCC Meeting Minutes, July 14 1961
1961 Students Face Mississippi Violence for You! SNCC fundraising flyer for McComb Movement.
1961 SNCC Chronology, Summer 1961, Unsigned
1961 Dear SNCC Member, Ed King, SNCC. September 12 1961
1961 SNCC Staff Meeting Minutes, October 8-10 1961
1961 SNCC Statement of policy of the Excecutive Committee Concerning Fundraising for SNCC by Other Organizations, October 29 1961.
1961 Proposal by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee SNCC (re Albany Movement), November 15 1961.
1961 Dear Friend (memo to supporters re Christmas cards), Albany Movement. December 10 1961.
1961 Number of Negroes Registered by County (Mississippi), SNCC report from USCCR data
1962 SNCC Documents
1962The Right to Vote...100 Years Later, unsigned 4-page appeal and SNCC description. Undated (probably 1962)
1962Suggested List of Resources for the Mississippi movement. Unsigned, possibly SNCC. Undated (possibly 1962)
1962?This is Sunflower County, Mississippi, MS. Unsigned, SNCC. Undated (possibly 1962)
1962?Statistical Report on Forrest County, MS. Unsigned, SNCC, undated (possibly 1962 or 1963)
1962 Background questionaire for SNCC publicity, Bob Moses. Undated.
1962 Statement of Dorothy Conrod, Mr. Lundgor and Edward Taylor, re Sisson home shooting, 1962
1962 Recent Progress of the Jackson Nonviolent Movement, Paul Brooks, SNCC. Undated, probably February 1962.
1962 Memo: Re Meeting With Belafonte, Walter (no last name), SNCC.
1962 Minutes of SNCC Regional Meeting — Atlanta Georgia, March 24 1962
1962? Information for SNCC conference at Gammon Theologic Seminary, Atlanta GA. Unsigned, SNCC. Undated (possibly April 1962)
1962 SNCC: Report on Spring Conference, April 27-29 1962
1962 SNCC Constitution, as revised April.
1962? Address List: SNCC Field Offices & Friends of SNCC Groups
1962 A Message and Statement (re prison sentence and Mississippi courts), Diane Nash, SNCC. April 30 and May 21 1962.
1962 Letter to Web Owens (McComb, MS), Ella Baker
1962 SNCC's letter about the Spring Conference, Charles McDew, SNCC. 5/14/62
1962 SNCC Financial Report Jan-June 1962
1962 Albany Manifesto, Albany Movement, July.
1962 Economy of Ruleville, Mississippi, Charles Cobb and Charles McLaurin, SNCC.
1962 Interview re: Couple fired for registering to vote, LuElla Hicks. SNCC. September 17 1962
60? 61?News Report Form, unsigned SNCC. Undated (possibly between 1960-later 1962)
62? 63?SNCC News Report Form, unsigned SNCC. Undated (probably between late 1962 and late 1963)
62? 63?Some Instructions on Press Coverage, Reporting to the Atlanta SNCC Office. Unsigned SNCC. Undated (probably between late 1962 and late 1963)
1962 A Report on Student Nonviolent Activities in Southern Illinois, unsigned SNFC/SNCC report. September 29 1962
1962 Voice of Ruleville (MS, SNCC/COFO, October 19 1962. (Local newsletter)
1962Preliminary survey on the condition of Negro farmers in Ruleville MS, Charles Cobb & Charles McLaurin, SNCC. 11/19/62
1962 SNCC: Leadership Training Institute Program, Nashville, TN. November 1962.
1962 Student Nonviolent Movement of the Nashville Christian Leadership Council, John Lewis & Elizabeth Harbour. November call to action.
1962    Report on Work in Marshall County (MS). Frank Smith, SNCC
62? 63?Proposal for the Mississippi Delta Voter Registration Project, Unsigned SNCC or COFO. Undated (probably 1962- 1964)
62? 63?Mississippi Qualifications of Registered Voters, Unsigned, SNCC? COFO? VEP? Undated (possibly 1962 or 1963)
62? 63?Negro Student Vote Workers Arrested, Sunflower Co. MS. Unsigned, SNCC? COFO? Undated (probably 1962 or 1963)
62? 63? We Believe statement, Annell Ponder (SCLC), Sam Block (SNCC), Andrew Jordan (NAACP), Dave Dennis (CORE). Undated, possibly 1962 or 1963
1962? Suggested Program of Support for SNCC. Undated, probably 1962
???? Telephone Numbers and Addresses of Mississippi Jails or Courthouses, undated, Unsigned COFO? SNCC?
63?Essay about America and racism, Charlie Cobb, SNCC. Undated (probably 1963)
62? 63? A Proposal: A School for Basic Education in the Mississippi Delta, James & Diane Bevel, SCLC & SNCC. Undated (possibly later 1962 or early 1963)
62? 63?SNCC community organizing guide, unsigned (pages missing). Undated (possibly '62 or '63)
62? 63?Non-Violence, Charles Sherrod, SNCC. Undated (probably 1963, possibly late '62)
tr>Support Justice in Mississippi, flyer to mobilize local support at courthouse for protesters arrested in Itta Bena MS. Unsigned SNCC. 7/19/63
1963 SNCC Documents
1963Dollars for Democracy, donation pledge form. Unsigned SNCC. Undated (probably 1963)
63? 64?Memorandum: On the SNCC Mississippi Summer Project, Unsigned SNCC, Undated (possibly later 1963 or early 1964)
1963 Albany Movement Mass Meeting Program &Albany Student Voice, Unsigned, SNCC. Undated (probably 1963)
1963? SNCC One Man One Vote bumper sticker, Unsigned SNCC. Undated (1963?)
1963? Thoughts on political and economic power, undated (possibly 1963 or later)
1963? A Program to Deal With the Negro Job Problem, Unsigned, SNCC. Undated (possibly 1963 or 1964)
1963? SNCC: Press Procedures, unsigned (possibly James Forman). Undated (possibly incomplete)
1963?Suggestions, Julian Bond, SNCC, Undated (possibly 1963)
1963Role Playing: A Guide For Its Use by SNCC Representatives, Unsigned. Undated (possibly 1963)
1963 Report on James Venable and Wally Butterworth re the KKK , Jerry DeMuth, SNCC. Undated (possibly spring or summer 1964)
1963 Letter to Jim [Forman?], from Greenwood MS. Sam Block, SNCC.
1963 Revolution in Georgia draft presentation?, Unsigned SNCC. 1963
1963 Report on conversation with Ella Baker re voter registration project, Robb Burlage. January 12 1963
1963 SNCC Workers Out on $3,000 Bail After Charges of Dope Possession, January. SNCC reprint of Atlanta Inquirer Article.
1963 Report on Mississippi Project for 1962, Bob Moses, SNCC
1963 SNCC Action Memo re Civil Rights Commission and Mississippi, Unsigned. Undated 1963
1963Dear Faith, what's happening? note from Julian Bond to Faith Holsaert. Jan 24, 1963. Re Albany Georgia.
1963 Description of County. SNCC county organizing research & questionaire sheet.
1963   SNCC. Basic SNCC organizing brochure from 1963.
1963 Violence Stalks Voter-Registration Workers in Mississippi. SNCC, March 12 1963
1963 Food for Freedom Campaign report, Unsigned, Chicago Area SNCC. Undated (probably March of 1963)
1963 The Power of the Dixiecrats, Tom Hayden. SNCC/SDS, Spring 1963. (Presented at SNCC conference, then republished by SDS).
1963 Big Business Supports Segregation in Birmingham, SNCC flyer.
1963 SNCC Constitution, as revised April.
1963 Urgent appeal: SNCC workers in jail, Unsigned SNCC. April 1 1963
1963 SNCC Telegram to President Kennedy re murder of William Moore, April 24 1963.
1963 Memo re Freedom Walk, James Forman, SNCC. April 1963.
1963 SNCC Testimony, House Judiciary Committee, May 28 1963
  Appendix A: Survey of Current Field Work, Spring 1963
  Appendix B: Robert Moses et al v Robert Kennedy & J.E. Hoover
  Appendix C: Report on Leflore County
  Appendix D: Chronology of Abuses
  (These documents and testimoney were regarding a voting rights bill introduced by Rep. Emanual Celler in April 1963.)
1963 Danville, VA (Police violence). Louis Nasper
1963 Student Voice, Albany Georgia, Summer '63. Vol I, No. 3
1963 Halt Justice Department Persecution. (SNCC petition distributed at March on Washington to oppose the Federal "Jury Tampering" Frameup in Albany GA.)
1963 Voting Rights Affidavits, Lee County, GA, SNCC.
1963Survey: Current Field Work (original). Unsigned SNCC. Spring 1963. Southwest Georgia, Central Alabama, South Carolina, Arkansas.
1963 Survey of Current Field Work (As presented to Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on proposed Civil Rights Act, May 1963.)
1963 What Have I Personally Done to Maintain Segregation? White Citizens Council newspaper ad from Selma, reprinted by SNCC for fundraising.
1963 Danville Virginia (Pamphlet)
1963Complaint to Executive Committee, re dismissal from SNCC staff. Sheila Michaels, SNCC. Undated (1963)
1963 Workshop on civil rights and civil liberties, Ella Baker, SNCC. June 21 1963
1963 Danville Support Demonstration Letter, NYC SNCC Office, July 13 1963.
1963 Rugged, Ragged "Snick:" What It Is and What It Does, SNCC reprint of Chicago Daily News article. July 10 1963
1963Report re Coleman on Negroes (referring to Gov. Coleman), MS, unsigned, SNCC
1963 You Can Help: Support Programs for SNCC, Friends of SNCC (FoS). July 30 1963
1963 Gadsden, AL (The Gadsden Movement). Eric Rainey
???? Notes & comments on SNCC early years, Unsigned SNCC activist. Undated
1963 Jackson Mississippi (Police harassment)  Ivanhoe Donaldson, SNCC
1963 Report on mass arrests & insurrection charges, Americus GA on August 8 1963, unsigned.
1963 Excerpts from Eleven Americus Affidavits, Unsigned, SNCC. Undated
1963 Appeal by Sumter County Movement of Americus, John L. Barnum, Jr. August 8 1963
1963 SNCC petitions protesting federal frame-up of civil rights workers in Albany GA
Halt Justice Department Persecution — March on Washington version
To the Attorney General of the United States — later version
1963Federal Prosecution & Civil Rights in Albany Georgia, unsigned SNCC. Undated (probably August or September of 1963)
1963 The Southern Education Center: An Outline, Unsigned SNCC. August 10, 1963
1963 An Appeal to All Citizens of Americus & Sumter County, re school boycott. Unsigned SNCC. Undated (probably late August or early September, 1963)
1963 Letter to Howard Zinn from Sandra (Casey) Hayden, re SNCC fundraising in the North. 9/11/63
1963 Appeal by Sumter County Movement of Americus GA, John L. Barnum, Jr. August 8 1963
1963 Dear Senator Eastland (public letter), Charles Cobb, SNCC. August 14, 1963.
1963? Memo from Julian Bond re problems & issues in SNCC, Julian Bond, SNCC. Undated (possibly 1963?)
1963 SNCC Executive Committee Minutes (Full), September 6-9 1963.
1963 SNCC Executive Committee Minutes (Summary), September 6-9 1963.
1963 Appeal for bail money and support, Americus GA. Joyce Barett. SNCC. September 16 1963
1963 Letter to Marc Raskin re education programs, Casey Hayden, SNCC. 8/19/63
1963 Special Information Birmingham Bombings and Killings. Unsigned SNCC. Sept. 16, 1963. 4 pages.
1963 Report of the Executive Secretary, James Forman, SNCC. September 24 1963
1963 Americus Georgia: SNCC Special Mailing, September 24 1963.
1963 Action Memo on Americus Georgia, unsigned SNCC. (Undated, probably October 1963)
1963 Selma Alabama: Special Report, September 26 1963
1963 The Freedom Ballot, fact sheet. Unsigned SNCC. 1963
1963 Aaron Henry Campaign announcement, Unsigned SNCC. 1963
1963 Operation Mississippi: One Man One Vote Campaign, SNCC Mississippi staff. September 1963.
1963? Letter to SNCC About Direct Action, Courtland Cox, SNCC
1963 Letter from Fannie Lou Hamer (To SNCC supporters in the North)
1963The General Condition of the Mississippi Negro Unsigned COFO. October 1963
1st Edition. 20 pages
2nd Edition. 18 pages
1963Memo re arrests, convictions, and events in Selma Alabama. Unsigned SNCC (possibly Mary King) 10/10/63
1963 Memo to Friends of SNCC Groups, re personnel changes and the Danville phamphlet. Mary King, SNCC. 10/10/63
1963 SNCC Field Offices & Staff as of October 24 1963
1963 Continuation of Robb Burlage's Comments on Lyndon Johnson, (immediately after Kennedy assassination). November 22 1963
1963 SNCC affidavit training memo, Hal Witt. SNCC. November 25 1963
  Mississippi affidavit form, Unsigned, Forrest County. 1964
1963 Memo to James Forman re conference in Washington and aftermath of Kennedy assassination, Mary King, SNCC. November 25 (assumed 1963)
1963 SNCC Leadership Training Conference, Washington DC, November 29-December 1 1963. Bobbi Yancy, SNCC
1963? Memo to SNCC Executive Committee re Mississippi Project, Bob Moses. Fall 1963?
1963 One Man One Vote: Jobs and Food conference, Unsigned SNCC. November 29, 1963
1963 SNCC Conference on Food and Jobs, invitation. Unsigned SNCC. November 1963
1963Posters of the Southern Freedom Movement, Five Posters From Photographs by Danny Lyon.. Unsigned SNCC. Undated (probably latter half of 1963). Advertising flyer.
1963 SNCC Fourth Annual Conference on Food and Jobs, William Mahoney, Bobbi Yancy, Courtland Cox, Michael Thelwell, E. Charles Brown. November 1963
1963 SNCC Conference on Food and Jobs, draft agenda. Unsigned SNCC. November 1963
1963 Report of the Resolutions Committe ~ Fourth Annual Conference on Food and Jobs, Unsigned SNCC. November 1963
1963 SNCC Leadership Training Conference, Washington DC, November 29-December 1 1963. Bobbi Yancy, SNCC
1963 Six Month Report, SNCC Chairmanm, John Lewis, July- Dec.
1963 Report: White Southern Student Project, Sam Shirah.
1963 Notes From SNCC Staff Workshop, December 1963
1963 Proposal for Unemployment Demonstration in Washington, D.C., Washington SNCC Office. December 13, 1963
1963 Washington SNCC Office Report, Bill Mahoney and Mike Thelwell. SNCC. December 28, 1963
1963 SNCC Executive Commitee Minutes, December 27-31 1963.
1963We'll Never Turn Back Harvey Richards film about SNCC. Promotional brochure. Brandon Films, March 1963
1963 Suggested Program of Support for SNCC, unsigned. Undated (probably 1963)
1963 Speech to Annual SNCC Conference, Bayard Rustin. Washington DC, 12/1/63
1963 Receipt for $100 donation, Michael Thelwell, SNCC. 12/7/63.
1963In Support of S.N.C.C., Statement signed by UC Berkeley professors, December 12, 1963
1963 White Southern Student Project, Sam Shirah, SNCC. December 31 1963
1963? Operation Mississippi, SNCC Mississippi Staff. Undated. (Most likely from late '63. Superseded by later plans for Freedom Summer)
63? 64? The Movement Needs You, SNCC. Late '63 or early '64, appeal to Black college students.
1963SNCC fund appeal letter, R. Hunter Morey, SNCC. December 23, 1963
1963?The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, undated (probably 1963)
1963? Draft article for Southern Patriot, Bob Zellner, SNCC. Undated (possibly late 1963)
63? 64? What is an Organizer?, Mike Miller, SNCC. (Possibly written in late '63 or early '64 for a SNCC staff meeting.)
1963 SNCC Financial Audit for 1963, 4/17/64
63? 64? SNCC: Freedom Singers and Freedom Songbook advertisement flyer, undated possibly late '63 or early '64
1963? SNCC Freedom Singers brochure. Undated (possibly 1963)
63? 64? SNCC: Proposal for a Documentary Program in Photography, Matt Herron, SNCC. Late 1963 or early 1964
63? 64? Backgrounds of SNCC workers in Mississippi, Unsigned. Undated (possibly late 1963)
1963? Statement given by John H. Ball, SNCC, Holmes County MS. Undated
1963? Report on segregated education in Mississippi, unsigned, undated (possibly 1963)
1963? State Conferences proposal, Unsigned, SNCC. Undated (possibly 1963 or 1964)
63? 64? Memo on funds for work-study program, undated (possibly 1963 or 1964)
63? 64? SNCC Staff Application, unsigned SNCC. Undated (probably late 1962-fall 1963)
63? 64? Petition to Lyndon Baines Johnson (re racial violence), Unsigned, possibly San Diego Frinds of SNCC. Undated (possibly '63 or '64)
63? 64?Petition to Lyndon Baines Johnson, President of the United States (later version), Unsigned, Boston area groups. Undated (probably '63 or '64)
63? 64? Report & proposals from Community Center & Voter Registration Workshops, unsigned SNCC. Probably from a conference or staff meeting. Undated (probably late 1963 or 1964)
63? 64?Brief bios of SNCC leaders prepared by Communications staff for press releases and speaking engagements. Undated, probably 1963 or 1964
  Julian Bond
James Forman
Prathia Hall
William Hansen
Donald Harris
John Lewis
Robert P. Moses
Reginald Robinson
'63? '64?Memo: A Contract to Provide Bail Bonds for Civil Rights Workers, unsigned (possibly NAACP). Undated (possibly '63 or '64)
63? 64?Southwest Georgia Voter Registration Project, strategic analyses and proposed project plan. Undated (possibly 1963 or 1964)
1964 SNCC Documents
???? Officials Bolivar County, Unsigned, SNCC.Undated
???? Officials Sunflower County, Unsigned, SNCC.Undated
1964? Negro History Study Questions, Unsigned, SNCC? CORE? Undated possibly 1964
63? 64? Long-range planning memo, Howard Zinn, SNCC. Undated (probably sometime 1963-1965)
63? 64? SNCC urgent request letter, John Lewis, James Forman, SNCC. Undated (possibly 1963 or 1964)
1964?Report: New York SNCC Office, Jim Monsonis, SNCC. Undated (probably late 1963 or 3arly 1964)
1964? Proposal for SNCC leadership conference, unsigned SNCC. Undated (possibly 1964)
???? Who Do We Organize?, SNCC memo by Marion Barry re organzing & recruiting on at HBCUs and need for a college program. Undated (possibly 1964?)
1964? Radio Manual "Top Secret" re mobile radios in cars. SNCC Radio Team. Undated (Possibly 1964)
1964 Quarterly Workshop Memo: SNCC education program, Myles Horton, HREC. Undated (possibly 1964)
1964Statement from Ruleville Teenagers, re Inequalities and Problems in Mississippi and in school, 1964
1964? SNCC advertising brochure for The Movement, undated, probably 1964.
1964? Prospectus for a Campus Oriented Program, Ed Hamlett, SNCC/SSOC. Undated (possibly 1964)
1964? Report of Project Trip (re SNCC cars), Jesse Harrison, SNCC. Undated (possibly 1964)
1964 Memo to Elsie Smith & note to the Bradens, Margaret Lauren, SCEF, Betty Garman SNCC. Undated (possibly 1964)
1964 Mississippi's Unknown Murder (Louis Allen), Julian Bond & Jerry DeMuth, SNCC. Spring or summer, 1964
1964 Southern Colleges Campus Program, unsigned SNCC. Undated (probably 1964)
1964 Film: A Dream Deferred, SNCC promotional material. Harvey Richards. 1964
1964 Southern Campus Travel report, unsigned, SNCC. Undated (possibly 1964)
1964 The Liberals' Big Stick, Ready for SNCC?, SNCC reprint of Cavalier reprint of article by Jack Newfield, June 1965
1964 SNCC You Can Help (Friends of SNCC guide), undated 1964
1964 Abolish House Committe on Un-American Activities petition, Unsigned, SNCC. 1964
1964 Marin Friends of SNCC mailing, Unsigned, SNCC. Undated
1964 Mississippi Director Robert P. Moses (SNCC publicity backround). Undated.
1964Background, media talking points about Freedom Summer, COFO, and Mississippi. Unsigned SNCC. Undated 1964
1964The Streets of Greenwood, promotional brochure. Unsigned MFDP or SNCC. Undated (probably 1964)
1964 Fact Sheet on SNCC, unsigned SNCC (Communications Dept). Undated 1964
1964 Note from John Lewis to Howard Zinn re importance of upcoming SNCC Executive Committee meeting, 1/7/64
1964Intensify the Effort in 1964 memo to SNCC groups. Unsigned SNCC. Undated (probably January 1964)
1964Streets of Greenwood, Betty Garman, SNCC. February 3 1965
1964 Selma, Special Report, January 6 1964
1964 Affidavit of Judy Richardson, Heart of Atlanta Motel, 1964
1964 Letter to Jim Leeson re Atlanta schools, Julian Bond, SNCC. January 14 1964
1964 Buttermilk Bottom in the Heart of Atlanta, unsigned SNCC. January 1964.
1964 Resolution presented to Atlanta Board of Education, January 20 1964. SNCC, NAACP, COAHR.
1964 Hattiesburg Mississippi, Freedom Day, SNCC. January 22 1964
1964 Hattiesburg Citizens!, Unsigned SNCC. January 23, 1964
1964 Fact Sheet: Hattiesburg, Mississippi, Unsigned SNCC. January 20, 1964
1964 SNCC Minutes of Meeting in Hattiesburg Discussing the Summer Project, January 24 1964. (Note that dates of "1963" on the document are incorrect.
1964 The Fifth Anniversary of the Greensboro, North Carolina Sit- Ins, Mike Miller, SNCC. January 31, 1964
1964 Report Concerning the Louis Allen Case 1964, Bob Moses, SNCC
  Information Concerning the Killing of Louis Allen ..., Unsigned (Bob Moses?)
1964 Further Incidents in Southwest Mississippi at Time of Louis Allen Killing and Shortly After 1964. SNCC
1964 Further Incidents in Southwest Mississippi at Time of Louis Allen Killing, unsigned SNCC. Undated (probably February 1964)
1964 Ambush Killing of Negro Puzzles Amite Officers, Charles Gordon, Enterprise-Journal. Undated (probably February 1964)
1964 SNCC Fact Sheet Hattiesburg Mississippi, undated (probably 1964)
1964 The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, Mike Miller, SNCC. (Given on the 5th anniversary of the The Greensboro Sit-Ins
1964 Why We Protest, re Atlanta segregation. John Lewis, Larry Fox. SNCC. February 1 1964
1964To Atlanta Office Staff, memo re purpose and direction of SNCC and SNCC Comunnications Department, Mary King. 2/3/64
1964 Chronology of Recent Events in Canton MS, Unsigned, SNCC. February 4, 1964
1964 u.m.z. Newsletter #9 regarding the Atlanta protests of December-February of 1963-1964. Walter Tillow. SNCC.
1964 SNCC statement on Atlanta demonstrations of December-February 1963-1964, Unsigned, SNCC. February 10, 1964
1964Meeting Summary: SNCC Advisory Committee, unsigned (Howard Zinn?) February 10, 1964
1964 Letter to unnamed supporter, James Forman, SNCC. Re Hattiesburg and Black disenfranchisemen. 2/18/64. 2 pages.
1964 Atlanta Georgia (re SNCC-led protests). SNCC, 1963-64.
1964 SNCC Pay Stub & Hire Note
1964 Letter to U.S. Civil Rights Commmission, re burning of Black Catholic church in Hattiesburg, MS. John Lewis, SNCC. 6/16/64
1964 Reference-check letter to Julian Bond about Sheila Michaels, James McCain, CORE. March 1964
1964 Report from SNCC's 1964 Annual Spring Conference, Michael Sayer. March 1964
1964 SNCC Coodinating Committee Roster, March.
1964Memo to Howard Zinn re conference panel with Jim Forman, Bobbie Yancy, SNCC. 3/12/64
1964? Proposals for Work With Women's Groups, Joyce Barrett, SNCC. Undated (probably 1964).
1964 Letter to Congressman Whitten by Julian Bond, demanding investigation of harrassment arrest of SNCC workers George Green and Julius (Mendy?) Samstein in Ruleville MS. 3/21/64.
1964 Given Them A Future in Leflore County, MS (Freedom Day flyer) SNCC. March 25, possibly 1964
1964 Give them a future in Mississippi, Leflore Co. MS. (Freedom Day flyer) March 25,possibly 1964
1964 One man one vote meeting, Leflore Co. MS. (Freedom Day flyer) Unsigned,1964
1964 General Prospectus for the Establishment of a Free Southern Theater, Doris Derby, Gilbert Moses, John O'Neal. Undated 1964
1964Form: Request for Copy of Registration Test and Answers. Hattiesburg, MS. Unsigned SNCC/COFO.
1964 SNCC Executive Committee Minutes, March 29 1964
1964 Summary of SNCC Staff, Ruby D. Smith Robinson. Early 1964
1964 Memo re 10th anniversary of Brown decision re school desegregation, Betty Garman, SNCC. Undated (probably April 1964)
1964 SNCC Executive Committee Minutes, Judy Richardson, SNCC. April 10 1964
1964 SNCC financial summary, 1st quarter 1964 (Jan, Feb, March)
1964 Memo From the SNCC Finance Office, April 18 1964
1964Letter to Sheslonia Johnson re salary-cut hardship, Dottie and Bob Zellner, SNCC. 4/29/64
1964 Proposal or Suggestion to the Executive Committee, April 18 1964, James Bolton, SNCC. (Re: assistance for John Lewis.)
1964Memo re upcoming Executive Committee Meeting, John Lewis, SNCC. 5/26/64
1964 SNCC: Brief Job Descriptions of Personnel in Atlanta Office, undated, believed to be Spring 1964.
1964 SNCC Job Descriptions, Multiple Authors, SNCC. Undated, possibly 1964
1964 Personnel Credentials of the Atlanta SNCC Office, undated, believed to be Spring 1964.
1964 Memo From the SNCC Finance Office, April 18 1964
1964 SNCC Executive Committee Minutes. April 18-19.
1964 Outline of Mississippi Project Areas, undated, unsigned. (County by county analyssis. Assumed to be a COFO planning document.)
1964 How CORE Views the Fair: Symbol of American Hypocrisy, April 1964(NY World's Fair)
1964 SNCC Freedom Singers and Dick Gregory program at Howard University, April 25, 1964
1964 SNCC Statement on the CORE New York World Fair Stall In, April 19th. (To protest racism and discrimination in America, CORE called for a freeway stall-in on the opening day of the fair.
1964 SNCC Executive Commitee Minutes, May.
1964 The SNCC Explosion, report, analysis, & proposals. (Ruby Doris Robinson? Ruby Searles?)
1964 Mississippi: A Chronology of Violence and Intimidation in Mississippi Since 1961 19-page SNCC pamphlet from Spring 1964.
1964 Subversion of the Fifteenth Amendment in Mississippi, unsigned, possibly COFO or MFDP.
Mississippi: Subversion of the Right to Vote. SNCC pamphlet version from Spring 1964.
1964 Genocide in Mississippi, 12-page SNCC pamphlet.
1964 Current Status of Mississippi Legislation 1964. Analysis of laws proposed or enacted in response and opposition to Black demands for civil rights.
1964 Memo: Fundraising with women's groups, re Joyce Barrett tour. Betty Garman, SNCC. May 10, 1964
1964 Dear Roger (re Friends of SNCC), Betty Garman, SNCC. May 11 1964
1964 Confidential Memo in Response to Staff Meeting (re communications department), Mary King, SNCC. May 12 1964
1964 Urgent Memorandum re Mississippi Summer Project Fund-raising and Support Work, Betty Garman, SNCC. Undated (probably late May or early June 1964)
1964 Freedom Summer & Freedom School Documents, (Multiple Documents).
1964A Southern Hero Returns Home re Byron De La Beckwith who assassinated Medgar Evers, Jerry DeMuth, SNCC. April 23, 1964
1964A Guide to Mississippi, Jerry DeMuth, SNCC. 1964
1964 Harvard's Responsibility in Mississippi, Unsigned, SNCC. May 30 1964
1964?Working Paper re Communication Section, Mary King, SNCC. undated (probably 1964)
1964?To the Staff, memo re Introduction of a staff booklet for SNCC workers, unsigned SNCC. Undated (probably 1964)
1964? Group Relations, William Porter, SNCC. Undated (probably 1964)
1964 Ruleville Mississippi, a Background Report, unsigned SNCC. Undated 1964
1964 Why Mississippi? Bay Area Friends of SNCC
1964SNCC Staff Working in Mississippi Summer 1964, unsigned SNCC
1964Urgent Memo re incident reporting procedures, James Forman, SNCC. 6/26/64
1964 Mississippi Summer Project Workers in State as of June 29 1964, COFO report
1964 McComb Incident Summary, MS, June-September 1964, Unsigned, SNCC. June 1964
1964 Proposal for Scholarship Program, unsigned SNCC. Undated (probably summer or fall 1964)
1964? Report on attempt to connect with unions in Mississippi Whitman, Charlie, Gene, SNCC. July8-10, 1964?
1964 Conduct for Vigil, Friends of SNCC, Los Angeles, CA. (Federal Building vigil after discovery of Chaney, Schwerner, Goodman bodies in MS.)
1964What Happened After Missing Trio Disappeared, It Was 20 Hours Before FBI Got to Work. Reprint from SNCC Student Voice. Undated (probably August 1964)
1964 Mississippi voter registration statistics by race & district, SNCC.
1964 Mississippi Negro voter registration by district, SNCC. August 16, 1964
1964 Report on Beatings in McComb (MS), unsigned, SNCC. June 8, 1964
1964Mississippi Summer Project: Running Summary of Incidents, June 16-August 26, 1964. SNCC.
Orginal document. As Published.
1964Closed Politics in Mississippi re Blacks barred from participating in Democratic Party meetings and votes, Jerry DeMuth, SNCC. Undated 1964 (probably July)
1964The Regular and Lawful Democratic Party of Mississippi report on the white-only "regular" Democrats, Jerry DeMuth, SNCC. 1964 (Note: Originally written for and accepted by the New Leader in June for publication in July just before the Democratic convention, but then mysteriously spiked and never published. It was later revealed the the New Republic was established and funded by the CIA.)
1964 Dear Friends of SNCC and Parent's Committees, Betty Garman, SNCC. Undated (probably June or July 1964
1964 Community information canvasing form for Ruleville, MS. Unsigned, SNCC. July 1964
1964Memo re distribution of the Student Voice, unsigned SNCC. July 4 1964
1964Communications section structure and functions, Ilene Strelitz, SNCC volunteer. Undated (probably August 1964)
1964Print Shop Order for organizing materials. Mary King, SNCC. August 3, 1964
1964 Recruiting of New Volunteers for Work in Mississippi, August 1964, Betty Garman, SNCC.
1964 Letter to President Johnson re Mississippi violence, federal inaction, and MFDP, John Lewis, SNCC. August 19 1964. ~ Response to John Lewis letter, Lee White, White House. August 20 1964
1964 SNCC Memo: Placement of Staff, Courtland Cox. Undated (possibly August or Sept of 1964)
1964 SNCC Executive Committee Meeting, September
  Executive Committee Members, September?
1964? Research Memo re dominant corporations Natchez MS, SNCC Research. Undated (probably 1964)
1964Special Report: Community Center, (MS), unsigned SNCC. Undated summer of 1964
1964Special Report: Free Southern Theater, (MS), unsigned COFO. Undated summer of 1964
  Executive Committee Minutes, September 4
1964?McComb Background, Betty Garman, SNCC. Undated (possibly fall of 1964)
1964Dear Friend fund appeal to northern churches. Barbara Jones, SNCC. Fall 1964
1964Memo: Subsistence for Volunteers in Mississippi fund appeal. Barbara Jones, SNCC. Fall 1964
  Project & Student Voice Reports, September 5
  Executive Committee Minutes, September 6
1964 Report on the Summer -- Washington Office, Jim Monsonis. SNCC. September 7, 1964
1964Persons Added to SNCC Staff Since September 1964 Meeting, Ruby Doris Smith Robinson
1964? Memo re Staff Position to be Filled, James Forman, SNCC. Undated (presumed late 1964)
1964 Memorandum to Friends of SNCC, Betty Garman, SNCC. September 14 1964
1964 Enclosed Letter to Burke Marshall, Betty Garman, SNCC. undated (probably September or October 1964)
1964 Dear --, Alabama campus organizing letters. Judy Richardson, SNCC. September 17, 1964.
1964Prospectus for an Educational Workshop Program re internal movement education. Unsigned SNCC? Undated (probably Sept-Nov 1964). Page(s) missing?
1964 McComb...McComb, memo to Friends of SNCC, Betty Garman, SNCC. Undated Fall 1964
1964 September 21 (report on McComb MS bombing), Unsigned SNCC
1964 A Response to the 13th and 14th Bombings in McComb, Mississippi, Unsigned SNCC. September 21, 1964
1964 Memo to Friends of SNCC re McComb, Betty Garman, SNCC. Undated Fall 1964
1964 Letter to Rogre Barkley re prison camps (GA) 9/24/64, Betty Garman, SNCC
1964Memo to Friends of SNCC re McComb MS, unsigned SNCC. 9/24/64
1964 Memo to Friends of SNCC, Betty Garman, SNCC. September 28 1964
1964Memo re Recruiting volunteers to work in the Freedom Vote, Oct 18-Nov3. Betty Garman, SNCC. September 28 1964
1964Memo to Friends of SNCC, re McComb MS. Betty Garman, SNCC. Undated, Fall 1964
1964 Letter to President of Tuskegee Institute from Judy Richardson re proposed 1965 Black Belt Project. 9/30/64
1964 Working notes, proposed 1965 SNCC Black Belt Project. Unsigned SNCC. Undated (possibly Fall 1964)
1964Incident Summary -- Mississippi, September, unsigned SNCC. October 1964
1964 Job Discrimination by the Mississippi Employment Security Commission, Joel Dressler, SNCC.
64? 65?Freedom, SNCC brochure for college students. Undated (probably fall '64 - winter '65)
1964Statements by Various Witnesses, re: Mississippi terrorist incidents toward Afro-Americans, unsigned SNCC. Undated (probably late 1964 or early 1965)
1964 New York SNCC finances. Charlotte Carter, bookkeeper. October 1964
1964 Mississippi Report Dinner, unsinged Chicago SNCC. October 3, 1964. Fundraiser.
1964 Mississippi Bombings, Burnings since June 16, unsigned SNCC. October 14 1964
1964 Memo re Freedom Vote and Recruitment of Students to Participate, Betty Garman, SNCC. October 6 1964
1964Bail, memo to Friends of SNCC re need for bond funds. Barbara Jones, SNCC. 10/7/64
1964 Proposal for a SNCC Legal Committee, , R. Hunter Morey. October 9 1964
1964ASCS County Committee System, October 9 1964, Judi Nusbaum, CORE, October 9 1964
1964 SNCC: Incident Summary — Mississippi, October 1964
1964 SNCC's Relationship and Responsibilities to the Southern Campus. James Forman, SNCC. Undated (probably September or October 1964).
1964 The Mississippi Summer Project, report. Unsigned SNCC? Undated (probably September or October 1964). 14 pages.
1964SNCC: Statement of Purpose, overview and information about SNCC. Unsigned. October 12 1964
1964Dear Friend program outline for campus Friends of SNCC (FoS) groups. Jan Else, SNCC. 10/23/64
1964 McComb MS and The Freedom Vote, Betty Garman, SNCC. October 27, 1964
1964Follow-up on McComb MS bombings, Betty Garman, SNCC. October 28, 1964
1964 Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party protests, Laurence Guyot, MFDP. October 30, 1964
1964 The Trip (report on trip to Africa & resulting proposals), John Lewis, Don Harris, SNCC. Fall 1964
1964 The Negro Vote: An Analysis, SNCC. (Southern Negro vote and the 1964 presidential results.)
1964 What is the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee? James Forman, SNCC. Waveland Conference. 21 pages.
1964 SNFC November 1964 Newsletter, Unsigned, Student Non-Violent Freedom Committee (SNFC), Carbondale IL. November 1964
1964 Analysis of Negro vote in 1964 presidential election, Undated (probably late 1964)
1964 SNCC Freedom Vote, October Incident Summary, Fast for Freedom, Jon Else. SNCC. November 3, 1964
1964Memo re News Errors in Vicksburg, Mississippi Incident, unsigned SNCC. November 4, 1964
1964 Waveland Conference. Documents from the SNCC Waveland Staff Retreat, November 1964. (Multiple documents)
1964 SNCC Position Paper (Regarding women in SNCC)
  SNCC Womens Statements — Disambiguation
1964? Some Aspects of Black-White Problems as Seen by Field Staff, Unsigned SNCC. Undated (possibly late 1964 or sometime in 1965)
1964White supremacy terrorists arrested in Pike County MS, Mae Campbell, SNCC. Nov. 6, 1964
1964 Stokeley Carmichael speech to SSOC conference, Stokeley Carmichael. SNCC. November 1964
1964 SNCC Westcoast Conference Reports, November 13-15 1964 (Multiple documents)
1964 SNCC: Incident Summary, November 1964
1964West Coast Conference program, Friends of SNCC. November 14, 1964
1964? Paper on the salary structure of SNCC, unsigned SNCC (possibly Jim Forman). Undated 1964 (possibly for Waveland conference)
1964? Southern Documentary Project (page missing), Unsigned SNCC. Undated
1964 Significant Events of 1964 in McComb Mississippi and Area, unsigned SNCC. November 9 1964
1964Significant Events of 1964 in McComb Mississippi and Area, unsigned SNCC. November 1964
1964 Report of Meeting of November 18 1964 re Details of Congressional Challenge, Mike Thelwell, SNCC.
1964 Memo announcing SNCC study institute after Waveland staff retreat, unsigned SNCC. Undated (probably November 1964)
1964 SNCC Volunteer Interview Format, Late 1964 (after Freedom Summer).
1964 SNFC December 1964 Newsletter, Unsigned, Student Nonviolent Freedom Committee (SNFC), Carbondale IL. November 1964
1964 Itta Bena MS, re college band and Rose Parade, Dec 5 1964.
1964 Murder charges against Americus civil rights activists dropped, Dec 5 1964.
1964Incident Summary Dec 1st - Dec 9th unsigned SNCC. 12/9/64
1964 Hey! Organizing letter to student in Tennessee. Judy Richardson SNCC. December 11, 1964.
1964 If Only Neshoba County Were In The Congo, SNCC reprint from I.F. Stone's Weekly. December 14 1964
1964 Memo on the Atlanta Scripto Strike, Walter Tillow, SNCC. December 15 1964.
1964? Memo From John Lewis to SNCC Staff, December 1964?
1964? Memo on SNCC Finances, James Forman, December 1964?
1964? SNCC Staff Directory (Draft) December 64? January 65?
1964 Proposed Yearly Budget Student Voice 1964-1965, SNCC.
1964 Give SNCC Gifts This Year, promotional flyer, SNCC
64? 65? Brief Memorandum on Federal Civil Rights Authority, Bill Higgs ~ SNCC. Lists Federal laws Washington could (but doesen't) use to enforce civil rights for Blacks.
64? 65? Authority for Use of Force by the Federal Government in Civil Rights Matters, William Higgs, SNCC. Undated (possibly 1964 or 65)
1964The Mississippi Summer Project report. Unsigned SNCC? COFO? 1964
64? 65? The Selma Literacy Project Report for the Year 1963-64, unsigned SNCC. Undated (probably late 1964 or early 1965)
64? 65? Sketch of Year's Work in a Community Adult Education, Silas Norman? Mary Varela?. Selma, Alabama.
???? Program Proposal: Transition in the Church, Rev. Tom Brown, SNCC. Udated
1964 Friends of SNCC, Contributions to Atlanta Oct-Dec 1964
1964? Prospectus For a Nation-Wide High School SNCC Conference, Lyn Wells, SNCC. Undated (possibly 1964)
64? 65? Student Involvement in the Challenge, Courtland Cox, SNCC. Undated probably late 1964 or early 1965
1964? These are the Questions, unsigned SNCC. Undated (possibly 1964)
64? 65? SNCC memo re list of subsistance volunteers, Margaret Herring, SNCC. Early 1965
1964Freedom Schools, report by Jimmy Garrett, SNCC. Undated (probably 1964)
1964? SNCC Report: McComb civil action, Brown, Aronson, Greenberg, LDF. SNCC. Undated (probably late 1964)
1964?Memo to volunteers re financial support from the north, Betty Garman, SNCC. Undated (possibly latter part of 1964 or early 1965)
1964?Karen Duncan, personal information form, SNCC, Madison Co. Undated (1963-1966)
64? 65? SNCC relationship and responsibilities to the southern campus, Unsigned SNCC. Undated (possibly 1964 possibly Waveland conference)
64? 65?First District Report (MS), unsinged SNCC. Undated (between fall 1964 & spring 1965)
64? 65? Support appeal letter, Cliff Vaughs, Tom Wakayama, Geoffrey, SNCC photography department. Undated (probably 1964 of 1965)
64? 65? Involving Workers in the Movement: Proposal to Unions Mike Miller, SNCC, Undated (possibly September of 1964 or '65).
1965 SNCC Documents
64? 65? Program Outline for Campus Friends of SNCC Groups. Unsigned SNCC. Undated (probably late 1964 to early 1965)
64? 65? Campus organizing notebook (handwritten). Judy Richardson, SNCC. Undated (possibly late 1964 or 65)
64? 65? A Proposal for Washington Studies, unsigned SNCC. Undated (probably late 1964 or early to mid 1965)
64? 65?Proposal on Bail Bond Research, unsigned Program Department, SNCC. Undated (possibly 1964-1966)
1965Arkansas Freedom Centers: Supplies Needed, Unsigned SNCC. Undated (possibly 1965)
1965? SNCC: A Proposal for Handling of Finances, unsigned SNCC. Undated (possibly 1965)
1965? SNCC WATS line Atlanta Schedule undated (possibly 1965)
1965?SNCC Freedom Force, fundraising memo. Unsigned, SNCC. Undated (probably late 1964 or early 1965)
1965?Why Your Support is Necessary, fundraising appeal. Auston, Ramsey, and Dille, John R. Commons group. Undated (probably post-Freedom Summer)
???? Power-structure map, undated SNCC (possibly 1965)
1965 The Story of Greenwood, Mississippi, album liner notes & background. Guy Caraway, SNCC, 1965
64-66? Proposed Educational Program, Unsigned, SNCC. Undated (possibly late 1964 to early 1966)
1965 On Arkansas in General, how Negroes live in Arkansas, Unsigned, SNCC research report. Undated 1965
1965 Memo to the Executive Committee re Campus Program, Bill Wallace, SNCC. Undated (possibly 1965)
1965 Alabama Summer Project application form, SNCC. Undated 1965
1965 SNCC Arkansas Summer Project application form. Undated 1965
1965 Arkansas Summer Project application form, Roger Barkley, volunteer
1965 SNCC Arkansas Summer Project Dear Applicant letter. Undated 1965
1965? SNCC Unofficial & Projected Budget for 1965, undated (presumed late 1964 or early 65)
1965? They Need Your Help Too, An Appeal to Southern Students, SNCC recruitment flyer. Undated (possibly 1965)
1965 Notice re Volunteers for Mississippi no longer being accepted, unsigned SNCC. January 1965
1965Letter to Alicia Kaplow re ongoing business, Betty Garmon, SNCC. January 5, 1965
1965Minutes of Planning Meeting for Freedom School Workshop, SNCC/HREC, Washington DC, January 6, 1965
1965 Selma & the March to Montgomery (Multiple Documents)
1965 Report of Successful Community-Wide Fund Drive, Friends of the Mississippi Project, Yellow Springs OH. January 4 1965
1965 Proposal for a Cultural Arm of SNCC, Barbara Simon, SNCC Atlanta Project. January 5 1965
1965 Letter to John Lewis re decisions at SNCC Waveland conference, Mary King, SNCC. January 10 1965
1964? Some Suggestions in Answer to Questions Raised by the "Memo," Howard Zinn. (Referring to Jim Forman's Memorandum on the Structure of SNCC?)
1965 The Care and Feeding of Power Structures, Jack Minnis. 1965. Reprinted by New England Free Press. (Researching power structures.)
1965 Letter to Secty of Defense McNamara re George Wallace speech at Selma U.S. Air Force base, John Lewis, SNCC. January 12 1965
1965 Memorandum to Friends of SNCC, Betty Garman. January 15 1965. (Re SNCC finances, fund raising, financial reports, etc)
1965 Fast for Freedom, Mike O'Gorman, Friends of SNCC (FoS). January 15 1965
1965 Notice: Volunteers for Mississippi, SNCC. January 1965
1965 List of People on Staff, SNCC, month unknown. (Note that SNCC staff changed rapidly.)
1965 Southwest Georgia Project - Winter Report, SNCC. Undated 1965
1965 SNCC: Personnel Committe Report, Murial Tillinghast. (Month unknown.)
1965 SNCC: The beginning of Ideology, Howard Zinn. January 1965
1965 Memorandum re Sale Items, Betty Garman, SNCC. January 20 1965
1965 Notes to Friends of SNCC, Betty Garman. January 27 1965
1965 To Friends of SNCC re FDP Petition Campaign, SNCC. January 30 1965
1965 Notes to the Northern Staff, (Feb. 1)
1965 SNCC ~ The General Condition of the Alabama Negro. 28-page report/analysis.
1965 John Lewis statement on Africa, John Lewis, SNCC. February 1965
1965 Statement by John Lewis to SNCC Staff Meeting. February 1965
1965Memo to Friends of SNCC re Hammermill Paper Co re Selma Alabama. "Betty Garman & John Perdew, SNCC. Undated (probably February or March 1965)
1965Daily Schedule, SNCC/HREC Freedom School Workshop, Lucy Montgomery, HREC. Knoxville TN, March 26-April 9
1965 Southwest Georgia outreach report, Roy Shields, SNCC. February 1965
1965 Segregation and Brutality in the Mississippi Delta, Unsigned (probably COFO or SNCC). Undated (possibly January or February 1965)
1965 A [illegible] Looks at SNCC, McCree Harris, Albany GA. February 1965
65? 66?We're Broke! handwritten note to Alicia Kaplow from Betty Garman, SNCC. Undated (probably 1965 or '66)
1965Dear Friend, letter from SNCC re MFDP's Congressional Challenge. SNCC Communications Dept. February 2 1965
1965 Streets of Greenwood, Betty Garman, SNCC. February 3 1965
1965 Discussions at Mt. Beulah Poor Peoples Meetings, Charlie Cobb, SNCC. February 9 1965
1965 SNCC Programs for 1965, Coordinating Committee decisions as of February 23.
1965 SNCC Executive Committee Members Elected, February 1965
1965 Cover letter from Jim Forman to Friends of SNCC re upcoming press conference, February 23, 1965.
1965 Complaint letter to Atlanta postmaster re failure to deliver mail, Judy Richardson SNCC. February 23, 1965
1965 SNCC Offices in the South, February 1965
1965 To Who it May Concern, petition letter re Chaney Schwerner Goodman case. Ellen Fox, Stephen Clorfeine, Univ. Rochester Friends of SNCC. February 4 1965
1965 Justice Department Activity in Alabama, unsigned SNCC. February 25 1965
1965 SNCC Staff Memo, Cleve Sellers, February 28 1965.
1965 The Story of COFO (Part One), FoS. February 1965.
1965 The Story of COFO (Part Two), FoS. March 1965.
1965 What is the SNCC Research Department, February.
1965Stokeley's Speech Class, Jane Stembridge, SNCC. March 1965
Versions: Text (HTML) —  Published PDF (AKA "Freedom School Notes")
1965 To the Justice Department and U.S. Congress, University Friends of SNCC. Undated 1965 (probably Feb. or Mar.)
1965 SNCC Incident Summary, February (South-wide)
1965 Mississippi: Image and Reality, Unsigned, SNCC. March 1965
1965 Selma and Dallas County Alabama: a Statistical Roundup, unsigned, SNCC. March 1965
1965Memo to Alicia Kaplow, re financial sponorships and North-South white-Black communication difficulties. Margaret Lauren, SNCC. 3/2/65
1965 Bloody Sunday incidents and response, Unsigned, SNCC. March 8, 1965
1965To Friends of SNCC Re Selma Alabama, Betty Garman, SNCC. March 11, 1965
1965 Letter to John Lewis re proposed Selma plant, John DeVitt, president, Hammermill Paper Co. March 13, 1965
1965Report on Alabama, unsigned Chicago SNCC.
1965 Reply to letter from Hammermill Paper company about Selma plant, John Lewis, SNCC. March 25, 1965
1965 A Few Recent Deaths in Alabama, Unsigned, SNCC. March 14, 1965
1965 Role of the Federal Government in the Deep South, SNCC? Undated presumed March
1965 SNCC: The New Voting Bill: Rhetoric and Reality, March 23 1965, Unsigned.
1965 Friends of SNCC Groups, March 1965
1965 Memo to Friends of SNCC, Betty Garman, SNCC. March 17, 1965
1965Memo re press contacts, to Friends of SNCC offices. Betty Garman, SNCC. March 19, 1965
1965 The President's 1965 Voting Bill, Unsigned, SNCC. March 21 1965
1965Memo to Friends of SNCC about unusual type of fundraising auction, Betty Garman, SNCC. March 23, 1965
1965 Memo to Summer Volunteers re fund appeal, Esther Heifets, SNCC. March 25, 1965
1965Memo to Friends of SNCC re voting rights and the MFDP, Betty Garman, SNCC. March 25, 1965
1965Memo to Friends of SNCC re film about Ivanhoe Donaldson of SNCC, Betty Garman, SNCC. March 25, 1965
1965Memo for Participants in Freedom School Workshop (Program), SNCC/HREC, Knoxville TN, March 26-April 9
1965 Why People Become Corrupt, Barbara Brandt. SNCC. March 28, 1965
1965Memo re shortcomings in proposed Voting Rights bill, Margaret Lauren, Friends of SNCC. March 29, 1965
1965 The State Conference Report Alabama, Unsigned. SNCC. 1965
1965Hammermill Boycott, Unsigned SNCC research. March 31, 1965
1965 Selma, Alabama (report), Early March, Silas Norman & John Love
1965 SNCC Executive Committee Meeting Minutes & Rules, March 5-6 1965. (Immediately before "Bloody Sunday" in Selma.)
1965 Rules & Procedures for SNCC Executive Committee Meetings, SNCC. March 1965
1965 SNCC Report on "Bloody Sunday," March 7 1965
1965 Who is Responsible for Alabama Police Brutality, SNCC Report.
1965 SNCC: State Conference Report Alabama (Campus), March 1965. (Re: state-wide conference of student activists from Alabama Black colleges.)
1965 SNCC Incident Summary, March (South-wide)
1965 SNCC Arkansas Project Report, spring 1965
1965 SNCC: Alabama Freedom Democratic Party forms, Montgomery. Undated assumed to be March or April of 1965
1965? Suggestions on Political Activity for SNCC in Washington, Jim Monsonis.
1965 SNCC Summer Program, April 1965
1965 SNCC Arkansas Summer Project, Arlene Wilgoren, SNCC. April 3 1965
1965 Note to Howard Zinn re Executive Committee Meeting, John Lewis, SNCC. 4/19/65
1965 SNCC Executive Committee Agenda, unsigned SNCC. Undated 1965
1965SNCC Executive Committee Minutes, Sherron Jackson, SNCC. April 14, 1965. (Detailed list of SNCC staff assingments & discussion of program.)
1965 Testimony of SNCC to House Judiciary Committee on the proposed Voting Rights Act, Ralph Featherstone, SNCC. Undated 1965
1965 We Want the Vote (brochure version), unsigned SNCC. Undated (probably April 1965)
1965Letter writing campaign to strengthen voting bill, Margaret Lauren, FoS. April 1, 1965
1966 Rural Community Organizing and Farmers Organize. John Zippert, CORE/SSOC. March 1966. 6 pages.
1965 Tapes from Freedom School Workshop, unsigned, SNCC or MFDP. March 27-April 7, 1965
1965We Want The Vote, statement and appeal. Unsigned, SNCC. April 8, 1965
1965 Transcript of Mass Meeting Calhoun, Lowndes County, April 11 1965
1965 Who Runs Southwest Georgia?, Unsigned, SNCC. April 17 1965
1965Selma: Changing Tactics, re segregationist strategies, Jerry DeMuth, SNCC. Undated 1965
1965 Example SNCC County-Research Reports:
Leflore County MS, undated (possibly 1962 or '63)
Greene County AL 1965
Lowndes County AL 1965
Bolivar County MS 1965
1965 O-J-T Programs For Students, SNCC Campus Travelers.
1965 SNCC Executive Committee Minutes, April 12-15. (Detailed list of SNCC staff assingments & discussion of program.)
1965 SNCC Alabama Staff Meeting Minutes, April.
1965? You Can Help Too & Stamps for Freedom, SNCC fund appeal.
1965 Letter to Campus Friends of SNCC, Esther Heifetz, SNCC. April 8.
1965Fundraising Ideas, Unsigned, SNCC. April 8, 1965
1965 SNCC Campus Contact Newsletter, April 21.
1965Aid For New Registered Negroes Is Being Sought, Charles Hills, Jackson Clarion-Ledger, SNCC reprint. 4/25/65
1965SNCC Campus Contact Newsletter, April 25, 1965
1965Hammermill Stockholders Meeting, Betty Garman, SNCC. April 26, 1965
1965Present Information About the Nation-Wide High School Conference, Lynn Wells, SNCC. May 22, 1965.
1965Memo on SNCC move to new offices, Betty Garman, SNCC. April 26, 1965
1965 On Programs..., Marion Barry, SNCC, May 1965
1965 Who Runs Alabama? or Who Stole the Tax Money? and Who Runs Alabama. (Both probably written by Jack Minnis in Spring 1965)
1965Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, Betty Garman, SNCC. Undated 1965
1965Federal Programs Research Work, DC, unsigned, SNCC
1965 Things that will be discussed at the staff meeting in May 1965, Sandy Stovall? (SNCC? COFO?)
1965 Memo to Summer Volunteers re summer program & etc., Esther Heifets, SNCC. May 3, 1965
1965 A Brief Summary of Incidents in Sunflower County Mississippi, June 1964 - April 1965. SNCC/COFO
1965SNCC Campus Contact Newsletter, May 5, 1965
1965 Memo to Alicia Kaplow, re funds for Buddy Teiger. Margaret, SNCC. May 6, 1965
1965 Dear Friends of SNCC, letter about Sunflower voting rights injunction. Margaret Lauren, SNCC. 5/7/65
1965 Memo to Alicia Kaplow re campus poll-tax fundraising, Esther Heifetz, SNCC. May 8. 1965
1965Summary of Incidents in Mississippi, May 1-9, 1965, Unsigned COFO or SNCC
1965 Statement by John Lewis, John Lewis. SNCC. May 17, 1965
1965SNCC Campus Contact Newsletter, May 20, 1965
1965 Letter to friends of SNCC re MFDP challenge to Congress, Margaret Lauren. SNCC. May 27, 1965
1965 SNCC memo to friends re Washington Lobby, Unsigned SNCC. May 27, 1965
1965? Some Notes on Education (thoughts on meaning of knowledge & education), Jane Stembridge, SNCC. Undated (possibly 1964 or 1965)
1965SNCC Expenditures -- June 1965 Jack Minnis, SNCC. 7/19/65
1965 List of SNCC offices, June 1965
1965 Why Did Johnson Appointed a Racist Judge From MS?, Unsigned, SNCC. June 22 1965
1965Hammermill Boycott & Misc, Betty Garman, SNCC. June 4, 1965
1965 Books for all projects, Library Committee, SNCC. June 9 1965
1965 This is the Black Belt, SNCC brochure, undated 1965.
1965 SNCC News Flash, Eshter, Margaret, Betty, Shirley. SNCC. June 14, 1965
1965General update memo to Friends of SNCC, Esther, Margaret, Shirley, Betty, SNCC. June 14, 1965
1965Memo On Bail, Barbara Brandt, SNCC. June 14, 1965
1965 Campus Contact Newsletter, unsigned SNCC. June 15 1965
1965Addition to the Memo on Bail of June 14 (re Jackson MS mass arrests), Barbara Brandt, SNCC. June 16, 1965
1965Appeal Bulletin, Jackson Situation and MFDP congressional challenge. SNCC northern support team. 6/17/65.
1965We Urge You to Do These Things, re support for Jackson voting rights protests. SNCC northern support team. 6/17/65
1965Memo to Friends of SNCC re MFDP congressional challenge, Jackson voting rights protests & horrendus jail conditions. Unsigned SNCC. 6/19/65
1965 Memo to Friends of SNCC re police brutality in Jackson MS and arrests in Washington DC, SNCC. June 19 1965.
1965One Year Later ... a Message From Nathan Schwerner, SNCC fund appeal. June 21, 1965
1965 Telephone conversation with Nancy Stoller, Unsigned SNCC. June 23, 1965
1965Statement on the appointment of J.P. Coleman as federal judge, Victoria Gray, MFDP. Undated (probably June 1965)
1965Letter to Wm. Douthard (ILGWU) from Judy Richardson, SNCC re cost of films. 6/28/65
1965 Dear Friend, memo to supporters about SNCC summer programs. Faith Holsaert, SNCC (New York). July 1965.
1965Northern Support Program, volunteer sigh-up sheet. Faith Holsaert, SNCC (New York). July 1965.
1965 Dear Friends of SNCC memo on Colman senate judicial appointment hearing. 7/1/65. Re mobilizing opposition to his appointment. (Unsuccessfully)
1965Why Are Farm Laborers Poor?, Unsigned SNCC paper (probably by Jack Minnis). June 7, 1965
1965 July-August SNCC office reports, SNCC staff. August 1965
1965Freedom Caravan to Washington DC, re congressional challenge. Unsigned SNCC. July 7, 1964
1965 Memo about Sojourner Motor Fleet Shop, Betty Garman, SNCC. July 7 1965
1965 Segregated Justice, Jack Nelson, Los Angeles Times (movement reprint). July 15 1965
1965 SNCC Financial Report for June 1965
1964 State of the Voice (re SNCC Student Voice), unsigned SNCC. Undated possibly summer 1964
1964 A Program for the Student Voice, Inc, unsigned SNCC. Undated possibly summer 1964
1965 Philadelphia SNCC Newsletter, July.
1965 Friends of SNCC & northern office reports, Betty Garman, SNCC. July 1965
1965 Memo to FoS re Sojourner Motor Fleet shop in Atlanta, Betty Garman, SNCC
1965 Running Incident Summary for the Month of July 1965, unsigned SNCC. 6 pages
1965 Memo to Friends of SNCC re Coleman judicial appointment, Margaret Lauren, SNCC. July 8 1965
1965 Testimony of John Lewis, re appointment of judge Coleman. SNCC. July 1965
1965Testimony opposing appointment of Coleman to federal court, John Lewis, SNCC. June 29, 1965
1965 Urgent fund appeal re Mississippi situation, Julian Bond, SNCC. July 15 1965
1965 Memo to Friends of SNCC Regarding the Poor People's Corporartion, Unsigned, SNCC. July 16 1965
1965 SNCC expenditures for June 1965, Jack Minnis, SNCC. July 19 1965
1965 SNCC fund raising memo, Betty Garman, SNCC. July 20 1965
1965 Dear Friends of SNCC, Esther, Margaret, Betty, Shirley, SNCC. July 27 1965
1965 Baker County & Americus Georgia, unsigned SNCC report. July 27 1965
1965 SNCC Update Report on Southwest Georgia and Mississippi, Margaret Lauren, SNCC. July 30 1965
1965 Mississippi Legislature: Old Wine in New Bottles, John Perdew, SNCC. July 1965
1965 How the Civil Rights is Being Subverted in Mississippi, SNCC Research.
1965Memo to the Staff: Provisions of the Voting Rights Bill, Marion Barry, SNCC. August 8, 1965
1965 Reports on Shooting of Jonathan Daniels and Others in Lowndes County, SNCC. August 20-21 1965.
1965 Selected Provisions of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, SNCC Research Dept. August 1965
1965 The Los Angeles Rebellion of 1965, John Perdew, SNCC Research. August 1965
1965 Fund raising for SNCC, September 1965 (page may be missing), unsigned, SNCC. 9/65.
1965The State Democratic Party (Mississippi), report by MFDP. Mike Higson. 9/14/65
1965?Memo: A SNCC African Project, Dona Richards, SNCC. Undated (possibly September 1965 or '66)
1965The State Democratic Party (Mississippi), report by MFDP. Mike Higson. 9/14/65
1965Memo: Next Executive Committee Meeting, unsigned SNCC Program Depoartment. 9/15/65
1965Memo to Defunct Executive Committee Members, Muriel Tilinghast, SNCC. 9/23/65
1965Response to "defunct" excom members memo, Howard Zinn, SNCC. 9/30/65
1965 SNCC: Report From Finance Committee, September 1965. (Jack Minnis, Mildred Forman, Muriel Tillinghast, S.G. Johnson, Stanley Wise)
1965 SNCC Financial Statement, September 1965
1965 Working draft of speech on Vietnam and U.S. imperialism, Unsigned, SNCC. Undated 1965
1965 Dear SNCC People, Tim Jenkins, SNCC. September 1965. (On rethinking the direction of SNCC and the Freedom Movement.)
1965 An Open Letter From Representatives of the Forrest City Arkansas Movement, Forrest City SNCC, Students for Action Committee. September 1965
1965 Memo to Friends of SNCC, Unsigned SNCC. Sept 1 1965
1965Bringing the Struggle Home, Jerry DeMuth, SNCC. 1965
1965 Number 2 on the South-Wide People's Conference, Stokely Carmichael, SNCC. September 2 1965
1965 Emergency Fund Memo to Northern Offices & Friends of SNCC, (re payroll & Forrest City AR arrests), SNCC. September 21 1965
1965 Young America: Looking Ahead to 1966, letter to a SNCC worker, Jon Steinberg. September 28, 1965
1965 SNCC Research: Lowndes County, AL
1965 Memo on Proposed Temporary Educational Program for Forrest City Arkansas, SNCC, Students for Action Committee. October 1965
1965Report on Mississippi Voter Registration, as of September. Unsigned, MFDP. Undated (probably October 1965)
1965 Bulletin #9 from the New York Office of SNCC, Unsigned SNCC. October 1, 1965
1965 Background Report on Natchez (MS), undated & unsigned (probably SNCC, October 1965).
1965 Memo to Friends of SNCC (re arrests & violence Natchez MS and Baker County GA), October 6 1965
1965 Field Reports From Alabama SNCC Staff Meeting, October 1965. (Includes reports from SCLC projects and East Tennessee Voters Project)
1965 SNCC: Summary Report, Campus Traveller, Joyce Brown & Bill Hall, SNCC. October 1965
1965 SNCC Campus Mailing #4, Mary Hawkins. October 21 1965
1965 Memo to Key Key Campus Contacts re Arkansas student boycott, Unsigned SNCC. October 21, 1965
1965 Memo to Friends of SNCC, Cynthia Washington, SNCC. October 21 1965
1965 Memo to Friends of SNCC re Mississippi voter registration, SNCC. October 28 1965
1965 Campus Mailing Number #5 Some Suggestions for Friends of SNCC Projects, SNCC. October 28 1965
1965 SNCC: A Special Report on Southern School Desegregation, Fall 1965, Betty Garman, Marion Barry, Sharlene Kranz. (Large file.)
1965 SNCC's Alabama program for 1966, request for volunteers, Shirley Wright. SNCC. November 1965
1965Notes on Organizing, Charles McLaurin, SNCC. Nov 1964
1965 Relations Between SNCC and MFDP, November. Liz Sutherland (Betita Martinez).
1964 Memorandum on the Structure of SNCC, Jim Forman. Oct or Nov 1964
1965? Unsigned memo on organizing & decision-making. Late 1965?
1965 SNCC Structure: How to "Open Up" the Organization, Liz Sutherland (Betita Martinez) notes. Nov.
1965SNCC Financial Report November 1965
1965Dear Friend thank-you letter & fund appeal to supporters, John Lewis, SNCC. November 1965
1965To Cynthia Washington: Prospectus for a SNCC Store, Don Shaw & Boston Friends of SNCC. November 1965
1965Proposal for a Freedom Information Center, unsigned FIS. Undated (possibly November 1965)
1965 Special Report - Fraud in the 1965 Arkansas School Board Elections, SNCC Arkansas Project. October 1965
1965 Mississippi: A Colony of Standard Oil and Sears, Roebuck, John Perdew, SNCC Research. November 1965
1965Report of the Resolutions Committee, SNCC "Jobs and Food" Leadership Conference. November 1965
1965 Agricultural Integration to Downgrade Negroes, Unsigned, SNCC. November 5 1965
1965 Campus Memo, Unsigned, SNCC. November 12 1965
1965 A Kind of Memo, by Casey Hayden & Mary King. November 18 1965. See also SNCC Position Paper: Women in the Movement from a year earlier, November 1964
1965 Memo to Friends of SNCC, Reginald Robinson, SNCC. November 23 1965
1965 Tentative agenda SNCC staff meeting, William Porter, SNCC. November 28 1965
1965 SNCC Staff Meeting Minutes, (November).
1965Draft speech about media failures to accurately report about the Vietnam War and U.S. foreign policy, Unsigned, SNCC. Undated (apparently winter 1965)
1965Annotated notes on Urban Organizing report by Ivanhoe Donaldson and discussion thereof, "Liz Sutherland (Betita Martinez), SNCC. From undated SNCC staff meeting (possibly November 1965)
1965 Letter to Alcia Kaplow re SNCC's position on Vietnam and the draft. Margaret, SNCC. 12/1/65.
1965 Memo to SNCC staff re finances, SNCC Finance Committee. December 2 1965
1965 Thoughts about a possible White House Conference on civil rights, John Lewis, Marion Barry, Betty Garman, SNCC. Dec 14 1965.
1965 Freedom Primer Report, Judy Richardson, SNCC. December 19 1965
1965-68 Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO), (Multiple Documents & Articles)
1965-66 SNCC & Delano Grape Strike
65? 66? SNCC: Who Does What in Atlanta, undated.
65? 66? SNCC Photo department, appeal/brochure. Unsigned SNCC. Undated (probably late 1965 or 1966)
65? 66? Operation Bootstrap proposal, Unsigned SNCC. Undated (Possibly 1965)
65? 66? Who is Responsible? memo to SNCC staff, Tina Harris, SNCC. Undated (Possibly 1965)
65? 66? State Conference and Leadership Institute Proposal. Unsigned SNCC, undated (probably 1965 or '66)
???? Dear Faculty Member, Boston Friends of SNCC Faculty Fund. Undated.
1966 SNCC Documents
65? 66?To those interested in the struggle, SNCC query sent to supporters re research and other interests, undated (probably from between mid-1965 to mid-1966)
65? 66? Spring Conference proposal. Unsigned SNCC. Undated (probably 1966, possibly 1965)
65? 66? SNCC: Rights Fight is Alternative to Draft, Unsigned, SNCC. Undated (possibly 1965 or 1966)
1966?Paved Roads Petition, unsigned (SNCC?). Location unknown. Date unknown (possibly 1965 or 1966). Local community organizing petition demanding paved streets in Black neighborhoods.
1966? Support the Lowndes County Freedom Organization, brochure. Unsigned LCFO. Undated (probably 1966)
66? Southern Student Conference Held, Ella Baker, SNCC. Undated, possibly 1966.
65?66? To those interested in the struggle, SNCC form sent to supporters re research and other interests. Cortland Cox, Jennifer Lawson, SNCC. Undated (probably from between mid-1965 to mid-1966)
1966? Folks Need Each Other, Mike Miller, SNCC. Undated (possibly 1966)
1966 SNCC Financial Report December 1965 - January 1966
66?  How SNCC Spent its Money in 1965 & Where SNCC Is, undated.
1966? Prospective Project With Migrant Workers, Unsigned SNCC and Farm Workers Assoc. undated (possibly 1966)
1966Migrant Farmworkers Project: Report to the SNCC Staff, Gren Whitman, SNCC. Undated 1966
1966 SNCC Statement on White House Conference
1966 A Message from Harry Belafonte re assassination of Sammy Younge, Harry Belafonte. SNCC. Undated 1966
1966 SNCC Statement on Vietnam
1966Emergency Bulletin #1 SNCC Opposition to the War in Vietnam, Press Response, and Julian Bond and Bulletin #2 Murder of Samuel Young and the Tuskegee Situation. Unsigned, SNCC. 1/8/66
1966 Statement of Julian Bond on being denied his seat in the Georgia Legislature, January 10 1966.
1966 Georgia Legislature Refuses to Seat Freedom Worker, (Julian Bond) re Vietnam War opposition. Unsigned, SNCC. January 11, 1966
1966? What Would it Profit a Man to Have the Vote and Not be Able to Control it?, Courtland Cox
(The Original Document)
1966 Purpose of the Atlanta Project, Unsigned SNCC. Undated 1966
1966 SNCC Application Form
1966 SNCC Financial Report February 1966
1966Fact Sheet on Sunflower County, Mississippi, Unsigned (possibly SNCC) 2/66
1966 Black Consciousness, memo to SNCC staff from Janet Jemott, Bob Paris, Dona Richards, Doug & Tina Harris re African-Afro-American cultural program. Undated 1966.
1966 Urgent Memo: Emergency Financial Status, February 10 1966
66? Discussion paper on the role of whites. Unsigned members of SNCC Vine City project. Undated (1966?).
19663-1/2 Cents A Day For Justice, fund appeal. Unsigned, SNCC. 2/16/66
1966 Letter to H.E.W. head, criticizing the department failure to enforce the school desegregation provisions of 1964 Civil Rights Act. Marion Barry, Betty Garman, SNCC. February 16, 1966
66?Report re Summary of Meeting on Structure. Unsigned, SNCC. Undated (possibly 1966)
1966Memo on school desegregation, Betty Garman, SNCC. March 2, 1966
1966Tent Cities. Unsigned, SNCC. 3/18/66
1966 SNCC's Spring Program Needs Your Support, March 26 1966. Unsigned
1966Receipt for Lucy Montgomery's donation to SNCC for James Travis, Bobbi Jones, SNCC. March 28, 1966
1966Thank-you note to Mrs. Montgomery for travel money donation Elizabeth Sutherland, SNCC. March 31, 1966
1966 Memo To Whom It May Concern (re trip to Europe), John Lewis, SNCC. Undated 1966 (possibly March or April)
1966Research report: Crisp County GA, unsigned, SNCC. April, 1966
1966 Alabama's Emerging Political Party and Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO), unsigned SNCC. 4/28/66.
1966 Statement by James Forman, April 29. Regarding independent political organizations and elections in Alabama.
1966 Coca-Cola Report, SNCC research report on soft drink corporation and its owners. Jack Minnis, SNCC May 3 1966
1966 To the Editors memo encouraging news coverage and scrutiny of May primary elections in Alabama, Julian Bond, SNCC Communications Dept. May 3, 1966
1966 Background Information on Freedom Elections Alabama, Unsigned, SNCC. May 3, 1966
1966SNCC Charts a Course, Stokely Carmichael interview. May 1966 (just before "Black Power"
1966 Telephone interview with Courtland Cox re May 1966 elections
1966 Report on Alabama Elections, Unsigned SNCC. May 6 1966.
1966 SNCC Financial Report April-May 1966
1966 Assumptions Made by SNCC, staff conference May 11 1966
1966 Suggestions for Direction of SNCC Submitted to SNCC staff, May 11 1966
1966 Motions Recommendations Mandates SNCC Central Committee, May 1966
1966 A Review of the Direction of SNCC — Past and Future, Ivanhoe Donaldson, SNCC. May 31 1966
1966 One Man — One Vote, Hale County Freedom Organization (AL) membership card, spring 1966
1966 Recent SNCC National Staff Meetings and Subsequent Newspaper Stories, Mike Miller, SNCC. Undated 1966 (probably May or early June)
1966 The Maryland Freedom Union, Frank Smith, SNCC. June 1966
1966Proposal for Financial Assistance to Southern Negro Students, Shirley Wright, SNCC. Undated (probably Spring 1966)
1966SNCC donation update, Brown, SNCC. Undated (probably summer 1966)
1966 What's Happening in SNCC (special bulletin), SNCC New York Office. June 3 1966
1966SNCC Does Not Wish to Become a New Version of the White Man's Burden reprint of article from I.F. Stone's Weekly. Re media reaction to election of Stokely Carmichael's election to replace John Lewis as SNCC chair.
1966 Notes from SNCC Meeting, June 1966
1966 SNCC's new executive officers, Unsigned, SNCC. June 10, 1966
1966 Bulletin from New York Office of SNCC, June 23 1966
???? The Brick Factory, undated (probably some time between 1965 and 67), Frank Smith, SNCC.
1966 The Basis of Black Power, SNCC position paper
1966? The Roots of "Black Power", unsigned SNCC. Undated (probably 1966)
1966 Negroes in American History: Freedom Primer
1966 SNCC Application Form
1966 SNCC Financial Report June 1966
1966 The Story of SNCC. Fund-raising brochure from late 1966.
1966? Position Paper: Funds-Sources and Staff Salaries, SNCC. Joann Gavin.
1966Memo to Staff re, John Lewis' resignation and Stokely Carmichael, SNCC Communications, July 26, 1966
1966Summary of a Statement by Stokely Carmichael on the Civil Rights Bill of 1966. Opposes useless bill that fails to address real needs. Undated (probably summer 1966)
1966 Proposal for a national Black anti-draft program, unsigned SNCC. August 9 1966. 3 pages.
1966 SNCC: Report on Draft Program and SNCC: Report on Court Proceedings. (Anti-Vietnam War draft resistance in Atlanta.)
1966? Uncle Sam Wants YOU Nigger! SNCC. Undated (probably 1966)
1966 SNCC Organization Report, Cleveland Sellers, SNCC. Undated summer 1966
1966 Actions Taken on Policy Questions and Reports Submitted to the Central Committee, Unsigned SNCC. August 4 1966
1966 Dear Friend, campaign letter to constituents, September. Julian Bond, candidate, Georgia Assembly.
1966 Press Survey May 17-August 17 1966 (in wake of "Black Power"), Elizabeth Sutherland (Betita Martinez), SNCC
1966 Statement re police violence in Atlanta GA, Stokely Carmichael, SNCC. September 8 1966
1966 Statement & call to action about police murders, September 11 1966, Unsigned, National Conference of Peace Groups and SNCC
1966? Stokely Carmichael Responds to Vital Questions America Asks, SNCC. Undated (probably latter half of 1966)
1966 What's the Matter with Black Power, Rev Donald Szantho Harrington, SNCC. October 2, 1966
1966 SNCC Field Reports September 28-October 8 1966, unsigned SNCC
  SNCC Chicago Report, Monroe Sharp. (Excerpted from Aframerican.)
1966 SNCC Central Committee Organizational Report (includes staff list & assignments), Ruby Doris Smith Robinson, SNCC. October 21 1966
1966 SNCC Central Committee Meeting minutes, October 23 1966
1966 Black Power and the Disrobing of White Liberality, John J Waggy. Dist. by SNCC. October 23, 1966
1966 Aframerican: News You Can Use, Volume I. SNCC, October 12 1966, (Large file)
       Soviet Union Report, Fay Bellamy.
     Secretariate Minutes, August(?)
     Preamble (Re anti-draft position).
     SNCC Internal Education Program. August 29 1966
1966 SNCC Notes and Comment, unsigned SNCC. November 1966
1966 SNCC Statement on Alabama Elections, November.
1966 Special Report on Elections, NY SNCC Newsletter, Cleve Sellers, SNCC. November 1966.
1966 Report on visit to IRS, Jack Minnis, SNCC. November 7 1966
1966 Aframerican: News You Can Use, Volume II. SNCC, November 12 1966,
1966 National Anti-Draft Program, Michael Simmons & Larry Fox, SNCC. November 28 1966
1966 Dear Bros and Sisters (report on anti-draft tour), Michael Simmons & Larry Fox, SNCC. November 28 1966
1968 From Kingston Springs to Peg Leg Bates (re upcoming SNCC meeting), December 1966
1966 SNCC: Report of the Program Secretary, Cleveland Sellers, SNCC. December 2 1966
1966 Grass Roots Organizing Project (GROP), Unsigned SNCC. December 8 1966
1966 Some Comments From the Staff Meeting and Why White People Should be Excluded From the Meeting, Unsigned, SNCC. Undated 1966
1966? Towards a Theory of Communications, unsigned, SNCC. Undated (probably 1966 or later)
1966? An Analysis of the Civil Rights Movement, John Churchville, SNCC. Undated (possibly 1966)
1966Memo: Economizing ... beginning with the WATS line, Jim Forman, SNCC. Undated (possibly December 1966)
66? 67? Report to the Central Committee, Marion Barry, Free D.C. Movement. Undated (possibly 1966 or 1967)
1966? SNCC caroling sing-in flyer, Unsigned, SNCC & Fifth Avenue Peace Parade Committee. Undated (possibly 1966 or 1967)
1967 SNCC Documents
1967? Why Student Voice?, Unsigned, SNCC. Undated (possibly 1967)
66? 67?The Atlanta Project Has an Office at 142 Vine St., unsigned notice and staff list. Undated 1966 or 1967
1967 On Political Organizing, Jim Forman, SNCC. undated 1967
1967? SNCC San Francisco Office Raided, Unsigned, SNCC. Undated (possibly 1967)
1967George Wallace research report, Jerry DeMuth, SNCC. 1967
1967Statement on MacLaurin vs. The State of Mississippi, Unsigned, (SNCC). January 1967
1967 Aframerican: News You Can Use, Volume III. SNCC, January 12 1967, (Large file)
1967 SNCC: Decisions of the Central Committee, January 20-23 1967
1967 SNCC Student Voice Prospectus, unsigned SNCC. January 1967
1967Statement on racisms, imperialism, and Stokely Carmichael's visit to Puerto Rico, Stokeley Carmichael SNCC, Movement for Puerto Rican Independence (MPI), Federation of University Students for Independence (FUPI). January 25, 1967
1967 Speech at the University of Puerto Rico, Stokely Carmichael, SNCC. January 25 1967
1967 Speech to University of Puerto Rico student body, Stokely Carmichael, SNCC. January 28, 1967
1967 Don't Shut Me Out! Some Basic Steps Towards Becoming a Good Political Organizer, James Forman, SNCC. February 1967
1967 Seven SNCC Workers Indicted, Unsigned SNCC. March 7 1967
1967Notification of decision to expel Atlanta project (AKA "Vine Street Project"), SNCC Central Committee, March 7, 1967
1967 Church Bombings: the American Way of Racism, Stokely Carmichael, SNCC. March 15 1967
1967 Publications Available from the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, unsigned SNCC. March 17, 1967
1967 SNCC Statement on Apartheid, Racial Discrimination, & Colonialism
1967Note to Howard Zinn re help with SNCC application for NGO status with United Nations, Shirley Wright, SNCC. 4/21/67
1967 NY SNCC Newsletter, Unsigned, SNCC. May 1967
1967 Facts About the TSU Five and Their Indictment For Murder and ..., Unsigned, SNCC. Undated 1967 (probably May or June)
167 Will They Die! Five SNCC Members Charged With Murder in Houston, SNCC Communications. May 17 1967
1967Notes on Puerto Rico for SNCC, unsigned SNCC research. 5/1/67. 9 pages.
1967 SNCC Summer Project '67, brochure
1967 Statement to Afro-Asian Missions to the United Nations on Events in Prattville, Alabama, James Forman, SNCC. June 13 1967
1967 Five SNCC Members Charged With Murder, James Forman, SNCC. July 1967. Texas Southern University (TSU), police fusillade and mass arrests.
1967 SNCC Appeals to the United Nations re American racism and the TSU Five. James Forman, SNCC. July 1967.
1967 Statement by H. Rap Brown on Prattville Alabama Situation, June 13 1967
1967 Telegram to government officials re police repression in Pratville AL, H. Rap Brown, SNCC. June 1967
1967Sunflower County Elections, Bob Fletcher, SNCC. June 25, 1967
1967 The Palestine Problem: Test Your Knowledge, Ethel Minor, SNCC. July
The Middle-East Crisis, SNCC. August 15 1967
1967 Statement by Rap Brown in Response to His Continued Imprisonment, August 20 1967
1967 An Urgent Message From New York SNCC (re Chase Manhattan Bank, apartheid & "TSU Five"), James Forman, SNCC. July 1967
1967 Excerpt From SNCC Meeting Regarding Relation With Saul Alinsky
1967 Who Are the Real Outlaws? H. Rap Brown, SNCC. July '67. Pamphlet version in English & Spanish.
1967? Black People's Convention flyer, Unsigned, SNCC. September 9 1967?
1967 Speech to Black Caucus of NCNP by James Forman, Sept.
1967 Perspective on the Atlanta Rebellion, Julius Lester & other SNCC. Undated 1967
1967 Report to SNCC Staff on Trip to Cuba, George Ware.
1967 Amicus Brief in Support of H. Rap Brown's Appeal From his Bail Restrictions, SNCC petition. October 1967
1967 SNCC Statement to UN General Assembly, James Forman, SNCC. Nov. 17. 18 pages.
1967 Preventitive House Arrest of Chairman H. Rap Brown, Unsigned, SNCC. December 1967
1967 Vietnam, 20-page illustrated pamphlet by Julian Bond, SNCC. Drawings by T.G. Lewis
1968?  1967 High Tide of Black Resistance, James Forman. 27-page pamphlet.
1968 SNCC Documents
1968 SNCC Calendar (fundraising item)
1968Support for Gulfcoast Pulpwood Assoc. strike, Jerry DeMuth, SNCC. Undated 1968
1968 A Letter from Prison from H. Rap Brown, H. Rap Brown. SNCC. February 21, 1968
1968Houston TX SNCC Fund Appeal, Unsigned. Undated (probably 1967 or '68)
1968Honky Harrassment of Chairman Rap, unsigned SNCC. March 3, 1968
1968Call to defend H. Rap Brown, Robert Greenblatt, National Mobilization Committee. March 14, 1968
1968Statement on arrest and persecution H. Rap Brown in Louisiana, signed by many groups and individuals, SNCC. March, 1968
1968 Statement of Demands for Rights of the Poor, SCLC/PPC. May 1 1968
1968 SNCC Must Survive!, Unsigned L.A. SNCC. May 4, 1968
1968 To the Students of Mexico, James Forman, SNCC International Affairs Commission
1968 The New SNCC, James Forman, SNCC
1968Memo announcing expulsion of Stokely Carmichael from SNCC, SNCC Central Committee, July 1968
1970s? SNCC lawsuit against the U.S. government for illegal survelliance and unlawful harrasment. Undated (possibly some time in the 1970s)
1969 & Later SNCC Documents
1969SNCC fund appeal, Phil Hutchings, SNCC. February 19, 1969
1969 The Southwest Georgia Project for Community Education (proposal), Charles Sherrod, Willie Anderson, Robert McClary. SNCC. June 1969
1970Civil Rights Killers and the Courts, Jerry DeMuth, SNCC. July 1970
1970Mississippi law makes school attendance non-compulsory, Jerry DeMuth, SNCC. August 1970
1971Mining safety and health of miners, interviews from the summer of 1971. Jerry DeMuth, SNCC
1973Mississippi's Lonely Black Legislator about Robert Clark, Jerry DeMuth, SNCC. Undated 1973
  SNCC Document Collection. Guide to the SNCC collection currently stored at the King Center in Atlanta.
  James Forman Papers. Finding Aid to the Collection in the Library of Congress.


** Southern Student Organizing Committee (SSOC) Documents **

See Southern Student Organizing Committee (SSOC) for background.

SSOC Newsletters

Undated The Southern Tenant Farmers Union, H.L. Mitchell. Undated SSOC reprint, probably 1960s. (8-page pamphlet)
1962Report on white southern student project, Bob Zellner, SCEF. May 1962 (for 61-62 school year)
63? 64? Prospectus for the White Student Project, Kay Holler, WSSP. Undated (possibly late 1963 or early 1964)
64? A Proposal for Expanded Work Among Southern White Students and an Appalachian Project, Sam Shirah, SCEF. Undated (possibly 1964)
1964? Prospectus for a Campus Oriented Program, Ed Hamlett, SNCC/SSOC. Undated (possibly 1964)
1964 Organization of Students From Georgia Tech, Agnes Scott College, and Emory University (GA), Rick Stevens, SNCC. January 31 1964
1964 Prospectus for Atlanta for the White Southern Student Project, Robert Tenny, GSHR? February 19 1964
1964 We'll Take Our Stand (statement by students from predominantly white southern colleges and communities), unsigned SSOC. Nashville, April 4 1964. OriginalBrochure
1964White Folks Project, Ed Hammett COFO/SSOC. Undate (summer 1964)
1964 The Southern Student Organizing Committee (SSOC)
1964? Proposal for Southern Student Organizing Committee Conferences, Ed Hamlett, Sue Thrasher, SCEF. Undated (presumed 1964)
1964 Report on Southwide Fall Conference at Old Gammon Seminary, SSOC, November 13-15 1964
1964 Stokeley Carmichael speech to SSOC conference, Stokeley Carmichael. SNCC. November 1964
1964 Southern Student Organizing Committee brochure, undated (probably 1964 or '65)
64? 65? Listing of SNCC files, unsigned SNCC. Undated (possibly 1964 or 1965)
65-68 Over 30. Elizabeth Tornquist, SSOC. Critique of "Don't trust anyone over thirty" meme. Undated (1965-68). 6 pages.
1965 SSOC Fund Appeal Letter, Ron Parker, SSOC. January 12 1965
1965 Address to Southern Student Organizing Committee, Stokely Carmichael, SNCC. March 21 1965
1965 SSOC Miscellaneous Documents, Spring 1965
1965 Southern Students Organizing Commitee, undated (assumed to be 1965)
1965 What's Wrong With the War in Vietnam?, Donna Allen & Al Uhrie, distributed by SSOC
1966A Brief History of Duke Employees Local 77, AFSCME AFL/CIO. Peter Brandon & Nancy Park, SSOC. 9 pages.
8/66 Toward a Student Syndicalist Movement or University Reform Revisted. Carl Davidson, SDS. SSOC reprint. August 1966 SDS Convention
1966 Organizing Migrants, Gene Guerrero, SSOC. New South Student, October 1966
1966 Rural Community Organizing and Farmers Organize. John Zippert, CORE/SSOC. March 1966. 6 pages.
1966 Deliberate Depopulation of Whole Areas: A Protest. Albert Solnit, SSOC. Critique of redevelopment, exploitation and economic injustice in Eastern Kentucky. August 1966. 10 pages.
66? 67? Literature Available from the Southern Student Organizing Committee, undated (possibly 1966 or 1967)
66? 67? The New Nonviolence, David Dellinger. Undated.
1967 An Analysis of American Racism. Frank Joyce, PAR/SSOC. Undated (probably 1967) 7 pages.
1967 Memo to SSOC (on organizing whites), Anne Braden.
1967 The Peace Called War, Lyndon Johnson's Poverty Program. David Nolan, SSOC. February 1967. 9 pages.
1967 University Reform, Univ. of Virginia student council campaign platform of Alan Ogden, SSOC. May 1967. 6 pages.
1968? An Alternative to Running Guns, unsigned, SSOC (or SDS?). Undated (possibly 1968)
1968 Toward a Female Liberation Movement, Beverly Jones & Judith Brown SSOC/SDS. New England Free Press. Undated 1968. 40 pages.
1968 Youth as a Class. John and Margaret Rowntree, SSOC. ///comment. February 1968. 31 pages.
1969 The 'War on Poverty:' This Is War?, Rob Burlage, SSOC. Undated 1969.
1969 American Women: Their Use and Abuse. Lynn Wells, SSOC. 23 pages.
1969Freedom Movement for Girls—Now! Vanauken, SSOC. Undated, presumed January 1969. (10 page pamphlet)
1970History of Southern Students Organizing Committee (SSOC), Tom Gardner, 1970
2010Members of the Southern Student Organizing Committee (1964-1969). Prepared for SNCC 50th Anniversary reunion 2010


** Student Campus Activism Documents **

This section contains documents related to on-campus Freedom Movement support and student-rights organizing and activities on southern high school and college campuses.
1960 Letter to the Faculty and Students of the Vanderbilt University Divinity School, Faculty and Students of the Yale University Divinity School Association, March 15 1960.
1960 SNCC Campus Information Form. (For student organizing)
1960 An Appeal for Human Rights, Atlanta students declaration before their sit-ins.
1961 Support letter to all "sit-in" students in jail in York County Jail, SC., National Union of Ghana Students. March 8 1961.
1961 New Frontiers for College Students (workshop announcement), Charles Boyles, Highlander Folk School. April 1961
1962 Oath to Nonviolence and A Guide for Pickets, Atlanta Student Movement (COAHR).
1963 The Eleventh Commandment: Thou Shalt Stay Out of Downtown Birmingham! Flyer 1963. Birmingham Students from Miles, Payne, and Booker T. Washington College.
1963 Third Wave — Hit and Run plans, COAHR (Atlanta Student Movement). Spring.
1963 Please Do Not Patronize the Campus Grill, Nashville TN. Ron Parker & other students.
63? 64? Prospectus for the White Student Project, Kay Holler, WSSP. Undated (possibly late 1963 or early 1964)
63? 64? The Movement Needs You, SNCC. Late '63 or early '64, appeal to Black college students.
???? Summer Honors College, proposal for a summer honors course titled "Social Change in the South." Willard Carpenter, college not identified (probably one of the Atlanta University Center HBCUs. Undated, probably before 1964
???? Who Do We Organize?, SNCC memo by Marion Barry re organzing & recruiting on at HBCUs and need for a college program. Undated (possibly 1964?)
1964 Statement from Ruleville Teenagers, re Inequalities and Problems in Mississippi and in school, 1964
1964 Southern Colleges Campus Program, unsigned SNCC. Undated (probably 1964)
1964 Letter to Lois Chaffee re Rust College (MS) Earnest Smith, Rust College. 10/27/64
1964 National ASM Conference on Afro Youth, Unsigned, Afro American Student Movement. October 30 1964
1964 National Afro American Student Conference on Afro Youth, Nashville TN. Afro American Student Movement (ASM). 10/30-11/1/64
1964 The Mississippi Student Union Convention - December 1964, unsigned, COFO.
1964 Mississippi Student Union (MSU) brochure.
1965 No Freedom In School, Issaquena & Sharkey Co. MS school boycott. Unsigned. February 2nd, 1965.
1964 Platform: Mississippi Freedom School Convention, Student Delegates.
1964 We'll Take Our Stand (statement by students from predominantly white southern colleges and communities), unsigned SSOC. Nashville, April 4 1964. OriginalBrochure
64? 65? Freedom, SNCC brochure for college students. Undated (probably fall '64 - winter '65)
64? 65? Proposal for Lousiana college student conferences, unsigned CORE. Undated (probably 1964 or 1965)
64? 65? Demands, Ruleville MS Student Action Group, Ora Doss, Eddie Johnson, Bobbie Cannon. Date unknown (probably late '64 or early '65)
1965? Louisiana College Campus Report, CORE Southern Regional Office. Undated, probably 1965
1965? They Need Your Help Too, An Appeal to Southern Students, SNCC recruitment flyer. Undated (possibly 1965)
1965Student documents, Alabama State College Freedom Campaign (ASCFM).
Anti-student documents, ASC administration
1965 Alabama State College (ASC) student protests. Montgomery, April.
1965 No Freedom in School! Re student strike in Issaquena & Sharkey Counties. Unsigned SNCC. February 18, 1965
1965 SNCC: State Conference Report Alabama (Campus), March 1965. (Re: state-wide conference of student activists from Alabama Black colleges.)
1965 The Campus Digest, March 20 1965. Tuskegee Institute student newspaper reports on the March 10 protest in Montgomery
1965Selma University student rights campaign. April 1965
 Facts About Selma University, criticisms and problems. Unsigned Selma University students. Undated
 Selma University Grievances and Recommendations, Unsigned Selma University students. Undated
 S.U. Realist #1, Unsigned Selma University students. 4/12/65
 S.U. Realist #2, Unsigned Selma University students. 4/14/65
 S.U. Realist #3, Unsigned Selma University students. 4/15/65
 Signed Selma University student affadavits submitted to Board of Trustees. April 18-20, 1965
 S.U. Realist #4, Unsigned Selma University students. 4/26/65
1965 Memo on 1965 summer projects, Barbara Johnson, John Crossley, Hastings College. April 1965
1965 Alabama State College, appeal for support. Esther Heifets, SNCC. April 11, 1965
1965 Memo on Proposed Temporary Educational Program for Forrest City Arkansas, SNCC, Students for Action Committee. October 1965
1965 Memo to Key Key Campus Contacts re Arkansas student boycott, Unsigned SNCC. October 21, 1965
1965 College Students Needed for CORE Summer Project, CORE brochure.
1965 Transcript of Student Meeting, Atlanta University Center, undated, unsigned. (May have been Student Liberation Front (SLF) event, probably in April 1965.)
1966 Proposal for Financial Assistance to Southern Negro Students, Shirley Wright, SNCC. Undated (probably Spring 1966)
1970 Voices From the South: Black Students Talk About Their Experiences in Desegregated Schools, Betsy Fancher, SRC.


** Voter Education Project (VEP) Documents **

[The Voter Education Project (VEP) was founded in 1961. Under the supervision of the Southern Regional (SRC), VEP funded voter-registration projects by various civil rights organizations across the South. Some of the documents in this section are from VEP the organization, some from projects funded by VEP, and some might be from voter-registration efforts prior to (or unaffiliated with) VEP.]
????Listen! Some Reasons Why Everyone Should Register and Vote, Unsigned (possibly from Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity). Undated.
????Listen! Some Reasons Why Everyone Should Register and Vote, Unsigned (possibly from Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity). Undated.
????Two Minute Talk on Poll Tax and Voting, unsigned (VEP? SCLC?) Undated
????Three Minute Speech unsigned (VEP? SCLC?) Undated
????Registration Report Form to Voter Education Project, date unknown
????Open Every Door flyer, Unsigned. Undated.
????Mississippi Qualifications of Registered Voters, unsigned (probably COFO). Undated (possibly 1962)
1958Why Vote? The ABC's of Citizenship, Unsigned, undated, 1958
1958Facts on the Southern Negro Vote, Unsigned, SCLC. May 22, 1958
1962?A Proposal for a Statewide Voter Registration Campaign in Mississippi, Aaron Henry & Carsie Hall, COFO. Undated, probably the later half of 1962
1962?Proposal for the Mississippi Delta Voter Registration Project, unsigned. Undated, probably the later half of 1962
1962The Events Surrounding the Voter Registration Drive in Ruleville, Bob Moses, SCLC. August, 1962
62? 63? Voter Education Project Reporting Requirments of Recipient Organizations, Thaddeus Olive, Jr., SRC. Undated (possibly 1962 or 63)
62? 63?Voter Registration Program in Mississippi, Bob Moses, COFO. Undated (probably later 1962 or early '63)
1963?Registration Report Form for the Voter Education Project, Unsigned, VEP. Undated (probably 1963)
1963 Letter to Ronnie Moore of CORE re Louisiana literacy test, Jack Minnis, VEP. January 17 1963
1963Voter Education Project Expense Vouchers, Unsigned, COFO. January 13, 1963
1963?Bolivar County MS canvas form, unsigned, COFO. Undated (possibly 1963)
1964 Results of VEP Projects April 2 1962 - December 31 1963, Voter Education Project
1964 Results of VEP Projects April 2 1962 - December 31 1963, Voter Education Project
1964 Second Annual Report of the Voter Education Project, Wiley Branton, VEP. 1964
1966 Memo to NAACP: Official Guidelines for Voter Education Project Grants, John Brooks, NAACP, Vernon Jordan, VEP. February 17 1966
1966 Proposal for Voter Education Project, SCLC to VEP
????Register to Vote Now! flyer, Unsigned. Undated.
1966 Negro-White Voter Registration in the South. Unsigned VEP. State & county level statistics a year or so after Voting Rights Act. Undated (probably late summer 1966). 34 pages.
1967Grant approval for Bolivar County MS voter education project, Vernon Jordan, VEP. April 17, 1967
1967Dear Mrs. Gaddison re candidate recruitment and training in MS. Jordan & Greenberg, VEP. July 13, 1967
1967Register and Vote Campaign, canvas form, Mound Bayou MS. Essie B. Williams. August 1, 1967
1967Bolivar County Register and Vote Campaign, canvas form. Essie B. Williams. August 11, 1967
1967 Poll watchers/workers expense report, Ethel Lu Gadison, location not stated, November 8, 1967
1967Report on workers & expenses, location unknown. Ethel Gaddison, VEP, November 8 1967


** Government & Institutional Documents & Reports **

Literacy Tests & voter applications

U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Documents

Mississippi Sovereignty Commission Documents

Civil Rights - Related Government Documents
Jump to: 1950s & earlier, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968 & later


Chronology of Legislation on Civil Rights 1945-1965 (incl executive actions). Detailed 21-pages. Congressional Quarterly, 1965.

1950s & Earlier Government Documents
1941 Executive Order 8022 prohibiting employment discrimination in defense industries, President Roosevelt, June 25, 1941.
1947To Secure These Rights, The Report of the President's Committee on Civil Rights. President Truman. October 1947 [PDF 180 pages]
1948 Executive Order 9980, Regulations Governing Fair Employment Practices Within the Federal Establishment (desegregating the federal government). President Truman, July 26, 1947 HTML version
1948 Executive Order 9981, Establishing the President's Committee on Equality of Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Services (desegregating the military). President Truman, July 26, 1947 HTML version
1951 UNESCO Report on Race
1953The People Take the Lead, Record of Progress in Civil Rights 1948-1953. Unsigned, Community Relations Service. Undated (presumed 1953)
1955 Rosa Parks Arrest Report, December 1 1955. Montgomery Police Dept.
1956 The Southern Manifesto, Senator Harry Byrd, 19 southern Senators, 77 southern House members. March 12, 1956
1957 Statement by the President (re Little Rock school crisis), President Dwight Eisenhower. September 21 1957
1957 Civil Rights Act of 1957 (text of)
1959 The People Take the Lead: A Record of Progress in Civil Rights 1948-1959 (compendium of government & institutional actions), American Jewish Congress

1960 Government Documents
1960 Civil Rights Act of 1960 (text of)

1961 Government Documents

1962 Government Documents

1962 Alabama Map: Breakdown of White & Negro Voters.
1962 Analysis of Voting Laws Passed: 1962 Regular Session of Mississippi Legislature
1962Notice: Revocation of welfare benefits Bolivar County MS. October 26, 1962
62-66? Threats against student protest, "unsigned, Sunflower County (MS) school board. Undated (1962-1966)

1963 Government Documents
1963-65 Map of central Selma Alabama
1963 The People Take the Lead: A Record of Progress in Civil Rights 1954-1953 (compendium of government & institutional actions), American Jewish Congress, reprinted by U.S. Information Service
1963 Letter to Chuck McDew SNCC re Leflore County MS, Burke Marshall, DoJ. April 5 1963
1963 Memorandum to the President re Civil Rights Commission Resolution (racist violence in Mississippi), Robert Kennedy, Attorney General. April 8 1963
1963 Interim Report of the USCCR, April 16 1963
1963 Memorandum of conversation between President Kennedy and Governor Wallace re Birmingham protests, Pierre Salinger, White House. May 18 1963
1963 Report to the American People on Civil Rights, President Kennedy.
1963 National protest report, Frank Dunbaugh, DoJ. July 9 1963
1963 National protest report, Carl Gabel, DoJ. July 23 1963
1963 Letter to Burke Marshal: "Racial Situation, Americus GA", Jerome Heilbron, DoJ. August 20 1963.
1963 FBI report of Indiana cross-burning at home of SNCC worker, unsigned FBI agent. Oct 29 1963
1963? Memorandum on Racial Discrimination in the U.S. and in Support of the Negro Struggle, African nationalist & anti-colonial organizations. Undated (possibly 1963)

1964 Government Documents
1964Notice: Revocation of welfare benefits Bolivar County MS. May 14, 1964
1964Letter to parents of Freedom Summer volunteer Patrick Thomas in response to protection request, J. Edgar Hoover, FBI. June 18 1964
1964 Civil Rights Act of 1964, text of. USGPO. July 1964
1964MS Senate Bill No. 2027, by Mississippi Legislature (distributed by COFO). Proposed Mississippi law defining civil rights activity as felony criminal syndicalism. May 6, 1964
1964 Foreign Reaction to Passage of the Civil Rights Bill, U.S. Information Agency (USIA). June 25 1964.
1964 Communications from members of Congress re Freedom Summer, Senators Keating & Javits and Representative Reid, June-July 1964
1964 Memorandum for the President re Use of Marshals etc for Law Enforcement in Mississippi, Nicholas Katzenbach, U.S. Attorney General. July 1 1964
1964 Memorandum for the President (re MFDP convention challenge), Bill Moyers, Presidential Aid. August 19 1964.
1964 Letter to Lois Chaffee of COFO re federal response. Senator Frank Church, October 14 1964
1964 Phony letter sent to destroy Dr. King by FBI COINTEL program, November 21 1964.

1965 Government Documents
1965Old age assistance denied Bolivar Co. MS Department of Welfare. January 8, 1965
1965 The President's Proposed 1965 Voting Rights Bill, Justice Department? Undated (probably March 1965)
1965Sweeping Voting Rights Bill Proposed in 1965 Congressional Quarterly. Detailed analysis of bill submitted to Congress, March 17, 1965.
1965 The American Promise, LBJ address to Congress on voting rights.
1965 State of Alabama Legislature: Joint Resolution re March to Montgomery, Alabama State Senate. March 19. 1965.
1965Enforcement of the 1964 Civil Rights Act Congressional Quarterly. As of end of March 1965. Detailed analyses
1965Letter to Lucy Montgomery re: Voting discrimination in Selma, Alabama, John Doar, DoJ. Undated (probably April or May of 1965
1965 Alabama Field Interrogation Cards (Dossiers) Targeting Civil Rights Workers
1965 To Fulfill These Rights, President Johnson, commencement address at Howard University.
1965 Memorandum on Voting Legislation, unsigned U.S. Government (possibly Department of Justice). Undated (presumed 1965)
1965 Voting Rights Act of 1965 (text of)
1965 Conscience and Confrontation: ... Summer CRM Volunteers, Univ Wisconsin
1965 Informant's report on SCLC & SCOPE, FBI report, June 10 1965.
1965 Racial Situation Liberty County GA, FBI report, June 28 1965.
1965 Racial Demonstrations Organgeburg SC, FBI report, August 3 1965.
1965 Voter Registration Demonstrations Allendale SC, FBI report, August 12 1965
1965 Possible Racial Violence Major Urban Areas (Savannah GA), FBI report, August 20 1965.
1965 SCOPE Voter Registration Liberty County GA, FBI report, August 30 1965.
1965 Congressional Record report dismissing MFDP challenge, September 17, 1965
1965 SCOPE Jefferson County GA, FBI report, September 30 1965.
1965 Liaison with Groups Sponsoring Integration Racial Matters, FBI report, October 11 1965.
1965 SCOPE Voter Registration Drive Liberty County GA, FBI report, November 11 1965.

1966 Government Documents
1966 Civil Rights Act of 1966 (Defeated)
1966 White House Conference on Civil Rights documents

1967 Government Documents
1967Performance of the FBI in Investigating Violations ..., John Doar. Excerpts 1967
1967Dear Friend ASCS election notice, William Seabron. Dept. of Agriculture. August 2, 1967
1967Mississippi Labor Council Letter, re jobs. Claude Ramsay. September 29, 1967

1968 and Later Government Documents
1968 Civil Rights Act of 1968
1968 Fair Housing Act of 1968
2009 Racial Desegregation of Public Accomodations, NPS
2009 Racial Voting Rights, NPS


*** Movement in the North ***


*** Arkansas SNCC ***


** Misc. & Documents From Other Organizations **
Jump to: 1930s-50s, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969,

Date Unknown Misc & Other Organizations
???? A Guide for the Study of Negro History in the Churches, undated. City Church Project, United Presbytrarian Church.
???? Mississippi Economics ~ Mississippi's New Image, unsigned (possibly CORE), undated.
????Listen! Some Reasons Why Everyone Should Register and Vote, Unsigned (possibly from Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity). Undated.
????Open Every Door flyer, Unsigned. Undated.
???? Let's Take a Look at a Law That Has Been on the Books For a Long Time — the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the Enforcement Act of 1870. Unsigned and undated
??? A Civil Rights Mosaic, CRM background & context info.
1930s-1950s Misc & Other Organizations
1936 The Plight of the Share-Cropper, Norman Thomas, LID. 1934-1936. Sharecroppers and sharecropping political-economic analysis based on survey. 43 pages
1940Appeal to W.E.B. DuBois, re National Sharecroppers Week. Pauli Murray, SFTU. 1/3/1940.
1940sThe Poll Tax Fact Sheet, unsigned National Committee to Abolish the Poll Tax. Undated (probably 1943 or 1947)
1941Letter calling for a march on Washington, by A. Philip Randolph (BSCP) to Walter White (NAACP). March 18, 1941
1941Staighten Up - And Come to the March on Washington Movement. Mobilization flyer. Unsigned. Undated 1941.
1941Why Should We March? Flyer, 1941 March on Washington Movement. Unsigned (presumable MoWM committee). Undated 1941 (possibly May or June)
1941Call to Negro America, Negro March on Washington for Jobs in National Defense. Unsigned MoWM. Undated (possibly June, 1941)
42-43SRC Founding Documents. 3 documents
A Basis for Inter-Racial Cooperation and Development in the South, 12/15/42
Statement of Conference of White Southerners on Race Relations, 4/8/43
Resolutions of the Collaboration Committee, 6/16/43
'47, '50Discrimination Costs YOU Money, Sonya Kaufer, Lee Levy, National Labor Service. 1947, revised & updated by UAW 1950.
1948 What's Your Freedom Worth to You?, organizing brochure, Civil Rights Congress (CRC). Undated (believed 1948)
50? 51? It's Time to Call a Halt!, anti-fascism fund-appeal flyer. Unsigned, Civil Rights Congress (CRC).
1951 Danger America is Being Driven Down the Road to Fascism!, fund-appeal flyer. Unsigned, Civil Rights Congress (CRC). August, 1951
1951 Marxism and Negro Liberation (25-page pamphlet), Gus Hall, CPUSA. May 1951
1951 Declaration of Principles by White Delegates Attending National Negro Labor Council Convention, October 1951
1952Shop-Talk, Washington Interracial Workshop (CORE) newsletter, 2/12/52
1952Shop-Talk, Washington Interracial Workshop (CORE) newsletter, 5/13/52
1952Benefit Party flyer celebrating successful direct-action campaign to desegregate Rosedale playground in Washington DC, Washington Interracial Workshop (CORE), 11/22/52
1952 Jim Crow Murder of Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Moore, George Brietman, Socialist Workers Party. March 1952.
1953 The Negro People in the United States, Howard Selsam, Jefferson School of Social Science (CPUSA). 32-page research analysis including 10-page civil rights timeline.
1953Next Steps in the Struggle for Negro Freedom, Hugh Bradley, CPUSA
1953 The Jewish People and the Fight for Negro Rights, Sanford Goldner. Committee for Negro Jewish Relations 1953. (60-page pamphlet)
1954 Let Freedom Ride the Rails, National Negro Labor Council (NNLC). 1954
1954Repeal the Gag Law! flyer opposing Communist Control Act, unsigned Civil Rights Congress. Undated, probably 1954
1955Literacy test questions & voting rights materials, Washington County Democratic Club (Black organization), Greenville MS. March, 1955
1955 The "Crimes" of Claude Lightfoot and Junius Scales, Civil Rights Congress. 16-page pamphlet.
1955Desegregation! Labor's Stake in the Fight for Negro Equality, Jean Simon, SWP. October 1955
1955 Behind the Lynching of Emmet Louis Till, Louis Burnham, Freedom Associates. December 1955. 16-page pamphlet.
1955? Democracy vs Force and Violence!, unsigned United Electrical Workers. Undated (probably late 1955)
1955? The Negro People on the March, Benjamin Davis, CPUSA. March 1956
1956 Rally for Civil Rights, Baltimore flyer, unsigned Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, Maryland Division. 5/15/56
1956Academic Freedom 1956, unsigned Rights, ECLC. April, 1956
1956 GOP Double-Dealing on Civil Rights, presidential campaign flyer. Democratic National Committee (DNC), undated 1956 (probably September or October)
1957? Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story Comic Book. (Fellowship of Reconciliation)
1957Summary of Research Library Situations, Whitney M. Young, Atlanta Council on Human Relations (ACHR). 1957
1957 Summary of Research on Library Situation, Atlanta, GA. Whitney Young, ACHR. 1957
1957 The Un-American in Congress, What Congress Should do to Guarantee Southern Rights, unsigned Rights, ECLC. April, 1957
1958Why Vote? The ABC's of Citizenship, brochure on voting by Channing Bete Corp, 1958
1958We Open the Gates, Labor's Fight for Equality. Harry Fleischman, James Rorty, UAW. September 1958. 64-page pamphlet.
1959 Letter to Student Leaders re Youth March for Integrated Schools, February 13 1959.
1959 On to Washington! Mass Youth Rally, April. Youth March for Integrated Schools.
1959 Why We March.
1959 Program, 8th Annual Conference Mississippi Regional Council of Negro Leadership
1959Letter re providing assistance to Mound Bayou, MS. Garnet Guild, AFSC. November 17, 1959
1959Letter re providing assistance to Mound Bayou, MS. Garnet Guild, November 30, 1959
1959Note re clothing for children in Mississippi, Patsy H. December 23, 1959
???? People With Strength: the Story of Monroe NC (38-page pamphlet), Truman Nelson. Undated.
????Memo to prospective voluneers, Secondris Hawkins, Washington DC Urban League. Undated
????Mound Bayou MS canvas sheet (Bolivar Co.), Unsigned, undated
1960 Misc & Other Organizations
1960 A Call for Immediate Mass Action!, A. Phillip Randolph
1960 All Baton Rougeans Have a Stack in Baton Rouge, Unsigned, FOA. 1960
1960 Letter to the Faculty and Students of the Vanderbilt University Divinity School, Faculty and Students of the Yale University Divinity School Association, March 15 1960.
1960 Student Protest Movement (continued) (page missing?). List of student anti-segregation actions in April 1960. Unsigned SRC?
1960 Sit-ins: A Chronological Listing of the Cities In Which Demonstrations Have Occurred, February 1 - March 31 1960, authors unknown.
1960 Bulletin #2, Committee for Information on the Race Problem, Richmond, VA. April 1960.
1960 Eviction Notice, Letter evicting white civil rights workers from Atlanta apartment for "associating with Colored men on a social basis."
1960Don't Ride City Busses, flyer. Unsigned Jackson Nonviolent Movement. Undated 1960
1960 Excerpts, Platform and Principles of the Mississippi State Democratic Party (white-only, pro-segregation). Unsigned. June 30, 1960
1960 Mississippi State Democratic Party Platform, (white-only, pro-segregation)
1960 All Baton Rougeans Have a Stack in Baton Rouge, Unsigned, FOA. 1960
1960 The Old Order Changeth, list of Virginia stores no longer segregating their lunch counters as of September 1st. J. Rupert Picott, Virginia Teachers Association (VTA).
1960 An Open Statement supporting boycott of stores with segregated lunch counters. Virginia Teachers Association (VTA). 9/3/60
1961 Misc & Other Organizations
1961 Report on Visit to Fayette and Haywood Counties Tennessee, Anderson, Nelson & McKrackin. Peacemakers.
1961 A Call for Help, Operation Freedom (Fayette/Harwood Counties, TN).
61-69 Public Opinion Polls on Civil Rights Movement activities 1961-1969, Roper Center for Public Opinion Research: Gallup, Louis Harris & Associates, Newsweek polls (Compiled by the Roper Center archive).
1961Communist Party summary report of recent civil rights events excerpted from Labor Fact Book #15. Unsigned, Labor Research Assoc. May 1961
1961 Report on African Attitudes Towards the American Negro and the American Negro Attitudes Towards Africa, unsigned. Adapted from AMSAC special meeting of May 27, 1961. 6 pages.
1961 This Mother is Proud Her Daughter is in Jail, letter to the editor from the mother of a Freedom Rider
1961 Voice of the Movement, Student Central Committee, Nashville Christian Leadership Conference. July 16 1961
1961 ACMHR Newsletter, July 1961.
1961 Memorandum on voter registration campaign, unsigned SRC. 8/23/61. 7 pages.
1962 Misc & Other Organizations
1962The Turning Point in Freedom Road: the Fight to End Jim Crow Now, Claude Lightfoot, CPUSA. 32-page pamphlet.
1962? Sample Sections of the Mississippi Constitution, unsigned, undated (probably used in voter-education program).
???? Easy & hard sections of Mississippi Constitution, unsigned, (probably used in voter-education or to illustrate unfairness of "literacy" test). Undated (1962-1964)
1962 Notes: Chronology of Student Sit-Ins and Freedom Rides 1960-1961, Howard Zinn.
1962 Oath to Nonviolence and A Guide for Pickets, Atlanta Student Movement (COAHR).
1962 Letter to Len Holt re appeal for Brenda Travis, Charles McDew, James Forman, SNCC. March 27, 1962
1962 Mississippi: Lack of Counsel for Negroes in General, Unsigned letter. March 27, 1962
1962 Letter to Chuck McDew from Len Holt re: Freeing Brenda Travis, April 2 1962.
1962 The Deep South: Ways & Means to Integration conference, ACMHR, SNCC, SCEF. April 1962
1962 Mississippi Political Handbook, Bill Higgs, April 1962
1962 Memorandum on Presentation of Petition Challenging June 5 1962 Democratic Primary. Unsigned. Undated (presumably June or July of 1962)
1962 Student Nonviolent Movement of the Nashville Christian Leadership Council, John Lewis & Elizabeth Harbour. November call to action.
1962? Appeal for Action Against Apartheid, Martin Luther King & Albert Luthuli, American Committee on Africa. Undated (possibly 1962)
???? Case Study: Statements of Discipline of Nonviolent Movements, unsigned, undated. (Apparently used in nonviolence training.)
1963 Misc & Other Organizations
???? Summer Honors College, proposal for a summer honors course titled "Social Change in the South." Willard Carpenter, college not identified (probably one of the Atlanta University Center HBCUs. Undated, probably before 1964
1963Communist Party summary report of recent civil rights events excerpted from Labor Fact Book #16. Unsigned, Labor Research Assoc. May 1963
62? 63?Victims of Voter Registration, A Call for Help from Mississippi, Unsigned, OFC. Undated (probably late '62 or early '63)
62? 63?Harassments, Boycotts, Shootings, regarding Ruleille MS. Unsigned, OFC. Undated (probably late '62 or early '63)
1963 Report on Negro Christian leadership training, William Davis. 1963
1963The Freedom Fighter, unsigned Ku Klux Klan. December 1963
1963 Prince Edward County Virginia - Recent Legal Developments, Jean Fairfax, AFSC. Jan 2nd 1963.
1963 Letter to Ronnie Moore of CORE re Louisiana literacy test, Jack Minnis, VEP. January 17 1963
1963 Proposal for Movement radio station, Peter Stoner. January 17 1963
1963 Notes on the Delta Area of Mississippi, Jack McArt, Operation Freedom Committee (OFC). February 1963
1963Freedom Movement endorsement, Greenwood MS ministers. April 1, 1963
1963Voter Registration Campaign Report of Excuses, Unsigned, Greenwood MS activists. April 1, 1963
1963 The Eleventh Commandment: Thou Shalt Stay Out of Downtown Birmingham! Flyer 1963. Birmingham Students from Miles, Payne, and Booker T. Washington College.
1963 Data on Social & Economic Characteristics of the Southern States, National Student YMCA. April 1963
1963 Third Wave — Hit and Run plans, COAHR (Atlanta Student Movement). Spring.
1963 Fayette County Workcamps Newsletter, Virgie Hortenstein. May 1963.
1963Memo criticizing peace movement leaders for undermining the March on Washington (by implying communist influence), Cox, Farnsworth, Peretz, TTP. April 27, 1963
1963Selected Data on Social and Economic Characteristics of the Southern States, Human Relations Special Project, National Student Young Women's Christian Association of the United States of America, (YWCA). April 1963
1963 Appeal to Voters, June 1963. Iberville Industrial Voters League
1963 Do Negroes of Gadsden Know Their Place? Satirical flyer urging participation in the protests. Possibly written by East Gadsden Brotherhood activists in June or July.
1963? Dear Friend, fund appeal letter, John Barnum Jr, Sumter County Movement (GA). Undated (probably 1963)
1963Essay on Hartman Turnbow, violence, and economic situation in the Mississippi Delta, unsigned. Undated (presumed mid-1963)
1963 Treaty of Cambridge agreement between Gloria Richardson of CNAC, local officials and the Justice Department. format-1   format-2, July 2 1963.
1963? Over 70 Arrested, Protestors Pack Jail, Unsigned, CNAC. Undated (probably 1963)
1963 Cambridge, Maryland: A Case Study, Connie Brown, CNAC student volunteer. Undated (possibly the later half of 1963)
1963 Stop Look Listen, Special Message to Self-Respecting Negroes flyer. Unsigned Jackson Movement. Undated (probably summer 1963)
1963The Constitution as it Affects Negros, unsigned. Undated (probably July 1963)
1963 The Negro Ward of Cambridge Maryland: A Study in Social Change, 75-page report. Summer Staff, CNAC. September 1963
1963 The Student Peace Union and Civil Rights, SPU. June 1963
1963 Stay Out of Segregated Stores flyer, Anti-Segregation Movement (ASM), Charleston SC. 1963
1963 March on Washington (Multiple documents) (Articles, documents, speeches & organizing materials, multiple organizations)
1963 Statement on Discrimination Practices Affecting Programs of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Sharecroppers Fund (NSF), August 29 1963
1963 Problems Related to Unemployment in the Vicinity of Hazard, Kentucky, Richard Greenberg & ERAP staff. September 1963
1963 Memorandum: National Day of Mourning, Bayard Rustin, September 20 1963.
1963 Freedom Now! New State in the Struggle for Negro Emancipation (pamphlet), Unsigned SWP, October '63
1963 The Condition of Farm Workers in 1963, Fay Bennett, National Sharecroppers Fund (NSF) 1964. Dense, four-page research & analysis.
1963 Please Do Not Patronize the Campus Grill, Nashville TN. Ron Parker & other students.
1963 Comparative Analysis of Three Versions of the Civil Rights Bill (1964 Act), Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, November 1963.
1963 Will Christmas in Mississippi Be Like Christmas in America? Dick Gregory, November 1963.
1963 Dear Mr. President (response to Kennedy assassination), Council for United Civil Rights Leadership. November 26 1963
1963Template: media equal-time, community service request form. Unsigned Student Civil Liberties Coordinating Committee (SCLCC). Undated (possibly November 1963) Enforcement of federal broadcast regulations.
1963Equal Time on Radio and TV, November 29 1963. Unsigned Student Civil Liberties Coordinating Committee(?) 11/29/63. Enforcement of federal broadcast regulations.
  News From Fayette County Workcamps, Virgie Hortenstein. Dec. 1963
1963 Christmas Boycott Flyer, Jackson MS Movement, December 1963
1963 Prospectus for Civil Rights Program of the NSMCC, unsigned Northern Student Movement Coordinating Committee (NSMCC). Undated 1964
63? 64? Negro Voting in Louisiana, Baton Rouge Committee on Registration Education. Undated (probably 1963 or 1964)
1963 Walk Arrested in Georgia [Albany], December 1963. Unsigned CNVA
1963 Flash From Albany GA, December 1963. Unsigned CNVA
????Proposal: Civil Rights Information Service, funding proposal. Robert McNamara III. Undated (possibly 1963-1964)
1964 Misc & Other Organizations
1964 What You Should Know About, unsigned NSF, distributed by CORE. Undated
Acreage Allotment Programs (cotton, rice, peanuts)
Surplus Food Programs
How Farmer Coops Can Help You
Farmers Home Administration Loans
1964? Federal Litigation in Mississippi (re voting rights), unsigned (possibly COFO or ACLU). Undated (assumed early 1964)
???? Mississippi Registration (laws governing voter registration), Unsigned. Undated
1964? A Proposal for Expanded Work Among Southern White Students and an Appalachian Project, Sam Shirah, SCEF. Undated (possibly 1964)
1964? On the Long Road to Freedom, flyer. Unsigned. Undated, possibly 1964.
1964Selective Buying Campaign! flyer. Rev. F.L. Shuttlesworth, ACMHR/SCLC. Undated 1964
1964Petition to the Mississippi Governor opposing segregation, MS, undated 1964. Usigned (possibly Jackson NAACP)
1964Some Provisions for Federal Prosecution in Civil Rights, unsigned. Undated (probably 1964)
1964The State Department's Case Against Patricia Coatsworth, unsigned PCDF. Undated (possibly 1964). Regarding conspiracy charges of violating McCarran-Walter Act (Red Scare law)
1964 A Union That Really Was One, Donald Grubbs, CFL. 1964
64 66Clergy & laity who signed statement on right to dissent, unsigned. Undated (probably 1964-66)
1964 The Meaning of Albany, January 1964. A.J. Muste, CNVA
1964 Notes from a phone conversation with Mrs. F.L. Hamer, Unsigned. January 1964
1964 Memorandum to All Participating Agencies Wiley Branton, VEP. January 14 1964
1964 Results of VEP Projects April 2 1962 - December 31 1963, Voter Education Project
63? 64? Songs of the Southern Freedom Movement, undated (probably 1963 or '64)
1964 From the Mississippi Delta..., Fund-raising brochure of the National Sharecroppers Fund (NSF).
1964 Farmers Attention! Conference on a Better Life for Mississippi Farm Families, February 1964. National Sharecroppers Fund (NSF)
1964 The March on Frankfort, A Study in Protest Organization, Jim Williams, PEP/SDS.
1962 Civil Liberties and Free Speech As Essential Weapons in the Struggle for Civil Rights, Anne & Carl Braden, SCEF for SNCC conference April 27-29, 1962
1964 The Stall-In Worked (& other articles), Earl Price, Committee for Peace Organization (CPO) and End the Draft (ETD). April 1964. (NY World's Fair)
1964 Employment Workshop Booklet, Unsigned, CORE. May 1964
1964 Remarks regarding Mississippi economics, Murray Latimer at Mississippi College. May 30 1964
1964 Petition to Louisiana Governor John J. McKeithen, Citizens Committee, New Orleans. May 28 1964.
1964 King for Congress flyer (Georgia)
1964 Application for Additional Federal Judges During Mississippi Freedom Summer, Lawrence Guyot, Len Holt, J.A. Jordan, Simon Cain. 1964.
1964 Proposal for Free Southern Theater, FST.
1964 SIM Orientation Conference materials, June 1964. (Student Interracial Ministry)
1964 A Minister Counselor in Jackson, MS. Undated. Unsigned
1964 The Crusader, Robert F. Williams. May-June 1964. (Published in exile)
1964 Letter to Pres. Johnson re federal government and violence against Blacks in Mississippi. Harold Taylor for Panel of Citizens. 6/11/64.
1964 Report From Hattiesburg, Bob Beech, Ministers' Project. June 12 1964.
1964Memo: re Three Bombings in McComb Miss, unsigned COFO? SNCC? 6/23/64
1964Drew Freedom Fighter newsletter, MS. Unsigned. July 20, 1964
1964Thoughts on nomination of Goldwater and liberal reaction to it, Kernish? Undated (probabliy August 1964)
1964The Mississippi Power Structure. Unsigned. Undated (possibly summer 1964). Research analysis. 9 pages
1964 Dear Friend re help for community center (MS), Kaufman, Levine, & Lodge, ACSW. August 24 1964
1964 Minutes, National Council of Churches discussion of Mississippi Summer Project, Sept. 18 1964
1964Goldwater and the White Backlash, Tom Kahn, SDS Political Education Project. 1964
1964Resolution of the Parents and Citizens of Washington County, (MS) re school integration and reform. September 1964
1964Free Speech Movement Documents (Berkeley, 1964)
1964 Letter re Mississippi aid, Edgar Stoesz, Mennonite Central Committe. October 7 1964
1964 National Afro American Student Conference on Afro Youth, Nashville TN. Afro American Student Movement (ASM). 10/30-11/1/64
1964 They Need Our Help, fundraising flyer, Yellow Springs OH Friends of the Mississippi Project. November 1964
1965Fact Sheet and Suggestions for Action on the FDP Challenge Unsigned NSM. Undated (probably late 1964)
1964?Personal information about Judith Hampton (handwritten). Unsigned NCCJ? Unsigned (probably 1964 or '65)
64? 65? Essentials of Voter Registration, Unsigned, Democratic Party National Committee (DNC). Undated (probably 1964 or 1965)
1964-67   ASCS Elections, (Multiple Documents & Organizations).
1965-67 Southern Courier, Southern Freedom Movement weekly newspaper
64? 65? Demands, Ruleville MS Student Action Group, Ora Doss, Eddie Johnson, Bobbie Cannon. Date unknown (probably late '64 or early '65)
64? 65? Suggested Timing of Classes, Unsigned. Undated possibly mid-60s
1964Civil suit complaint against Pike County MS (McComb) law enforcement for their repression against Black civil rights. Carsie Hall, SNCC, and many individuals. Undated (possibly November 1964)
1965 Misc & Other Organizations
1965Reports: The Challenge, Commission on Religion & Race, NCC. 1965. 16-page pamphlet about Mississippi, Democratic Convention challenge, and MFDP Congressional Challenge.
1965 The Challenge: It's History, abridged version of Reports: The Challenge listed above.
64? 65? Legal Peace Corps (proposal), unsigned. Undated (possibly '64 or '65 or later)
1965 Statement Opposing Confirmation of Governor J.P. Coleman, Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR). Undated 1965
1965 Prospectus Tougaloo College Computer Education Fund, unsigned. Undated (probably 1965)
1965 Free Southern Theater program & information (Undated, possibly 1965)
1965 The School Boycott, Moultrie, GA, Herman Kitchen
1965 From Protest to Politics: the Future of the Civil Rights Movement, Bayard Rustin. February 1965.
  PDF reprint version, HTML web version
1965 Background Paper: White House Planning Conference, Bayard Rustin.
1965 Appeal for federal action on civil rights & lynching of Chaney, Schwerner, Goodman, Unsigned, academe. February 3 1965.
1965 No Freedom in School! Re student strike in Issaquena & Sharkey Counties. Unsigned SNCC. February 18, 1965
1965 Youth for Brotherhood Program, Unsigned. February 28, 1965
1965 The Campus Digest, March 20 1965. Tuskegee Institute student newspaper reports on the March 10 protest in Montgomery.
1965 We Demand, Committee for the Right to Vote in Selma Alabama. March 1965. (Selma support leaflet from Madison WI?)
1965 A Petition to the Hon. George C. Wallace, unsigned, undated (presumed 1965).
1965 Mississippi's Freedom Schools: The Politics of Education, Florence Howe, Freedom School Director. Retyped from Harvard Education Review, Spring 1965
1965 Dear Friend (call for multi-organization discussions/workshops in DC), March 1965. Unsigned (possibly SNCC, SSOC, MFDP)
1965 Proposal: A Project for Virginia's Black Belt, VSCRC. March 1965.
1965 Virginia Voting rights research, VSCRC
1965 Transcript of Student Meeting, Atlanta University Center, undated, unsigned. (May have been Student Liberation Front (SLF) event, probably in April 1965.)
1965 Memo on 1965 summer projects, Barbara Johnson, John Crossley, Hastings College. April 1965
1965Suggested Action for Including New Elections in Voting Legislation. Unsigned, many groups. Undated (possibly April of 1965)
1965 Alabama State College (ASC) student protests. Montgomery, April.
     Student documents, Alabama State College Freedom Campaign (ASCFM).
     Anti-student documents, ASC administration
1965 The Story of Selma: the Other Side of the Coin, Dallas County Alabama Chamber of Commerce. April 6, 1965 (Racist, anti-voting rights pamphlet.)
1965Alabama State College, appeal for support. Esther Heifets, SNCC. April 11, 1965
1965 Fund appeal letter to SRC re Southern Courier, Ellen Lake, Peter Cummings, SC. April 3 1965
1965National gathering of students in Washington DC., Nancy Cooper, SNCC. April 8, 1965
1965Statement on Student March on Washington (SDS-organized march opposing the Vietnam War), Bayard Rustin, Norman Thomas and others, April 16, 1965
1965Memorandum (challenging Rustin-Thomas statement), Gardner Cox, Anne Farnsworth, Martin Peretz, April 27, 1965
1965Operation Freedom Helps in Selma, Rev. Maurice McCrackin, OFC. April 1965
1965 Role of the Community Organizer, Howard Romaine. (Virgina Students Civil Rights Committee, first half of 1965.)
1965Washington DC Summer Action Project, Mary King & Dennis Sweeny. June, 1965
1965Parish of Orleans legal retainer, Lolis Elie. June, 1965
1965 Citizens of Jackson Wake Up! Protest flyer, June 1965.
1965 Summons, Contempt of Court, against COFO, MFDP, DM. July 2 1965
1965Letter to Lucy Montgomer re funds for Assembly of Unrepresented People (AUP), A.J. Muste, CNVA. 7/13/65. Anti-Vietnam War gathering.
1965Communist Party summary report of recent civil rights events excerpted from Labor Fact Book #17. Unsigned, Labor Research Assoc. August 1965
1965Dear Friend of Freedom, fund appeal for integrated Young Democratic Club of Mississipi. Joyce Brown. 8/2/65. (Handwritten)
1965We Declare Peace, Call for an Assembly of Unrepresented People (AUP). Washington DC August 6-9, 1965. Bob Parris, Eric Weinberger, many others. (Early mimeod version)
1965 Call for an Assembly of Unrepresented People, Washington, DC, August 6-9. Bob Parris (Moses) SNCC, Eric Weinberger CORE. (Later printed version)
1965 To the Pastor, Officers, and Members of this Church, Committee of Berkeley County, SC. August 12 1965.
1965 Letter announcing Tennessee Freedom Labor Union, Signatures illegible. August 27 1965
1965Action Needed After Recent Violence in Jackson (re Jackson mass arrests), WIMS Staff. August 25, 1965
1965 Experiment in Virginia, Southern Patriot, September '65 (Re: Virginia Students Civil Rights Commitee (VSCRC)
1965 Peacemaker: Orientation Program in Nonviolence, Unsigned, Catholic Worker. September 7 1965
1965 Conscience and Confrontation: Some Preliminary Findings on Summer Civil Rights Volunteers, Aiken, Demerath & Marwell, Univ. of Wisconsin. 1965. (Sometimes referred to as the "Wisconsin Study.")
1965 Demonstrations and the Necessity Thereof, Sammy Young, TIAL.
1965 Report & fund appeal to major donor, Gustav Heningburg, LDF
1965 Suggested Recruiting Procedure, Unsigned, NSA. December 1965
1965 Freedom Christmas voter registration volunteers, unsigned NSA (page missing). Undated 1965 (probably October or November)
1965 Voter Registration Volunteers Needed for Freedom Christmas, Steve Arons, Tim Correll, NSA. Undated 1965 (probably November or early December)
1965 The Freedom Christmas Volunteer, Unsigned, NSA. December 1965
1965 Freedom Christmas recruiting volunteers, Unsigned, NSA. December 1965
1965 Freedom Christmas's recruitment form, Unsigned, NSA. December 1965
1965 Something of Our Own – Part I and Part II, Maria Varela, SNCC & West Batesville Farmers Cooperative. December 1965.
65? The Activist, Tuskegee Institute Advancement League (TIAL). 1965? 30-page magazine. (Note that cover and a couple of pages are missing.)
1965? The Interpreter, Mississippi Council on Human Relations (MCHR). Undated, possibly 1965
1965?An Example of How the Poor Peoples Corporatio Might Work. Unsigned, SNCC? Undated (possibly 1965)
1966 Misc & Other Organizations
????Register to Vote Now! flyer, Unsigned. Undated.
1966? Building a New Mississippi, Freedom Now Brick Co. Undated (possibly 1966)
1966 This is the story of folks Black like me..., Brumsic Brandon cartoon, reprinted by CORE & SNCC
65? 66? Fact Sheet: The Poor People's Corporation, unsigned, undated.
1966?Poor People's Corporation is Being Talked About, press clippings, unsigned PPC. Undated (probably late 1965 or 1966)
1966?The P.P.C. & The Cooperatives, Unsigned, NSA. Undated
1966?Report re Poor's People's Corperation Personnel Program, Unsigned, NSA. Undated (probably 1966 or 1967)
1966? Poverty Program Primer: Community Action Groups, Ted Seaver, Medgar Evers Neighborhood Guild, MS. Undated (possibly 1966).
1966 Fact Sheet: Sunflower County Project and Mississippi Freedom Labor Union, unsigned, undated.
1966 News From the USNSA Civil Rights Desk, 1/21/66
Why Was Sammy Younge Killed?
Southern CORE 1966
Julian Bond Denied Seat
Klan Investigation
1966 Emergency Appeal, re Greenville Air Base occupaton and Mississippi poverty. Unsigned PPF. January 28, 1965
1966 Report on Alabama Justice, February 1966. Conference on Alabama Justice, Tuskegee, AL. Ad Hoc Committee for Justice in Macon County.
1966 Poor Peoples Fund, letter & brochure.
1966Liberty House sales catalog, Jesse Morris, Poor Peoples Corporation. 2/16/66
1966Hobson DC school desegregation case financial appeal, Atty. William Kunstler. May 3, 1966
1966 Letter re anti-colonial struggle in Zimbabwe and Britain's role, T.G. Silundika, ZAPU. May 11, 1966
1966 Coahoma County Progressive Vothers League letter about elections, R.L. Drew. CCPVL. May 19, 1966
1966Freedom Drivers Bulletin #3, Barbara Mitchell, Freedom Drivers. May 19 1966
1966 SNCC Does Not Wish to Become the White Man's Burden, I.E. Stone. SNCC reprint. June 10, 1966
1966 Draft Manifesto of the James Meredith March for Freedom in Mississippi, June 1966. By March leaders.
1966 Carolina Contrast, August 20 1966. (State-wide newsletter published by South Carolina Voter Education Project)
1966 Child Development Group of Mississippi, Histories of Children, Employees, Centers, Community Support, CDGM, September, '66. (20-page pamphlet.)
1966 How to Get Food Money for Your Center, CDGM. (Hand-drawn training material.)
1966 Stresses of the White Female Worker in CRM, Dr. Alvin Poussaint
1966 Have You Ever Been One Day Late? Shutz Defense Committee. (Flyer protesting Simuel Schutz prison sentence in military-draft case.)
1966? Southern School Desegregation Statistics, unattributed (possibly SNCC)
1966 Report on a Meeting of Community Organizers in MS., Sue Lorenzi & Alex Shimkin, FIS
1966 State-Wide Poverty Meeting, Fannie Lou Hamer. Mississippi flyer, November 1966
1966 Mississippi congressional districts before and after Voting Rights Act (showing how the districts were redrawn to prevent an Afro-American from being elected).
66? 67? The Delta Speaks - About the Power Structure and O.E.O, Daisy Lewis, Director Holmes County MS Community Center, undated.
66? 67? Do You Make Under $3,000 Per Year? (flyer about the poverty program), undated (possibly 1966 or 1967) Unsigned
66? 67? The Real Demands, Unsigned, Afro-Americans Against the War in Vietnam (AAAWV). Undated (possibly 1966 or '67)
66? 67? This Country Has Gone Mad, Donna Allen, Al Uhrie. Undated (possibly 1966 or 1967)
1966? Black Power and its Challenges, Berkeley conference. Unsigned. October 29 1966
1966? In Defense of Black Power, Sy landy and Charles Capper. ISC/SDS. Undated (Possibly 1966)
1967 Misc & Other Organizations
1967Bolivar County Handbook for Voter Education, Unsigned, Bolivar County Education Committee. Undated, 1967
1967 The Crusader, Vol 8, No 2. Robert F. Williams, January 1967. (Published in exile.)
1967 Tufts University invitation, Daniel Mitchell. Tufts University. January 3, 1967
1967 Black Natchez, transcript and background of film, Edward Pincus & David Neuman.
1967 A Freedom Budget for All Americans, A. Phillip Randolph Institute (APRI), January 1967
1967 COPE Letter re Voter Registration Workshops, Claude Ramsay, AFL-CIO. March 28 1967
1967 The P.P.C. Speaks People of Freedom City, MS. January 1967. (Poor Peoples Corporation? Poor Peoples Campaign?)
1967 Statement of Former NSA Officers and Staff on NSA-CIA Controversy, March 1967.
1967 Letter to OEO office re local board structure, Earl Davis, Amzie Moore. April 14 1967
1967 King-Powell-Malcolm on Vietnam, march flyer (NYC), Unsigned Fifth Avenue Vietnam Peace Parade Committee. April 15 1967
1967 Letter to: Revolutionary Brothers and Sisters, Black Power Committee, Howard University. April 22 1967
1967Letter to Amzie Moore, re formation of MUTENC committee, Joseph Harris. July 11, 1967
1967 Let the Man Know Hell No We Won't Go, Washington DC rally flyer, Unsigned (probably Howard University student group). May 8 1967
1967 Organized Labor and the Black Worker United Electric Workers (UE). August 1967. 28 pages.
1967Letter to Amzie Moore re SRRP project to investigate discrimination in federal programs, Donald Jelinek. SRRP. June 14, 1967
1967 To Get That Power, fundraising brochure. Mississippians United to Elect Negro Candidates 1967
1967 Letter to Amzie Moore re working with MUTENC committee, Joseph Harris. MUTENC. July 26, 1967
1967 Bolivar Community Action Program memorandum: Community Action Meetings, Earl E. Davis, Kemper H. Smith. Bolivar CAP. July 27, 1967
1967 Telegram from Movement leaders criticizing SNCC for proposing protest against Luci Johnson's wedding, Dr. King, Roy Wilkins, A. Phillip Randolph, and Whitney Young. August 1967
1967 The Freedom Budget, opposing-views, Robert Browne & Leon Keyserling. November 1967
1967Letter re national convention, A.L. Moore. American Legion. August 1, 1967
1967Instructions for Candidates in the Democratic Primary, Fred Wallace, Voter Educational and Security Project. For August 8, 1967
1967Operation Freedom letter re economic aid needed for victims of racist repression, Unsigned OFC. August 11, 1967
1967? Mississippians United to Elect Negro Candidates, Owen Brooks, Lawrence Guyot, MUENC. Undated (probably 1966 or '67)
1967? To Get That Power, Unsigned, MUTENC. Undated 1967)
1967? Hey Brother Want to Die for Whitey in Vietnam? Unsigned Black Anti-Draft
1967 Tougaloo Summer Enrichment Program, Unsigned SNCC. 1967
1967? The Loud, Proud, Black Kids Take a Seven-Week Cure, Miriam Wasserman, Tougaloo summer program? Undated (possibly 1967)
1968 Misc & Other Organizations
1968? For Us Women anti-war, anti-draft flyer. Gwen Patton, National Black Anti-War Anti-Draft Union. Undated (probably 1968)
1968 Dialectics of Black Power, Robert Allen, Guardian newspaper. January 1968
1968 What Must Be Done, Unsigned, SNCC. February 1968
1968 H. Rap Brown political prisoner (page missing?) Unsigned, SDS. February 7, 1968
1968 Statement by Mao Tse-Tung on assassination of Dr. King, April 16, 1968
1968 Black Power Rally Against Columbia University flyer, unsigned New York-Harlem CORE. 4/20/68
1968 Southern Rural Research Project First Annual Report, Don Jelinek, SRRP. May 1968
1968 Planning and Using Resurrection City, John Wiebenson. November 1969
1968 We Have to Fight These Battles Together, MS (possibly Hinds County)
1969 Misc & Other Organizations
1969Southwest Georgia Project for Community Education proposal and funding request by Sherrod, Anderson, McClary. June 1969
1968 Vote Rev. Clint Collier, Mississippi congressional campaign material, November 1968.
1969 Manifesto, James Forman, Black National Economic Development Conference. April 26 1969


Baltimore Civic Interest Group (CIG) &
Nonviolent Action Group (NAG) Washington DC Documents

See Baltimore Sit-ins & Protests for background.
1960 Trespassing in Restaurants ordinance, Baltimore 1960. Maryland annotated code.
60-61? Inside the Sitdowner, George Collins, Baltimore Afro-American
1961 The Sitdowns Came in 1960 But They Remain for 1961, George Collins, Baltimore Afro-American
1961 The Civic Interest Group, Baltimore, MD
1961 Progress Report & Awards, Baltimore: Civic Interest Group (CIG)
1961 Crisfield MD sit-in report, Unsigned, CIG and/or NAG. Late December 1961
63-64 Economics of Equality, Tom Kahn, NAG & LID. 6-page discussion (undated possibly '63 or '64) and 75-page pamphlet 1964


** Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) Documents, Mississippi **
Jump to: 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965

See: Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) Formed in Mississippi for background.

For additional COFO materials See:
       COFO & MFDP Newsletters 1963-1968
       Freedom Movement Press Releases
       WATS & Incident Reports

Note: Over the course of 1964 and 1965, COFO work gradually evolved into MFDP work so see also MFDP Documents

1962 COFO & pre-COFO Documents
1962 Report on Voter Registration — Projected Program (Mississippi), Bob Moses, SNCC & Tom Gaither, CORE. Jan 27 1962. (Written before COFO was formally reconstituted as a voter registration umbrella organization.)
????Mississippi Qualifications of Registered Voters, unsigned (probably COFO). Undated (possibly 1962)
1962?A Proposal for a Statewide Voter Registration Campaign in Mississippi, Aaron Henry & Carsie Hall, COFO. Undated, probably the later half of 1962
1962?Proposal for the Mississippi Delta Voter Registration Project, unsigned. Undated, probably the later half of 1962
1962 Mississippi Adult Education Program June meetings:
     Workshop Schedule, at Mt Beulah Center
     Governing Board report, David Lollis
     Report on workshops, Bob Moses
1962Legal memorandum re challenging Democratic primary in Mississippi, unsigned. Undated (presumably after June 5, 1962)
1962The Events Surrounding the Voter Registration Drive in Ruleville, Bob Moses, SCLC. August, 1962
62? 63?A Program for a State-Wide Voter Registration Campaign in Mississippi, Aaron Henry, Carsie Hall, COFO. Undated (probably 1962-1964)
62? 63? Dear Friends, emergency food & clothing appeal, Unsigned COFO. Undated (probably late 1962 or early 1963)
???? Telephone Numbers and Addresses of Mississippi Jails or Courthouses, undated, Unsigned COFO? SNCC?
1963 COFO Documents
62? 63?Voter Registration Program in Mississippi, Bob
1963 COFO call for urgent meeting, Aaron Henry, COFO. January 10 1963.
1963 Report on Mississippi Project for 1962, Bob Moses. January 1963
1963 I Don't Mind My Light Shining, Fannie Lou Hamer.
1963 COFO? SNCC? Mississippi staff meeting announcement, Emma Bell, SNCC/COFO. March 1 1963
1963Support Justice in Mississippi flyer re hearing for jailed Itta Bena protesters, unsigned. July 19, 1963.
1963 Police Brutality in Jackson, Unsigned, COFO. July 24 1963
1963?Memo: Freedom Registration in Mississippi,, Unsigned, COFO. Undated (probably fall of 1963)
1963 Application for Work on the Freedom Vote. Possibly used to screen northern volunteers. Undated (probably October 1963)
1963 Freedom Ballot Registration Form, undated (probably used during the Freedom Ballot campaign Oct-Nov 1963.
1963Freedom Vote, sample ballot, Mississippi. Unsigned COFO, election of November 3 1963
1963 Mississippi Newsleter, COFO, November 25 1963
1963 Memo: Central Issue in Mississippi Civil Rights Struggle, Bob Moses, COFO-SNCC, summer 1963
1963?Bolivar County MS canvas form, unsigned, COFO. Undated (possibly 1963)
1963Memo To Staff, Bob Moses, COFO. Undated. (Probably latter part of 1963, re upcoming Greenville meeting.)
1963 Freedom Candidates Mississippi, October 1963.
1963 Freedom Candidates flyer, November 1963.
1963 Freedom Vote Platform, November 1963.
1963 Freedom Ballot Instructions, COFO, Aaron Henry for Governor. November 1963.
1963?Tonight! Hear Aaron Henry, Freedom Voter campaign flyer. Unsigned, COFO
1963 The Freedom Ballot for Governor (MS). Letter from Joan Bowman COFO
1963 The Mississippi Delta: Part II, unsigned COFO. Submitted to the National Council of Churches (NCC). COFO Publication #3. November 1963.
1963 Freedom Vote for Governor: Statement on Events in Jackson MS. Unsigned COFO. Arrests & intimidation. 11/2
1963 Freedom Vote, Statement of Events in Natchez. Unsigned COFO. November 2, 1963. Violence & intimidation.
1963 Freedom Vote, Summary of Events in Yazoo City . Unsigned COFO. November 10, 1963. Intimidation, arrests, harassment
1963 COFO: Notes on Mississippi Staff Meeting, November 14-16 1963
1963? Notes on Mississippi, unsigned, undated. (Summary COFO's Greenville staff meeting of November 1963.)
1963 COFO Minutes, December 1963. Jackson, MS
1963 By-Laws of the Council of Federated Organizations, R. Hunter Morey, COFO. December 15 1963
1963Outline for Maureen Murphy. Draft description of COFO strategy and program for 1964. Unsigned. December 1963. 9 pages.
1963 Council of Federated Organizations Work-Study Project, Unsigned COFO. 1963
63? 64? Proposal to Field Foundation for Tougaloo Work-Study Project, unsigned, undated
1963 Curriculum Outline-Tougaloo Work Study Program, Unsigned SNCC. 1963
63? 64?Dear Fellow Citizens, appeal to Warren Co. MS Afro- Americans, Rev. R.L.T. Smith, COFO. Undated (probably 1962- 1964)
63? 64?Notes of a Discussion of Possible Agenda for COFO Meeting, many participants. Undated (probably late 1963 or early 1964). Discussion of COFO 1964 strategy and program.
1964 COFO Documents
63? 64?Dear Friends, appeal to Afro-Americans in Mississippi re poll-taxes and voter registration, Henry, Moses, Smith, (COFO). Undated (possibly late 1963 or early 1964)
63? 64?The Democratic Party In Mississippi report, MS. unsigned (COFO?). Undated (could be '63 or '64)
???? Report on Suite for Voting and Political Party Rights. Unsigned. Undated (1963? 1964? 1965?)
1964? COFO legal representation form for civil rights workers. Unsigned COFO. Undated (possibly 1964)
1964Instructions on preparing to vote, Henry, Moses, Smith, (COFO). Undated, possibly 1964
1964Co-Op Report, Larry Rubin, SNCC/COFO. Undated 1964
1964 A White on Whites, Larry Rubin. Undated SNCC/COFO. 1964
1964Community Center Report, (MS), unsigned COFO. Undated summer of 1964
64 66Note about where to send funds, Bruce Maxwell, COFO. Undated (probably 1964-66)
1964? In Case of Auto Accident, Udated, unsigned, COFO
1964 Proposal for an Employment and Training Division of COFO, Unsigned, COFO. Undated (probably 1964)
1964 COFO's Proposed Community Centers COFO Publication #8, unsigned, COFO. undated (possibly earlyl 1964)
1964 Mississippi Freedom Summer invitation to participate. Unsigned COFO. Undated (probably first half of 1964)
1964 Give Them a Future in Hattiesburg, COFO. January 1964.
1964COFO MS Running Incident Summary, January 1-8 1964
1964Plans for Action at National Democratic Convention, January 16, 1964. Unsigned, COFO
1964 Suggested Platform for the Freedom Democratic Party and its Candidates, unsigned (probably COFO) undated (probably early 1964).
1964 COFO Citizenship School flyer, undated 1964
1964 COFO Welfare and Relief Program, Unsigned, COFO. Undated (probably 1964)
1964 Duties of Local Welfare & Relief Committees, Annell Ponder SCLC/COFO, Vera Pigee NAACP/COFO. Undated 1964
1964? Mississippi: Structure of the Movement, Present Operations, and Prospectus for this Summer, COFO? Undated.
1964 Prospectus for the Summer, Mississippi Summer Project. Unsigned. Undated 1964
1964COFO News: Natchez Protest, Lorne Cress, Janet Jemmott, Annie Peral Avery. 1/12/64
1964 Complaint to Therron Lynd, County Clerk, Forrest Co. MS re treatment of Black voter registration applicants. Frank Smith, COFO/SNCC. 1/28/64
1964 Minutes COFO Convention, February 9 1964
1964 Farmers, Attention, Unsigned, COFO. February, 1964
1964 Farmers, Attention, Unsigned, COFO. February, 1964
1964Practice Mississippi voter registration form partially filled in by Percey Lee Brewer, February 27, 1964
1964 Voter Registration Report. Derived from court cases and Federal reports.
1964 The Right to Vote, Summary of Relevant Federal Powers, unsigned, probably COFO or SNCC. Undated assumed 1964
1964 COFO Statewide Political Program, unsigned. Undated (probably March or April 1964)
1964Some Proposals for a Mississippi Summer Project, unsigned SNCC? COFO? Undated (probably Feb-May, 1964)
1964 Memo to "Friends of Freedom in Mississippi", Bob Moses. Undated (probably late March or early April of 1964). (Addressed to Black leaders. Early use of term "Freedom Summer.")
1964Convention Challenge, re organizing the COFO convention in Jackson MS, April 1964. Unsigned, COFO
1964 General Prospectus for the Establishment of a Free Southern Theater, Doris Derby, Gilbert Moses, John O'Neal. Undated 1964
1964? We Need Your Help Now!, undated, probably early 1964. (Sent to Mississippi supporters re poll taxes and voting.)
1964 Dear Friend, undated and unsinged recruitment letter. Presumably from COFO.
1964 Segregation, Harrasment, and Arrest for Negro Congressional Candidate, Unsigned (probably MFDP or COFO). 1964.
1964 What is COFO? Mississippi Structure of the Movement and Present Operations, COFO (undated probably spring 1964). (Dense 8-page history, overview & plans.)
1964 COFO: What It Is, What It Does, Five-page pamphlet.
1964 Mississippi: Structure of the Movement, Present Operations, and Prospectus for this Summer, COFO? Undated.
1964 COFO staff meeting announcement, Unsigned, COFO. March 1964
1964Letter from Bob Moses (COFO) to James Farmer (CORE) re timing, strategy, and press releases. March 2, 1964
1964 COFO Letter to Roy Wilkins re Freedom Summer Plans, Bob Moses, March 1 1964.
1964 Case Studies of Intimidation, COFO. Spring 1964
1964 Work Study Project, Unsigned COFO. Undated (Possibly 1965)
1964 Memo to Mississippi Field Staff, re Tougaloo Work Study Project, Dona. COFO. Undated (probably 1964)
1964 Report on Mississippi for the U.S. Commission on Civil Rigths, Unsigned, COFO. March 18 1964
1964Contacts posted on wall in Hattiesburg. Unsigned COFO.
1964 Anti- Picketing Law Passed in Mississippi to Combat Civil Rights Activities, Unsigned, presumed to be COFO or SNCC. April 1964.
1964 Dear Sir, Freedom Candidates Mississippi, COFO. April 12 1964.
1964 Tougaloo Work Study Project, Dona (Richards?) COFO/SNCC. Undated (probably April or May 1964)
1964 Letter to College Professors re Freedom Summer, April 8 1964. COFO.
1964 Emergency appeal re Hattiesburg, unsigned COFO. 4/8/64.
1964 Report on Mississippi, Unsigned, COFO. April 24 1964
1964 COFO Mississippi Staff, unsigned. May 1964
1964 Mississippi Readies Laws for "Freedom Summer". Unsigned (COFO?). Undated (probably May or June, 1964)
1964Traffic Harassments and Arrests, Mississippi (partial list). Unsigned, COFO? SNCC? Undated (probably May 1964)
1964 COFO Campaign flyer for Fannie Lou Hamer & Victoria Gray, May 9 1964
1964Dear Friend, letter to Mississippi whites about Freedom Summer, unsigned COFO. Undated (possibly May 1964)
1964 Report on COFO Staff Executive Committee Meeting, Charlie Cobb, SNCC/COFO. May 15 1964
1964 Politics, proposal by David Dennis, COFO. May 14 1964
1964 Tougaloo Work Study Project Application for Admission, unsigned COFO. Undated (probably May or June 1964)
1964Freedom Summer photographers and assignments, unsigned (handwritten). Undated (probably June or Jule 1964
1964 Precinct and County Meetings for FDP, Unsigned, MFDP. June 1964
1964Research Report Batesville Mississippi, Eugene E., COFO?
1964Laflore County economic development program (MS), unsigned COFO. June 1964
1964Greenville housing and employment issues (MS), unsigned, COFO. June 1964
1964 Outline of Public Food Distribution in MS, Unsigned, COFO. Undated (probably May or June 1964)
1964? Security Check Out Form for WATS Operators, SNCC? COFO? Undated possibly 1964
1964COFO Baseball League Application form, unsigned, COFO. May, 1964
1964 Memorandum on Mississippi Summer Project to Congress, Unsigned COFO. June 3, 1964
1964 Voting rights denial affidavits, Holly Springs, MS. June 2, Democratic Primary election.
1964 Mississippi Legislature — 1964 (Repressive laws enacted to oppose Freedom Summer)
1964 Speech to House of Representatives re COFO & Mississippi Movement, Rep. William Ryan (D-NY), Congressional Record. June 16, 1964
1964 Mississippi: How Negro Democrats Fared June Democratic Primary election.
1964COFO Orientation Art Workshop Notes, Ann Koppelman, (COFO). June 26, 1964
1964COFO/CORE Office Summer Project preparation To Do list, Unsigned, Madison Co. CORE/COFO. June 24, 1964
1964 Workers in the State as of June 29, 1964. Mississippi. COFO. 12 pages.
1964Freedom Candidates, unsigned COFO, July 2, 1964
1964Volunteers in the State, sorted by state and hometown. Unsigned COFO. July 3, 1964
1964COFO Communications People Mississippi, Mary King, SNCC. 7/3/64
1964 Report on Freedom Vote registration (MS), Unsigned, COFO. July 12 1964
1964 COFO Meeting Report, unsigned COFO. 7/12/64
1964 COFO Meeting Notes, unsigned COFO. 7/15/64
1964 COFO Meeting Report, unsigned COFO. 7/15/64
1964 Mississippi, the Cancer of Democracy — Will This Spread? (synopsis of report of Mississippi Legislature anti-Freedom Summer legislation). June 1964.
1964? Federal Programs Project: Special Report, unsigned, probably COFO. Undated (possibly summer 1964)
1964Tentative Plan for Organizition of Freedom Schools, Community Center, MSU in Valley View, Unsigned, COFO. Undated 1964 (probably summer or early fall)
1964 Plan for Freedom Summer Orientation, Bruce Hansen. June 9 1964.
1964 Mississppi Freedom Summer (flyer for local MS Blacks), Unsigned, COFO. Undated 1964
1964 Mississppi Freedom Summer (brochure for local MS Blacks), Unsigned, COFO. Undated 1964
1964 Tentative Administrative Structure for Jackson Office, undated.
Mississippi Summer Project: Administrative Structure of Jackson COFO Office, undated.
(Includes personnel assignments)
1964 Report on attempts by Negroes to participate in Mississippi Democratic Party convention delegate caucuses, unsigned (presumed COFO or MFDP). June 16 1964
1964Report from Moss Point MS, Unsigned, COFO. June 17-30
1964Report from Moss Point MS, Unsigned, COFO. June 23-25
1964 Hourly reports compiled on disappearance of Chaney-Schwerner- Goodman, June 22 1964. Mary King, Ron Carver, Louise Harney, Bob Weil, Bill Light, CORE, SNCC, COFO.
1964 Philadelphia Mississippi Case Chronology of Contacts With Agents of the Federal Government, June 21-June 26, 1964. COFO.
1964 Philadelphia Mississippi Case Chronology of Contacts With Agents of the Federal Government, June 21-June 23, 1964. COFO.
1964 Incidents Reported to the Jackson COFO Office During a 24 Hour Period, June 24
1964Report from Moss Point MS, Unsigned, COFO. June 25
1964 Memo to Mississippi Summer Project Contacts (re violence in Mississippi & federal inaction), Bob Moses, SNCC/COFO. June 27 1964.
1964 Affidavits collection from Mississippi Freedom Summer 1964. COFO.
1964 Affidavit of white violence and police repression, Sam Block, SNCC. June 11 1964
1964 Emergency Memorandum, Bob Moses, Dona, Casey, Dick Jewett, COFO. July 19 1964
1964Letter to Jack Wasserman of NSF, re federal programs for northern MS. Mary Jennings, COFO. July 20, 1964
1964White Community Project Report - Biloxi, MS. Unsigned COFO. July 22, 1964
1964 Affidavit of white violence & police brutality, Robby Osman & Mario Savio, volunteers. July 22 1964
1964 Freedom Summer Orientation Briefing, Dr. Vincent Harding
1964 Mississippi: Handbook for Political Programs, COFO.
1964 Platform: Mississippi Freedom School Convention, Student Delegates
1964   Freedom Registration Form (Mississippi). Used during Freedom Summer to register people for the freedom vote and Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party.
1964 Memo re Democratic Convention Challenge, unsigned COFO. undated 1964.
1964 Precinct Conventions, undated flyer. COFO.
1964 Deprivation and Dissatisfaction in the Mississippi Delta, Charlie Cobb. SNCC special report, July 1964.
1964Report from Moss Point MS, Unsigned, COFO. July 8
1964Report from Moss Point MS, Unsigned, COFO. July 9-12
1964 COFO Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, Annell Ponder, SCLC/COFO. July 10 1964
1964 COFO Statement of Policy re Lawsuit Demanding Appointment of Federal Commissioners, July 10 1964
1964 Declaration of Independence, Summer 1964. Freedom School students, Hattiesburg, MS
1964 Securing Justice Department Action, internal COFO memo, July 13 1964
1964Report from Moss Point MS, Unsigned, COFO. July 15-21
1964Report from Moss Point MS, Unsigned, COFO. July 17-20
1964 Notes on parents meeting with James Forman, Steve Schwerner, unsigned. July 20 1964.
1964Special to the Students and Young People of Ruleville, Indianola, and Drew, unsigned COFO (possibly Freedom School students). Undated (probably July or August, 1964)
1964Report from Moss Point MS, Unsigned, COFO. July 21
1964 Mississippi Project Parents Committee meeting minutes, Miriam Tanzman, Secretary. July 24 1964
1964Report from Moss Point MS, Unsigned, COFO. July 26
1964 Letter to Charles MacLaurin re meeting in Jackson (MS, Michael Finkelstein, USCCR. July 28 1964
1964 Letter to the League of Women Voters re latest catalog (MS), Annell Ponder, COFO. July 30 1964
1964 Letter to The Reporter re article on Michael Schwerner (MS), Annell Ponder, COFO. July 30 1964
1964 Statewide COFO Financial Report, Unsigned. July 31 1964
1964 Letter to Jewell Gresham re community centers (MS), Annell Ponder, COFO. July 31 1964
1964 Letter to Ted Levine re adopting a center (MS), Annell Ponder, COFO. July 31 1964
1964 Letter to Lois Chaffee re COFO programs (MS), Richard Haley, CORE. August 18 1964
1964 Letter to Lois Chaffee re Youth for Freedom Schools (MS), Stephen Lichtenberg, YFS. August 21 1964
1964 What it means to be a Negro in Quitman County MS, Dave Harris, COFO volunteer. Undated (possibly summer 1964 or later)
1964 MFDP Voter Registration Report. From court cases & Federal reports.
  MS Freedom Primer #2 The Freedom Vote & the Right to Vote.
  MS Freedom Primer #3 The Right to Vote & the Congressional Challenge.
1964 Freedom Summer & Freedom School Documents, (Multiple Documents).
1964 Affidavits, Unsigned, COFO. Summer 1964
1964 Mississippi Student Union (MSU) brochure.
1964 COFO Identification Papers
1964Freedom Registration tally as of 8/10/64. Unsigned COFO.
1964 Staff Meeting at Tougaloo College Beginning August 17, Bob Moses, COFO. Aug 11 1964
1964 Memo to summer volunteers re MFDP convention challenge, Betty Garman, SNCC. Undated (presumed August 1964)
1964 Statement of Robert Moses re future plans, Bob Moses, COFO/SNCC. August 19 1964
1964 Statistics of Negro and White
1964 Night Raiders Strike Twice in Sunflower County MS. Unsigned COFO. 10/29/64
1964Problems Facing COFO, analyses. Unsigned COFO. October 1964. Voter Registration in the Five Congressional Districts of Mississippi, U.S. v Mississippi Federal Court Case
1964 Bail For Belzoni, Unsigned (probably COFO or SNCC), undated (probably fall 1964)
1964Mississippi Summer Project Worker returns. Press-release template. Unsigned COFO or SNCC. Undated (probably August or September 1964). For use by Friends of SNCC and other support groups.
1964COFO Freedom Centers (list of) September.
1964Current Status of Mississippi Freedom Community Centers, unsigned, Boston FOS. September 1964
1964Materials Needed by COFO, Unsigned, COFO. September 1964
1964 Bombings 13th and 14th in McComb, Mississippi, unsigned COFO. 9/14/64
1964 To all volunteers and friends, bulletin re situation in McComb MS, COFO. Fall 1964
1964Community Center Report, (MS), unsigned COFO. Undated summer of 1964
1964? Report From Moss Point-Pascagoula, MS, author unknown. (Undated. Possibly from Fall of 1964, or maybe Fall of 1965.)
1964 COFO Fall Recruitment Form Letter, Bob Moses.
1964 Overview of the Community Centers, undated (probably summer 1964), COFO, Mississippi summer project staff.
1964 Memo on Community Center Program, Lois Chaffee, COFO. Fall '64?
1964 McComb Incident Summary June-September 1964. Unsigned. COFO? SNCC?
1964 Letter to Annie Devine re need for a speaker (LA), Richard Haley, CORE. September 1 1964
1964 Letter to Mr. Haley re freedom rally (MS), Annie Devine, COFO. September 9 1964
1964 Letter to Goldsmith Brothers re account with store (MS), Lois Chaffee, COFO. September 13 1964
1964 Letter to Lois Chaffee re being off "in care" list (MS), Mineo Katagiri, Pilgrim Foundation. September 14 1964
1964 Letter to Norma Becker re tax-free giving (MS) 9/21/64, Lois Chaffee, COFO
1964 Freedom Registration, Unsigned, COFO. September 26 1964
1964 Letter to Lois Chaffee re Clarksdale community center (MS) 9/23/64, Idessa Johnson, COFO
1964 Letter to Northern Student Movement re materials for Freedom Schools (MS) 9/23/64, Lois Chaffee, COFO
1964 Letter to Idessa Johnson re salaries (MS) 9/24/64, Lois Chaffee, COFO
1964 Letter to Virginia Steele re coming to Batesville (MS) 9/24/64, Lois Chaffee, COFO
1964 Letter to George Alberts re Community Playthings donation (MS) 9/24/64, Lois Chaffee, COFO
1964 Freedom Registration, Unsigned, COFO. September 26 1964
1964 To All Mississippi Summer Project Volunteers, call for volunteers re Freedom Vote, Robert Weil. October 1964
1964Materials Needed for Mississippi Project, unsigned COFO. Undated (probably Fall 1964)
1964 Letter to Lois Chaffee re medical help in Mississippi (MS) Fay Stender, 10/7/64. COFO
1964 CORE Mississippi Project Financial Statement, Unsigned. October 9 1964
1964 Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Senzibar re architects to help plan centers (MS) Lois Chaffee, COFO. 10/11/64
1964 Letter to Frank Manuel and A.H. Maslow re northern support (MS) Lois Chaffee, COFO. 10/11/64
1964 Letter to John Else re northern support (MS) Lois Chaffee, COFO. 10/13/64
1964 Letter to Marvin Rich re architects to help plan centers (MS), Lois Chaffee, COFO. 10/13/64>
1964 Letter to Lois Chaffee re northern support (MS). James Bolton (SNCC), October 14 1964
1964 ASCS Committee elections, Jane Adams, COFO Federal Programs, Mr. Sullivan (ASCS). October 27 1964
1964 Memo on P.E.P. rallies, Jane Adams, COFO Federal Programs. October 27 1964
1964 COFO Statement of Expenditures, July-September. Unsigned. October 27 1964
1964 COFO: Memo to All Staff re Jackson Office Situation, Muriel Tilinghast, SNCC. Late 1964?
1964 Freedom Ballot Registration Form, undated (possibly used during the fall 1964 election campaign.
1964 Minutes of Jackson COFO staff meeting, Jesse Morris, COFO. November 23 1964
1964 Running Summary of Incidents During the Freedom Vote Campaign, Oct 18-Nov 2 1964.
1964 Report on MFDP Congressional Challenge, Mike Thelwell, MFDP/SNCC. November 10 1964
1964 Minutes COFO 5th District Meeting, unsigned COFO. November 25 1964
1964 Concerning Topics for Staff Conference, David Owen, COFO. December 4 1964
1964 Press release: SNCC COFO meeting in Hattiesburg (includes history of COFO)
1964 Memorandum to Friends of SNCC re status of COFO, Betty Garman, SNCC. December 11 1964
1964 The Mississippi Student Union Convention - December 1964, unsigned, COFO.
1964 Adopt a Mississippi Freedom Center, unsigned COFO. Undated probably later part of 1964
1964 Freedom Force, Barbara Jones, COFO. December 1964
1964 Memo re Mississippi Farmers League, Jesse Morris, COFO. Undated 1964
1964 The Mississippi Summer Project report. Unsigned SNCC? COFO? 1964
1964-65 COFO Program (Winter 1964 - Spring 1965)
1964-68   Benton County, MS. Freedom Train, (Local newsletter)
1964 Memo from members of the personnel committee, unsigned COFO. Undated 1964
64? 65? We Must Be Allies ... Race Has Led Us Both to Poverty, Bruce Maxwell, COFO White Folks Project. Undated, probably late 1964 or early 1965.
64? 65? The Mississippi Power Structure, unsigned (possibly SNCC or COFO). Undated (possibly 1964 or 65)
64? 65? COFO Working Paper: Poor Whites and the Movement, unsigned COFO. Undated (possibly late 1964 or early 1965)
1964 Concerning Mayor's Races in Mississippi, Unsigned MFDP. 1964
1964 Rankin County MS organizing map (MS) 12/64. COFO/MFDP
1964Minimum needs, COFO communications staff in Jackson, MS., Charlie Horwitz, COFO. 1964
1964 ARA Can Help You, Guyot & Ponder, SNCC/COFO. Undated
64? 65? The Farmers Home Administration, Guyot & Ponder, SNCC/COFO. Undated
1964? C.O. Chinn Jr. COFO identification letter, Jesse Morris, COFO. (Chinn Jr. was the son of Canton Movement leader C.O. Chinn Sr). Undated (mid-1960s)
1964?Personal Information form, Eartiss James Crawford, COFO. Undated (1963-1966)
1964?Judith Hampton , personal information notes, COFO. Undated (1964-1966)
1964Staff, Canton MS COFO project , Unsigned COFO. Undated (probably summer 1964, possibly summer 1965)
1965 COFO Documents
1965Precinct Meeting at Saint Paul's, Unsigned flyer, (MFDP). Undated (possibly 1965)
1965 Affidavits Regarding Violence, Repression & Brutality from the Mississippi Black Paper & COFO lawsuit.
1965 Letter explaining his resignation as staff counsel, Henry Aronson, COFO. Undated, early 1965
1965 Mississippi electoral calendar 1965-1968, MFDP?
1965 Mississippi Field Report, Richard Jewett, COFO. January 1965
1965 Hattiesburg COFO — Very Active, COFO. February 1965
1965 COFO Radio News, February 2 1965
1965Mississippi personnel and financial situation, Muriel Tillinghast, COFO. 2/4/65
1965 Mississippi Project Parents Committee meeting minutes, Unsigned. February 9 1965.
1965 Voting Legislation, Lawrence Guyot MFDP, James Farmer CORE, James Forman SNCC, Martin Luther King SCLC. February 21 and 27 1965.
1965COFO News: Summary of Major Events in Mississippi March 2 - March 11, 1965
1965 COFO: Jackson office closed, M. Tillinghast, Jo-Ann Gavin, Mary Ann Shupenko, COFO. March 13 1965
1965 Final Fifth District Project Report, Sanford R. Leigh, COFO. March 18, 1965
1964Harassment in Jackson, unsigned COFO
1965COFO News: Notes From Selma, unsigned COFO. Undated, mid-March, 1965
1965Minutes: Staff Meeting, Madison County MS COFO, March 22 1965.
1965SNCC: The New Voting Bill: Rhetoric and Reality, March 23 1965, Unsigned.
1965History and Plans of the Indianola Freedom School, chronicles struggle to rebuild bombed freedom center in Idianola MS. Unsigned COFO/SNCC. Undated (probably April 1965)
1965Staff Discussion re Voting Rights Act, Canton MS COFO office, April 2 1965
1964Minutes of the COFO Convention, Lois Chaffee. March 7, 1965
1965 COFO: Discussion Outline, unsigned. April 7 1965
1965 COFO: Jackson office closed, M. Tillinghast, Jo-Ann Gavin, Mary Ann Shupenko, COFO. March 13 1965
1965 5th District COFO Staff Meeting, Waveland MS, April 14-17 1965
1965 Freedom Schools, summary of staff meeting 3rd & 5th MS congressional districts, Waveland MS, April 14-17 1965
1965Fifth District COFO Staff Meeting & freedom schools report. April 14-17, 1965. 18 pages.
1965 Jackson Freedom Library Book List, (COFO)
1965 Sunflower County [MS] — Activity Report, Linda Davis, COFO. January 12 1965
1965 COFO News Notes, May 31 1965
1965 Report to Congressional Briefing, re Jackson arrests & prison conditions. NCC.
1965Urgent Memo to Support Organizations, Unsigned MFDP. July 14, 1965
1965Report from the Washington Office of FDP, Victoria Gray. MFDP. July 25, 1965
1965MFDP Memo re Final Drive to Unseat Mississippi Congressmen Organizational Meeting, Lawrence Guyot. MFDP. July 29, 1965
1965COFO News Notes #2, unsigned COFO. June 9, 1965
1965 Books for all projects, Library Committee, SNCC. June 9 1965
1965 A Report from the Valley View Office. Weekly Report in Madison County, MS. Andrew Green, COFO
1965 COFO Financial Report, May-September 1965, Karen Pate, COFO
1965 Gulfport MS, Liberty Bell, (Local newsletter)
1965-66 Mississippi Freedom Labor Union & Economic Justice (Multiple documents)
1965 Gulfport, MS. Report & Analysis, Sam Walker
1965? Security Handbook, Mississippi.
1965 COFO financial report August-November 1965. Unsigned, COFO


** Delta Ministry Documents, Mississippi **

See Delta Ministry Founded in Mississippi for background.
1964 Ministers Project Orientation, Rev Gradon McClellan? NCC? Undated (presumed early 1964)
1964 Block leader training, Unsigned, Delta Ministry (DM). Undated, (possibly early 1964)
1964 Notes to Oncoming Ministers, Unsigned, Delta Ministry (DM). Undated, (probably early 1964)
1964 How To Practice Nonviolence, Unsigned, Delta Ministries. Undated, (possibly January 1964)
1964 Why We Take Part In Direct Action for Civil Rights, Unsigned, Delta Ministries. January 1964
1964 General Board Action Concerning a Ministry Among the Residents of the Delta Area of the State of Mississippi, National Council of Churches (NCC). February 26 1964.
1964 Financial report, Hattiesburg MS Robert Beech, Delta Ministry
1964 Sunflower County, unsigned report (possibly from ministers project). Undated (probably 1964)
1964 Survey form: Evaluation of the Hattiesburg MS Ministers Project and the COFO Project, Unsigned, Delta Ministries. July 1964
1964Lesson for Massachusetts from Mississippi, Unsigned, DM 1964
1964Morning Lesson, Unsigned, DM. 1964?
1964A Southern "Vacation", report on McComb MS. Rev. Jack Alford, DM. Undated (probably 1964)
1964Excerpts from report on summer assignment in Mississippi Albert Gaeddert, MCC. Undated (probably August or September 1964). 26 page detailed report.
1964Report on Mississippi Delta Investigation July 30-August 2 Edgar Stoesz & Edgar Metzler, MCC. 8/7/64. 6 pages.
1964Mississippi Report, Atlee Beechy, NCC. 10/07/64. 14 pages.
1964A Continuing Reformation Rev. J. Raymond Sikkel, DM. Re why work in Mississippi with the Delta Ministry? October 25, 1964
1965?   Fight for Food for Freedom, (Delta Ministry?)
1965? There is Enough Food, (Delta Ministry?)
1965?Sunflower County,unsigned report, DM. Undated (possibly 1965)
1965 Delta Ministry Fact Sheet & Reports, January 1965
1965 Can The Laurel Community Center Be Rebuilt, Unsigned, Delta Ministries. September 22, 1965
1965 Proposal for the Freedom Information Service, November. Delta Ministry.
1965 Delta Ministry Newsletter, October 1965
66? Information Sheet for NCC Volunteers in Mississippi, undated Delta Ministry
66? Mississippi: Two Worlds, undated. Delta Ministry.
1966 Fact Sheet: Background on poor peoples' use of Greenville AFB, Unsigned, Delta Ministry. 1966
1966 Greenville Air Base: What Happened and Why (MS), Delta Ministry Reports. February 1966
1966 Delta Ministry Workshop, February 1966
1966A Congressman Speaks about Mississippi, MFDP, and Delta Ministry, Unsigned, MFDP. 2/9/66
1966Followup To Victory, report on Chicago Freedom Movement, Bruce D. Christie, DM. Undated (probably 1966)
1966The Mississippi Freedom March and Issues Raised for the Movement (re Meredith March), George Walters, DM. 1966
66? 67?Memo re: Unfinished business, Bob Beech, Delta Ministry. Undated (probably 1966 or 1967)
1967?Memo to Anyone Interested in Following Through (re programs needed in MS), Bob Beech, DM. Undated (possibly 1967)
1967 Freedom City — What It Is and How It Got Started, Delta Ministry fund raising brochure.


** Freedom Information Service (FIS) Documents **

See Freedom Information Service for background.
1965 Proposal for the Freedom Information Service, November. Delta Ministry.
1964? What Happens to All the Surplus Food?, Freedom Information Service flyer, late '64 or early '65.
1965 Natchez Political Handbook, Alexander Shimkin, Freedom Information Service. Political organizing resource for Natchez MS.
1965 A Legalized System of Brutality — Mississippi Justice, Freedom Information Service
65? 66? Natchez MS Laundry Workers Strike, FIS audio transcript, undated (possibly 1965 or 1966).
65? 66? Delta Leather Workshop, FIS audio transcript, undated (possibly 1965 or 1966).
1966Organizing for freedom, justice and peace flyer, Roberta Galler, FIS. Undated (possibly January 1966)
1966 Freedom is a Constant Struggle: A history of Negroes in America, Freedom Information Service (FIS). March 1966
1966 Report on a Meeting of Community Organizers in MS. 10/29/66, Sue Lorenzi & Alex Shimkin
1967 Mississippi Newsletter, Freedom Information Service (multiple issues).


** Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA) Documents, Alabama **

See Montgomery Bus Boycott for background.
1955 First Leaflet Calling for Montgomery Bus Boycott (Montgomery Womens Political Council)
1956 Montgomery Improvement Association Constitution (original). Later version: Montgomery Improvement Association Bylaws
1956 Program: MIA Mass Meeting, September 24 1956
???? Montgomery Story Comic Book (Fellowship of Reconciliation)
1957? Looking Forward, the Montgomery Improvement Association. Pamphlet outlining MIA's 10-point political program.
1962 Montgomery Improvement Association Newsletters (Multiple issues)
1964 Montgomery Improvement Association Mass Meeting, Unsigned, MIA. October 5 1964


** Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) Documents **


** Mississippi Freedom Labor Union (MFLU) Documents **


** Regional Council of Negro Leadership (RCNL) Documents **

1951 Dear Leader, call for founding meeting. Delta Council of Negro Leadership. December 10 1951
1952Voting Restrictions in Mississippi, Aaron Henry, RCNL, Albert Powell, PVL. April 27, 1952
1953Voter registration/drive donations & remittances, various. RCNL? 1953
1954 Program, 3rd Annual Conference Dr. T.R.M Howard, Mississippi Regional Council of Negro Leadership (RCNL). May 7 1954
1955? Accomplishments and Objectives, Mississippi Regional Council of Negro Leadership (RCNL), undated (probably 1954 or 1955)
1956 Letter to Lyman Beecher Stowe, Dr. T.R.M. Howard
1957 Voter's Rally, flyer. Regional Council of Negro Leadership (RCNL), Mississippi. December 8 1957
1962 Announcement: Annual Session Regional Council of Negro Leadership (RCNL), Mississippi. May 4 1962


** Laws, Legal Documents, & Briefs **

See also:

Documents Listed by Kind
List of Repositories, Oral Histories, and Document Archives
Preserving Our History, What to do With Your Freedom Movement Papers
History & Timeline: 1951-1968 — Descriptions of Movement events.
Our Words — Articles & speeches by Movement veterans written at the time.
Reports & Letters From the Field — By Movement veterans.
Photo Album — Movement photos, posters, etc.
Our Thoughts — Retrospectives and later analysis by Movement veterans.
Our Stories — Memories, narratives & interviews of Movement veterans.
Our Thoughts — Analyses and commentaries by Movement veterans.
Discussions — Transcripts of group discussions by veterans.

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